OBJECTIVES SafeCOP will provide an approach to CO-CPS’ safety assurance, thus allowing their certification and development. The project will define a runtime manager to detect abnormal behaviors at runtime, triggering, if needed, a safe degraded mode. It will also develop methods and tools to certify cooperative functions and offer standards and regulations to certification authorities and standardization committees. TARGET SafeCOP targets Cooperating CyberPhysical Systems (CO-CPS), that is systems that rely on wireless communication, have multiple stakeholders, use dynamic system definitions (openness) and operate in unpredictable environments. No single responsible stakeholder can be identified in these scenarios. Thus, safe cooperation realized on wireless communication and security is an important concern. POTENTIAL IMPACT Lower certification costs Increased trustworthiness of wireless communication Better management of increasing complexity Reduced effort for verification and validation Lower total system costs Shorter time to market Increased market share USECASES The 5 Use Cases, drawn from the maritime, automotive, and health application domains, will provide demonstration scenarios, requirements, and specific application needs in a wide range of operative conditions to drive the development of the SafeCOP technology. UC1. Cooperative moving of empty hospital beds Two-robot autonomous bed mover to wheel ordinary hospital beds to a central cleaning facility UC2. Cooperative bathymetry w/ boat platoons UC3. Vehicle control loss warning Semi-autonomous When a vehicle loses boats forming a platoon functionality affecting cooperate to perform others, all vehicles and bathymetry measurethe road infrastructure ments in the Trondheim are notified fjord UC4. Vehicles and roadside units interaction UC5. V2I cooperation for traffic management Road weather stations ( RWS) collect weather measurements, including from other vehicles, and distribute them V2I for traffic management using positiion and speed data from vehicleborne transmitters to optimise traffic CONSORTIUM The SafeCOP project comprises 28 partners from 6 countries, distributed among small and medium enterprises, large enterprises, research transfer organizations, and academic partners. TechnologyW Tool 6 FMI 7 SITO u 9 vi SystemIntegrator DTU v ALT UNIVAQ v5 AIT u5 QAM COM CNR 8 ALTE v6 ROT vu IMPARA v7 INT v3 POLIMI uv ISEP u6 KTH u7 SAFI u8 SICS 3 DTI 5 TEC OEM EndUser ui v9 MARO SINTEF 4 OUH v8 DNVGL uu GMV vv IBTS u3 v4 TEK THALIT u4 MDH Country Coordinator Country OEM Wireless Cert ficat on Body SME LE WPLeader UCLeader TechnologyW Research Tool Provider . Project Coordinator: Detlef Scholle, Alten Swerige AB, detlef.scholle@alten.se .