Curriculum Vitae - Inside Mines

Colorado School of Mines Judith Wang Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Assistant Professor 1500 Illinois Street Phone: 303-­‐273-­‐3836 Golden, CO 80401 Fax: 303-­‐273-­‐3413 E-­‐ Curriculum Vitae
August 2013
Name: Home Address: Judith Wang 9798 Spring Hill Drive Highlands Ranch, Colorado 80129 2. EDUCATION
Case Western Reserve University – Cleveland, Ohio Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Civil Engineering (August 2007) Master of Science (M.S.) in Civil Engineering (May 2004) Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.S.E.) in Civil Engineering (May 2003) Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in English (May 2003) 3. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY
Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (August 2007 – present) at the Colorado School of Mines (CSM). Responsibilities include performing externally funded research in numerical and experimental soil dynamics, publishing major findings from my work, and mentoring and teaching research assistants and students in geotechnical engineering. National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellow/Doctoral Student (August 2004 – August 2007) at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU). Responsibilities included the creation of a frequency domain finite element algorithm to simulate the dynamic response of a high-­‐speed railway foundation comprised of multiple pavement materials and acting as a teaching assistant and substitute lecturer for statics and strength of materials and soil mechanics. Instructor, ECIV 160: Surveying and Computer Graphics (August – December 2005, August – December 2006) at CWRU Responsibilities included course and laboratory material development, lecturing, and grading to teach undergraduates the fundamentals of plane surveying and AutoCAD. Case Prime Fellow/Master’s Student (May 2003 – August 2004) at Case Western Reserve University. Responsibilities included time domain finite element simulation of high-­‐speed railway foundation vibration and experimental characterization of the dynamic properties of rubber-­‐modified asphalt concrete. 9. Curriculum Vitae Page 1 of 11
Colorado School of Mines Judith Wang Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Assistant Professor 1500 Illinois Street Phone: 303-­‐273-­‐3836 Golden, CO 80401 Fax: 303-­‐273-­‐3413 E-­‐ 4. MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES
1. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics (EESD) Technical Committee (2008 – present) 2. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) (2000 – present) 5. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES AND SERVICE
1. Reviewer/Panelist for the NSF Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation and Research (NEESR) Program (May 11 – 12, 2011). 2. Reviewer/Panelist for the NSF Broadening Participation and Research Initiation Grants in Engineering (BRIGE) Program (April 23, 2010). 3. Reviewer/Panelist for the NSF Geohazards and Geo-­‐environmental Program (June 25 – 27, 2008). 4. Invited Speaker at the First Annual Meeting of Principal Investigators for the NSF BRIGE Program (August 1 – 3, 2010). 5. Editorial Review Board Member, ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities (2010 – present). 6. Session Chair for “Dynamic Behavior of Retaining Walls and Earth Dams” and “Dynamic Behavior of Soils Under Unique Loading Conditions” at ASCE GI GeoFrontiers (March 16, 2011). 7. Session Moderator for The Fourth Decennial ASCE Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics Conference (GEESD IV) (May 19, 2008). 8. Poster Presenter at The NSF Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) Engineering Research and Innovation Conference (June 22 – 25, 2009). 9. Session Moderator and Presentation Co-­‐Author at GeoFlorida 2010 (February 22-­‐
24, 2010). 10. Attendee and Presentation Co-­‐Author at The Next Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference (February 19, 2010). 11. Workshop Participant in The NEESR Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Centrifuge Workshop (September 8 – 10, 2008). 12. Workshop Participant in The NSF CAREER Workshop, Northwestern University (March 2008). 13. Committee member for EESD’s Norman, Middlebrooks, and Croes Paper Award nominations (2008). 14. Reviewer for ASCE Journal of Aerospace Engineering, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation, ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, GeoCongress 2013, GeoCongress 2012, GEESD IV, GeoFrontiers 2011, 9. Curriculum Vitae Page 2 of 11
Colorado School of Mines Judith Wang Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Assistant Professor 1500 Illinois Street Phone: 303-­‐273-­‐3836 Golden, CO 80401 Fax: 303-­‐273-­‐3413 E-­‐ GeoShanghai 2010 Technical Conference, Cengage Learning, Wiley Publishing, and McGraw-­‐Hill Technical Book Publishing. 6. TEACHING AND RELATED ACTIVITIES
Courses Taught 1. EGGN 320 Mechanics of Materials 2. EGGN 361A Soil Mechanics 3. EGGN 431 Soil Dynamics (Undergraduate) 4. EGGN 499 Independent Study (Undergraduate) 5. EGGN 531 Soil Dynamics (Graduate) 6. EGGN 598 Matrix Structural Analysis 7. EGGN 599 Independent Study (Graduate) Course Development Activities 1. EGGN 431 Soil Dynamics (Undergraduate) 2. EGGN 598 Matrix Structural Analysis 7. RESEARCH
Unfunded 1. “Parametric Studies of Varying Soil Stiffness and Dissipation in Systems with Nonuniform Damping.” (Sole PI.) i. Agency: This research was supported by my CSM start-­‐up funds. ii. Dates: January 2008 – December 2009. iii. Student Involved: Grant Mott, M.S. in Engineering – Civil, December 2009. 2. “The Gunnison River Diversion: An Engineering History of an Early American Reclamation Project.” (Sole PI.) i. Agency: This research was supported by my CSM start-­‐up funds. ii. Dates: May 2011 – December 2011. iii. Student Involved: Mallory McAdams, B.S. in Engineering – Civil, May 2012. 3. “Relationships between Thermal Conductivity and Mechanical Dissipative Properties of Cohesionless Soils.” (Sole PI.) i. Agency: This research was supported by my CSM start-­‐up funds. ii. Dates: May 2012 – August 2012. iii. Student Involved: Kevin Schaeffer, B.S. in Engineering – Civil, May 2012. 4. “Influence of Microbial Stabilization on Shear Modulus Degradation and Damping Ratio Curves of Cohesionless Soils.” (PI with co-­‐PIs Dr. Junko Munakata-­‐
Marr and Dr. Susan Wang) i. Agency: This research was supported by my CSM start-­‐up funds and by Dr. Susan Wang’s NSF CAREER funds. ii. Dates: May 2012 – present. 9. Curriculum Vitae Page 3 of 11
Colorado School of Mines Judith Wang Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Assistant Professor 1500 Illinois Street Phone: 303-­‐273-­‐3836 Golden, CO 80401 Fax: 303-­‐273-­‐3413 E-­‐ iii. Students Involved: Mallory McAdams, M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, exp. December 2014 and Jennifer Rodriguez, B.S. in Microbiology, Washington State University, exp. May 2014. Funded 1. “Validating an Intrinsic Damping Model for the Dynamic Response of Soil-­‐
Structure Systems.” (Sole PI.) i. Agency: NSF ii. Dates: August 18, 2008 – July 31, 2011 iii. Support Level: $174,999 iv. Students Involved: David Begley, M.S. in Engineering – Civil, May 2012; Andrea Ham, M.S. in Engineering – Civil, May 2011; and Grant Mott, M.S. in Engineering – Civil, December 2009. 2. “Assessment of MSE Wall Attachment Details Meeting New AASHTO Seismic Connection Requirement and Implementation of End-­‐Of-­‐Wall (EOW) Treatment for Bridge Worksheet.” (Co-­‐PI with Dr. Panos Kiousis – 50% co-­‐PI share over the entire project duration) i. Agency: Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) ii. Dates: March 1, 2010 – August 31, 2011 iii. Support Level: $49,995. iv. Student Involved: Rebecca Walthall, M.S. in Engineering – Civil, December 2011. 3. “Evaluation of Seismic Testing for Quality Assurance of Lime-­‐Stabilized Soil.” (Co-­‐PI with Dr. Michael Mooney – approximately 10% share over one year of the project duration) i. Agency: CDOT ii. Dates: September 1, 2010 – present. iii. Support Level: $45,000. iv. Student Involved: Richard Bearce, M.S. in Engineering – Civil. (Not my advisee; advised by Dr. Michael Mooney; contributed to a project for publication with one of my NSF REU students, Kevin Schaeffer). 4. “Exploring the Relationship between Vibratory Roller Response and Layered Soil Properties.” (Co-­‐PI with Dr. Michael Mooney – 50% co-­‐PI share over the entire project duration) i. Agency: NSF ii. Dates: September 1, 2010 – present iii. Support Level: $295,331 iv. Students Involved: Bernadette Kenneally, Ph.D. in Engineering – Mechanical; Aaron Neff, M.S. in Engineering – Civil; and Mallory McAdams, M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering. 5. Research Experience for Undergraduates Supplement for “Exploring the Relationship between Vibratory Roller Response and Layered Soil Properties.” 9. Curriculum Vitae Page 4 of 11
Colorado School of Mines Judith Wang Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Assistant Professor 1500 Illinois Street Phone: 303-­‐273-­‐3836 Golden, CO 80401 Fax: 303-­‐273-­‐3413 E-­‐ (Co-­‐PI with Dr. Michael Mooney – 50% co-­‐PI share over the entire project duration) i. Agency: NSF ii. Dates: July 19, 2011 – July 18, 2012 iii. Support Level: $12,000 iv. Students Involved: Kevin Schaeffer, B.S. in Engineering – Civil, May 2012 (I was the advisor for this student) and Kristin Straily, B.S. in Engineering – Civil, May 2012 (Dr. Michael Mooney was the advisor for this student). Students Advised 1. Grant Mott, M.S. in Engineering – Civil. i. Thesis Title and Date: Equivalent Linear Analysis of Soil-­‐Structure Dynamics: Parametric Studies of Varying Soil Stiffness and Dissipation in Systems with Nonuniform Damping, December 2009. 2. Andrea Ham, M.S. in Engineering – Civil. i. Thesis Title and Date: Intrinsic Damping Behavior of Dry, Clean Sands Across the Grain, Specimen, and Infrastructure Scales, May 2011. 3. Odon Musimbi, Ph.D. in Engineering – Mechanical. i. Dissertation Title and Date: Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Vibratory Drum Interacting with Layered Elastic Media, May 2011. ii. Note: I co-­‐advised this student during the last year of his Ph.D. studies; his primary advisor was Dr. Michael Mooney. 4. Rebecca Walthall, M.S. in Engineering – Civil. i. Thesis Title and Date: Finite Element Analyses of Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls Subjected to Seismic Loads, December 2011. ii. Note: I co-­‐advised this student with Dr. Panos Kiousis. 5. David Begley, M.S. in Engineering – Civil. i. Thesis Title and Date: An Iterative Linear Hysteretic Finite Element Algorithm to Converge Upon the Time-­‐Varying Contact Area Between a Roller Drum and a Viscoelastic Medium, May 2012. 6. Aaron Neff, M.S. in Engineering – Civil i. Thesis Title and Date: Analysis of Intelligent Compaction Field Data on Layered Soil, defended August 2013, official graduation December 2013 ii. Note: I co-­‐advised this student with Dr. Michael Mooney. 7. Bernadette Kenneally, Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering. i. Dissertation Title and Date: TBD, exp. December 2014. ii. Note: I co-­‐advise this student with Dr. Michael Mooney. 8. Mallory McAdams, M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering i. Thesis Title and Date: TBD, exp. December 2014 ii. Note: I co-­‐advise this student with Dr. Michael Mooney. Other Research Contributions 1. Graduate committee member for CSM students: 9. Curriculum Vitae Page 5 of 11
Colorado School of Mines Judith Wang Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Assistant Professor 1500 Illinois Street Phone: 303-­‐273-­‐3836 Golden, CO 80401 Fax: 303-­‐273-­‐3413 E-­‐ i. Jumpol Paiboon, M.S. in Mining Engineering, May 2008 ii. Nathan Toohey, M.S. in Engineering – Civil, December 2009 iii. David Stamp, M.S. in Engineering – Mechanical, May 2012 iv. Ian Ebersole, M.S. in Engineering – Civil, May 2012 v. Lotfi Gargab, Ph.D. in Engineering – Civil, December 2012 vi. Geoffrey Bee, M.S. in Engineering – Civil, May 2013 vii. Jacob Grasmick, M.S. in Engineering – Civil, May 2013 viii. Jumpol Paiboon, Ph.D. in Engineering – Civil, December 2013 ix. Richard Bearce, Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering x. Jomaa Ben Hassine, Ph.D. in Engineering – Civil xi. Otman Ilgafdi, Ph.D. in Engineering – Civil xii. Minal Parekh, Ph.D. in Engineering – Civil xiii. Bharath Shekar, Ph.D. in Geophysics xiv. Nathan Toohey, Ph.D. in Engineering – Civil xv. Tim Gilchrist, M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering xvi. Mahmoud Abdusalem, Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering xvii. Pooya Allahverdizadeh, Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering xviii. Jared Stewart, Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering 2. Graduate committee member for University of Colorado, Boulder, student: i. Ali Khosravi, Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, May 2011 8. PUBLICATIONS
Refereed Journals Recently Submitted 1. Neff, A. ; Wang, J.; and Mooney, M. (Submitted, June 2013). “Analysis of Center of Gravity Roller Drum Vibration and Resultant Soil Stiffness on Compacted Layered Earthwork,” ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering. Accepted or Published 1. Wang, J. (Accepted for Publication, June 2013). “Rayleigh Coefficients for Series Infrastructure Systems with Multiple Damping Properties,” Journal of Vibration and Control. 2. Schaeffer, K.1; Bearce, R.α; and Wang, J. (Accepted for Publication, April 2013). “Dynamic Modulus and Damping Ratio Measurements from Free-­‐Free Resonance and Fixed-­‐Free Resonant Column Procedures,” ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering.­‐5606.0000945 ♣
Graduate Research Assistant National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates Student Advisee α
Graduate Student Who Was Not My Advisee ♣
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Colorado School of Mines Judith Wang Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Assistant Professor 1500 Illinois Street Phone: 303-­‐273-­‐3836 Golden, CO 80401 Fax: 303-­‐273-­‐3413 E-­‐ 3. Walthall, R. ; Wang, J.; Kiousis, P.D.; and Khan, A. (2013). “Finite Element Analyses of Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls Subjected to Midlevel Seismic Loads,” ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities. Vol. 27(2), pp. 171-­‐180.­‐
5509.0000361 4. McAdams, M. and Wang, J. (Accepted for Publication, June 2012). “The Gunnison Tunnel: An Engineering History of an Early United States Reclamation Project,” ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities.­‐5509.0000375 5. Ham, A. ; Wang, J.; and Stammer, J. (2012). “Relationships Between Particle Shape Characteristics and Macroscopic Damping in Dry Sands,” ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering. Vol. 138(8), pp. 1002 – 1011.­‐5606.0000663 6. Mott, G.R. and Wang, J. (2011). “The Effects of Variable Soil Damping on Soil-­‐
Structure Dynamics,” Journal of Vibration and Control. Vol. 17(3). 7. Wang, J. (2009). “Intrinsic Damping: Modeling Techniques for Engineering Systems,” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering. Vol. 135(3), pp. 282-­‐291.­‐
9445%282009%29135%3A3%28282%29 8. Wang, J.; Zeng, X.; and Gasparini, D.A. (2008). “Dynamic Response of High-­‐
Speed Rail Foundations Using Linear Hysteretic Damping and Frequency Domain Substructuring,” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. Vol. 28(4), pp. 258-­‐
S0267726107000796-­‐main.pdf 9. Gasparini, D.A. and Wang, J. (2006). “Battery-­‐Joralemon Street Tunnel,” ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities. Vol. 20(1), pp. 92-­‐107. Winner of the ASCE Technical Council on Forensic Engineering’s Outstanding Paper Award of 2006.­‐
3828%282006%2920%3A1%2892%29 10. Wang, J. and Zeng, X. (2006). “Influence of Temperature and Pressure on the Dynamic Properties of Rubber-­‐Modified Asphalt Concrete,” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. Vol. 18(1), pp. 125-­‐131. ♣
Graduate Research Assistant Undergraduate Research Assistant 9. Curriculum Vitae Page 7 of 11
Colorado School of Mines Judith Wang Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Assistant Professor 1500 Illinois Street Phone: 303-­‐273-­‐3836 Golden, CO 80401 Fax: 303-­‐273-­‐3413 E-­‐­‐
1561%282006%2918%3A1%28125%29 11. Wang, J.; Zeng, X.; and Mullen, R.L. (2005). “Three-­‐Dimensional Finite Element Simulations of Ground Vibration Generated by High-­‐Speed Trains and Engineering Countermeasures,” Journal of Vibration and Control. Vol. 11(12), pp. 1437-­‐1453. 12. Wang, J. and Zeng, X. (2004). “Numerical Simulations of Vibration Attenuation of High-­‐Speed Train Foundations With Varied Trackbed Underlayment Materials,” Journal of Vibration and Control. Vol. 10(8), pp. 1123-­‐1136. Published in Conference Proceedings 1. Ham, A. ; Mott, G.R. ; and Wang, J. (2010). “Experimental Calibration and Verification of Equivalent Linear Models for Intrinsic Damping in Soil-­‐Structure Dynamics,” GeoFlorida 2010. West Palm Beach, Florida, February 20-­‐24, 2010. D. O. Fratta, A. J. Puppala, and B. Muhunthan, Eds. ASCE Geotechnical Special Publications (GSP) 199. 2. Wang, J. (2008). “Modeling the Effects of Intrinsic Damping in Soil-­‐Structure Interaction,” GEO-­‐velopment: The Role of Geological and Geotechnical Engineering in New and Redevelopment Projects. Lakewood, Colorado, November 7, 2008. R.L. Wiltshire, M.L. Parekh, J.C. Malama, and C.M. Goss, Eds. ASCE Geotechnical Practice Publications (GPP) 5, pp. 142-­‐161. 3. Wang, J.; Mott, G.R. ; and Ham, A. (2009). “BRIGE: Validating an Intrinsic Damping Model for the Dynamic Response of Soil-­‐Structure Systems,” Proceedings of the 2009 NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii. Published Abstracts 1. Wang, J. (2010). “BRIGE: Validating an Intrinsic Damping Model for the Dynamic Response of Soil-­‐Structure Systems,” The First Annual Meeting of Principal Investigators in NSF’s Broadening Participation Research Initiation Grants in Engineering (BRIGE) Program. Arlington, Virginia. 2. Freeborn, T. ; Nakagawa, M.; Wang, J., and Weinstein, M. (2010). “Dynamic Characterization of Lunar Simulants Using Resonant Column Procedures,” Next Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference. Boulder, Colorado. 3. Wang, J. and Gasparini, D. (2002). “Tunneling in New York: The Work of Clifford M. Holland from 1906 to 1919,” Society for Industrial Archaeology 31st Annual Conference. Brooklyn, New York. Reports ♣
Graduate Research Assistant Non-­‐Thesis Graduate Student Advisee 9. Curriculum Vitae Page 8 of 11
Colorado School of Mines Judith Wang Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Assistant Professor 1500 Illinois Street Phone: 303-­‐273-­‐3836 Golden, CO 80401 Fax: 303-­‐273-­‐3413 E-­‐ 1. Kiousis, P.D.; Wang, J.; and Walthall, R. (2012). Design of Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall Connections and End of Walls Subjected to Seismic Loads. Colorado Department of Transportation DTD Applied Research and Innovation Branch. ♣
1. Kenneally, B. , Wang, J., and Mooney, M. “Exploring the Relationship between Vibratory Roller Response and Layered Soil Properties,” Poster Presentation at the 2012 NSF CMMI Engineering Research and Innovation Conference. Boston, Massachusetts, July 9 – 12, 2012. 2. Wang, J. “The Battery-­‐Joralemon Street Tunnel.” Presented at the Crowne Plaza Denver Hotel for the American Society of Civil Engineering Colorado Section Meeting. Denver, Colorado, October 18, 2007. 3. Wang, J. “Evaluating the Dynamic Response of High-­‐Speed Railway Foundations.” Presented at CSM’s Department of Geophysics for the Heiland Lecture Series. Golden, CO, September 13, 2007. 4. Wang, J. “The Battery-­‐Joralemon Street Tunnel.” Presented at Case Western Reserve University for the American Society of Civil Engineers Chapter Meeting. Cleveland, Ohio, October 28, 2004. 5. Wang, J. and Gasparini, D. “Tunneling in New York: The Work of Clifford M. Holland from 1906 to 1919,” Presented at the Society for Industrial Archaeology 31st Annual Conference. Brooklyn, New York, June 8, 2002. ♣
1. ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 2012 Outstanding Reviewer Award (notified via E-­‐mail, May 1, 2013). 2. Middleton Broadening Participation in STEM Fields Grant Award (2010). 3. ASCE Technical Council on Forensic Engineering’s Outstanding Paper Award of 2006 (2007). Shared with Dr. Dario Gasparini.­‐
3828%282007%2921%3A6%28411%29 4. NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (August 2004 – August 2007). 5. Graduate Dean’s Instructional Excellence Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Case Western Reserve University (2004). 6. Case Prime Fellowship (May 2003 – August 2004). 11. CSM COMMITTEE SERVICE
Graduate Research Assistant 9. Curriculum Vitae Page 9 of 11
Colorado School of Mines Judith Wang Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Assistant Professor 1500 Illinois Street Phone: 303-­‐273-­‐3836 Golden, CO 80401 Fax: 303-­‐273-­‐3413 E-­‐ Departmental 1. Ad Hoc Research Assistant Professor Appointment Committee for the Underground Construction and Tunneling Center (April 2013). 2. CEE Representative at Celebrate Mines (August 31, 2012). 3. Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate Admissions and Recruiting Committee (Spring 2012). 4. Graduate Curriculum Committee for the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Fall 2011). 5. Civil Specialty Representative, Engineering Division Sub-­‐Graduate Admissions and Recruitment Committee (Fall 2011). 6. Division of Engineering, Engineering Graduate Program Administrator Search Committee (Spring 2011). 7. Division of Engineering, Mechanical Specialty Faculty Search Committee (Spring 2011 – Summer 2011). 8. Division of Engineering, Graduate Curriculum Committee (Fall 2010 – Summer 2011). 9. Civil Specialty Representative, Prospective Graduate Student Visitation Day (March 2009, 2010, and 2011). 10. Civil Specialty Representative, Division of Engineering Graduate Admissions and Recruiting Committee (Fall 2008 – Summer 2010). 11. Division of Engineering, Civil Specialty – Water Resources Faculty Search Committee (Fall 2008 – Spring 2009). 12. Faculty Representative, Division of Engineering, “Preview CSM.” (November 3, 2007). 13. Division of Engineering, Civil Specialty – Structures Faculty Search Committee (Fall 2007 – Spring 2008). 14. Division of Engineering, Publicity Committee (Fall 2007 – Spring 2008). 15. Division of Engineering, Laboratory Space Committee (Fall 2007 – Spring 2008). 16. Faculty Representative, Division of Engineering, for the CSM Teaching Assistant Training Workshop (August 2007). Campus-­‐wide 1. Research Council Representative, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Fall 2011 – present). 2. Participant/Panel Chair, CSM New Faculty Orientation Panel Discussion (August 19, 2011). 3. Graduate Council Representative, Division of Engineering (Fall 2010 – Spring 2011). 4. Faculty Participant, CSM NSF Bechtel Summer K-­‐12 Workshop, helping K-­‐12 teachers motivate pre-­‐college students in STEM fields through the creation and presentation of hands-­‐on learning modules that illustrate the engineering design 9. Curriculum Vitae Page 10 of 11
Colorado School of Mines Judith Wang Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Assistant Professor 1500 Illinois Street Phone: 303-­‐273-­‐3836 Golden, CO 80401 Fax: 303-­‐273-­‐3413 E-­‐ process (February 23, 2008; July 23, 2009; July 15, 2010; July 21, 2010; July 14 and 20, 2011; July 19, 2012). 5. Faculty Participant, CSM Tech Camp 101, meeting with female high school students and their parents regarding entering engineering fields (June 12, 2009). 6. Faculty Participant, CSM Minority Engineering Conference, developing hands-­‐on STEM activities for students from local, predominantly minority middle schools (February 19, 2009). Other Special Assignments 1. Faculty Outreach Visitor, Northglenn STEM Magnet School, to conduct a hands-­‐
on workshop in STEM topics in conjunction with ASMCUE for approximately 275 K-­‐5 students and 11 teachers (May 16, 2013). 2. Faculty Outreach Visitor, Northglenn STEM Magnet School, to conduct hands-­‐on laboratory experiments involving the construction of mechanically stabilized earth retaining walls with two classes of second grade students (October 23, 2012). 3. Faculty Outreach Visitor, Northglenn STEM Magnet School, to introduce second graders to the engineering design process through a hands-­‐on learning module involving the construction and testing of pretzel and candy bridges (November 29, 2011). 4. Faculty Outreach Visitor, Northglenn STEM Magnet School, to introduce kindergarteners to space trusses through a hands-­‐on learning module involving the construction of space trusses with toothpicks and gumdrops (December 6, 2011). 5. Faculty Outreach Visitor, Evergreen Country Day School, to introduce pre-­‐K students to engineering concepts through a hands-­‐on learning module involving building geometric prisms (February 1, 2010). 6. Faculty Participant, representing CSM’s faculty in judging a science fair at Evergreen Country Day School (February 5, 2009 and Feburary 2, 2010).
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