THIS YEAR’S ROGATION SERVICE WAS HELD AT KELL GREEN HALL FARM, MARTHALL The service was led by Agricultural Chaplain Sharon Meyer, of Toft Hall Farm, (SEE ITEM ON PAGE10/11) July/August 2016 The Parish Church of All Saints, serving the villages of Marthall, Ollerton & Little Warford Churchwardens Vicar-in-Charge Rev’d Gerri Tetzlaff. 01625 861231 Mr Tony Walley Tel: 01625 861361 Mrs Rosemary Kellett Tel: 01625 861428 PCC Secretary Mrs Elizabeth Davison Tel: 01565 633377 Treasurer Mrs Carol Mason Tel: 01565 633458 Acting Editor Alan Street Tel: 01565 633820 Assistant Editor Peter Ruff Tel: 01565 652378 The Parish Post is published 10 times a year and distributed by volunteers to those living in and supporting the communities of Ollerton, Marthall and Little Warford. Subscriptions cost only £6 per year and can be paid to your local distributor. If you would like to subscribe and don’t know who to contact, please email: or ring Carol Mason on 01565 633458. Items for the next edition should be submitted NO LATER than 20th of month prior to publication but submissions as early as possible would be appreciated:Email:- Or call: 01565 652378, (Mobile: 07530 153809) or sent to the Hall at Marthall. Sandlebridge Lane, Marthall, Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 7SB Tel: 01625 890652. (0900-11.00Mondays) (Answering machine other times) 2 INFORMATION CHURCHES All Saints’ Marthall Sunday Worship (See page 4) Snelson Methodist Chapel Rev’d Jackie Betts Sunday Worship 10-45am St. Vincent’s R.C. Church Father J. Joyce Sunday Mass 9-00am, 11-00am, 5-30pm Gt. Warford Baptist Church Sunday Worship 10-00am, 6-00pm Thursday Bible Study 7-30pm 01625 861231 01565 872957 01565 633040 01565 873132 DOCTORS Chelford Elmstead Road Surgery Knutsford Toft Road Surgery Knutsford Manchester Road Surgery Knutsford Annandale Medical Centre Mobberley Road 01625 861316 01565 632681 01565 633101 01565 755222 SCHOOLS Over Peover Primary School Lower Peover Primary School Chelford C of E Primary School Knutsford Academy Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School 01625 861384 01625 383292 01625 861351 01565 632277 01477 689500 TRANSPORT No 27, 27A, 27B Bus Knutsford/ Macclesfield GHA Coaches (Operated by Vale of Llangollen) Village Rider Service to Knutsford Mon - Fri 09.30 - 14.30 and 16.15 - 17.30 Also to Northwich ( Tues only) and to Wilmslow and Handforth Dean ( Wed only) Pre- registration required THE HALL AT MARTHALL Booking Secretary for parties, dances etc. (Mon-Fri) Womens Institute First Tuesday in month 01978 820820 01606 786 833 01625 890652 01565 652448 CHELFORD VILLAGE HALL Girl Guides, Brownies, Boy Scouts, Cubs KNUTSFORD Town Council CHESHIRE EAST COUNCIL Cllr George M Walton PARISH COUNCIL The Clerk E-mail: 01625 861815 KNUTSFORD Citizen’s Advice Bureau KNUTSFORD Heritage Centre & tourist information 01565 651310 01565 650506 SAMARITANS 0845 790 9090 ALCOHOL DRINKSLINE POLICE The new number for non emergencies:- 0800 917 8282 01565 653929 01565 651507 01477 571444 Dial 101 3 CHURCH SERVICES JULY/AUGUST 2016 9.30am 9.30am 9.30am 9.30am 10.30am 3rd 10th 17th 24th 31st Holy Communion led by Rev. Gerri Tetzlaff Family Service Lay-Led Holy Communion led by Rev. Gerri Tetzlaff Morning Prayer led by Rev. Gerri Tetzlaff Joint Benefice Morning Praise @ St. Peters, Lower Withington. AUGUST 2016 9.30am 9.30am 9.30am 9.30am 9.30am 7th 14th 21st 28th 4th Holy Communion led by Rev. Gerri Tetzlaff Family Service Lay-Led Holy Communion led by Revd John Knowles Morning Prayer led by Rev. Gerri Tetzlaff Holy Communion led by Rev. Gerri Tetzlaff When there is a 5th Sunday in the month there will be a Joint All-Age Service which will rotate around the three churches. Please note the new times for our church services at Marthall. Rev. Gerri Tetzlaff is prepared to swap services around to accommodate any special services. CHURCH CLEANING ROTA July 2nd Elaine/Trica July 30th Margaret W / Carol August 27th Rosemary/ Lynda. September 24th Barbara / Margaret F October 22nd Elaine / Trica, November 19th Margaret W / Carol December 17th Rosemary / Lynda BIRTHS, DEATHS AND MARRIAGES Congratulations to Dan and Lauren (nee Worthington) Baines. Baby daughter Lola Olivia on the 28th May, also a welcome new addition to grandparents Andrew and Lynda. Nancy Hope wishes to thank all friends and neighbours for their kind thoughts, prayers, cards and lovely flowers. So very much appreciated. Thank you everyone. Love, Nancy 4 All Saints’ Church Vicar’s Letter from Revd. Gerri Tetzlaff Dear Friends At the time of writing each of us were considering how to vote in the referendum. By the time that you read this – the decision will have been made. A momentous decision – some would say the most important decision we had to make in our lifetime. That is quite sobering isn’t it? We had a responsibility to do as much as we could to make that decision meaningful. Now that it is made we will live with the consequences – and I’m sure the wrangling will go on in political quarters for decades – the ‘if only’ brigade; the ‘we have the EU referendum to blame for this’ brigade. Of course, we will never know how it would be if the opposite decision was made. Each of us will have felt the pressure to vote one way or the other as we heard, saw and read different viewpoints. During his ministry Jesus was under tremendous pressure to be a certain way, to do certain things and not others. Many wanted him to form a militia and lead a revolt against the Roman occupation; that is what they expected the Messiah to do. Others thought he should toe the line and be a different type of religious leader; one that bowed to the religious authorities and didn’t make any waves. Jesus however, could only do and be himself – guided and directed by his Father in heaven. He didn’t deliberately set out to upset people but knew that he would. His ministry was to the poor, the oppressed, the lonely, the sad and bereaved. He came to demonstrate a different kind of society – one built on justice that cares for those on the margins without discrimination or expectation. He came for the undeserving which, to be honest, goes against the grain in our society. We spend much time considering whether people ‘deserve’ something or not. Jesus did away with the need to discriminate and gave to all freely the gift of eternal life and friendship with him. I do hope that whatever decision has been made in the referendum that we can continue to come together as a community – like we did at the recent rather wet Garden Party where we celebrated the Queen’s 90th Birthday! A true community spirit came out and people gathered together despite the rain and enjoyed themselves! Thanks to all those who supported, participated and organised the day. May we continue to be a people willing to accept difference and offer a welcome to strangers and learn to call them friends. Regards Revd Gerri Tetzlaff 5 JACKIE BETTS MINISTER SNELSON METHODIST CHAPEL TEL: 01565 872957 The time has come the Walrus said to talk of many things . For me the time has come not to talk of many things ( though I do enjoy that!!) but to pack many things; or to be more precise since I am moving from a large manse to a smaller retirement home, to decide which of many things I take with me to Cumbria and which I pass on to others in Cheshire. Sorting things has brought back many special memories of people and places who have shared my life, and as I write this last article for you I want to do four things First I want to say thank you to you for the times we have shared together; services especially Plough Sunday, Lent study groups and social occasions. Then I would like to ask for your thoughts and prayers at this time of change for me, and also for my successor Rev Scott Manning who is coming to us from the South African Methodist Conference with his wife Jenny and three children Natalie Andrew and Sean Thirdly I would like to invite you to a Celebration of our Time Together at Alderley Edge Methodist Church on Sunday July 24 at 6.30pm And lastly to share two verses from a hymn which was part of the WI Centenary Celebration service last November, two verses which seemed to sum up what I would like to say for myself and for you:For friends we’ve cherished through the years And all that we’ve achieved In serving others day by day We recognise along the way So much that we’ve received Our future we entrust to God The source of everything The one forever at our side To calm and strengthen, guard and guide In all that life may bring ASTLE COURT COMMUNION The next service will take place on Tuesday 19 July at 2pm in the community room at Astle Court led by Rev Jackie Betts. Everyone is very welcome to join us for the service which will be followed by a cup of tea and a chat. 6 7 Can you help the Cheshire Villages Great War Society ? An ambitious exhibition to be presented at the Hall at Marthall on Saturday, 12th November As a result of the series of articles which was initiated by our talented computer print designer, Peter Ruff, commemorating the 1914-1918 Great War, we have been approached by a group of enthusiasts from parishes in the Macclesfield area of Cheshire East called the Cheshire Villages Great War Society. They have attracted warm praise from the Western Front Association , who have branches throughout the United Kingdom and internationally ... Australia, Canada, France, Ireland, New Zealand and the United States, for the exhibitions they have already mounted in Rainow, Siddington, Sutton, Goostrey, and most recently in Gawsworth. The Cheshire Villages Society aim to present detailed remembrances, not only of the men from our parishes who gave their lives in the War, but also of all who served and survived. Please read the appeal from David Clarke and help if you can. Dave is compiling the biographies of the survivors , and John Dines the obituaries of the fallen. It will simplify the process if you contact the appropriate volunteer directly, but if necessary... because of framed material for instance ... let me have your material and I will undertake to see that it is delivered safely. Anything you have provided for the Parish Post articles has already been copied to he group. They can be reached most easily by telephone : David Clarke 01260 252568 ( Lower Withington ) John Dines 01260 278243 (Eaton and Hulme Walfield ) Thank you for any help you can provide. 8 Alan Street The Cheshire Villages Great War Society are holding their next exhibition in The Hall at Marthall in November, following last year’s successful event at Gawsworth. We would like to top it, but we need your help. Are you descended from any of the men who are named on the panel above the porch to All Saints Church , Marthall, or on the plaque inside the church ?* Do you know anything about their war time experiences.? Do you have any post cards or letters they sent home, or best of all, a photograph of one of the soldiers, sailors or airmen who served in World War 1? If you can let one of us, or Alan Street, have a copy of any relevant information we intend to attempt to tell each man’s story as we have for David Toft. DAVID CLARKE AND JOHN DINES *A list of those who served, and of those who died, during the war was also published in the September 2014 issue of the Parish Post. PRIVATE DAVID TOFT One of the 82 men named on the panel above the porch at All Saints Church of those who served from the parishes of Ollerton, Marthall and Little Warford during the Great War is David Toft. David was born in the spring of 1894 in Marthall, the son of John and Mary Toft. After leaving school he went to work for John Mason at Ash Tree Farm, Ollerton, where he lived in and was employed as a farm labourer. By 1914 he had worked his way up to become the farm wagoner. David must have been one of the first men in the village to answer the country’s call to arms and volunteered , attesting at Macclesfield on the 21st of September 1914. He was called up on the 17th of February 1915, joining the Royal Field Artillery. After training he was sent to France, disembarking on the 27th of November 1915, serving in France and Belgium for the next nine months as a Gunner. But then he was taken ill, complaining of being run down, and feeling weak with a very bad cough. The doctors diagnosed that he had contracted pulmonary tuberculosis .. a condition which would not improve if he remained at the front, living in trenches and under canvas. So, on the 28th of September 1916 the Army Medical Board ruled that he was unfit for active service and he was was given his wound badge and discharged from the army. In 1923 he was awarded the Star War and Victory medals ( Pip squeak and Wilfred ). In 1928 he married Annie Davies ** and lived in Blease Cottage, off Percival Lane, Ollerton. He died at Cranford Lodge Hospital on the 16th March 1962. ** Do you know at which church ? 9 THIS YEAR’S ROGATION SERVICE WAS HELD AT KELL GREEN HALL FARM, MARTHALL On Sunday, 22nd May, Jeff and Elaine Boyling hosted the Rogation Service on the Kell Green Hall Farm, off Sandlebridge Lane, Marthall The service commenced in an open fronted marquee in the Boyling’s garden, before a congregation of 36 walked to appropriate points to celebrate key aspects of agricultural life. We all knew what we were celebrating on this traditional rural occasion, but a show of hands called for by the Agricultural Chaplain , during her introductory address confirmed that prior to the service, like her, none of us knew why it is christened as a ‘Rogation Service’. Your editor was one exception, having researched the subject with a view of writing this report ... the other being a guest from Knutsford who had also done so on being invited to attend, and was considerate enough to keep the information to herself. An excellent buffet after the service created an opportunity for a friendly chat 10 The derivation is the Latin word ‘rogare’ , to ask, by implication in a humble manner. The theme is to offer prayers for God’s blessing on the fruits of the earth and upon those who labour on the land. Very appropriately our devotions were led by Sharon Meyer, an Agricultural Chaplain, who had been understudying Canon Keith Ineson, Head of Cheshire Agricultural Chaplaincy, whose imminent retirement was announced in our April issue. Additionally, Sharon is a neighbour , as she has not only qualified in the Chaplain’s role, but since the death of her husband , also oversees the management of the 300 acre farm on the Toft Hall estate. The service followed the traditional sequence, starting with a meadow; then the animals, water in the lake, the garden and finally the farmhouse, interposed at each point by prayers, hymns, and relevant readings by members of the congregation. As the sun set on what had been a lovely evening we returned to the shelter of the marquee for the also traditionally excellent finger buffet prepared by the ever present ladies of the church and the W.I. Kell Green Hall Farm is a Grade II listed property, built in the early 18th Century. A splendid setting and befitting to the sincere thanks on behalf of us all expressed by Church Warden Tony Walley to Jeff and Elaine at the end of the evening. Alan Street Our hosts for the evening, Jeff and Elaine Boyling, of Kell Green Hall Farm The service was led by Agricultural Chaplain, Sharon Meyer, of Toft Hall Farm 11 JULY: Cut Lavender for drying, choose newly opened flowers for best fragrance, then hang up in a cool, dark place. Give dahlias a liquid feed, keep them well watered and tie the shoots of tall varieties to stakes as they grow. Hoe and hand-weed borders often , so weeds don’t have time to set seed. Water and feed sweet peas regularly, pick the flowers every few days, and remove seed pods to prolong flowering. Plant autumn bulbs, including nerines, colchicums and sternbergia, in pots and borders. Check crops such as runner beans regularly for aphids, and rub or wash them off straight away, before they multiply. Water thirsty plants as celery, beans, peas, courgettes, pumpkins and tomatoes regularly. Make the last pickings of rhubarb and remove any flower spikes that start to form, cutting right down at the base. Thin out heavy crops of apples, pears and plums, and remove any malformed. Damaged or undersized fruits. Prune plum trees in dry weather, when silver leaf fungal disease is less prevalent. Sow a last batch of peas and dwarf beans before mid-July for an autumn crop. Shorten side shoots growing from the framework of trained fruit trees, reducing to about five leaves from their base. Water fruit trees and bushes, then lay a mulch of garden compost around their base to hold in moisture. Cover brassicas with fine netting to prevent cabbage white butterflies laying their eggs on the leaves. Peg down strawberry runners into pots of compost to root new plants. Pick courgettes regularly so they don’t turn into marrows. Sow small batches of fast-maturing salad leaves, rocket and radishes every few weeks for continuous pickings. Cut down broad beans after harvesting, but leave the roots in the soil to release nitrogen as they decompose. 12 AUGUST: Collect seeds as they ripen, from plants such as aquilegias, sweet peas and love-in-a-mist, choosing a dry day!! Dead head dahlias and other perennials to encourage a constant display of blooms. Keep camellias and rhododendrons well watered through late summer while their flower buds are forming. Trim lavender once flowering is over to maintain a compact, bushy shape, but avoid cutting into old wood. Be vigilant for signs of tomato and potato blight, removing affected plants immediately to prevent spread. Summer prune both free-standing and trained apple trees, to encourage good fruiting in future years. Plant well-rooted strawberry runners I to new beds. Pinch out the tops of outdoor tomatoes, as further flowers are unlikely to produce fruits that have time to ripen. 13 Our vicar, Gerri formally opened the party and led us in singing “Happy Birthday” to Her Majesty Gerri, Tony and Rosemary say a big “Thank You” to everyone who set up, contributed to, and manned the stalls, and a wide range of features .... reception, lottery, bowling, ‘kill the rat’, bounty castle, ice cream, and of course the splendid refreshments, barbeque and bar. It was indeed a lovely occasion. Despite the weather our spirits were not dampened ... in fact quite the opposite. Thanks to the setting at the Hall at Marthall, about 100 of our neighbours and friends had a dry and companionable afternoon. Our vicar, Gerri formally opened the party and led us in singing “Happy Birthday” to Her Majesty, tuned in by a five-man band headed by Mr Willy Simpson under the name of “Maggoty” , which immediately put us in party mood. So with various stalls to wander round, and of course our usual tombola, you were then ready for a cup of tea and a delicious cake or two; and as the afternoon went on we followed with a barbeque and a glass of wine. Many thanks again to you all for making the party so special. “God Bless Our Queen “. The Church Wardens. The conclusion of the parish celebrations of Her Majesty’s official birthday weekend was a service of thanksgiving on the Sunday morning. The congregation was welcomed by a flag bedecked floral display by Amy, and the service, led by Margaret, was opened with a rendition of the National Anthem. 16 HOMEWATCH ALERT There has been a burglary overnight that has taken place just off Bucklow hill at Mere. A barn was broken into and 2 motorbikes along with some car wheels have been stolen. Please ensure your outdoor security. Many thanks, Lindsey Whitehead (Police, PCSO, Macclesfield LPU Knutsford PCSO) A new phishing campaign which has hit students of UK universities claims that the student has been awarded an educational grant by the Department for Education. The email purports to have come from the finance department of the student’s university and tricks the recipient into clicking on a link contained in the message to provide personal and banking details. One victim reported that after submitting their sensitive information (including name, address, date of birth, contact details, telephone provider, bank account details, student ID, National Insurance Number, driving licence number and mother’s maiden name), they were taken to a spoofed website which appeared like a genuine website of their bank, where they were asked to type in their online banking login credentials. Protect Yourself • Do not click on any links or open attachments contained within unsolicited emails. • Do not reply to scam emails or contact the senders in any way. • If an email appears to have come from a person or organisation you know of but the message is unexpected or unusual, contact them directly via another method to confirm that they sent you the email. • If you receive an email which asks you to login to an online account via a link provided in the email, instead of clicking on the link, open your browser and go directly to the company’s website yourself. • If you have clicked on a link in the email, do not supply any information on the website that may open. If you think you may have compromised the safety of your bank details and/or have lost money due to fraudulent misuse of your cards, you should immediately contact your bank, and report it to Action Fraud by calling 0300 123 2040, or visiting www. 17 HOMEWATCH ALERT CONTINUED Counterfeit Cheques This is a message sent via Cheshire Police Alert. This information has been sent on behalf of Action Fraud (National Fraud Intelligence Bureau) (Please do not reply or forward this email directly; please use the Reply, Share buttons at the bottom of this message) Message sent by Action Fraud (Action Fraud, Administrator, National) Businesses are being contacted for the sale of goods or services by fraudsters, who request to pay by cheque. The fraudster sends a cheque with a higher value than the amount expected, and then sends the business a request for the difference with instructions on how it should be paid back. This is usually by bank transfer or through a money transfer service, such as Western Union or PaySafe. Once the ‘refund’ has been provided, it is realised that the cheque provided was fraudulent and no funds are credited to the business’s account. The NFIB has seen an increase of 84% in the number of counterfeit cheque frauds reported to Action Fraud since November 2015. Criminals are targeting a wide range of services including paintings or other artwork, photography and lessons, with various amounts requested to be refunded. The average amount requested to be refunded is £1,818. The highest amount requested was over £80,000. The suspects have used pressure tactics to persuade victims to refund the amounts immediately prior to the cheques clearing. Crime Prevention Advice • Be cautious of payments where the amount provided is higher than expected. Refuse to provide the service unless the correct balance is received or wait until the cheque has cleared before refunding the difference. • Always contact banks on a trusted number found on their website or correspondence that is known to be authentic to confirm whether the cheque has cleared. • Do not feel pressured to provide a refund before the cheque has cleared. If you have been affected by this, or any other scam, report it to Action Fraud by calling 0300 123 2040, or visiting 10 18 July/August 2016 The June meeting was held on 7th and Patsy Howlett welcomed everyone on a special meeting to celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday. Everyone enjoyed a glass of bubbly to toast our Queen and we sang happy birthday, all members wore something red, white and blue. Patsy reported upon our ladies hard won, home and away bowls matches against Antrobus so ensuring our passing on to the next round. Our August meeting is is an outing to a garden in Wilmslow followed by supper at The Drum and Monkey in Alderley Edge. In the absence of a speaker members made small floral arrangements from flowers and foliage brought in and shared, the result was a very enjoyable time spent, and the arrangemments looked lovely and all very different. The raffle was a special birthday rose from Fryers Nurseries, Knutsford, was won by Mavis Williams! The next meeting will be held on 5th July and the speaker will be Christine Redstone who will enlighten us on Willow Weaving, everyone is welcome to come along and join us, Elaine Boyling 19 THE ANNUAL PARISH WALK ON WEDNESDAY 10th AUGUST 2016 20 This years walk will take place around Over Peover taking in a visit to St. Lawrence Church and Peover Park. We will meet at the Parkgate Inn at 6-00pm and ending the walk back at the Parkgate Inn for a light supper. I do hope you will be able to join us, if not for the walk you are most welcome to come along for the supper! Elaine Boyling CONGRATULATIONS TO ROBERT WESTON ON A QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY HONOURS AWARD We are delighted to report it was announced that Robert has been awarded a British Empire Medal (BEM) in this year’s Queen’s Birthday Honours List. The citation states that this is “For services to the communities of Ollerton, Marthall and Little Warford.” We understand the formal presentation will take place in the autumn. Robert has lived in Ollerton since 1971 ... 45 years ... and has been continuously involved with village affairs for 38 of those years. He chaired the Parent-Teacher Association of the village school from 1977 to 1983. From 1984 to 2007 he served on the Ollerton, Marthall and Little Warford Village Hall Management Committee, chairing it from 1990 until 2007, when he was appointed Chairman of the Project Team which was responsible for the design,funding and construction of the new ‘Hall at Marthall’. Robert continues to serve as a Trustee of the Hall. In 2003 he was elected to the Ollerton with Marthall Parish Council, being appointed its Chairman in 2013. He retired from the Council last year after 12 years as a Parish Councillor. Our community owes Robert Weston sincere gratitude for his contributions to village life and we wish him a long and happy retirement from his civic duties , and to having more time to spend with his wife Jane and the families of his two daughters who both live in the area, and of course for his extensive garden and consuming hobby, golf. 21 22 FOR JULY/AUGUST 2016 Since our return from the half term holiday, we have been extremely busy in pre-school. On Wednesday morning, we had a trip out to Gauntlet Birds of Prey. We had a brilliant time, we were able to fly some birds ourselves and we met a very smelly ferret. Our thanks to Lisa and Graham for such an enjoyable visit. Today, we have had Sports Day. Our first attempt at Sports Day was cancelled due to inclement weather, however, today was wall to wall sunshine. The children all ran 5 races including the ice cream cone race and dressing up race and were presented with a medal at the end. Our school leavers are now busy preparing for their move up to big school. They’ve been going for fittings for their grown up uniforms and, over the course of the next few weeks, they’ll begin going on visits to their new classrooms in order to ease their transition to school life in September. *Note - Toddler Group meets each Wednesday morning in the school hall at 10-00am until 11-45am. £1 includes tea, juice and biscuits The Pre-school join them at the end of the session for “Singing time” 23 YOUR LOCAL GATEWAY TO THE INTERNATIONAL FINE ART MARKET With experienced regional specialists and regular sales in the UK and further you are considering selling. ENQUIRIES 0161 927 3822 Bonhams The Stables 213 Ashley Road Hale, WA15 9TB 24 25 26 27 THIS YEAR’S GARDEN PARTY AT THE HALL AT MARTHALL (SEE ARTICLE STARTING PAGE 14)