Every Rotarian Every Year

Every Rotarian
Every Year
Every gift matters
Rotary clubs serve communities around the
world, each of which has unique concerns
and needs. Many of the most successful and
sustainable Rotary service activities fall into
one of the following areas:
Peace and conflict prevention/resolution
Disease prevention and treatment
Water and sanitation
Maternal and child health
Basic education and literacy
Economic and community development
Generous support from Rotarians and friends
like you funds local and international projects in
these areas, helping Rotary transform lives.
When you give to the Foundation, you do so
with the knowledge that no other organization
can leverage your contribution like Rotary.
Our global network of volunteers and
technical experts is committed to the
highest ethical standards, ensuring that your
investment of time and money is put to good use.
Learn more or contribute at www.rotary.org
Doing Good in the World
•Strengthens local peace efforts and
trains peacemakers worldwide
•Delivers medical treatment to children
orphaned by HIV/AIDS in Uganda
•Provides clean water for thousands
of families living along the polluted
Rimac River in Peru
•Brings prenatal care to Haitian women
in remote areas
•Promotes education in the U.S. by restoring schools destroyed by
Hurricane Katrina
•Supports vocational training and
microfinancing in India, helping to
break the cycle of poverty
One Rotary Center
1560 Sherman Avenue
Evanston, IL 60201-3698 USA
The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
Your Foundation at work
The Rotary Foundation makes it possible for
Rotarians to advance world understanding,
goodwill, and peace by supporting projects that
improve health, support education, and alleviate
The Rotary Foundation uses the World Fund portion
to pay for the Foundation activities that are available
to all Rotary clubs. Your district uses the DDF
portion to participate in Foundation grants and
activities that your club and others in the district
The Annual Fund is the primary source of funding
for Foundation activities. Your contributions help
Rotarians carry out a broad range of local and
international projects.
The Annual Fund’s unique three-year investment cycle
gives clubs time to plan high-impact, sustainable
activities and the Foundation time to invest the
contributions. These investment earnings help cover
the Foundation’s administrative and fundraising
Every Rotarian is encouraged to participate in a
Foundation project and contribute to the Annual
Fund every year.
Your contribution will be used to fund local and
international service projects, scholarships, and
vocational training teams.
Country State/Prov. At the end of each Rotary year, Annual FundSHARE contributions from all of the Rotary clubs in
the district are divided between the World Fund and
the District Designated Fund (DDF).
Contributions may also be made at www.rotary.org/contribute or by calling 1-866-976-8279.
* Note: Your contribution will be directed to the Annual Fund-SHARE. Contributions
designated for any other purpose are not included in your district’s SHARE calculation or
credited to the District Designated Fund.
¨¨Check enclosed, payable to “The Rotary Foundation”, for U.S. contributions.
¨¨Check enclosed, payable to “The Rotary Foundation (Canada)”, for Canadian contributions.
¨¨Please contact me about creating a legacy with Rotary.
Phone Email Postal Code City Billing Address Club Number Rotary Club of Rotary Membership ID If you are a Rotarian, please complete:
Name þ Yes! I share Rotary’s vision for Doing Good in the World.
Contributions are tax deductible where allowed by law.
Please send your contribution to the U.S. or Canada:
The Rotary Foundation (Canada)
The Rotary Foundation
c/o 911600
14280 Collections Center Drive
PO Box 4090 STN A
Chicago, IL 60693
Toronto, ON M5W 0E9
Signature Expiration Date ¨¨$25
¨¨Other: $
Make this a recurring contribution with Rotary Direct:
o Monthly o Quarterly o Annually __________________ (select month)
Card Number
Gift Amount: Every Rotarian, Every Year helps:
• Every child everywhere to learn to read and write
• Every community everywhere to gain access to clean water
• Everybody everywhere to live in a world at peace and free of polio
How it works