® General Information for Installing an Automatic Pool Cover ® (Save-T 3 or Autosave™ Spa Cover) This is a general guide on factors to consider for the installation WARNING of a Save-T 3 automatic cover system or Autosave spa cover. 11pt Detailed installation instructions are available. WARNING 12pt WARNING 14 pt WARNING 21pt FOR YOUR SAFETY—This product must be installed and serviced by a contractor who is licensed and qualified in pool equipment by the jurisdiction in which the product will be installed where such state or local requirements exists. In the event no such state or local requirement exists, the installer or maintainer must be a professional with sufficient experience in pool equipment installation and maintenance so that all of the instructions in this manual can be followed 24pt exactly. Before installing this product, read and follow all warning notices and instructions that accompany this product. Failure to follow warning notices and instructions may result in property damage, personal injury, or loss of life. Improper installation and/or operation will void the warranty. WARNING 27pt WARNING Cover-Pools Incorporated 66 East 3335 South Salt Lake City, UT 84115 800.447.2838 801.484.2724 www.coverpools.com WARNING Cover-Pools Incorporated is a wholly owned subsidiary of Zodiac Pool 37Systems, Inc. ZODIAC® is a registered trademark of Zodiac International, S.A.S.U., used under license. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. ©2015 Cover-Pools Incorporated 800024 Rel-0024 NOTES 2 All diagrams are for general information. Consult installation instructions for details. Table of Contents TRACK OPTIONS....................................................................................................................... 4 EXCAVATION AND PLUMBING................................................................................................... 6 Recessed Mechanism—Underside™ Track or Track Channel.......................................... 6 Recessed Mechanism—Universal, SnapTop™, or Flush Track......................................... 7 ELECTRICAL............................................................................................................................. 8 Keyed Motor Control (Standard Equipment)..................................................................... 8 Hydraulic Power System.................................................................................................... 8 Auto-Shutoff with Amp Limiter and Accessory Board...................................................... 9 Auto-Shutoff with Amp Limiter/Accessory Board/Wireless ............................................ 9 MECHANISM HOUSING............................................................................................................ 10 Recessed Concrete, Wood, or UPB Box—Underside™ Track......................................... 10 Recessed Concrete, Wood, or UPB Box—Autosave OPTION 1: Conduit comes from back of box....................................................................11 Recessed Concrete, Wood, or UPB Box—Autosave OPTION 2: Conduit comes from side of box.................................................................... 12 Recessed Concrete, Wood, or UPB Box—Universal or SnapTop™ Track........................ 13 Recessed Wood Box Construction................................................................................... 13 Deck-Mounted Bench Construction................................................................................ 13 COPING AND DECK................................................................................................................. 14 Gunite Layout—Underside™ track................................................................................... 14 Coping or Deck Requirements—Underside track........................................................... 14 Coping or Deck Requirements—Underside track (cont.)................................................ 15 Tile Beam—Underside track........................................................................................... 15 RECESSED BOX COVER........................................................................................................... 16 Brackets........................................................................................................................... 16 Vanishing Lid™ System..................................................................................................... 16 Bezel™ lids........................................................................................................................ 16 SPECIFICATIONS..................................................................................................................... 17 COVER SIZING AND PRICING................................................................................................... 18 Cost Considerations......................................................................................................... 19 3 All diagrams are for general information. Consult installation instructions for details. 1 TRACK OPTIONS Based on the pool design, choose the appropriate track style and any options. Thesize Track Channel can be set in a recessed notch below stone actual or coping level. A light mortar or ™ grout layer can be applied under Underside Track Deck Material the stone surface and used to in behind channel if necessary. • Mountedfill under deck coping Deck Straps • For porous coping, brick, flagstone, and materials less than 2" thick • Mounted every 2' of track • For deck-on-deck pools • Anodized aluminum RECESSED MOUNTING FOR STONE OR COPING • Easier installation and replacement of rope Form D Track Channel • For concrete and fiberglass pools • Raised-wall applications • Track channel allows for custom cantilever profiles • Foam or wood forms can be incorporated for deck profiles 4" Reusable Coping Form • For concrete, fiberglass and vinyl-liner pools • Eliminates the need for 1-1/4" foam or wood forms • Extruded aluminum 3½" 2-1/2" Form B Track Channel Inverted Mount • For any deck surface, such as flagstone, slate or tile, that does not meet basic undertrack mounting conditions (surfaces less than 2" thick or softer materials) 41/4" 4" 11/4" Form A 15/8" Vinyl-Liner Pool Coping Undertrack System • For vinyl-liner pools • 90°, 45°, 6" and 24" corners available • Tracks locked in place by shims • Standard or bullnose coping options 1 2¾" 4½" Standard Vinyl-Liner Pool Track Channel • Track channel allows for custom cantilever profiles • Foam or wood forms can be incorporated for deck profiles • Can be used with Cover-Pools Reusable Coping Form Bullnose All diagrams are for general information. Consult installation instructions for details. 2" Universal Deck-Mounted Track • For existing decks • Low profile • Installed on surface of the deck • Anodized aluminum 11/16" 2-13/16" 11/16" 2-13/16" SnapTop™ Track • For existing decks • Low profile • Installed on the deck surface • Anodized aluminum • Uses gliders or wheels • Screws are concealed • Standard Universal track also available • Smaller Slim™ track available for Step-Saver™ systems Universal track for spas and Step-Saver Flush Track - NEW • For new or existing pools • Installed flush with deck • Vinyl-liner, fiberglass or concrete pools • Anodized aluminum 1-1/2" Recommended for Indoor use only 3-1/2" – 4" Special Construction Applications Deck-on-Deck Pools Create a rectangular frame around the free-form pool for an undertrack installation with track channel. Vanishing-Edge Pools Create a 45° or 90° vanishing edge 45° 90° track channel or deck straps Extreme Cantilever Perimeter Overflow Create a freeform pool by extending the cantilever up to 24" beyond the channel or track. Create a pool for which water height appears even with the deck. A narrow channel collects the overflow water and allows for the glider arms. 600198 ILLUS VAN EDGE 45 DEG COVER OPENING DETAIL - DWG1 track channel or deck straps All exposed aluminum extrusions can be painted to match deck color. 2 All diagrams are for general information. Consult installation instructions for details. 2 EXCAVATION AND PLUMBING Consider any special requirements for excavation and plumbing. Recessed Mechanism—Underside™ Track or Track Channel 1. The tracks (and rectangular pools) must be a true rectangle. The tracks must be perpendicular to the unit mechanism and recessed housing (90°). 2. Over-dig the recessed cover box end of the pool 18" beyond the forms. Do not install plumbing within 14" of the deck in the housing area. 3. The motor can be on either end of the cover box. 4. Do not locate skimmers in the lowered pool wall. 5. All corners must be square (no radius) on the finished tile line or the coping. 6. Place 3" drain in floor or wall of recessed housing. A B Pool must be square: AB=CD AD=CB no radius corners at pool wall or coping motor side opposite side Track squared to box or mechanism GE = 6' GF = 8' FE = 10' E D C lowered pool wall motor side 36" excavation from waterline F shaded area=excavation G 18" 16" excavation from waterline 3 All diagrams are for general information. Consult installation instructions for details. Recessed Mechanism—Universal, SnapTop™, or Flush Track The requirements of a recessed mechanism with a deck-mounted track are the same as the undertrack on the previous page. Universal track may be mounted at the pool edge. Flush track must be set back 6" from the pool edge. A B 2' beyond pool TRACK DIAGONALS: AD=BC Tracks must be square: AB=CD AD=CB TRACK LENGTH: AC=BD Do not locate track on top of a skimmer lid. TRACK SPACE: AB=CD Track squared to box or mechanism GE = 6' GF = 8' FE = 10' E C 1' minimum setback non-motor side 18" F motor side D G 36" 16" shaded area=excavation 4 All diagrams are for general information. Consult installation instructions for details. 3 ELECTRICAL Choose electric or hydraulic power and controlling devices. WARNING! These are minimum recommendations only. All local and federal codes of standard safe practices must be followed. Refer to the prewiring instructions for detailed instructions and additional mounting options. Electric Motor w/ Keyswitch (Standard Equipment) ¾ hp Motor with Slip Clutch All switches must be mounted in full view of the cover operation. Key Switch 120V Conduit to 120 VAC 15 AMP dedicated G.F.C.I. (Hot, Neutral, Ground) Pool 14 AWG under 50ft 12 AWG over 50ft Cover Housing 14 AWG under 50ft 12 AWG over 50ft Dedicated GFCI Conduit with three different colored wires and one ground. (Neutral, Dir 1, Dir 2, Ground) MOTOR 36" of waterproof flex conduit with 1/2" NPT watertight connector 14 AWG Min. Wire extended 8" past conduit end. electric motor WARNING! These are minimum recommendations only. All local and federalPower codes of standard safe practices must be followed. Hydraulic System All switches/control pads must be mounted in full view of the cover operation. (Optional) Option 1: Key Switch KOSA POOL Conduit With (3) 12 AWG (min) Identified Wires plus one ground Green LED OR Red LED Option 2: CoverLink Wired Control Conduit with (4) 18 AWG (min) Identified Wires for CoverLink Wired Control COVER HOUSING HYDRAULIC MOTOR END LARGE SWEEPING BENDS Dedicated GFCI Conduit to HYD pump J-box with 2 identified wires and 1 ground 14 AWG under 50ft 12 AWG over 50ft HYD PUMP UNIT motor two 1/2" hoses over 80' Hydraulic motors must be mounted above ground level. 3" conduit CONDUIT FOR HYDRAULIC HOSE WITH SWEEPING BENDS 050275 or 050276 hydraulic Hydraulic Pump Unit 3" poly or PVC pipe from housing to power unit. NO SHARP BENDS! 5 All diagrams are for general information. Consult installation instructions for details. Auto-Shutoff with Optional Accessory Board/AquaLink® All switches/control pads must be mounted in full view of the cover operation. ¾ hp Motor or Hydraulic Motor Option 1: Auto-shutoff mounted outside housing. Green LED Option 1: Key Switch 5v Red LED Conduit with (3) 18 AWG Identified Wires for Low Voltage Key Switch Conduit with (4) 18 AWG (min) Identified Wires for CoverLink Wired Control OR POOL #8 Bonding Wire Both Ends AS Install auto-shutoff away from cover housing in or by equipment room or equipment pad 14 AWG under 50ft 12 AWG over 50ft Dedicated GFCI MOTOR J-box 36" of Waterproof Flex Conduit with 1/2" NPT Water Tight Connector, Extend (4) 14 AWG Wires 8" Past Conduit End Conduit for Main Power with (3) 14 AWG Identified Wires (Hot, Neutral, Ground) Auto-Shutoff with Accessory Board/ AquaLink® and Wireless (Optional) -- ¾ hp Motor or Hydraulic Motor Green LED Red LED PTIO N CoverLink Wireless Control Pad CLEA R LIN E OF RECE POOL COVER HOUSING #8 Bonding Wire (Both Sides) Hydraulic motors must be mounted above ground level. ACC Optional Accessory Board or AquaLink Conduit with (4) 18 AWG Wires Conduit with (4) 14 AWG Wires For Power and (3) 18 Awg for Sensors COVER HOUSING 050275 or 050276 Hydraulic 1-1/2 Hydraulic Pump Unit hp motor Option 2: CoverLink Wired Control ACC Receiver electric 3/4 hp motor All control pads must be mounted in full view of the cover operation. Install the accessory board in or by the equipment room or equipment pad, away from the cover housing. Hydraulic motors 050275 ormust 050276 be mounted Hydraulicabove Pump Unit ground level. Optional Accessory Board or AquaLink Conduit with (4) 18 AWG Wires Install acc board away from cover housing in or by equipment room or equipment pad AS Dedicated GFCI 14 AWG under 50ft Auto-shutoff 12 AWG over 50ft Antenna Conduit for Main Power with (3) 14 AWG Identified Wires (Hot, Neutral, Ground) 36" of Waterproof Flex Conduit with 1/2" NPT Watertight Connector for 14 Awg Wire Extended 8" Past Conduit End electric 3/4 hp motor 6 All diagrams are for general information. Consult installation instructions for details. 4 MECHANISM HOUSING Choose a recessed mechanism (concrete or wood box) or deck-mounted mechanism. Systems include a lid assembly, bench frame assembly or fiberglass ends. Recessed Concrete, Wood, or UPB Box—Underside™ Track conduit must be on the motor end POOL conduit should not protrude more than 4" into box conduit 6" max from top of box B pool beam wall M bond wire T [ O D drain centerline 4" max from end wall bond wire W 3" drain - floor or wall can be on either end wall cut away for clarity Consult a certified electrician and the pre-wiring diagrams for conduit and bonding requirements. Underside Track Box Dimensions for Save-T® 3 MOTOR M OPPOSITE O BEAM B THROAT T DEPTH D WIDTH W Pools under 55 ft. long x 24 ft. wide 32" 10" 8-12" 2" min to finished beam 12-1/2" min 12-1/2" min UPB BOX Pools up to 55 ft. long 32" 10" 8-12" 2" min to finished beam 13" 13" Pools over 55 ft. long x 24 ft. wide 32" 10" 8-12" 2" min to finished beam 14½" 14½" Pools over 65 ft. long or 25 ft. wide and vanishing-edge pools — Call Cover-Pools 1-800-447-2838 lid Box Side View—Underside Track minimum 2" clearance for tracks 7 Optional coping or condrete build up. All diagrams are for general information. Consult installation instructions for details. Recessed Concrete, Wood, or UPB Box—Autosave OPTION 1: Conduit comes from back of box. POOL B pool beam wall M T O D drain centerline 4" max from end wall W Conduit comes from center of the housing 3" drain - floor or wall can be on either end recessed box wall cut away for clarity bond wire to bonding grid (route so that cover will not rub or catch or interfere with mechanism) Consult a certified electrician and the pre-wiring diagrams for conduit and bonding requirements. 8-1/2" Underside Track Box Dimensions For Autosave™ Up to 13' or 200 square feet Motor M Opposite O Beam B Motor Behind 9" min 9" min 14-1/2" min w/ Auto-Shutoff Motor Below w/ Auto-Shutoff MTR Conduit Throat T Depth D Width W 10" min 1" to Finished Beam 9"min 12-1/2" min 9" min 10" min 1" to Finished Beam 9"min 12-1/2" min 12-1/2" min 9" min 10" min 1" to Finished Beam 9"min 12-1/2" min 12-1/2" min 9" min 10" min 1" to Finished Beam 9"min 14-1/2" min 12" Side View 8-1/2" MTR Conduit 12" 12" MTR Conduit 8-1/2" Motor Behind Motor Below Note: To avoid interference, run the conduit from the center of the box using flex conduit with 1/2" water tight connector. 8 All diagrams are for general information. Consult installation instructions for details. Recessed Concrete, Wood, or UPB Box—Autosave OPTION 2: Conduit comes from side of box. conduit must be as close to rear wall as possible for mechanism clearance. conduit should not protrude more than 4" into box POOL B pool beam wall M O D T 3" drain can be on either end W recessed box wall cut away for clarity drain centerline 4" max from end wall bond wire to bonding grid (route so that cover will not rub or catch or interfere with mechanism) Consult a certified electrician and the pre-wiring diagrams for conduit and bonding requirements. MTR 8-1/2" Underside Track Box Dimensions For Autosave™ Up to 13' or 200 square feet Motor M Motor Behind 9" min 9" min 10" min 14-1/2" min 9" min 12-1/2" min 12-1/2" min w/ Auto-Shutoff Motor Below w/ Auto-Shutoff Opposite O Beam B Depth D Width W 1" to Finished Beam 9"min 12-1/2" min 10" min 1" to Finished Beam 9"min 12-1/2" min 9" min 10" min 1" to Finished Beam 9"min 12-1/2" min 9" min 10" min 1" to Finished Beam 9"min 14-1/2" min 12" Throat T Conduit Side View 8-1/2" MTR 12" MTR 12" Conduit Motor Behind Conduit 8-1/2" Motor Below 9 All diagrams are for general information. Consult installation instructions for details. 12" Recessed Concrete, Wood, or UPB Box—Universal or SnapTop™ Track POOL conduit must be on the motor end conduit should not protrude more than 4" into box Consult a certified electrician and the bond wire pre-wiring diagrams for conduit and bonding requirements. B pool beam wall conduit 6" max from top of box O D M drain centerline 4" max from end wall 3" drain - floor or wall can be on either end Deck Mount Track Box Dimensions for Save-T® 3 bond wire W wall cut away for clarity MOTOR M OPPOSITE O BEAM B THROAT T DEPTH D WIDTH W Pools under 55 ft. long x 24 ft. wide 32" 10" 8-12" 2" min to finished beam 12½" min 12½" min UPB BOX Pools up to 55 ft. long 32" 10" 8-12" 2" min to finished beam 13" 13" Pools over 55 ft. long x 24 ft. wide 32" 10" 8-12" 2" min to finished beam 14½" 14½" Pools over 65 ft. long or 25 ft. wide and vanishing-edge pools — Call Cover-Pools 1-800-447-2838 Recessed Wood Box Construction side view 36" Requirements: The material used to construct the box should be: 2" x 12" pressure-treated lumber or redwood 12" to 24" 12" top view side view 12½" 12½" braces Upper trim: 2" x 4" pressure-treated lumber or redwood top view side view 14½" 14½" Deck-Mounted Bench Construction Everlast™ Bench Kit Modular bench kit uses adjustableheight brackets and polymer panels to create a low-maintenance bench system. Bench Frame Three-piece adjustable steel brackets provide a maximum height of 20" by 24" wide. Surface material is not included. 16¼" to 17½" Also available with stainless-steel base. 20" Available in 4 colors Deck-Mounted Fiberglass Ends roller tube Fiberglass ends are an economical and practical solution to cover the deck-mounted mechanism. Available in white. 10 All diagrams are for general information. Consult installation instructions for details. 5 COPING AND DECK Consider the requirements for coping and deck installation. Gunite Layout—Underside™ track form form brace 16 d nails 2" offset in steel cover box top of side wall form side wall side wall 2½" lower than side wall 2½" lower bond beam interior wall At the recessed box end, the pool wall (bond beam) must be shot 2½" (2" finished with tile) lower than the side walls. The top inside pool corners (above the waterline) must be square, not radius. Any interior wall, such as for spas, also must be gunited 2½" (2" finished with tile) lower than the side walls. Coping or Deck Requirements—Underside track 3" cantilever no radius corners 2" cantilever sidewalls • All corners of the coping must be square •Minimum 2" cantilever from tile on side walls •Minimum 3" cantilever from tile on end wall opposite the mechanism lowered pool wall motor 11 All diagrams are for general information. Consult installation instructions for details. Coping or Deck Requirements—Underside track (cont.) bull nose Opening for the track must be 2½" at box (2" finished with tile), sloping to 3" inside pool decking DECKING 2" min 2" min. POOL WALL 2" min 2" minimum from tile from tile 2" cantilever box minimum 12 ½" wide x 12 ½" deep Pool wall NOTE: The track must be mounted on the flat bottom of the coping. The coping measurement is NOT the track space. Coping must not extend more than ½" past the edge of the track. TRACK SPACE Tile Beam—Underside track The lowered pool wall is finished with a tile surface. Bull nose For the lowered wall edge, use aDecking rounded tile on the front and back edges to minimize scraping on the cover. DECK Track Space 2" min. Opening 2" finished with tile or other material 2" min. POOL 1/4" round edge 1/4"edge round edge 1/4" round if exposed 12 All diagrams are for general information. Consult installation instructions for details. 6 RECESSED BOX COVER 600104 ILLUS VANISHING LID CORNER BRACKET - DWG1.ai Choose lid and brackets to cover recessed box. Brackets 24" max. 18" max. tray or stone tray or stone Standard Aluminum Lid Tilted Bracket for Universal, Snaptop™, and Flush Track •Stepped or tilted anodized aluminum lid available with 4" or 6" hinge Standard Aluminum Lid Flat Bracket for Underside™ Track •Standard anodized aluminum lid available with 4" or 6" hinge Vanishing Lid Adjustable 12" Stainless-Steel Bracket • For any tray less than 18" • Extensions 14½" & 17½" available Vanishing Lid Adjustable 18" Stainless-Steel Bracket • Maximum bracket spacing is two feet • For trays 18-24" wide • Extensions 20½" & 23½" available Bezel™ lids 1½ 3 /8" Flush Mount Lid for vinyl liner pools with UPB Box Flat Bezel Lid Tilted Bezel Lid 1½ Stepped Bezel Lid Available in 16" width with 16" or 18" ends Available in 16" or 18" width Vanishing Lid™ System NOTE: Walk-on Vanishing Lid systems require a concrete housing, or, if using a wood housing, a concrete wall must be poured behind the box for anchoring brackets. Walk-On Vanishing Lid This design offers an adjustable tray support system for any type of deck material. Stainless-steel or aluminum trays and stainless-steel brackets provide the support base for a strong walk-on lid that can blend with the surrounding deck. M 6" in Note: The deck thickness must be increased for extended trays if the leading edge is going to fit under the tray. Contact Cover-Pools for more information. The maximum width of any tray is 24". The maximum length of tray is 24". 13 All diagrams are for general information. Consult installation instructions for details. 7 SPECIFICATIONS Review system details for Save-T® covers. Quad-core™ Fabric • Material: PVC vinyl, laminated over a reinforced polyester mesh for strength and tear resistance • Rigorously Tested: The exclusive formula is the product of 50 years of testing and experience • Designed for the Pool Environment: UV, mildew, and pool-chemical resistant with superior dimensional stability • Weight: 18 oz. per square yard • Thickness: 28 mil laminated vinyl • Strength: Exceeds the ASTM F1346-91 minimum standard of 485 lbs. per 4' radius • Construction: Fabric is attached to webbing and low-stretch rope (70,000+ cyclic loading fatigue life) with double-sewn Dabond® bonded polyester thread for durability • 11 standard colors: dusky blue, royal blue, light blue, aqua, forest green, beige, tan, brown, gray, slate gray, and black • Additional special-order colors available • 7- year limited prorated standard warranty • Sewn webbing in 9 optional colors • Optional Ultimate™ heat sealed webbing in 6 colors • Optional Ultimate™ rope (100,000+ cyclic loading fatigue life) or Stainless steel cable Track Styles • 7-year limited warranty on all aluminum extrusions • All aluminum extrusions are 100% anodized • Underside™, SnapTop™, Universal, Slim™, or Flush track • Safety-Lock track channel • Top-mounted track channel for concrete and fiberglass pools • Inverted track channel for concrete or deck-on-deck applications • Track channel system for vinyl pools • Coping channel for vinyl pools • V-Pak™ kit for vinyl pools (includes system, fabric, channel, box, and lid) • Reusable coping forms (3 Profiles) • 45-degree vanishing-edge pools • 90-degree vanishing-edge pools • NEW Corr-Resist™ non-metallic Track Channel Mechanism Housing • Standard 12" aluminum lid with either 4" or 6" hinge • Bezel™ lids, 16" and 18" wide • Vanishing Lid™ trays, 12"–24" wide with stainless-steel trays and stainless-steel adjustable brackets • Fiberglass deck-mounted mechanism end housings • Ultimate™ Polymer recessed box • Everlast™ modular bench kit (available in 4 colors) • Bench frame assembly Power and Controls • 3-year limited warranty on all electrical • 3/4 hp waterproof electric motor Optional Ultimate™ High-Torque Motor • 1 ½ hp/2000 PSI hydraulic system • Safety lockout key control • CoverLink™ touchpad control (wired or wireless) • Low-voltage auto-shutoff with key switch • Water-feature shutoff • Jandy iAquaLink™ Interface Safety • Exceeds ASTM F1346-91 requirements • Full UL listing • Bonding included with all automatic systems • Automatic water-removal cover pump included • NOTE: Some cover manufacturers treat cover pumps and bonding as options for their systems. A solid safety cover without a pump is NOT approved to ASTM F1346-91 safety standards. The installation of an automatic cover system without bonding is not a UL-listed product. Other Options • Painting—all extrusions can be painted to match most deck surfaces or fabric colors Mechanism • Exclusive Corr-Resist end hubs with stainless steel, designed for salt water systems • Marine-grade anodized aluminum frame and bracket • Limited lifetime warranty • Exclusive positive-shift system • Exclusive Corr-Resist rope reel with stainless steel side plates designed for quiet operation • Standard electric system comes with either the slip clutch or auto-shutoff All diagrams are for general information. Consult installation instructions for details. 14 8 COVER SIZING AND PRICING Determine pricing according to the cover specifications. Pricing based on motor mechanism being installed one foot from pool edge, motor position on left or right. Undertrack Deck-Mounted Track 2' Track Space Pool Length Track Space Track Space Pool Length 1' Mechanism 1' Mechanism TRACK SPACE x POOL LENGTH=COVER SQUARE-FOOT PRICING Track widths over 25' or lengths over 65' require factory approval (maximum track space is 36'). 15 All diagrams are for general information. Consult installation instructions for details. Cost Considerations Excavation/Plumbing Track qq Housing excavation Underside™ track or Universal track standard qq 3" drain for housing drain— drain to air or drain to pit (2 or 3 sided) qq 3" conduit for hydraulic-unit housing qq Flush track qq SnapTop™ track Electrical qq 1/2" Conduit for mechanism power qq Electric run to key switch qq 15-amp GFCI dedicated circuit for mechanism at panel (20 AMP for hydraulic) qq Electric runs over 50' require heavy-gauge wire qq Electrical run for accessory board qq 1/2" Conduit (for low voltage wires) required with Auto-shutoff/CoverLink wired controls qq Vinyl-liner pool coping 90°, 45°, 6" radius or 24" radius qq Track channel for vinyl-liner pools qq Vanishing edge 45° or 90° qq Painted track extrusions Housing Aluminum lid, bench frame or fiberglass ends standard qq Painted lid extrusions qq Aluminum Lids: Standard, Bezel™ lids, or Flush Mount Concrete qq Concrete, gunite or shotcrete box, minimum 6" thick, 3500 PSI, (no rebound) qq Additional deck around housing/mechanism qq Tile on lower beam, beam cover or other qq Walk-on Vanishing Lid™ trays qq Bench for deck-mounted mechanism Power/Controls 110 V motor and hard-wired 3-wire key standard qq Auto-shutoff control with amp limit Cover/Mechanism qq Unit price based on track space x pool length including steps, plus options qq Track space 25' 6" or more may require a larger main mechanism tube and larger leading edge for fabric qq Track channel for concrete or fiberglass pools qq Wireless CoverLink™ digital touchpad control qq Wired CoverLink digital touchpad control qq Water-feature shutoff/accessory board qq Hydraulic pump with hydraulic hoses qq Jandy iAquaLink™ interface & control 16 All diagrams are for general information. Consult installation instructions for details. QUAD-CORE™ 18oz LOW-STRETCH ROPE EXCLUSIVE! HYBRID ROPE REEL with CORR-RESIST™ components NEW GLIDER STOP POSITIVE SHIFT SYSTEM WEBBING STOP BLOCK KEY SWITCH · · AquaLink® interface Board · cover status controls pool features · view if cover is open/closed · reduce the filter pump time · adjust AquaPure output · turn off water features, lights, and booster pump cleaners when the pool is covered. · connect to an iPhone with the iAuquaLink™ compact potted waterproof design adjustable amp limiter overload safety circuit LED indicator and diagnostic lights optional water-feature control board (can control 12- and 24-volt motorized valves or pump motors up to 30 amps) AUTO-SHUTOFF WITH AMP LIMITER · · · 10-number wireless or wired touch pad · wireless systems use secure FM-radio technology with signal lock · fits in a single gang box · uses AA batteries COVERLINK™ CONTROL · 3-wire key switch for simple wiring · mounts in standard switch box · NEW brushed stainless steel faceplate (high-voltage only) EXCLUSIVE! HYBRID END HUB with CORR-RESIST™ components · stainless steel and Corr-Resist™ components · designed for mineral sanitizing systems · minimizes salt corrosion · can be retrofitted to previous models · simple installation to set cover travel length · clamp design allows easy adjustment ROLLER TUBE BRAKE EXCLUSIVE! MARINE-GRADE ANODIZED ROLLER DRUM · strong 17 gauge thick aluminum tube · 6" & 8" diameters available · anodized aluminum protects against corrosion and oxidation ·stainless-steel brake adjuster · easy to adjust · keeps cover taught · all stainless-steel shaft and shifting-dog components · no shear pins or bolts · 3/8" solid stainless-steel drive dowel · prevents glider from running past the track · ensures cover stops in correct position · attaches to track SAVE-T® 3 “BIG RED” · 70,000 cycle loading fatigue life FABRIC COLORS · attached with double-sewn, · dusky blue Dabond® bonded polyester · royal blue thread. · light blue ·aqua ULTIMATE™ ROPE · forest green · 100,000 cycle loading fatigue life ·beige ·tan STAINLESS STEEL CABLE ·brown · superior durability in a pool ·gray environment · slate gray · does not stretch or shrink, ·black reducing realignment service · Optional colored webbing calls or Heat Sealed Webbing 3/4 hp WATERPROOF MOTOR · · · · · · 3/4 hp, 41 rpm, 1600 in-lbs of torque capacitor-start, capacitor-run O-ring sealed and potted wire-entry points stainless-steel gears with sealed permanent grease UL Listed Optional Ultimate™ HighTorque Motor 3/4 hp, 27 rpm, 1375 in-lbs of torque SLIP CLUTCH · stainless-steel and aluminum · Exclusive EZ-Lock rope reel construction system for simple cover alignment · long-wearing industrial-grade · choose between ratcheting or friction material (not plastic) locked rope reels · waterproof and temperature- · easy adjustment on out-of-square proof operation pools · no replacement parts needed · simple adjustment of cover alignment · lifetime warranty · simple change-over to locked or unlocked reels · can be retrofitted to previous models