
It’s Safer with OXIS
Lithium Sulfur Rechargeable Batteries
Next Generation Battery Technology
Since 2005 OXIS Energy (OXIS) has spearheaded the
Next Generation of Batteries, pioneering rechargeable
Lithium Sulfur technology.
The company has developed its unequalled technology
around sulfur based cathode materials, highly stable
electrolyte systems and anodes made of lithium metal.
OXIS Lithium Sulfur technology is able to produce
batteries which are superior in terms of safety, energy,
weight, cycle life, costs and ageing.
To date, OXIS has a portfolio of 19 patent families, with
58 patents granted and a further 47 patents pending.
Meeting the Demands of Tomorrow
High-energy rechargeable Lithium Sulfur (Li-S) batteries are the next
generation in energy storage devices being developed by OXIS Energy for
electric vehicles as well as defence systems and energy storage systems.
The OXIS technology has many advantages over existing technologies:
Environmentally Friendly
Systems using metallic lithium are known to offer
The OXIS Li-S chemistry is considered to have less
the highest specific energy, even more so when
environmental impact when compared to other
coupled with sulfur. OXIS has tapped into this
technologies such as Li-ion. The Li-S cells utilises
extremely high theoretical specific energy, in excess
sulfur in place of heavy metals such as nickel and
of 2,700 Wh/kg, which is 5 times higher than that
cobalt which have a significant environmental
of lithium ion (Li-ion). 300 Wh/kg has already been
impact. Furthermore, the sulfur used in manufacture
demonstrated in pouch cells.
is a recycled product; a by-product of the oil industry.
Therefore, for the same energy stored, the battery
is significantly lighter. OXIS is working on further
developing this stored energy to 400-600 Wh/kg.
Safety and reliability are guaranteed by the robust
OXIS Li-S chemistry. Inherent in the technology
are two key mechanisms which protect the cells: a
ceramic lithium sulfide passivation layer and a non
flammable electrolyte.
Full Discharge
OXIS cells have a 100% Depth-of-Discharge and
remain safe during overcharge. This contrasts with
Li-ion batteries which are susceptible to damage by
Maintenance Free
OXIS cells have an indefinite shelf-life with no
charging required when left for extended periods.
In comparison, Li-ion batteries require regular
This means that the cells can survive a barrage
recharge to prevent failure and this is often the
of electrical and physical abuse, including being
cause of warranty issues for manufacturers and
punctured, without any adverse reaction.
The Next Step is OXIS
Lithium ion battery technology has now reached its potential.
OXIS Lithium Sulfur (Li-S) batteries are the next step for rechargeable,
lightweight, safe and low-cost energy storage.
Each Li-S cell comprises layers of:
e- Charge
• A lithium metal anode
e- Discharge
•A sulfur-based cathode which includes carbon
and a polymer binder
•A non-flammable electrolyte rendering the cell
inherently safe.
Lithium Sulfide
Aluminium Collector
This revolutionary new technology has several
advantages over existing technologies.
Conventional electrochemical rationale holds that
the use of lithium metal is risky. A common belief
is that any rechargeable lithium metal system will
sooner or later generate uncontrolled dendritic
lithium. Fortunately, this is not the case for the OXIS
Li-S battery. Li-S electrolytes provide an effective
mechanism for the passivation of suspended or
Cost Effective
‘mossy’ lithium by creating a lithium sulfide (Li2S)
As a result of low material costs and a simpler
film on metallic lithium. Li2S has a melting point of
production process than Li-ion, OXIS cells are a
938°C and is a perfect insulator.
cost-effective energy storage solution for many
OXIS batteries use non-flammable electrolytes
types of application.
with high flash points. OXIS has demonstrated safe
operation up to 85°C, albeit with reduced capacity
at the top end of this range. There are no safety
issues when the cells are heated up to 140°C. To
progress of key battery chemistries and the
further prove the safety of the chemistry, OXIS has
dramatic improvement offered has already been
subjected cells to numerous abuse tests including
demonstrated in pouch cells with over 290Wh/kg in
overcharge, short circuit, nail and bullet penetration,
production size pouch cells.
both on freshly assembled and cycled cells. These
tests have been passed with no measurable increase
in the size of the cells.
Thus for the same total energy stored, an OXIS
battery is significantly lighter.
Specific Energy, Wh/kg
“Of course, one of the last places where
you want to experience a fire is at sea.
Therefore, the inherently-safe OXIS
battery technology is a vital element
for electric marine propulsion. ”
Finn Limseth – Managing Director,
Nodin Innovation AS
Battery Management Systems
Key to the introduction of a new game-changing cell technology has
been the early development of batteries to demonstrate the robust
integration of cells with Battery Management Systems (BMS).
Fully Operational Applications
Batteries to Meet the Needs of Customers
Over the last 3 years OXIS has developed several
OXIS has a dedicated Battery Integration Team
prototype batteries using a range of BMS and
supporting organisations in their development of
integrated them into fully operational systems.
new batteries for many different applications.
These have varied in size from small batteries,
The Battery Integration team supports both our
powering e-bikes to larger stackable energy storage
Battery Integration partners, designing Commercial
batteries connected to photovoltaic (PV) panels.
Off-The-Shelf (COTS) and custom systems, and large
Each has ratified the successful integration of Li-S
cells into real applications thus allowing the reliable
introduction of new commercial batteries today.
system integrators with in-house battery design
The team’s experience integrating a range of BMS
with Li-S cells is invaluable in designing these
batteries to fully realise the potential of the OXIS
World Class Partners in Materials
OXIS is working with top chemical companies to achieve the best
possible performance in a new generation of rechargeable batteries.
OXIS has been concentrating a large amount of
Specialist Research and Development
research into improving the cycle life of Li-S cells.
OXIS has signed Joint Development Agreements
In doing so, OXIS has reached the limit of
performance using commercially available off-
France’s leading chemical producer, Arkema as well
the-shelf material and is now investigating new
as one the world’s largest
technologies in order to unlock the full potential of
Bayer Material Science of Germany. Both companies
the chemistry.
will work with OXIS to provide access to different
To that end, OXIS is collaborating with world class
with the global chemical company and
polymer companies,
speciality materials.
chemical companies to develop new polymer
The OXIS R&D team has collaborations with a
binders, carbon materials, electrode substrates and
number of other organisations. Cooperation with
lithium salts to get the best possible performance
SASOL Technology UK allows OXIS to utilize SASOL’s
improvements in order to pilot a new generation of
world class analytical facilities to analyse Li-S cell
high energy rechargeable batteries.
components thus accelerating the rate of research.
In addition, OXIS has many partnerships with
companies who are at the forefront of battery
materials production including: Toray, Celgard,
Rockwood Lithium. This allows OXIS access to the
latest new battery materials to further improve the
World Class Partners in Energy Storage
Lithium Sulfur batteries will form an innovative and essential part of lowering
the costs of energy storage and improving safety.
OXIS has teamed up with top companies in the
solar and battery industry to develop innovative
residential and community to larger commercial
and industrial applications. Combining batteries
with renewable energy sources such as solar, hydro
and wind provides the capability to match building
energy demand with energy availability and to
minimise the use of electricity from the grid.
As the installed base of renewable energy sources
grows, it is recognized that there will be an
increasing need for energy storage systems to
match demand to the variable energy generation
for systems such as solar. The overlap commonly
Most existing energy storage solutions are lead
accepted between solar supply and demand is
acid based with Li-ion batteries currently being
about 20% for residential use, necessitating energy
introduced into the market. Lead acid is polluting
and inefficient, low energy density and with poor
cycle life which increases maintenance costs. Li-ion
batteries have safety issues, highlighted by fires on
the 787 Dreamliner and are costly. These factors
combine to reduce the take-up to date of localised
energy storage systems and slowing growth in
alternative energy generation.
Li-S batteries fulfil the need for cost-effective, safe
and high cycle life batteries for energy storage
solutions. Li-S batteries are also lighter than Li-ion
and significantly lighter than lead acid batteries
allowing for an easier and simpler installation.
Disposal costs at end of life will be lower as they do
not contain harmful metals such as lead and cobalt.
World Class Partners in Manufacturing
The key to our manufacturing success is having partners focused on quality at
competitive costs.
SASOL New Energy
GP Batteries
OXIS has a wide range of investors who are helping
OXIS has signed an agreement with GP Batteries
to bring Li-S batteries to the market. In 2012, OXIS
of Singapore, a major world class manufacturer
received a GBP 15 million investment from the South
of primary and rechargeable batteries and the
African integrated energy and petrochemicals
largest consumer battery manufacturer in China.
company, SASOL New Energy.
Both parties will work together to augment the
The French corporate finance advisory boutique
Natureo Finance acted as OXIS Energy’s sole
commercial production of Li-S battery systems for
use in commercial applications.
financial advisor during this transaction. Its
With the initial production project with GP Hong
financial proficiency and industry knowledge helped
Kong complete, OXIS has moved the production
OXIS broaden the scope of potential technical and
operation to GP Shenzen. Equipment, processes
commercial activities with strategic corporate
and materials have been updated in order to make
higher capacity cells. OXIS is meeting its daily
cell production targets and has the capability to
increase should the demand arise.
offers advantages over Hong Kong in that it’s a full
production environment rather than the laboratory
environment in Hong Kong. It also offers reduced
costs in terms of staff, utilities and equipment.
World Class Partners in Transportation
With our partners, the introduction of lithium sulfur batteries in Electric Vehicles (EVs)
has already started and will have a game-changing impact on the adoption of EVs.
The Future of Transportation
Marine Vessel Batteries
OXIS, in collaboration with R&D Vehicle Systems,
OXIS has also forged a partnership with Multi
UK and NAVYA, France has successfully developed
Source Power Technologies (MSP) enabling the
the battery system for the first ever commercially
development of marine Li-S batteries.
available driverless electric vehicle. OXIS has
provided state of the art cell and battery technology
in the form of an automobile battery management
system to power this robotic shuttle.
This will be a versatile battery system scalable
from 20 kWh to 50 kWh and will provide multiple
configurable voltage outputs that will not only
power electric motor boats, but can also be used
The battery, which is designed to be compliant with
to power air conditioning and navigation systems.
automotive standards, can supply 11 kWh of energy
into a typical peak load of 25kW.
The battery
consists of two series connected units, one at each
end of the vehicle and are fully sealed against dust
and moisture so they can be mounted low down
on the vehicle. Although made specifically for the
vehicle, the technology is easily transferrable to
other low voltage light electric vehicles.
The vehicle is designed for transportation in city
centres, university campuses, military bases and
shopping malls and has the capacity to carry up to
8 passengers.
overcomes the key barrier to mass adoption of
EVs, namely “Range Anxiety” – the concern that a
vehicle has insufficient range to reach the desired
destination. Therefore, OXIS is collaborating with
several major car manufacturers for the introduction
of Li-S into the mass market.
© Crown copyright
World Class Partners in Defence
OXIS is developing cutting edge battery technology that will
significantly reduce the load on soldiers.
The Defence Science and Technology Laboratory
With the gravimetric energy of Li-S being 5 times
(Dstl) has awarded a contract to OXIS Energy
greater than Li-ion, there is enormous potential to
Ltd and Lincad Ltd to develop rechargeable Li-S
further reduce the weight to just 20% of current
batteries for UK forces that are significantly lighter
batteries and OXIS is striving to achieve this.
and safer than the conventional Li-ion batteries
that are in service today.
Another major factor in selecting Li-S is the safety
of the personnel. The cells developed by OXIS can
Currently, soldiers carry several kilos of batteries
easily handle a wide variety of abuse conditions
on operations.
This causes fatigue and reduces
including extreme temperatures, short circuit and
operational effectiveness. Lightening this load is a
nail penetration. They have also proven that they
priority for the UK MoD. By using OXIS technology,
can survive being punctured by a bullet without
the weight of the batteries can be halved.
adverse reaction.
Lincad and OXIS are working together and have
successfully integrated the Li-S cells into the
current in-service battery using Lincad’s expertise
to ensure that the final design is a safe and reliable
replacement for the current battery.
“Lincad’s expertise in the production
of high energy density military power
solutions relies upon the continual
development of lighter, more powerful
and hence more mobile battery
systems for deployed environments.
We are excited to be working with OXIS
Energy who are at the forefront of new
lithium-sulfur cell technology; chemistry
that demonstrates impressive safety
characteristics and the potential to reduce
the burden on the soldier in the field. “
LINCAD Project Manager, Peter Slade
OXIS Leads the Way
OXIS is leading a consortium to develop a
Revolutionary Electric Vehicle Battery System.
Breakthrough Technology
The objective of the Revolutionary Electric Vehicle
REVB will deliver a game-changing electric vehicle
Battery [REVB] programme is to improve cell
battery and provide the UK with three innovations:
technology for the purpose of mass adoption into
•Breakthrough Li-S cells for EVs
electric vehicles.
•Proven model-led battery development methods
and tools
The programme aims to:
•Increase cell energy density to beyond 400Wh/kg
•Design cells from 25Ah to 90Ah for EV
•Sophisticated, model driven Energy System
Controller (ESC).
REVB will accelerate the adoption of EVs into
•Develop simulation model-led research and
common markets and reduce CO2 emissions. The
REVB programme will run until the end of 2016.
development processes
•Develop controls systems to maximise the
efficiency of Li-S cells in application.
Co-funded by the UK’s innovation agency, the
leverage expertise in material research to develop
high fidelity models that inform future research and
facilitate the development of bespoke battery and
energy control systems for Li-S applications.
“The REVB consortium chose the
Nissan Leaf as the target vehicle to
demonstrate Lithium Sulfur technology
designed for the automotive market.
Completing the first work package,
requirements and specifications were
developed using real world simulation.
knowledge and know-how, achievable
targets for cell and battery specifications
are defined. A rolling programme of cell
development is underway, delivering
advances in cell design every three
months for the realisation of a tangible
automotive Lithium Sulfur battery.”
Dr Mark Wild, Programme Manager for REVB
The Future of Battery Technology
An interview with Huw Hampson-Jones (CEO)
What further developments do you see
The developments will continue on three fronts.
First, the ongoing improvement in electrochemistry
and the process by which cells are manufactured.
Secondly, we will further improve the effectiveness
and functionally of the
Battery Management
System. Thirdly, with our partners we will endeavour
to package the entire battery system combined with
our technology in a manner that meets the design
criteria of our customers. This will vary in relation
to the different applications to be powered, and
aesthetics will play a role in this, especially for
consumer products such as cars, yachts, residential
e-scooters and e-bikes.
If the petrol engine is to be replaced as
a means of powering vehicles, what are
you doing to make this happen?
How is industry adapting to your
technological breakthrough?
Crucially, OXIS is perfecting the use of materials
each reacts differently. The automotive and aviation
such as novel electrolytes and cathodes, which,
industries have now taken note of OXIS Energy’s
when combined, produce sufficient energy to power
technological breakthrough on two counts. First,
vehicles and other consumable products that
the energy density which we aim to develop over
require battery systems to perform.
the next five years will provide sufficient energy to
Through our development partnerships we are
progressing with improving the energy density of
We are involved with various industrial sectors and
eliminate “range anxiety”. Secondly, its safety is
particularly attractive to the aviation industry.
our batteries beyond current technologies so that,
over time, vehicle journeys of 400-500 miles can be
mainstream vehicle manufacturers for the purpose
achieved on one battery charge. Once this mileage
of developing battery systems for their new electric
is achieved, the petrol tank can be replaced.
vehicles. This is also true of the aviation sector.
Safety and energy density are two of OXIS’s key
technological strengths. These have already been
demonstrated. This allows the defence and aviation
sector to display greater degrees of flexibility
and innovation in the design of new products and
We are also seeing the energy storage industry
beginning to grasp the significance of the OXIS
technological breakthrough which will provide
far greater safety and range and reduce the
dependency on electricity generation.
Will this new technology change the way
people live and work?
What determines your personal success
in business?
Yes it will. Let me give you a real example of how
That is a difficult question, as there are many factors
this will change the way people live and consume
at play. First on my list of priorities is to communicate
energy by telling you about a project on which we
and define our objectives as a team. The team must
are currently working.
understand what achievements are necessary for the
Solar Energy is a very cheap form of energy
– much more effective and cheaper than wind
power, and arguably less detrimental to the look of
the countryside, whether at sea or on land. Solar
photovoltaic cells can easily be accommodated in
Current Lithium-ion battery storage technology
is unsafe and cannot be safely stored and located
in residential properties. Because of the inherent
safety of OXIS’s technology, the Lithium Sulfur cell
and battery systems can be stored and located in
people’s homes.
If we can successfully roll out this initiative, with our
Company to be a success. The second is to prioritise
and to focus on overcoming key issues and problems
as they arise. The third is to bring our customers and
partners with us, to be open and direct in explaining
where we are today, where we are heading and why.
It is important we set expectations correctly with
both customers and partners.
And lastly, we must not lose focus on what really
matters, which is the generation of revenue, as
a result of our customers actually entrusting us
with their money to purchase OXIS’s products and
services. Ultimately, this will make OXIS a profitable
company. All the above is undertaken with quality
world class partners, over the coming years, the net
effect will be to reduce dependency on oil, gas and
coal generated power stations.
What are your biggest challenges for
the year ahead?
The biggest challenge for the year ahead is to
ensure that we fulfil our customers’ programmes for
demonstrating the use of our technology in defence,
solar power, light electric vehicles and marine
OXIS is based at the Culham Science Centre in
Oxfordshire where the original Li-ion batteries were
developed and prototyped. We have well equipped
laboratories with state of the art equipment and
one of the largest dry room facilities in Europe.
The company was originally founded in May 2000.
“OXIS has successfully designed,
developed and produced Li-S
battery systems, which are
used to power electric vehicles,
energy storage systems and
military applications. Since Q1
2013 our single cell capacity has
improved 12 fold. We have set
ourselves the target of 90Ah
cells for the future. This is very
good news for the mainstream
European car manufacturers, as
we are moving closer towards
eliminating ‘range anxiety’ and
the internal combustion engine,
whether petrol or diesel.”
Huw W Hampson-Jones, CEO OXIS Energy Ltd
It’s safer with OXIS!
The name changed from Intellikraft to OXIS Energy
in July 2005. This was when the company decided
to concentrate on developing the electrochemistry
associated with Li-S.
During the period from 2005-2009 OXIS started the
process of perfecting the Li-S chemistry to a safer
standard to provide the necessary energy density
that would eventually power electric vehicles.
We continue to improve even more!
In 2010, the current CEO, Huw W Hampson-Jones
joined the company with a brief to make the
technology more commercial. His priority was to
place the company on a sound financial footing.
Since March 2010 the company has continued to
perfect and improve its chemistry and technology.
OXIS has gained significant improvements in energy
density – both at a research and development level
as well as in terms of the prototype cell to be used
in a range of applications. At the start of 2010, OXIS
employed just 10 staff. Today it has a work force
of 50 and expects this to rise during the period
Granted Patent families include:
Improvements relating to electrode structures in batteries
2.Improvements relating to electrolyte compositions for
batteries using sulfur or sulfur compounds
3.Electrolyte for lithium sulfur batteries and lithium sulfur
batteries using the same
4.Lithium sulphide battery and method for producing the same
Lithium sulfur battery with high specific energy
6. High temperature cell
An electrolyte for batteries with a metal lithium electrode
8.A lithium sulfur battery with a high specific energy and a
method of operating the same
Rechargeable battery with negative lithium electrode
10. Connecting contact leads to lithium-based electrodes
11. Reinforced metal foil electrode
12. A method of charging a lithium sulfur cell
OXIS Energy Limited
E1 Culham Science Centre
Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 3DB, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1865 407017
Fax: +44 (0)1865 407045