procedure: secondary school post

York Catholic District School Board
Addendum to Policy 316: Secondary School Post-Examination Review
Effective: June 18, 2014
Revised May 2015
These procedures are designed in conjunction with YCDSB Policy 316: Secondary School PostExamination Review, and outline the Post-Exam Review process for all Secondary Schools.
1. Semester One Post-Examination Review Procedures
On the first day of Semester 2:
1.1 The school will follow period one through four, as per the Semester 1 schedule, in 30
minute classes, commencing at the normal start of the instructional day for each school,
followed by a lunch break.
1.2 The teacher will distribute the examination to students then review the entire examination
with all students, and respond to questions from students.
1.3 The teacher will collect the examinations after they have been reviewed for central storage
in the school.
1.4 The teacher will review individual examination marks with a student, at a mutually agreed
upon date and time, if the student makes a request to do so.
1.5 Upon completion of the designated Post-Examination Review and lunch break, the school
will follow period one through four, as per the Semester 2 schedule.
1.6 In the event of inclement weather (i.e.: bus cancellation) and/or an emergency, and in
consultation with the Director of Education, the semester one post-examination review day
will be rescheduled on a designated day in semester two.
2. Semester Two Post-Examination Review Procedures
The Semester 2 post-examination review day will be a “Civvies” day for students. Civvies attire,
consistent with the School Code of Conduct and the Student Dress and School Uniform policy,
must be tasteful, modest and presentable.
On the designated Post-Examination Review day at the end of Semester 2:
2.1 Schools will follow period one through four, as per the Semester 2 schedule, in 30 minute
classes, commencing at the normal start of the instructional day for each school. Mid-day
transportation will be provided to students, one half hour after the completion of the PostExamination Review.
2.2 The teacher will distribute the examination to students then review the entire examination
with all students, and respond to questions from students.
2.3 The teacher will collect the examinations after they have been reviewed for central storage
in the school.
2.4 The teacher will review individual examination marks with a student, at a mutually agreed
upon date and time prior to summer vacation if possible, or in September of the following
school year, if the student makes a request to do so.
2.5 In the event of inclement weather (i.e.: bus cancellation) and/or an emergency, and in
consultation with the Director of Education, a semester two post-examination review
procedure will be communicated to the school community.