Waveguide Technology “ Waveguide Subsystems for Antenna Feed“ Angel Mediavilla Sánchez*, Francisco Marante Rizo**, Karen Cepero** * Departamento de Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación Universidad de Cantabria (UNICAN) – España ** Departamento de Telecomunicaciones Instituto Superior Técnico José Antonio Echeverría (ISPJAE) La Habana - Cuba BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Where are we ? Power Amplifier or Low Noise Amplifier BRNO- march 2011 Antenna Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA GENERALITIES RADIOASTRONOMY MULTIPLE FEED RADAR BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA GENERALITIES Bricolage also WORKS Short N type Connector BRNO- march 2011 Circular Waveguide Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA “Planar” Transmission Lines w >> b Strip Parallel Plate Pure TEM mode no dispersion b εr w µstrip εr Important dispersion Radiation Losses closed µstrip Propagate Propagate TEMor or TEM quasi-TEM quasi-TEM εr No radiation Losses Waveguide modes could appear suspended µstrip suspended Strip with Vias εr εr Small Losses In the dielectric BRNO- march 2011 No dielectric Losses No dispersion Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA “Coaxial” Transmission Lines” dielectric εr Rext=b Rint=a 0.5.Ln(b/a) Zo==60.( 60.(µµr/r/εεr)r)0.5 Zo .Ln(b/a) vp = c / (µr.εr)0.5 TEM mode Attenuation in dB/m: λ = λo.(vp/c) 0.5 general: λλgg==λλoo/ /(ε (εr)r)0.5 general: α = αc + αd 0.5 b/a] δδss. .(ε(εr)r)0.5. .[1[1++b/a] 13.6 ----------------------------------------------------------ααcc==13.6 Ln(b/a) λλoo. .bb. .Ln(b/a) (εr)r)0.5. .tan tanδδ (ε 27.3 ----------------------------------ααdd==27.3 0.5 λλoo in db/m - δs : Skin effect - tanδ : dielectric Both values increase with Frequency BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA LINEAS DE TRANSMISION “COAXIAL” If we Increase the transmission frequency TEM mode TEM mode 0 SUPERIOR modes TE11 mode Freq Fc TE11 Fc TEnm Nearest superior mode : TE11 Pout cc (forb/a b/a<<7) 7) approximate approximate λλcc==ππ.(a+b) .(a+b) Fc Fc== --------------------------------------------------(for 0.5 (a+b)(µ (µr.r.εεr)r)0.5 ππ(a+b) Example : SMA connector 2b=4.1mm 2a=1.26mm Er=2.0 Zc=50ohm Fc (TE11) = 25 GHz BRNO- march 2011 Fmax Freq (GHz) 0.01 0.1 1 10 Safely:Fmax=0.9Fc Fmax=0.9Fc Safely: Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Rectangular Waveguides a Standard Rectangular Waveguides WR BW TE10 (GHz) Fc TE10 (GHz) Power (MW) Attn dB/33m Dimensions BAND axb (mm) 229 137 112 90 62 42 28 22 10 3.3-4.9 5.85-8.2 7.05-10.0 8.2-12.4 12.4-18 18-26.5 26.5-40 33-50 75-110 2.57 4.3 5.25 6.55 9.48 14.05 21.08 26.34 59.01 2 0.6 0.4 0.25 0.12 0.045 0.025 0.016 0.003 1 2.2 3 4.8 5.4 15 58.17x29.08 34.8x15.8 28.5x12.6 22.86x10.16 15.8x7.9 10.7x4.3 7.11x3.56 5.7x2.8 2.54x1.27 b Multiple Modes TEmn y TMmn Depending on the working frequency Usually a=2b Fc = c/2. [(m/a)2+(n/b)2]0.5 for TEmn on air a S C Xl X KU K KA Q . . . . . . . . . Cutoff Frequency TEmn E b BW TE10: 1.2FcTE10 y 1.9FcTE10 TE10 TE10 mode BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Rectangular Waveguides a Example: WR90 (X band) a=22.86mm b=10.16mm TE20 b b Mode TE10 TE20 TE01 Fc(GHz) 6.557 13.114 14.753 Fc = c/2. [(m/a)2+(n/b)2]0.5 for TEmn TE11 TM11 16.145 16.145 Cutoff Frequency TEmn TE30 19.671 BW TE10: 1.2Fc10 y 1.9Fc10 TE21 TM21 19.739 19.739 TE31 TM31 24.589 24.589 TE40 26.228 BW=33% BW=33% BRNO- march 2011 a TM11 b a Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Rectangular Waveguides TE10 mode z Fc==2.a 2.a λλcc==cc/ /Fc Dispersive world: properties vary with frequency Cutoff wavelength λλoo Empty Waveguide -----------------λλgg==-----------------(λo/o/λλc)c)22]0.5 ]0.5 [1[1––(λ ββ==22ππ/ /λλgg Guided wavelength Prop. Constant Zc==120 120π. π.(b/a).( (b/a).(λλg/g/λλo) o) Zc Zc Power-Voltage λg/2 Waveguide Losses in dB/m: 27.3 tan tanδδ 27.3 -------------------------ααdd==-------------------------(Fc/F)22]0.5 ]0.5 λλoo[1[1––(Fc/F) b 27.3δδs.[1+2b/a.(Fc/F) s.[1+2b/a.(Fc/F)22] ] 27.3 ---------------------------------ααcc==---------------------------------o.b[1[1––(Fc/F) (Fc/F)22]0.5 ]0.5 λλo.b Empty Waveguide: only conductor losses, and they are Considerably lower with respect to a coaxial a BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Rectangular Waveguides Rectangular waveguide works like a High-Pass FILTER . Cutoff frequency is the mode cutoff. Conductor Attenuation (dB/m) 0.4 TE10 mode a=20 b=10mm 0.3 0.2 0.1 Fc TE20 =15.0 Fc TE10 =7.5 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 a b 16.0 Freq (GHz) Highly Dispersive Transmission Line E Zc (Ohm) TE10 mode 800 TE10 mode a=20 b=10mm 600 400 Fc TE10 =7.5 200 8.0 BRNO- march 2011 10.0 Fc TE20 =15.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 Freq (GHz) Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA SQUARE waveguides Fc = c/2. [(m/a)2+(n/b)2]0.5 para TEmn a a=b Cutoff frequency TEmn FcTEmn=FcTEnm FcTMmn=FcTMnm b Example: a = b = 14.6mm TE10 and TE01 are Orthogonal modes TE01 TE10 BW 10.26 y 14.5GHz BRNO- march 2011 BW=17% BW=17% Mode TE10 TE01 Fc(GHz) 10.266 10.266 TE11 TM11 14.519 14.519 TE20 TE02 20.533 20.533 TE21 TE12 TM21 TM12 22.957 22.957 22.957 22.957 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA SQUARE waveguides Conductor attenuation in SQUARE waveguide is lower than in RECTANGULAR waveguide TE01 TE10 TE10 mode TE10 and TE01 are orthogonal modes Conductor Attenuation (dB/m) 0.4 a=20mm b=10mm 0.3 a=20mm b=20mm 0.2 Fc TE20 =15.0 0.1 Fc TE10 =7.5 8.0 BRNO- march 2011 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 Freq (GHz) Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA CIRCULAR Waveguides - Cutoff Frequencies: BESSEL functions - Lower mode TE11: λc = 3.412 R - immediate superior mode TM01 : λc = 2.612 R - Can support DUAL polarization: Two orthogonal TE11 modes R Example: R=11mm : C97 Multiple Modes TEmn y TMmn depending on the working frequency. BW=13% BW=13% BRNO- march 2011 Mode TE11 TM01 TE21 Fc(GHz) 7.98 . 10.43 . 13.25 . TE01 TM11 16.62 16.62 . TE31 18.22 . TE11 . Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA CIRCULAR Waveguides TE11 Losses are really lower than RECTANGULAR waveguides TE11 mode Conductor Attenuation(dB/m) 0.16 Very interesting for Antenna feed systems R = 15mm 0.12 0.08 Fc TM01 =7.62 0.04 Fc TE11 =5.84 6.0 BRNO- march 2011 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 Freq (GHz) Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA RIDGE Waveguides Double Ridge a g b Whenusing usingaaridge ridge(single (singleor ordouble), double),the thefundamental fundamentalmode modeTE10 TE10 When cutoff decreases decreasesmuch muchmore morethan thanthe thecutoff cutofffrequency frequencyofofthe the cutoff nextpropagating propagatingmode modeTE20. TE20. next Very Verybroadband broadbandMONOMODE MONOMODEoperation operation s Example: Rectangular a=22.86mm b=10.16mm (WR90) Single Ridge a FcTE10 = 6.56GHz FcTE20 = 13.11GHz Example: Single Ridge a=22.86mm b=10.16mm (WR90) s=9.1mm g=2mm FcTE10 = 3.125GHz FcTE20 = 10.95GHz g b s BW=33% BW=33% BRNO- march 2011 BW=56% BW=56% Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Mode CUTTERS RadialWires Wires: : Radial Totalreflection reflectionfor forthe thefundamental fundamentalTE11 TE11and andall allofofTM TM - -Total Doesnot notaffect affectthe thecircular circularmodes modesTE01, TE01,TE02, TE02,… …TE0n TE0n - -Does Circular Waveguide - A given mode PASS if its E field is normal to the wires. - If we want avoid reflection: Resistive elements Circularwires wiressupported supportedby by“foam”: “foam”: Circular Totalreflection reflectionfor forall allthe theTEmn TEmnmodes modes - -Total Doesnot notaffect affectthe theimmediate immediatesuperior superiorTM01 TM01mode mode - -Does Transversalwires wires: : Transversal Totalreflection reflectionfor forthe thefundamental fundamentalTE10 TE10 - -Total Totalreflection reflectionfor forTE11 TE11and andall allthe theTM TMmodes modes - -Total Doesnot notaffect affectthe thepossible possibleTE01 TE01mode. mode. - -Does Rectangular Waveguide BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Rectangular-to-Coaxial Transducer ELECTRICAL Probe to the TE10 mode Coaxial TEM z TE10 TE10 mode E b TE10 b waveguide short b a z a λg/4 Electrical Probes to the TE20 mode Signals in the two coaxial probes must be in phase. Coaxial TEM TE20 b TE20 mode a BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Rectangular-to-Coaxial Transducer Different Improvements short TE10 mode short TE10 mode Dielectric short TE10 mode BRNO- march 2011 BroaderBandwidth Bandwidth Broader Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Rectangular-to-Coaxial Transducer 20dB WR137:a=34.8 a=34.8 b=15.8mm b=15.8mm WR137: TE10:5.5 5.5aa8.1 8.1GHz GHz TE10: 30dB BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Rectangular-to-Coaxial Transducer MAGNETIC Probe to the TE10 z Coax b TE10 mode NarrowBandwidth Bandwidth Narrow z Coax TE10 mode Broadband Broadband BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Rectangular-to-Coaxial Transducer 30dB BW 20% WR112:a=28.5 a=28.5 b=12.6mm b=12.6mm WR112: TE10:6.5 6.5aa10 10GHz GHz TE10: 30dB BW 40% BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Rectangular-to-Circular Transducer Taper Transition TE11 Stepped Transition TE11 TE10 Perpendicular Transition TE10 TE11 Short TE10 BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Rectangular-to-Circular Transducer TE11 WR112:a=28.5 a=28.5 b=12.6mm b=12.6mm WR112: TE10:6.5 6.5aa10 10GHz GHz TE10: BW@30dB: :18% 18% BW@30dB TE10 Stepped Transition BRNO- march 2011 30dB 18% Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Rectangular-to-Circular Transducer TE11 WR229:a=42.8 a=42.8 b=21.4mm b=21.4mm WR229: TE10:3.6 3.6aa7.2 7.2GHz GHz TE10: BW@30dB: :66% 66% BW@30dB TE10 Stepped Transition Using Intermediate Octagons BRNO- march 2011 35dB 66% Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Square-to-Circular Transducer BW@30dB: :25% 25% BW@30dB TE10 TE01 30dB 25% BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Discontinuities in Rectangular Waveguides Step in Height Wesuppose supposetotobe beoperating operatingininaafrequency frequencyband bandwhere where - -We theonly onlypropagating propagatingmode modeisisthe thefundamental fundamentalone oneTE10 TE10 the b1 b2 z a Atthe thediscontinuity, discontinuity,high highorder ordermodes modesare areexcited excitedbut but - -At theycannot cannotpropagate propagateenergy energy They Theystore storeenergy energyacting acting they ascapacitors, capacitors,inductors inductorsor orcombinations. combinations. as Theycreate createaareactive reactivenetwork. network. - -They High Order modes TEnm TE10 TE10 TE10 TE10 z Zc1 BRNO- march 2011 Reactive Network Zc2 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Discontinuities in Rectangular Waveguides TEnm Whentwo twodiscontinuities discontinuitiesare areclose closeenough, enough, - -When highorder ordermodes modesmay may“touch” “touch”the thesecond second high discontinuity. discontinuity. TE10 TE10 b thiscase, case,the thereactive reactivenetworks networksare are - -InInthis Multimodewith withmode-transmission-lines mode-transmission-lines Multimode betweenboth bothmulti-ports. multi-ports. between z Zc10 TE10 Zc10 TE10 Reactive Network Zcmn Reactive Network Zc10 Zcmn BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Discontinuities in Rectangular Waveguides E-Plane Step b1 b2 Steps are Useful for waveguide circuits H-Plane Step a2 b a a1 jBC Zo1 Zo2 TE10 -jBL Zo1 TE10 (BC.Z01).(λg/b1) Zo2 (BL.Z01).(2a1/λg) 5 1.0 4 decreaseswith withb2 b2 CCdecreases 0.8 3 0.6 2 0.4 1 b2/b1 0 0.2 0.4 BRNO- march 2011 0.6 0.8 1.0 increaseswith witha2 a2 LLincreases 0.2 a2/a1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Discontinuities in Rectangular Waveguides d w diameter “d” t t t Iris-H symmetrical Iris-circular -jBL Z0 Fin-H plane Z0 For small values of t (t << a) Useful for creating Waveguide Circuits jBc Z0 BRNO- march 2011 jBc -jBL Z0 Additional Capacitors for higher values of “t” Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Discontinuities in Rectangular Waveguides t d t d Iris-E symmetrical Fin-E plane Z0 jBC Z0 jBc Useful for creating Waveguide Circuits Z0 BRNO- march 2011 jBc jBC Z0 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Discontinuities in Rectangular Waveguides Z0 jBc jBc C L jBc jBc Z0 Resonant Iris C Z0 Z0 L Post of variable height (square or circular) BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Matched Loads and Variable Shorts Absorbing material BW: Full band Rloss 30-40dB Termination for “High Power” Termination for “low VSWR” Absorbing Contact through a Berillium strip Contact here (HighFrequency Frequency (High problems) problems) b Sliding “Contacting” variable Short BRNO- march 2011 λ/4 λ/4 b (Contactpoint: point:where wherethe the Sliding (Contact currentisisalmost almostzero) zero) current “Non-contacting” variable Short Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Differential Phase-Shifter “Narrow Band” a L a’ E.ejΦ1 E.ejΦ2 Enun untramo tramode deguía guíavacío vacío“L” “L”laladiferencia diferenciade defase fase - -En o2- -ΦΦo1 o1es es∆φv ∆φv v.Lyyvaría varíacon conlalafrecuencia. frecuencia. ∆φ ==––ββv.L ΦΦo2 ∆φ Ahoraqueremos queremosconstruir construirun uncircuito circuitode deforma formaque que - -Ahora su∆Φd ∆Φd (variablecon conlalafrecuencia) frecuencia)sea seatal talque quealalcomcom∆Φ (variable su ∆Φ pararlocon conlalaguía guíavacía vacíaresulte resulteen enun undiferencial: diferencial: pararlo ∆Φd ∆Φv cte==∆Φ ∆Φdeseada deseada(tip. (tip.45º, 45º,90º, 90º,180º) 180º) ∆Φ ––∆Φv ∆Φ ==cte ∆Φd ∆Φ ∆Φ DPS by narrowing “a” Una forma evidente es ensanchar ò estrechar la guía puesto que la constante de propagación β varía con “a” TE10 mode ∆Φ==[β[βvv––ββd].L d].L==[2[2ππ/λ /λgv gv––22ππ/λ /λgd].L gd].L ∆Φ Fc==2.a 2.a λλcc==cc/ /Fc λλoo -----------------λλgg==-----------------(λo/o/λλc)c)22]0.5 ]0.5 [1[1––(λ ββ==22ππ/ /λλgg BRNO- march 2011 Detalles: - Al reducir la guía cambiamos su Fc el ancho de banda de trabajo se restringe. - El salto entre guías afectará a la adaptación del desfasador - El cambio de fase deseado se verificará en un BW estrecho ya que ∆Φ varía con la frecuencia. Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Differential Phase-Shifter “Narrow Band” L Unaforma formaalternativa alternativaconsiste consisteen enintroducir introducirreactancias reactancias Una enlalaguía guíavacía. vacía.Si Sieleldiseño diseñoes escorrecto, correcto,las lasreflexiones reflexiones en debidasaaestos estoselementos elementosse secancelan cancelanmientras mientrasque que debidas susefectos efectosde defase faseson sonaditivos aditivos sus d Si llamamos BLn al valor normalizado de BL: BLn=BL.Zo entonces la matriz ABCD normalizada de la red es: a Desfasador con doble discont. L Z0 -jBL Z0 -jBL Z0 An Bn = 1 0 Cn Dn -jBLn 1 cos(β βL) jsin(β βL) jsin(β βL) cos(β βL) 1 0 -jBLn 1 Si la impedancia de entrada norm. Zin_n=(An+Bn)/(Cn+Dn) debe ser unidad para que exista adaptación, y ya que An=Dn entonces necesitamos Cn=Bn por lo que: β.L==ππ/2/2++arctan(BLn/2) arctan(BLn/2) β.L β.β. Por otro lado, el cambio de fase diferencial es: - Al contrario ocurre si introducimos reactancias capacitivas. - Circuito de banda estrecha y sensitivo con la frecuencia BRNO- march 2011 ∆Φ==β.L π/2/2––arctan(BLn/2)] arctan(BLn/2)] β. ––[π π[π ∆Φ β.β.L ∆Φ==2.artan(BLn/2) 2.artan(BLn/2) ∆Φ Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Differential Phase-Shifter “Broadband” Low-Pass type 40 dB Capacitive Iris 90º +/- 2º Capacitive Ridge BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Waveguide Junctions 3 3 2 1 1 E-plane T junction (Magnetic Symmetry) 2 Port 3 Splits the input signal in 180º 3 - The THREE ports cannot be matched simultaneously. Z’0 - Port 3 splits power in phase opposition 180º, but power splitting is not 3db due to mismatching. 1 Z0 Z0 2 - If port 3 is matched, power splitting is 3dB but S11 and S22 will have 6dB return loss. -jX Equivalent Circuit: Series connection BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Waveguide Junctions H-Plane T junction (Electrical Symmetry) 1 2 Port 3 Splits the input signal in 0º 3 - The THREE ports cannot be matched simultaneously. 1 Z0 -jX Z0 2 - Port 3 splits power in phase 0º, but power splitting is not 3db due to mismatching. Z’0 3 - If port 3 is matched, power splitting is 3dB but S11 and S22 will have 6dB return loss. Equivalent Circuit: Parallel connection BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Hybrid Waveguide Junctions – Magic Tee -Ports 1 and 2 decoupled -Ports 3 and 4 decoupled -Power splitting in 0º and 180º 3 1 Magic-T.- Completely matched Hybrid T. It is necessary to introduce some discontinuities In the junction. - In this case, power splitting is always 3dB. 2 Iris Hybrid T 4 3 Usefulas asPower PowerDivider Divider Useful orPower PowerCombiner Combiner0º 0ºòò180º 180º or Example: IN (Sum) Post (Difference) 3 1 4 2 4 IN BRNO- march 2011 BW: 10-20% Magic-T 1 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Hybrid Waveguide Junctions – Magic Tee iris Usefulas asPower PowerDivider Divider Useful orPower PowerCombiner Combiner0º 0ºòò180º 180º or Optimized Magic-T BW : 12% BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Four-Port Waveguide junction (rat trace) 4 Zo/√2 b Usefulas asPower PowerDivider Divider Useful orPower PowerCombiner Combiner0º 0ºòò180º 180º or Zo 1 λg/4 2 3 3λg/4 BW: 10% -Ports 1 and 2 decoupled -Ports 3 and 4 decoupled -(1) splits toward (3) and (4) in phase opposition (3dB). -(4) splits toward (1) and (2) in phase (3dB). BRNO- march 2011 Path differences Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Waveguide Couplers xdB 3 4 -3 dB isolation + matching BW: 10% H-plane branch coupler 1 2 Asymmetric power division Slot Coupler BW: 20% isolation matching BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA 3dB – 90º Couplers 4 λ /4 3 Homonym in microstrip 1 3dB Ribblet coupler 2 Usefulas asPower PowerDivider Divider Useful orPower PowerCombiner Combiner90º 90º or Phase shift : 90º BW: 20% coupling 3dB isolation + matching BW: 20 - 30% BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Rectangular Waveguide Filters C3 L3 C1 Some examples for Inverters L1 Discrete Pass-Band circuit λgo/4 K,J Zc , Yc K = Zc J = Yc K1 C3 L3 Zin , Yin K2 C1 L1 Zin = Zc2/ZL @ Fo Yin = Yc2/YL @ Fo (a) C1 ZL L1 −θ −θ +θ +θ Zc Zc K Inverters Using Inverters Zc L Zc X = K / [ 1 - ( K / Zc )2 ] θ = 1/2 | ATN ( 2X / Zc ) | C X=LW +θ X=-1/CW +θ −θ −θ J Inverters K1 K2 L Yc Yc B=-1/LW Inverters + waveguide sections BRNO- march 2011 B = J / [ 1 - ( J / Yc )2 ] θ = 1/2 | ATN ( 2B / Yc ) | (b) Yc C Yc B=CW Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Band-Pass Waveguide Filters BW : 6 - 15% Symmetrical Iris Asymmetrical Iris Z0 Symmetrical pairs of Posts BRNO- march 2011 -jBL Z0 E-plane Fins Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Low-Pass Waveguide Filters Destroys2nd 2ndHarmonic Harmonicinin Destroys Microwavetransmitters transmitters Microwave Low-pass topology 2nd harmonic area Element t d Symmetrical E-plane Iris BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Elliptic Waveguide Filters Short circuit Transmission zero Transmission Transmission Zero Zero Conventional section E-plane Tee + Series Stub 3 2 1 BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA Elliptic Waveguide Filters SupplementaryRejection Rejection Supplementary oneside sideofofthe thefilter filter atatone Transmission zero Important slope Short circuit BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA DUPLEXERS TX RX Toselect selecttwo twodifferent differentfrequency frequencybands bands To (intheory theorycompletely completelyisolated) isolated) (in TX Common Port Towards the antenna BRNO- march 2011 RX isolation TX-RX Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA DUPLEXERS (variants) septum matching network H-plane duplexer (matched T) H-plane duplexer (septum) Multi-step for matching E-plane duplexer BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA ORTHOMODE JUNCTIONS (OMT) thecommon commonwaveguide waveguideTX TXand andRX RX - -InInthe areorthogonal: orthogonal:infinite infiniteisolation. isolation. are TE10 TX Operationininthe thesame sameband bandor orinin - -Operation differentfrequency frequencybands bands different TE10 RX TX RX TE11 BW: 10-15% TE11 Common output “CIRCULAR” (towards the antenna) TE01 Common output “SQUARE” (towards the antenna) BRNO- march 2011 TE10 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA DUAL-BAND ORTHOMODE Rx Tx WR75:Ku Kuband band WR75: transmission Common output “SQUARE” (towards the antenna) BRNO- march 2011 Rx Tx Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA POLARIZERS for Circular Polarization TE10 -To convert a LINEAR polarization to a CIRCULAR polarization: TE01 TE10 (lineal) Transformador adaptación Sección Circular Phaseshift shiftbetween between Phase TE10and andTE01 TE01isis TE10 ZEROº ZEROº BW:40% 40% BW: BRNO- march 2011 1º.- Split the input signal TE10 into two orthogonal modes TE10 and TE01 through the use of a square waveguide rotated 45º 2º.- Delay one mode with respect to the other by 90º. S22 for TE10 or TE01 (6dB) S21 for TE10 or TE01 (3dB) matching S11 (<-30dB) Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA POLARIZERS for Circular Polarization TE11c - Same idea but using octagonal sections TE11s TE10 TE01 (linear) Circular output Transformador adaptación Phaseshift shiftbetween between Phase TE10and andTE01 TE01isis TE10 ZEROº ZEROº BW:66% 66% BW: BRNO- march 2011 S21 for TE10 or TE01 (3dB) matching S11 (<-30dB) Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA POLARIZERS for Circular Polarization Using E-plane iris TE10 TE01 TE10mode modeisisdelayed delayed90º 90ºwith withrespect respecttotoTE01 TE01mode mode TE10 TE10 90º BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA POLARIZERS for Circular Polarization Using Ridge waveguide TE10mode modeisisdelayed delayed90º 90ºwith withrespect respecttotoTE01 TE01mode mode TE10 TE01 TE10 65% BRNO- march 2011 9 GHz 90º +/- 4º 17.5 GHz Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA OMT – CIRCULAR POLARIZATION RX TX The same for RX but LHCP 3dB division 3dB with phase-shift of +90º (RHCP) Port matching isolation TX-RX Detail BRNO- march 2011 BW 20% Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA OMT – BROADBAND LINEAR POLARIZATION Turnstile Junction BRNO- march 2011 Navarrini et al. “A Turnstile Waveguide Junction Orthomode Transducer” IEEE Trans. on MTT, jan. 2006 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA OMT – BROADBAND LINEAR POLARIZATION Isolation > 50dB Typ. 60dB BW@25dB: :28% 28% BW@25dB We can do better BRNO- march 2011 BW@25dB: :40% 40% BW@25dB Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA OMT – BROADBAND LINEAR POLARIZATION Turnstile Based (evolution) (60% Bandwidth) BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA OMT – BROADBAND LINEAR POLARIZATION BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA OMT – BROADBAND LINEAR POLARIZATION BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA MODE CONVERTER TE11 to TM01 Transition from “a traditional circular TE11” to a “special circular TM01” TM01 mode: null for the electric field along the waveguide axis to conduct electron beams or circuitry Null for the Electric field BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA MODE CONVERTER TE11 to TM01 BW: 50% S 21 (TM 01 )(TE11 ) Radiation Diagram for the TM01 mode S 22 (TE11 ) 9.6GHZ BRNO- march 2011 S11 (TM 01 ) 15.6GHz Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA C-band FOUR-PORT RECEIVER / TRANSMITTER IN: RX: RX:3.6 3.6––4.8 4.8GHz GHz (30% (30%BW) BW) IN: TX:5.8 5.8––7.0 7.0GHz GHz (20% (20%BW) BW) TX: OUT TX Common circular output TE11 Duplexer TX/RX CPR229 OMT TX/RX TX RX Satellite Link control RX BRNO- march 2011 CPR159 OUT: OUT: HorizontalTX TXand andRX RX Horizontal VerticalTX TXand andRX RX Vertical Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA C-band FOUR-PORT RECEIVER / TRANSMITTER Explode View Satellite Link control BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA C-band FOUR-PORT RECEIVER / TRANSMITTER Duplexer detail TX Low-Pass filter Towards OMT BRNO- march 2011 RX Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA RADIOASTRONOMY: Cosmic Microwave Background Measure the degree of Circular Polarization existing in the Cosmic microwave radiation. Alternative Broadband BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA RADIOASTRONOMY: Cosmic Microwave Background System using 2 turnstile at 45º and 180º phase shifters Alternative using Coaxial Probes Polarised Signal Spin Polariser Output rotates x2 Orthogonal outputs BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA TRACKING: following a Target Radiation diagram TE11 RX (Ku) TX (Ku) TM01 (Towards the antenna) TE11 mode: Useful signal TM01mode : Tracking Tracking Port BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA FUTURE Limit is our Imagination BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA BRNO- march 2011 Dpto. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones Universidad de CANTABRIA