Read the Net Metering Brochure

How does the net metering process work?
What are the other benefits of net metering?
The process is different for the different size
groups. For large units Detroit Edison meters
inflow, outflow and generation. Using these
three values, the customer may be billed for
distribution service for the entire site use and
power supply for positive net inflow and
given power supply credit for net outflow in
subsequent months.
When you generate renewable energy, you
are offsetting fossil-fuel generation, which
is good for the environment. Because of its
environmental benefit, renewable generation
is given Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs),
which can be sold.
For units less than 20kW Detroit Edison meters inflow, and outflow. The customer is billed
for distribution service and power supply
for positive net inflow and given distribution
service credit and power supply credit for net
outflow in subsequent months.
How much credit does Detroit Edison give
for net metering?
You will receive credits for the generation
you theoretically could have offset during
the month based upon inflow and outflow
measurements in the current month. You
will receive credits for net power sent to the
system in subsequent months. The credit provided depends on the size of your generator,
the rate you currently purchase power at and
the quantity of energy produced. The credit
can range from nearly full retail rate to the
power supply component portion of the full
retail rate. The credits are defined in Detroit
Edison’s Net Metering tariff Rider 16 which is
available on our Web site.
Will Detroit Edison purchase RECs?
Detroit Edison may purchase the RECs associated with the generation metered by a billing
quality meter obtained from Detroit Edison.
Where can I get more information on renewable
energy sources?
About Net Metering
Net metering, also called customer generation,
is approved by the Michigan Public Service
Commission as a way for customers who
generate some or all of their electricity using
renewable resources to reduce their bills.
These customers will receive credits for the
power they generate.
• The Great Lakes Renewable Energy Association –
• The Michigan Public Service Commission – (type “net metering”
in the search field)
• U.S. Department of Energy –
Where can I get more information on Detroit
Edison’s net metering program?
Learn more about renewable energy and
net metering and how to participate at (business customers,
please go to, e-mail us
at or call
the interconnection hotline at 313.235.4333.
Net metering questions and answers
What is net metering?
How many customers are eligible for net metering?
Net metering is a way to get credit for generating
renewable energy and sending it back to Detroit
Edison. Detroit Edison works like a “battery” –
you can generate more electricity than you need
sometimes and use it to offset future purchases.
Net metering is limited to one percent of Detroit
Edison’s peak load, or about 100,000 kW. The
eligibility is further broken down like this:
What sources are eligible?
Eligible renewable sources generate energy using solar, wind, geothermal, biomass (with or
without fossil fuel as needed for operation), and
include waste-to-energy and landfill gas, and
hydroelectric sources.
How large can my generator be?
To be eligible for net metering, the total of all
your renewable generation must:
• Be no larger than required to serve your annual power supply requirements (in kWh) if
your unit
uses solar or wind energy; or
• Be sized no larger than the site maximum
need (in kW) if your unit does not use solar
or wind energy.
In addition, the generation is limited to three size
groups. Each group have different credit processes. These three groups are 0 kW to 20 kW, 20kW
up to 150kW and those more than 150kW.
Methane digester systems may be larger than
150kW up to 550kW.
• 0.5 percent for units of 20kW and less
.25 percent for units generating between
20kW and 150 kW
.25 percent for units generating more
than 150kW
These limits would allow several thousand
customers to participate.
What are the technical (interconnection)
All interconnection requirements are listed on
our Web site at (business
customers, please go to
How do I contact Detroit Edison to enroll in net
The first step is to do your homework and research renewable options. Once you have decided on a renewable option and optimized the unit
size, visit our Web site to review the interconnection requirements and procedures.
When you are ready to proceed, fill out and
return the application that is available on the Web
site at (business customers,
please go to You may also
call the Interconnection Hotline at 313.235.4333 to
help you through the interconnection process.
Important : Get Detroit Edison involved early
in your project.
Why should I get Detroit Edison involved before I
begin installing my generation?
Detroit Edison must review your proposed
equipment and its interaction with the system to
determine if it can safely operate in parallel with
the system under any condition. This review may
identify equipment you are considering purchasing that does not satisfy the safety requirements,
which would allow you to avoid replacing equip-
ment after purchasing it.
This review may also identify changes Detroit
Edison must make on the system to accommodate your generation. Depending on the
unit size, customers pay different portions of
the cost of system modifications and you will
want to know if there are additional costs before you proceed. In addition, you must have
written permission to operate in parallel with
the system. Consequently, identifying these
issues early may avoid extra costs and delays
in obtaining permission to operate the unit.
What is the cost paid to Detroit Edison for net
A $75 interconnection application fee is due
when you file the application to interconnect
with Detroit Edison and a $25 net metering
application fee can be paid at the time you file
the application to interconnect.
Is a generator meter required?
A generation meter is required for units
larger than 20kW. Generation meters must be
paid for by the customer. The cost is spread
out over 12 monthly charges on your bills.
For residential customers, this charge is
typically less than $4 per month. Generation
metering can be installed on units less than
20kW if the customer wants to sell Renewable
Energy Certificates (RECs) associated with
the generation.