2.4 Modeling and Analysis of Three Phase Four Leg Inverter The main feature of a three phase inverter, with an additional neutral leg, is its ability to deal with load unbalance in a standalone power supply system [7],[12]. The goal of the three phase four leg inverter is to maintain the desired sinusoidal output voltage waveform over all loading conditions and transients. It is ideal for applications like data communication, industrial automation, military equipment, which require high performance uninterruptible power supply. As shown in Figure 1.2, the three phase four leg inverter is used in the shipboard DC DPS to provide secondary AC power distribution. It can be utilized to supply utility power for combat equipment, radar and other critical electronic load. In this section, the modeling and control of a PEBB based three phase four leg inverter is described. Modeling of the four leg inverter has been discussed in the literature [7]. But, effect of power stage coupling and sampling delay on control design has not been addressed. This section investigates two control strategies and their limitations. 2.4.1 Principle of Operation Figure 2.17 shows the three phase four leg inverter composed of PEBBs. Four PEBB cells with integrated gate drives are configured to form the Four Leg Inverter power stage. The additional PEBB leg is connected to the neutral of the load. A DSP based local controller Chapter 2 36 VDC F I L T E R F I L T E R Driver Driver Driver 3φ 3 Phase 4 Wire Sensor Board Driver Vac DSP Interface Board VDC DSP (I,V Loop, PWM Generation) Hierarchical Control (Host Computer) Figure 2.17 : PEBB based Three Phase Four Leg Inverter : Four PEBB cells with integrated gate drives are configured to form the Inverter. The additional PEBB cell is connected to the neutral of the load. Chapter 2 37 supplies gate drive commands through a DSP interface board. The feedback control loop is implemented digitally using the DSP. The PEBB system includes a sensor board which senses the DC link voltage and output capacitor voltage and provides feedback to the local controller. The structure of the PEBB based system inverter (Figure 2.17) is similar to that of boost rectifier (Figure 2.3). Both of them have the same general purpose controller configuration. The difference lies in the control algorithm implemented in the local controller. Figure 2.18 shows the discrete switching model of three phase four leg inverter simulated using SABER. The PEBB cells are modeled as ideal switches with anti-parallel diodes. The power stage comprises of four leg inverter with an output LC filter to attenuate the switching ripple in the output voltage. The additional PEBB leg is connected to the load neutral. As compared to the conventional inverter, the Four Leg Inverter has the additional freedom of controlling the load neutral potential. This allows it to maintain balanced output voltage in presence of unbalanced and non-linear load [7]. The output filter capacitor voltages are sensed and fed back to the local controller (DSP). The voltages are converted from stationary co-ordinates to rotating co-ordinates to generate Vd,Vq,V0 . These are compared to the reference voltages and the error voltages are passed through a compensator. The controller is implemented in rotating co-ordinates. The output of the compensator, i.e. dd , dq , d0 are inverse transformed to stationary coordinates to yield d α , d β , d γ . Finally, a complex 3 dimensional space vector modulation scheme yields the duty cycles for the 16 power switches [7]. Chapter 2 38 Nonlinear Unbalanced Load Output Filter PEBB1 Vφ L Vdc F I L T E R a a a a C LN Driver Driver Driver Driver V cap 3D SVM abc/dq0 Rotating Transformation dαβγ Inverse Rotating Transformation Vdq0 - ddq0 Sampling Delay Voltage Compensator Voltage Reference + Digital Processor Controller Figure 2.18 : Discrete Switching Model of the Four Leg Inverter : It provides time domain information. The output filter capacitor voltages are sensed and fed to the compensator. The controller is shown in the dotted box. Chapter 2 39 2.4.2 Power Stage Modeling Figure 2.20(a) shows the power stage model of the three phase four leg inverter with a second order load filter. The average model in stationary co-ordinates is shown in Figure 2.20(b). The power stage parameters are given in Appendix A. The output voltage and input current in the inverter can be represented as : V an Vb n Vc n 0 0 0 0 0 0 = dan d V bn g dcn , I p = [d an dbn I a d cn ] I b I c where, Vin (i=a0,b0,c0) are the inverter output voltages (line-neutral), Ii (i=a,b,c) are line currents. And, din (i=a,b,c) are the line-to-neutral duty cycles The duty cycles din (i=a,b,c) are controlled in a way so as to produce sinusoidal voltages at output of the filter irrespective of the load i.e. the load could be light, heavy, unbalanced or non-linear. The system requirement can be represented as : cos(ωt ) Van 0 Vbn = Vm cos(ωt − 120 ) Vcn cos(ωt + 120 ) 0 Chapter 2 40 POWER STAGE nonlinear and/or unbalanced load OUTPUT FILTER Vdc F I L T E R L Ln Va Vb Vφ Vc Vn C neutral (a) Discrete Switching Model POWER STAGE dan*Vg F I L T E R Vdc ao L a L dbn*Vg bo dcn*Vg co Ip nonlinear and/or unbalanced load OUTPUT FILTER b L Z c Co no Ln n (b) Average Large Signal Model Figure 2.19 : Power Stage Modeling in Stationary Co-ordinates: The process of averaging replaces the switches with controlled voltage and current sources. Chapter 2 41 where, Vin (i=a,b,c) is the output load voltage and, Vm = rated output voltage To produce the desired sinusoidal output voltages, the steady state duty cycles are time-varying and sinusoidal. But, to apply classical control techniques we need a DC operating point. Thus, we apply the transformation T, given in Appendix C, to get the power stage model in rotating co-ordinates. Figure 2.20 gives the power stage model in rotating coordinates and it is redrawn as a signal flow graph in Figure 2.21. The d and q sub-circuits have coupled voltage and current sources, shown as the shaded region. The steady state output load voltages and the duty cycles are DC quantities and are given as : Vd Vm Vq = 0 0 Vo , where, Vm = rated output voltage And, the duty cycles are given by : V (1 − ω 2 LC ) m Vg D d D = ωLI d q Vg D 0 o Chapter 2 42 ω LIq Id dd*Vg Ip dq*Vg L ω CVq ω LId L Iq Vq ω CVd L+3Ln d0*Vg Vd V0 Figure 2.20 Power Stage Average Model in Rotating Coordinates : The d and q subcircuits have coupled voltage and current sources, shown as the shaded blocks. Chapter 2 43 1 dd dq Vg Vg - 1 sL + iLd - icd + ωL ωC ωL ωC - 1 sL iLq icq - R 1 sC Vd 1 sC Vq 1 1 d0 Vg + - 1 s( L + 3Ln) - ic0 iL0 + R R 1 sC V0 Figure 2.21 : Average Model represented as a Signal Flow Graph : The coupling in d and q sub- circuits is shown as the shaded blocks. The load is represented as a resistive load (R). Chapter 2 44 The load of the system is represented as a disturbance and is assumed resistive. The Output power varies from 100% to 1% rated power. The system is designed for 150 kW rated output. Thus, the load varies from 1.53 ohm to 153 ohm. The Average Large Signal model, shown in Figure 2.20 is simulated using SABER and it is perturbed and linearized at an operating point to get Small Signal model. The small signal model is utilized for control design. The open loop control to output transfer function is shown in Figure 2.22 and 2.23. Neglecting the coupling in the power stage, the open loop transfer function is approximated as: Vd ≈ dd Vg Vg = L s s2 1 + s + s 2 LC 1 + + R ω oQ ω o 2 Where, the resonant frequency is given by ωo = 1 LC and is ~ 872 Hz. The Q of the circuit depends on R, thus we have large Q when R is large (Light Load). As shown in Figure 2.22, the control to output transfer function exhibits peaking for light load situation. The phase plot shows a steep drop by 1800 near the resonant frequency. In case of heavy load situation, the control-to-output transfer function is well damped and it shows a phase drop of 900 at the resonant frequency. The controller is designed to satisfy the system performance for both heavy and light load situation. Chapter 2 45 Gain (dB) Phase (degrees) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Figure 2.22 : Control-to-Output Transfer Function for Light Load : The Vd/dd transfer function for light load situation shows peaking around 872 Hz (Resonant Frequency). It has a steep phase drop of 1800 at resonance. Chapter 2 46 Gain (dB) Phase (degrees) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Figure 2.23 : Control-to-Output Transfer Function for Heavy Load : The Vd/dd transfer function for heavy load situation is well damped and does not exhibit peaking at resonance.. It has a phase drop of 900 at resonance. Chapter 2 47 Digital implementation of the current controller introduces a sampling delay, as discussed in [5]. The delay yields 1800 phase lag at half the switching frequency and must be taken into account. It is given by: e − sT 1 2 2 s T − 0.5sT + 1 12 = 1 2 2 s T + 0.5sT + 1 12 , where T = Sampling Time The switching frequency of 20 kHz introduces 1800 phase delay at half the switching frequency and around 150 phase lag at the resonant frequency . The power stage is a highly coupled multi-variable multi-loop system. The coupling between the d and q channels of the power stage is represented as the shaded blocks, as shown in Figure 2.21. It has coupled voltage sources given by ω L and current sources given by ω C . In order to independently control the d-q-o channels of the power stage, the power stage must be de-coupled. The voltage source ω L, is canceled by adding a factor ( ω L/Vg) in the d and q channel duty cycles, as shown in the Figure 2.24. The power stage cannot be fully de-coupled due to the presence of the delay term at the output of the modulator as seen in Figure 2.24. As a result, the power stage with non-ideal de-coupling is given by Figure 2.25. Decoupling the power stage reduces the peaking in the control-to-output transfer function and improves the phase drop near resonant frequency. Chapter 2 48 Decoupling Circuit 1 ddc - e-sT ωL ωL dqc + Vg Vg Vg e-sT - 1 sL + ωL iLd + - icd R 1 sC Vd 1 sC Vq ωC ωL Vg - 1 sL iLq ωC icq - - 1 1 d0 e-sT Vg + - 1 s( L + 3Ln ) - ic0 iL0 + R R 1 sC V0 Figure 2.25 : Power Stage Decoupling : The voltage source ω L which couples d and q sub-circuits is canceled by introducing a term ( ω L/Vg) in the controller. It is not possible to cancel the current sources ω C by this strategy. Chapter 2 49 1 ddc e-sT dqc e-sT Vg 1 sL + (ω L) (ω L) - + Vg iLd - icd + sT 1− ( 05 . ) sT + R 1 sC Vd 1 sC Vq ωC 1 ( sT) 2 12 sT . ) sT + 1− ( 05 ωC icq - 1 ( sT) 2 12 + - 1 sL iLq - 1 1 d0 e-sT Vg + - 1 s( L + 3Ln ) - ic0 iL0 + R R 1 sC V0 Figure 2.26 : Partially Decoupled Power Stage : The voltage source ω L which couples d and q sub-circuits cannot be totally eliminated due to the presence of delay term e-sT . It has been reduced by a factor (1-e-sT). Chapter 2 50 2.4.3 Control Loop Design The Average Large Signal model with partially decoupled power stage, shown in Figure 2.25 is used to generate the small signal characteristics for the inverter. Figure 2.26 shows the control structure for capacitor voltage loop control. The output filter capacitor voltages are sensed and transformed from stationary to rotating co-ordinates. These are fed as feedback signals to d-q-0 channel voltage compensators. The voltage loop gain TV is given by: TV = Vd HV dd The control to output transfer function Vd/dd is given in Figure 2.22 and Figure 2.23. As discussed in the previous section, the effect of delay and light load places a severe constraint in the control loop design. Three phase four leg inverter is a multi-loop and highly coupled multi-variable system. As the first step, the d-q-o channel compensators are designed independently i.e with other 2 channels assumed open. After the compensators have been designed for all three channels, the loop gain in a channel is measured again with other 2 loops closed as shown in Figure 2.28. This is to verify the stability of the system. Two control design strategies are presented in this section. The dynamic performance of the inverter with the two control strategies is presented in the next section. Chapter 2 51 1 dd e-sT Vg dq e-sT Vg 1 sL + ( ω L) (ω L) - + iLd - icd + sT . ) sT + 1− (05 R Vd 1 sC ωC 1 ( sT) 2 12 sT 1− ( 05 . ) sT + ωC icq - 1 ( sT) 2 12 + - 1 sL iLq - Vq 1 sC 1 1 d0 e-sT Vg + - 1 s( L + 3Ln) - ic0 iL0 + R R V0 1 sC TV dd - HV + Vdref Voltage Compensator (d-channel) dq Vq Voltage Compensator (q-channel) d0 Voltage Compensator (0-channel) Vqref V0 V0ref Figure 2.26 : Capacitor Voltage Loop Control (d-channel): The power stage is shown inside the dotted box. While designing d loop, other two channels i.e. q and 0 channels are left open. Chapter 2 52 1 dd e-sT Vg dq e-sT Vg 1 sL + (ω L) (ω L) - + iLd + - icd sT . ) sT + 1− (05 R ωC 1 ( sT) 2 12 sT . ) sT + 1 −( 05 ωC icq - 1 ( sT) 2 12 + - 1 sL iLq - 1 e-sT Vg + - 1 s( L + 3 Ln ) - ic0 iL0 + Vq 1 sC 1 d0 Vd 1 sC R R V0 1 sC TV dd H - V + Vdref Voltage Compensator (d-channel) Vq dq Voltage Compensator (q-channel) d0 Vqref V0 Voltage Compensator (0-channel) V0ref Figure 2.27 : Actual Loop Gain (d-channel) : After designing d-q-0 channel compensators, the actual d channel loop gain is measured by keeping q and 0 channels closed. Chapter 2 53 2.4.3 (a) Design Strategy - I (PI Compensator) As shown in Figure 2.22, the control-to-output transfer function Vd/dd has a large peaking at the resonant frequency of 872 Hz under light load situation. It has a phase drop of nearly 1800 at resonance. One possibility is to use a PI compensator and close the voltage loop much below resonance so that the phase drop and peaking effect at resonance do not affect system stability. The compensator can be implemented as a PI. This is given by : HV = K p + Ki Ki s = 1 + s s Ki K p Figure 2.28 shows the asymptotic plot of the loop gain. The control-to-output transfer function has a complex pole at 872 Hz, shown as the dotted curve. A pole is placed at the origin to give zero steady state error. The zero given by Ki/Kp is placed beyond the loop gain crossover. The crossover frequency is chosen low so that there is sufficient gain margin. Figure 2.29 shows the loop gain TV for the light load situation. It has a small bandwidth of the order of 10 Hz and has a gain margin of around 15 dB. Figure 2.30 shows the loop gain for the heavy load situation. It is well damped and has 35 dB gain margin and has a phase margin of around 900. It shows that the design is not optimized for the heavy load situation. And, designing the same compensator for 1% - 100% load yields a poor design if conventional PI compensator strategy is employed. Chapter 2 54 Gain (dB) Vd/dd Transfer Function -1 ωz fBW ω0 -2 Gain Margin -1 ω0 = 872 Hz add integrator and zero Ki HV = K p + s f BW = 10 Hz kp = 1.2e-5, k i = 0.07 φm = 900 Figure 2.28 : Asymptotic plot of Loop Gain (Design I) : An integrator is added to ensure zero steady state error. The cross over frequency is less than the resonant frequency. Chapter 2 55 Gain (dB) Phase (degrees) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Figure 2.30 : Loop Gain under Light Load (Design I) : The loop gain cross over frequency is 10 Hz and it has 15 dB gain margin. The peaking under light load situation restricts the cross over frequency. Chapter 2 56 Gain (dB) Phase (degrees) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Figure 2.31 : Loop Gain under Heavy Load (Design I) : The loop gain cross over frequency is 10 Hz and it has 35 dB gain margin. It has a phase margin of around 900. Chapter 2 57 2.4.3 (b) Design Strategy - II ( 4 zero/5 pole compensator) As discussed in the previous section, closing the loop gain below the resonance yields low system bandwidth and this results in a poor transient response. Another possibility is to close the system loop after resonance. It is investigated in this section. Figure 2.28 shows the asymptotic plot of the control-to-output transfer function which has a double pole at resonant frequency of 872 Hz. The effect of 1800 phase lag at resonance and presence of delay at higher frequencies must be taken into account. A pole is placed at the origin to give zero steady state error. This yields 900 phase lag and thus we have around 2700 phase at resonance. This phase lag must be compensated by zero’s in the compensator. If we choose to use a 2 zero/3pole compensator, then the two zeros must be placed one decade below resonance so that they yield 1800 at resonance. As a result of peaking at light load, the loop gain around 120 Hz would be very small. The compensator finally chosen is 4 zero/5 pole given as : s s s s )(1 + )(1 + )(1 + ) z1 z2 z3 z4 HV = K s s s s s(1 + )(1 + )(1 + )(1 + ) p1 p2 p3 p4 (1 + Where, z1 = 780 Hz , z2 = 800 Hz , z3 = 820 Hz , z4 = 840 Hz and, K = 3.5 , p1 = 1 kHz , p2 = 2.5 kHz , p3 = 10 kHz , p4 = 10 Hz Chapter 2 58 Placing four zeros near resonance yields 450 from each zero and thus a total of 1800. Thus, we can compensate the phase lag due to the double resonant pole of the power stage. As seen in Figure 2.22, the Q of the power stage shows a peaking between 600 Hz to 1500 Hz. Thus, the four zeros are placed in this region so as not to increase the peaking effect. Final placement of the zeros is chosen according to the tradeoff between cross over frequency and phase margin. In order to attenuate switching frequency ripple, 2 poles are placed at half the switching frequency. The other 2 poles are placed before the cross over frequency such that the loop gain crosses over with -20 dB/decade slope. Figure 2.31 shows the asymptotic plot of the system loop gain with 4 zero/5 pole compensator. The four zeros are represented as z1-4 and two poles are shown as p1,2 . The loop gain has a pole at origin and two poles at half the switching frequency. Figure 2.32 shows the loop gain for light load situation. The loop gain has a cross over frequency of 2 kHz and phase margin of 300. The phase of the system drops sharply after 2.5 kHz due to the effect of the digital delay. Hence, as a precautionary measure taking into account parameter variability the bandwidth is chosen around 2 kHz. It has around 12 dB gain at 120 Hz. The significance of this will be seen in the later 2.4.5. Figure 2.33 shows the loop gain for heavy load situation. The loop gain has same cross over frequency of 2 kHz and phase margin of 550. It has higher phase margin as the phase lag at resonance is not as steep as in light load situation. The phase of the system drops sharply after 2.5 kHz due to the effect of the digital delay. It also has around 12 dB gain at 120Hz. Chapter 2 59 Loop Gain Gain (dB) -1 -1 fBW z1,2,3,4 p1,2 Frequency (Hz) ω0 = 872 Hz s s s s )(1 + )(1 + )(1 + ) z1 z2 z3 z4 HV = K s s s s s(1 + )(1 + )(1 + )(1 + ) p1 p2 p3 p4 f BW = 2 kHz (1 + φm = 30 0 Figure 2.31 : Asymptotic plot of Loop Gain (Design II) : An integrator is added to ensure zero steady state error. The cross over frequency is more than the resonant frequency. Chapter 2 60 Gain (dB) Phase (degrees) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Figure 2.32 : Loop Gain under Light Load (Design II) : The loop gain cross over frequency is 2 kHz and it has a phase margin of 300. The phase drops sharply after cross over due to the effect of digital delay. Chapter 2 61 Gain (dB) Phase (degrees) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Figure 2.33 : Loop Gain under Heavy Load (Design II) : The loop gain cross over frequency is 2 kHz and it has 12 dB gain at 120 Hz. It has a phase margin of around 550. Chapter 2 62 2.4.4 Simulation Results The three phase four leg inverter, shown in Figure 2.18 is designed to supply 150 kW output power. The power stage parameters are given in Appendix A. The control design strategy II is chosen as the optimum strategy. The system operation is verified for load variation from 1% to 100% rated load. The switching frequency employed is 20 kHz. Figure 2.34 shows the simulation results for light load situation. The system has a settling time of around 3 ms. The output load voltages are balanced sinusoids. Figure 2.35 shows the simulation results for heavy load situation. Again, the system has a settling time of around 3 ms. This is due to the fact that the loop gain are designed such that the cross over frequency is the same for both light and heavy load situation. The output load voltages are sinusoidal and the system has a good transient response for balanced load situation irrespective of the load value. Control design II is superior to design I as the cross over frequency in case II is much higher than case I. Dynamic simulations of inverter employing strategy I show that the settling time for output load voltages is of the order of 100ms. Figure 2.34 and 2.35 also show the plot of Vd and Vq. The compensator is designed in rotating co-ordinates and hence it controls Vd and Vq . The final output voltages is derived from them after applying the transformation T. The V0 turns out to be 0 in these simulations as the load is taken as the balanced load. Chapter 2 63 Time (s) (a) Vd , Vq plot Time (s) (b) Output Voltages Va , Vb , Vc Figure 2.34 : Dynamic Performance under Light Load (Design II) : The transient settles response settles in around 3ms. The output voltages are balanced sinusoids. Chapter 2 64 Time (s) (a) Vd , Vq plot Time (s) (b) Output Voltages Va , Vb , Vc Figure 2.35 : Dynamic Performance under Heavy Load (Design II) : The transient settles response settles in around 3ms. The output voltages are balanced sinusoids. Chapter 2 65 2.4.5 Effect of Unbalanced and Non-Linear Load The three phase four leg inverter is supposed to provide rated load voltage in presence of unbalanced and non-linear load. Fig. 2.36 (a) shows the system with one phase loading. The average model in stationary co-ordinates is transformed to rotating co-ordinates using the transformation T, discussed in Appendix C. The unbalanced load represented by a resistor R results in a line current given by : Ia Ib = Ic ( ) Vm cosω t R 0 0 The line currents can be transformed to positive, negative and zero sequence currents, explained in Appendix D [18]. These currents can then be transformed from stationary to rotating co-ordinates as given by : Id 1 + cos 2ω t Iq = Vm - sin2ω t 3R I 0 cos ω t Figure 2.37 (b) gives the power stage model in rotating co-ordinates with load represented as current sources. Chapter 2 66 POWER STAGE dan*Vg LOAD L ao ia a L dbn*Vg Ip OUTPUT FILTER b bo L dcn*Vg co R c Co Ln no ω LIq Id L ω LId L Iq d0*Vg ILd Vq ILq ω CVd L+3Ln n Vd ω CVq dd*Vg dq*Vg in V0 IL0 Figure 2.36 a-b : Unbalanced Load situation in Stationary & Rotating Coordinates Chapter 2 67 The steady state duty cycles required by the inverter are calculated as ; Dd Dq = D 0 ( ) ( ) Vm 1 − ω 2 LC − ωL Vm sin 2ω t 3R 1 1 − cos 2ω t) ωL Vm ( 3 R Vg − ωL Vm sin ω t 3R ( ( ) ) The steady state duty cycles required by the system are DC quantities and a sinusoidal component at twice the output frequency i.e 120 Hz and the 0 channel has a sine term of 60 Hz. The unbalanced load presents a 2nd order harmonic in d and q channels which must be attenuated by the loop gain at that frequencies. The system requires sufficient bandwidth to take care of unbalanced loads. The system performance with the two control strategies is investigated in this section. Figure 2.37 shows the dynamic performance with control design I. The system is loaded one phase with the rated load. It is seen that the output voltages are not balanced and have a low frequency oscillation. This is due to the presence of 120 Hz ripple in Vd and Vq and a 60 Hz ripple in V0. These have not been attenuated due to insufficient loop gain at these frequencies. Figure 2.38 shows the dynamic performance with control design II. It can be seen that output voltages are sinusoidal and the control design meets the system specifications. The 120 Hz ripple in Vd and Vq and the 60 Hz ripple in V0 have been attenuated due to Chapter 2 68 Time (s) (a) Vd , Vq ,V0 plot Time (s) (b) Output Voltages Va , Vb , Vc Figure 2.37 : Dynamic Performance under Unbalanced Load (Design I) : The output voltages are not perfectly sinusoidal. Vd and Vq have large 120 Hz ripple. Chapter 2 69 Time (s) (a) Vd , Vq ,V0 plot Time (s) (b) Output Voltages Va , Vb , Vc Figure 2.38 : Dynamic performance under Unbalanced Load (Design II) : The output voltages are balanced sinusoids. Vd and Vq have small 120 Hz ripple. Chapter 2 70 sufficient loop gain at these frequencies. The system performance is superior than previous case. It is the most suitable control design approach. The three phase four leg inverter is supposed to provide rated load voltage in presence of non-linear load. Fig. 2.39 (a) shows the system feeding a typical non-linear load, diode rectifier. Diode rectifier is a very popular topology used as a front-end in many electronic loads. Figure 2.39 (b) shows the current drawn by the rectifier when fed by an ideal sinusoidal voltage supply. It draws a current rich in harmonics. Figure 2.39 (c) shows the input current spectrum. The current has components at 5 ω ,7 ω , 11 ω and 13 ω . Where, ω is the fundamental output frequency i.e. 60 Hz. The system performance with the two control strategies is investigated in this section. Figure 2.40 shows the dynamic performance with control design I. It is seen that the output voltages are distorted and have a voltage peak of 450 V. Thus the output voltages are around 15% over voltage and they do not meet the specifications. The Vd and Vq have large ripple. These have not been attenuated due to insufficient loop gain at these frequencies. Figure 2.41 shows the dynamic performance with control design II. It can be seen that output voltages are less distorted and do not have any significant over voltage. The system performance is not as good as in unbalanced case as the loop gain does not have sufficient bandwidth at high frequencies to reduce their effect on the outer load voltage. The system performance is superior than Design I. It is a better control design approach Chapter 2 71 Power Stage Output Filter Nonlinear Load Vdc F I L T E R L Vn Ln Va Vb Vφ Vc C Controller (a) Inverter feeding Diode Rectifier (Non-Linear Load) (b) Input Current Drawn By the Rectifier (c) Input Current Harmonic Spectrum Figure 2.39 : Four Leg Inverter Feeding Non-Linear Load : The diode rectifier is taken as the non-linear load. The input current drawn by the rectifier has frequency components at 5,7,11 and 13 times fundamental frequency (60 Hz). Chapter 2 72 Time (s) (a) Vd , Vq ,V0 plot Time (s) (b) Output Voltages Va , Vb , Vc Figure 2.40 : Dynamic Performance under Non-Linear Load (Design I) : The output voltages are distorted and have harmonics. It has around 15% over voltage. Chapter 2 73 Time (s) (a) Vd , Vq ,V0 plot Time (s) (b) Output Voltages Va , Vb , Vc Figure 2.41 : Dynamic performance under Non-Linear Load (Design II) : The output voltage distortion is reduced and it does not have any significant over voltage. Chapter 2 74 2.5 Summary This chapter presented the modeling and control of a PEBB based Boost Rectifier and Four Leg Inverter. The main feature of a PEBB based system is standardization and ease of design. It was shown that a common standardized controller can be used for both applications. This results in lower procurement cost and reduced spare parts inventory for typical medium power Navy applications and it justifies the additional material cost of the general purpose PEBB converter as compared to custom-designed converters. A three level modeling approach was adopted. Based on the small signal analysis, closed loop design guidelines for the Boost Rectifier are proposed. A DSP based discrete switching model of the Boost Rectifier was developed. The closed loop simulation of Boost Rectifier verified the controller design. Fault tolerance concept was demonstrated by ensuring stable system operation of the rectifier with one leg of the rectifier failed open-circuited. A PEBB based system has the ability to reconfigure in case of a fault condition. Whereas, the conventional system suffers from the drawback that if one of the legs of the rectifier switches fails then the system has to be shut down. Thus we need to have redundancy in the system and this increases the cost of the system. A PEBB based converter can assure reliable delivery of electric power to the loads, high system efficiency and flexibility in system operation. The local controller has communication ports to receive information regarding the system state and fault situation from the system controller and it can reconfigure the system in case one of the PEBB cell fails open-circuited. Chapter 2 75 Also, the issues in the modeling and control of four leg inverter were investigated in this chapter. The effect of power stage coupling and sampling delay on the control design has been studied. It was found that digital implementation of the controller introduces a sampling delay in the system and this places a severe constraint in control design. It was found that loading on the inverter changes the control-to-output transfer function and must be taken into account while designing the loop gain. Two control loop designs were presented. The performance of the inverter with the two designs was presented. The ability of a four leg inverter in dealing with unbalanced and non-linear loads was presented. It was established that in order to deal with unbalanced load, the loop gain must have sufficient gain at 2 ω where ω is the fundamental output frequency (i.e. 60 Hz). A diode rectifier was used as an example of a typical non-linear load. The input current drawn by the rectifier has significant frequency components at ω , 5 ω , 7 ω , 11 ω . It was shown that insufficient loop gain at these frequencies result in distorted output voltages. And, these voltage distortions can be reduced by designing a complex 4 zero 5 pole voltage loop compensator. Chapter 2 76