New Road 11.0m Asphalt 23m ROW Unit CONSTRUCTION Granular A - 150 mm Granular B - 300 mm Concrete Curb and Gutter 100 mm Diameter PE Subdrain HL3 Asphalt - 40 mm HL 4 or HL 8 Hot Mix or Recycled - 100 mm Tack Coat Concrete Sidewalk Fine Grading, Topsoil & Sod 250 mm PVC DR 35 Sanitary Sewer 1200 mm Sanitary MH 200 mm Sanitary Lateral 600mm Diameter Storm Sewer, Flexible 1200mm Diameter Precast Maintenance Hole Precast Catch Basin -Single 250mm Diameter Catch Basin Lead, Flexible 300mm Diameter Storm Lateral Adjust Existing MH and CB to finished grade 300mm Dia Watermain PVC Class 150 Install New Fire Hydrant 300mm Diameter Gate Valves 50mm long side service - 300 mm watermain 50mm short side service - 300 mm watermain 150mm Fire Flow Service - 300 mm watermain sq. m. sq. m. m. m. sq. m. sq. m. sq. m. sq. m. sq. m. m. each each m. each each m. m. each m. each each each each each Average Unit Price $5.35 $7.35 $44.67 $11.03 $7.66 $14.66 $0.66 $47.96 $5.45 $157.62 $3,167.97 $1,500.00 $193.58 $2,679.55 $2,235.74 $121.78 $208.73 $285.76 $218.36 $2,723.71 $1,691.18 $1,938.03 $1,806.27 $4,053.50 Average Cost of Construction for 11.0m asphalt road on a 23.0m ROW MISCELLANEOUS Bonds as a percentage of net tender amount 1.11% Insurance as a percentage of net tender amount 0.71% Field Office as a percentage of net tender amount 0.20% Schedule of Work L. S. $1,016.13 Street Lights each $1,000.00 Average Cost of Miscellaneous Items for 11.0m asphalt road on a 23.0m ROW Price per metre $69.53 $95.54 $89.34 $22.06 $84.23 $161.26 $7.27 $143.89 $43.56 $157.62 $35.20 $30.00 $164.54 $29.77 $49.68 $2.71 $4.64 $9.53 $218.36 $30.26 $28.19 $21.53 $20.07 $90.08 Assumptions 1.5 metre wide sidewalk, both sides of the road Width of blvd = ROW-asphalt width- curb width - sidewalk both sides 1 sanitary mh every 90 metres 1 lateral every 100m both sides of the road 85% of section requires storm sewer 1 mh every 90 metres 2 catchbasins every 90 metres 2 catchbasins every 90 metres 2 every 90 metres 1 mh, 2 cbs every 90 metres 1 hydrant every 90 metres 3 valves every 180 metres 1 long service every 90 metres 1 short service every 90 metres 2 Fire Flow Service Every 90 metres $1,608.86 $17.78 $11.43 $3.20 $1.61 0.1% of net cost $18.87 spacing 53m $52.89 $1,661.75 New construction per metre ± $1,650.00 New Road 14.0m Asphalt 26m ROW Unit CONSTRUCTION Granular A - 150 mm Granular B - 300 mm Concrete Curb and Gutter 100 mm Diameter PE Subdrain HL3 Asphalt - 40 mm HL 4 or HL 8 Hot Mix or Recycled - 100 mm Tack Coat Concrete Sidewalk Fine Grading, Topsoil & Sod 250 mm PVC DR 35 Sanitary Sewer 1200 mm Sanitary MH 200 mm Sanitary Lateral Adjust EX MH Frame and Grate to Finished Grade 600mm Diameter Storm Sewer, Flexible 1200mm Diameter Precast Maintenance Hole Precast Catch Basin -Single 250mm Diameter Catch Basin Lead, Flexible 300mm Diameter Storm Lateral Adjust Existing MH and CB to finished grade 300mm Dia Watermain PVC Class 150 Install New Fire Hydrant 300mm Diameter Gate Valves 50mm long side service - 300 mm watermain 50mm short side service - 300 mm watermain 150mm Fire Flow Service - 300 mm watermain Asphalt Blvd. - 50mm Asph. Gran. A sq. m. sq. m. m. m. sq. m. sq. m. sq. m. sq. m. sq. m. m. each each each m. each each m. m. each m. each each each each each sq. m. Average Unit Price $5.35 $7.35 $44.67 $11.03 $7.66 $14.66 $0.66 $47.96 $5.45 $157.62 $3,167.97 $1,500.00 $278.67 $193.58 $2,679.55 $2,235.74 $121.78 $208.73 $285.76 $218.36 $2,723.71 $1,691.18 $1,938.03 $1,806.27 $4,053.50 $24.00 Average Cost of Construction for 14.0m asphalt road on a 26.0m ROW MISCELLANEOUS Bonds as a percentage of net tender amount 1.11% Insurance as a percentage of net tender amount 0.71% Field Office as a percentage of net tender amount 0.20% Schedule of Work L. S. $1,016.13 Street Lights each $1,000.00 Average Cost of Miscellaneous Items for 14.0m asphalt road on a 26.0m ROW Price per metre $90.93 $117.59 $89.34 $22.06 $107.20 $205.24 $9.25 $143.89 $32.67 $157.62 $35.20 $30.00 $3.10 $164.54 $29.77 $49.68 $2.71 $4.64 $9.53 $218.36 $30.26 $28.19 $21.53 $20.07 $90.08 $48.00 Assumptions 1.5 metre wide sidewalk, both sides of the road Width of blvd = ROW-asphalt width- curb width - sidewalk both sides 1 sanitary mh every 90 metres 1 lateral every 100m both sides of the road 1 sanitary mh every 90 metres 85% of section requires storm sewer 1 mh every 90 metres 2 catchbasins every 90 metres 2 catchbasins every 90 metres 2 every 90 metres 1 mh, 2 cbs every 90 metres 1 hydrant every 90 metres 3 valves every 180 metres 1 long service every 90 metres 1 short service every 90 metres 2 Fire Flow Service Every 90 metres $1,761.44 $19.46 $12.52 $3.50 $1.76 0.1% of net cost $17.24 spacing 58m $54.49 $1,815.93 New construction per metre ± $1,800.00 New Road 18.0m Asphalt 30m ROW Unit CONSTRUCTION Granular A - 150 mm Granular B - 300 mm Concrete Curb and Gutter 100 mm Diameter PE Subdrain HL3 Asphalt - 40 mm HL 4 or HL 8 Hot Mix or Recycled - 100 mm Tack Coat Concrete Sidewalk Fine Grading, Topsoil & Sod 250 mm PVC DR 35 Sanitary Sewer 1200 mm Sanitary MH 200 mm Sanitary Lateral 600mm Diameter Storm Sewer, Flexible 1200mm Diameter Precast Maintenance Hole Precast Catch Basin -Single 250mm Diameter Catch Basin Lead, Flexible 300mm Diameter Storm Lateral Adjust Existing MH and CB to finished grade 300mm Dia Watermain PVC Class 150 Install New Fire Hydrant 300mm Diameter Gate Valves 50mm long side service - 300 mm watermain 50mm short side service - 300 mm watermain 150mm Fire Flow Service - 300 mm watermain Asphalt Blvd. - 50mm Asph. Gran. A sq. m. sq. m. m. m. sq. m. sq. m. sq. m. sq. m. sq. m. m. each each m. each each m. m. each m. each each each each each sq. m. Average Unit Price $5.35 $7.35 $44.67 $11.03 $7.66 $14.66 $0.66 $47.96 $5.45 $157.62 $3,167.97 $1,500.00 $193.58 $2,679.55 $2,235.74 $121.78 $208.73 $285.76 $218.36 $2,723.71 $1,691.18 $1,938.03 $1,806.27 $4,053.50 $24.00 Average Cost of Construction for 18.0m asphalt road on a 30.0m ROW MISCELLANEOUS Bonds as a percentage of net tender amount 1.11% Insurance as a percentage of net tender amount 0.71% Field Office as a percentage of net tender amount 0.20% Schedule of Work L. S. $1,016.13 Street Lights each $1,000.00 Average Cost of Miscellaneous Items for 18.0m asphalt road on a 30.0m ROW Price per metre $112.32 $146.99 $89.34 $22.06 $137.82 $263.88 $11.89 $143.89 $32.67 $157.62 $35.20 $30.00 $164.54 $29.77 $49.68 $2.71 $4.64 $9.53 $218.36 $30.26 $28.19 $21.53 $20.07 $90.08 $48.00 Assumptions 1.5 metre wide sidewalk, both sides of the road Width of blvd = ROW-asphalt width- curb width - sidewalk both sides 1 sanitary mh every 90 metres 1 lateral every 100m both sides of the road 85% of section requires storm sewer 1 mh every 90 metres 2 catchbasins every 90 metres 2 catchbasins every 90 metres 2 every 90 metres 1 mh, 2 cbs every 90 metres 1 hydrant every 90 metres 3 valves every 180 metres 1 long service every 90 metres 1 short service every 90 metres 2 Fire Flow Service Every 90 metres $1,901.05 $21.01 $13.51 $3.78 $1.90 0.1% of net cost $17.24 spacing 58m $57.44 $1,958.49 New construction per metre ± $1,950.00 Road Widening Widen Existing 11m Road to 14m 26m ROW Unit REMOVALS Remove Existing Asphalt Remove Concrete Curb and Gutter Earth Excavation Remove Ex Catch basin Remove Existing Concrete Sidewalk Stripping of Topsoil Remove Ex Hydrant sq.m. m. cu. m. each sq. m. sq. m. each Average Unit Price $4.06 $9.39 $10.26 $194.11 $8.58 $1.80 $295.62 Average Cost of Removals CONSTRUCTION Granular A - 150 mm Granular B - 300 mm Concrete Curb and Gutter 100 mm Diameter PE Subdrain HL3 Asphalt - 40 mm HL 4 or HL 8 Hot Mix or Recycled - 100 mm Tack Coat Concrete Sidewalk Fine Grading, Topsoil & Sod Precast Catch Basin -Single 250mm Diameter Catch Basin Lead, Flexible Install New Fire Hydrant sq. m. sq. m. m. m. sq. m. sq. m. sq. m. sq. m. sq. m. each m. each $5.35 $7.35 $44.67 $11.03 $7.66 $14.66 $0.66 $47.96 $5.45 $2,235.74 $121.78 $2,723.71 Average Cost of Construction MISCELLANEOUS Bonds as a percentage of net tender amount 1.11% Insurance as a percentage of net tender amount 0.71% Field Office as a percentage of net tender amount 0.20% Schedule of Work L. S. $1,016.13 Street Lights each $1,000.00 Asphalt Driveway Removal and Restoration sq. m. $24.77 Average Cost of Miscellaneous Items Price per metre $2.03 $18.78 $16.16 $4.31 $25.73 $14.38 $3.28 Assumptions 0.5m 3.5m x 0.45m 2 catchbasins every 90 metres 1.5 metre wide sidewalk, both sides of the road 1 hydrant every 90 metres $84.67 $18.72 $25.72 $89.34 $22.06 $26.80 $51.31 $2.31 $143.89 $43.56 $49.68 $2.71 $30.26 3.5m 3.5m New Concrete Curb Both Sides 3.5m 3.5m 3.5m 1.5 metre wide sidewalk, both sides of the road Width of blvd = ROW-asphalt width- curb width - sidewalk both sides 2 catchbasins every 90 metres 2 catchbasins every 90 metres 1 hydrant every 90 metres $506.37 $5.60 $3.60 $1.01 $0.51 0.1% of net cost $23.81 spacing 42m $39.64 20%of blvd is driveway 4m driveway regrading $74.16 $665.20 Road Widening Construction Cost Per Metre ± $650.00 Road Widening Widen Existing 11m Road to 18m 26m ROW Unit REMOVALS Remove Existing Asphalt Remove Concrete Curb and Gutter Earth Excavation Remove Ex Catch basin Remove Existing Concrete Sidewalk Stripping of Topsoil Remove Ex Hydrant sq.m. m. cu. m. each sq. m. sq. m. each Average Unit Price $4.06 $9.39 $10.26 $194.11 $8.58 $1.80 $295.62 Average Cost of Removals CONSTRUCTION Granular A - 150 mm Granular B - 300 mm Concrete Curb and Gutter 100 mm Diameter PE Subdrain HL3 Asphalt - 40 mm HL 4 or HL 8 Hot Mix or Recycled - 100 mm Tack Coat Concrete Sidewalk Fine Grading, Topsoil & Sod Precast Catch Basin -Single 250mm Diameter Catch Basin Lead, Flexible Install New Fire Hydrant sq. m. sq. m. m. m. sq. m. sq. m. sq. m. sq. m. sq. m. each m. each $5.35 $7.35 $44.67 $11.03 $7.66 $14.66 $0.66 $47.96 $5.45 $2,235.74 $121.78 $2,723.71 Average Cost of Construction MISCELLANEOUS Bonds as a percentage of net tender amount 1.11% Insurance as a percentage of net tender amount 0.71% Field Office as a percentage of net tender amount 0.20% Schedule of Work L. S. $1,016.13 Street Lights each $1,000.00 Asphalt Driveway Removal and Restoration sq. m. $24.77 Average Cost of Miscellaneous Items Price per metre $2.03 $18.78 $34.63 $4.31 $25.73 $7.19 $3.28 Assumptions 0.5m 7.5m x 0.45m 2 catchbasins every 90 metres 1.5 metre wide sidewalk, both sides of the road 1 hydrant every 90 metres $95.95 $40.12 $55.12 $89.34 $22.06 $57.43 $109.95 $4.95 $143.89 $21.78 $49.68 $2.71 $30.26 7.5m 7.5m New Concrete Curb Both Sides 7.5m 7.5m 7.5m 1.5 metre wide sidewalk, both sides of the road Width of blvd = ROW-asphalt width- curb width - sidewalk both sides 2 catchbasins every 90 metres 2 catchbasins every 90 metres 1 hydrant every 90 metres $627.29 $6.93 $4.46 $1.25 $0.63 0.1% of net cost $23.81 spacing 42m $59.46 20%of blvd is driveway 6m driveway regrading $96.53 $819.78 Road Widening Construction Cost Per Metre ± $800.00 Road Widening Widen Proposed 11m Road to 18m 30m ROW Unit CONSTRUCTION Earth Excavation Granular A - 150 mm Granular B - 300 mm HL3 Asphalt - 40 mm HL 4 or HL 8 Hot Mix or Recycled - 100 mm Tack Coat cu. m. sq. m. sq. m. sq. m. sq. m. sq. m. Average Unit Price $10.26 $5.35 $7.35 $7.66 $14.66 $0.66 Average Cost of Construction MISCELLANEOUS Bonds as a percentage of net tender amount 1.11% Insurance as a percentage of net tender amount 0.71% Field Office as a percentage of net tender amount 0.20% Schedule of Work L. S. $1,016.13 Average Cost of Miscellaneous Items Price per metre $32.32 $37.44 $51.45 $53.60 $102.62 $4.62 Assumptions 7.0m x 0.45m 7.0m 7.0m 7.0m 7.0m 7.0m $282.05 $3.12 $2.00 $0.56 $0.28 0.1% of net cost $5.96 $288.02 Road Widening Construction Cost Per Metre ± $300.00