Page 1 of 85 ERA TECHNOLOGY Conducted and Radiated Measurements for Low Level UWB Emissions B S Randhawa ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) ERA Project 7G0232303 FINAL REPORT Client : Client Reference : Ofcom Mike Parkins ERA Report Checked by: Approved by: S P Munday M Ganley Project Manager Programme Manager Ofcom Measurement Resource Ofcom Measurement Resource January 2007 Ref. BR/vs/62/02323/Rep-6060 2 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) © Copyright ERA Technology Limited 2007 All Rights Reserved No part of this document may be copied or otherwise reproduced without the prior written permission of ERA Technology Limited. If received electronically, recipient is permitted to make such copies as are necessary to: view the document on a computer system; comply with a reasonable corporate computer data protection and backup policy and produce one paper copy for personal use. Distribution list Client Project File (1) (1) DOCUMENT CONTROL If no restrictive markings are shown, the document may be distributed freely in whole, without alteration, subject to Copyright. ERA Technology Ltd Cleeve Road Leatherhead Surrey KT22 7SA UK Tel : +44 (0) 1372 367000 Fax: +44 (0) 1372 367099 E-mail: Read more about ERA Technology on our Internet page at: Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 3 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Summary a) Introduction The proposed European limits for Ultra Wideband (UWB) emission levels are significantly tighter than the original Federal Communications Commission (FCC) limits, and it has been suggested that the measurement techniques mandated by the FCC might not have sufficient sensitivity to measure mean Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) limits as low as –85 dBm/MHz in the 1.6 to 3.8 GHz. ERA were asked to investigate if practical, repeatable and accurate measurements could be made at this low level using conducted and radiated test measurements. The objectives of the project were to: 1. Focus on the advantages and disadvantages for the following test facilities and recommend a measurement environment for cost effective compliance testing. a. Open Area Test Sites (OATS) b. Semi Anechoic Room (SAR) c. Fully Anechoic Room (FAR) d. GTEM or TEM Cells e. Reverberation Chamber. 2. Characterise the different types of UWB signals. 3. Assess the minimum EIRP level that could be measured using standard measuring equipment based on: • Environment • Measurement distance • Antenna type • Detector type • Resolution bandwidth. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 4 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) b) Test Environment The radiated measurements were performed in a Fully Anechoic Room. This measurement environment was chosen over other environments due to the following reasons: 1. The measurement procedures developed by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) recommend installing the UWB device in an environment where measurement system multi-path and external radio signals are eliminated or minimised. The best possible choice is a high-performance anechoic chamber. 2. Communication papers in Japan describe techniques used to measure emissions from UWB devices also recommend measuring the emission in a high performance anechoic chamber. Below 1000 MHz a semi-anechoic chamber may be used. The OATS test environment was not considered because it has several deficiencies such as weather and ambient vulnerability, ground plane mutual coupling and reflection effects as well as incomplete angular coverage of the equipment under test radiation patterns. The ambient environment can be a problem when measurements have to be performed at low sensitivity levels in the frequency range where intentional emitters are present, such as GSM 900 & 1800 or 3G. The RF ambiance of the OATS can add considerable uncertainty to the measurements. Calculations have shown that the GTEM cell may have a 2 dB greater sensitivity compared with a FAR (See Appendix A). However, the available volume is small and not entirely suitable for equipment with attached cables. Experiments have shown that the results in the GTEM cell were sensitive to location of the EUT within a few centimetres, giving variations of 2 dB up to 2.5 GHz and 7 dB above 2.5 GHz [22]. Also, the cross-polarisation performance is considered inferior to an anechoic chamber or OATS. Over a limited frequency band the field level of the longitudinal mode can exceed the level of the intended vertical field. The size of EUT is limited to approximately onethird height between the septum and floor. Finally, it is difficult to determine the measurement uncertainty because of the cross-polarisation performance being inferior to an anechoic chamber or OATS. The ERA Stage B Report [25] on “Emission measurements in the range 1 to 6 GHz in Fully Anechoic Room and Reverberation Chamber Facilities” concludes that there is a reasonable correlation between the FAR and the reverberation chamber results, further work is required to investigate the appropriate gain factor as suggested in BS EN 61000-4-21. There are also good correlations between the reverberation mode- stirred and mode-tuned measurements. On average the reverberation chamber gave a reduction in field strength of 7 dB to 10 dB +/- 5 dB, but there was clear and apparently uniform frequency dependence. This could lead to a factor, which could be included in EN 61000-4-21 to obtain representative fields when using the reverberation chamber, but further work is required to determine the value and precision of the gain figure to be applied. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 5 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) The measurement results in a 1 MHz RBW using a peak detector also showed that the reverberation chamber had approximately 15 dB to 20 dB better sensitivity compared with the FAR. However, EN 61000-4-21, states that the main disadvantage of the reverberation chamber is that the measurement system must have a sensitivity of 20 dB lower than the actual mean to get an accurate average measurement and intermittent signals may be artificially lowered due to insufficient sampling. Thus, effectively eliminating any sensitivity advantage gained. Other work has shown the EUT in the reverberation chamber to give a very good comparison with the FAR data, but 4.5 dB higher. This may be expected, because the reverberation chamber captures the total energy, whereas the measurements in the FAR measure emissions in a single azimuth plane [22]. Also, reverberation chambers, although referenced in a basic standard are currently accepted in only a few product standards. Utilisation of reverberation chambers for emissions testing will require acceptance of total radiated power as a pass/fail criterion. There is also a lowest usable frequency defined by the cavity dimensions, tuner effectiveness, and cavity quality factor. Directivity and polarisation effects are not measurable in a reverberation chamber. The high Quality Factor in reverberation chambers may impose constraints on pulse testing. Depending on test conditions, correlation of test results to other test techniques may be difficult or impractical. c) UWB Signal Characterisation Conducted measurements have shown that the peak power of a pulsed UWB varies as 20.log10 (Resolution Bandwidth) (RBW) and the Root Mean Square (RMS) power varies as 10.log10 (RBW) for RBW > PRF. Also, the results show that the peak and RMS powers vary with a trend of 10.log10 (RBW) for dithered UWB signals, which is consistent with NTIA Report 01-383 predictions. Multi-band (MB)-OFDM UWB signals show a similar trend for the measured peak power when compared to the RMS levels. The results reveal that the peak levels are 4 to 6 dB higher compared with the RMS results. Both sets of results match well when compared with the Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) results, which verifies the 10.log10 (RBW) trend. Thus, proving that the MB-OFDM UWB signal has noise-like characteristics. d) Practical Measurement Limits of UWB Signals Conducted and radiated measurements for a MB-OFDM UWB device were carried out in a FAR using the test set up described in Sections 11.2 and 11.3. The table below summarises the practical minimum mean EIRP levels that can be measured. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 6 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Table 1: Minimum mean MB-OFDM UWB EIRP levels that can be practically measured Measurement Method Minimum Mean EIRP (dBm/MHz) Conducted -861 Conducted with a pre-amplifier -1011 Radiated at a 1 m separation distance -501 Radiated with a pre-amplifier at a 1 m separation distance -74-691,2 1 UWB signal 6 dB above the noise floor of the analyser when measured in a FAR with a DRWG horn antenna. 2 Between the 1.6 and 3.8 GHz band. From the table above, it can bee seen that an UWB EIRP limit of –85 dBm/MHz can be achieved using the conducted measurement set-up, by including a pre-amplifier. The standard conducted measurement set-up falls within 1 dB of the minimum EIRP limit. However, he radiated test set-up using a pre-amplifier falls short by 16 dB for frequencies at the top end of the 1.6 to 3.8 GHz band, as proposed by the ECC. At low measurement frequencies at 1.6 GHz, the mean radiated UWB EIRP density that can be measured is –74 dBm/MHz. The conducted measurement set-up using the pre-amplifier is only possible if the antenna of the UWB device is external and not integrated on the board of the UWB device. Attempting to measure the UWB signal by connecting an external cable to the antenna port on the board of the device will produce impedance mismatches and give incorrect results. The radiated measurements are limited by a combination of the noise floor level of the spectrum analyser or any other receiver, the noise figure of the pre-amplifier and the sensitivity of the measurement antenna. In effect, the lower the measurement system sensitivity, the lower the UWB signal level that can be measured. Smaller bandwidths could be used and the MB-OFDM UWB signal could be scaled using a 10.log10 (Bandwidth Correction Factor). However, the noise floor of the spectrum analyser would also go up by the same margin, thus giving no advantage. The single octave horn antenna has a 6-7 dB better performance in terms of antenna gain compared with the Double Ridged Waveguide (DRWG) horn antenna. However, the maximum dimension of 35 cm for the single octave horn antenna, compared with 25 cm with the DRWG horn requires the single octave horn antenna to be roughly twice the distance from the DUT. Thus, incurring an extra 6 dB of path loss compared with using a DWRG. The standard radiated test set-up alone is insufficient to measure UWB signals with low mean EIRP densities of –85 dBm/MHz. The Autonomous Interference Monitoring System (AIMS) currently being developed by Mass Consultants Ltd. for Ofcom, has shown that it is quite possible to measure signals 2 to 3 dB above its monitoring system sensitivity. The emphasis in that project is on the measurement of the C/(I+N) ratio Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 7 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) and detecting the presence of UWB in the presence of other signals. This is a different problem to that of measuring out-of-band UWB power, but the two issues are not unrelated. Development of the necessary algorithms is currently ongoing and it is expected that the system will be completed in March 2007.” The monitoring system uses an R&S FSQ26 spectrum analyser with an external wideband preamplifier, giving an overall system noise figure, at the input to Antenna Interface Unit, of between 2.3 dB and 7 dB producing system sensitivities between -110 dBm and -107 dBm in the 0.2 to 8 GHz frequency band. Theses sensitivities are comparable to those measured in the conducted test set-up as shown in Table 13, also using a pre-amplifier. The difference in measuring the UWB signal only 2 to 3 dB above the noise floor of the analyser using MASS Consultants monitoring system gives a 3 to 4 dB improvement compared with measuring the signal 6 dB above the noise floor. This improvement would also apply for radiated measurements as the sensitivity of the analyser with the pre-amplifier would be the same as in the conducted test set-up. Using an average detector would improve the noise floor of the spectrum analyser further by 1-2 dB, but the UWB signal with its noise-like characteristics Comparison of the R&S FSU spectrum analyser with the R&S ESPI test receiver gave similar noise floor levels within 1 dB, also giving no advantage in term of measurement sensitivity. Higher gain antennas such as parabolic dish antennas with a typical gain of 25 – 30 dBi could be used. However, at frequencies between 1 to 5 GHz, the maximum dimension of the measurement antenna (around 1 m) would increase the separation distance to 20 m at a frequency of 3 GHz. The additional path loss of 26 dB would cancel out any effective gain over using a DRWG antenna or single octave horn antenna. Measurements in a GTEM may improve the sensitivity and radiated EIRP by 2 dB based on calculations shown in Appendix A. The reverberation chamber may produce a 4 dB to 5 dB improvement, based on a better sensitivity performance of 15 dB, but an average reduction in field strength of 10 dB compared with the FAR [25]. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 8 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) This page is intentionally left blank Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 9 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Contents Page No. 1 Introduction 17 2 EMC Standards Review 18 2.1 Current Emissions Standards at Frequencies above 1 GHz 19 2.1.1 IEC/CISPR 19 2.1.2 FCC 20 2.1.3 ETSI 24 2.1.4 Summary of current emission standards 24 3 Current UWB Emission Levels 25 3.1 FCC and NTIA Recommendations 25 3.2 ECC Recommendation 27 4 UWB Applications 30 5 UWB Signal Characteristics 31 6 UWB Technology 34 6.1 Introduction 34 6.2 DS-UWB 36 6.3 Multi-Band OFDM 38 7 Measurement Techniques 40 7.1 Full Bandwidth Time Domain Measurements 40 7.2 Bandwidth Limited Measurements 42 7.2.1 42 Spectrum envelope measurements Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 10 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) 8 9 7.2.2 Peak power measurements 44 7.2.3 FCC Part 15 average power measurements 44 7.2.4 RMS power measurements 44 7.2.5 APD measurements 45 Measurement Environments 46 8.1 Open Area Test Site 46 8.2 Anechoic Rooms 47 8.3 GTEM Cells 47 8.4 Reverberation Chamber 49 Measurement Considerations 51 9.1 Test Environment 51 9.2 Detectors 52 9.3 Sensitivity of Equipment 52 9.4 Radiation Pattern 53 9.5 Far Field Conditions 53 10 Test Methodology 54 11 Measurement Results 55 11.1 Characterising UWB Signals 55 11.1.1 Pulsed UWB 55 11.1.2 Dithered UWB 56 11.1.3 Simulated OFDM-UWB 57 11.1.4 MB-OFDM 60 Conducted Low Level UWB Emissions 62 11.2 Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 11 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) 11.3 12 13 Radiated Low Level UWB Emissions 66 Conclusions 74 12.1 Introduction 74 12.2 Test Environment 74 12.3 UWB Signal Characterisation 76 12.4 Practical Measurement Limits of UWB Signals 76 References APPENDIX A Calculation of Minimum Measurable UWB EIRP 78 81 A.1 Minimum Measurable EIRP using a FAR 82 A.2 Minimum Measurable EIRP using a GTEM Cell 83 Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 12 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Tables List Page No. Table 1: Minimum mean MB-OFDM UWB EIRP levels that can be practically measured .................. 6 Table 2: Summary of the emissions mask for UWB proposed by Vodafone ...................................... 17 Table 3: CISPR 22 amendment, proposed limits above 1 GHz ............................................................ 20 Table 4: FCC limits for digital devices................................................................................................ 21 Table 5: Equivalent FCC limits for UWB ............................................................................................ 22 Table 6: Comparison of CISPR and FCC limits at 3 m for frequencies above 1 GHz ........................ 24 Table 7: Maximum EIRP limits for devices using UWB technology in bands below 10.6 GHz ......... 28 Table 8: Radio Systems operating between 1 and 3 GHz.................................................................... 30 Table 9: Possible set of DS-UWB signal parameters........................................................................... 38 Table 10: Simulated OFDM-UWB signal parameters .......................................................................... 58 Table 11: Wisair MB-OFDM UWB signal parameters ........................................................................ 60 Table 12: Conducted measurements of MB-OFDM UWB signals close to the noise floor ................ 62 Table 13: Conducted measurements of an amplified MB-OFDM UWB signal .................................. 64 Table 14: Radiated measurements of a MB-OFDM UWB signal without a pre-amplifier ................. 68 Table 15: Minimum mean UWB EIRP levels that can be measured below 3.8 GHz in a 1 MHz RBW using a HP 8449B pre-amplifier ................................................................................................... 70 Table 16: Radiated measurements of a MB-OFDM UWB signal using an ERA pre-amplifier .......... 71 Table 17: Radiated measurements of a MB-OFDM UWB signal using a DRWG and single octave horn antenna.................................................................................................................................. 71 Table 18: Comparison of S/N ratio for pre-amplifier configurations .................................................. 72 Table 19: Minimum mean MB-OFDM UWB EIRP levels that can be practically measured ............. 73 Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 13 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Figures List Page No. Figure 1: FCC Digital device and UWB field strength limits at 3m using a RBW of 1 MHz.............. 23 Figure 2: Indoor UWB emission masks defined by the FCC................................................................ 26 Figure 3: Outdoor UWB emission masks defined by the FCC............................................................. 27 Figure 4: FCC and draft ECC UWB mean EIRP limits compared with CISPR average emission limits in a 1 MHz band............................................................................................................................ 29 Figure 5: UWB pulse spacing modes.................................................................................................... 32 Figure 6: Spectral characteristics of different pulse spacing modes ..................................................... 33 Figure 7: IEEE 802 organisation........................................................................................................... 35 Figure 8: DS-UWB wavelet and its spectrum in 6-10.6 GHz range ..................................................... 37 Figure 9: Single channel band occupancy of an OFDM UWB system................................................. 39 Figure 10: Expanded view of a multi-band OFDM UWB channel....................................................... 39 Figure 11: Full bandwidth measurement system set-up........................................................................ 41 Figure 12: Bandwidth limited measurement system set-up .................................................................. 42 Figure 13: Typical APD curve .............................................................................................................. 45 Figure 14: APD graph of AWGN produced by a R&S FSU46 spectrum analyser in a 1 MHz bandwidth...................................................................................................................................... 46 Figure 15: Diagram of the set-up to measure a pulsed UWB signal..................................................... 55 Figure 16: Measured power as a function RBW for a pulsed UWB device with 5 MHz PRF ............. 55 Figure 17: Diagram of the set-up of a dithered UWB signal ................................................................ 56 Figure 18: Measured power as a function RBW for a dithered UWB device with 5 MHz PRF .......... 57 Figure 19: Bandwidth limited measurements for a simulated OFDM-UWB signal using a spectrum analyser ......................................................................................................................................... 58 Figure 20: Measured RMS power as a function RBW for a simulated OFDM-UWB signal............... 59 Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 14 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Figure 21: Measured peak power as a function RBW for a simulated OFDM-UWB signal................ 59 Figure 22: Bandwidth limited measurements for a MB-OFDM UWB signal using a spectrum analyser ...................................................................................................................................................... 60 Figure 23: Measured RMS power as a function RBW for a MB-OFDM UWB signal ........................ 61 Figure 24: Measured peak power as a function RBW for a MB-OFDM UWB signal ......................... 61 Figure 25: MB-OFDM UWB signal and its 3 bands conductively measured in a 1 MHz RBW ......... 63 Figure 26: Bandwidth limited measurements for amplified MB-OFDM UWB signals using a spectrum analyser ......................................................................................................................................... 64 Figure 27: Amplified MB-OFDM UWB signal and its 3 bands measured conductively in 1 MHz RBW using RMS detection........................................................................................................... 65 Figure 28: Set-up for radiating UWB emission measurements ............................................................ 66 Figure 29: Radiated MB-OFDM UWB signal measured at a distance of 1 m in a 1 MHz RBW ........ 67 Figure 30: Radiated MB-OFDM UWB signal measured at a distance of 1 m in a 1 MHz RBW using a HP pre-amplifier ........................................................................................................................... 69 Figure 31: Radiated MB-OFDM UWB signal measured at a distance of 1 m in a 1 MHz RBW using an ERA pre-amplifier.................................................................................................................... 70 Figure 32: GTEM cell equivalent electric circuit ................................................................................. 83 Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 15 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Abbreviations List ACF Antenna Correction Factor APD Amplitude Probability Distribution BW Band Width BWCF Band Width Correction Factor CEPT Conference of Postal and Telecommunication administrations CISPR International Special Committee on Radio Interference DRWG Double Ridged Waveguide Horn DS Direct Sequence ECC European Communications Committee EIRP Effective Isotropic Radiated Power ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute FAR Fully Anechoic Room FCC Federal Communications Commission FWHM Full Width Half Maximum IEC International Electro-technical Commission ITE Information Technology Equipment OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex MSSI Multi Spectral Solution Inc. NTIA National Telecommunications and Information Administration PRF Pulse Repetition Frequency RBW Resolution Band Width RF Radio Frequency RMS Root Mean Square SAR Semi Anechoic Room UWB Ultra Wide Band Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 16 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) This page is intentionally left blank Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 17 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) 1 Introduction The proposed European limits for Ultra Wide Band (UWB) emission levels are significantly tighter than the original Federal Communications Commission (FCC) limits, and it has been suggested that the measurement techniques mandated by the FCC might not have sufficient sensitivity to measure mean Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) limits as low as –85 dBm/MHz between 1.6 GHz and 3.8 GHz frequency band. Vodafone responded in March 2005 to OFCOM’s consultation [1] on a position to adopt in Europe on ultra wideband devices in 3.1-10.6 GHz [2]. In this response, Vodafone have proposed the emissions mask for UWB equipment, which is summarised Table 2. Table 2: Summary of the emissions mask for UWB proposed by Vodafone Frequency Range Below 960 MHz Proposal Based on CISPR 16 quasi-peak detector with a bandwidth of 120 kHz, as described in FCC Report and Order 02-48 (see note below) 960 MHz 1.6 GHz -75 dBm/MHz, as in FCC rules (see note below) 1.6 - 2.7 GHz -85 dBm/MHz 2.7 - 3.1 GHz Linear slope (in dB) from –85 dBm/MHz to –51.3 dBm/MHz 3.1 – 5 GHz Based on results of ECC TG3 impact analysis 5 – 6 GHz 6 - 10.6 GHz Based on results of ECC TG3 impact analysis, taking into account that this band is not planned for use by UWB PAN applications. Based on results of ECC TG3 impact analysis. 10.6 - 11.6 GHZ Linear slope (in dB), starting from –51.3 dBm/MHz Above 11.6 GHz The limitations of measurement techniques should be taken into account in determining an appropriate value. Note: These requirements below 1.6 GHz are only adequate if there is also a requirement that the necessary bandwidth of any UWB emission is entirely within the frequency range 3.1 – 10.6 GHz. Vodafone believes that the out-of-band mask should fall to a mean EIRP density of –85 dBm/MHz at 2.7 GHz. However, it is important that the practical limitation proposed by Vodafone, is capable of being measured. In Vodafone’s response to Ofcom’s consultation on UWB, the mobile operator believes that suitable measurement techniques do exist, but they may need to be validated before they can be specified in the European regulatory framework. In order that this issue does not delay the finalisation of the Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 18 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) European framework (and especially Harmonised Standards), ERA proposes to study methods of measurement for UWB emissions with a mean EIRP density of –85 dBm/MHz. Vodafone believes that such a study could make a substantial contribution to enabling UWB products to be placed on the EU market with emission limits that are tighter than the FCC limits. The objective of this report is to: 1. Review current measurement procedures for UWB emissions in the frequency and in the time domain. 2. Investigate, if practical, repeatable and accurate measurements can be made at this low level for the following test environments: a. Open Area Test Sites (OATS) b. Semi Anechoic Room (SAR) c. Fully Anechoic Room (FAR) d. GTEM or TEM Cells e. Reverberation Chamber. 3. Focus on the advantages and disadvantages of above test facilities and recommend a measurement environment for cost effective compliance testing. 4. Characterise various UWB signals based on pulsed, dithered and OFDM technology. 5. Devise a measurement procedure that is capable of achieving a sensitivity of –85 dBm/MHz for both conducted and radiated UWB field measurements up to a frequency of 5 GHz. 2 EMC Standards Review The ever increasing use of radio communication services operating at frequencies above 1 GHz has resulted in a perceived need to develop Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) emissions test methods and limits to protect services such as GSM 1800, DECT, 3G and Blue-tooth. It is recognised by standards bodies such as International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR) that the driver for emission limits at frequencies above 1 GHz comes from the cellular radio operators who have invested heavily in the licenses to operate. Although there have been few recorded interference complaints, the operators need to ensure that there is adequate protection of their radio services, particularly in the light that the clock speeds in PCs and multimedia equipment are rapidly increasing and although there may be few problems at present, that may not be the case in the future if there are no controls. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 19 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) The main downside to the controls is the additional costs faced by the manufacturers in performing extra tests, and designing products for compliance. However, the current requirements for testing are easily extended to 6 GHz. Most EMC test laboratories already having the capability and design methods for compliance with emission limits are well known and would need only minor adjustment in most cases. It should also be noted that emission limits are long overdue. In comparison, Radio Frequency (RF) field immunity requirements at frequencies above 1 GHz have been included in the basic standard EN 61000-4-3 for a number of years. The key issues for the provision of emission limits at higher frequencies than considered for some time relate to the product characteristics and the services to be protected. Electronic equipment is continuing to operate at faster clock speeds with PCs now operating at speeds exceeding 1 GHz and it is envisaged that clock speeds may continue to increase up to the 10 to 20 GHz range. The development of UWB covers a large section of the frequency range above 1 GHz, and limits are required to protect radio services including GSM 1800 and 3G. 2.1 Current Emissions Standards at Frequencies above 1 GHz 2.1.1 IEC/CISPR Over the last ten years there have been developments in CISPR to produce test methods and limits for emissions from Information Technology Equipment (ITE), and only in 2005 the Final Draft International Standard (FDIS) was approved so that CISPR 22 could be amended. Over this period there has been a re-organization in CISPR and there are now three sub-committees dealing with the subject, CISPR A for the basic test methods, CISPR H for the limits and CISPR I for product standard considerations, CISPR I now covering both ITE, TV and multi-media products. The proposed amendment to CISPR 22, CISPR/I/151/FDIS, was recently approved and presents the limits and test methods for emission tests above 1 GHz. The proposed radiated emission limits are presented in Table 3. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 20 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Table 3: CISPR 22 amendment, proposed limits above 1 GHz Frequency range (GHz) Average limit (dBuV/m) Peak limit (dBuV/m) Class A ITE Class B ITE Class A ITE Class B ITE 1-3 56 50 76 70 3-6 60 54 80 74 Note: Class A ITE are for commercial and industrial use, Class B is for residential use The instrumentation and site requirements are referenced in CISPR 16-1-1, 16-1-1-4, and 16-1-1-4. These requirements may be refined in the future when the current work in CISPR SC A has been completed. A 1 MHz resolution bandwidth is proposed for all measurements above 1 GHz, with peak and average detectors as defined in CISPR 16-1-1 clause 8.2. The preferred test distance is 3 m provided the far field conditions are achieved, i.e., d > 2D2/ λ, where D is the maximum aperture dimension of the measuring antenna and λ is the wavelength of the measurement. Measurements may be made at 1 m or 10 m and the data would be adjusted to the 3m values using free space propagation conditions. 2.1.2 FCC In the USA, there have been requirements for emissions measurements at frequencies above 1 GHz for many years. These are set out in the Code of Federal Regulations, 47 Telecommunications, with limits for digital devices included in Part 15, Sec. 15.109. The recommended test methods and procedures are according to ANSI C63.4 [3]. There are also requirements for UWB systems at frequencies above 1 GHz as presented in Part 15, Sec. 15.517, Sec. 15.519 and Sec. 15.521. Unintentional Radiators The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has proposed limits for frequencies above 1 GHz, which are stated in Part 15, Sec. 15.109 and presented below in Table 4. This covers equipment categories of PC, computers and other digital devices. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 21 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Table 4: FCC limits for digital devices Frequency range, GHz Field strength limit (dBμV/m) Class A (at 10m) Above 0.96 Class B (at 3m) Peak RMS Average Peak RMS Average N/a 49.5 N/a 54 For Class B equipment, e.g. residential PCs, the field strength limit is 7 dB more relaxed than the 37 dBμV/m limit of EN 55022 (at 10 m), at frequencies below 1 GHz. Measurements are performed on an OATS that satisfy the requirements of ANSI C63.7 [4] at frequencies below 1 GHz, or can be performed in an absorber lined shielded enclosure provided, it can be demonstrated that reflections do not adversely affect accuracy. The measurement antenna can be a linearly polarized device with a similar beam-width to the antennas used at frequencies below 1 GHz. ANSI C63.4 states that at frequencies above 1 GHz, the measuring antenna may not have a wide beam-width and there is a requirement to move the antenna vertically and horizontally when observing one face of the EUT in order to ensure that the maximum radiation emission levels are captured in the search. The measurements are made with a receiver or spectrum analyser having a bandwidth of 1 MHz and an average detector (as specified in ANSI C63.2: 1996 [5]). At frequencies above 1000 MHz, the radiated limits given are based upon the use of measurement instrumentation employing an average detector function. Where average radiated emission measurements are specified in this part, there also is a limit on the radio frequency emissions, as measured using instrumentation with a peak detector function, corresponding to 20 dB above the maximum permitted average limit for the frequency being investigated. This applies unless a different peak emission limit is specified in the rules, e.g., Sec. 15.255, operation within the band 57 – 64 GHz; Sec.15.509, (Technical requirements for ground penetrating radars and wall imaging systems), and Sec 15.511, (Technical requirements for surveillance systems). The average detector used has a long time constant and significantly reduces the measured levels for any short duration transients. Intentional radiators Part 15, Sec. 15.209 sets out limits for intentional radiators such as cordless phones and spread spectrum devices and the proposed limits are identical to the Class B limits for unintentional radiators, i.e. digital devices (See Table 4). Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 22 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Personal radio services The requirements for emissions from radio transmitters are complex but as an example, Sec. 95.635 of Part 95, Personal Radio Services, dealing with unwanted radiation from radio systems, also applies the same Class B limits at frequencies above 1 GHz for equipment operating in the MIC band. UWB Radiated emission requirements for UWB systems are set out in Code of Federal Regulations, 47 Telecommunications, Part 15, Sec. 15.517, 15.519 and 15.521 [6]. The limits are stated as EIRP (in dBm), and have been converted to field strengths at 3m using the approved conversion, i.e. E(dBμV/m) = EIRP(dBm/MHz) + 95.26 dB and are presented in Table 5 for both indoor, and hand held UWB systems. Table 5: Equivalent FCC limits for UWB Frequency range, GHz Field strength limits at 3m (dBμV/m) Indoor UWB 1 Hand-held UWB Peak Average Peak1 Average 0.96-1.61 40 20 40 20 1.61-1.99 62 42 52 32 1.99-3.1 64 44 54 34 3.1-10.6 74 54 74 54 >10.6 64 44 54 34 1 Section15.35 of the FCC rules states that when average radiated emission measurements are specified in the regulations, the radio frequency emissions, measured using instrumentation with a peak detector function, can be no more than 20 dB above the maximum permitted average limit. The measurements are made as for digital devices with a resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz, and an average RMS detector. The plots have been limited to an upper frequency of 18 GHz to represent the requirements for UWB systems at frequencies above 10.6 GHz. The upper limit on frequency for digital devices and similar equipment is related to the fifth harmonic of the clock frequency in a computer device, or 40 GHz, whichever is lower. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 23 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) The FCC limits at frequencies above 1 GHz for the main categories of equipment are presented in Figure 1 below. 70 Field strength (dBuV/m) 60 50 Class A Digital Device 40 Class B Digital Device Indoor UWB Device 30 Hand Held UWB Device 20 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Frequency (GHz) Figure 1: FCC Digital device and UWB field strength limits at 3m using a RBW of 1 MHz It is interesting to note the emissions from Class B (residential) digital devices set by the FCC are identical to the UWB limits in the 3.1 to 10.6 GHz frequency band also set by the regulatory body. Between 1.99 GHz and 3.1 GHz the field strength at 3 m drops to 34 dBμV/m giving an EIRP of –61.3 dBm/MHz, 23.7 dB greater than that proposed in Table 2, for handheld UWB devices. ISM Part 18 of the CFR sets out the emissions limits for Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) equipment but there are no requirements for measurements at frequencies above 1 GHz. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 24 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) 2.1.3 ETSI Many standards published by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) contain requirements for the control of radiated emissions at frequencies above 1 GHz. For example, EN 302 066-1: 2005 [7] is for ground probing radar and has ERP power limits for radiated undesired emissions of –30 dBm in the frequency range 1 GHz to 18 GHz. For Digitally Enhanced Cordless Telephones (DECT), EN 300 172-2 also has a spurious emission level of 1 μW above 1 GHz [8]. 2.1.4 Summary of current emission standards The test methods stated in the main standards, FCC and CISPR 22 are very similar, requiring E-field measurements on an OATS, or in an absorber lined room meeting Normalized Site attenuation (NSA) requirements, i.e. a properly constructed Semi-anechoic Room. Generally at frequencies above 1 GHz a 3 m distance is acceptable and standard measuring instrumentation such as spectrum analysers are acceptable. Table 5 presents a comparison of the average detector emission limits at a distance of 3 m for frequencies above 1 GHz as proposed by CISPR and the FCC respectively. Table 6: Comparison of CISPR and FCC limits at 3 m for frequencies above 1 GHz Frequency range CISPR Average limit (dBuV/m) FCC Average limit (dBuV/m) Class A ITE Class B ITE Equivalent Class A ITE Class B ITE 1-3 GHz 56 50 60 54 3-6 GHz 60 54 60 54 At frequencies above 3 GHz the limits are identical and below 3 GHz the CISPR limits are 4 dB more severe, compared to the FCC limits. It is likely that these limits, (if fully agreed) will be then retained until there is strong pressure in the form of feedback from the manufacturers, or the operators. Any proposals would take several years to be implemented. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 25 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) 3 Current UWB Emission Levels 3.1 FCC and NTIA Recommendations In the United States, the FCC, in coordination with the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), has developed rules for unlicensed UWB devices under Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15 [6]. The regulation sets out guidelines under which an intentional, unintentional, or incidental radiator may be operated without an individual license. Part 15 stipulates that unlicensed devices are subject to the condition that no harmful interference is caused to licensed services and that harmful interference to unlicensed devices must be accepted. It is recognised and stated in Part 15.5 (c) that; “the limits specified in this part will not prevent harmful interference in all circumstances.” The FCC regulation sets out a “mask” with an upper limit of –41.3 dBm/MHz as the amount of power that can be radiated at any particular frequency by a UWB device within the core band of 3.1 – 10.6 GHz. The amount of power that can be radiated outside of the core band by a UWB device rolls off to –61.3 dBm/MHz at 2.1 GHz and 11.6 GHz [6]. The FCC has defined a UWB device to be any intentional radiator of RF energy, which has a 10 dB bandwidth of 25% of the strongest frequency within that 10 dB bandwidth or a 10 dB bandwidth of equal to or greater to 500 MHz [6]. These devices do not conform to the usual frequency allocation table and associated FCC regulations, because of these extremely large bandwidths. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 26 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Figure 2: Indoor UWB emission masks defined by the FCC Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 27 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Figure 3: Outdoor UWB emission masks defined by the FCC Figure 2 and 3 show the mask of the average radiated power from an approved unlicensed commercial UWB for general indoor and hand outdoor UWB devices respectively. Unlicensed UWB devices with radiation frequencies below 960 MHz are regulated under a different section of Part 15 of the FCC rules. In this frequency region, the emissions are measured with a receiver using a quasi-peak detector; therefore, the limit for emissions at frequencies below 960 MHz is in μV/m. This mask also assumes an isotropic receive antenna. 3.2 ECC Recommendation Decision ECC/DEC/(06)04 [9] on the harmonised conditions for devices using UWB technology in bands below 10.6 GHz has been finally adopted by the European Communications Committee (ECC) at its meeting 20 – 24 March 2006 in Oulu (Finland). The baseline solution for UWB operation in Europe is twofold and is based on a consensus reached between Conference of Postal and Telecommunication administrations (CEPT) administrations: Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 28 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) • Operation in band 6 – 8.5 GHz, subject to maximum power density levels and without requirement for additional mitigation. • Operation in band 3.1 – 4.8 GHz, subject to maximum power density levels and to the implementation of adequate mitigation techniques, which requirements are to be defined and effectiveness is to be validated. No consensus has been reached on the inclusion of regulatory provisions for a phased approach in the band 4.2 – 4.8 GHz without mitigation techniques. Draft ECC Decision ECC/DEC/(06)EE has been developed in complement to Decision ECC/DEC/(06)04 and is currently focused on the principle of a possible harmonised transition measure applicable to frequency band 4.2 – 4.8 GHz since no technical requirements are currently available for mitigation techniques considered in the frequency band 3.1 – 4.8 GHz. Additionally to the technical requirements detailed in Table 7, new UWB devices are exceptionally permitted (until 30 June 2010/2012) to operate in the frequency band 4.2 - 4.8 GHz with a maximum mean EIRP density of –41.3 dBm/MHz and a maximum peak EIRP density of 0 dBm/50 MHz without the requirement for additional mitigation. Table 7: Maximum EIRP limits for devices using UWB technology in bands below 10.6 GHz Frequency range (GHz) Maximum Mean EIRP density (dBm/MHz) Maximum Peak EIRP Density (dBm/50MHz) (Note 1) Below 1.6 –90 dBm/MHz –50 dBm/50MHz 1.6 to 3.8 –85 dBm/MHz –45 dBm/50MHz 3.8 to 4.8 –70 dBm/MHz –30 dBm/50MHz 4.8 to 6 –70 dBm/MHz –30 dBm/50MHz 6 to 8.5 –41.3 dBm/MHz 0 dBm/50MHz 8.5 to 10.6 –65 dBm/MHz –25 dBm/50MHz Above 10.6 –85 dBm/MHz –45 dBm/50MHz Note 1: The peak EIRP can be alternatively measured in a 3 MHz bandwidth. In this case, the maximum peak EIRP limits to be applied is scaled down by a factor of 20log(50/3) = 24.4 dB. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 29 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) -30 -40 EIRP (dBm) -50 CISPR Class A -60 CISPR Class B FCC UWB Indoor FCC UWB Outdoor -70 Draft ECC UWB -80 -90 1 3 5 7 9 11 -100 Frequency (GHz) Figure 4: FCC and draft ECC UWB mean EIRP limits compared with CISPR average emission limits in a 1 MHz band Figure 4 above shows the comparison between CISPR average emission limits above 1 GHz for Class A (Industrial) and Class B (Residential) and mean UWB limits set by the FCC and proposed by the ECC. The plot shows that the draft ECC limits proposed are 24 dB below the FCC outdoor limits for frequencies between 1.99 GHz and 3.1 GHz and 15 dB below 1.6 GHz. UWB Interference measurements to Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers by the NTIA showed that for UWB signals examined with a PRF of 20 MHz, the maximum allowable EIRP levels required to ensure EMC with all of the GPS receiver applications considered ranged from -41.0 to -76.9 dBm/MHz for the CW-like (non-dithered) UWB waveforms, and from -30.0 to -68.6 dBm/MHz for the noise-like (dithered) UWB waveforms. The measurements carried out in the NTIA report were based on a receiver sensitivity -130 dBm. GSM 1800, DECT, 3G and RLAN all have higher sensitivity levels (Table 8) compared with a typical GPS receiver and should therefore in theory, operate with FCC UWB EIRP limits of –75.3 dBm/MHz (in a bandwidth no less than 1 kHz, as stated in Code of Federal Regulations, 47 Telecommunications, Section 15.509, Part e), 10 dB more than the proposed draft ECC limit of –85 dBm/MHz. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 30 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Table 8: Radio Systems operating between 1 and 3 GHz Radio System Frequency (GHz) Sensitivity (dBm) ETSI Standard GPS 1.5 -130 N/a GSM 1800 Mobile 1.8 -102 TS 100 910 V.8.19.0 DECT 1.9 -83 EN 300 175-2 IMT-2000 (3G) Mobile 2.1 -117 RLAN 2.4 -80 1 1 EN 301 908-2 EN 300 328 Measured in dBm/3.84 MHz 4 UWB Applications The ECC defines an UWB system as a radio system with a spectrum that occupies a spectrum greater than 20% of the central frequency or with a bandwidth greater than 500 MHz [10]. According to ECC Report 64 there are three types of applications for which UWB devices can be categorised: 1. Type 1: Communications and measurement systems. 2. Type 2: Imaging systems. 3. Type 3: Automotive radars. Type 1 UWB devices include: • Home entertainment and networking (indoors, high density, low average utilisation). • Cellular phones multimedia interfaces (outdoor and indoor, high density, medium utilisation. • Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN) (indoor, hot-spot, low/medium average utilisation). • Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) (e.g. similar to RLAN with enhanced capacity; indoor, hotspot, high utilisation). The ECC Report has also identified scope for combined data communication and measurement systems (e.g. measurement and location recording devices) (outdoor and indoor, low density, low utilisation) for Type 1 UWB devices. Type 2 UWB devices will be mainly used for both indoor and outdoor applications and be based o pulsed technology. These devices will have a low-density population with low-to-medium utilisation for the following applications: Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 31 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) • Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). • In-wall imaging. • Through-wall imaging. • Medical imaging. • Surveillance devices. • Industrial liquid level gauges. Type 3 UWB devices include automotive sensors, collision avoidance sensors and smart airbags. These types of devices will most likely be based on pulsed UWB technology. Based on the information provided by the ECC report, 98% of the systems are Type 1, of which 88% of the systems are used for indoor applications and 10% are used for outdoor applications Type 1 UWB applications are typically used for transmitting digital signals over a wide range of frequencies with a data rate up to 500 Mbps over short distances in the region of 10 m. However UWB technology can be also be used in applications requiring low or medium data rates such as motion sensing and intrusion detection security systems. The transmission of digital signal will be based on either Multi-band (MB)-Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex (OFDM) or Direct Sequence (DS)-UWB technology, depending on market forces. 5 UWB Signal Characteristics UWB signals are difficult to define. One definition of UWB signals describes the spectral emissions as having an instantaneous bandwidth of at least 25% of the centre frequency. Other names for UWB, or terms associated with it, include: impulse radio, impulse radar, carrier-less emission, time-domain processed signal, and others. Terminology and definitions aside, the UWB signal is, in general, a sequence of narrow pulses sometimes encoded with digital information. UWB signal pulse widths are on the order of 0.2 to 10 ns and longer. Some have an impulse-like shape and others have many zero crossings. One form of modulation is Pulse-Position Modulation (PPM) where, for example, a pulse that is slightly advanced from its nominal position represents a “zero,” likewise; a slightly retarded pulse represents a “one.” Another form of modulation is On - Off Keying (OOK) where, for example, an absent pulse represents a “zero.” In addition to the modulation scheme, the pulses can be dithered. In other words, the pulse will be randomly located relative to its nominal, periodic location (Absolute Dithering) or relative to the previous pulse (Relative Dithering). For example, 50% absolute dithering describes a situation where the pulse is randomly located in the first half of the period following the nominal pulse location. Finally, some UWB systems employ gating. This is a process whereby the pulse train is turned on for some time and off for the remainder of a gating period. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 32 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) The frequency domain characteristics (emission spectrum) of a UWB signal are dependent on the time-domain characteristics described above. The pulse width generally determines the overall shape – envelope – of the emission spectrum. The bandwidth of the pulse spectrum generally exceeds the reciprocal of the pulse width. If the pulse train is uniformly spaced, the emission spectrum will have a series of lines. If dithering is used, there will be a smooth component of the emission spectrum in addition to the line component. The higher the dithering, the greater the power contained in the smooth component versus the line component. Some types of modulation can also reduce the spectral line amplitude. Band limiting changes the characteristics of the UWB signal further. Four different pulse spacing modes (UPS, OOK, ARD, and RRD) are illustrated in the following Figure, whereby the vertical dashed lines represent the ticks of a clock. Gating is represented by the removal of the pulses in the shaded areas; in the case of the UPS example, there are 4 pulses generated during the gated-on time followed by 8 clock ticks for which there are no pulses (to give a duty cycle of 33%). Figure 5: UWB pulse spacing modes The frequency domain characteristics (emission spectrum) of a UWB signal are dependent upon the time-domain characteristics described above. The pulse shape/width determines the overall spectral envelope, where the bandwidth is approximately equal to the reciprocal of the pulse width. The manner in which the pulses are sequentially spaced determines the fine spectral features within the confines of the envelope. Spectral plots are shown in the figure below for four different UWB signals (UPS, OOK, ARD, RRD) as they are passed through a band-pass filter. UPS has the power gathered up into spectral lines at intervals of the PRF. The greater the PRF, the wider the line spacing, and the greater the power contained in each spectral line. OOK also has spectral lines spaced at intervals of the PRF that are superimposed on a continuous noise-like spectrum. Dithered signals have spectral characteristics Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 33 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) inherently different from either UPS or OOK. For these measurements, ARD has a pulse spacing that is varied by 50% of the referenced clock period. RRD has a pulse spacing that is varied by 2% of the average pulse period. Both of these dithered cases have spectral features that are characteristic of noise (i.e., no spectral lines). The reader is referred to [11] for a more in-depth discussion of the spectral characteristics of UWB signals. Figure 6: Spectral characteristics of different pulse spacing modes Another feature worth noting is the phenomenon of spectral lines spreading due to gating. The spectrum of the gated UWB signal is the result of convolving the non-gated signal with that of a rectangular function, the latter of whose Fourier transform amplitude has a sinc-squared envelope characteristic. It follows that the single line of the non-gated cases is spread out into a multitude of lines confined by the sinc-squared envelope, where the spacing between lines, or line spread spacing (LSS), is equal to the reciprocal of the gating period; null spacing, or line spreading null-to-null bandwidth (LSNB), of the main lobe of the sinc-squared function is equal to two times the reciprocal of gated-on time. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 34 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) 6 UWB Technology 6.1 Introduction An UWB system is defined as one in which the fractional bandwidth is equal to or greater than 0.25 or has a UWB bandwidth equal to or greater than 500 MHz, regardless of the fractional bandwidth. UWB bandwidth is defined as the frequency band bounded by the points that are 10 dB below the highest radiated emission, as based on the complete transmission system including the antenna [12]. The upper boundary is designated fH and the lower boundary is designated fL. The fractional bandwidth equals 2( f H − f L ) ( f H + f L ) Eq. 1 A very wide bandwidth means better multi-path mitigation, interference mitigation by using spread spectrum techniques, improved imaging and ranging accuracy, more users and higher data rate. A lower centre frequency for a given bandwidth allows better materials penetration. The UWB technology is still advancing, and according the ETSI Technical Report [13] due to the large variety of UWB radio applications, it is very unlikely that a single type of signalling and modulation scheme will be used in the future. Nevertheless, according to the ETSI technical report and a study by Mason Communications Ltd [14], it appears that the IEEE 802.15 standard committee of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has been investigating various UWB applications and technologies [15] particularly for mobile and communication devices. The IEEE 802 Organisation is shown in Figure 7 below. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 35 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee (wireless areas) WLAN IEEE 802.11 WPAN IEEE 802.15 802.15.1 Bluetooth WMAN IEEE 802.16 Regulatory TAG IEEE 802.18 802.11 Coexistance 802.15.3 – High Data Rate, 2.4 GHz 802.11.4 ZigBee Task Group 4a (UWB - Low Data Rate) WBWA IEEE 802.20 Coexistence TAG IEEE 802.19 Task Group 3a Alt PHY (UWB) Figure 7: IEEE 802 organisation IEEE 802.15.3a of this standard committee was formed to identify medium to high data rate applications and IEEE 802.15.4 for the low data rate applications. Task Group 3a has defined two rival approaches for the physical layer (PHY) standard: • DS-UWB – Direct Sequence UWB, the Dual Band Direct Sequence technique • Multi-band OFDM - Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing approach These two physical layer standards are capable of supporting data rates between 110 Mbps and 480 Mbps over short ranges less than 10 m with low power technology. In March 2005 the FCC granted a waiver that benefits both so-called Multi-band OFDM (MBOFDM), which "hops" a 500+ MHz wide OFDM symbols from one band to another, and gated DSUWB, which occupies a much wider switch of spectrum but switches on and off while in operation. The waiver allows both technologies to take their measurements for compliance with the -41.3 dBm/MHz limit in their normal operating mode, i.e. with the hopping or gating turned on. The practical effect is to boost the useful operating power by several dB. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 36 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) While there are a number of competing standards which risk to make universally compatible UWB products problematic in the short-term, Wireless USB - certified by the USB Implementors Forum (USB-IF) - has selected WiMedia (MB-OFDM) as its underlying radio. The 1394 group on the other hand has not standardized either the DS-UWB solution or the WiMedia (MB-OFDM) radio. Bluetooth stakeholders have selected WiMedia Alliance's MB-OFDM for integration with current Bluetooth wireless technology. UWB signaling is a candidate for the alternate physical layer protocols for the high data rate IEEE 802.15.3a standard (where a DS-UWB and an MB-OFDM solution have been proposed) as well as the low data rate IEEE 802.15.4a "ZigBee" wireless personal area network (WPAN) standards where a DS-UWB pulsed-type system is being developed. The IEEE 802.15.4a standard aims at providing a physical layer wireless communication protocol with ranging capabilities for low-power applications such as sensor networks. The narrow duration of the direct sequence modulated UWB pulses enables achievement of the stringent ranging accuracy (<1 m) requirements. Unfortunately, in early 2006 an industry working group announced that it would disband, because the two competing factions could not agree on a single UWB standard. Therefore consumers will once again face a "VHS-versus-Beta" format war until one type of UWB technology gains a clear lead. 6.2 DS-UWB DS-UWB is designed to occupy at least 1.5 GHz of spectrum in the 3.1 – 5.15 GHz and 3.7 GHz in the 5.8 – 10.6 GHz frequency range. Unlike conventional Direct Sequence – Spread Spectrum (DS – SS), the UWB approach uses non-sinusoidal wavelets (e.g., pulse type waveforms) tailored to occupy the desired spectrum in an efficient manner. Figure 8 shows a sample wavelet, which occupies the latter and larger bandwidth of the spectrum. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 37 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Figure 8: DS-UWB wavelet and its spectrum in 6-10.6 GHz range Various modulation schemes can be applied to the DS-UWB approach; BPSK, QPSK or Multi-level Bi-Orthogonal Keying (M-BOK) depending on the data rate required. However, other modulation schemes such as Pulse Position Modulation (PPM) and Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) can also be used. It is designed to occupy at least 1.5 GHz of spectrum in the 3.1-5.15 GHz and 3.7 GHz in the 5.8 10.6 GHz frequency range. Unlike conventional DS-SS it uses non-sinusoidal wavelets tailored to occupy the desired spectrum. The UWB bandwidth spreading is accomplished by sending the wavelets at the 1.368 Gcps chip rate. Modulation of the sequence of wavelets whitens the spectrum, which means that it disrupts regularities that would otherwise result in spectral lines. M-BOK modulation comprises 24- and 32length ternary orthogonal sequences (-1,0,+1) forming symbol wavelets. Either 1, 2, 3 or 6 bits are sent with each code symbol. For example, a 64-BOK modulation carries 6 bits at a time (26 = 64) to form a symbol. The 24-length ternary codes are used with 2-BOK, 4-BOK and 8-BOK, while 32length codes are used with 64-BOK. M-BOK modulation has the property that as M increases without bound, the modulation efficiency approaches the Shannon-limited value of –1.59 dB [15]. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 38 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Symbols are sent at 42.75 MSym/s resulting in a channel bit rate of 256.5 Mbps. The data are encoded with a rate 0.44 error-correction code resulting in the 112 Mbps information data rate seen in the table below. Table 9: Possible set of DS-UWB signal parameters Information Data Rate 112 Mbps 224 Mbps 448 Mbps Modulation 64-BOK QPSK/64-BOK QPSK/64-BOK Symbol rate, Msys/s 42.75 42.75 42.75 Coding rate 0.44 0.44 0.87 Code Length 32 32 32 Channel chip rate 1.368 Gcps 1.368 Gcps 1.368 Gcps With QPSK, there are up to 12 bits per symbol. This doubles the data information rate to 224 Mbps. Finally a 0.87 rate error-correction code is used with QPSK to achieve 448 Mbps data rate information. Many other combinations of modulation depths (M-BOK) and coding rates are possible. The M-BOK codes, along with FEC, are especially effective in multi-path propagation. This example of UWB uses wavelets that are approximately 1.5 GHz and 3.6 GHz, respectively, when an impulse approach in which the impulses are sent with minimal spacing between them. 6.3 Multi-Band OFDM OFDM technology is four decades old and it appears in many communications services, both wired and wireless [15]. An OFDM system can support 110, 200 and 480 Mbps with additional data rates possible (See IEEE 802 03/449). The technology meets the UWB requirement of a 500 MHz bandwidth by using 128 carriers with QPSK modulation. The carriers are efficiently generated using a 128-point Fast Four Transform (FFT). Therefore, a composite OFDM signal can occupy a channel with total bandwidth of 528 MHz (See Figure 9). Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 39 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Figure 9: Single channel band occupancy of an OFDM UWB system The composite signal occupies the 528 MHz channel for an information length of 242.42 ns plus an additional 60.61 ns cyclic prefix time before switching to another channel within a 9.5 ns guard time. Given the frequency band from 3.1 GHz to 4.8 GHz and the FCC requirement that UWB signals have to be at least 500 MHz, only three sub-bands can be used in the initial deployment of multi-band OFDM systems. Figure 10 shows a Multi-band OFDM signal using three 528 MHz channels at a time in a time-frequency hopping manner, thus occupying a total of 1,585 MHz bandwidth of spectrum. Figure 10: Expanded view of a multi-band OFDM UWB channel Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 40 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) This OFDM approach allows the UWB system to occupy a very large bandwidth for the purpose of increasing the total radiated power. Frequency hopping technology in the form of spread spectrum technology makes OFDM robust to narrow-band interferers. The technology can also comply with local regulations by dynamically turning off certain channels or tones in the software. This flexibility and dynamic nature of a multi-band OFDM system allows it to potentially co-exist effectively with a wide range of current and future wireless technologies. Since the channel or tone spacing is 4.125 MHz, the resolution of the multi-band OFDM system is much narrower than the band resolution of 500 MHz for pulse-based multi-band systems. Any narrow band interference will at most affect a couple of OFDM tones. The information in these tones can be recovered through the forward error correction codes. 7 Measurement Techniques UWB is a relatively new class of signal, which can occupy large bandwidths in excess of 500 MHz. Ofcom is considering to allow UWB to be able to transmit on an unlicensed basis, even in frequency bands occupied by licensed radio transmission services. Therefore there is a particular need to characterise a UWB signal radiated across its full emission bandwidth. This bandwidth could possibly extend from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz. This section describes the measurement process needed to characterise UWB signals as described by NTIA Report 01-383 [16]. Two types of measurements can be performed to characterise UWB signal emissions: 1. Full bandwidth time domain measurements 2. Bandwidth limited measurements The latter type of measurement is more applicable when observing the effects of UWB signals in the IF section of a receiver. 7.1 Full Bandwidth Time Domain Measurements Full bandwidth measurements can be made in the time domain using an oscilloscope with a bandwidth of 20 GHz and a pair of wide band horn antennas. Figure 11 below shows the measurement set-up for full bandwidth measurements. These measurements can be made on a conducted and radiated basis and the results compared. For conducted measurements an attenuator is used to prevent overloading and damage to the measurement instrument from too strong a signal level. A comparison of the test results gives insight into if a UWB source used in conducted measurements is representative of itself when used in radiated measurements. When comparing results between conducted measurements and radiated measurements a correction factor must be applied to the radiated results data to take into account of the horn antennas decrease in effective aperture as a function of frequency compared with an isotropic antenna. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 41 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Radiated Path UWB Source Oscilloscope Attenuator Conducted Path Figure 11: Full bandwidth measurement system set-up For the radiated experiment, the UWB source is characerised by setting up the measurements in an anechoic chamber. The UWB device is allowed to radiate via a wide band horn antenna to the receiving oscilloscope connected to another identical wide band horn antenna ( Figure 11). The separation between the transmitting and receiving antennas is set at 1 m. Both sets of measured results are fast Fourier transformed and the RF emissions spectrum of the UWB source can be used to determine the band-width at -3, -10, -20 dB points. The inverse of the width of the 10 and 20 dB spectrum should approximately be equal to the pulse width emitted by the UWB source [16]. Given that there are i sample points in the time-domain waveform and x is the ith sample point, total peak power (for a 50 Ω terminated load) can be calculated at the maximum ith value using: Ppeak = xi2 50 Eq. 2 The average power can be calculated by using: Ppeak 1 = PRI ⎛ xi2 ⎞ ∑i ⎜⎜ 50 ⎟⎟ × Δt ⎝ ⎠ Eq. 3 Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 42 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Where xi is the ith time-domain sample, Δt is the time sample of the oscilloscope trace and PRI is the pulse repetition interval between adjacent pulses. 7.2 Bandwidth Limited Measurements In the majority of cases, UWB signals will interfere with radio receiver equipment whose IF bandwidth will be much less than the interferer. Therefore, the characteristics of UWB signals must be measured using equipment that is bandwidth limited. In this section, NTIA techniques are described to measure the following UWB parameters: • Emission spectra as function of IF measurement bandwidth • Peak, average and RMS power 7.2.1 Spectrum envelope measurements The general laboratory test configuration for measuring UWB emissions using band limited equipment is shown in Figure 12. Radiated Path UWB Source Pre-amp Spectrum Analyser Oscilloscope Wideband Detector Attenuator Conducted Path Figure 12: Bandwidth limited measurement system set-up The majority of measurements can be made on a radiated basis (with appropriate corrections for antenna gain, effective aperture etc), with conducted measurements performed as necessary. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 43 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) For the radiated experiment, the UWB source is characerised by setting up the device in an anechoic chamber. This will eliminate or minimise any interference multi-path and external radio signals to the measurement system. The measurement antenna is placed 1 m to the UWB source, as the UWB device emissions may have a relatively low-amplitude. The measurement antenna must be calibrated for the distance at which measurements are to be performed. Again, wideband horn antennas have proven to be workable in this respect, as they typically can be acquired with calibration curves made at 1 m. If the measurement antenna does not have a constant effective aperture (i.e. if the antenna gain does not increase as 20.log10(frequency), the resulting spectra must be corrected to the constant effective aperture case. Section C.4 of Appendix C of the Institute of Telecommunications Service (ITS) report describes the necessary spectrum corrections for non-constant effective aperture measurement antennas [16]. If the UWB emissions are found to be weak and not observed above the noise floor of the spectrum analyser, then a pre-ampilier can be used at the output measurement of the receiving antenna. In an optimised measurement system, the sum of the pre-amplifier gain and pre-amplifier noise figure should be nearly equal to the noise figure of the spectrum analyser across the frequency range to be measured. Although UWB device emissions may have low amplitude within the convolution bandwidth of the measurement system, the total power convolved by the front-end pre-amplifier may be high enough to cause overload of that component. The pre-amplifier may also experience overload due to ambient signals, if the measurements are not performed in an anechoic chamber. If overload is experienced, then appropriate RF filtering will be required between the antenna and the pre-amplifier. A spectrum analyser may be used to measure both the bandwidth-limited spectra and time domain information (when operated in zero hertz span). As noted above, the pre-amplifier noise figure and gain should be optimised to work with this noise figure. For IF bandwidths greater than the spectrum analyser bandwidth a wideband detector connected to an oscilloscope can be used to determine the UWB emission levels instead (See Figure 12). The NTIA have shown that swept-frequency measurements have been shown to be fast and practical for UWB device emissions. Only at bandwidths narrower than about 30 kHz does the sweep time exceed a few seconds across the requisite several gigahertz of spectrum [16]. NTIA Report 01-383 [16] suggests that the UWB signal level should be at least 10 dB above the measurement receiver inherent noise level for the largest measurement bandwidth. The radiated emission spectrum of each UWB device will be measured to determine the -10 and -20 dB bandwidths. The inverse of the width of the 10 and 20 dB spectrum should approximately be equal to the pulse width emitted by the UWB source. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 44 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) 7.2.2 Peak power measurements A spectrum analyser can used to determine peak power in either a spectrum trace or at a single frequency in a zero hertz span mode. A significant problem is to measure the total peak power in the emission bandwidth of an UWB device. This is not generally feasible in a direct measurement therefore the widest resolution bandwidth will be used and an appropriate bandwidth correction factor applied (See ITS Ultra – Wideband Measurement Plan [17]). 7.2.3 FCC Part 15 average power measurements Regarding measurements using an average detector, the FCC’s measurement procedure in an average logarithm detector process is not equivalent to a Root Mean Square (RMS) detector process. Measurements have shown that the average logarithm detector is largely insensitive to energy contained in low-duty-cycle, high amplitude signals. This results in Part 15 measurement values that can be substantially lower (10-15 dB) than the RMS power in a UWB signal. Although the NTIA recognises that no single average detector function adequately describes the interference effects of UWB signals, the measurement results indicate that a RMS detector function better quantifies the potential interference affects of UWB signals than the average-logarithmic detector function used for Part 15 compliance [18]. 7.2.4 RMS power measurements A power meter can be directly used to measure the RMS power UWB signal received by the spectrum analyser as shown in Figure 12. The NTIA recommend a power meter utilizing a bolo-meter type sensing head [16]. The UWB signal must be at least 10 dB above the thermal noise in the measurement head, so that the power being averaged is primarily an indication of the UWB device emission and not of the thermal noise in the power meter. Alternatively, spectrum analyser with RMS detection mode capabilities can be used to measure the RMS power. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 45 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) 7.2.5 APD measurements Amplitude probability distribution (APD) measurements show the percentage of time that emissions from a device exceed a given power threshold. APD plots are typically produced on Rayleigh scales, as shown in Figure 13. Figure 13: Typical APD curve The horizontal scale shows the probability of exceeding a given power on the vertical scale. The vertical scaling is in terms of power relative to the thermal noise level and is therefore proportional to bandwidth. It is therefore ‘correct’ for the AWGN power, which scales linearly with bandwidth. AWGN appears as a downward sloping line on the right hand side of the APD. Interference non-noise-like e.g., pulsed, on the other hand, appears as the raised section on the left hand side of the APD. The power in the interference is proportional to the square of bandwidth, so this section will be more pronounced if the measurements have been made with a wider bandwidth. The far left hand end of the APD has a plateau region, which represents very low probability, high amplitude interference. An APD curve can show the entire time-occupancy distribution at a frequency and in a selected bandwidth. It may be processed to show peak level in the bandwidth and several averages, including root-mean-square (RMS) (that is, linear average power). Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 46 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) The R&S FSU46 spectrum analyser used in the UWB measurements incorporates APD functionality as shown in the figure below. Figure 14: APD graph of AWGN produced by a R&S FSU46 spectrum analyser in a 1 MHz bandwidth 8 Measurement Environments 8.1 Open Area Test Site The OATS is a common test facility at EMC establishments. It is used for emissions compliance measurements for measurements below 1GHz. Ideally, an OATS has no reflecting material present other than the reflecting ground plane. In theory, the OATS is suitable for measurements at extended frequencies. However, the imperfection of the ground plane means that in reality the performance at higher frequencies may be reduced. The OATS test method has several deficiencies such as weather and ambient vulnerability, ground plane mutual coupling and reflection effects as well as incomplete angular coverage of equipment under test radiation pattern [19]. The ambient environment can be a problem when measurements have to be performed at low sensitivity levels in the frequency range where intentional emitters are present such as GSM 900 & 1800 or 3G. The RF ambiance of the OATS can add considerable uncertainty to the measurements. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 47 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) 8.2 Anechoic Rooms An anechoic room is a shielded metal enclosure, usually whose internal walls and ceiling is covered with radio absorbing material, normally of the pyramidal urethane foam type. If absorbing material covers the floor, which is also usually metallic, the anechoic room is considered as a FAR, if not then as a SAR. The advantage of these environments is that the shielding environment improves the uncertainty of the measurement by protecting the interior of the chamber from external source of disturbances. Nevertheless, uncertainty contributions are introduced by the use of anechoic rooms such as reflectivity of the absorbing material, receiving and transmitting antenna images. A Semi-anechoic Room attempts to simulate an ideal Open Area Test Site whose primary characteristic is a perfectly conducting ground plane of infinite extent. The level of interference from ambient signals are reduced by the shielding, whilst the radio absorbing material reduces unwanted reflections from the walls and ceiling which can disturb the measurements. A Fully Anechoic Room attempts to simulate free space conditions. The anechoic room generally has several advantages over other test facilities such as minimal ambient interference, minimal floor, ceiling and wall reflections. However, there are some disadvantages, which include limited measuring distance mainly due to available room size and the cost. Both absolute and relative measurements can be performed in an SAR and in FAR. In general, it is recommended to measure the emission of low-level signal in a high performance anechoic chamber. Along with the FCC and NTIA recommendation, CISPR recommends that measurements below 1 GHz be made in a Semi-anechoic Room and measurements above 1 GHz be made in a Fully Anechoic Room. 8.3 GTEM Cells The GTEM cell does not measure an OATS equivalent field strength at a given distance but the total radiated power from the equipment in a given receiver bandwidth. From this measured power, a field strength is calculated, by considering the source as dipole or multi dipole. This field strength is then used for compliance evaluation against field strength limits. The mathematical process is called the correlation algorithm. With limits directly specified in radiated power the GTEM cell can be used directly. A GTEM cell generally operates with one mode of polarisation; therefore, it is necessary to rotate the equipment through three or more directions. Cables of the equipment have to be routed in order to allow these rotations. However, measurements performed by York EMC services [21] indicate that in some cases a single GTEM test position can show good correlation even for non-dipole like equipment under test. In that case, the position of the maximum radiated emission is used and of course well known. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 48 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) The European Standard EN 61000-4-20 [20] indicates that the TEM waveguide can be used both for emission or immunity measurement. Annex A of the standard defines the emission testing procedures. The method describes in this annex is applicable only for small Equipment Under Test (EUT)s, which have to comply with disturbance limits given in terms of an OATS field strength at a specific distance. Power and signal cables attached to the Equipment Under Test are outside the defined acceptable volume and can give rise to unwanted variations in measured values due to internal reflections. In this standard, equipment is defined as a small if the largest dimension of the case is smaller than one wavelength at the highest test frequency (for example, at 1 GHz λ = 0.3 m), and if no cables are connected to the EUT. All other EUTs are defined as large and the procedures for large equipment are under consideration. The main advantages of using GTEM cells are [21]: • They fully closed and do not suffer from ambient noise. • No antenna set-up is required, since the cell itself functions as a receiving structure. This makes the test set-up simpler than on an OATS, and avoids the need to change the receiving antennas for different frequency ranges. The main disadvantages of using GTEM cells are: • The cross-polarisation performance is considered inferior to an anechoic chamber or OATS. Over a limited frequency band the field level of the longitudinal mode can exceed the level of the intended vertical field. • The size of EUT is limited to approximately one-third height between the septum and floor, and any attached cables will go outside the acceptable volume. • It is difficult to determine the measurement uncertainty because of the cross-polarisation performance being inferior to an anechoic chamber or OATS. A comparison of EMC radiated emissions results between a FAR and GTEM have shown good agreement, mostly within ± 5 dB up to 12 GHz, but above 12 GHz there is around 10 dB more signal in the GTEM cell [22]. A higher estimated field level is expected from the GTEM cell because data is taken from three orientations. However, NPL experiments have shown that the results in the GTEM cell were sensitive to location of the EUT within a few centimetres, giving variations of 2 dB up to 2.5 GHz and 7 dB above 2.5 GHz [22]. From the emission measurements point of view, the GTEM cell generally over-tests the EUT [23]. Calculations have shown that the GTEM cell will have similar sensitivities compared with a FAR (See Appendix A). Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 49 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) 8.4 Reverberation Chamber A reverberation chamber is a shielded enclosure with the smallest dimension being large with respect to the wavelength at the lowest useable frequency. The chamber is equipped with a mechanical tuning/stirring device, which is used to redistribute the field energy in the chamber. The chamber is excited with RF sources; the number of tuner steps defines the specified field uniformity. For a sufficient number of positions of the mechanical tuner, the environment is statistically uniform and statistically isotropic. In some chambers, several mechanical tuners have to be installed to obtain the desired field uniformity at required frequencies. Stepping motors or continuous motors can be installed, however, stepping motors are recommended. The frequency range of tests is determined by the size and construction of the reverberation chamber, as well the effectiveness of the mechanical tuners. Room-sized reverberation chambers typically operate from 200 MHz to 18 GHz without limitations. It can be used both for radiated emission and immunity tests. A reverberating chamber is also characterised by a quality factor, which determines its time constant. This is an important parameter for pulse testing. Indeed, if the chamber time constant is greater than 0.4 times the required pulse width for more than 10% of the test frequencies, then absorbers need be added or the pulse width increased. Short pulse durations can be distorted by this quality factor of the chamber. Annex A of the European standard EN 61000-4-21 [24] indicates that the amount of RF power radiated by a device placed in the chamber can be determined by measuring the amount of power received by the reference antenna and correcting for the insertion loss of the chamber. The power radiated from a device can be calculated using either average or peak received power from a given number of tuner steps and/or tuner rotations. Results based on mean power is better because there is a lower uncertainty, nevertheless, the measurement system must have sensitivity of 20 dB lower than the actual mean to get an accurate average measurement and intermittent signals may be artificially lowered due to insufficient sampling. Annex B describes the chamber calibration for mode tuned (stepped tuner rotation) operation and Annex C the mode-stirred (continuous tuner rotation) operation. The mode-stirred technique can be faster than the mode-tuned technique; indeed the equipment under test is exposed adequately to the continuously changing field within the chamber. However, the mode stirred technique is only adapted for equipment under test with short response time. Annex E of the European standard defines the procedures for measuring radiated intentional and unintentional emissions with a reverberation chamber. As with radiated immunity testing, chamber calibration data described in Annexes B and/or C is used to determine radiated emissions levels. This annex indicates that the mode-stirred procedures should only be applied for non-modulated signals using peak detector. The motion of the tuner is at the origin of amplitude variations of the signal, therefore the testing time will increase if a peak detector is used. Furthermore, this mode is not applicable when using an average or other weighting detector. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 50 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) The radiated mean power within the measurement bandwidth is measured for modulated emissions, if a RMS detector is used. For an emission spectrum wider than the measurement bandwidth, the total radiated mean power is measured by integrating the mean power spectral density over the emission spectrum. The main advantages of using a reverberation chamber are: • The total radiated power can be measured without rotating the equipment under test, whereas a GTEM cell may require several positions to ensure a full capture of the total radiated power. • Emissions from a low powered radiating device can be magnified, by using the mode stirred technique and be measured more easily. • Excellent environment to test repeatability – good and accurate comparison technique. • Set-up time is short – as cable positions and location of equipment within the chamber are insignificant, providing the EUT and cables ≥ λ/4 away from the chamber boundaries and paddle wheel. • Lower measurement noise floor, for same analyser/set-up used in a FAR – this is related to both the chambers ‘Q’ factor and the antennas characteristics within the chamber. The main disadvantages of using a reverberation chamber are: • The measurement system must have sensitivity of 20 dB lower than the actual mean to get an accurate average measurement and intermittent signals may be artificially lowered due to insufficient sampling. • Reverberation chambers are currently accepted in only a few standards. Utilisation of reverberation chambers for emissions testing will require acceptance of total radiated power as a pass/fail criterion. • There is a lowest usable frequency defined by the cavity dimensions, tuner effectiveness, and cavity quality factor. • Directivity and polarisation effects are not measurable. The high quality factor in reverberation chambers may impose constraints on pulse testing. Depending on test conditions, correlation of test results to other test techniques may be difficult or impractical. ERA Stage B Report on “Emission measurements in the range 1 to 6 GHz in Fully Anechoic Room and Reverberation Chamber Facilities” [25] concludes that there is a reasonable correlation between the FAR and the reverberation chamber results, further work is required to investigate the appropriate gain factor as suggested in BS EN 61000-4-21. There are also good correlations between the reverberation mode- stirred and mode-tuned measurements. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 51 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) On average the reverberation chamber gave a reduction in field strength of 7 dB to 10 dB +/- 5 dB, but there was clear and apparently uniform frequency dependence. This could lead to a factor, which could be included in EN 61000-4-21 to obtain representative fields when using the reverberation chamber, but further work is required to determine the value and precision of the gain figure to be applied. The measurement results in a 1 MHz RBW using a peak detector also showed that the reverberation chamber had approximately a 20 dB better sensitivity compared with the FAR. However, as already stated in EN 61000-4-21, main disadvantage of the reverberation chamber is that the measurement system must have sensitivity of 20 dB lower than the actual mean to get an accurate average measurement and intermittent signals may be artificially lowered due to insufficient sampling. Thus, effectively eliminating any sensitivity advantage gained. Other work has shown the EUT in the reverberation chamber to give a very good comparison with the FAR data, but 4.5 dB higher. This may be expected, because the reverberation chamber captures the total energy, whereas the measurements in the FAR measure emissions in a single azimuth plane [22]. 9 Measurement Considerations 9.1 Test Environment There are likely to be some considerations given to convergence of the test facilities for all EMC radiated emission (and immunity) measurements and there is likely to be convergence on two basic facilities, Fully Anechoic Rooms and Reverberation Chambers. In IEC/CISPR there have been several attempts at a unified test facility for both emissions and immunity testing where a single set up and EUT configuration for both tests would be used. This would be valuable where existing commercial facilities can be updated with minimal changes. The reverberation chamber, which has significant advantages for some EMC immunity test work, mainly in the military sector where very high fields are required to simulate the effects of powerful transmitters at close distances. Work has been done to investigate the possibility of emissions measurements and the main advantage is that the results are in the form of the total effective radiated power from an EUT which can be interpreted to assess the possible interference potential of the equipment. These limits have yet to be fully developed but will permit an effective assessment of a product which does not require a search for high gain lobes and should give more accurate assessments. The disadvantage is that the facility costs are quite high and will not be appealing to commercial businesses who wish to invest in facilities. Many standards published by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) contain requirements for the control of radiated emissions at frequencies above 1 GHz [7] [8]. Both OATS and indoor test sites may be used for the radiated emission measurements. For indoor sites a FAR is recommended. An acceptable alternative is the SAR with a conductive ground plane, which gives rise to a ground reflection and consequently requires antenna height variations to determine the maximum Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 52 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) signal for both EUT measurements and calibration. Similar arrangements apply on the OATS, but there are additional requirements to extract the wanted observed signals from the ambient. From the ERA/BT work [26], the recommended test facilities for radiated emission measurements above 1 GHz are a FAR, a SAR with floor absorber or an OATS with floor absorber. The measurement procedures developed by the NTIA [16] recommend installing the UWB device in an environment where measurement system multi-path and external radio signals are eliminated or minimized. The best possible choice is a high-performance anechoic room. Communication papers in Japan describes the measurement techniques emissions from UWB devices discussed [27] also recommends measuring the emission in a high performance anechoic room. Below 1000 MHz a Semi-anechoic Room may be used, in addition a reverberation chamber may be employed for average power measurements. In [27] a separation distance of 3 m is used for the measurements, nevertheless, this distance is be reduced for low-level UWB signals. The NTIA [16] have performed the radiated emission measurements at 1 m. 9.2 Detectors Work has been done in CISPR to determine the most optimum detector function for the assessment of potential interference to digital modulated radio services. The use of the quasi-peak detector, which was developed to include the subjective annoyance factor in the assessment of interference to amplitude modulated (AM) radio services, primarily in the long and medium wave broadcast bands, was extended to the frequency range 30 - 1000 MHz. For many standards such as EN 55022 there was little impact because the main radiated emission disturbance types were the harmonics of the clock and the quasi-peak levels were lower than the peak levels but only by relatively small dB. However, it has long been recognised that the quasi-peak detector is not ideal for modern digital communications where the modulation schemes are more complex. There has been some work, which concludes that a complex detector having peak and RMS responses for different pulse repetition frequencies may be the way forward and there will be more consideration of these issues later in the project. However, alternative methods such as APD have also been the subject of research and submission to CISPR. The ETSI standard quotes CISPR 16-1 for the instrument settings, and consequently measurements would be performed with a resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz and both peak and average detectors are called up, the latter by limiting the video bandwidth. ETSI standards also often quote ETSI TR 102 273-2 [28] on the methods for measuring spurious emissions in absorber lined chambers giving much good practical advice on making the measurements and recording the data. 9.3 Sensitivity of Equipment The receiver sensitivity is defined as the minimum discernable signal that is just above the receiver noise floor. The receiver noise floor is bandwidth dependant. The source of noise is due to thermal Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 53 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) effect. The power spectral density of this noise source is described by the Planck distribution and can be approximated by a white noise spectrum. The theoretical noise floor N floor = 10 log( KTBw 103 ) , where K is Boltzmann’s constant; T is the temperature in Kelvin; Bw is the measurement bandwidth. A multiplication factor of 103 is used to convert from Watts to milli-watts [29] to give the result in dBm. For instance for a particular measurement the sensitivity for a measurement bandwidth of 1 MHz, the theoretical noise floor is –113.9 dBm. At this noise floor additional components within the receiver raise the noise floor above this level. This analysis does not consider the ambient level at a particular facility, the gain of the antennas, the amplifiers, which may be used and then the path loss in free space. Therefore, the minimum discernable signal M as given in [29], can be calculated with the simple relation: M (dBm ) = 10 log( KTBw103 ) + 20 log( 4πd λ ) + Rnf + Gr Eq. 4 Where Rnf is the receiver noise floor and Gr is the receiver antenna gain. This relation assumes the antenna has negligible noise figure. Typical noise figure for a spectrum analyser is 23 to 26 dB, giving a minimum theoretical sensitivity of –91 to –88 dBm in a 1 MHz bandwidth. 9.4 Radiation Pattern The radiation pattern of the equipment under test can be fairly uniform in the two polarisations around frequencies of 1 GHz. As the frequency increases the radiation pattern may present more variations with higher gain lobe. This implies that measurements must be made over the surface around the equipment or eventually over the entire surface encompassing this equipment with rotational steps, which decreases as the frequency increases. It is highly recommended to use a non-conductive turntable for finding the orientation that provides the maximum response within the measurement equipment. An analysis performed by York EMC services Ltd [21] also demonstrates that care must be taken in material selection for all elements of a test facility for use in making measurements at microwave frequencies even for non conductive material. 9.5 Far Field Conditions An electromagnetic wave consists of a magnetic field and an electric field. Close to the source of the electromagnetic wave the relative magnitude between the magnetic field and the electric field depends on the distance from the source and on the nature of the source itself. In the reactive near-field region the field is either predominately magnetic or predominately electric. At a certain distance from the source the two components of the wave become perpendicular each other and the direction of Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 54 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) propagation is at right angles to the plane containing the two components. At this distance the far field conditions are achieved and the wave is said to be a plane wave. In practice there is also a third region called radiating near field, where the distribution of the electromagnetic wave becomes more uniform with the distance from the source. Placing receiving equipment close to the source can lead to measurement inaccuracies since energy can be coupled by induction as well as by radiation. The reactive energy is bigger than the radiated energy and therefore the measured result does not coincide with the emission power. The boundaries of these three regions are generally well defined for canonical antennas such as a dipole. Generally, the measuring equipment has to be installed at a distance defined as d = 2(d1+d2)2/ λ where d1 is the largest dimension of the EUT or substitution dipole and d2 is the largest dimension of the test antenna. At this distance, it is considered that the far field conditions are achieved. Furthermore, the measurement standard EN 55016-2–3 [31] define the measurement distance d = 2(D)2/ λ, where D is the largest dimension of either the EUT or the antenna determining the minimum aperture for the illumination of the EUT, which applies to situations where D >> λ. This relation shows that for an EUT dimension of 1 m at 3 GHz, the measurement distance is 20 m. Therefore, it is clear that for many cases, it will not be practical to make measurements at this distance both from the point of view of test site construction and measurement equipment sensitivity. York EMC services Ltd [21] concluded that measurements have to be made in the near field conditions [21]. However, the emissions from many products are due to leaking apertures and discontinuities in the equipment case or sections of track on the PCB. The dimensions of these sources are much smaller than 1 m, more like 10 cm, and consequently a test distance of 3 m is in the far field region of many products. 10 Test Methodology Bandwidth limited measurements were performed to characterise UWB signal emissions: The methodology used to carry out the tests is described in Section 7 of this document. A Fully Anechoic Chamber was decided as the best environment to perform the UWB radiated emissions tests based on the NTIA test methodology and measurement environment described in Sections 7 and 9.1. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 55 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) 11 Measurement Results 11.1 Characterising UWB Signals 11.1.1 Pulsed UWB Conducted bandwidth limited measurements were made using a MSSI TP1001 pulsed generator connected to a Marconi 20 GHz programmable attenuator. The output of the attenuator was measured using an R&S FSU46 spectrum analyser. The attenuator was set to 10 dB and the HP 8116A pulse generator controlling the Pulsed Repetition Frequency (PRF) of the MSSI UWB device was set to 5 MHz. HP 8116A Pulse Gen MSSI TFP1001 Attenuator Spectrum Analyser Figure 15: Diagram of the set-up to measure a pulsed UWB signal It was confirmed that the spectral lines of the UWB signal displayed on the spectrum analyser could be resolved if the Resolution Bandwidth (RBW) < PRF, using the set-up shown above. Pulsed UWB @ 3 GHz Power (dBm) -20 -30 RMS -40 Peak -50 -60 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 RBW (MHz) Figure 16: Measured power as a function RBW for a pulsed UWB device with 5 MHz PRF Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 56 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) From Figure 16, it can be seen that the peak power varies as 20.log10 (RBW) and the RMS power varies as 10.log10 (RBW) for RBW > PRF. For RBW ≤ 0.2×PRF the amplitude of the spectral lines remained reasonably constant when using peak detection. When centred on a spectral line, the amplitude of the line was the same for peak and RMS detection and therefore indicating behaviour similar to CW. This is expected because there will be only one pulse being measured at a time when the RBW is less than the PRF. As the RBW increases more lines are included in the pass-band and the power increases linearly with RBW. At 1 MHz and below there is a single line in the pass-band so that the power remains constant, as shown in Figure 16 above. For accurate measurements, the sweep time of the detector was set to be greater than SPAN/ RBW2. The SPAN was set to 50 MHz. For a RBW 1 MHz and below, a Video Bandwidth (VBW) matching the RBW and 10*RBW was used for peak and RMS detection respectively. For RBW of 3 and 10 MHz a VBW of 10 MHz was used, at RBW of 20 and 50 MHz a maximum VBW of 30 MHz was used. 11.1.2 Dithered UWB The pulse generator device was triggered to produce a PRF of 5 MHz using a HP 8116A pulse generator. The UWB signal was dithered (Figure 17) by applying a FM signal to the HP pulse generator triggering the TFP1001 device [32]. LF Signal HP8116A with FM MSSI TFP1001 Dithered Pulse Figure 17: Diagram of the set-up of a dithered UWB signal Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 57 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) The FM signal was generated using the LF output from a signal generator. The percentage of dithering was controlled by the LF frequency from the signal generator and the pulse output frequency of the HP8116A device. The dithered UWB signal was measured using a spectrum analyser. Dithered UWB @ 3 GHz Power (dBm) -20 -30 RMS -40 Peak -50 -60 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 RBW (MHz) Figure 18: Measured power as a function RBW for a dithered UWB device with 5 MHz PRF From Figure 18, it can be seen that the peak and RMS powers vary with a trend of 10.log10 (RBW). The results are consistent with NTIA Report 01-383 predictions. Exact sweep time constants, VBW and analyser SPANS used for the pulsed UWB results were used for the dithered UWB measurements. 11.1.3 Simulated OFDM-UWB An R&S AMIQ in conjunction with an Agilent E4438C signal generator was used to simulate an OFDM-UWB signal. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 58 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Signal Generator AMIQ Spectrum Analyser Figure 19: Bandwidth limited measurements for a simulated OFDM-UWB signal using a spectrum analyser Measurements were made at a frequency of 3 GHz using the following OFDM signal parameters: Table 10: Simulated OFDM-UWB signal parameters OFDM Signal Parameter Value RF Frequency 3 GHz RF Carrier Power Level -28 dBm Bandwidth 100 MHz The OFDM signal created by the AMIQ was connected to the external I/Q ports of the E4438C signal generator with a RF carrier frequency of 3 GHz. A carrier power of –28 dBm was used to produce an OFDM signal level as close to FCC RMS limit –41.3 dBm in a 1 MHz bandwidth. Peak and RMS measurements were made using an R&S FSU46 spectrum analyser connected to the signal generator. Note, that bandwidth of the signal was limited to the 100 MHz, because the AMIQ could not sample at a rate greater than 100 MHz for each I/Q port. The relation between RF signal level and RBW was verified by plotting the power measured as a function of RBW for peak and RMS detection. The graph below supports the theory of the simulated OFDM signal generated by the set up in Figure 19 increase as 10.log10 (RBW) for RMS detection. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 59 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) OFDM @ 3 GHz RMS Power (dBm) -20 -30 -40 OFDM AWGN -50 -60 -70 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 RBW (MHz) Figure 20: Measured RMS power as a function RBW for a simulated OFDM-UWB signal OFDM @ 3 GHz Peak Power (dBm) -10 -20 -30 OFDM -40 AWGN -50 -60 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 RBW (MHz) Figure 21: Measured peak power as a function RBW for a simulated OFDM-UWB signal Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 60 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Figure 21 above shows a similar trend for the measured peak power of the simulated OFDM signal when compared to the RMS results. The plots also reveal that the peak results are 4 to 6 dB higher compared with the RMS results. Both sets of results match well when compared with the AWGN results, which verifies the 10.log10 (RBW) trend. Thus, proving that the simulated OFDM-UWB signal has noise-like characteristics. 11.1.4 MB-OFDM A Wisair device was used to measure the signal characteristics of MB-OFDM UWB signal as shown in the diagram below. MB-OFDM UWB Source Spectrum Analyser Figure 22: Bandwidth limited measurements for a MB-OFDM UWB signal using a spectrum analyser Measurements were made at a frequency of 3.96 GHz using the following MB-OFDM signal parameters: Table 11: Wisair MB-OFDM UWB signal parameters MB-OFDM UWB Signal Parameter Value RF Frequency 3.96 GHz No of Bands 3 Bandwidth per Carrier 528 MHz Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 61 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) MB-OFDM UWB RMS Power (dBm) -20 -30 -40 MB-OFDM -50 AWGN -60 -70 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 RBW (MHz) Figure 23: Measured RMS power as a function RBW for a MB-OFDM UWB signal MB-OFDM UWB Peak Power (dBm) -10 -20 -30 MB-OFDM -40 AWGN -50 -60 -70 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 RBW (MHz) Figure 24: Measured peak power as a function RBW for a MB-OFDM UWB signal Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 62 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Figure 24 above shows a similar trend for the measured peak power of the simulated OFDM signal when compared to the RMS results (Figure 23). The plots also reveal that the peak results are 4 to 6 dB higher compared the RMS results. Both sets of results match well when compared with the AWGN results, which verifies the 10.log10 (RBW) trend. Thus, proving that the simulated OFDMUWB signal has noise-like characteristics. 11.2 Conducted Low Level UWB Emissions The Wisair device was used to measure lowest possible RMS signal levels from a MB-OFDM UWB device using the conducted set-up as shown in Figure 22. The external antenna was removed form the UWB device and a SMA cable was connected directly to the R&S ESPI7 spectrum analyser. Three Resolution Bandwidths of 10 kHz, 100 kHz and 1 MHz were used to measure the spectrum analyser noise floor, a MB-OFDM signal at 3.96 GHz and an UWB signal at a frequency approximately 6 dB above noise floor as the minimum UWB signal that could be measured without the noise of the analyser of the contributing to the measurement. The measurements were made in a 200 MHz span and the sweep time was set greater than the required minimum of SPAN/ RBW2, as shown in Table 12. Table 12: Conducted measurements of MB-OFDM UWB signals close to the noise floor RBW (kHz) Power @ Center Frequency 3.96 GHz (dBm) Noise Floor of Analyser (dBm) Power @ 2.43 GHz ~ 6 dB above Noise Floor (dBm) 10 -63 -115 -109 100 -51 -102 -95 1000 -42 -92 -86 Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 63 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) From the above table, it can be seen that the lowest UWB emission level that can be measured is –87 dBm in a 1 MHz bandwidth using RMS detection. Smaller bandwidths could be used and the MB-OFDM UWB signal could be scaled using a 10.log10(BWCF). However, the noise floor of the spectrum analyser would also go up by the same margin, thus giving no advantage. Freq = 2.43 GHz Figure 25: MB-OFDM UWB signal and its 3 bands conductively measured in a 1 MHz RBW Figure 25 above reveals the spectrum of the Wisair MB-OFDM device as observed in a 4 GHz span on the spectrum analyser. The plot clearly shows the three 528 MHz bands constituting a MB-OFDM signal in the lower 3 GHz UWB band. Next, a HP pre-amp was connected between the MB-UWB device and spectrum analyser. This allowed the UWB signal to be amplified with a typical gain of 40 dB across the 1.5 GHz bandwidth of the signal. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 64 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) HP 8449B Pre-amp MB-OFDM Device Spectrum Analyser Figure 26: Bandwidth limited measurements for amplified MB-OFDM UWB signals using a spectrum analyser Table 13 below shows the conducted results of an amplified MB-OFDMUWB signal. The results show that the minimum UWB signal from the MB-OFDM device is 18 dB above the receiver sensitivity (including a pre-amplifier) in a 1 MHz bandwidth. Taking into account the 40 dBi gain of the pre-amplifier, a MB-OFDM RMS signal level of –89 dBm was measured in a 1 MHz bandwidth. In fact a UWB signal of –101 dBm can be measured assuming that the minimum signal level from the device is 6 dB above the measured analyser sensitivity of -107 dBm in a 1 MHz bandwidth, with the pre-amplifier connected. Table 13: Conducted measurements of an amplified MB-OFDM UWB signal RBW (kHz) Receiver Sensitivity with Pre-amplifier (dBm) Minimum Observed UWB Signal with Amplification (dBm) 10 -130 -110 100 -115 -100 1000 -107 -89 Figure 27 below reveals the spectrum of the Wisair MB-OFDM device as observed in a 5 GHz span on the spectrum analyser. The plot clearly shows the minimum signal from the MB-OFDM device as low as –49 dBm around 1.68 GHz. Thus giving a conducted EIRP density of -89 dBm/MHz, when taking into account the 40 dBi gain of the HP pre-amplifier. Note, that the noise floor of the spectrum analyser varied by +/- 1 dB when performing the measurements. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 65 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Minimum UWB Signal Figure 27: Amplified MB-OFDM UWB signal and its 3 bands measured conductively in 1 MHz RBW using RMS detection “The Autonomous Interference Monitoring System (AIMS) currently being developed by Mass Consultants Ltd. for Ofcom, has shown that it is quite possible to measure signals 2 to 3 dB above its monitoring system sensitivity. The emphasis in that project is on the measurement of the C/(I+N) ratio and detecting the presence of UWB in the presence of other signals. This is a different problem to that of measuring out-of-band UWB power, but the two issues are not unrelated. Development of the necessary algorithms is currently ongoing and it is expected that the system will be completed in March 2007.” The monitoring system uses an R&S FSQ26 spectrum analyser with an external wideband preamplifier, giving an overall system noise figure, at the input to Antenna Interface Unit, of between 2.3 dB and 7 dB producing system sensitivities between -110 dBm and -107 dBm in the 0.2 to 8 GHz frequency band. Theses sensitivities are comparable to those measured in the conducted test set-up as shown in Table 13, also using a pre-amplifier. The difference in measuring the UWB signal only 2 to 3 dB above the noise floor of the analyser using MASS Consultants monitoring system gives a 3 to 4 dB improvement compared with measuring the signal 6 dB above the noise floor. This improvement would also apply for radiated measurements as the sensitivity of the analyser with the pre-amplifier would be the same as in the conducted test set-up. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 66 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) 11.3 Radiated Low Level UWB Emissions Radiated emission measurements from the Wisair MB-OFDM device were made in an anechoic chamber using a R&S FSU46 spectrum analyser, an optional HP 8449B pre-amplifier and an A.H Systems Double Ridged Waveguide (DRWG) horn antenna, as shown in Figure 28. Other antennas were considered, e.g. the EMCO 3147 log-periodic antenna and the EMCO 3160 single octave horn antenna series. The log periodic antenna gave no advantage over the DRWG horn antenna in terms of Antenna Correction Factor (ACF), but the single octave horn antenna gave a 5 7 dB/m better performance at a distance of 1 m. However, for practical UWB measurements from 1 to 5 GHz required 3 separate single octave horn antennas. Thus, making it more difficult to perform the measurements. The receiving DRWG horn antenna and Wisair antenna were mounted on wooden tripods 0.8 m above the ground and the received power from the UWB source was measured at distance of 1 m using the spectrum analyser. The measurements were made using vertical polarisation and the received power was recorded in a 1 MHz RBW using RMS detection on the analyser. Measurements were also attempted at separation distance of 3 m. Screened Room Spectrum Analyser Optional Preamplifier Anechoic Chamber DRWG Horn Antenna MB-OFDM UWB Device d (m) Figure 28: Set-up for radiating UWB emission measurements Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 67 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Figure 29 below shows the radiated MB-OFDM UWB signal measured in a 1 MHz bandwidth using a RMS detector. The plot shows that the UWB signal is approximately 6 dB above noise floor of the analyser at a frequency of 2.87 GHz. Figure 29: Radiated MB-OFDM UWB signal measured at a distance of 1 m in a 1 MHz RBW A smaller bandwidth could be used to measure the MB-OFDM UWB signal and then scaled using a 10.log10 (BWCF). However, the noise floor of the spectrum analyser would also go up by the same margin, thus giving no advantage (See table below). Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 68 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Table 14: Radiated measurements of a MB-OFDM UWB signal without a pre-amplifier RBW (kHz) Noise Floor of Analyser (dBm) UWB Signal @ 2.87 GHz (dBm) 10 -114 -107 100 -99 -93 1000 -91 -84 Using the expression: EIRPRMS (dBm / MHz ) = E (dBμV / m ) + 20 log 10(d m ) − 104.8 Eq. 5 Where, E (dBμV / m ) = PRMS (dBm ) + ACF + 107 + Lcable (dB ) Eq. 6 The minimum mean EIRP that can be measured in RBW of 1 MHz on a spectrum analyser and a DRWG horn antenna with an ACF of 30.2 dB/m at 2.87 GHz is -50 dBm. The signal level of the UWB device measured at 3 m was just above the noise floor of the analyser using an RMS detector and was discarded, because the noise of the analyser was contributing to the measured UWB signal. Also, NTIA Report 01-383 [16] suggests that the UWB signal level should be at least 10 dB above the measurement receiver inherent noise level for the largest measurement bandwidth. Next, a HP pre-amplifier was inserted between the receiving DRWG horn antenna and the spectrum analyser. This step was taken to amplify the low level emissions radiated by the Wisair device, which has a mean EIRP density of –41.3 dBm/MHz as shown in Figure 25. This figure is based on conducted measurement assuming an antenna gain of 0 dBi for an omni-directional antenna. Figure 30 below shows the radiated UWB signal measured at a separation distance of 1 m in a 1 MHz RBW, using RMS detection on the spectrum analyser via a pre-amplifier. The plot shows that UWB signals as low as –63 dBm (6 dB above noise floor in a 1 MHz bandwidth) can be measured using the radiated set-up shown in Figure 28. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 69 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Figure 30: Radiated MB-OFDM UWB signal measured at a distance of 1 m in a 1 MHz RBW using a HP pre-amplifier Using the expression: EIRPRMS (dBm / MHz ) = E (dBμV / m ) + 20 log 10(d m ) − 104.8 Eq. 7 Where, E (dBμV / m ) = PRMS (dBm ) + ACF + 107 − G pre− amp (dBi ) + Lcable (dB ) Eq. 8 The minimum mean EIRP that can be measured in RBW of 1 MHz on a spectrum analyser with a 40 dBi gain and a DRWG horn antenna with an ACF of 30.2 dB/m at 2.7 GHz is -69 dBm. This compares well with the theoretical calculations shown in Appendix A. Also, the minimum level improves slightly at 2 GHz because the ACF of the measuring antenna drops down by several dB, as shown in the table below. Note, that the sensitivity of the measuring system can be calculated by subtracting the gain of the pre-amplifier (40 dBi) from the measured noise floor of the spectrum analyser. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 70 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Table 15: Minimum mean UWB EIRP levels that can be measured below 3.8 GHz in a 1 MHz RBW using a HP 8449B pre-amplifier Frequency (GHz) Noise Floor (dBm) UWB Signal Level (dBm) ACF (dB/m) Mean EIRP (dBm/MHz) 1.6 -69 -63 24.5 -74 2.0 -70 -63 27.8 -71 2.7 -69 -63 30.2 -69 Note: 2 dB measured cable loss is included in the EIRP calculation. Next, the HP 8449B pre-amplifier was replaced an ERA WBA3-4-06G20N preamplifier with a gain of 28 dBi and a lower noise figure. Figure 31: Radiated MB-OFDM UWB signal measured at a distance of 1 m in a 1 MHz RBW using an ERA pre-amplifier Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 71 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) The figure above shows that a signal level of –70 dBm can be measured at 2.7 GHz using the ERA pre-amplifier in a 1 MHz bandwidth. Table 16: Radiated measurements of a MB-OFDM UWB signal using an ERA pre-amplifier RBW (kHz) Noise Floor of Analyser (dBm) Signal Level @ 2.7 GHz (dBm) EIRP (dBm/MHz) 10 -100 -93 -87 100 -87 -79 -73 1000 -79 -70 -64 From Table 16 above, it can be seen that the noise floor measured in a 1 MHz bandwidth for the ERA pre-amplifier is 10 dB lower when compared the noise floor measured with the HP pre-amplifier (See Table 15. Using Equations 7 and 8, the minimum EIRP that can be measured using an ERA preamplifier, for the radiated measurement set-up shown in Figure 28, at a distance of 1 m is –64 dBm/MHz. This is 5 dB higher compared with the HP pre-amplifier results of –69 dBm/MHz at a frequency of 2.7 GHz, as shown in Table 15. This difference is due to the HP result being 3 dB closer to the noise floor compared with the ERA result and slightly better gain performance from the HP amplifier. The radiated measurement results from the DRWG horn using the HP pre-amplifier were then compared with an EMCO 3160-2 single octave horn antenna. The maximum dimensions of the DRWG horn and single octave horn antenna were 25 cm and 35 cm respectively. Using the Rayleigh distance criterion and physical dimensions of each antenna, the measurements were made at 1 m and 2 m for the DRWG and single octave horn respectively. Table 17: Radiated measurements of a MB-OFDM UWB signal using a DRWG and single octave horn antenna Antenna Distance (m) UWB Signal @ 2.7 GHz (dBm) ACF (dB/m) EIRP (dBm/MHz) DRWG 1 -61 30.0 -67 Octave 2 -61 22.6 -68 The radiated results shown in the table above reveal that the minimum UWB EIRP density that can be measured is –67 dBm/MHz, for frequencies less than 3.8 GHz. The signals measured were 8 dB above a noise floor of –69 dBm, in a 1 MHz bandwidth. Therefore, assuming a wanted signal level of Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 72 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) 6 dB above the noise floor of the spectrum analyser, the minimum UWB EIRP density that can be measured would drop to –69 dBm/MHz. Finally, the HP pre-amplifier and ERA pre-amplifier were connected in series to see if any signal gain over noise advantage could be obtained. The pre-amplifiers were also switched round to see if the different noise figures from both devices had any effect to the overall noise floor observed on the R&S ESPI7 analyser in a 1 MHz RBW. A CW input signal of –80 dBm from an Agilent E4438C signal generator was used calculate the overall Signal-to-Noise S/N ratio of both the individual preamplifiers and them connected in series. All measurements results shown in Table 18 were made in a 1 MHz bandwidth using a span of 20 MHz. Table 18: Comparison of S/N ratio for pre-amplifier configurations Pre-amplifier Frequency (GHz) Noise floor N (dBm) Signal Level S (dBm) S/N (dB) ERA 2.0 -76 -52 24 HP 2.0 -65 -41 24 ERA+HP 2.0 -37 -12 25 HP+ERA 2.0 -38 -13 25 From the table above it can be seen that there is no advantage in connecting both the ERA and HP pre-amplifiers in series. The S/N ratios for the combined pre-amplifiers are within 1 dB of each other when compared to the individual devices themselves. Table 19 below summarises the practical minimum mean EIRP levels that can be measured in a 1 MHz bandwidth using RMS detection on a spectrum analyser for frequencies less than 3.8 GHz. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 73 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Table 19: Minimum mean MB-OFDM UWB EIRP levels that can be practically measured Measurement Method Minimum Mean EIRP (dBm/MHz) Conducted -861 Conducted with a pre-amplifier -1011 Radiated at a 1 m separation distance -501 Radiated with a pre-amplifier at a 1 m separation distance -74-691,2 1 UWB signal 6 dB above the noise floor of the analyser when measured in a FAR with a DRWG horn antenna. 2 Between the 1.6 and 3.8 GHz band. From the table above, it can bee seen that an UWB EIRP limit of –85 dBm/MHz can be achieved using the conducted measurement set-up, by including a pre-amplifier. The standard conducted measurement set-up falls within 1 dB of the minimum EIRP limit. However, he radiated test set-up using a pre-amplifier falls short by 16 dB for frequencies at the top end of the 1.6 to 3.8 GHz band, as proposed by the ECC. At low measurement frequencies at 1.6 GHz, the mean radiated UWB EIRP density that can be measured is –74 dBm/MHz. The conducted measurement set-up using the pre-amplifier is only possible if the antenna of the UWB device is external and not integrated on the board of the UWB device. Attempting to measure the UWB signal by connecting an external cable to the antenna port on the board of the device will produce impedance mismatches and give incorrect results. The single octave horn antenna has a 6-7 dB better performance in terms of antenna gain compared with the Double Ridged Waveguide Horn (DRWG) horn antenna. However, the maximum dimension of 35 cm for the single octave horn antenna, compared with 25 cm with the DRWG horn requires the single octave horn antenna to be roughly twice the distance from the DUT. Thus, incurring an extra 6 dB of path loss compared with using a DWRG. The standard radiated test set-up alone is insufficient to measure UWB signals with low mean EIRP densities of –85 dBm/MHz. All in all, the radiated measurements are limited by a combination of the noise floor level of the spectrum analyser or any other receiver, the noise figure of the pre-amplifier and the sensitivity of the measurement antenna. In effect, the lower the measurement system sensitivity, the lower the UWB signal level that can be measured. Smaller bandwidths could be used and the MB-OFDM signal could be scaled using the 10.log10 BWCF. However, the noise floor of the spectrum analyser would also go up by the same margin, thus giving no advantage. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 74 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) 12 Conclusions 12.1 Introduction The proposed European limits for UWB emission levels are significantly tighter than the original FCC limits, and it has been suggested that the measurement techniques mandated by the FCC might not have sufficient sensitivity to measure EIRP limits as low as –85 dBm/MHz between 1.6 GHz to 3.8 GHz band. ERA were asked to investigate, if practical, repeatable and accurate measurements could be made at this low level for using conducted and radiated test measurement. The objectives of the project were to: 1. Focus on the advantages and disadvantages for the following test facilities and recommend a measurement environment for cost effective compliance testing. a. Open Area Test Sites (OATS). b. Semi Anechoic Room (SAR). c. Fully Anechoic Room (FAR). d. GTEM or TEM Cells. e. Reverberation Chamber. 2. Characterise the different types of UWB signals. 3. Assess the minimum EIRP level that could be measured using standard measuring equipment based on: • Environment. • Measurement distance. • Antenna type. • Detector type. • Resolution bandwidth. 12.2 Test Environment The radiated measurements were performed in a Fully Anechoic Room. This measurement environment was chosen over other environments due to the following reasons: Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 75 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) a. The measurement procedures developed by the NTIA [16] recommend installing the UWB device in an environment where measurement system multi-path and external radio signals are eliminated or minimised. The best possible choice is a high-performance anechoic chamber. b. Communication papers in Japan describe the measurement technique used to measure emissions from UWB devices [27] also recommend measuring the emission in a high performance anechoic chamber. Below 1000 MHz a semi-anechoic chamber may be used. The OATS test environment was not considered because it has several deficiencies such as weather and ambient vulnerability, ground plane mutual coupling and reflection effects as well as incomplete angular coverage of the equipment under test radiation patterns [19]. The ambient environment can be a problem when measurements have to be performed at low sensitivity levels in the frequency range where intentional emitters are present such as GSM 900 & 1800 or 3G. The RF ambiance of the OATS can add considerable uncertainty to the measurements. Calculations have shown that the GTEM cell may have a 2 dB greater sensitivity compared with a FAR (See Appendix A). However, the available volume is small and not entirely suitable for equipment with attached cables. Experiments have shown that the results in the GTEM cell were sensitive to location of the EUT within a few centimetres, giving variations of 2 dB up to 2.5 GHz and 7 dB above 2.5 GHz [22]. Also, the cross-polarisation performance is considered inferior to an anechoic chamber or OATS. Over a limited frequency band the field level of the longitudinal mode can exceed the level of the intended vertical field. The size of EUT is limited to approximately onethird height between the septum and floor. Finally, it is difficult to determine the measurement uncertainty because of the cross-polarisation performance being inferior to an anechoic chamber or OATS. ERA Stage B Report on “Emission measurements in the range 1 to 6 GHz in Fully Anechoic Room and Reverberation Chamber Facilities” [25] concludes that there is a reasonable correlation between the FAR and the reverberation chamber results, further work is required to investigate the appropriate gain factor as suggested in BS EN 61000-4-21. There are also good correlations between the reverberation mode- stirred and mode-tuned measurements. On average the reverberation chamber gave a reduction in field strength of 7 dB to 10 dB +/- 5 dB, but there was clear and apparently uniform frequency dependence. This could lead to a factor, which could be included in EN 61000-4-21 to obtain representative fields when using the reverberation chamber, but further work is required to determine the value and precision of the gain figure to be applied. The measurement results in a 1 MHz RBW using a peak detector also showed that the reverberation chamber had approximately a 20 dB better sensitivity compared with the FAR. However, EN 610004-21, states that the main disadvantage of the reverberation chamber is that the measurement system must have a sensitivity of 20 dB lower than the actual mean to get an accurate average measurement Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 76 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) and intermittent signals may be artificially lowered due to insufficient sampling. Thus, effectively eliminating any sensitivity advantage gained. Other work has shown the EUT in the reverberation chamber to give a very good comparison with the FAR data, but 4.5 dB higher. This may be expected, because the reverberation chamber captures the total energy, whereas the measurements in the FAR measure emissions in a single azimuth plane [22]. Also, reverberation chambers are currently accepted in only a few standards. Utilisation of reverberation chambers for emissions testing will require acceptance of total radiated power as a pass/fail criterion. There is also a lowest usable frequency defined by the cavity dimensions, tuner effectiveness, and cavity quality factor. Directivity and polarisation effects are not measurable in a reverberation chamber. The high Quality Factor in reverberation chambers may impose constraints on pulse testing. Depending on test conditions, correlation of test results to other test techniques may be difficult or impractical. 12.3 UWB Signal Characterisation Conducted measurements have shown that the peak power of a pulsed UWB varies as 20.log10 (RBW) and the RMS power varies as 10.log10 (RBW) for RBW > PRF. Also, the results show that the peak and RMS powers vary with a trend of 10.log10 (RBW) for dithered UWB signals, which is consistent with NTIA Report 01-383 predictions. MB-OFDM UWB signals show a similar trend for the measured peak power when compared to the RMS results. The results reveal that the peak results are 4 to 6 dB higher compared with the RMS results. Both sets of results match well when compared with the AWGN results, which verifies the 10.log10 (RBW) trend. Thus, proving that the MB-OFDM UWB signal has noise-like characteristics. 12.4 Practical Measurement Limits of UWB Signals Conducted and radiated measurements for a MB-OFDM UWB device were carried out in a FAR using the test set up described in Sections 11.2 and 11.3. From Table 19, it can bee seen that a mean EIRP UWB limit of –85 dBm/MHz can be achieved using the conducted measurement set-up, by including a pre-amplifier. The standard conducted measurement falls within the minimum mean EIRP limit by 1 dB. However, the radiated test set-up using a pre-amplifier can measure UWB EIRP densities of -69 dBm/MHz, which falls short by 16 dB for frequencies at the top end of the 1.6 to 3.8 GHz band, as proposed by the ECC. At low measurement frequencies of 1.6 GHz, the mean radiated UWB EIRP density that can be measured is –74 dBm/MHz. The conducted measurement set-up using the pre-amplifier is only possible if the antenna of the UWB device is external and not integrated on the board of the UWB device. Attempting to measure the UWB signal by connecting an external cable to the antenna port on the board of the device will produce impedance mismatches and give incorrect results. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 77 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) The radiated measurements are limited by a combination of the noise floor level of the spectrum analyser or any other receiver, the noise figure of the pre-amplifier and the sensitivity of the measurement antenna. In effect, the lower the measurement system sensitivity, the lower the UWB signal level that can be measured. Smaller bandwidths could be used and the MB-OFDM UWB signal could be scaled using a 10.log10 Bandwidth Correction Factor. However, the noise floor of the spectrum analyser would also go up by the same margin, thus giving no advantage. The single octave horn antenna has a 6-7 dB better performance in terms of antenna gain compared with the Double Ridged Waveguide Horn (DRWG) horn antenna. However, the maximum dimension of 35 cm for the single octave horn antenna, compared with 25 cm with the DRWG horn requires the single octave horn antenna to be roughly twice the distance from the DUT. Thus, incurring an extra 6 dB of path loss compared with using a DWRG. The standard radiated test set-up alone is insufficient to measure UWB signals with low mean EIRP densities of –85 dBm/MHz. The Autonomous Interference Monitoring System (AIMS) currently being developed by Mass Consultants Ltd. for Ofcom, has shown that it is quite possible to measure signals 2 to 3 dB above its monitoring system sensitivity. The emphasis in that project is on the measurement of the C/(I+N) ratio and detecting the presence of UWB in the presence of other signals. This is a different problem to that of measuring out-of-band UWB power, but the two issues are not unrelated. Development of the necessary algorithms is currently ongoing and it is expected that the system will be completed in March 2007.” The monitoring system uses an R&S FSQ26 spectrum analyser with an external wideband preamplifier, giving an overall system noise figure, at the input to Antenna Interface Unit, of between 2.3 dB and 7 dB producing system sensitivities between -110 dBm and -107 dBm in the 0.2 to 8 GHz frequency band. Theses sensitivities are comparable to those measured in the conducted test set-up as shown in Table 13, also using a pre-amplifier. The difference in measuring the UWB signal only 2 to 3 dB above the noise floor of the analyser using MASS Consultants monitoring system gives a 3 to 4 dB improvement compared with measuring the signal 6 dB above the noise floor. This improvement would also apply for radiated measurements as the sensitivity of the analyser with the pre-amplifier would be the same as in the conducted test set-up. Using an average detector would improve the noise floor of the spectrum analyser further by 1-2 dB, but the UWB signal with its noise-like characteristics would also reduce by the same amount, again giving no advantage. Comparison of the R&S FSU spectrum analyser with the R&S ESPI test receiver give similar noise floor levels within 1 dB, also giving no advantage in term of measurement sensitivity. Higher gain antennas such as parabolic dish antennas with a typical gain of 25 – 30 dBi could be used. However, at frequencies between 1 to 5 GHz, the maximum dimension of the measurement antenna (around 1 m) would increase the separation distance to 20 m at a frequency of 3 GHz. The additional path loss 26 would cancel out any effective gain over using a DRWG antenna or single octave horn antenna. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 78 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Measurements in a GTEM may improve the sensitivity and radiated EIRP by 2 dB based on calculations shown in Appendix A. The reverberation chamber may produce a 4 dB to 5 dB improvement, based on a better sensitivity performance of 15 dB, but an average reduction in field strength of 10 dB compared with the FAR [25]. 13 References [1] Ofcom, “Ultra Wideband: This document consults on a position to adopt in Europe on ultra wideband devices in 3.1-10.6 GHz”, January 2005 [2] VODAFONE RESPONSE TO OFCOM CONSULTATION ON ULTRA WIDEBAND (UWB), March 2005 [3] ANSI C63.4 1992 American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz [4] ANSI C63.7: 1992 American National Standard Guide for the Construction of Open-Area Test Sites for Performing Radiated Emission [5] ANSI C63.2: 1996 American National Standard for Instrumentation -.Electromagnetic Noise and Field strength, 10 kHz-40 GHz - Specifications [6] FCC, “Revision of Part 15 of the Commission’s Rules Regarding Ultra-Wideband Transmission Systems, ET Docket No. 98-153, First Report and Order, April 2002 [7] EN 302 066-1: 2005 ERM: Short Range Devices (SRD): Ground and Wall-probing Radar applications. Part 1:Technical characteristics and test methods [8] EN 300 175-2 - Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT); Common Interface (CI); Part 2: Physical Layer (PHL) [9] Draft ECC/DEC/(06)04 Decision on the harmonised conditions for devices using UltraWideband (UWB) technology in the frequency band 3.1 – 4.8 GHz, March 2006 [10] ECC Report 64 “The protection requirements of radiocommunications systems below 10.6 GHz from generic UWB applications”, February 2005, [11] NTIA Report 03-402, “Measurements to Determine Potential Interference to Public Safety Radio Receivers from Ultrawideband Transmission Systems”, June 2003. [12] J.Fisher, N.Lee, B.Firth and P.Lockhart, “Ultra-Wideband and Radar Co-existance”, 1st EMRS DTC Technical Conference – Edinburgh 2004 Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 79 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) [13] ETSI Technical Report, “Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Short Range Devices (SRD); Technical characteristics for SRD equipment using Ultra Wide Band technology (UWB) Part 1: Communications applications”, January 2004 [14] Mason Communications Ltd, Final Report for Ofcom, “Value of UWB personal Area Networking Services to the United Kingdom”, November 2004. [15] K.Siwiak, Debra McKeown, “Ultra-Wideband Radio Techonology”, Wiley, 2004 [16] William.A.Kissick, “The Temporal and Spectral Characteristics of Ultrawideband Signals”, NTIA Report 01-383, January 2001 [17] ITS Ultra-Wideband Measurement Plan (Master Plan Task 1.2), June 14th 2001 [18] NTIA report 01-43 “Assessment of Compatibility between Ultra Wideband Devices and Selected Federal Systems”, January 2001 [19] Total-radiated-power-based OATS-equivalent emissions testing in reverberation chambers and GTEM cells. HARRINGTON, TE, 2000 IEEE Symposium on EMC, Washington, DC, 22 August 2000, p. 23-28. [20] BS EN 61000-4-20:2003, Electromagnetic Compatibility, Part 4-20: Testing and measurement techniques - Emission and immunity testing in transverse electromagnetic (TEM) wave-guides [21] Practical Limits for EMC Emission Testing at Frequencies Above 1GHz Final Report (AY3601) For The Radiocommunications Agency, A J Rowell, D W Welsh & A D Papatsoris York EMC services Ltd, UK, 2000 [22] Alexander-Loh-Arnaut, “Preliminary results above 1 GHz comparing radiated emission measurements on experimental EUTs in a FAR, GTEM cell and Reverberation chamber”, CISPR/A/WG2() 05-02 October 2005 [23] A GTEM Good Practise Guide - The Use of GTEM Cells for EMC Measurements Applying IEC 61000-4-20”, A Nothefer, M Alexander (National Physical Laboratory) & D Bozec, A C Marvin, L McCormack, University of York [24] BS EN 61000-4-21:2003, Electromagnetic Compatibility, Part 4-21: Testing and measurement techniques - Reverberation chamber test methods [25] Shadi Makhalfa, Tony Maddocks Gavin Barber, Graeme Eastwood, “Emission measurements in the range 1 to 6 GHz in Fully Anechoic Room and Reverberation Chamber Facilities”, ERA Technology Report 2006-0352, June 2006. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 80 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) [26] P S Bansal, A J Maddocks et al, “Limits and method of measurement for emissions at frequencies above 1 GHz”, ERA Technology Report 2001-0489 (for Radiocommunications Agency), March 2002 [27] Measurement Techniques of Emissions from Ultra Wideband Devices" - Jun-ichi Takada, Shinobu ISHIGAMI, Juichi Nakada, Eishin NaKagawa, Masaharu Uchino and Tetsuya Yasui, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals Vol.E88-A, No.9, September 2005 [28] ETSI TR 102 273-2, Improvements on Radiated Methods of Measurement (using test site) and evaluation of the corresponding measurement uncertainties. Part 2: Anechoic chamber [29] ETSI TR 102 273-1, Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Improvement on Radiated Methods of Measurement (using test site) and evaluation of the corresponding measurement uncertainties; Part 1: Uncertainties in the measurement of mobile radio equipment characteristics; Sub-part 1: Introduction [30] The Use of GTEM Cells for EMC Measurements, A Nothefer, M Alexander (National Physical Laboratory) & D Bozec, A C Marvin, L McCormack (York EMC services Ltd) [31] BS EN 55016-2-3:2004, Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods, Part 2-3: Methods of measurement of disturbances and immunity — Radiated disturbance measurements [32] Jay.J.Ely, Gerald.L.Fuller and Timothy.W.Shaver, Interference to Aircraft Radio”, NASA [33] S.T.Li, J.B.McGee, P.M.McGinnis, J.H.Schukantz, Jr., “Characterisation of a High-Power, High-Frequency, Soft-Switching Power Converter for EMC Consideration”, Technical Document 3120, March 2001 “Ultra-wideband Electromagnetic Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 81 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) APPENDIX A Calculation of Minimum Measurable UWB EIRP Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 82 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) A.1 Minimum Measurable EIRP using a FAR This section describes the theory on how to calculate the minimum EIRP that can be measured from a UWB device radiating in a FAR. The calculations assume that a pre-amplifier and a DWRG horn antenna are used in conjunction with the spectrum analyser (See Figure 28). The noise floor of a spectrum analyser N can be as: N = K B TBFa Eq. 9 Where, KB is Boltzmans constant equal to 1.38e-23, T is the temperature in Kelvin, B is the measurement bandwidth in Hz and Fa is the noise figure of the spectrum analyser. In log to the base 10 terms this is: N (dBm) = −198.6 + 10 log10(T ) + 10 log10( B) + Fa (dB ) Eq. 10 Assuming that the spectrum analyser operates at room temperature of 290 K (20° C), the above equations simplifies to: N (dBm) = −174 + 10 log10( B) + Fa (dB ) Eq. 11 The noise figure Nf for a typical analyser is 23 to 26 dB and taking the worst-case value, the noise floor of the analyser in a 1 MHz bandwidth would be –91 to –88 dBm. When a pre-amplifier (HP 8449B) is used in conjuction with the spectrum analyser, the noise floor of the measuring device should increase by same amount as the noise figure Fp of pre-amplifier. Assuming, a wanted UWB S/N of 6 dB, the minimum UWB signal level S that can be measured on a spectrum analyser using the HP 8449B pre-amplifier is given by: S (dBm) = N (dBm ) + S N (dB ) + F p (dB ) − G p Eq. 12 Where, Gp is the gain of the pre-amplifier, which in this case is 40 dB as shown on the calibration datasheet for the HP 8449B pre-amplifier. From the HP datasheet the noise figure is 8 dB, but noise floor of the analyser increased by 20 dB in a 1 MHz bandwidth with an RF attenuation of 0 dB. Therefore, minimum UWB signal using a HP 8449B pre-amplifier that can be measured on a spectrum analyser is –105 dBm, 6 dB above a minimum system sensitivity of -111 dBm. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 83 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) When performing radiated measurements using a DRWG antenna as used in the measurement set-up of Figure 28, the electric field measured at the front end of the antenna can be calculated by: E (dBμV / m) = S (dBm ) + ACF (dB / m ) + 107 Eq. 13 At a measurement separation distance of 1 m between the UWB device and the receiving DRWG horn antenna, the ACF is typically 30 at 2.7 GHz. Thus, the electric field strength observed at the front end of the antenna for a received signal of –101 dBm is 30 dBuV/m. Using equation 14 below this translates to an EIRP density of –71 dBm/MHz, including a 2 dB cable. EIRP(dBm ) = E (dBμV / m) + 20 log 10(d ) + 104.8 Eq. 14 The minimum EIRP practically measured in a 1 MHz bandwidth was –69 dBm (See Table 15). A.2 Minimum Measurable EIRP using a GTEM Cell Figure 32: GTEM cell equivalent electric circuit The measured voltage V, across the terminating resistor RT is related to the electric field by the effective height heff, of the cell acting as an antenna. The equation for the effective height of an antenna is given as follows [33]: Ae (R A + RT ) + ( X A + X T ) 120πRT 2 heff = 2 Eq. 15 Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 84 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Where RA + jXA is the impedance of the GTEM cell, RT + jXT is the impedance of the termination and Ae is the effective aperture. Knowing that RA = RT = 50 Ω and XA = XT = 0, the above equation simplifies to: heff = 0.73 Ae Eq. 16 Knowing that the gain G is related to the effective aperture by: G= 4πAe λ2 Eq. 17 The effective height can be expressed as: heff = 0.26λ G Eq. 18 The generated voltage id divided between the cell’s radiating resistance and the terminating resistance. Therefore, the measured voltage V at the output of the GTEM cell can be expressed as: ⎛ RA V = E i heff ⎜⎜ ⎝ R A + RT ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠ Eq. 19 Assuming that the UWB device radiated like a dipole, the electric field propagating in free space can be expressed as: Ei = 49.2 PT G d Eq. 20 Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd 85 ERA Report 2006-0713 (Issue 2) Where, d is the distance form the DUT to the terminating end of the GTEM cell. Substituting, Equation 20 in to 19 and converting the measured voltage V into power P in dBm across the 50 Ω termination gives: ⎛ 0.96 × PT G ⎞ ⎟ P (dBm ) = 10 log10 ⎜⎜ 2 2 ⎟ d f GHz ⎝ ⎠ Eq. 21 If the UWB device radiates with an EIRP density of –85 dBm/MHz, then the power measured by the spectrum analyser via the HP 8449B with a gain of 40 dBi would be –74 dBm. The calculation assumes a typical GTEM cell gain G of 10 dBi [33]. This calculated value would be below the spectrum analyser noise floor when the pre-amplifier is used. The best theoretical UWB EIRP density that can be measured is –73 dBm/MHz, including a 2 dB cable loss. This value assumes that the wanted signal is 6 dB above the noise floor of –70 dBm as measured in a 1 MHz bandwidth using an RMS detector. This value is 2 dB better than the theoretical UWB EIRP calculated in a FAR test environment. Ref: P:\Projects Database\Ofcom 2005 - 7G 02323\Project 3 - Vodafone\ERA Reports\Rep-6060 - 2006-0713 (Issue 2).doc © ERA Technology Ltd