Course Outline Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Amme 3500 : System Dynamics and Control Block Diagrams 9 10 11 12 13 14 Dr Stefan Williams Date 1 Mar 8 Mar 15 Mar 22 Mar 29 Mar 5 Apr 12 Apr 19 Apr 26 Apr 3 May 10 May 17 May 24 May 31 May Dr. Stefan B. Williams Block Diagrams Assign 1 Due Assign 2 Due No Tutorials Assign 3 Due Assign 4 Due Amme 3500 : Introduction Slide 2 • Many systems are composed of multiple subsystems • In this lecture we will examine methods for combining subsystems and simplifying block diagrams Y(s) H(s) Input: control surfaces (flap, aileron), wind gust Assignment Notes Block Diagrams • As we saw in the introductory lecture, a subsystem can be represented with an input, an output and a transfer function U(s) Content Introduction Frequency Domain Modelling Transient Performance and the s-plane Block Diagrams Feedback System Characteristics Root Locus Root Locus 2 Bode Plots BREAK Bode Plots 2 State Space Modeling State Space Design Techniques Advanced Control Topics Review Spare Aircraft output: pitch, yaw, roll * N.S. Nise (2004) Control Systems Engineering Wiley & Sons Dr. Dunant Halim Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Slide 3 Dr. Dunant Halim Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Slide 4 1 Examples of subsystems Examples of Subsystems • Automobile control: Desired course of travel Actual course of travel Steering Mechanism Control + • Antenna control Automobile Sensing Measurements Dr. Dunant Halim * N.S. Nise (2004) Control Systems Engineering Wiley & Sons Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Slide 5 Mathematical Modelling u(t) Dr. Dunant Halim Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Slide 6 Mathematical Modelling U(s) y(t) h(t) Y(s) H(s) • In the time domain, the input-output relationship is usually expressed in terms of a differential equation • In the Laplace domain, the input-output relationship is usually expressed in terms of an algebraic equation in terms of s d n y(t ) d n−1 y(t ) d mu (t ) + an−1 + L + a0 y(t ) = bm + L + b0u (t ) n n −1 dt dt dt m s nY ( s ) + an −1s n −1Y ( s ) + L + a0Y ( s ) = bm s mU ( s ) + L + b0U ( s ) • (an-1, …, a0, bm, … b0) are the system s parameters, n ≥ m • The system is LTI (Linear Time Invariant) iff the parameters are time-invariant • n is the order of the system Dr. Dunant Halim Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Slide 7 Dr. Dunant Halim Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Slide 8 2 Cascaded systems • In time, a cascaded system requires a convolution A General Control System u(t )∗ h(t ) ≡ ∫−∞ u(τ ) h(t − τ ) dτ ∞ u(t) h (t) y1(t) h1(t) y(t) y(t ) = (u(t )* h(t ))* h1 (t ) • In the Laplace domain, this is simply a product • Many control systems can be characterised by these components/subsystems Plant Reference D(s) Error E(s) + U(s) H(s) Y1(s) H1(s) Y(s) Control Control Signal U(s) Disturbance Output Y(s) Actuator Process Feedback H(s) Sensor Y (s) = U (s) H (s) H1 (s) Sensor Noise Dr. Dunant Halim Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Slide 9 Simplifying Block Diagrams Dr. Dunant Halim – To provide an understanding of the signal flows in the system – To enable modelling of complex systems from simple building blocks – To allow us to generate the overall system transfer function • A block diagram is made up of signals, systems, summing junctions and pickoff points • A few rules allow us to simplify complex block diagrams into familiar forms Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Slide 10 Components of a Block Diagram • The objectives of a block diagram are Dr. Dunant Halim Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams * N.S. Nise (2004) Control Systems Engineering Wiley & Sons Slide 11 Dr. Dunant Halim Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Slide 12 3 Typical Block Diagram Elements Typical Block Diagram Elements • Cascaded Systems • Parallel Systems * N.S. Nise (2004) Control Systems Engineering Wiley & Sons * N.S. Nise (2004) Control Systems Engineering Wiley & Sons Dr. Dunant Halim Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Slide 13 Typical Block Diagram Elements • Feedback Form Dr. Dunant Halim Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Slide 14 Moving Past A Summation a) To the left past a summing junction b) To the right past a summing junction E ( s ) = R ( s ) − H ( s )C ( s ) C (s) = G (s) E (s) C (s) = R ( s ) − H ( s )C ( s ) G (s) G ( s ) R ( s ) = (1 + H ( s )G ( s ) ) C ( s ) C (s) G (s) = R ( s ) 1 + H ( s )G ( s ) * N.S. Nise (2004) Control Systems Engineering Wiley & Sons Dr. Dunant Halim Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams * N.S. Nise (2004) Control Systems Engineering Wiley & Sons Slide 15 Dr. Dunant Halim Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Slide 16 4 Moving Past Pick-Off Points a) To the left past a summing junction b) To the right past a summing junction Example I : Simplifying Block Diagrams • Consider this block diagram • We wish to find the transfer function between the input R(s) and C(s) * N.S. Nise (2004) Control Systems Engineering Wiley & Sons * N.S. Nise (2004) Control Systems Engineering Wiley & Sons Dr. Dunant Halim Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Slide 17 Example I: Simplifying Block Diagrams a) Collapse the summing junctions b) Form equivalent cascaded system in the forward path and equivalent parallel system in the feedback path c) Form equivalent feedback system and multiply by cascaded G1 (s) * N.S. Nise (2004) Dr. Dunant Halim Dr. Dunant Halim Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Slide 18 Example II : Simplifying Block Diagrams • Form the equivalent system in the forward path • Move 1/s to the left of the pickoff point • Combine the parallel feedback paths • Compute C(s)/R(s) using feedback formula Control Systems Engineering Wiley & Sons Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Slide 19 * N.S. Nise (2004) Control Systems Engineering Wiley & Sons Dr. Dunant Halim Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Slide 20 5 Example III: Shuttle Pitch Control • The control mechanisms available include the body flap, elevons and engines • Measurements are made by the vehicle s inertial unit, gyros and accelerometers • Manipulating block diagrams is important but how do they relate to the real world? • Here is an example of a real system that incorporates feedback to control the pitch of the vehicle (amongst other things) Dr. Dunant Halim Example III: Shuttle Pitch Control Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Slide 21 Example III : Shuttle Pitch Control • A simplified model of a pitch controller is shown for the space shuttle • Assuming other inputs are zero, can we find the transfer function from commanded to actual pitch? Dr. Dunant Halim * N.S. Nise (2004) Control Systems Engineering Wiley & Sons Slide 22 Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Example III : Shuttle Pitch Control Pitch Reference + - + + K1K2 - Output G1(s)G2(s) s2 _s_ K1 1 • Combine G1 and G2. • Push K1 to the right past the summing junction * N.S. Nise (2004) Control Systems Engineering Wiley & Sons Dr. Dunant Halim Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Slide 23 Dr. Dunant Halim Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Slide 24 6 Example III: Shuttle Pitch Control Pitch Reference + - + + - Output K1K2 G1(s)G2(s) _s2_ K1K2 _s_ K1 Example III: Shuttle Pitch Control • Matlab provides us with a tool called Simulink that allows us to represent systems by their block diagram • We ll take a bit of time to see how we construct a Simulink model of this system 1 • Push K1K2 to the right past the summing junction K1 K 2G1 ( s )G2 ( s ) • Hence T (s) = ⎛ s s2 ⎞ 1 + K1 K 2G1 ( s )G2 ( s ) ⎜1 + + ⎟ ⎝ K1 K1 K 2 ⎠ Dr. Dunant Halim Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Slide 25 Dr. Dunant Halim Single-Loop Feedback System Closed Loop Feedback • We have suggested that many control systems take on a familiar feedback form • Intuition tells us that feedback is useful – imagine driving your car with your eyes closed • Let us examine why this is the case from a mathematical perspective • Error Signal e(t ) = d (t ) − f (t ) = d (t ) − Ky(t ) • The goal of the Controller K(s) is: Ø To produce a control signal u(t) that drives the error e(t) to zero d (t ) Desired + Value e(t ) - K ( s) error Controller f (t ) Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Slide 27 Dr. Dunant Halim u (t ) Control Signal G (s) y (t ) Output Plant H Feedback Signal Dr. Dunant Halim Slide 26 Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Transducer Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Slide 28 7 Feedforward & Feedback Controller Objectives • Controller cannot drive error to zero instantaneously as the plant G(s) has dynamics • Clearly a large control signal will move the plant more quickly • The gain of the controller should be large so that even small values of e(t) will produce large values of u(t) • However, large values of gain will cause instability Dr. Dunant Halim Slide 29 Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams • Driving a Formula-1 car • Feedforward control: pre-emptive/predictable action: prediction of car s direction of travel (assuming the model is accurate enough) • Feeback control: corrective action since the model is not perfect + noise Dr. Dunant Halim Why Use Feedback ? Why Use Feedback ? • Perfect feed-forward controller: Gn d (t ) 1/ Gn • Output and error: • Only zero when: Dr. Dunant Halim + l (t ) + G demand y (t ) l =0 Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams d +− No dynamics Here ! G y= d + Gl Gn ⎛ G⎞ e = d − y = ⎜1 − ⎟ d − Gl G n ⎠ ⎝ Gn = G Slide 30 Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams e K controller e = d − y, (Perfect Knowledge) (No load or disturbance) Slide 31 load l u+ + G y output plant A sensor unity feedback y = G (u + l ), u = Ke So: e = d − y = d − G (u + l ) = d − G ( Ke + l ) Dr. Dunant Halim Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Slide 32 8 Closed Loop Equations Closed Loop Equations e = d − GKe − Gl Collect terms: Similarly (1 + KG ) e = d − Gl y= GK G d− l 1 + KG 1 + KG Demand to Output Transfer Function Load to Output Transfer Function Equivalent Open Loop Block Diagram Or: e= 1 G d− l 1 + KG 1 + KG Demand to Error Transfer Function Dr. Dunant Halim d Load to Error Transfer Function Slide 33 Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Rejecting Loads and Disturbances y= G l 1 + KG If K is big: K Dr. Dunant Halim l + G 1 + KG + Dr. Dunant Halim Tracking Performance y= Load to Output Transfer Function KG >> 1 GK d 1 + KG If K is big: Demand to Output Transfer Function KG >> 1 If K is big: Perfect Disturbance Rejection Independent of knowing G Regardless of l Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Slide 34 Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams If K is big: G 1 y≈ l = l ≈0 KG K y Slide 35 GK y≈ d =d KG Dr. Dunant Halim Perfect Tracking of Demand Independent of knowing G Regardless of l Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Slide 36 9 Two Key Problems d +− e K u+ + l G Two Key Problems d +− y e K u+ + l G y +n Power: u = K (d − y ) Large K requires large actuator power u Noise: u = K (d − y + n) u ∝ Kd Large K amplifies sensor noise In practise a Compromise K is required Dr. Dunant Halim Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Slide 37 Dr. Dunant Halim Conclusions Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Slide 38 Further Reading • We have examined methods for computing the transfer function by reducing block diagrams to simple form • We have also presented arguments for using feedback in control systems • Next week, we will look at more closely on feedback control Dr. Dunant Halim Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Slide 39 • Nise – Sections 5.1-5.3 • Franklin & Powell – Section 3.2 Dr. Dunant Halim Amme 3500 : Block Diagrams Slide 40 10