Professional publications catalogue Update: June 2015 Creation of collections and editorial coverage About… Handicap International “Handicap International is an independent and impartial international aid organisation working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, taking action and bearing witness in order to respond to their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights”. About… Knowledge Management Unit "The team aims to enrich, alongside other sectors of the Technical Resources, knowledge and practices of technical and operational divisions of the association. The team sets up and runs a dynamic collective learning to improve the identification, capitalization, sharing and appropriation of innovations and good practices. This mission is guided by the strategic orientations of the federation and requires the involvement of different actors in the organization.” Publications contact Stéphanie DEYGAS Technical publications have been built up to give more visibility and to promote Handicap International’s know-how and technical expertise. So, in order to gather publications –which were scattered until now– in a global project of knowledge sharing, eight technical collections were created: Policy Paper, Guidance Note, Practical Guide, Lessons Learned, Research and Studies, Educational Resources, Project Evaluation and Wide Angle. Each collection has a clear visual identity (via a symbol and a color). These collections cover all the publishing needs of Handicap International’s technical and operational teams. Two formats to meet specific objectives When we created the technical collections, we had to meet two distinct needs: • Stabilized content to provide a framework to operational teams for the implementation of projects: Sectors Publications, whose content has to provide an overview / overall (macro) on a sector of activity; these documents explain how Handicap International works globally in such sector, and are usually written by a Technical Advisor • Content that directly comes from technical experience and expertise of programs: Projects publications, whose content is contextualized / localized (micro); these documents explain how Handicap International has developed such experience / expertise on such subject in such country / place. Re-packaged for a better appropriation In a desire to support appropriation, two additional formats –for the moment– are proposed to re-package the content from publications: • The brief, which summarizes in 4 pages the initial content of a publication, • The appropriation videos, which offer an original video format coupled with an animated powerpoint. All publications are available on SkillWeb at: Publications related to Prevention and Health Unit Mental health • Mental health and psychosocial support interventions in emergency and post-crisis settings (2013) This guide sets out the general principles of intervention with methodological advice and practical files on mental health and psychosocial support in emergency and post-crisis situations. Available in English and French • Conditions de vie carcérale et détresse psychologique des personnes détenues (Madagascar, 2013) This document presents the results of a quantitative study conducted in three prisons in Madagascar in 2011-2012. The objectives of this study were to measure the perception of prisoners on conditions of life in prison, to measure psychological distress, to determine the variables that influence psychological distress and perceptions of conditions of life in prison. In view of the results of the study, Handicap International has proposed a new model of psychosocial intervention. Developed through a stage system of complementary services, it promotes the application of a holistic approach focused on the needs of the prisoners. Available in French • Interventions psychosociales en milieu carcéral (Madagascar, 2012) For helping to develop psychosocial interventions in prisons, this guide provides elements of understanding, thinking and practice to stakeholders working in prison: members of public sector and civil society, at national or international levels. Available in French • A feeling of belonging: An example of a community mental health project in Rwanda (2012) Documentary about the actions of Handicap International in Rwanda to reforge the links within the community. Available in English and French / Booklet available in English and French • Santé mentale communautaire et violences liées au genre dans la Province Ouest du Rwanda (2012) Action research: a territorial approach to the phenomena of violence and psychological distress on Rubavu Districts and Rutsiro. What factors of vulnerability and what local resources? Available in French / Available in French brief • Mental health in post-crisis and development contexts (2011) Policy paper on how to promote and develop projects to improve access to prevention and care, and the social participation for people living with mental health problems. Available in English and French / Available in English and French brief • Fostering and managing change in Algerian Nurseries (2011) Lessons learned on the Algerian experience on support children deprived of family care. Available in English and French / Available in English and French brief • Supporting persons living with trauma by rebuilding social and community links (Rwanda, 2009) Example of a community-based mental health approach after the Rwandan genocide of the Tutsis, involved supporting the reference persons in the community, so that they can set up solidarity and care systems for vulnerable people and/or refer them to the appropriate care providers. Available in English and French HIV / AIDS • Including disability in HIV policy and programming: Good practice drawn from countrybased evidence (2014) The purpose of this document is to share good practices and processes concerning the inclusion of disability issues in HIV policy and programming, drawing on specific experiences in Senegal, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda and Cambodia and on lessons learned at international AIDS conferences. More specifically, it is intended to 1) provide a clear indication to HIV and AIDS practitioners that disability mainstreaming in HIV and AIDS is indeed possible and workable in various contexts and by implementing specific steps/initiatives; 2) transfer concrete knowledge and practices to disability stakeholders, including disabled people's organisations, on how to work in HIV and AIDS; and 3) persuade HIV-related development partners that more investment is needed to develop this knowledge base in order to bring about practical changes at micro, meso and macro levels, as well as among the population. Available in English and French / Available in English and French brief • Strengthening communities to integrate persons with disabilities in the HIV & AIDS response in Rwanda (2013) Lessons learned from project in Rwanda, with the objective to integrate people with disabilities in HIV and Sexual Violence prevention efforts and service provision generally. It is the result of qualitative, multi-stakeholder study. The document focuses on good practices in five key areas: strengthening civil society, HIV and AIDS prevention, effective advocacy, improving services and mainstreaming disability. The document explains how the experience could be modelled for adaptation or replication in Rwanda or other contexts. Available in English • Inclusive and integrated HIV and AIDS programming (2012) This policy paper describes Handicap International’s mandate and values in operational terms as applied to the theme of inclusive and integrated HIV and AIDS programming. Available in English and French / Available in English and French brief / Available in appropriation video • Anchoring Awareness in the Community: Improvement of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment (2009) Analyse of community awareness activities in reducing deny and stigmatisation of HIV/AIDS and informing them on prevention methods. Available in English and French Protection against violence based on gender, age and disability • Protection against violence based on gender, age and disability in emergency and development settings (2013) This guidance note sets out the points of reference for Handicap International’s protection related interventions in emergency and development settings. It defines the thematic area, explains its intersection with the organisation’s mandate, the areas of intervention (expected results, activities) and future perspectives for working in this sector. Available in English and French • Sexual violence against children with disabilities in Burundi, Madagascar, Mozambique and Tanzania (2012) Children with disabilities are vulnerable to sexual violence and do not have access holistic support services or justice. The objective of this research was to: gain insight into the vulnerability and resilience factors of children with disabilities who have experienced sexual violence; and start a movement at both national and international levels that facilitates discussion and promotes people to take action against sexual violence of children with disabilities. This report provides an overview of the research between the four countries, individual country analysis of the four countries and additionally recommendations for improving the situation for children with disabilities Available in English / Available in Advocacy document (Out from the shadows) • Santé mentale communautaire et violences liées au genre dans la Province Ouest du Rwanda (2012) Action research: a territorial approach to the phenomena of violence and psychological distress on Rubavu Districts and Rutsiro. What factors of vulnerability and what local resources? Available in French / Available in French brief • An assessment of the factors of risk and vulnerability of women and men with disabilities to sexual and gender-based violence (Rwanda, 2012) This assessment testifies of cases of sexual and gender-based violence among people with disabilities, and explores the factors of risk and vulnerability of people with disabilities to sexual and gender-based violence. Available in English Mother and child health • Inclusion of disability issues in mother and child health projects (2014) The scope of this guide is about the prevention, detection and referral of women of reproductive age and of their newborn and 0-5 years children, if they are at risk or confirmed with impairments. Available in English and French Non-communicable diseases • How to support local government to integrate CVD and diabetes prevention and management into existing health systems - the Davao City experience, Philippines (2013) This lesson learning publication focuses on Handicap International’s Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) project implemented in Davao City in the Philippines from 2010 to 2013. The specific subject focus is the Davao City Health Office (CHO), the main implementing partner of the project. We are exploring the significant changes achieved by the CHO and the factors which made them possible. Available in English • Diabetes and other cardiovascular risk factors (2012) This policy paper describes Handicap International’s mandate and values in operational terms as applied to Diabetes and other cardiovascular risk factors: strategic choices, intervention methods, monitoring and evaluation, logic framework elements… Available in English and French / Available in English and French brief • Fighting against epilepsy in Rwanda: An efficient patient-centred experience (2012) Result of a capitalization on a project related with the access to care of people with epilepsy and their integration into family and community, with a focus on community-based approach. Available in English and in English brief • CVD Project evaluation: Baseline diabetes study, Davao, Philippines 2010 (2011) Results of a survey conducted among people with diabetes brought together baseline elements for a comparison with future study that will evaluate the effectiveness of a capacity development project for the prevention of disabilities related to cardiovascular risks. Available in English • United Nations High Level Meeting on Non-Communicable Diseases (2011) This document describes the outcomes of the High Level Meeting and collaborations engaged. It recommends future action to continue to push for the inclusion of disability into the NonCommunicable Diseases agenda though a collaborative approach. Available in English • From disease specific toward comprehensive and integrated management of disabling diseases: diabetes, lymphatic filariasis and Buruli ulcer: Seminar proceedings, Nairobi, Kenya, 7-11 December 2009 (2010) This document reports on a disabling diseases seminar. After disease specific workshops, a joint workshop was on comprehensive and integrated approach of disabling diseases. Available in English and French • Needs assessment to develop diabetes control and prevention projects in limited-resource countries (2009) The purpose of this document is to provide methodological support for the various phases of the field mission to carry out the needs assessment with the aim of setting up a diabetes prevention and control project: preparing the mission, carrying out the mission, completing and following-up on the mission. Available in English, French and Spanish • Diabetes prevention and control projects in countries with limited resources: Lessons from experience: know-how analysis (2009) This paper proposes six know-how analysis sheets on diabetes prevention and control projects: Mobilizing stakeholders to organise a symbolic event / Bringing services closer to communities / Supporting the decentralization of diabetes care / Strengthening “clubs” of people with diabetes / Supporting associations of persons with diabetes in implementing adapted physical activities / Carrying out a study for a disabling disease project. Available in English, French and Spanish Publications related to Rehabilitation Services Unit Physical and functional rehabilitation • La réadaptation physique et fonctionnelle dans les camps de réfugiés installés de longue date (long terme) (2015) This document is a supplement to the “Physical and functional rehabilitation” policy paper; by itself it is not sufficient. It focuses solely on physical and functional rehabilitation services inside long-standing refugee camps. Available in French / Soon in English • Understanding financial access to physical and functional rehabilitation services in developing countries (2014) This report focuses on financial access to physical and functional rehabilitation services in developing countries, supported by practical examples from the case of Burkina Faso. Available in English and French • Effets de la kinésithérapie et de l'éducation à la santé dans la prise en charge de la fistule obstétricale (2014) The objective of this report is to demonstrate the effects of a program of physiotherapy and health education in the management of adult women suffering from obstetric fistula in Benin and neighboring areas. Available in French • Physical and functional rehabilitation (2013) This document presents the physical and functional rehabilitation-specific challenges, principles and recommendations for Handicap International. Above all, it sets out the overall framework within which the theoretical underpinnings of the Rehabilitation Services Unit are applied. Available in English, French and Spanish / Available in English, French and Spanish brief • Quality management of global rehabilitation services (2013) This report outlines the proceedings and discussions of Handicap International’s seminar “Quality Management of Global Rehabilitation Services: Global Experiences, Innovations and Shaping Future Reform”. The report closely follows the structure of the seminar week, highlighting key information, contributions, discussions and recommendations from the participants. Available in English and French • The Sustainability Analysis Process: The case of physical rehabilitation (2012) This guide describes the Sustainability Analysis Process (SAP), a coordinated planning approach that aims to facilitate the development of a common vision of sustainability among various actors in a system (illustrated here with national rehabilitation system). Available in English and French / Available in English and French brief • Processes and approaches to enable sustainable access to quality rehabilitation services: Comparative study of Handicap International programmes in Albania, Kosovo and Mozambique, October 2011 – May 2012 (2012) The purpose of this study is to analyse processes and approaches that have been used by Handicap International to enable access to quality rehabilitation services for people with disabilities, and specifically to look at their impact in terms of sustainability. The report can be used to demonstrate the influence and importance of a systemic approach to facilitate access to services, of defining relevant partnership modalities and sustainability strategies. It illustrates the relevance of access to services, affirmed as a structuring framework for actions in Handicap International Federal Strategy, applied to the sector of rehabilitation. Available in English • Technical Networking: a guide for the strategic development of partnerships, alliances and investments within the Technical Resources Division (2012) This report is the primary output of a process piloted by DRT within the Rehabilitation Unit to investigate the technical networking processes and to identify new areas of upcoming global developments where the unit should aim to establish its networks. Available in English • Le soutien en famille au service de l'enfant handicapé (2011) This paper describes a pilot implementation following the finding that children with disabilities in Togo can not integrate the actual school system. The team has developed a family support activity: agents in community-based rehabilitation and an occupational therapist visit children at home, to stimulate the capacities development of the child. This activity has demonstrated the improvement of everyday life of the child (and family), through child stimulation and an evolution of its social and physical environment. This document describes the conduct of the activity, explains its strengths, weaknesses, and proposes recommendations that can be used to reproduce in another project. Available in French Orthoprosthetics and mobility devices • The provision of wheeled mobility and positioning devices (2013) This policy paper describes Handicap International’s mandate and values in operational terms as applied to the theme of provision of wheeled mobility and positioning devices. It defines the topic and outlines the target populations, methods of intervention (expected results, activities) and indicators for monitoring and evaluation. It presents the approaches and references for Handicap International’s actions, choices and commitments. It aims to ensure coherence in terms of practices whilst taking into account different contexts. Available in English and French / Available in English (general / focus on emergency contexts) and French (general / focus on emergency contexts) brief • Kit de formation : l’emboîture à ischion intégré (2011) CD-Rom which contains useful elements to the establishment of a technical training on the ischial containment socket: elements of understanding and framework, protocols related to the manufacturing steps, video on the fitting of the test prosthesis, elements to implement training (planning, lists of materials needed,...). Available in French Publications related to Social, Livelihoods and Education Services Unit Livelihoods • Inclusive employment projects Tool Box (2013) This DVD-Rom is made of tools collected from Handicap International programs implementing livelihood projects. It offers technical support to project managers providing them with operational tools developed in other Inclusive employment projects. It complements the Policy Paper on Inclusive Employment, providing practical tools made for and by the field teams. Available in English and French • Leçons apprises du Projet Turi Kumwe Réinsertion socio-économique des anciens combattants handicapés au Burundi 2010-2013 (2013) Activities supported by the project: The promotion of an inclusive environmental and services to facilitate the reintegration of participants (physical accessibility, access to services); The mobilization of economic and psychosocial local actors included local authorities; Promoting a personalized social support and defining individual projects; Capacity development of staff and partners involved. Available in French • L’insertion socioéconomique des ex-combattants handicapés au Burundi (2011) Results of a survey conducted in May 2011 on the psychosocial and economic situation of disabled ex-combatants in five provinces of Burundi (Bubanza, Bujumbura-Mairie, Bururi, Gitega and Muramvya), in order to guide its work over the coming years. Available in French • Inclusive employment (2011) Policy paper which explains how to develop projects which promote the employment of people with disabilitis and other vulnerable populations. Available in English, French and Spanish / Available in English and French brief / Appropriation Kit on Skill Web (English and French) • Ensuring access to microfinance services for people with disabilities: Workshop facilitation guide (2010) The workshop presented in this guide may be conducted prior to the preparation of a project or as one of the initial stages in a project for making microfinance inclusive. The methodology and content of this guide may be used in its present form or adjusted to suit other contexts. Available in French and English / Available in Cd-Rom with French and English tools • Reference documents and resources: Professional inclusion (2009) This CD-Rom offers a selection of documents, films and internet sites relating to professional inclusion. It offers material for a more inclusive development approach, leading to the professional inclusion of people with disabilities and other vulnerable group. Available in English, French and Spanish / Introduction booklet available in English, French and Spanish Inclusive education • Tools and Resources for Inclusive Education (2014) This resource kit presents a selection of documents and tools, produced by Handicap International (80%) and other organizations, allowing the user to implement, in various contexts, inclusive education projects for children with disabilities, according to the existing international concepts and reference frameworks. Available in English and French • Inclusive education (2012) This policy paper describes Handicap International’s mandate and values in operational terms as applied to to the theme of inclusive education. It presents the approaches and references for Handicap International’s actions, choices and commitments. It is a guidance document for programme staff which defines the topic and outlines the target populations, methods of intervention (expected results, activities) and indicators for monitoring and evaluation. Available in English and French / Available in English and French brief • Scolariser les enfants handicapés au Burkina Faso : un exemple d’approche en éducation inclusive (2011) This paper reviews 10 years of projects carried out by Handicap International in the education sector in Burkina Faso to promote schooling and inclusive education for disabled children. Available in French • Schooling for deaf children in mainstream schools in Burkina Faso (2011) This paper describes all phases of an unique inclusion device of deaf children in mainstream schools in Burkina Faso project. It proposes results of the experiment and recommendations to improve the existing system, and prepares future actions. Available in English and French • Resource Materials & Reference Documents: Inclusive education (2008) This CD-Rom includes answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Inclusive Education, Handicap International’s policy on Inclusive Education, examples of current field projects, a range of international reference documents and useful web resource links. Available in English and French / Introduction booklet available in English and French Social inclusion • Personalised social support: Thoughts, Method and Tools in an Approach of Proximity Social Services (2009) This guide explores in a firt section the theoretical aspects of social work, development and personalised social support. It is followed by a “Practical guide” to implement personalised social support, based on various intervention techniques. The third section features a “Toolbox” consisting mainly of tools sourced from Handicap International programmes. Available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic / Available in English and French CD-Rom • Setting up an action to raise awareness about the situation of persons with disabilities: practical guide (2009) This guide offers markers and references for a quality approach to constructing an awarenessraising tool. It offers methodological recommendations organised in stages and illustrated by exemples of tools for a hight quality awareness approach, to change perceptions. Available in English, French and Spanish Disaster Risk Management • Disability Inclusive Community Based Disaster Risk Management: A toolkit for practice in South Asia (2012) This practical guide explain how to make community based disaster risk management (CBDRM) inclusive of people with disabilities. Available in English • Coping capacity of people with disabilities in South Asia: A qualitative study of the impacts and coping strategies of people with disabilities in communities in India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka (2012) Handicap International has undertaken a study on coping capacities of people with disabilities in four countries. Each study focused on a recent disaster event which occurred prior to or during the project duration. The events chosen varied in scale and level of external attention and support received, which in turn reflects a changing picture of increasingly more frequent, localised disasters. This report attempts to establish the impact of the disaster on people with disabilities in comparison to the wider population and the coping strategies in evidence. Available in English Victim assistance • Victim assistance in the context of mines and explosive remnants of war (2014) This policy paper describes Handicap International’s mandate and values in operational terms as applied to the theme of victim assistance in the context of mines and explosive remnants of war. It presents the approaches and references for Handicap International’s actions, choices and commitments. It aims to ensure coherence in terms of practices whilst taking into account different contexts. Essentially this is a guidance document for programme staff which defines the topic and outlines the target populations, methods of intervention... This policy aims to ensure that all projects carried out by Handicap International programmes are consistent with the methods of intervention presented. Available in English and French / Available in English, French and Spanish brief Publications related to Civil Society Support Unit Disability and development • Disability and development: Concepts, strategies and tools for disability-inclusive development (2012) To efficiently and sustainably improve the situation of people with disabilities, disability-specific actions need to be developed, as well as actions aimed at ensuring that people with disabilities and disability issues are meaningfully included throughout mainstream development efforts. This CD-Rom highlights why disability needs to be addressed by international cooperation and provides strategies and resources for how to become involved in this issue. Developed following a request of French Agency for Development, this CD-Rom is aimed at actors who are not specialised in disability but who want to: familiarise themselves with the issues; raise awareness; persuade or mobilize a wide range of actors to respond to the needs of people with disabilities. Available in English and French Inclusive policies • The EquiFrame manual: A Tool for Evaluating and Promoting the Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups and Core Concepts of Human Rights in Health Policy Documents (2014) This manual outlines an analytical framework for assessing the degree to which social inclusion and human rights feature in policy and policy-related documents. EquiFrame identifies the degree of commitment of a given policy to specified Vulnerable Groups and to Core Concepts of Human Rights. The framework was developed with regard to health policy documents with the motivation to contribute to enhancing equity in healthcare. In its current form it is directed towards health policy-oriented researchers and policy-makers. This framework can be used to support the systematic review of the content of health policies, as well as being a means of facilitating greater social inclusion and human rights in the revision of existing policies and the development of new policies. Available in English and French • Orientation Note about disability-related data in National Censuses (2014) This note aims to equip Handicap International programs and technical advisors with key information on what is a census, what census data can be used for and what are limits of using this type of survey. It also aims to give guidance on when and at which stages of the census process, technical inputs and contributions can be provided. It proposes a common way for supporting quantitative disability data collection and analysis of national censuses. It promotes using the globally tested identification tool proposed by Washington Group to identify those persons with disabilities who are at greater risk of experiencing limitations in participation than other parts of the population. Available in English and French • Understanding the UN Convention On the Rights of Persons With Disabilities: a handbook on the Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2010) This manual is a tool to explain the content of the Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and provides detailed information on what occurred during the negotiation and drafting process. It provides information on interpreting the text and providing further information for its implementation at the local, national, regional and international levels. Available in English and French • Training Kit: Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities (2007) This CD-Rom contains a set of visual aids, international texts and documentary resources required to stage training sessions in connection with the Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. The visual aids address many aspects of disability, of human rights and of the Convention and need to be adapted by the organizer to the public concerned. Available in English and French • Disability rights and policies: Reference documents and resources (2008) This CD-ROM presents reference publications, web pages and websites selected in connection with the theme of disability rights and policies. The aim is to expand on the eight introductory chapters of the booklet. Each chapter provides both theoretical references to help clarify important concepts and approaches and resources that stem from practical experience to support project development and implementation. Available in English and French Support to Disabled People's Organisations • Le handicap dans les politiques publiques tunisiennes face au creusement des inégalités et à l’appauvrissement des familles avec des ayants droit en situation de handicap (2014) As part of Project Leadership and Empowerment for Action on Disability (LEAD), this report examines the situation of Tunisian households inhabited by people with disabilities, their quality of life and daily obstacles that they encounter. Available in French • L'inclusion sociale des personnes en situation de handicap dans la wilaya d'Alger (2014) As part of Project Leadership and Empowerment for Action on Disability (LEAD), this report examines the living conditions of persons with disabilities in the province of Algiers, with identification of facilitators and barriers on the social inclusion process, in areas such as health, education and employment. Available in French • Le handicap dans les politiques publiques marocaines face au creusement des inégalités et à l’appauvrissement des familles avec des ayants droit handicapés (2014) As part of Project Leadership and Empowerment for Action on Disability (LEAD), this report examines the situation of Moroccan households inhabited by people with disabilities, their quality of life and daily obstacles that they encounter. Avaliable in French • Advocacy for inclusion (2013) The aim of this practical guide is to enable the user to identify the relevant strategies and tools to carry out advocacy activities for the rights of people with disabilities. Available in English, French and Spanish • Support to Organisations Representative of Persons with Disabilities (2011) This policy paper describes Handicap International's mandate and values in operational terms as applied to supporting organisations representative of persons with disabilities. Essentially this is a guidance document for programme staff which defines the topic and outlines the target populations, methods of intervention (expected results, activities) and indicators for monitoring and evaluation. Available in English and French / Available in English and French brief / Available in appropriation video • Reference documents and resources: Capacity development (2010) The CD-Rom which accompanies this booklet presents a selection of documents, books and websites on Capacity Development. It contains theoretical articles to understand the concept (Chapter 1) and tool boxes how to get practically involved into a Capacity Development process (Chapter 2), it explains the idea of a learning organisation as a precondition for an organisational assessment (Chapter 3). Moreover the CD-Rom highlights the importance of the quality of the relationships between partners in a Capacity Development process (Chapter 4) and emphasizes on specific experiences of NGOs (Chapter 5). Available in English and French • Capacity development and partnership : overview and methodology (2008) This document is based on the experiences and lessons learned by Handicap International teams and partner organisations in relation to capacity development and developing partnerships between 2001 and 2007, following the creation of the partnership tools. It is the result of reading key documents and of communication between professionals between 2001 and 2007. It has been written as a guide for Handicap International staff. Available in English and French Local inclusive development • Le développement local inclusif à Madagascar : de la reconnaissance de la citoyenneté des personnes handicapées au renforcement des politiques locales de développement (2010) As part of the project "City and Disability", an inclusive local development experience (DLI), conducted from 2007 to 2010 in the cities of Tamatave and Tulear, aimed to strengthen the participation of disabled persons in the life of the city. More specifically, its objectives were to fight against their social and economic exclusion and to encourage greater inclusion of disability - and more generally of vulnerable populations - in local development policies. This experiment demonstrates that the inclusive local development carries a double dynamic: on the one hand it contributes to the recognition of the citizenship of disabled people, and the other is a lever for strengthening the relevant municipal policy development. Available in French • Inclusive local development: How to implement a disability approach at local level (2009) This policy paper deals with Handicap International’s mandate and values in the field of the inclusive local development. It is an action guide that presents the approaches and reference tools for Handicap International’s actions, choices and commitments. It explains Handicap International’s current work on inclusive local development and gives indications for future possibilities and potential limitations. The aim is to promote consistency in the practices of various programmes working in the area of inclusive local development, while taking into account the different contexts and circumstances encountered. Available in English and French / Available in English and French brief Accessibility • Conduct an accessibility audit in low- and middle-income countries (2014) This aim of this guide is to assist the various participants in an accessibility audit. Within the framework of inclusive local development, an accessibility audit is a complex, substantial and technical process to implement: Complex, because it involves the participation of a large number of different stakeholders who are not necessarily used to being together, working together and who may not know each other / Substantial, because it requires considerable preparation time so that the stakeholders involved are as well prepared as possible / Technical, because it requires some rather specialised skills when recommendations to remove the identified obstacles start to come together. An accessibility audit is a formidable exercise in participatory democracy which, in the long term, can be used as the basis to formalise the relationship between stakeholders in a municipality accessibility commission or even a municipality commission for inclusive development, which will have responsibility for suggesting, studying, organising and implementing actions to improve accessibility, with, of course, dialogue as the guiding thread. Available in English and French • Making public drinking fountains accessible to all (2012) This document aims to share knowledge from the experience of making drinking fountains accessible in Majunga (Madagascar). This capitalization highlights successes, expertise but also the difficulties and issues faced in the field of water accessibility. Furthermore, this documentation has come from Handicap International's ambition to have an in-depth analysis of the approach and the implementation process involving a wide range of stakeholders working together towards the same goal: access to water for all. The idea is therefore to analyse the processes behind running a network and capacity building, to describe how the various stakeholders led and adopted this project's various phases and activities and finally to see how this could be replicated for future projects. Available in English and French • Accessibility: How to design and promote an environment accessible to all (2009) This document is a tool to help develop accessibility as a theme in its own right. It aims to support projects that include accessibility as a major theme, as well as numerous projects that include specific, one-off activities aimed at facilitating access for people with disabilities. Available in English and French / Available in English and French brief Technical publications related to Emergency Response • Les Relais Handicap et Vulnérabilité (Disability and Vulnerability Focal Points ou DVFP) (2014) This guide offers general principles of intervention, methodological guidance and practical files on setting up a Disability and Vulnerability Focal Point (DVFP) mechanism in an emergency setting. It is intended for all Handicap International professionals responsible for developing, implementing or analysing this type of intervention. Available in French, soon in English Together with Rehabilitation Services Unit • The provision of wheeled mobility and positioning devices: Integrating wheelchair provision into rehabilitation systems: Focus on emergency contexts (2013) This policy brief is an introduction to Handicap International’s 2013 Policy Paper on the provision of wheelchairs in emergency settings. Available in English and French brief Together with Prevention and Health Unit • Protection against violence based on gender, age and disability in emergency and development settings (2013) This guidance note sets out the points of reference for Handicap International’s protection related interventions in emergency and development settings. It defines the thematic area, explains its intersection with the organisation’s mandate, the areas of intervention (expected results, activities) and future perspectives for working in this sector. Available in English and French • Mental health and psychosocial support interventions in emergency and post-crisis settings (2013) This guide sets out the general principles of intervention with methodological advice and practical files on mental health and psychosocial support in emergency and post-crisis situations. Available in English and French Technical publications related to Landmines Response • An impact assessment of the armed violence reduction project in North Western Kenya (2015) This report discusses an impact assessment of the armed violence reduction (AVR) project in North Western Kenya. The impact assessment was made possible via the administration of the Pre & Post-Impact Assessments (PIA) survey. The PIA survey was designed for two purposes. Firstly, it was designed to establish a baseline on: i) the levels of community knowledge regarding small arms and sexual and gender based violence, ii) the perceived prevalence of armed violence in the targeted regions, iii) the safety perceptions within the targeted communities, and iv) the knowledge within the targeted communities of appropriate reporting and security structures. The second function of the PIA was to act as an impact assessment tool of the five-month AVR project. The current publication focuses entirely on the impact assessment of the AVR project and the development of recommendations for future implementation phases. Available in English • Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Survey: Mine Risk Education in South Sudan (2013) This document presents the results of a Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAP) survey related to landmines and UXO. It was undertaken between May and August 2013 in South Sudan. Available in English • Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices for Risk Education: How to implement KAP surveys (2009) This guide presents 6 practical stages to implement KAP surveys (Knowledge Attitudes Practices) related to landmine and unexploded ordnance. Available in English and French Cross-cutting publications Access to services • Representation and Evaluation of Disability in Haiti (2013) Handicap International and the International Center for Evidence in Disability (IDED) at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) joined forces to carry out a crosssectional study to analyse the situation in which people with disabilities found themselves in Port-au-Prince in 2012, and thereby identify the operational mechanisms by which the needs of people with disabilities can be best met. Specific objectives: (1) Provide statistically reliable data on disability and people with disabilities in Port-au-Prince; (2) Provide a snapshot of the situation for people with disabilities and compare it to a control group without disabilities in order to reveal restrictions on participation and barriers that specifically affect the study population; (3) Investigate from a qualitative perspective people with disabilities’ difficulties in terms of inclusion, access and social participation. Available in English and French / Available in scientific summary (English / French) and in brief (English / French) • Representation and Evaluation of Disability in Port-au-Prince, Haiti: Methodological report (2013) This document presents the methodology used to assess the magnitude of disability and service needs in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The survey process was divided into three phases: 1. a populationbased prevalence survey, to get an estimation of disability prevalence in the study area; 2. a disability study, to collect specific data on disability from people with disabilities; 3. a nested case-control study to compare people with disabilities to those without disabilities. Available in English • L’accès aux services des personnes handicapées dans 7 pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest (2011) A series of documents was carried out under the project DECISIPH (Equal Citizenship Law Solidarity Inclusion of People with Disabilities), West African regional program coordinated by Handicap International in Dakar (Senegal), for a period of six years (2008-2013). One study, midterm, was conducted in different areas of intervention with the aim to compare within each country the conditions of access to services for people with disabilities compared to people without disabilities. A cross-sectional questionnaire has been conducted. A report about each country was published, and a document proposes a synthesis. Synthesis: available in English and French / Mali: available in French / Togo: available in French / Burkina Faso: available in French / Niger: available in French / Senegal: available in French / Benin: available in French / Sierra Leone: available in English • Access to services for persons with disabilities (2010) This guide focuses on a systemic approach of services including the policy of a country or a given sector (sectoral policies) practice (supply service) and people's lives. It contains three parts. The first establishes the basis of a shared vision of the key determinants of access to services. The second part presents the steps involved in planning at a program level. These steps help to define parameters for analysis and decision, in agreement with the specificities of Handicap International. The third section offers practical tools that can implement the various techniques proposed in the Guidelines. Available in English and French • Building Expertise on Community Services for Persons with Disabilities (2010) This kit was designed as an Expert Training program, with the aim to enhance local expertise in the domain of service delivery and to support a group of high profiled and accredited experts who would be able to provide on a long term a professional support for authorities, service providers and users’ organisations. The Kit has been developed with the intention to support any actor involved in enhancing access to services for persons with disabilities in countries where this sector is undergoing construction, reconstruction, reforms or modernisation. Available in English • Access to services for persons with disabilities in challenging environments (2010) This publication presents a collection of articles by Handicap International staff, field partners and international experts. It follows directly from the exchanges during the seminar on access to services in Amman in December 2009. The collection consists of research, policy initiatives and case studies of differing perspectives on theme of access to services, and is intended to fuel information sharing, knowledge development and collective understanding. Available in English and French • People with disabilities in the suburban areas of Maputo and Matola: Social representation of disability, Socio-economic situation, Access to health and social services, Local stakeholders system (2010) This report outlines the analyses and recommendations arising from the local assessment of the situation facing people with disabilities in nine of the capital’s suburban areas, performed by RAVIM and Handicap International between April 2009 and April 2010, as part of the “City and Disability” project. This assessment aimed to provide more information about the social representation of disability in the area, the socio-economic situation experienced by people with disabilities, the conditions for accessing health and social services, and lastly the operation of the local stakeholders system. From a methodological point of view, the socio-anthropological approach was complemented by an epidemiological investigation. Available in English, French and Portuguese (synthesis) Impact Monitoring Evaluation • Measuring quality of life, safety, and social and family participation of project beneficiaries: The ScoPeO tool (2014) This guide presents ScoPeO, a tool for measuring changes in living conditions as perceived by beneficiaries once a project is implemented. More specifically, the method serves to evaluate quality of life, perception of safety and participation in society and family life in two phases: before or at the start of the project (baseline survey) and at the end of the project (endline survey). Thus, this guide presents concepts related to quality of life and similar notions, the key phases in the process and provides the tools needed to conduct a study on quality of life. Available in English, French and Spanish • Resource Kit: Methodology of project (2008) This kit presents the key methodological concepts and ideas that are needed to draw up, implement, monitor and evaluate our projects, mainly our development activities, whilst respecting the quality requirements established by our beneficiaries, partners and funders. Available in English and French Knowledge management • Selection of key figures in Handicap International's sectors of activity (2015) Handicap International makes frequent use of statistics in its various activities for purposes such as providing evidence for research subjects, supporting training, awareness-raising and advocacy actions or illustrating a press release. Whatever the objective, quantitative data combined with qualitative data play a key role in identifying gaps, understanding barriers and in the implementation of solutions or initiatives for bringing about improvements. This document lists the key global statistics for all of Handicap International’s sectors of activity. The quotations it contains are extracted from world reports (including the World Report on Disability) published by international organisations, scientific studies and articles. Its purpose is to help Handicap International’s teams find up-to-date key statistics for use in their activity. Available in English and French • The knowledge management for Handicap International (2014) This guidance note presents the vision of knowledge management for Handicap International. It defines the associated processes and clarifies: The key stages of the process; Key stakeholders; Working methods; Future challenges and priorities of action. Available in English and French • Research at Handicap International (2014) This guidance note has a number of objectives: To assert Handicap International’s intention to develop this technical and scientific area of activity; To provide a shared vision of research to ensure the coherency of the activities conducted within the organisation; To help provide a reference framework for future research activities; To foster the kind of environment that encourages research and innovation, both at head office and in the field; To explain the different stages involved in developing research activities at Handicap International. Available in English and French • Learning lessons from experience (2014) This practical guide on learning lessons from experience is for all Handicap International staff (individuals and teams) who intend to conduct or support lesson learning from a project or programme experience. The guide is organised into three main sections. Principles and Benchmarks: this section provides important definitions and a framework for understanding how lesson learning occurs within Handicap International programmes. Planning: this section offers practical advice for planning a lesson learning process. It explains how to formulate clear Terms of Reference; how to select a methodology; and how to prepare a detailed Action Plan. Implementation tools: this section offers practical tools to help implement an effective lesson learning process, including: how to capture, formalise and publish lessons learned; how to disseminate your publication: and how to influence change. Available in English and French • Orientation Note about disability-related data in National Censuses (2014) This note aims to equip Handicap International programs and technical advisors with key information on what is a census, what census data can be used for and what are limits of using this type of survey. It proposes a common way for supporting quantitative disability data collection and analysis of national censuses. It promotes using the globally tested identification tool proposed by Washington Group to identify those persons with disabilities who are at greater risk of experiencing limitations in participation than other parts of the population. Available in English and French • The writing project: from ideas to publication (2011) This guide helps the authors to effectively structure their work, and to have tools throughout the writing phase. It contributes to accelerate and enhance the writing process, and increases responsiveness in sharing and dissemination of knowledge. Available in English and French