EOC Physical Science Sample Items Goal 3 Do Not Reproduce–NCDPI 1. What happens when electrical charges are brought together? A Unlike charges attract and like charges repel. B Unlike and like charges attract. C Like charges attract and unlike charges repel. D 4. The diagram below is a complete circuit. A + - B Like charges attract and repel. C 2. What is the resistance of a hair dryer that uses 2.5 A when the voltage is 120 V? A 3. What will occur when bulb B is unscrewed? A All bulbs will go out. B Only bulb A will continue to be lit. C Only bulb C will continue to be lit. D Bulbs A and C will continue to be lit. 4.8 ohms B 48 ohms C 120 ohms D 300 ohms Why are parallel circuits, rather than series circuits, commonly used in wiring houses? A They allow appliances to operate separately. B They are cheaper. C They have a higher total resistance. D The voltage drop varies with each resistor. Page 1 Published October 2004. May reproduce for instructional and educational purposes only; not for personal or financial gain. EOC Physical Science Sample Items Goal 3 Do Not Reproduce–NCDPI 5. Which of the following actions would decrease the strength of an electromagnet? A removing turns from the wire coil B increasing the amount of current used C inserting a core of iron within the coil D adding more turns to the wire coil 6. Which of the following diagrams correctly demonstrates the magnetic field around a bar magnet? A B C D End of Goal 3 Sample Items In compliance with federal law, including the provisions of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Department of Public Instruction does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, color, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, or military service in its policies, programs, activities, admissions or employment. Page 2 Published October 2004. May reproduce for instructional and educational purposes only; not for personal or financial gain. Answers to EOC Physical Science Sample Items Goal 3 1. Objective 3.01 Analyze the nature of static electricity and the conservation of electrical charge: Positive and negative charges. Opposite charges attract and like charges repel. Thinking Skill: Knowledge Correct Answer: A 2. Objective 3.03 Analyze direct current electrical circuits: Electrical potential diference, resistance, Ohm’s Law. Simple direct current circuits, series circuit, parallel circuit. Thinking Skill: Applying Correct Answer: B 3. Objective 3.03 Analyze direct current electrical circuits: Electrical potential diference, resistance, Ohm’s Law. Simple direct current circuits, series circuit, parallel circuit. Thinking Skill: Organizing Correct Answer: A 4. Objective 3.03 Analyze direct current electrical circuits: Electrical potential diference, resistance, Ohm’s Law. Simple direct current circuits, series circuit, parallel circuit. Thinking Skill: Applying Correct Answer: A 5. Objective 3.04 Analyze the practical applications of magnetism and its relationship to the movement of electrical charge. Thinking Skill: Knowledge Correct Answer: A 6. Objective 3.05 Analyze permanent magnetism and the practical applications of the characteristics of permanent magnets.. Thinking Skill: Knowledge Correct Answer: B North Carolina Testing Program Published October 2004. May reproduce for instructional and educational purposes only; not for personal or financial gain.