By Authority Of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Legally Binding Document By the Authority Vested By Part 5 of the United States Code § 552(a) and Part 1 of the Code of Regulations § 51 the attached document has been duly INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE and shall be considered legally binding upon all citizens and residents of the United States of America. HEED THIS NOTICE: Criminal penalties may apply for noncompliance. e Document Name: ACRI 210-240: Unitary Air-Conditioning and Air-Source Heat Pump Equipment CFR Section(s): Standards Body: 10 CFR 431.96 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute Official Incorporator: THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OFFICE OF THE FEDERAL REGISTER WASHINGTON, D.C. 2003 STANDARD for UNITARY AIR .. CONDITIONING AND AIR .. SOURCE HEAT PUMP EQUIPMENT AIR-CONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE Standard 210/240 4100 N. FAIRFAX DR.,STE. 200 • ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA 22203 I IMPORTANT SAFETY DISCLAIMER ( ARl does not set safety standards and does not certify or guarantee the safety of any products, components or systems designed, tested, rated, installed or operated in accordance with this standard/guideline. It is strongly recommended that products be designed, constructed, assembled, installed and operated in accordance with nationally recognized safety standards and code requirements appropriate for products covered by this standard/guideline. ARl uses its best efforts to develop standards/guidelines employing state-of-the-art and accepted industry practices. ARl does not certify or guarantee. that any tests conducted under its standards/guidelines will be non-hazardous or free from risk. ARI CERTIFICATION PROGRAM PROVISIONS Scope of the Certification Program The Certification Program includes all Unitary Air-Conditioning and Air-Source Unitary Heat Pump equipment rated below 65,000 Btu/h [19,000 W] at ARl Standard Rating Conditions (Cooling). Certified Ratings The following Certification Program ratings are verified by test: Unitary Air-Conditioners A. Air-cooled under 65,000 Btu/h [19,000 W] 1. ARl Standard Rating Cooling Capacity, Btu/h [W] 2. Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, SEER, Btu/(W·h) B. Water-cooled and evaporative-cooled under 65,000 Btu/h [19,000 W] J. ARl Standard Rating Cooling Capacity, Btu/h [W] 2. Energx Efficiency Ratio, EER, Btu/(W·h) ( Air-Source Unitary Heat Pumps Air-cooled under 65,000 Btu/h [19,000 W] 1. ARI Standard Rating Cooling Capacity, Btu/h [W] 2. Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, SEER, Btu/(W·h) 3. High Temperature Heating Standard Rating Capacity, Btu/h [W] 4. Region IV Heating Seasonal Perfomlance Factor, HSPF, Minimum Design Heating Requirement, Btu/(W·h) Confolmance to the requirements of the Maximum Operating Conditions Test, Voltage Tolerance Test, LowTemperature Operation Test (Cooling), Insulation Effectiveness Test (Cooling), and Condensate Disposal Test (Cooling), as outlined in Section 8, are also verified by test. ( Note: This standard supersedes ARl Standard 210/240-94. P,;ce $20.00 (M) $40.00 (NM) Plinted in U.S.A ~Pi; • • • ". ©Copyright 2003, by Air~Conditioning and Reti"igeration Institute Registered United States P<ltent and Trademark Office TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE Section 1. Purpose ..................................................................................................................... 1 Section 2. Scope ........................................................................................................................ 1 Section 3. Definitions ................................................................................................................ 1 Section 4. Classifications .......................................................................................................... 2 Section 5. Test Requirements ................................................................................................... 2 Section 6. Rating Requirements ................................................................................................ 2 Section 7. Minimum Data Requirements for Published Ratings ..................... ,...................... 10 Section 8. Operating Requirements ........................................................................................ 10 Section 9. Marking and Nameplate Data ................................................................................ 13 Section 10. Conformance Conditions ....................................................................................... 13 TABLES Table 1. Classification of Unitary Air-Conditioners .............................................................. 4 Table 2. Classification of Air-Source Unitary Heat Pumps .................................................. 5 Table 3. Conditions for Standard Rating Tests and Operating Requirement Tests for Air-cooled Equipment Using Appendix C ............................................................... 6 Table 4. Conditions for Standard Rating Tests for Air-cooled Variable Speed Equipment Meeting the Requirements of Appendix C .............................................................. 7 Table 5. Conditions for Standard Rating Tests and Operating Requirement Tests for Water-cooled and Evaporative-cooled Equipment Using ASHRAE Standard 37 ... 8 Table 6. Minimum External Pressure .................................................................................... 9 FIGURE Figure 1. Part-Load Factor Curve .......................................................................................... 11 APPENDICES Appendix A. References - Normative ............................................................. :..................... 14 Appendix B. References - Informative ................................................................................. 14 Appendix C. Unifonn Test Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of Central Air Conditioners - Normative .......................................................................... 15 Appendix D. Prescriptive Methodology for the Cyclic Testing ofDucted Systems Required by C4.1 and C4.2 - Normative ......................................................... 34 Appendix E. Example of Calculating Integrated Part-Load Values(IPLV) - Normative .... 39 ( TABLE FOR APPENDICES Table El. Example IPLV Calculation ............................................................................. .41 FIGURES FOR APPENDICES Figure Dl. Tunnel Air Enthalpy Test Method Arrangement ............................................. 35 Figure D2. Loop Air Enthalpy Test Method Arrangement ................................................ 36 Figure D3. Calorimeter Air Enthalpy Test Method Arrangement ..................................... 37 Figure D4. Room Air Enthalpy Test Method Arrangement ............................................... 38 Figure El. Part-Load Factor Example ........................................................... :................... 40 ( ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~-_ _ _ ARI STANDARD 210/240-2003 UNITARY AIR-CONDITIONING AND AIR-SOURCE HEAT PUMP EQUIPMENT Section 1. Purpose 1.1 Pwpose, The purpose ofthis standard is to establish, for Unitary Air-Conditioners and Air-SourceUnitary Heat 2.2.5 This standard does not apply to rating units equipped with desuperheater/water heating devices in operation. . Pumps: definitions; classifications; test requirements; rating requirements; minimum data requirements for Published Ratings; operating requirements; marking and nameplate data; and conformance conditions. 1.1.1 Intent, This standard is intended for the guidance of the industry, including manufacturers, engineers, installers, contractors and users. 1.1.2 Review andAmendment, This' standard is subject to review and amendment as technology advances. Section 2, Scope 2.1 Scope, This standard applies to factOly-made Unitary Air-Conditioners and Air-Source Unitary Heat Pumps as defined in Section 3, 2.1.1 Energy Source. This standard applies only to electrically operated, vapor co.mpression refrigeration systems. 2.2 Exclusions, This standard does not apply to the rating and testing of individual assemblies, .such as condensing units or coils, for separate use. 2.2.1 This standard does not apply to heat operated air~conditioning/heat pump'equipment, o'r to packaged tenninal ajr-conditioners/h~at pumps, or,to room air-conditioners/heat pumps. 2.2,2 This standard does not apply to Unitary AirConditioners as defined in ARI Standard 340/360 with capacities of 65,000 Btu/h [19,000 Wl or greater. 2.2.3 This standard does not apply to Air-Source Unitary Heat Pumps as defined in ARl Standard 340/360 with cooling capacities of 65,000 Btu/h [19,000 W] or greater, or to water-source heat pumps, to ground water-'source heat pumps, and to ground source closed-loop heat pumps, 2,2.4 This standard does not include water heating heat pumps, Section 3. Definitions All terms in this document shall follow the standard industry definitions in the current edition ofASHRAE Terminology of Heating, Ventilation, Air- Conditioning and Rejl-igeration, unless otherwise defined in this section. Note: See Appendix C for definitions that apply to tile testing and calculation procedures required by Appendix C, 3.1 Air-Source Unitmy Heat Pump. One or more factOly-made assemblies which normally include an indoor conditioning coil(s), compressor(s), and outdoor coil(s), including means to provide a heating function. Vlhen such equipment is provided in more than one assembly, the separated assemblies shall be designed to be used together, and the requirements of rating outlined in the standard are based upon the use of matched assemblies, 3.1.1 Functions. They shall provide the function of air heating with controlled temperature, and may include the functions of air~cooling, air-circulating, arr-cleaning, dehumidifying or humidifying. 3,2 Deg,-adation Coefficient (CD)' The measure of the efficiency loss due to the cycling of the units as determined in Appendices C and D. 3.3 Design Healing Requirement (DHR). This is the amount of heating required to maintain a given indoor temperature at a particular outdoor design temperature. 3.4 Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER), A ratio of the cooling capacity in BLuth to the power input value in watts at any given set of Rating Conditions expressed in BtuJ(W,h), 3.4_1 Standard Energy Efficiency Ratio, A ratio of the capacity to power input value obtained at Standard Rating Conditions, 3,5 Heating Seasonal Pelformance Factor (HSPF), The total heating output of a heat pump, including supplementary electric heat necessary to achieve building heating requirements during its nonnal annual usage period for heating divided by the total electric power during the same period, as determined in Appendices C (Section C4,2) and D, expressed in Btu/(W,h), ARI STANDARD 2101240-2003 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3.6 Integrated Part-Load Value (IPLV). A single number part-load efficiency figure of merit calculated per the method described in this standard. and the requirements of rating outlined in this st~ndard are based upon the use of these assemblies in operation together. ( Functions. Eithe;:r alone or in combination with a heating plant, the functions are to provide air~ circulation, air-cleaning, cooling with controlled temperature and dehumidification, and may optionally include the function of heating andlor humidifying. 3.12.1 3.7 Published Rating. A statement of the assigned values of those perfonmance characteristics, under stated Rating Conditions, by which a unit may be chosen to fit its application. These values apply to all unitsoflike nominal capacity and type (identification) produced by the same manufacturer. As used herein, the tenm Published Rating includes the rating of all perfonmance characteristics shown on the unit or published in specificatio~s, advertisi!lg, or other literature controlled by the manufacturer, at stated . .. Rating Conditions. 3.7.1 Application Rating. A rating b~~ed ~n tests performed at Application Rating Conditions (other .'. than Standard Rating Conditions): 3.7.2 Standard Rating. A rating based on tests perfonmed at Standard Rating Conditions. 3.8 Rating Conditions. Any set of operating conditions under which a single level of performance results and which causes only that level of perfonmance to occur. 3.8.1 Standard Rating Conditions. Rating Conditions used as the basis of comparison for p~rfo~ance _characteristics. 3.9 Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER). The total cooling of a central air-conditioner during -its normal usage period for cooling (not to exceed 12 months) divided by the total electric energy input during the same _period as detennined in Appendices C (SectionC4.1) and D, expressed in Btl.l/(W·h). 3.10 "Shall" or "Should". "Shall" or "should" shall be interpreted as follows: Shall. Where "shall" or "shall not" is used for a provision specified, that provision is mandatory if compliance with the standard is claimed. . 3.10.1 3.10.2 Should. "Should" is used to indicate provisions which are not mandatory but which are desirable as good practice. 3.11 Standard Air. Air weighing 0.075 Ib/ft 3 [1.2 kg/ml] which approximates dry air at 70°F [21°C] and at a bar9metric pressure of29.92 inHg [101.3 kPa]. 3.12 UnitaJY Air-Condilloner. One or more factory-made assemblies which nonmally include an evaporator or cooling coil(s), compressor(s), and condenser(s). Where such equipment is provided in more than one assembly, the separated assemblies are to be designed to be used together, 2 Section 4. Classifications Equipment covered within the scope of this standard shall be classified as shown in Tables 1 and 2. Section 5. Test Requirements All Standard Ratings ihall be verified by tests conducted in accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37 and with the test methods and procedures as described in this standard and its appendices. Air-cooled units shall be tested in accordance with Appendices C and D. Water-cooled and evaporative-cooled units shall be tested in accordance with ANSI! ASHRAE Standard 37. Section 6. Rating Requirements Standard Ratings. Standard Ratings shall be established at the Standard Rating Conditions specified in . 6.1.3. 6.1 Air-cooled unit:? shall be rated at conditions specified in Table 3 or Table 4. Water-cooled and evaporative-cooled units shall be rated at condi.tions specified in Table 5. Standard Ratings relating to cooling or heating capacities shall be net values, including the etIects of circulating-fan heat, but not including supplementary heat. Power input shall be the total power input to the compressor(s) and fanes), plus controls and other items required as. part of the system for normal operation. Standard Ratings of units which do not have indoor aircirculating fans furnished as part of the model, i.e., split systems with indoor coil alone, shall be established by subtracting from the total cooling capacity 1,250 Btu/h per 1,000 clin [775 W/m 3/s], and by adding the same amount to the heating capacity. Total power input for both heating and cooling shall be increased by 365 W per 1,000 clin [226 W/mJ/s] of indoor air circulated. (, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ARI STANDARD 210/240-2003 Standard Ratings of water-cooled units shall include a total allowance for cooling tower fan motor and circulating water pump motor power inputs to be added in the amount·of 10.0 W per 1,000 Btu/h [34.1 W per 1,000 W] cooling capacity. 6.1.1 Values of Standard Capacity Ralings. These ratings shall be expressed only in terms of B tu/h [WJ as shown: Indoor-Coil Airflow Rate. All Standard Ratings shall be determined at an indoor-coil airflow rate as outlined below All airflow rates shall be expressed in tenn~ of Standard Air. . a. . Capacity Ratings, Btu/h rW1 < 20,000 [5,9001 ~ 20,000 and < 38,000 [5,900 up to 11,000] ~ 38,000 and < 65,000 [11,000 up to 19,000J Multiples, Btu/h [W] 100 [30J 200 [60] .... 500 [150] Equipment with indoor fans intended for use with field installed duct systems shall be rated at the indoor-coil airflow rate (not to exceed 37.5 SCFM per 1,000 Btulh [0.06 m'ls per 1,000W] of rated capacity) delivered when operating against the ... minimum ,external ,pressure Standard me~sures of energy efficiency, whe'never specified in or at a lower indoor-coil airflow rate if so specified by . the manufacturer. 6.1.2 Values of Measures of Energy Efficiency. published, shall be expressed in multiples of the nearest 0.05 Btu/(W·h) for EER, SEER and HSPF. and in multiples of 0.1 for IPLV. 6.1.3 Standard Rating Tests. Tables 3, 4 and 5 indicate the test and test conditi()ns which are required to determine values of standard capacity ratings and values of measures of energy efficiency. Assigned Degradation Factor. In lieu. of conducting C and D tests or the heating cycling test (as sho~ in Table 3), an assigned value of 0.25.may be used for either the cooling Of heailng D~gradation Coefficient, Co, orboth. For units with two compressor speeds, two ~ompressors' or cylinder unloading, if the assigned CD is used for one cooling mode, it must be used for both cooling modes. If the assigned CD is used for one heating mode, it must be used forboth heating modes. Electrical Conditions. Standard Rating tests shall be performed. at the nameplate rated voltage(s) and frequency. For air-cooled equipment which is rated with 208-230V dual nameplate voltages, Standard Rating tests shall be performed at 230 V. For all other dual nameplate voltage equipment covered by this standard, the Standard Rating tests shall be performed at both voltages or at the lower of the two voltages if only a single Standard Rating is to be published. b. Equipment witl) indoor fans not intended for use with field installed duet systems (free discharge) shall be rated at the indoor-coil airflow rate delivered when operating at 0 in H 2 0 [0 Pal external pressure as specified by the manufacturer. . c.' Equipment which does not incorporate an indoor fan, but is rated in combination with a device employing a fan shall be rated as described under a. For equipment of this class which is rated for general use to be applied to a variety of heating units, the indoor-coil airflow rate shall specified. by the be manufacturer in' Standard Ratings, not to exceed 37.5 SCFMIl ,000 Btu/h [0.06 m'ls per 1,000 W] of rated capacity or the airflow rate obtained through the indoor coil assembly when the pressure drop across the indoor coil assembly and the reconunended enclosures and attachment means is not greater than 0.30 in H 2 0 [75 PaJ, whichever is less. 3 ARI STANDARD 210/240-2003 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ( Table 1. Classification of Unitary Air-Conditioners Types of Unitary Air-Conditioners ARJ Type Desianation 1,2 Ananaement SP-A SP-E sP-W Single Package I FAN I COMP EVAP COND I .. . .... Refrigeration '" Chassis , ." . .' Year-Round Single Package Remote Condenser RCH-A RCH-E RCH-W I EVAP SPY-A SPY-E SPY-W FAN HEAT EVAP RC-A RC-E RC-W FAN EVAP COMP . RCY-A RCY-E RCY-W Year-Round Remote Condenser .. ~ I COMP COND COMP COND I I I I COND I FAN EVAP HEAT COMP ( I COND I . Conderisi~g "'Unit Coil 1"Alo~e RCU-A-C RCU-E-C RCU-W-C . v Condensing Unit, Coil And Blower RCU-A-CB RCU-E-CB RCU-W-CB Year-Round Condensing Unit, Coil and Blower RCUY-A-CB RCUY-E-CB RCUY-W-CB " I EVAP I I COND : COMP , I . .. m EVAP I COND I COMP FAN EVAP HEAT I COND I COMP '"" Notes: 1 2 A suffix' of" -0" following any of the above classifications indicates equipment not intended for use with field- installedduct systems (6,U.3b). A suffix ofll_AI! indicates air-cooled condenser, "_Ell indicates water-cooled condenser. evaporative~cooled condenser and !1-VlI! indicates ( 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:-_ _ _ _ _ _ _-'-_ _ _ _,ARI STANDARD 210/240-2003 Table 2. Classification of Air-Source Unitary Heat Pumps Types of Air-Source Unitary Heat Pumps . ARlType' Designation Arrangement . Heating and Coolin o Heating Only . HSP-A Single Package HOSP-A FAN INDOOR COIL HORC-A-CB HRC-A-CB Remote Outdoor Coil Remote Outdoor Coil With No Indoor Fan BRC-A-C Split System BRCU-A-CB BORC-A-C COMP OUTDOOR COIL FAN INDOOR COIL COMP I OUTDOOR COIL I I INDOOR COIL I OUTDOOR COIL I COMP I I COMP BORCU-A-CB I ;;:OOR COIL I I OUTDOOR COIL I INDOOR COIL I . Split System With No Indoor Fan ~- ... - .. ~ ',._. BRCU-A-C . BORCU-A-C I COMP I I OUTDOOR COIL I Note: , A suffix of 11_0 11 following any of the above classifications indicates equipment not intended for use with fieldinstalled duct systems ( b.). 5 ARI STANDARD 210/240-2003 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ( Table 3. Conditions for Standard Rating Tests and Operating Requirement Tests for Aircooled Equipment Using Appendix C INDOOR UNIT OUTDOOR UNIT Air Entering Air Entering TEST Dry-Bulb of Standard Rating Conditions !!AII CoolinO' Steady State 80.0 Wet-Bulb °C 26.7 of Dry-Bulb °C of Wet-Bulb °C of °C 67.0 19.4 95.0 35.0 75.0 2 23.9 67.0 19.4 82.0 27.8 65.0 2 18.3 I IlBI! Cooling Steady State 80.0 "C" Cooling Steady State Dry Coil 80.0 "D" Cooling Cyclic Dry Coil 80.0 Low Temperature Operation Cooling 26.7 " 0 is e-1 0 0 u 57.0 5 13.9 82.0 27.8 65.0 2 18.3 26.7 57.0 5 13.9 82.0 27.8 65.0 2 18.3 67.0 19.4 57.0 13.9 67.0 19.4 57.0 2 13.9 Insulation Efficiency 80.0 26.7 75.0 23.9 80.0 26.7 75.0 2 23.9 Condensate Disposal 80.0 26.7 75.0 23.9 80.0 26.7 75.0 2 23.9 Maximum Operating Conditions 80.0 26.7 67.0 19.4 115.0 46.1 75.0 2 23.9 26.7 ( ,,' Standard Rating Conditions High Temperature Heating 3 Steady State 70.0 21.1 60.0 (max) 15.6 47.0 8.3 43.0 6.1 High Temperature Heating Cyclic 70.0 21.1 60.0 (max) 15.6 47.0 8.3 43.0 6.1 High Temperature Heating4 Steady State 70.0 21.1 60.0 (max) 15.6 62.0 16.7 56.5 13.6 Low Temperature Heating Steady State 70.0 21.1 60.0 15.6 17.0 -8.3 15.0 -9.4 Frost Accumulation 70.0 21.1 15.6 35.0 1.7 33.0 0.6 Maximum Operating Conditions 80.0 26.7 - 75.0 23.9 65.0 18.3 0 is~ -< <L1 ;r: (max) 60.0 (max) - Notes: I Same conditions used for Voltage Tolerance Tests. 2 The wet-bulb temperature condition ~s not required when testing air-cooled condensers which do not evaporate condensate. 3 Same conditions used for Voltage Tolerance Tests (Heating-only units). 4 For two speed, two compressor or units with compressor unloading capability. Wet-bulb temperature sufficiently low that no condensate forms on evaporator. , 6 ( ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,--_ _ _~ARI STANDARD 2101240-2003 Table 4. Conditions for Standard Rating Tests for Air-cooled Variable Speed Equipment Meetin~ the Requirements of Appendix C '," TEST , lNDOORCOIL OUTDOOR COIL AlRENTERING AIR ENTERING Dry-Bulb OF Wet-Bulb °C of Dry Bulb °C of Wet Bulb °C of °C "A" Cooling Steady State At Maximum (k=2) Compressor Speed 80,0 26,7 67,0 19.4 95.0 35,0 75,0 ' 23.9 !lB-2" Cooling Steady State At Maximum (k=2) Compressor Speed 80.0 26.7 67,0 19A 82.0 27.8 65.0 ' 18.3 !lB_11t Cooling Steady State 80,0 26,7 67,0 19,4 82.0 27.8 65,0 ' 18.3 Low Ambient Cooling Steady State At Minimum (k= 1) Compressor Speed 80.0 26,7 67,0 19,4 67,0 19A 53.5 ' 11.9 Dry Coil Cooling Steady State At Minimum (k=l) Compressor Speed 80.0 26.7 57.0 4 13.9 67.0 19.4 535 ' 11.9 Cyclic Cooling Dry Coil 4 At Minimum (k= 1) Compressor Speed 80.0 26.7 57.0 4 13.9 67.0 19.4 53.5 ' Intennediate Cooling Steady State At Intermediate (k=i) Compressor Speed 80.0 Standard Rating:Heatini; At Nominal 2 (k=n) Compressor Speed 70.0 21.1 60.0 (max) 15.6 47.0 8.3 43.0 6. i Max Temperature Heating At Minimum (k= 1)Compressor Speed 70.0 21.1 60.0 15.6 62.0 16.7 56.5 13.6 Cyclic Heating 4 At Minimum (k= 1) Compressor Speed 70.0 21.1 60.0 15.6 62.0 16.7 56.5 13.6 High Temperature Heating At Maximum (k=2) Compressor Speed 70.0 21.1 60.0 15.6 47.0 8.3 43.0 6.1 High Temperature Heating At Minimum (k= I) Compressor Speed 70.0 21.1 60.0 15.6 47.0 8.3 43.0 6.1 Frost Accumulation 3 At Maximum (k=2) and!or Intermediate (k""j) Compressor Speed 70.0 21.1 60.0 15.6 35.0 1.7 33.0 0.6 70.0 21.1 60.0 15.6 17.0 -8.3 15.0 -9.4 At Minimum (k= I) Compressor Speed J 1.9 " " " " 26.7 67.0 19.4 87.0 30.6 69.0' 20.6 " , Low Temperature Heating At Maximum (k=2) Compressor Speed All tests are pClfon11ed at the outdoor fan speed and indoor blower speed intended for oonna! operalion. k = Compressor speed Notes: , Not maintained if no condensate rejected to outdoor coil. 2 Optional test used to detennine the DHR. The nominal speed is the lesser of the cooling and heating maximum speeds. Optional equations may be used in lieu of the maximum speed test. The lntennediate speed is the same as the cooling lntennediate speed. Wet·bulb temperature sufficiently low that no condensate fOll11S on evaporator. , , 7 ARI STANDARD 210/240-2003 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Table 5. Conditions for Standard Rating Tests and Operating Requirement Tests for Water-cooled( and Evaporative-cooled Equipment Using ASHRAE Standard 37 INDOOR SECTION TEST OUTDOOR SECTION Air Entering Standard Rating Conditions °C Dry-Bulb Wet-Bulb Dry-Bulb of Evaporative-cooled OF °C OF °C Water-cooled Air Entering Make-up Water 3 Wet-Bulb -",-., of °C of °c Condenser Inlet of Condenser Outlet °c of °C 29.4 95.0 35.0 80.0 26.7 67.0 19.4 95.0 35.0 75.0 23.9 85.0 29.4 85.0 67.0 19.4 57.0 13.9 67.0 19.4 57.0 13.9 67.0 19.4 - - 70.0 21.1 80.0 26.7 75.0 23.9 80.0 26.7 75.0 23.9 85.0 29.4 - - 80.0 26.7 80.0 26.7 75.0 23.9 80.0 26.7 75.0 23.9 85.0 29.4 - - 80.0 26.7 80.0 26.7 67.0 19.4 100.0 37.8 80.0 26.7 90.0 32.2 90.0 100.0 37.8 26.7 67.0 19.4 80.0 67.0 19.4 77.0 25.0 75.0' 23.9 Cooling! Low . Temperature Operating Cooling 0 Insulation 2i Efficiency ""'00 U Condensate Disposal Maximum Operating Conditions Part-Load 32.2 ( 80.0 26.7 - - Conditions (IPLV) . Notes: I Same conditions used for Voltage Tolerance Tests Water tlow rate as detennined from Standard Rating Conditions. 3 Water in basin shall not overflow. , Indoor-coil airflow i"ates and pressures as referred to here.inapply to the airflow rate experienced when the unit is cooling and dehumidifying under the conditions specified in this section. This airflow rate, except as noted in band 8.4, shall be employed in all other tests prescribed herein without regard to resulting external static pressure. _Heating only units shall use the airflow rate experienced when the unit is operating under the High Temperature Heating Standard Rating Conditions Test. Outdoor-Coil Airjlo}v Rate. All Standard Ratings shall be detennined at the outdoor-coil airflow rate specified by the manufacturer' where the fan drive is adjustable. Where the fan drive is non-adjustable, they shall be detennined .at the outdoor-coil airflow rate inherent in the equipment when operated with all offue resistance' elements associated with inlets, louvers, and any ductwork and attachments considered by the manufacturer as . nonnal installation practice. Once established, the outdoor coil air circuit of the equipment shall remain unchanged throughout all tests prescribed herein. Requirements for Separated Assemblies. All Standard Ratings for equipment in which the outdoor section is separated from the indoor section, as in Types RC, RCY, RCU, RCUY, HRC, HORC, HRCU and HORCU (shown in Section 4), shall be detennined with at least 25 ft [7.6 m] of interconnection tubing on each line of the size recommended by the manufacturer. Such equipment in which the interconnection tubing is furnished as an integral part of the machine not recommended for· cutting to length shall be tested with the complete length of tubing furnished, or with 25 ft [7.6 m] of tuhbing, whichev~r is grbeater. hAtlllebastl 0 ft [3.0 mlof t e mterconnectlOn tu mg s a e exposed to the outside conditions. The line sizes, insulation, and details of installation shall be in accordance with the manufacturer!s published recorrunendation. C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'--_ _ _~ARI STANDARD 210/240-2003 lvlinimum External Pressure. Indoor airmoving equipment intended for use with field installed duct systems shall be designed to operate against, and tested at not less than, the minimum external pressure shown in Table 6 when delivering the rated capacity and airflow rate specified in 6:1.3.3. --. Indoor air-moving equipment not intended for' use' with field installed duct systems (free discharge) shall be tested at 0 in H 2 0 [0 Pal external pressure. 6.2.1 Part~Load Rating Conditions. Test conditions for part-load ratings shall be per Table 5. Any water flow required for system function shall be at water flow rates established at (full load) Standard Rating Conditions. Capacity reduction means may be adjusted to obtain the specified step of unloading. No manual adjustment of indoor and outdoor airflow rates from those of the Standard Rating Conditions shall be made. However, automatic adjustment of, airflow rates by system function is permissible. Table 6. Minimum External Pressure Minimum Standard Capacity Ratings 1 - - - MBtu/h External Resistance -- ---. kW inH,O Pa ;; 28 ;; 8.2 0.10 25 > 28 and;; 42 > 8.2 and;; 12.4 0.15 37 > 42 and < 65 > 12.4 and ;;-19.0 0.20 - 50 6.2.2 Integrated Part-Load Value (IPLV). For equipment covered by this standard, the IPLV shall be calculated as follows: a. Determine the capacity and EER at the conditions specified in Table 5 - b. Detennine the Part-Load Factor (PLF) from Figure I, "Part-Load Factor Curve,!! at each rating point (see Appendix E) c. I Cooling capacity for units with cooling fi.mction; High Temperature Heating Capacity for heating-only .units Use the following equation to calculate IPLV: - IPLV Interpreting this requir~merit, it is understood th'at'tlle most restrictive filters, supplementary heating coils, and other equipment specified as part of the unit be in place and timt the net external pressure specified above is available. 6.1..3.7 lvloisture Removal Determination. Indoor 'a'ir moisture removed shall be detennined at Standard Rating Conditions (cooling) for units tested in accordance with both ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37 and Appendix C. The expression of the removal rate shall be based upon the net cooling capacity, including an allowance of I ,250 Btu/h per 1,000 cfrn [775 W/m2/s] fan heat lor blowerless equipment. 6.2 Part-Load Rating. Only systems which are capable of capacity reduction shall be rated at 100% and at each step of capacity reduction provided by the refrigeration system(s) as published by the manufacturer. These rating points shall be used to calculate the IPLV (see 6.2.2). where: PLF Part-load factor determined from Figure 1 n Superscript 1 Total number of capacity steps ~ 100% capacity and EER at part- load Subscript 2, 3 etc. Rating Conditions Specific capacity and EER at partload steps per 6.2 9 ARI STANDARD 210/240-2003 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4, 6.3 Application Ratings. Ratings at conditions of temperature or airflow rate other than those specified in 6.1.3 and 6.2.1 may be published as Application Ratings, and shall be based on data determined by the methods prescribed in 6.1. Application Ratings in the defrost region shall include net capacity and COP based upon a complete defrost cycle. 6.4 Publication of Ratings. Wherever Application Ratings are published or printed, they shall inClude, or be accompanied by the Standard Ratings plus the IPLV (where applicable), clearly designated as such, including a statement of the conditions at which the ratings apply. Capacity Designation. The capacity designation used in: published specifications, literature or advertising, controlled by the manufacturer, for equipment rated under tlllS standard, shall be expressed only in Btu/h [W] at the Standard Rating Conditions specified in 6.1.3 plus part-load Rating Conditions specified in 6.2.1 and in the terms described in 6.1.1 and 6.1.2. Horsepower, tons or other units shall not be used as capacity designation. Region IV Heating Seasonal Perfonnance Factor, HSPF, minimum design p.eating requirement ( 7.2 Latent Capacity Designation. The moisture removal designation shall be published in the manufacturer's specifications and literature. The value shall be expressed consistently in either gross or net in one or more of the following forms: . . a. b. c. Sensible capacity/total capacity ratio and total capacity Latent capacity and total capacity Sensible capacity and total capacity 6.4.1 Tolerances. To comply with this standard, measured test results shall not be less than 95% of Published Ratings for performance ratios and capacities. 7.3 Rating Claims. All claims to ratings within the scope of this standard shall include the statement "Rated in accordance with ARl Standard 210/240". All claims to ratings outside the scope of this standard shall include the statement: "Outside the scope of ARl Standard 2 I 01240". Wherever Application Ratings are published or printed, they shall include a statement of the conditions at which the ratings apply. Section 8. Operating Requirements 6.5 (Note: Products covered by the National Appliance Energy Conservation Act (NAECA) shall be rated in accordance with 10 CFR 430, Section 24 m (I) (i) and (ii).) Section 7. Minimum Data Requirements for Published Ratings 7.1 Minimum Data Requirements/or Published Ratings. As a minimum, Published Ratings shall consist of the following information: ( 8.1 Operating Requirements. Unitary equipment shall comply with the provisions of this section such that any production unit will meet the requirements detailed herein. 8.2 Maximum Operating Conditions Test. Unitary equipment shall pass the following maximum operating conditions test with an indoor-coil airflow rate as determined under 8.2.1 Temperature Conditions. Temperature conditions shall be maintained as shown in Tables 3, 4 or 5. 8.2.2 a. For Unitary Air-Conditoners (air-cooled) 1. 2. b. ARI Standard Rating cooling capacity Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, SEER For Unitary Air-Conditioners (water-cooled and evaporative-cooled) Voltages. The test shall be run at the Range A minimum utilization voltage from ARl Standard 110, Table 1, based upon the unit's nameplate rated voJtage(s). This voltage shall be supplied at the unit's service connection rated frequency. 8.2.3 Procedure. The equipment shall be operated for one hour at the temperature conditions and voltage specified. I. 2. c. ARl Standard Rating cooling capacity Energy Efficiency Ratio, EER For all Air-Source Unitary Heat Pumps 1. 2. 3. ARl Standard Rating cooling capacity Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, SEER High temperature heating Standard Rating capacity 8.2.4 Requirements. The equipment shall operate continuously without interruption for any reason for one hour. Units with water-cooled condensers shall be capable of operation under these maximum conditions at a water- ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'--_ _ _ _,ARI STANDARD 210/240-2003 Note: The curve is based on following equation: PLF = AD + (Al xQ)+(A2xQ')+(A3xQ')+(A4xQ')+(A5xQ')+(A6xQ') where: PLF = Part-Load Factor Q = Percent of full-load capacity at part-load rating conditions. AO = -0.12773917 X 10-' Al = - 0.27648713 x 10-' A2 = 0.50672449 x 10-' A3 = -0,25966636 x 10-' A4 = 0.69875354 x 10-' A5 = -0.76859712 x 10-' A6 = 0.28918272 x 10- 10 Figure 1. Part-Load Factor Curve 11 ARI STANDARD 210/240-2003 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ pressure drop not to exceed 15.0 psi [103 kPa], measured across the unit. 8.3.4 During both tests, the equipment shall operate without failure of any of its parts. 8.3 Voltage Tolerance Test. Unitary equipment shall pass the following voltage tolerance test with a cooling coil airflow rate as determined under The equipment shall operate continuously without interruption for any reason for the one hour period preceding the power intemlption. 8.3.1 Temperature Conditions. Temperature conditions shall be maintained at the standard cooling (and/or standard heating, as required) steady state conditions as shown in Table 3, Table 4 or Table 5. 8.3.2 The unit shall resume continuous operation within two hours of restoration of power and shall then operate continuously for one half hour. Operation and resetting of safety devices prior to establishment of continuous operation is permitted. Voltages. Tests shall be run at the Range B. minimum and maximum utilization voltages from ARl Standard 110, Table I, based upon the unitls narneplate rated voltage(s). These voltages shall be supplied at the unit's service cormection and at rated frequency. A lower minimum or a higher maximum voltage shall be used, if listed on the nameplate. ( Requirements. 8.4 Low-Temperature Operation Test (Cooling) (Not. required for heating-only units). Unitary equipment shall pass the following low-temperature operation test when operating with initial airflow rates as determined in and and with controls and dampers set to produce the maximum tendency to frost or ice the evaporator provided such settings ar:e not contrary to the manufacturer1s instructions to the user. 1 The power supplied to single phase equipment shall be adjusted just prior to the shut-down period ( so that the resulting voltage at the unit's service cOlll1ection is 86% nameplate rated voltage when the compressor motor is on locked-rotor. (For 200V or 208V nameplate rated equipment the restart voltage shall be set at 180V when the compressor motor is on locked rotor). Open circuit voltage for three-phase equipment shall not be greater than 90% of nameplate rated voltage. of Within one minute after" the equipment has resumed continuous operation (, the voltage shall be restored to the values specified in 8.3.3 ( Temperature Conditions shall be maintained as shown in Table 3 or Table 5. 8.4.1 Te,rnperalure Conditions. 8.4.2 Procedure. The test shall be continuous with the unit on the cooling cycle, for not less than four hours after estahlishment of ihe specified temperature conditions. The unit will be pennitted to start and stop under control of an automatic limit device, if provided. 8.4.3 Requirements. During the entire test, the equipment shall operate without damage or failure of any of its parts. Procedure. The equipment shall be operated for one hour at the temperature conditions and voltage(s) specified. During the entire test, the air quantity shall not drop more than 25% from that determined under the Standard Rating test. All power to the equipment shall be shut off for a period sufficient to cause the compressor to stop (not to exceed five . seconds) and then restored. 8.4.3.. 3 During the test and during the defrosting period after tbe completion of the test, all ice or meltage must be caught and removed by the drain provisions. 8.5 Insulation Effectiveness Test. (Cooling) (not required for healing-only unit.s). Unitary equipment shall pass the following insulation effectiveness test when operating with airflow rates as determined in and with 1 ') ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---c:--_ _ _ _ _ _'--_ _ _ _ ARI STANDARD 210/240-2003 controls~ fans, dampers, and grilles set to produce the maximum tendency to sweat l provided such settings are not contrary to the manufacturer1s instructions to the user. Section 9. Marking and Nameplate Data 9.1 lYJarking and Nameplate Data. As a minimum, the nameplate shall display the manufacturer's name, model designation, and electrical characteristics. 8.5.1 Temperature Conditions. Temperature conditions shall be maintained as shown in Table 3 or Table 5. Nameplate voltages for 60 Hertz systems shall include one or more of the equipment nameplate voltage ratings shown in Table I of ARl Standard 110. Nameplate voltages for 50 Hertz systems shall include one or more of the utilization voltages shown in Table I of lEe Standard Publication 60038. 8.5.2 Procedure. After establishment of the specified temperature conditions, the unit shali be operated continuously for a period of four hours. 8.5.3 Requirements. During the test, no condensed water shali drop, run, or blow off from the unit casing. Section 10. Conformance Conditions 8.6 Condensate Disposal Test (Cooling)* (not required for heating-only units). Unitary equipment which rejects condensate to the condenser air shall. pas's the following condensate disposal test when operating with airflow rates as determined in and and with controls and dampers set to produce condensate at the maximum rate, proyided such settings are not contrary to the manufacturer's instructions to the user. 10.1 Conformance. While conformance with this standard is voluntary, conformance shall not be claimed or implied for products or equipment within its Purpose (Section 1) and Scope (Section 2) unless such claims meet all of the requirements of this standard. * This test may be nm concurrently with the Insulation Effectiveness Test (8.5). 8.6.1 Temperature Conditions. Temperature conditions shall be maintained as shown in Table 3 or .,. Table 5. ,. " . c · ; " " .,; 8.6.2 Procedure. After establishment of the specified temperature conditions, the equipment shall be started with its condensate collection pan filled to the overflowing point and shall be operated continuously for four hours after the condensate level has reached eqUilibrium. 8.6.3 Requirements. During the test, there shall be no dripping, running-off, or blowing-off of moisture from the unit casing. 8.7 Tolerances. The conditions for the tests outlined in Section 8 are average values subject to tolerances of± 1.0oP [± 0.6°C] for air wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperatures, ± 1.0% of the reading for voltages. 13 ARI STANDARD 210/240-2003 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ APPENDIX A. REFERENCES - NORMATIVE ( AI.4 ARl Standard 340/360-2000, Commercial and Industrial Unilmy Air-Conditioning and Heat Pump Equipment, 2000, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute, 4100 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 200, Arlington, VA 22203, U.S.A. Al Listed here are all standards, handbooks and other publications essential to the fonnation and implementation of the standard. All references in this appendix are considered as part of this standard. A1.l ANSIIASHRAE Standard 37-1988,Meihods a/Testing/or Rating Unitary Air-Conditioning and Heat Pump Equipment, 1988, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., 1791 Tullie Circle N.E., Atlanta, GA 30329, U.S.A. A1.5 ASHRAE Terminology of Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration, Second Edition, 1991, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., 1791 Tullie Circle, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30329, U.S.A. A1.6 IEC Standard Publication 60038, lEC Standard Voltages, 1983, International Electrotechnical Commission, 3, rue de Varembe, P.O. Box13l, 12.11 Geneva 20; Switzerland. A1.2 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.1-1986 (RA 2001), Standard Method for Temperature Measurement, 2001, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., . 1791 Tullie Circle, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30329, U.S.A. A1.3 ARl Standard 110-2002, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Equipment Nameplate Voltages, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute, 2002, 4100 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 200, Arlington, VA 22203, U.S.A. ( APPENDIX B. REFERENCES - INFORMATIVE None. ( 14 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ARI STANDARD 210/240-2003 APPENDIX C. *UNIFORM TEST METHOD FOR MEASURING THE ENERGY CONSUMPTION OF CENTRAL AIR·CONDITIONERS . NORMATIVE APP~:o.!UA .Yt 1(,. 'r.\.."l::5t ;Y!!::thOd ib" CO!l.Stl1:r.J'tri,',~{·iU (:,f G(\ n cij -ci tlj':V:~T~; C',,,,::,,,,,,, ~1~~~~~ / ...1.;19 "f~";;';:i:i:Si'lf, ,;0:,4"i'l1g-"f ::l\;l~nS' ch;; (l,:';nQu:nl.- Dr tcdin; :;;: B)':;U':; J>l~::fnn::;\~d by ¢, \,mit b\"er '" f:'h'~'r::rX: at i.b'h:\ I! 1:;;;.,<;~)( ,~j)olihg, A~1 •.'l Tr:$t:I~,,:g .~~~i~::~~<;~;r~~<J ";;~~it;:~~~ .I BSi- ;c_~ hdb tf.!mJ::"~,~t-um 'if;:.;t _'$ t,~, ~ C :,:;::.d D c:,,)cr~1l~ "':tH~::1 15 ARI STANDARD 210/240-2003, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ( ( ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ ARI STANDARD 210/240-2003 LpM" t~' . r;:lx,n:,[.!Jre :;:5: C1?nttitil,~J~;,} 'The LP'N 1'£'mpc'''j.{;.lf!~ ~ri::lttl\hHl! be Gcmnw;«\:tt tit, i.l dry-b~db temp;;~nl,"iJ;'rh~ th:- ')tU!kijf pqnkm m" ~h# tt:~it 0;' i'l ? and ;l Wt~t-hufh .J..3.2.1A ) 19~~ff:ti f~i~';~;~~:,~~;;i~~i,r~~£~1 17 ARI STANDARD 210/240-2003, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ( .AA.I~lA Illr lal;;,(.'i U'lt.;;, ( ( , 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-C-_--::-___,ARI STANDARD 210/240-2003 ~d~~,~,·;~~;e;;~~~!fii0~fJ~Ji~;~::~ti; !:: :'0.D:ll!tl!nle:r:tf. ci,~,Jl .u~"q r.~ ui;~'::. ~h4; 1.vo),: ~!~~~:~l~ ;f~;~}~~r~~~~~}~~~~~E~I~~~ wjn~~JjrC';, tIlt! 't;..::st ~b~H S.:':"..rt 'TI,;~jt dunttlrm 1s I)hf~~~h.:dt hocr.1!\,:,t';ati tl."ilts. ciefrost $nr,u.ld"lY,i ;rt'~':<"l;:r.1u!"'2 ·dtttin.g :rhf~ teSt J?;'.nr.:.cL :\.,L2.2 Test tn.stnmw:~l:~{ik};i: 1~~~t~~~dJ1f:.~:~t;:~3r~~r~S£~Jff~ §~§~g dv$. t!<$C spt."-.!iroen cllJ'f;.1.1~h· a !::h...4(rt, }jlE.::'u,m:, TIle e·!.h'tt.1j$~ sld<: -cf tb::. air iJ.(lW r;:u; ;:l::SSt1,rhlg' t:b.1:jl;1~ {:(mrains .u,t;:~ e:m:aJ.::tt!. ',\-+U1S;:i'trH? "(ri!;:!:{(nS Vl V~!)! 1::4, c~'n;;H:;f-t:l :';0. cilt..1.l.n clw :ci~ ;:,J'c~d axrJJ:rr.~ re5i:>t.~n(!11: W,iii' J1m'} raw, T:}11.: ~Jd:\a~zc si~c}:s cl.:t!',~left,Qi~11l-'t65h~ tf....m. I'tlOW tlr 1!!i J(r!.l;titE{i t!~rtlUg,tl. U;'.¢(:h1uil1<Jnm.?:tFpl1.rziUS MC 'then btjck· to tm~~: SP!tChM:1 ituJ:"(.. The .'5tat'!!::: p~~.;;nu~ ~}:::r<I:;& U:~e n~r;th';5.",~ht ~'~b~{y ,).t"¢S$u:-e. rulCi tM StaLIC pt"f~S#l1rl; tn'(m.!J·..rrt:~ ~;:1!::!nts,M t.l>~ :;lfJ~le,:hr~\',shaU be tn'&as~-ed ~,l..r;:;h mi:mCl1::'lk"!;.t::n~ which '~"iH r~..,clt en I!ITOr! wKi&Ji. (:ire ,no lr;'l~U'::-':-:' th,!c :'! LO ::ret'cei,~.t i)( 1:neL:;':1'H:4 y~uQ.!: Md h"7.\"lrlg ;~:t;.:L'1'iJ~::t.m tc..'!.JI: ~!~dl~~l~ tf~~.~;~'~~~~;!~~~u?;;~~J):5.~~!~~:~~t~~: 'mt!ri$i'.:rlf.::trf,11~ trillS;';' he ::tken :a.(' the nl~w:l~' 4tk~'~;.·1~ :~~~;~e~:t:~~l=!l~r~:~lil~~·d~~$~~;~j ~2;~f;~~~~' :!H~~~~~f1~:':idi,~:i~f" 19 ARI STANDARD 210/240-2003 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ( ( Cait.."l.:lt·:ti:<.)rI.·it It'!l' pfi:rjSn"l1~;'::J;;e_fal;:t:pn, of" ,el~J:li"'t:-' eft1. ""0r,~~E~;a;i~:i~i~; ~:':/:'~~~r:;:~:~\l;~~~, stdl indu'qll" rhf:,fdUnw.. <>.t~:!~iL!.;:~;~~~{~~~~~~!;;:i,~;~:~!~I:,\~W~,£~dl:~., the ,_~l'?ctr;\c.ii·· f'O'j!':i!' Lttpt:i:' to .aU ,t\i'z:t:sJ.rrom ';'.r.St: C n,11.!""t:he ;~j,t!t;; 11~""{F~ {w5ltt.~h.\,):J:t) tr9u;, tf:t$t ~'p:plk~'blt, C:{)f:::l'XtH!':1t:s '<U'ni C(lftt,i"f.Jh; ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ ARI STANDARD 210/240-2003 ~,'~~, !.>': ~~~"I ,and I l{1f, ('-<!UiHl()1"':'; f " WhiCh ]f. des.c:-l-i)(,;lj by r}f' ,•• ) (1) ~_Q'~~r~r:\ v ~ N - .. 1".)/h,iV 21 ARI STANDARD 210/240-2003 _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ( A>.:' •.L.3..5 Calcuh\:,ti ',::-:'i;l r,.r. ",Biug: t.he vahlt;;, fer in Btu\;.iw,a~,:· t!:;:m-s QiT;l IV <i~'t6cle.nC'y ,,":!tlO5 He P8r:::E'tlru- 8quatlrm$.~ '.i can b" C3kull",u'ed b,Y where J~.lA t"lo:i:ci,.oo for ,,,,,l~,'~~"'j,, . ,. i.l SEE,£{ [(IF ~~~l'~~lt~: 1.11': mQci9 'of Ol')';:,D:UOiE $t:h~ct~d :~) ce:x:rmint t.:'c, svO!~\ciY~i;;ul:l,e \;apT.icit.ies Q>/(93), o.,,,,~"iS2!; ~~~f;{,g;;:$"~~;':(;~d k"~ll~k~:Y, ~~~I'~~~t:\~~~~ B i.s outl:iner.:l in.S".j:c~iG(n A2.'Ht AS.J .. U $ec:s0.r..ttl i!:!l-ergJ. ;'f,/icie11!;.'Y rGtiIJ, /Qr "rir-,g(111:rr.-e un.its with Z'il;Qii?" compr"s> sors, (Reser.'e\i) ?:"~ I f ?2} 32 ~!};J;~;ti~~!t~~;~f:~1r~0~;'{~~~~~'l~~~;£~~ Bmci·e.ncy ( q,;,."Ji:BZ1 67 whi:rl'! Gnerndent~ A, E, an~ C sh(d.l bit i;:vak:tlL~~-ti using t11!: foikw;ng t;i,Ue,ulicltio"l ;;t~P$: Cl)l'':es$tm;, the sf;i.k~onal enen-v r-atl{; (S:f:ER}: shu.l1 ':::* dBfin,';),Q, ,S::iii'fqnow$~ SEER '"' Onc\~ th~ eql'l....tion fm' Q,/ "'iJl~} .!:ms ,been d*::.-enr.:ineo. :ht' temp-e"~<:~lJr'~ \vhtJre q~,": r=..131iT) can br.. .ihunc. This t.emp-t'l:',at:.m:: ,....,lH~:,£ til;:: nurnber of h(J!J.r,~ in til1'; fh u"n';';:"'?,r,· 3tT}~ ~~}:~t/~'l!lj t~~icl:~~~:f;'~~~b;>;';'~;~aL' g;$(~rli~eth:~~~)'J~fa~1:pZ~iRZd1;ls~\5.~~3~t'~~i3; 'd,Ii!: eX.-ceGtir..Ytl th::i.t t..:..)tJ, (Jwand:i~$ ~1~e&~1h:;i~;:~ftS (~';;r~~}~~~ :~~tb!lfr~\Ir.I~~;~~d~;~~ ctrmprr.-s.i\(rr spe~!,d (k ::.":.ii and thi; f<.< ;''1'",) :is deter:::n:n>eG by: Case III !S the $M}I: a& ::l'pedfi,rid in }·.5J,,;3.·L R:t~(~jl~~;tSb~"~;~~~)~(;r{:y ·~t; :(~~1ci~~~ pre~->cribe-d in A5 ..L3, Sc<;:'S<)nal energy er:i,l..'Ler,cy .rOJi1~ /nr .'itpU,Hypi~ ,(u.u:d,(~ss $ysiem,!;", j~ tl! :;pllt-·typ:,:: AS,I.] Q,,/".I(T) <a!'.d E.:;'~· 1i>1) slwJl Of: calc\dar.eri by the fol.klw, ing equadt)',:re: ;;l~~,fi~"~ ~;.s~~~~b;,S~IJt lS~~j e~~j'~~~bin~: non set of Indot/T ~oi Is to be u;;,ed with e common Q\'JtnQo:r unit. AS,..:! Ca.lcuic.tion. of H;;a:jng Siif!'${mc.i Per', tormc.J'I,c:e Factors (F.fSP,F) /},~" .~~:~-:_~"' ~{S2) x (,~2 ~ T) Case II I!,'. wnen the comPTe'S_;,;;o)" 0y,;:rat:e's ai!.- aoy in tenn,~d'jatt; I)" '.' '- 0) $D0eci ::'elw~~un the :~~~~l:~~f~:(\~~~'=b~iJiR~':~;~1t~~1;:d~ .~!,.~~~~(~ the fol'lo~vin,g i;){lU41rion:;: {t,~"(T,> "" HI.. (1') '" N'~ :;:~~~!~)i =if;:~:~~I) r: {{If Sou-mi.' th iis. Mi": The te-s~i:m: data 2.:ld re;:,tlJ:.S 'r-eouired to cal~ cul.ate th.&. her:..ting s~-a:s(!l't;;l.i peririnnnnc<l f~c­ tar iHSPF:, in Btu's p-e1' watt~~1:r, .shall inducie tht} foUnwing: m H(~:;.!:ting cap::1<::iticR fBtuh.; f:o't:n che in· dom: a:~!' f.;ntnalpy method n'n t.he High T¢lnpera~t);r~~ Te:s::s, ;:n:d tht: 1',01,.'1.1 herlt· Lng dont; (Btu'.sl ro,r the cyci.ic ilnd f:rost e.ccumillati.on tests. , Q",(.17) cr Q,u(52). QH{l7). Q ~!It { 4-7). C}D'!:J·{35), (" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ARI STANDARD 210/240-2003 un Eb:;riclI! power inpt:; to .nil !.~omM p\mQ;Jt.~ S"J;ll? teSt:" th\~ ~,e~Hiy (watt:):: f'il' :l.lH) ttll: {wct.!'i<:>:ll {W~tt#h(rli':i.! f,x [.hl'; w.~i!\!m1d:":ticn t!.li:·C, E.::,{4/J Cit t . ,(.\i). :.l~:;2.,?e cydi.i: ~tlrl frost (v) 1:il.l11~ Outdoor wet b''ulh \If di!lV poi.nt, ibdoor· c'n' bulb and Indoor wet hulh. Datil as spedtlt;d in T{!bfe .5 of 'ASH~ 'H..-v: 'St,mdn rd 3-7 ·b8 . Wh{!'re tr& he~H'ing, capacities Q~,~i4ii, Q",~D21 and Q,)l1} and the ina.cor aIr fitw: rate aT: ~talc~l~~~d .~S.j~ti!!,e e9)1:!th:.n$:~1)(:cifi,.eil i~ SC:ctlVn I"J.4.ana 1.8;·.) 01 ,ASHP..-"Ji: stjna~ru 31·88._, hej.ting tiotJe, Qc';,,:1"47), ~lhd q("m:.~~j,5)a!'e taic,~l:<lted U,&[rig' thi: 'eqllf'lt.ilm:s' below. Unh,s not 'having iU-, injoo.r f;l'fl ;)$ part or the mm]":l Le;~,ted, :i,hall ~dd .1.2;)0. Htuh p-I?J" l~OOO SCF'_M -,;f indGIJr,a,ir h;md,led 'to, the me:itsun~rj cap<l.dty'i.o (Jbtain thc:, !,oLal 'he~\dng {;d,Pad'O,Y,QJ17), Q1)47L Or q,).-6:rr. ahd ~dd ·365 'watw, per.l.00u·SCFi\I oj' inJoor air han~led tot-he meimm;d p()werto obcaintn: total pG_,:,,'cr InpU~r E,j.1 i;, £",,14T., (,If E,p;2;, ,W (h~ umt. ,The cqeffirif.!lt::; of !),erfOm!;1DCe (COP) (or tno;l, High Ter:lpCI':1.till"-: Te,:;;tici CO.P ~Ai2) Of COPJ~7); 'and. Low Tt-mper:J.lw'e 'Te~t, COP .,(l7)! ill'!} <!:l.lC\liated as- the.' ro.t;;Q ',of th(:, heating c:;J.pacity in Btuh to th~ -r::r.od:~1.c,~ '.of ::t,U3' :lI1,(( the 'p0.'-.\'e:~ inplH.-; to ~,!l!? :nwJol""_ fan ln' W!ltts' irn(l' ~h~ :,powr..r ,In.pu.ts t,?, t~0 nm~;'!l,ning eq\lipm'~_r:it ('om. pGMtltS ilncmdine: all control:i} ,in W_:lq;:. Units I'i'hich (jo~ not. h:w_idn'door ':.tir (',irclifll.t-in-g f[(n~ fiitn.ii;h~d as: D:lft -M t.he model shdl h;~... (! ttli.~;r tct,:d het~{._i:r•.:; ,d~)l1e (Q-l:f.(i.T1r, Md en.-;:ftW '!'li.~d, ~~y~(47,ril1 om, cyell'; adju$-'t(,,:d for t:)~~ {'fft::r.'~ of ,1}iJ'cui:1til1g_, ,lnGot1r' .air '~quipment pow(:r. FoT' ur-it.'!_ t6,~~,d ,'wltlii.i!lt Qr. indo'Or f~:! os part of tri(' ,model, ()cy~(47) sht!ll be itl~ c.rea~r.d ~Y,~ _qU!lntity of h(."H equ.a! to the prodtlc~ '(If 1250 Bttlh p~r l;iJ()(} BefM, ~h~ length Df the_ OnHpel'lOd of .he test I:ycle holt::-:;, nnd the l1ow, rate _df,1.ndoor ,tir io uni't~ .of 1,uOa 3CF:\--L The to.t:'11 t>nergy usagei E'~y,'-(4.7)1 shjIl h\~ the-, :Sum 1)( the 'enCrgy w~aire reauhed for circubtion d~:~in:i t.b.€ test- 't)'dr. ":me{ tbil erH\l'gy met! hy the n~mil.jning eqni'pme-tit C'-omponi!1),:s, {inclt.lding.-all, co_rm'ol$) tbl'ir,l" the test'r;y-ch 'Cnits, not, h~Ying- an indoi)r [an as-pan vi' the' !1'KFk,J ti:-5t~ci. shaH ::et: ;,he l:iI, clr~u!:necl ene-nt)" r~q'.l\r2d for jnrloo~ ,air cll'!~\lJ;JtlQn: e-qun: -t" the:;q\l~nt:q' given. by thf' prodllct of 30t5 watt!' pe'r -1000 l"SCr?YI, i:he leng~h of ule_Q!I_pcl'iod ('j( the tes't' cvde in hours, and t-he:ri1t~ of ir"qoor air circ~l,lat{:d 10 tml-ts of 1000 ~CnL (lir HSPf, ;~~ ~,~:termjl1~d abovoJ,: .:.haJl beo,'1!'HJIdpi.i.'la by un ,*nh,ulcement fac,l;()f F,;;,:' W -::om· ?ens-r:u: ,Cof inlp,r,()\·,ed pcriOrmanc0. ["yi; ITit'a~' "-ycl,,t,S -in ~ L'lAlOllr perlcd <l nd snou1d ':>e- c",I, c!.lbted us, (oHows; UldO(if';lir tlmr ratetSCY}!i and'·~xter· Ml re.sisr.&nc~; to ind,)'OI' ,air "iiO'w Gnthes ()fw;.ii.i;f W,C') Alf. ,'.(.::lil pii'.r.:.t\!r:(~ i.f\ Outdoor drY with in- ~he, '.FiQ~t ,.'\cc'timu:Jati-,nr. Test. 1h;:; l\mor r:: i;" dfJPtY~lds I)n ~he n,umber ~)f defl'ost e~)'rH7\ (IV) 8ri.~ .~q'.lippe-c! l.ln~d' E,,,(1)2). EOH{3S). !li:l! For air"sotJfcC liniw that "de11,lll.nd defb)st c:.mtjij( :5Y5U:ms:'. the v,aiue f.:r<J-'l ;; 0:./;;) 1.;,_' ~;'!"~I' ~n~iir;"'k F-, ;t;#;p~~;:j(t~i:rl1.'~;~~~:~:~n~~~\;1;:;ii i 3 . ,; <;0, {,~b 1\,',:;, ,,':J'r.q";j1'Q ,3, ,51', ~:::~~{;\lfi~~~~~~~~r~1il~~;~~~i~ W~mH\lnlitJlI.7 r\\~il);(tb/!li)~ 'Sf):1 ~\>h'.;:re; F.(,'J,~~(!,mJt,d dl;iro:ft<:rE'j\\ ! w",d '.1,:, .11~1!h,t1i"ir t,) 'l~;.d I';.}'"l; khkh i;nir.S:6'lhed by th~ ~q\ra~-ion; !-I2Hf; ,Y,:: !~E:;~~J~;i~~;ig~;;;~';:;;:';:~;,::::' For u~niTE tl?-::;ced ,withou_:-indoor tnm:, the vt\lue di;H:rrrJ,ined,f~'( Q,').'::c{35) hi;'iow shall. bE: Ir'!tre';\.sed 'by a quantity ;,i[; hear. ',,:'qual !iO lhe produCt ,0[12.5_0 Htuh"per'JPOO $CF~t ~he Jemg-th (!f -time, in hci,u.r:s dunng--Jhe·_.Fro,st Atcumulatit:oti l~\ thfu:,ihen: \-;:en~ jndno~ _;;t,il' r;;clrc~la,Ul)¥, an~ ,th~ jwerag¢ ,-Hi)'.? nr~ 01' in,'dqilr Clfculated -lD ,lHllts. DfJOO,(? ,ScF)\t T~e _total" ~iv:.rgy, u~~g¢,J£,'}j;./3f..1, __:Erw-l:l be the .sum (lthe en-erg:\-' JJ.sag{~ required for in, door-1dr c.ircula,tion Juring the t€Rpe:riod a-od the en-e:-gy uSl?d by the :rtlmainin_g !:qu,j?tn8J'!.t componer-,t'ii, during the tea. period., {.}nits nOi having 'an ir!a(Jor fatl as P>.'llt ,of the h1{iOel te~,te-d, shaH s~t the:li:,n~rgy fI.!quire,d irJ'r indCh'}'f ,:,ir d.rcuhHlcn !;\j1l3! to the qU:'lnti'ry give:-1 by the _orociuct Df 365 \'{~ltts PI:,!" 10.00 SCF!vL ,the !,ength. of time iii bours dl.l'fUW-- the. FrI)'St A,;* cumub,xlotl Ti..,::,t that thl~re, -was indoo!,-flit tit· (;tljating-, ;:Ind dIe" ,l.'\'erarre' no\\' nw~ 61' ;,ndu,")t ('ci.r(;ula.ted In: u:n,it;:; 91'.11)00 SC.FM, wile!'e' T,i{;} '" '!?r::·9_db,t~'I~'p~1'it\:r~ ~i:;Vf ~1)lr,rh(1 11!1'l".(n or :lit >llw:--(it1g lit~ lTI· T.'in::: \)r;:;';mlh ""mr.(:r... t;!r~ 9!.air l~:.\'(i::r, ',~~bdw ,~lii;'Fi,~ttim~',I!i_ ' Th!;: cvdk duo:i':ldUUOh coefih:k!1t sJl:ill he. t.1;eul:lted .15 '(611()\Vs: _ CD- Cl) J _co p,!~A 47) ·'C'PH\"J, "7·I (~e_ 1 IiLP wb,cre Co::::th,~-¢.,.dkd(';r.,_d:ltil)ll (';Ul.:tliC;'!ilt ~oalta~1 to the n~ar~$, .ut " CO:'F"r.(fi) as dOOned abo-'?'-~ cCtP,;(,!'i) ,~definl!Q i~¢vl) Hf.,F is ,:J1'f.> 'hea\.l'Jlg 16ad ioHows: i~;;()Jr yilC!liat{1J :lS Ii LF _ Q,,.(47) The aduul hen't,ing clone d\lrlng the Cyelle Te*'t, Q~~44i), s.h"n, be detel:mim;d usi~g_ the i:()ll'pwj.n~ eql:aHon: ~rbf:r~ f>OXYXCt>,X r [V,iX(HW,)] Q~~'c(47) (1) Q,,(47)X, Q-,~<Hi') :IS defined ~bo';l! Q,)'H7) 'as defllle<! ab«"e T",DU:\llkm,;,t l!m" if1:::'.!!~) !¢f'ou-,:w:nplm; c~·c1~.<.\)'F~j.stjl:Il'f.of ClI.l~ \~,"\o'S(lt'''pn'' \l!n~ Cm".l?re~Or "ll;!" U<.l,c: V", tb~ flo,'" .-hu:ni; Ih~ on<i:led~~o ~,\!c'Jb:~to ;tl ii~l:crd~:lc~, wi(h ::i!ctititl j"B..3 N' ,1t.::;HR.... E St!\n· (:.l,t,f" lilv; O:1e ,sard ~:;:BS ill j:!f!,1. C~. '" :;~a,"i:'.ific 'I,IM1 ill ·~f)!l5tar.t, )i(,~sS'Gr~ 1)[ m~>:tu:li D(:-'~ jlr·'·;,·J(\e.r c:lImd (.Ie d('I :~:r .. Wtu(jb·f" \l.r"'-:-;p~l,'!,Iw. ?-'~II1;n(' M :l:t'\I'~~:;f nllxt'!m M ,r,'l ,,;aJue d'ty·'bltlo 1f'ntP;:,itllr~: (l\;'''ll~(!jl'.'!' n!\F.l. ~mi prP.$$U:~ ns.:;-i ;u ttl~ d~'N7i'!m2.(;()ll oi th~ indGor ;'],),11' flite \i~J,'jb)' 11'.,:::: Humiil~~y mIlO tib;to). and r 'lhr:f'), ,equa~jdn: w,hich is ,deBcrioed by the " -,' lt1:mdndoor'Is!i oil) , J p= , . . .IT.,(I)-T,,!tl.jdt "time l!)d~(.\r f,~,\\ nil), , " ' A6.2..1 Cak;)Jation of the heatin.E seasonai Derfonnance factor fHSP'F'1 for alrsoun:e he,at pumps' with s,l'ngle,spt:tJd compn:$liors. for e'l:ch dimste region Hiited i'n §.ection 1\$',2-.4, a.1d for desig:n hf.'k~iing requirenkntS l~qu~l-to b\)th r.he-':.tanda,rd11.erl minimum and maxirnum de.sign hea.ting requirements de· ftned be,iow, ciliculatB the 11.sPF detin,erl <IS; 'HSfF where' 'I"'IU)"""Dh;~i);m)' !~;:;fl~l:n!.iit1' Qr <'ltr tJIi-Crh!~ d;e ill> dditr ,;oll,irl !Ii, tlmf r/'i, T.:H/ ... brr·,()Hlll 1-('m!--'~r~u:(I).' 01' air j~:;\'mg '{he jndilur ~oil r'~~1 i'l\. tim .. 'I ", "nr TN' B1'TI \ 'I' The Mt, he:Ltbg, Q'OgV (35) in Btu'-s dum:. (hwlr.lg the te$t pe!'iod sh.all' be deu.\r~ mined ushi~ the follOWing!:l: .. . Th~ -rj-:c-lk" ciJefficie..'l~ of oel'fO!:m:l'nc~1 CO p~!I~(·17) (5' n~lr.-uiat:ed. as the r:rr..!o l)( the Wtal ~f;!lfing done_ {Q~n(41}) in Beu';:! to tbe 3.-413_ Btufw:lt't~hour'J.nd the us:J.g~ (Bo)'~(47)) in watt nours. The',ne!. heatlng I.:~~pjcity, Q1)~:~·(;35'~ ,Bt.uh" is the, t{) heating, done over thr~ test period (j'nduding any .i!r!!djt, for the indoor fan heat-! ?lvld_ed by the total length ,of :he- t~st period. lil hours:, (-/ '' ~Thcse items have: be:::n correw::d in accorrbnce with!! k,l(e!' fl'wr. rhe De:ptmment of Energy, dared Decl!mb.'~r 7.1930, 23 ARI STANDARD 210/240-2003_,--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ( Xi -,}: "" Jl~',;l;.",:;; ~l-) -'1£;,:;'; , \. VI 'sb{:'!i'$ :q"qn ;;';f:;;:;~)~c;Jrr!~~:v~~:23~F'~~~~:j~~rd wi~h j~"t . :L It".,.. C"\:Im- s1ng1i:!. i!tjtt\,pF.::!!'{J),'! ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'--_ _ _ _,ARJ STANDARD 210/240-2003 (.t~~',~~;; 1T) " tU!( T~') --r" iBl~,\ ':t/J ~~(n--~\ r ! +~--..,,--.-". i~i>:;') .T,::iIJ i F:- -£-:;'(17)) X,(T;-~171. f.i::.~;(11) I :t:"-'-~'\ 't;-}? 1. ;1 (z.;-', ~~\62)-- r.B:.,-~on I (1.;'(-1.7)) Cr:.'diiiq~')~ ..".8:'>(.'t7·,\) 1 !"'"-, on i 7>:..\0 F' U)};;;~,{3.5}-,Q~>o-t{1j;'}) tTi}:""1i \ X.'tTr-l:'; . ;Ki ;,t..'S;:z."::1 Htc!.:!:.a $e.cs:>;mc,l ,C>itrhrrrm,ru:,: {de.:,(,; ~:3~~;;~~~~H!~~'~~ci) Wf~.Jl tr~pl~·,:J:Zpf!C;ly I:.om_ A,5~~2.A fi.,\;I!1.i~"',.g si:c:.:wna,i per8~r,T.:?:'I'IX"I,I /;:;!cf-c!'~ ~;'i~;·i~ ~£t~t!i~;~~_:~~f::~dc~~~~:::.;~;;~_~; hi\':at;~.\g $eQ'..'l3~,tlCJ ,},'f:r;_~tr:;·,4..!:1ct 1.:ll:t01': ti; ci;:,-fir~:ed (,h;)t'F. hy :.1'ttJ !()llc·..."n;r <,n: HS/-',t;· 25 ARI STANDARD 2101240-2003 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ( r/~~:.-'t(J7) 1 i"'" 'j" ll <,; if'~{ T.3.':~$ r-,D: T..~17 iT 1Q;;-'lH' i f I r; i 11 ll'(Tf),%~,~a; 11; I' 1'0; r 1'i-:5 'l'br; ( G'Zl\'}il~; -:r.t..'tJ·<,Ti,::f'1·v~ h; 'rf>l"J!' <£':'-!':(:! -;);- t::-~ Ct 7J) i< £ ~!',i'~-17 'I q.o~-: (~:.1) (,41;,--' .1.2.... ·0'7) fQ, ; ;!:'-I( Tr~'''''"'::'{l.~; ,". -, ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--'_ _ _ _ _,ARI STANDARD 210/240-2003 AS.:3.2 C:iku!ation· of r;epresental'ive :re~ gion;a] .annual perfonnance',factors (.A.PF,H) COT-each .region and-lor each stanqa:rdi,z.ed deS.liJP heating f~' quiremen.t, (OLlld (Q •.'(9SF)) + (AP}, )_ (HLll,)(DE1l1) (C) ' ( C LE,) ( Q..' (goP)) BB7fii-- +(HLH,)(DHR) (C) ESPl' 1.Q,,)(SSF'11 ;) o~f.n~<:I 111 A~U. :WHflf il' <i"~i\n<:e in .'\;5.2::t !c~ h ci ... lin;ct h: A~.:!;:Z. where. A5.4 Calcul'a:'ion.s _of Seosan;al 'E11e'rg:/ ,1i'fft" Ci~,!Cl'}' Rati?/or 1l;"ct!,zr ~ou"cr Uhit,c; ~:I,o hlC!; ProuweBott1. He.cwh£ 'a:nd Cool" ,in..g-, lR;eservedl " Uil.f.Rl r~Qth~~~.~;~~ntdY:1'. h"JilinflIQ.IoC' ho~d for ell:ch ~C'Ki(ln .iI,$,m-ti! ;'/'> ~~lllf1 ,l;iU.• 5,. A.:5.5 Calculation, {)j'Seating Seasonal P~t'· !$!f:R ~-l~b:/;'":::~~~;J:3~t ~~ej~n'l'. ,.nie. u dm'f' /Qrmch'CI)".- Fa,ctor {or.",Wanr SOUl'c-e !HSPFI \~, tnt' h~"t;nli, ~tat>i).",) p.erl{,r.n~Il~j)" fll,~Ulr H Units ,Y/hid: ProuideBo-tA Heating an-d d~t,.r.Tmill1'd ill ~~1~11 ,0\5.2'- (or d~h r:<:gi!1l1'lI.nG Coolins-. "('Reserved) (<lr J:,loch ill»nd ... n:li-:.,.ci d.,His:n I;'~.ilti.l)t rI!QIlH:t· lTI~.11-1 wl~h.~tI t.lli.:h .rt,i."19n. A5.€ Cab::,u'iatJ.on. 'I,if AnniH:i Pcrform.aM~ Fo.cttJr Far Waler Source Unit.$ Wh'hh whe,re- the t'l<gions <lore' Hsted "in se.::tio.n AS.2.S , IC'LHJ(I l~,:h~ repl'1!"~~ni.!i""_<'Mlj'l1~ l~.Ioe I"Hld ['II" r'A~~ h;""li;l:;-I<.lnd !lQWI"'" r~gJ!ln.,H <i~t~r.11!iM'<l iJrl't'~· j and, the. stsnd~rdized' aesign heating requh'e~ m.r:nts, within -the regi_ons are det-ermin>e-d in sections, .&.5.2, a:no .'"\6.2,6. Pro-,I;[d~' Bath Beotin.g and Coolinf-. (Reserved} . 27 » .) :-2 o (j) -tJ:i at '~Y-j huLl:.;:d:' (}f h_"i'.n;;k-tOfH'd' In:)urg H1 t, (-:'",pn f,;<, Lure b:1.n,~ :'1'-:(.1 ~_;'f:'; j.jJ1,i~.,.tl ___.fl::~.~"~.~,iI-J~\l,I_~~ -of Uw_ SJ>iHf1 -t{il.~ C-(1rr,tH_>,;,;~.',,"{,;:t .1.hl f;OmrreH!:10t" -'i'i'.';'ut OfH~f'~tlH-r;) ~lnd tJnJ t:R '" !2 ....'"o ~ fA:d -er:ttneF~ ft:Yr eyc'l! -L' dt',),-"eoi t -tl'i1i'1;:-;g: pert,; ttln:: ciInqi;: t (t:,('j1:~t t <"3b_ftt:) f.'v~~d f~ ,<1n'Ji:) 'ft0dt: erjnd i t.:L:;n f'ah-rmlh!:~ ~ f;P:);"l\ 1 2. i, S t~~i 'I: condit:1.on] 1 7 .' £'I;.)-cci f.i fid " U ') . , .. , TrH;!O(u: d.:'V-hull) flj f b:7;ln-o~-ta lute; F\nh ns-tHif 'i-e t ni1t6rJn~r· •.••..- ...-.•....' > ~ , .. 2.0 £i , It1doot --\1Ht'---IHI.lh -61r t-,V-r_~p_8e~t\H;g- ( 'f(~b ninlH:'-:i. t; {':r.'tc~t t'n(l-~ •• ~ ... ~ ..' . -~ ~ • ~ ...-.. t\ft:g:.t~ tHrii lst~ 3"0 SHe Rtt-er G;.J'!Hjee,jjt~'or· {{t.1t-tHJ':!. CfrS L'.:i t imt-e to i rfc·lh:~_s t Ui~ ~ NI:i-Z'Z1-f¢ f}ruin~un;1 dn)~%~ f NN LO-l]fra '1 {\ t r- ClDH I p~n'·{;_~i-it of '" rretlfUn1;J-•••. ". ~. 2.. ti EIHctrn:-;al vt'llta:(-[t1 lhput$ tt) tht:: t.t:st uidt~, -petC"ifmt. -; .:-D shllll t"I-t. Ii!) t!tjtj~ _-e:.tCVf~d ti~h\~f$iI."i\t\ln::+ \Jhi~;'h :nt-;¥ultH th,H: Vi'llue (')t h"l;':nj'~-:,,~~ thE ~x:l~·Ltu-jb lt1 th<] fJ,n"idBL"C.1b-11 (}{\= fHite hV the- j n<lOOl' cG-} 1 .'.it t:18' dr"I-h,.i Ib Ca!!iDe'ro:.tOH' "~~Hl,:tt-iitff fo!" thlC' lljr' f):t<ter!i)\';J the ind00t' p6rtJ(}f~ f,r !'rH! Jnit. tti -I II to , B!) . n,,> . 6 "_ .. L(f J9 H4 f;'i H9 1'0 , , 1-.1 ·1 7 'I .. -~!l'~ :( .. 9() 'co >~H . 'l S 1:0 £rs , 1 to 1 04 no I OJ ;J !l ? ~n f! 2 9 ",, 10 -," N o o w i, ~rieqrt:t-!!! (Vn 'ftl f{j:~ i-on of a\,'U-l"'H\~fi d-yy,-blllh aIr i F'iih r;i&n,hn i {; : .•.• "' • , ..- •• i. U hd fi t(l 1+rt',{1 n~;t'.! -e~·n)H}eya t;ift~.e r;;~1-t~.d.nt.l· VeJ>Htu¥'0 b i:1 fOi Fo:~hr-t~n!lu-i t j <l ~'jut,th':mt tbm- P0fKI{;U(L' fzh:q ::o<!;s l\~S t {.~Fl'tiFl- h t i. rfq t.(~ 1 ('} t ,H) 1;: ~~ o » ;0 o r:nntltt:H:HI ti\!$';t ~ Z )'1 61 '... .1l-O,ll" c 0 -' ;~ .0 )Al ,-(lfJ 'I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ARI STANDARD 210/240-2003 '-4 c...1 ....; ;,C G,:...,; c- m U ."W ,.... I:: ":' = ti ~.J ~ ''.;..:; (: c C ..,..;~. ,.;1- .... --.:l,,-:tt"'"' I _~-:;.c: I I ..,.,. .j? ..w ::;- I oeS"i JJ :0 J OC:p....,~ >t!: 4. ,,04 C_ ,1'\ . . I Ij ~ '! I \ c /11'""-/ _ _ _,..Ll / .... yl C.A. oopr~ /J l. / -~I'! -"'--------1./ 00. t.J<.! ~,p f , """ I 6.:' ~ : ~ :: ~ ,~ 5t :. :- ~ ~, :; -' o C .:g!~~~~: o '" C;O'C:Q:::::':c_ ggg-g~,g OOi~Nd\b~¢. J I t I I I t \It ::: ,,;,~ ."Jr.,";; C '! .::: ~ ,__ r::: ? £';':: g.£ E,:;!'~'~E'Z? ·::uc='':~';5 29 ARI STANDARD 210/240-2003, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ,.W ,~ ,1.1. : I> ""-,' ,,;;, ..... ~' ."""""'f" .-" ~' ~~ ,#,~, ~ ...",.,...:.,- .1) "" -- ~ '~.' '" ; - '....7" :::t ~,~ ,<:; ~ ."", 11'\ ~"tl - ~. '" ~A ~ '" "....e' '"~ i~.'~ 'C- .... • j{~ ~ .. Jf ,", d,: 'i. t;I> ~ . .,.. ,.,. ,," ,"'_ o \. "" ~ .... t -e' -[ '"" ~( ..t J;I ~~ ,.J.' ,104 ~ ,,,,,~"';; .... ~!, . .... : ._ 'i't ......-: t~ 'J:: ""' .... < ~ '''!''' -: ,~ ,'<"( 'M "C ""', .\1- ~ >~ :ioOl ,..:J ''[~,,:,, '" ,'0:;; ... .'<. ' ..... • > '~ ... w.:.,-: .... '" '"~ ""'-.;0 x' ~ (c; ." " t<~ ""• ;;_. 0;. I~ "" .~, ¢ . .... '''~ ,'> to< --. ,.. ." .;;,•. ~~. .,.... .;;,'" i;:'* ": '_. ""' ... '-1 ... $: ""'" ... ~ -~ ';' ~ ,0.,'-"'.' -)1)' ;- e ""' ,W ,... .~ }~ ,,,",, :t'(.. ¥ ,,:':t ( ;;" '<:,-.:i i".",", , •,t: ~ ",,''It ',-' '\>' """'i::: go'!:'• U ,I ,0 ~o '<~ ;;! .,;.' ~ -. ,. '0 ~ .. 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'il"';: ,s ~ ~-5 'E..E t ~ • ~ il'_g t-o,~ -e_ ~ " " o Q u:.&:. -,u0 g,,,,,,o ~ ," - ... o ~ . ~ l ~ oS ~ ... ~ ..: , I I • .. . .. . o ~ ~> .~ g • . •" • •0 • o ~# ~ u -.• •e::: ~ L .:1;; u ::. 31 » .J J 2:! AfUL5 ,t\cltwr hnMing lund -hOlH~I~, an~{-r(J tHHLragf-onnfhtJnUnif INHi hour{{ t.fiLHn.1 i'{it' (f) -l lh,! th}!tes Stnk'-l'tl » Z o » ;0 o toaQ '" o ~ 2500 N 2600 ""o N o o w VI 15(}O Ala.s!:'lt I TS(} II 1250 1750 2250 tIL IV V 2750 VI 27 50 ThtS, trwf} I? ,_~~_a~~lm,H{ at~~mlf~, lV(::H!f~~:_ Vitt.~t p{ !lie IJfl!I~\f<$~-,iJ(i~ '!JUl. 'is" 'if!~(tS~~~,lnfi "hi{li~}1 -, -':~enilra1ut:it--:~J~xJ ·c-rXH-e-qug:lilt{:j'ib-t'.jUf} 'a!:ttif;lt~~ i~ _nm\imHmUtiS:.:t~tJ\l;\lt;i. p;!ftfCnldffr' )(l tlii! flu"cki?"S Ila~;r::-U ~~lH_i ',..,. "rex:rJtor.ieh:- aSCi) 111.11 (I' . nL!! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ARI STANDARD 210/240-2003 S~andardDesignHeatingRequlr~m~nt.s (Btuh) A6.2.6 A6.3 ABA ',;;,oop 25,000. .;' •.50,000 ,10,000 30iOO~ 60,000 100,000 15,000 35,000 70,000 ~10., 20,000 40,000 80,000 130,000 000 Repre·s.entxtive Cooling Load Hour·s (CLRR) for Each Heating Load Bours R.agi.on Region Cl.RR EJ..BR I 240;0 750 n 1800 1250 III 1200 1750 IV 1300 2250 V 400 2750 VI 200 2750 Grcund Water Te~perature Map IF~ 00<::. ~la!ro'Fl!ord ':u..;t7_7S:'.&pl's ~G~~l-C -iltll (Reserved) ARI STANDARD 210/240-2003 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ APPENDIX D. PRESCRIPTIVE METHODOLOGY FOR THE CYCLIC TESTING OF DUCTED SYSTEMS REQUIRED BY C4.1 AND C4.2 - NORMATIVE For the purpose of unifonnity in the cyclic test requirements of Appendix C, the following test apparatus and conditions shall be met: D 1 The test apparatus is a physical arrangement of dampers, damper boxes, mixers, themlopiJe and ducts all properly seaJed and insulated. See Figures D 1 tluough D4 for typical test apparatus. The arrangement and size(s) of the components may be altered to meet the physical requirements of the unit to be tested. D2 Dampers and their boxes shall be located outside of the ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37 pressure measurement locations in the inlet air and. outlet air ducts. D3 The entire test apparatus shall not have a leakage rate which exceeds 20 cfm [0.01 m'ls] when a negative pressure of 1.0 in H20 [0.25 k1'a] is maintained at the 'apparatus exit air location. D4 The apparatus shall be insulated to have "U" value not to exceed 0.04 Btu/(h·ft2 °F) total. D5 The air mixer and a 40% maximum open area perforated screen shall be located in the outlet air portion of the apparatus upstream of the outlet damper. Themixer(s) shall be as described in Al'iSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.1. The mixing device shall achieve a maximum temperature spread of 1.5°F [0.8 0c] across the device. An inlet air mixer is not required. ( D7 The dampers shall be capable of being completely opened or completely closed within a time period not to exceed 10 seconds for each action. Airflow tluough the equipment being tested should stop within 3 seconds after the airflow measuring device is de-energized. The air pressure difference (6P) at the nozzle shall be witmn 2% of steady state 61' within 15 seconds from the time the air measuring device is re~energized. D8 Test set up, temperature and electrical measureme~t~ must be identical for nc" and "UI! tests in order to obtain minimum eITor in CD_ Electrical measurements shall be taken with an integrating type meter per ANSIIASHR..A.E Standard 37 having an accuracy for all ranges experienced during the cyclic test. D9 Prior to taking test data, the unit shall be operated at least one hour after achieving dry coil conditions. The drain pan shall be drained and the drain opening plugged. The drain pan shall be completely dry in order to maximize repeatability and reproducibility of test results. ( DJO For coil only units not employing an enclosure, the coil shall be tested with an enclosure constructed of 1.0 in [25 rum 1fiberglass ductboard with a density of61b/ftJ [100 kg/m3] or an equivalent llR" value. For units with enclosur~s or cabinets, no extra insulating or sealing shall be employed. D6 The temperature difference between inlet air and outlet air shall be measured by a thennopile. The thennopile shall be constructed of 24 gauge thermocouple wire with 16 junctions at each end. At each junction point the wire insulation shall be stripped for a length of 1.0 in [25 rum]. The junction of the wires shall have no more than two bonded turns. ( ROOM CONDHIONING ROOM APPARATUS ! '----, IIII IIII EI===::31 ~t=-'·r'-'- t: ·'u=, 1=·,· .::;-;=:=L--,::::j _==1=:- EI====::311111!t1111 ~ INDOOR SIDE./ TEST ROOM .... IoIf.ASURING INSTRUMENTS :-: n MANOMETER \~ OUTDOOR SIDE TEST ROOM ,- -11 ~ ~::U~AT'07 AIR fLOW MEASURING APPARATUS I· iNSULATED AIR fLOW M€ASURl~ APPARATUS . '. . J K i /.:>~ r:HII ._.'i IIII if==;:;b:::::::;::jj :fl~ I " - . ,-,' -, t ;-- \ TEMPERATUIl~E.' ~_ t CONDITIONING APPARATUS "t4;;;:....~,.: ; J! ,': -.' / ... ill [11 1- I I I' '--.-[~~~~~~ }~ !'. ""i IIIJ#ID~~ TEMPERATURE MEASUAm rt \ UiSTRUU[HTS ••X-....! . MANOMETER 'NSULATION -11 G I -- rt~t~t~?~'T'J -- f=~~~~l-MIXEir-' I ! TEMPERATURE MEASURING mSTRUMEN1S r- " 1 1=;:::'::;:11 - t.MXER INSULATION roo. AIR rr..Gf I.NO !!mWU.P'( rLGI HE:l'fO) IS OPTtGW. 00" SPLIT s'(S"l'tHS. (BEl: APPmOtXC4.1) » ~ ~c~~~- ~==========tt==~ ll·=· ., LIQUID L_ A1'rACwmn'S "lO mIT 'I111U'I':AAttflU!: HEASURE1i1'liT fOR Wit HInt AIR I!NTUA1.P,( ~ ala!> NiO LICtJIO rt.CM liETER fOR RURIGDAHl' --- r- (fJ -l FLOW r- METER »z o » ;u o '" o . ~ N o ~ Figure D1. Tunnel Air Enthalpy Test Method Arrangement o o w ',-.' '- '" .' ';i, "".,,, ~OOM 5i CONDITIONING APPARATUS en ~ z o INDOOR SIDE TEST ROOM I MANOMETER AIR WINDOW DOOR '--..,: /' / ..... \ ( I I !! r. : ! I I 1: II ::'-11 1 III )'. ).. ~ jr---.::, ~ I , I ! \ 111- } . - ( lWIPER l 1... ::: -" ! I ~:, 'II C- 7C -"1'-1I II _/L- L--~EMP£RATURE MEASURING INSTRUMENTS INSULATION TC GRID ROOM CONDITIONING APPARATUS . -- - OUTDOOR SIDE TEST ROOM -- TCG71 ~!, . I , I I 'NSULATlON~ .' TEST UNIT rf' ~ - -~t==:.i= ~- ~----=il ~ ---" . MANOMETER TEMPERATURE iNSTRUMENTS ,,~ 'l"rl'1$?'!:M'\lItI.: 'to WIT f'Ol "IP. rt.CIf »0 ~ rat USt Wlnt "u mnw..n ~ stos . , NI) LlQUlD rt.CIf Htrta f'a\ RUltlot:AA.HT nmW\LPY rLCtf I'It'llDl 15 OPT100P0L (loI SPLIT 8'tS'l'tltS. (sn M'HmIX C4.1 ) ~IOUID MEASURING INSTRUMENTS o o w r- MEASURING .' ,~~ o N TEMPERATURE } - - MEASURING INSTRUMENTS IL-J - .P- -- f ~ ~ f FLOW MEASURING APPARATuS MlXER ____ '" o N 1111111111-= AIR MlXER1 = llAMPER~ .'. . lliSUlAT17'\ II ~J I \ ,- r- 1\ INSULATED FlOW MEASUt=:L APPARATUS - o f t '-----, » ;0 ~ _L::F Figure D2. Loop Air Enthalpy Test Method Arrangement FLOW METER .... ROOM CONDiTiONING APPARAT.US t ' . r 1111111I1 EI=====~I ./-\ t r.========' r- '--.:...,::::=t' INSULATED AIR FLOW MEA5~~ " '\ W1NO",~ OOOR P I :! I \ ',-C '; .\J ,--.,i·~q' ._}i \ I .,. :'i, -:'- ""'-~ /"." -__ "1'-. 'I' r---'t h : .., I I" I 1'::============:;-, 'I I I, II ~~ f---INSUlATION .. -:~.::-:.. rZ>: DAMPER =:::=;-, ______~ ~ ="l======·. •.= , ~======l"~~d-:'"rFE="ob,I =:hldl - INDOOR SIDE TEST ROOM .. fiT===e===~A~P;PA~R~A;,:T="U~Si==;f;=ll ," . . '. TE"'P£RATuRE TC MEASURING INSTRUMENTS '. GRID" "'X1,,)(."O:)(:1 I =~~!!I!l:J11 -MIXER ,F ...-: ":'.: TEMPERATURE r--MEASURING , ,_; , . ,.INSTRUMENTS .. ltJ A1"l'AOHI:H'rS. "ro llUT rat LIOJID rLCJf Ht"n;R f'C:M NnIGlDWn' J:H:n\I\LIY rt.CW HImm IS OPTIaw:. Q\I ·4fLIT SY8"lI!:HS. (am ~IX·C4.-1 I INSULATED -- ENCLOSURE -c- » .. 2:! INSULATION. , (j) -l » z CJ » ;u CJ N ~ o N .... o N Figure 03. CalorimeterAir Ehthalpy Test Method Arrangement o o w » ,,: ; ROOM AIR flOW .... EASURING en APPARATlIS APf'AAATUS AWARATUS 2:! ROOM CONOITIONING CONDITIONING ~ z o » ;U o N ~ o ... N o N o o w 1t---11""'l ATiON -- -- "j,'" , DAMPER INSULATION ~:;;~;:;:;~~UG~F:'::;';:~;'~M:'E~A~S'UR'HG INSTRuMENTS ':.:0 , I MeASURING INSTRUMENTS - TEMPERATuRE MEASURING INSTRUMENTS TEST UNIT DAMPER Figure D4. Roo':nAir Enthalpy Test Method Arrangement A~ 'to WIT P'OII. AIR rt.(Jf I!9) 'tF.IIPaAWRE ~ fOR ~E WI'm AIR. ENlllALPY 1'$ll~ alOE NIO LIQ,JIO f't...GI' KETf::R FOR REnUGD'WlI' Dn1W.P:t' rLGf I'I£'tlIOO IS 0Pl'1cw.t. 00 SPLIT SYSTWS. (SEE At>Pf.N)IXC4.1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'-_ _ _ _ ARI STANDARD21 0/240-2003 APPENDIX E. EXAMPLE OF CALCULATING INTEGRATED PART-LOAD VALUES (IPLV) - NORMATIVE El Pwpose and Scope. E3 Calculation Example for a Four Capacity Step System. E1.l Purpose. This appendix shows example calculations for detennining Integrated Part-Load Values (IPLV). E3.1 Assume equipment has four capacity steps as follows: E1.2 Scope. This appendix is for equipment covered by this standard. E2 I 2 3 4 General Equation and Definitions of Terms. IPLV = (PLF, _PLF, ) (EER': EER, ) E3.2 100% (full load) 75% of full load 50% of full load 25% of full load Obtain part-load factors from Figure EI. EI E3.3 . Obtain EER at each capacity step per 6.2 of this standard. + (PLF, _ PLF) (EER'; EERl ) E3.4 with: + ........... . Calculate IPLV using the general equation n + (PLF" )(EER" ) where: =4 PLF, = 1.0 PLF, = 0.9 PLF) = 0.4 PLF4 = 0.1 EER, = 8.9 EER, 7.7 EER) 7.1 EERt 5.0 Enter the above values in Equation E I: PLF Part-load factor determined' from Figure EI n Total number of capacity steps Subscript I 100% capacity and EER at part- load Rating Conditions + (OA-O.I) C I ;5.0) + 0.1 x 5.0 SUbscript 2,3, etc. = Specific capacity and EER at part-load steps per 6,2 of this standard (0.1 x 8.3) + (0.5 x 7.4) + (0.3 x 6.0) + 0.5 0.83 + 3.70 + 1.80 + 0,5 IPLV 6.8 Btu/(Wh) To further illustrate the calculation process, see the example in Table EI. 39 ARI STANDARD 210/240-2003, _ _ _- - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ / \ I .. 1.0 ..,. .e' r-- ,;' 0, 9 I 0,a I I il 0,7 0,6 j T 0,; I . 0.4 I . I 0,3 I ) 0,< i I / 0.1 o -'" i/ ( I V . o 60 so PERCENT CIF FULL-LOAD CAPACITY AT PART-LOAD GC.NDlTlClNS Note: The curve is b.nsed on fDH-Owjng equation: PLF - AO + (AI x 0) +(A2 x 0')+ (A3 X 0') +(A4 X ct) + (AS X 0') +(A6x Q') where: PLF - Part-Load Factor Q ""Percenl of full-load capacity at part-load rating conditions, -0.12773917 x 10-' x 10-' A2 = 0.50671449 x 10 -, A3 - -0,25966636 x 10-' A4 0.69875354 x 10-' AS -O,7{)859712 x 10-' A6 0.28918272 x 10 - ", AO ~ Al - -0,17648713· £ ( Figure E1. Part -Load Factor Example 40 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--'--_ _ _ _ ARI STANDARD210/240-2003 I-P Units Using infonnation from E3: Table E1. Example IPLV Calculation PLF 3 Step % Full Load Cap.' 1 100% 1.0 Capacity 2 3 4 75% 50% 25% 0% 0.9 0.4 0.1 0.0 Mfi·s. PartLoad EER 8.9 Avg. PartLoad EER 2 = 8.3 = 7.4 = 6.0 = 5.0 [ PLF Diff. (1.0 - 0.9) = 0.1 7.7 7.1 5.0 Avg. EER x PLF Diff. = Weighted Avg. 8J xO.l = 0.83 7.4 x 0.5 = 3.70 6.0 x 0.3 = L80 = 0.50 (0.9 - 0.4) 0.5 = (0.4 - 0.1) OJ = 5.0[xO.l = Single number IPLV -~--- (0.1 - 0.0) 0.1 6.83 4 Notes: [ For the range between 0% capacity and the last capacity step, use EER of the last capacity step for the average EER. 2 The 100% capacity and EER are to be determined at the part-load Rating Conditions. J Part-load factor from Figure El. 4 Rounded to 6.8 Btu/(W·h). 41 ( ( (,