AIE SOFTWARE Cover 13/10/99 3:40 pm Page 1 Software Conformity Assessment System PROCEDURE SC94 Software Conformity Booklet 15/10/99 10:53 am Page 2 FOREWORD This procedure outlines the provisions for software certification through the Lloyd’s Register Software Conformity Assessment system. It supersedes all previous publications on the subject. Software Conformity Booklet 15/10/99 10:53 am Page 1 Software Conformity Assessment System: PROCEDURE SC94 CONTENTS Overview 2 Assessment Criteria 3 Assessment Procedure 4 General Application for LR Software Conformity Mark 4 Assessment Inspections 5 Specification Inspection 5 System Test Inspection 5 Design Inspection 5 Replication, Delivery and Maintenance Inspection 6 Assessment Report 6 Resubmission 6 Certification 7 General 7 Issue of a Certificate 7 Period of Validity 7 Extending a Certificate 7 Cancellation 8 Appeals 9 LR Software Conformity Mark 9 Fees for LR Software Conformity Assessment 10 Producer’s Responsibility 11 Publication 12 Declaration 12 Definitions 13 Annex 1: Submission Information 16 Appendix 1 17 References 20 Software Conformity Booklet 15/10/99 10:53 am Page 2 OVERVIEW Lloyd’s Register (LR) Software Conformity Assessment is an impartial certification system based on assessment of software products against published criteria. It involves inspection of requirements, design, testing, verification, configuration management and maintenance. Software Conformity Assessment provides independent third-party certification to assure the quality of software products. In particular it provides an assurance of compliance with published assessment criteria (see page 3), which are derived from relevant industry standards and guidelines. The criteria are aimed at establishing that development, verification and testing give confidence in the performance and functionality of the software. • assessment can either be timed to run in parallel with development or it can be carried out at the end of development • assessment can be done at a producer’s site or at LR’s premises • certification can cover multiple versions of the same product (subject to certain requirements being met (see Assessment Procedure, page 4) • extension certificates to cover new versions of products (for example, upgrades or ports) or to demonstrate conformance with new standards, can be issued without the need for full reassessment • it can be used in conjunction with the LR Type Approval System (Ref. 1) for hardware. LR Software Conformity Assessment is a versatile system which is applicable to a wide range of software products, including system, embedded and application software, with applications in a variety of industrial sectors. LR Software Conformity Assessment is applicable in all situations where reliance is placed on software integrity. It may be used to: LR • demonstrate the integrity of software products to customers or third parties • monitor subcontractors or suppliers in bespoke developments • show tangible benefits from a wider process improvement programme. LR Software Conformity Assessment includes the following features: • it is aimed at specific products, as distinct from quality management • assessment criteria are selected and agreed with the client before assessment commences 2 Successful assessment results in the award of a certificate, the right to use a Software Conformity Mark (see example on page 9) and entry of the product details in a published register of certified products. In addition, permission may be given for the assessment report to be used to promote the product. Software Conformity Assessment meets the general requirements for third-party certification systems detailed in EN 45011 (1989) and ISO/IEC Guide 28 : 1982. In addition, it is in line with the EU global approach to conformity assessment (Ref. 7). LR Software Conformity Assessment is coordinated and conducted by staff at LR’s headquarters. LR is an entirely independent international organisation which provides impartial technical and advisory services. Its income is derived principally from the fees charged for its services and any surplus is used for the improvement of those services. LR is recognised in UK law as a body whose business is conducted for the benefit of the community. LR Software Conformity Booklet 15/10/99 10:53 am Page 3 ASSESSMENT CRITERIA As a certification body, LR retains a permanent, full-time staff responsible for the operation of its certification systems and ensuring that its activities are free from any external commercial interest. In order to assist the reader, certain definitions have been selected from national and international guides and standards, where appropriate. (see page 13, Definitions) Software Conformity Certificates are awarded on the basis of assessment according to the procedure on page 4, to confirm that the assessment criteria are satisfied. The assessment criteria are published as separate documents (assessment modules) and assessment is against the criteria contained in one or more of these modules. LR New modules will be published from time to time to account for new or modified national or international standards and for developments in software engineering. The modules to be used for the assessment will be agreed between the client and LR. However LR reserves the right to refuse applications for Software Conformity Assessment where certification is required against criteria which are not considered suitable. Software development Development products In principle, deviations from the agreed criteria are not permitted. However, a limited number of minor deviations may be permitted at LR’s discretion but these will be referenced on the resulting certificate. Certificate LR Software Conformity Certificates are awarded on the understanding that the producer’s recommendations and instructions for the installation and application of the software are adhered to. Assessment Modules (based on codes of practice, standards etc) 4115/01 3 Software Conformity Booklet 15/10/99 10:53 am Page 4 ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE General Software Conformity Assessment involves assessment of software requirements, specification, design, testing, verification, configuration management and maintenance. This is primarily achieved by inspection of documents and records, testing and test witnessing. If required, inspection can be carried out at the producer’s premises. Furthermore, for products still under development, the assessment process can be partitioned and timed to suit the constraints of the producer’s software development cycle. LR The completed request form can be submitted to either the local LR office or to LR’s headquarters. • The necessary information (see Annex 1) should be submitted with the application. • will normally offer a short initial assessment, after which the remainder of the assessment can be scoped and planned. An initial assessment report will identify any major shortcomings identified. Software Conformity Assessment is conducted by the Engineering Services Group at LR’s headquarters under the overall coordination of the Type Approval Department. • LR Application for LR Software Conformity Assessment Application for LR Software Conformity Assessment is to be made on a Request for Software Conformity Assessment form which should be completed in full by the client. Copies may be obtained from a local LR representative or from LR’s headquarters. 4 Assessment carried out in parallel with development will normally offer a short initial assessment to determine the current state of development and plan the co-ordination of the remaining activities. LR Any special arrangements or problems with the application should be resolved by discussion with LR. Software Conformity Assessment is aimed at assessing and certifying software for use in a defined operating environment. However the system software that supports the operation of the submitted software may be assessed separately under this system while the associated hardware may be approved under the LR Type Approval System (Ref. 1). LR Software Conformity Assessment may be sought for more than one operating environment or for more than one version of the software. This is desirable for software designed to operate on a variety of hardware platforms and operating systems or where two or more releases of the software continue to be marketed and supported by the producer. Where this is the case the producer must ensure that the submitted LR A separate request form for LR Software Conformity Assessment should be completed for each software product and every place of production for which application is being made. Assessment of completed development at developer’s or client’s premises LR LR may recognise existing certificates or reports issued by other certification bodies, accredited testing laboratories or approval organisations provided such certificates and reports are considered by LR to fulfil the requirements specified for LR Software Conformity Assessment. Further supporting information to confirm the adequacy of such certificates and reports may be required at LR’s discretion. Assessment of completed development at LR’s premises Software Conformity Booklet 15/10/99 10:53 am Page 5 documentation clearly shows how the design, testing and configuration management aspects of the software are handled for each operating environment and for each version of the software. LR All enquiries relating to additional services offered by LR in connection with the Software Conformity Assessment system should be made to either the local LR office or LR headquarters. Design Inspection Assessment Inspections An assessment can typically be broken down into the following phases (these are indicative only – the exact details will depend on the development life cycle and the assessment module). may require system tests to be repeated by the producer and witnessed by an authorised representative where the tests are particularly complex or the operating environment cannot be installed at LR’s offices. Design inspection provides an assurance of the technical adequacy of the design and increases confidence in the ability of the software to perform correctly for cases other than those specifically tested. This is achieved by examining the products of the software development process, and their verification and validation (including unit and integration testing). The design will be evaluated in all cases by inspecting: Specification Inspection Specification inspection determines whether the software requirements are clearly, fully and logically specified. It provides the assessor with an understanding of the functional and performance claims that are made for the software and therefore forms an important basis for the system test inspection and design inspection. System Test Inspection • design specifications • source code • operating environment specifications • unit and integration test plans, specifications and reports • applicable standards or codes of practice governing the software development • records of reviews, inspections, proofs and other verification and validation activities. System test inspection determines whether: • the specified system tests are appropriate and adequate for the software under assessment and that they have well defined acceptance criteria • all the specified tests have been performed and passed according to the acceptance criteria. This inspection comprises an analysis of the system test documents and the rerunning of a sample of the system tests. These documents include the system test plan, test specification, test input data, test reports and any other referenced documents. Any other data the applicant submits as evidence for the technical adequacy of the development of the product will be used by LR if required. The documents and source code will be assessed against the criteria for design inspections. Replication, Delivery and Maintenance Inspection The replication, delivery and maintenance inspection examines evidence that: • effective configuration management has been applied to the software 5 Software Conformity Booklet 15/10/99 10:53 am Page 6 • the replication procedures deliver correct and complete copies of the software product • a defined maintenance and upgrading policy is in place. It comprises an inspection of the procedures and records for configuration management, replication and maintenance. The documents and records will be assessed against the criteria for configuration management inspections. This inspection may be supported, if necessary, by LR conducting an audit of the operation of these procedures for the software being assessed. Assessment Report On completion of the conformity assessment a preliminary assessment report will be issued which presents the detailed findings of the assessment. The client will be given the opportunity to comment on any factual errors concerning the evidence assessed. A final assessment report will be issued, which takes into account any comments from the client. It will contain a summary of the overall findings of the assessment, indicating whether LR is satisfied that all the requirements for LR Software Conformity Assessment have been met. Copyright in the report will be retained by LR. The assessment report is valid only for the software version(s) and the operating environment(s) that are identified in it. Resubmission The assessment report may indicate that the requirements for LR Software Conformity Assessment have not been met. In this case the client may take remedial action to address the non-conformances and resubmit the software. Where the resubmission is 6 made within 12 months of the issue of the assessment report then only those parts of the software affected by the remedial action will be re-assessed. Software Conformity Booklet 15/10/99 10:53 am Page 7 CERTIFICATION General Period of Validity If the software satisfies the requirements of LR Software Conformity Assessment, a certificate will be authorised. LR Software Conformity Certificates are normally valid for a maximum period of three years from the date of issue. Issue of a Certificate Extending a Certificate The Software Conformity Certificate will contain the following minimum information: A Software Conformity Certificate may be extended by the issue of an extension document if: • name and address of the producer’s registered office • place of production (if different) • identification of the certified software exactly by description, version number(s) and any other relevant configuration information • identification of the environments (hardware and system software) that the software has been certified to operate in; this is to be done exactly by descriptions, version numbers and any other relevant configuration information. • any other operational limits or conditions on the use of the software • a statement to the effect that the certificate has been awarded by LR • the specific assessment modules to which the software has been certified to conform • references to any non-conformances with the assessment criteria • certificate number and date of issue. • expiry date of certificate. • a statement of the terms and conditions covering LR Software Conformity Assessment. The Software Conformity Certificate will be signed by an authorised officer in LR’s headquarters. • the producer wishes to extend the period of validity of the certification • the producer wishes the certification to cover additional versions of the software to those already assessed • the producer wishes the certification to attest to the conformity of the software with additional specifications or standards • the producer wishes the certification to include an additional place of replication • an amendment is agreed to the original certificate. Upon receipt of an application for extending a Software Conformity Certificate, LR will advise the client of any additional provisions such as additional information, inspection or testing to be fulfilled in order that an extension may be awarded. In particular, fault reports and customer complaints will be examined. Provided the application for extending a Software Conformity Certificate is accepted, and any additional provisions fulfilled, LR will issue an Extension to Software Conformity Certificate which supplements the original certification. An Extension Certificate is valid for a maximum period of three years from the date of issue. Normally, applications for extended certification should be made in writing at least three months before they are required (in cases concerning expiring certificates, this is three months before the expiry date). In situations where extended 7 Software Conformity Booklet 15/10/99 10:53 am Page 8 certification is required rapidly, for example to certify a new software version containing an emergency bug fix, LR should be informed immediately. If any additional provisions are fulfilled by the software appropriate statements will be included on the Extension to Software Conformity Certificate. The maximum period for all extensions is up to 12 years from the date of issue of the original certificate. After this time a full reassessment of the software will be required. Cancellation LR reserves the right to cancel a Software Conformity Certificate if: • any design changes are made to certified software which are deemed to adversely affect the provisions under which LR Software Conformity Certification was awarded • safety or any other feature of the certified software is found to be unsatisfactory in service • the client fails to retain assessed documentation for the lifetime of the certificate • improper use is made of the certificate, or the LR Software Conformity Mark, or of LR’s name • due settlement of fees for LR’s services associated with the Software Conformity Assessment is not completed • the producer moves from the address detailed in the certificate, without informing LR in writing • the producer otherwise fails to fulfil the responsibilities detailed on page 11. 8 In addition, a Software Conformity Certificate will be cancelled if: • the software producer does not wish to extend the certification • the software is no longer marketed. If LR considers that a Software Conformity Certificate should be cancelled, the producer will be informed in writing and requested to respond by a specified date. If adequate explanation or corrective action is not received by LR’s Software Conformity System Manager by the given date, the producer will again be advised of the situation together with the proposed time of cancellation. LR may publish details of cancelled Software Conformity Certificates, together with reasons, if considered necessary. Software Conformity Booklet 15/10/99 10:53 am Page 9 APPEALS LR SOFTWARE CONFORMITY MARK If a dispute arises concerning the conduct, outcome or cancellation of an LR Software Conformity Certification, the producer should first discuss the matter with the assessor who led the inspection of the software. Upon receipt of the LR Software Conformity Certificate, the producer can use the LR Software Conformity Mark. This may be included on user documentation, packaging, promotional literature or equipment containing the software with the following minimum information: If the producer is still not satisfied, the matter should be brought to the attention of LR’s Software Conformity System Manager. If satisfactory agreement still cannot be reached, LR’s Software Conformity System Manager will inform the producer in writing that he may take his appeal to the Certification Assessment Panel. This can be done either by correspondence with the Panel or by attendance, together with the System Manager, at a meeting of the Panel. • name of producer • name and version of software product • LR Software Conformity Certificate number (optional, at the producer’s discretion). Artwork for the Mark may be obtained in various sizes and materials. Applications should be made to the Publications Department, LR headquarters. The Software Conformity Mark must be used in compliance with the applicable specification for the Mark and only for software designed and manufactured in strict conformity with the assessed software during the period of certification validity. SC S O F T WAR E CONFORMITY LR Software Conformity Mark 9 Software Conformity Booklet 15/10/99 10:53 am Page 10 FEES FOR LR SOFTWARE CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT services associated with LR Software Conformity Assessment will be charged on the basis of a single inclusive fee for the assessment inspections and the assessment report. If the assessment is successful the award of a Software Conformity Certificate and the use of the Software Conformity Mark are free of charge. LR’s Fee quotations are based on the complete documentation being available and submitted in English, as required under Assessment Procedure – (page 4). Translation costs may be incurred for documentation submitted in other languages, which will be invoiced extra at cost. In the case of resubmission for assessment or extension to a certificate, a quotation will be made upon acceptance of an application for resubmission or extension. Written quotations for LR’s services associated with LR Software Conformity Assessment are applicable for twelve months. If, at the end of that time, the assessment has not begun, a revised quotation may be requested. Should a client withdraw his application for Software Conformity Assessment for whatever reason, LR reserves the right to charge fees for costs incurred to the date of withdrawal. LR 10 Software Conformity Booklet 15/10/99 10:53 am Page 11 PRODUCER’S RESPONSIBILITY It is the producer’s responsibility, in supplying software which has been awarded LR Software Conformity, to ensure that: • each copy supplied is in strict conformity with that certified by LR • each copy supplied is provided with adequate transit protection and packaging to maintain conformity with the LR Software Conformity Certification • each copy supplied is provided with appropriate instructions for the software, its installation and its purpose. These should include any warnings with respect to doing or refraining from doing anything with or in relation to the software, its installation and its purpose. The producer may reprint some or all of the assessment report for advertising or marketing purposes once written permission has been obtained from LR. The producer may only make reference to the LR Software Conformity Mark or LR’s name in advertising or otherwise, for software products that have been certified by LR. The producer should not attempt to mislead purchasers concerning LR Software Conformity Assessment by claiming functions or purposes for the software not covered by the certification. LR, The producer must retain all assessed documentation until at least seven years after the associated certificate expires. The producer must provide reasonable access to premises for visits in connection with LR Software Conformity Assessment and must maintain and make available to LR, on request, records of discovered faults and customer complaints concerning the software product. The producer must annually re-submit their quality system documentation (concerning configuration management, replication and maintenance) to LR, if it has changed since the last submission. If it has not changed, a statement to this effect should be submitted to LR. 11 Software Conformity Booklet 15/10/99 10:53 am Page 12 PUBLICATION DECLARATION All software certified by LR will be included in the List of LR Software Conformity Certified Software Products which will be published in English by LR and updated periodically. Precise terms of reference contained in the LR Corporate Quality Manual QS 02-00 relate to the organisation and staff of LR and the requirements for the quality of service provided by LR. undertakes to ensure that current issues of the LR Software Conformity Assessment System and other appropriate documentation are available to all its representatives, located in exclusive and non-exclusive offices worldwide. LR undertakes to ensure the strict confidentiality of information received in the course of its services. LR 12 Software Conformity Booklet 15/10/99 10:53 am Page 13 DEFINITIONS Architectural Design The process of designing a collection of hardware and software components and their interfaces to establish the framework for the development of a computer system. (Ref. 2) Black Box (1) A system or component whose inputs, outputs, and general function are known but whose contents or implementation are unknown or irrelevant. (2) Pertaining to an approach that treats a system or component as in (1). (Ref. 2) Certification Procedure by which a third party gives written assurance that a product, process or service conforms to specified requirements. (Ref. 5) Change Control An element of configuration management, consisting of the evaluation, coordination, approval or disapproval, and implementation of changes to configuration items after formal establishment of their configuration identification. (Ref. 2) Configuration Management A discipline applying technical and administrative direction and surveillance to: identify and document the functional and physical characteristics of a configuration item, control changes to those characteristics, record and report change processing and implementation status, and verify compliance with specified requirements. (Ref. 2) Conformity The fulfilment by a product, process or service of specified requirements. (Ref. 5) Criterion A standard by which something can be judged or decided. Delivery Release of a system or component to its customer or intended user. (Ref. 2) Design Specification A document that describes the design of a system or component. Typical contents include system or component architecture, control logic, data structures, input/output formats, interface descriptions, and algorithms. (Ref. 2) Detailed Design The process of refining and expanding the preliminary design of a system or component to the extent that the design is sufficiently complete to be implemented. (Ref. 2) Glass Box (1) A system or component whose internal components or implementation are known. (2) Pertaining to an approach that treats a system or component as in (1). (Ref. 2) Hardware Physical equipment used to process, store, or transmit computer programs or data. (Ref. 2) Inspection A static analysis technique that relies on visual examination of development products to detect errors, violation of development standards and other problems. (Ref. 2) Installation Manual A document that provides the information necessary to install a system or component, set initial parameters, and prepare the system or component for operational use. (Ref. 2) Integration Testing Testing in which software components, hardware components, or both are combined and tested to evaluate the interaction between them. (Ref. 2) 13 Software Conformity Booklet 15/10/99 10:53 am Page 14 Maintenance The process of modifying a software system or component after delivery to correct faults, improve performance or other attributes, or adapt to a changed environment. (Ref. 2) Producer The organisation which either produced the product, who abstracted it, or who carried out the industrial or other process which gave it its essential attributable characteristics. (Ref. 1) Product All goods produced either by abstraction, manufacture or a natural, industrial or other process and includes a product which is comprised in another product, whether by virtue of being a component part or raw material or otherwise. (Ref. 1) Requirement (1) A condition or capability needed by a user to solve a problem or achieve an objective. (2) A condition or capability that must be met or possessed by a system or system component to satisfy a contract, standard, specification or other formally imposed documents. (Ref. 2) Requirements Specification A document that specifies the requirements for a system or component. Typically included are functional requirements, performance requirements, interface requirements, design requirements and development standards. (Ref. 2) Review A process or meeting during which a work product, or set of work products, is presented to project personnel, managers, users, customers or other interested parties for comment or approval. (Ref. 2) Software Computer programs, procedures, and [possibly] associated documentation and data pertaining to the operation of a computer system. (Ref. 2) 14 Software Development Process The process by which user needs are translated into a software product. The process involves translating user needs into software requirements, transforming the software requirements into design, implementing the design in code, testing the code, and sometimes, installing and checking the software for operational use. Note: These activities may overlap or be performed iteratively. (Ref. 2) Source Code Computer instructions and data definitions expressed in a form suitable for input to an assembler, compiler or other translator. (Ref. 2) Standards Mandatory requirements employed and enforced to prescribe a disciplined uniform approach to software development, that is, mandatory conventions and practices are in fact standards. (Ref. 2) System Software Software designed to facilitate the operation and maintenance of the computer system and its associated programs, for example, operating systems, assemblers, utilities. (Ref. 2) System Testing Testing conducted on a complete, integrated system to evaluate the system’s compliance with its specified requirements. (Ref. 2) Test Plan A document describing the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of intended test activities. It identifies test items, the features to be tested, the testing tasks, who will do each task, and any risks requiring contingency planning. (Ref. 6) Test Report A document that describes the conduct and results of the testing carried out for a system or component. (Ref. 2) Software Conformity Booklet 15/10/99 10:53 am Page 15 Test Specification A document that specifies the test inputs, execution conditions and predicted results for an item to be tested. (Ref. 2) Unit Testing Testing of individual hardware or software units or groups of related units. (Ref. 2) User Person who uses software to perform some task. (Ref. 3) User Documentation Documentation describing the way in which a system or component is to be used to obtain desired results. (Ref. 2) User Manual A document that presents the information necessary to employ a system or component to obtain desired results. Typically described are system or component capabilities, limitations, options, permitted inputs, expected outputs, possible error messages and special instructions. (Ref. 2) Validation The process of evaluating software to ensure compliance with specified requirements. (Ref. 4) Verification The process of evaluating the products of a given phase to ensure correctness and consistency with respect to the products and standards provided as input to that phase. 15 Software Conformity Booklet 15/10/99 10:53 am Page 16 ANNEX 1: SUBMISSION INFORMATION User manual(s) Configuration status histories Installation manual(s) Replication and delivery procedures Proposed area of application of the product Maintenance and upgrading procedures Operational limitations of the product Change control records Requirements specification NB: Suitable means to execute the software are to be provided such as an executable image or a compiler. Any applicable standard(s) or codes of practice governing the software development. (These are to include or reference the design method, coding standards, language definitions and compilers used.) Design specification. (This is to include the functional and performance aspects of both the architectural and the detailed design.) Source code (in both listing and electronically readable form) Specification of the operating environment(s) for which certification is sought (this must include both the hardware and the system software specifications) Unit and integration test plans Unit and integration test specifications Test reports Records of reviews, inspections, proofs and other verification and validation activities. System test plan System test specification System test report A declaration that the system tests have successfully passed. Certificates and reports for relevant tests previously obtained for the software. Configuration management procedures 16 Fax number 17 FORM 2592 (12/94) 1/4 Phone number Nominated contact Post Code Address Name 3. PLACE OF PRODUCTION Phone number Nominated contact Post Code Address Name E C Enter details of the works where the software product is replicated. The nominated contact is required by the local LR representative when making arrangements to visit the works. Enter details ONLY if different to those entered in box 1. Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, registered office: 71 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 4BS Fax number Fax number 2. PRODUCER’S NAME & NORMAL BUSINESS ADDRESS Phone number P Assessment. a contact familiar with your request for LR Software Conformity I M N FORM 2592 (12/94) 2/4 Keep this description brief and as you wish it to appear on the certificate. eg. licensee, include a statement from the producer confirming the agreement. Where this is a bilateral agreement, Complete this section ONLY if details in boxes 1 & 2 are different. If “Yes”, include full details and latest production documentation. Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, registered office: 71 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 4BS Please state the modules that the product is to be certified as complying with. 8. ASSESSMENT MODULES E State the version number and any other configuration information. 7. CONFIGURATION INFORMATION 6. DESCRIPTION OF PRODUCT What is your relationship with the producer? 5. PRODUCT ACCOUNTABILITY Is the assessment to take place at the end of development ■ or during development? ■ Is the assessment to be conducted at LR premises? ■ Yes ■ No Have any changes been made to the product & documentation since previous LR Certificate? ■ Yes ■ No 10:53 am Nominated contact S Enter office name and address for routine correspondence and nominate NOTES ■ Extension of LR Certificate If for extension, please state: previous LR Certificate number. ■ New LR Certificate 4. TYPE OF REQUEST 15/10/99 Post Code Address Name 1. APPLICANT’S NAME & NORMAL BUSINESS ADDRESS After completion of form, return to the LR office below REQUEST FOR LR SOFTWARE CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT We request Lloyd’s Register of Shipping (hereinafter referred to as ‘LR’) to carry out the survey of the undermentioned product for Software Conformity Certification. NB: This form is to be read in conjunction with ‘LR Software Conformity Assessment System - Procedure SC94’. Software Conformity Booklet Page 17 APPENDIX 1 FORM 2592 (12/94) 3/4 Configuration management procedures 19. Certificates 18. System test pass declaration 17. Verification/validation records 13. Test reports 12. Unit/integration test specifications 11. Unit/integration test plans 10. Operating environment specification 9. Source code 8. Design specification 7. Standards 6. Requirements specification 5. Operational limitations 4. Area of application 3. Installation manual 2. User manual 1. INFORMATION REQUIRED E Configuration status histories 20. Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, registered office: 71 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 4BS System test plan 14. P System test report System test specification 15. S Replication/delivery procedures 21. 9. DOCUMENTATION CHECKLIST Change control records Maintenance/upgrading procedures 22. C I FORM 2592 (12/94) 4/4 Position in Company Name in BLOCK CAPITALS Signature N Our Reference Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, registered office: 71 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 4BS E Date LR shall in no circumstances be liable for indirect or consequential loss or damage (including but without limitation loss of profit, loss of contracts or loss of user) suffered or incurred by any person resulting from any failure by LR in the performance of its obligations in an agreement. M LR, its officers, employees and agents (on behalf of each of whom this notice is given) shall be under no liability or responsibility in negligence or otherwise howsoever to any person who is not a party to the agreement with LR in respect of any information or advice expressly or impliedly given by LR or in respect of any act, omission or inaccuracy by LR. In providing services, information or advice, neither LR nor any of its officers, employees or agents warrants the accuracy of any information or advice supplied. Except as set out herein, neither LR nor any of its officers, employees or agents (on behalf of each of whom LR has agreed this clause) shall be liable for any loss, damage or expense whatever sustained by any person due to any act, omission or error of whatsoever nature and howsoever caused of LR, its officers, employees or agents or due to any inaccuracy of whatsoever nature and howsoever caused in any information or advice given in any way whatsoever by or on behalf of LR, even if held to amount to a breach of warranty. Nevertheless, if any person who is party to the agreement pursuant to which LR provides any service, uses LR’s services or relies on any information or advice given by or on behalf of LR and suffers loss, damage or expense thereby which is proved to have been due to any negligent act, omission or error of LR, its officers, employees or agents or any negligent inaccuracy in information or advice given by or on behalf of LR, then LR will pay compensation to such person for his proved loss up to but not exceeding the amount of the fee (if any) charged by LR for that particular service, information or advice. LR reserves the right to cancel an LR Software Conformity Assessment Certificate as detailed in LR Software Conformity Assessment System Procedure SC94. LR Software Conformity Assessment does not eliminate the need for normal inspection and survey procedures required by the Rules and Regulations of Lloyd’s Register of Shipping. LR Software Conformity Assessment is based on the understanding of compliance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and instructions and any relevant requirements of the Rules and Regulations of Lloyd’s Register of Shipping. LR Software Conformity Assessment certifies that the product(s) referred to herein has been found to meet the applicable assessment criteria for the use specified herein. It does not mean or imply that the product(s) has/have been assessed for any other use, or developed in a manner other than stated in the said information supplied to LR. This request is made upon the following terms: It is understood that in the event of LR Software Conformity Assessment not being completed, LR reserves the right to charge pro-rata for its services. If work extends over a prolonged period, LR reserves the right to claim payment at quarterly intervals, or at agreed stages. We agree to give LR’s surveyors every facility and necessary access to carry out their duties and agree to pay the fees and expenses incurred for these services provided by LR resulting from this request. We declare that the information given in this form is accurate and complete and that LR Software Conformity Assessment is requested for the products detailed herein. 10. DECLARATION 10:53 am 16. DOCUMENTATION SUPPLIED 18 15/10/99 23. Software Conformity Booklet Page 18 NOTES: Enter references for documents supplied in top row. Fill in squares in grid where supplied documents contain required information, preferably with an indication of where that information may be found. Definitions of terms 1 – 23 may be found in Procedure SC94. If necessary, copies of the blank form may be made. Software Conformity Booklet 15/10/99 10:53 am Page 19 REFERENCES Ref. 1 LR Type Approval System : Procedure. Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, 1990. Ref. 2 IEEE Std 610.12-1990, IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology. Ref. 3 IEEE Std 1063-1987, IEEE Standard for Software User Documentation. Ref. 4 ISO 9000-3:1991(E), Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001 to the development, supply and maintenance of software. Ref. 5 ISO/IEC Guide 2:1991, General terms and their definitions concerning standardization and related activities. Ref. 6 ANSI/IEEE Std 829-1983, IEEE Standard for Software Test Documentation. Ref. 7 COM (89) 209 (July 1989): A Global Approach to Certification and Testing. Published in the Journal of the EC. 19 Software Conformity Booklet 15/10/99 10:53 am Page 20 © LLOYD’S REGISTER OF SHIPPING 1995 TERMS AND CONDITIONS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Lloyd’s Register of Shipping (hereinafter referred to as Except as permitted under current legislation no part of ‘LR’), its officers, employees and agents (on behalf of this work may be photocopied, stored in a retrieval whom this notice is issued) shall be under no liability or system, published, performed in public, adapted, responsibility in negligence or otherwise howsoever to broadcast, transmitted, recorded or reproduced in any any person in respect of any information or advice form or by any means, without prior permission of the expressly or impliedly given in this brochure, or in copyright owner. Enquiries should be directed to the respect of any inaccuracy herein or omission herefrom, or above address. in respect of any act or omission which has caused or contributed to this brochure being issued with the information or advice it contains (if any). Without derogating from the generality of the foregoing, neither LR, nor its officers, employees or agents shall be liable in negligence or otherwise howsoever for any indirect or consequential loss to any person caused by or arising from any information, advice, inaccuracy or omission being given or contained herein or any act or omission causing or contributing to any such information, advice, inaccuracy or omission being given or contained herein. AIE SOFTWARE back cover 11/99 13/10/99 3:24 pm Page 1 Type Approval Department Marine Advisory Services Lloyd’s Register of Shipping 71 Fenchurch Street London EC3M 4BS Tel: +44 (0) 20 7709 9166 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7488 4796 Email: © Lloyd’s Register of Shipping 1995 Designed by Claire Mackessy