Aalborg University Institute of Energy Technology Power Electronics and Drives Active Neutral Point Clamped Converter PED9 – 1019b ANPC 2008 Active Neutral Point Clamped Converter Project period: 1st March – 11th June Project group: PED9 – 1019b Author: Ionut Trintis Supervisors: Remus Teodorescu Stig Munk-Nielsen Number of copies: 4 Number of pages: 72 Abstract The aim of the project is to design, build and test the Active Neutral Point Converter with different control strategies. The introductory part of the project describe the basically principle of three level converters and the known three-level topologies are presented. Further, four Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation strategies are presented and their switching states are analyzed. For proving the operation of these strategies, the models in Power Simulation software are shown with results. The hardware implementation with all the components is showed and software implementation using a Digital Signal Processor is described; three control strategies were successfully implemented. In the last part the laboratory setup is described and the experimental results are presented and discussed. Preface This report is a documentation of the project “Active Neutral Point Converter”. This report was prepared by the group PED9-1019b at Aalborg University, Institute of Energy Technology in Power Electronics and Drives field. The report consists in seven chapters and three appendixes. The aim of the project was to build and test the converter with different control strategies. The control was implemented using Texas Instruments TMS320F28335 DSP platform. The references of the literature are shown in brackets e.g. [1]. The reference list is presented at the end of the chapters. Figures are numbered starting with chapter number like this: Chapter.Subchapter.Number.; and the tables Chapter.Number. The last appendix shows the contents of the attached CD. Aalborg 11th June Acknowledgments Firstly I would like to thanks to Professor Dan Floricau, my supervisor from Romania, for given me the opportunity to study in Aalborg University with such an interesting project theme. Special thanks go to Professor Stig Munk-Nielsen for patience in supervising and for his very useful advices, to Professor Remus Teodorescu for his help before and during the project and for his short answers directly to the object. Thanks Robert Weissbach for your very useful DSP laboratories, and for advices. Thanks Uffe Jakobsen for your very interesting discussions. Thanks to all my colleagues from room 107/39: Mario Vetuschi, Veronica Panaite, Andreea Zahiu and special thanks to Alin Raducu for his very useful administrative advices. Last but not least thanks to Walter Neumayr for his help in laboratory. Ionut Trintis ______________________ Abbreviations 3L – Three Level PWM – Pulse Width Modulation NPC – Neutral Point Clamped ANPC – Active Neutral Point Clamped VSC – Voltage Source Converter FC – Flying Capacitor SC – Stacked Cells PSIM – Power Simulation Software IGBT – Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor DC – Direct Current PCB – Printed Circuit Board LED – Light Emitting Diode RMS – Root Mean Square AVG – Average DSP – Digital Signal Processor CPU – Central Processing Unit ePWM – Enhanced Pulse Width Modulation HRPWM – High Resolution Pulse Width Modulation I/O – Input/Output GPIO – General Purpose Input/Output FPGA – Field-Programmable Gate Array CLK – Clock TBPRD – Time Base Period Register TBPHS – Time Base Phase Register TBCTL – Time Base Control Register Contents Chapter 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................- 3 1.1. Background .................................................................................................................- 3 1.2. Three-level converters history.....................................................................................- 3 1.3. Three-level concept .....................................................................................................- 3 1.4. Aim of the project........................................................................................................- 5 1.5. Contents of report........................................................................................................- 5 1.6. Summary .....................................................................................................................- 6 Chapter 2. Comparison between known 3L converters ...................................................- 7 2.1. Three-level structures ..................................................................................................- 7 2.1.1. Stacked Cells........................................................................................................- 7 2.1.2. Neutral Point Clamped.........................................................................................- 9 2.1.3. Flying Capacitor.................................................................................................- 12 2.1.4. Active Neutral Point Clamped ...........................................................................- 13 2.2. Advantages and disadvantages of three-level inverters ..........................................- 16 2.3. Summary ...................................................................................................................- 17 Chapter 3. Control strategies ............................................................................................- 19 3.1. PWM 1 ......................................................................................................................- 19 3.2. PWM 2 ......................................................................................................................- 21 3.3. PWM 3 ......................................................................................................................- 22 3.4. PWM 4 ......................................................................................................................- 24 3.5. Summary ...................................................................................................................- 25 Chapter 4. Simulations.......................................................................................................- 27 4.1. Modeling PWM 1......................................................................................................- 27 4.2. Modeling PWM 2......................................................................................................- 30 4.2.1. Using two carriers ...............................................................................................- 30 4.2.2. Using one carrier.................................................................................................- 32 4.2.3. Simulation results................................................................................................- 33 4.3. Modeling PWM 3......................................................................................................- 34 4.4. PWM 4 ......................................................................................................................- 35 4.5. Summary ...................................................................................................................- 35 Chapter 5. Implementation ...............................................................................................- 37 - ANPC 2008 5.1. Hardware implementation .........................................................................................- 37 5.1.1. Gate drive optocouplers .....................................................................................- 37 5.1.2. Dead time generator ...........................................................................................- 38 5.1.3. Heat sink ............................................................................................................- 40 5.1.4. Fiber optic bus....................................................................................................- 43 5.2. Software implementation ..........................................................................................- 44 5.2.1. General setups one DSP program ......................................................................- 44 5.2.2. Settings for PWM modules ................................................................................- 46 5.2.3. Sinusoidal PWM implementation ......................................................................- 47 5.2.4. Practical implementation of PWM.....................................................................- 49 5.3. Summary ...................................................................................................................- 50 Chapter 6. Laboratory .......................................................................................................- 51 6.1. Implementation for PWM 2 ......................................................................................- 51 6.1.1. DSP output signals .............................................................................................- 51 6.1.2. Test waveforms for PWM 2...............................................................................- 53 6.2. Implementation for PWM 3 ......................................................................................- 55 6.2.1. DSP output signals .............................................................................................- 55 6.2.2. Test waveforms for PWM 3...............................................................................- 56 6.3. Implementation for PWM 4 ......................................................................................- 58 6.3.1. DSP output signals .............................................................................................- 58 6.3.2. Test waveforms for PWM 4...............................................................................- 59 6.4. Summary ...................................................................................................................- 61 Chapter 7. Conclusion........................................................................................................- 63 7.1. Comparison between simulations and test results.....................................................- 63 7.1.1. PWM 2 ...............................................................................................................- 63 7.1.2. PWM 3 ...............................................................................................................- 64 7.1.3. PWM 4 ...............................................................................................................- 65 7.2. Summary ...................................................................................................................- 65 7.3. Future Work ..............................................................................................................- 66 References ...........................................................................................................................- 67 A. ANPC Design .................................................................................................................- 69 B. Fiber Optic interface Design.........................................................................................- 71 C. CD ...................................................................................................................................- 72 ‐ 2 ‐ ANPC 2008 Chapter 1. Introduction In this chapter will be presented the basic principle of three-level commutation 1.1. Background The classical two-level converter will be replaced with the three-level converter which is better in high-power applications and it starts to be important in low-power applications too. In applications with drives, the harmonics causes additional losses and pulsating torques in motors. Using a three level converter for drive systems will provide a bigger efficiency compared with a classical two level converter. The three-level Neutral Point Clamped Voltage Source Converter (NPC VSC) it’s on the market used in applications like marine, traction, mills, fans, pumps. For a better distribution of the power dissipated among the semiconductors, and for a big output power the Active Neutral Point Clamped topology is used. 1.2. Three-level converters history The first topology developed in 1975, which is the start point in multilevel converter topologies and it was the connection between single-phase inverters in order to generate more steps in voltage [1]. After this concept, three-level Stacked Cells VSC was developed. Experimental results have been shown very late, after 18 years [2]. Neutral Point Clamped VSC is the next topology developed. This converter is used in industry in our days and is the most popular three-level converter. This topology is considerate to be one particular implementation of Stacked Cells structure [2]. Flying Capacitor topology was the next developed structure. This structure is useful on higher frequency because the size of his capacitors grows while the operating frequency is diminuated. On lower frequency this converter is replaced with NPC topology. Active Neutral Point Clamped VSC is one particular topology of NPC converter and it gives a better distribution of power losses in the switches [3]. 1.3. Three-level concept The output terminal has three voltage levels. If the main direct voltage supply is VDC , the output voltage levels are VDC/2, 0, -VDC/2, if the main tension is perfectly split by two ideal ‐ 3 ‐ ANPC 2008 capacitors in VDC/2. Generalized, if we have two voltage sources as shown in Fig. 1.1., the output voltage levels will be V1, 0, V2. Fig. 1.1. The principle of three-level commutation In the multilevel power conversion theory is defined the value of the voltage sources V1 and V2 that must be equal with [8]: Vm = VDC , m −1 m – number of inverter levels. Also, an inverter with m levels needs (m-1) voltage sources or capacitors [8]. Output voltage and current is shown in Fig. 1.2. for an ideal sinusoidal current source as load. With blue is wave for voltage and with red the load current. The commutation frequency is fc=1000 Hz. Here we can see the order of voltage levels in one period of 20 ms equivalent of 50 Hz frequency, the voltage levels are 100V, 0V, -100V ; that order depends only of command strategy adopted. ‐ 4 ‐ ANPC 2008 Fig. 1.2. Output voltage and current for three-level converter, fc=1 kHz In comparison with two-level converters the voltage stress of semiconductors is lower. Every switch must hold just half of total input voltage, the losses in commutation and conduction are reduced, and the output power can be bigger and with lower output current ripples. Here we have some good reasons to replace the old two-level converters with three-level converters. The three-level conversion is not something new in power electronics, but until some couple of years three-level converters haven’t been used. In the last period of time is an interest to develop three-level converters with better performance in order to build a reliable converter for high power applications. Now the researchers are trying to find the best solution for threelevel commutation, which has the bigger quality-price ratio. Active Neutral Point Clamped VSC seems to be a good solution to three-level commutation and the interests for develop new strategy commands which has more advantages are rising. 1.4. Aim of the project Aim of the project is to design, build the Active Neutral Point Clamped Voltage Source Converter (ANPC VSC) and test different command strategies on this topology. 1.5. Contents of report Chapter 1 – Introduction – Contains the background of the project and the basic operating principle of three-level converters. ‐ 5 ‐ ANPC 2008 Chapter 2 – Comparison between known 3L converters – The most known 3L topologies are presented and described. Chapter 3 – Control strategies – Four PWM strategies for ANPC will be presented. Chapter 4 – Simulations – Simulations results of the PWM strategies implemented will be presented. Chapter 5 – Implementation – Hardware and software implementation of ANPC converter will be explained Chapter 6 – Laboratory – The laboratory setup and results will be shown. Chapter 7 – Conclusion – Comparison between simulation and test results will be shown, report summary and future work. 1.6. Summary A background of the project was given. The basic principle of commutation in three-level converters was described and aim of the project was defined. The aim of the project was established and the contents of the report were mentioned. ‐ 6 ‐ ANPC 2008 Chapter 2. Comparison between known 3L converters In this chapter are presented the known three-level topologies. A comparison between them will be made too. 2.1. Three-level structures The number of levels of an inverter is the number of steps in the voltage of the output terminals with respect to any arbitrary internal reference point [4]. Four most known topologies will be presented: Stacked Cells, Neutral Point Clamped, Flying Capacitor and Active Neutral Point Clamped. A brief description of each topology is given below. 2.1.1. Stacked Cells The 3L-Stacked Cells (3L-SC) structure has three arms, every arm contains two serial connected switches with inverse diodes in parallel. The upper and lower side of the converter has two switches normally connected and the middle side has two switches in opposites connected. Each switch must be designed to support a voltage equal with half of main supply voltage (VDC/2). Those two voltage supplies, which can be two capacitors connected to one main source or can be two different voltage supplies like in Fig. 2.1.1., are serial connected and between them is defined the neutral point of the converter which is connected to the ground. ‐ 7 ‐ ANPC 2008 Fig. 2.1.1. Stacked Cells topology The switches can be partitioned virtual in three commutation cells: (S1-S1c), (S2-S2c) and (S3S3c). Switches S1, S1c, S3, and S3c works at high frequency while S2 and S2c at a lower frequency [2]. (a) (b) ‐ 8 ‐ ANPC 2008 (c) Fig. 2.1.2. Stacked Cells conduction states: (a) positive load voltage; (b) zero load voltage; (c) negative load voltage; Advantage: the energy conversion is made at every moment on a single stage [2]. The biggest drawback of this topology consists in the modality of energy conversion which is based on two partial uncoupled stages. The middle side is very stressed because it must support the voltage on positive load and negative load too, and future more the bidirectional path on zero load voltage. Thence, the losses in switches S1c and S3c are very significant and this thing goes to degradation in time of those two switches. Future more, the operation at “zero” speed is very bad [2]. 2.1.2. Neutral Point Clamped In this structure in comparison with Stacked Cells structure we have just two commutation cells (S1-S1C) and (S2-S2C) and two clamped diodes Du and Dd (see Fig.2.1.3.). The clamping point is between those two diodes, point which is connected to ground. The clamping diodes equalize the voltage stress across transistors. ‐ 9 ‐ ANPC 2008 S1 V1 Du S2 Iload O A Dd S2c VDC V2 S1c Fig. 2.1.3. Neutral Point Clamped topology (a) (b) ‐ 10 ‐ ANPC 2008 (c) Fig. 2.1.4. NPC conduction states: (a) positive load voltage; (b) zero load voltage; (c) negative load voltage On positive load voltage and positive current in conduction will be S1, S2 and if the current is negative the anti-parallel diodes of S1 and S2 will be in conduction. On zero voltage and positive current Du, S2 will drive the flow and if the current is negative Dd, S1C. On negative voltage, for a positive current anti-parallel diodes of S2C and S1C will be in conduction, respectively for a negative current S1C and S1C transistors will be on [10]. In comparison with Active NPC, topology described later, NPC topology has the constraint of the clamped diodes on zero voltage state and both of the switches S2 and S1C must be on in order to provide bidirectional current path. In ANPC by adding another two transistors, more freedom in choosing the path for zero voltage state is provided and more switching states will be available [6]. Like an advantage of this topology, the cost for implementing is cheaper in comparison with other topologies because it consists of four transistors and six diodes, and the performances are satisfactory. Because of this economical reason this topology is very used in high power applications in industry The drawback of this converter is the unequal loss distribution among the semiconductors. ‐ 11 ‐ ANPC 2008 2.1.3. Flying Capacitor In schematic from below it can be sow Flying Capacitor (FC) topology that consists in four switches (two commutation cells) and one capacitor (flying capacitor) between S1 and S1C. This topology is also called the multicell converter, because it can be partitioned in two commutation cells (S1-S1C) and (S2-S2C), every cell with one capacitor [4]. The main idea of this topology is to use the flying capacitor which is charged with VDC/2 [7]. S1 V1 S2 Iload O A S1c VDC V2 S2c Fig. 2.1.5. Flying Capacitor topology (a) (b) ‐ 12 ‐ ANPC 2008 (c) (d) Fig. 2.1.6. FC conduction states: (a) positive load voltage; (b) zero down load voltage; (c) zero up load voltage; (d) negative load voltage; On positive and negative states everything is normal, like it can be seeing in Fig. 2.1.6. (a), (d), a bidirectional current path is provided like the other converters from above. The particular thing on this topology is the zero state; two different paths provide the zero voltage to the output (Fig.2.1.6. (b); (c) ). On “zero down load voltage”, Fig. 2.1.6.(b), if the current is positive the flying capacitor is charging and if the current is negative the flying capacitor is discharging. On “zero up load voltage”, Fig. 2.1.6.(c), if the load current is positive the flying capacitor is discharging and respectively if the current is negative this capacitor is charging. Because of this phenomenon, “inverter output redundancy”, the command strategy must take in account the voltage balancing in this flying capacitor. The flying capacitor voltage must be maintained at VDC/2 [4]. Advantage: the active and reactive power flow can be controlled. Disadvantage: the switching frequency must be very high and this leads to high switching losses [8]. 2.1.4. Active Neutral Point Clamped In additionally, if the NPC schematic is observed, this topology has two more transistors then NPC topology and in stead of two clamped diodes will be two transistors with anti-parallel diodes, see Fig. 2.1.7. Those two transistors in plus can provide more freedom in command ‐ 13 ‐ ANPC 2008 and they can also take some losses from the regular transistors that where used to achieve the desired conduction states. Now the topology can be splinted in three commutation cells in different manner then in NPC topology, (S1-S1c), (S2-S2c) and (S3-S3c), in cells 1 and 3 the switches must be always in complementary to avoid short circuit [11]. S1 V1 S1c S2 Iload O S3 S3c VDC A V2 S2c Fig. 2.1.7. Active NPC topology In Fig. 2.1.8. are presented the conduction states of ANPC converter. Like FC topology ANPC has four conduction states: positive, zero up, zero down, negative. ANPC can obtain the conduction states without any capacitor and this is a big advantage of this converter in comparison with FC converter because when lower frequencies are used the capacitor of FC topology must have big dimensions, and usually the capacitors in schematic can be very expensive [2]. Starting from the conduction states of the ANPC topology, switching states can be defined. In order to obtain more command strategies, more then basic switching states will be defined. When positive conduction state is achieved by turning on S1 and S2, the switch S3 can be on or off. In the same manner on negative state, S2C and S3C must be on, and S1C can be on or off. ‐ 14 ‐ ANPC 2008 For the zero load voltage from two conduction states on the same idea, four switching states can be defined [6]. Table 2.1. shows the switching states for ANPC converter based on idea from above. (a) (b) (c) (d) Fig. 2.1.8. ANPC conduction states: (a) positive load voltage; (b) zero load voltage – up; (c) zero load voltage – down; (d) negative load voltage; Having those two possibilities for zero load voltage the distribution of conduction losses can be controlled by alternation between upper side and lower side. For the positive and negative load voltages the losses cannot be distributed in other way [11]. ‐ 15 ‐ ANPC 2008 Table 2.1. Switching states of 3L-ANPC Switching S1 S1c S2 S2c S3 S3c Positive 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 Positive 2 1 0 1 0 1 0 Zero Up 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 Zero Up 2 0 1 1 0 0 1 Zero Down 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 Zero Down 2 1 0 0 1 1 0 Negative 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 Negative 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 state Switch The advantage of using Active NPC is that the zero state can be achieved basically in two ways, while in NPC the zero state depends on the current direction because of the limitation of the clamped diodes [6]. Usually at NPC converter the zero state is achieved by turning on the switches S2 and S1c, see Fig. 2.4. (b), in order to have bidirectional current path. With ANPC we can have two independent bidirectional paths for zero voltage and this particular thing is a very big advantage. In the table presented above more then basics switching states have been shown, these derivate states are used to balance the losses among the semiconductors. The basic switching states are: Positive 1, Zero Up 1, Zero Down 1, Negative 1. The states with “2” can be used in order to create better strategies who don’t stress the switches and better performance for this converter can be achieved. 2.2. Advantages and disadvantages of three-level inverters The biggest advantage is that the domain of applied voltages to the inverters entrance can be extended because the switches are not stressed in tension like on two-level inverters. The total voltage that is applied at entrance is allocated to a bigger number of switches and in this way ‐ 16 ‐ ANPC 2008 it is possible to increase voltage, which is a necessity in our days when the consumption of electrical energy it’s increased day by day. The voltage distortion is lower because we have more sinusoidal waveforms [3]. The harmonics generated in grid are lower and the filtering will not be necessary [8]. The voltage variation is reduced ( dv/dt ) and therefore the voltage stress on the load is smaller in comparison with two level inverters [7]. The disadvantage of the three level inverters is the increased number of the switches but because the voltage on each switch must hold is smaller, the differences between prices of transistors for a three level converter in comparison with a two level one is not so big [7]. Another drawback is the hardware schematic that is more complicated, more gate drivers are required and the control is much more complicated. Also two DC buses are required in stead of one but both of them with a half voltage. Another problem of the three level converters can be the larger leakage inductance compared with a two level inverter. In three level converters are serial connected switches and the connection between every switch has a small leakage inductance, all the inductances summed gives a value that can slow down the time for turning on and off the transistors which is an disadvantage an on every topology this thing must be taken in account. 2.3. Summary Stacked Cells, Neutral Point Clamped, Flying Capacitor and Active Neutral Point Clamped topologies has been described. Conduction states, functionality, advantages, disadvantages and comparison between those topologies was shown. Additionally, the advantages and disadvantages of three level converters in general have been enumerated. ‐ 17 ‐ ‐ 18 ‐ ANPC 2008 ANPC 2008 Chapter 3. Control strategies In this chapter will be presented the Sinusoidal PWM control strategies which can be used for ANPC converter [12]. Four strategies will be shown further. 3.1. PWM 1 This control strategy is used for Neutral Point Converter and can be used for ANPC too [12]. The equivalence between NPC and ANPC can be achieved. S1 V1 Du S2 Iload O A Dd S2c VDC S1c V2 a) b) Fig. 3.1.1. a) NPC converter ; b) ANPC converter With notation from Fig.3.1.1., equivalence between switches is achieved in Table 3.1. This is necessary in order to distinguish the switches from ANPC that are present to NPC too, the active switches will provide the clamping diodes if they will have no signal on the gate. Table 3.1. ANPC to NPC switches equivalence ANPC NPC S1 → S1 S2 → S2 S2C → S1C S3C → S2C ‐ 19 ‐ ANPC 2008 In Fig. 3.1.2. is shown the waveforms like sinusoidal reference wave Sr, carrier waves C1, C2, the switching states of the switches S1, S1C, S2, S2C of NPC converter and the waveform for output voltage VAO. The carrier C2 is with offset and with 180 electrical degrees phase delay. This is the basic principle of NPC converter conduction states which can be applied for ANPC converter too. Fig. 3.1.2. PWM 1 (NPC) strategy waveforms Two carrier waves are used, one (C1) in order to obtain the switching between positive state VDC/2 and zero state and the other one (C2) to obtain the switching between zero state and negative state -VDC/2. ‐ 20 ‐ ANPC 2008 It can be observed in this diagram the main disadvantage of the NPC converter. The switches S1C and S2 are more stressed in comparison with S1 and S2C [3]. For example S1C , when reference wave is positive must switch at a higher frequency so in this time the switching losses will be presented, and when the reference wave is negative in this switch will be presented conduction losses and in comparison with S1 the losses are higher. 3.2. PWM 2 This PWM strategy is fixing the problem described before by using the switches that are in plus from NPC and transform the converter in Active NPC [12]. The switches S1 and S1C , as it can be seen in Fig. 3.2.1., are switching a half of an entire cycle in order to obtain positive VDC/2 voltage and zero voltage and the other half of the cycle them will be turned off while there will be no more losses. In the same manner the switches S3 and S3C will be off on the first half and on to the other half of cycle. The particular state will be to switches S2 and S2C who will be on all the time on a half of an entire cycle and the other half off, any time in opposite. ‐ 21 ‐ ANPC 2008 Fig. 3.2.1. PWM 2 (ANPC) strategy waveforms 3.3. PWM 3 On the same principle this command strategy has been developed in [12], with the same carriers as it shown in Fig. 3.3.1. In this particular strategy the switches S1, S1C, S3, S3C, have just a few switching losses because they are switching at a lower frequency and conduction losses all the time, more exactly the switching frequency is equal with the reference wave frequency because in one period they must switch one time on and one time off. S2 and S2C ‐ 22 ‐ ANPC 2008 define practically the output voltage states, the switching frequency is equal with carrier frequency, and the switching losses are maxim in these switches. Fig. 3.3.1. PWM 3 (ANPC) strategy waveforms As it can be observed in PWM 1 and 2 strategies, in every moment two transistors are always on, see Fig. 3.1.2 or Fig.3.2.1. Future more in this strategy in all the time three switches are always on and this thing leads to a loss balancing in inverter. For example if S1 and S2 are on in order to obtain the positive state, the switch to the zero state can be classical obtained by turning S1 off and turning on S1C. If S3 is on, the zero state can be also obtained by turning off ‐ 23 ‐ ANPC 2008 S2 and turning on S2C. When S3 is on the disadvantage is that the switch S3C must hold a VDC/2 voltage, in stead of VDC/4 because the voltage before were shared between this two switches S3 and S3C , and it will be more stressed in voltage but the conduction losses are taken by S3 and S2C for zero voltage state. So in this way the losses in conduction for zero state when the reference is positive are moved in the switches from the zero down arm (S3C and S2C) and respectively when the reference is negative the losses are in the upper arm (S1C and S2). In this way the loss balancing in converter can be achieved. 3.4. PWM 4 Using command strategies presented above (PWM 1, 2, 3) the apparent output voltage frequency will be equal with the highest commutation frequency of the transistors used in ANPC topology. One more strategy can be used for this converter. Using this strategy the apparent frequency on the output will be double of the transistors switching frequency [12]. The table below shows the switching states and the output voltage. Table 3.2. Commutation sequences for PWM4 Positive Reference Negative Reference S1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 S1c 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 S2 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 S2c 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 S3 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 S3c 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 VAO 0 VDC/2 0 VDC/2 0 0 -VDC/2 0 -VDC/2 0 ‐ 24 ‐ ANPC 2008 Achieving the output doubling frequency is based by using all the possibilities provided from the freedom of this topology with Active switches. When the reference is positive for achieving VDC/2 voltage “Positive 2” state was used (see Table 2.1. from Chapter 2), but for achieving the zero state two switching states are used alternative “Zero Up 1” and “Zero Down 2”. So, the alternant between VDC/2 and 0, will use “Zero Up 1”, “Positive 2”, “Zero Down 2”, “Positive 2”, “Zero Up 1”…. etc. When the reference is negative for achieving - VDC/2 voltage “Negative 2” state was used and for zero state like before the alternate between “Zero Down 1” and “Zero Up 2”. So, using this strategy it is possible to reduce the switching losses in one transistor at a half of normal value that is achieved with the other command strategy. This particular thing makes the converter ANPC very attractive for use even in low power applications and the harmonics generated in grid will be lower because higher output frequencies can be achieved. 3.5. Summary Four different PWM strategies used for ANPC converter were presented and explained. Wave forms for a better understanding have been made. Advantages and disadvantages between them have been discussed. ‐ 25 ‐ ‐ 26 ‐ ANPC 2008 ANPC 2008 Chapter 4. Simulations In this chapter the modeling in PSIM of ANPC converter will be presented with different command strategies. 4.1. Modeling PWM 1 Using just four switches and two diodes the ANPC topology will be equivalent with NPC topology (see subchapter 3.1.). In Fig. 4.1.1. is the model of the power schematic, made in PSIM. T1, T1C, T2, T2C, T3, T3C are labels where the PWM pulses will be generated, module IGBT switch for switches and a resistive-inductive load was used. Fig. 4.1.1. Converter power schematic In order to distinguish the positive and negative reference, for control, two signals will be used “Inh” and “Inhn”, see Fig. 4.1.2.(a). Therefore, using a comparator, when reference wave will be positive the signal Inh=1 and Inhn=0 and respectively for a negative reference Inh=0 and Inhn=1. ‐ 27 ‐ ANPC 2008 (a) (c) (b) (d) Fig. 4.1.2. (a) Inhibition signals; (b) Disable signals for T1C and T3 transistors; (c) Comparison between reference wave and carrier C1; (d) Comparison between reference wave and carrier C2. In Fig. 4.1.2. (b) is the command for the active transistors who will not be used for this strategy and the signal for them will be always 0. In order to have a simple and easy to debug model, the comparison between reference wave and carriers, two more labels will be defined (In Fig. 4.1.2. (c), (d) ). As it can be observed in Fig. 3.1.2. (Chapter 3), the switch S1 will be in conduction only in the firs half when the reference is positive, so using the comparison between first carrier and reference wave (label uC1), and inhibition signal the PWM control is achieved for T1 (transistor from switch S1). In the same way but using the second carrier and the inhibition signal for negative the PWM signal for T3C is generated. A 180 electrical degrees delay between C1 and C2 is used in order to have a symmetrical output voltage. The switches S2 and S2C have a different command, for example T2 must be always in conduction when reference is positive and when reference is negative the comparison between carrier C2 and reference wave will drive this transistor. In the same way but complementary will be generated the signal for T2C . ‐ 28 ‐ ANPC 2008 Fig. 4.1.3. PWM control signals for T1, T2c, T2, T3c For a load R=30Ω, L=170mH, DC link voltage VDC = 600V, switching frequency fC = 1 kHz, modulation index M = 0.8, the simulated output voltage and current: Fig. 4.1.4. Output voltage and current ‐ 29 ‐ ANPC 2008 In order to prove the comparison between control strategies, made in Chapter 3, and their effect regarding the losses in switches, the simulation was used. Using this strategy on the specified conditions the average values of the currents are: I S1( AVG ) = 0.396 A I S1C ( AVG ) = 0.7 A (the flow through the recovery diode) I S 2 ( AVG ) = 1.1 A I S2 C ( AVG ) = 1.07 A I S3( AVG ) = 0.688 A (the flow through the recovery diode) I S3C ( AVG ) = 0.38 A The average switching frequency for all transistors using this strategy is f sw ,Sx ( AVG) = f sw . 2 It can be observed the unequal loss distribution; the most stressed switches are S2 and S2C , equivalent with S2, S1C from NPC (see Table 3.1., Chapter 3). In order to make the comparison between PWM 1 and too, see the simulation results from PWM 2 in further subchapter. 4.2. Modeling PWM 2 There are two possibilities to implement a PWM command strategies, with one carrier and using one modified reference wave, or like in previous subchapter using two carriers and the reference wave in natural way. 4.2.1. Using two carriers In Fig. 4.2.1. are the signals for ANPC control with PWM 2 strategy. It can be observed the operation of the transistors, T1 and T1C are on only when the reference is positive and them are complementary (commutation cell 1), T3 and T3C in the same situation but only when the reference is negative. The transistors T2 and T2C have a particular switching state; their switching frequency is always equal with reference wave frequency. ‐ 30 ‐ ANPC 2008 Fig. 4.2.1. PWM 2 control signals using two carriers The results are the same like before ( Fig.4.1.4 ). Further, a small comparison between two implementation ways will be shown: one with phase delay between carriers and the other without this phase delay. (a) ‐ 31 ‐ ANPC 2008 (b) Fig. 4.2.2. Output voltage waveforms; (a) With 180° delay; (b) Without delay In figure above it can be observed the difference that can be made using the phase delay between carriers. 4.2.2. Using one carrier Implementation for this strategy can be made also using one carrier. The disadvantage of this implementation is the same like described before, the output voltage will be unsymmetrical and the result will be exactly like in Fig. 4.2.2. (b). Further will be shown the model. ‐ 32 ‐ ANPC 2008 Fig. 4.2.3. PWM 2 control signals using one carrier This implementation is using a modified reference wave; the negative sine has a DC offset. The logical operations are the same. 4.2.3. Simulation results The average currents measured in simulation are: I S1( AVG ) = 0.396 A I S1C ( AVG ) = 0.235 A I S 2 ( AVG ) = 0.63 A I S 2 C ( AVG ) = 0.605 A I S3( AVG ) = 0.22 A I S3C ( AVG ) = 0.383 A ‐ 33 ‐ ANPC 2008 Now it can be observed the advantage using the ANPC for a better distribution of losses in semiconductors. Using this strategy the average current in switches S2 and S2C is lower, from 1.1A and respectively 1.07A in PWM 1, now the values are 0.63A and 0.605A, therefore the losses in this switches will be almost a half then before. In this strategy the switches S1, S1C and S3, S3C works at the same frequency like the transistors used in PWM 1 (fSW/2) but the switches S2 and S2C switch at the reference wave frequency. 4.3. Modeling PWM 3 Implementation of PWM 3 is shown in Fig. 4.3.1. , the inhibition signals are the same like in previous models (Fig. 4.1.2.(a) ). Transistors T1 and T1C (switching cell 1) have the same command with T3 respectively T3C (switching cell 3), see Fig. 3.3.1. (subchapter 3.3.). The switching states are achieved using PWM commands only for T2 and T2C. Comparison between C1 and reference wave for positive voltage gives signals for T2 and complementary for T2C and in the same manner when the reference is negative but using the second carrier. The result is the same like in Fig. 4.1.4. Fig. 4.3.1. PWM 3 control signals ‐ 34 ‐ ANPC 2008 4.4. PWM 4 Using switching states from Table 3.2. (see subchapter 3.4.), this new strategy that has been developed in [12], for a switching frequencies to transistors of 500 Hz, the output parameters are the same like using PWM 1, 2 or 3 for a switching frequencies equal with 1000 Hz, see fig.4.4.1. Fig. 4.4.1. Output voltage and current for PWM 4 strategy, fc=500Hz It can be observed that the result is the same like in Fig. 4.1.4, presented before. These results are achieved by using the both zero states provided by the active switches. 4.5. Summary The simulation schematics were shown for implementing the PWM strategies, the implementations and the results for every occurrence have been discussed. A small comparison between them was done. In plus, the advantage of using the phase delay between the carriers was shown. ‐ 35 ‐ ‐ 36 ‐ ANPC 2008 ANPC 2008 Chapter 5. Implementation In this chapter the hardware implementation of ANPC converter and software implementation for control are presented 5.1. Hardware implementation The hardware implementation of the ANPC converter is divided in two parts on the same board. The firs part contains the power schematic of the converter with transistors, plugs for DC link and plugs for output, and the second part contains digital integrates circuits belonging to the control schematic. Those two parts are connected by DC/DC converters and gate drive optocouplers, integrated circuits which achieve galvanic isolation. Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) with recovery diode in parallel from International Rectifier was used. Short circuit rates [16]: VCES = 1200V, VCE(on) = 3.17V, VGE = 15V, IC = 5A. The inverter was designed with the following maximum ratings: • VDC = 600V • ILOAD(RMS) = 5A for fsw ≤ 4kHz / ILOAD(RMS) = 3.5A for fsw ∈ (4kHz ; 10kHz) The design of this converter was made in Altium Designer 6 software, one PCB for each phase leg, see Appendix A. 5.1.1. Gate drive optocouplers A single channel gate drive optocoupler from Agilent Technologies was used. The gate drive circuit has to the input between 2 and 3 pins one LED which is optically coupled to a photodiode, see Fig. 5.1.1. Depending of the logical state, the output voltage will be +15V for high input or -15V for a low input. The voltage between 5 and 8 pins is provided by a DC/DC converter (XP IA0515S) which has to the input 0V and 5V and provides to the output -15V, 0V, +15V [18]. Each gate drive has own DC/DC converter. ‐ 37 ‐ ANPC 2008 a) b) Fig. 5.1.1. Gate drive optocoupler HCPL – 3150 [17]; a) Description of the integrate; b) Description of the connection in schematic. In order to minimize the IGBT switching losses, a resistor between the gate drive and transistor gate must be dimensioned. The value of this resistor can be calculated as [17]: Rg = VCC − VEE − VOL 15 + 15 − 2 = = 56Ω , I OLPEACK 0.5 VCC – positive supply voltage; VEE – negative supply voltage; VOL – low level output voltage; IOLPEACK – low peak output current. This gate drive that was used, can be used for IGBTs up to 1200V/50A [17]. 5.1.2. Dead time generator For generating the delay between turning off of one transistor and turn on the other transistor, transistors that are serially connected and they make the connection between two voltage different states, a hardware solution for the dead time was chosen. The ANPC Converter that was designed, has six transistors with antiparallel diodes (see Fig. 2.7.). Those transistors will be drived by three signals that will provide the complementarily between every two transistors that must never be in conduction both of them, for example switches S1, S1c and S3, S3c. The switches S2, S2c makes a exception of this rule, so them can be in conduction in the same time, but for symmetry of the topology the same logic rule was implemented. Therefore, this ANPC topology can’t be transformed in NPC topology because there the equivalent switches that have S2, S2c notation in ANPC topology (Fig. 2.7.) for zero voltage state in order to have bidirectional current direction the switches S2 and S2c must be both of them turned on. ‐ 38 ‐ ANPC 2008 Fig. 5.1.2. Dead time generator IXDP631 [19] It can be seen in Fig. 5.1.2., the input signals are R, S and T; the R signal was used to command switches S1, S1c, the S signal for switches S2, S2c and respectively T signal for S3, S3c. These two three signals will be spitted in six signals, as an example for a logical high state (5V) on R pin the switch S1 will be turned on and for a low state (0V) S1c will be turned on [19]. For those three input signals (R, S, T) are provided also the enable signals for each of them and therefore those signals (ENAR, ENAS, ENAT) was used for turning off both of the complementary switches in order to obtain more complicated and in the same time more efficient command strategies. One important input for this integrated circuit is the RESET signal. One logical schematic was developed in order to reset the output signals (all outputs will be turned off) in some conditions but seems that for implementation and development of different PWM strategies this reset signal can’t be defined, therefore a button which can switch between low and high logical state was implemented. The need of this reset button is in order to start from a good defined point, all transistors are off. The dead time is generated between the complementary output signals (RU, RL), and an external crystal oscillator is required. The frequency of the crystal oscillator gives the length of the dead time, therefore this frequency must be chosen. The dead time must be chosen bigger the most big time that is required in order to switch on the transistor in safety conditions, therefore the harder conditions for the transistor must be considered [8]. ‐ 39 ‐ ANPC 2008 Typical times for IGBT transistor IRG4PH20KD at IC = 5A, VCC = 800V, TJ = 150 °C are: td(off) = 110 ns (turn off delay time), tf = 620 ns (fall time). For safety, a dead time length must be chosen at least 1μs. Therefore the frequency of crystal oscillator must be calculated. The dead time length in IXDP631 is 8 clock periods, then the maximum clock frequency will be: f CLK (max) = 8 8 = = 8 ⋅ 10 6 Hz = 8 MHz −6 deadtime(min) 1 ⋅ 10 s For safety a 1.6μs was established on the board with one clock that oscillates at 5MHz. In figure below is the real dead time generation for two complementary gate drive signals. Fig. 5.1.2. Dead time generation 5.1.3. Heat sink In order to choose the heat sink for this converter, power losses in semiconductors must be calculated. Simulation of the operation is the base of the calculation. PWM 2 was used. Operating conditions: VDC = 600V, M = 0.8, fC = 5 kHz; load: R = 30Ω; L= 170 mH a) Conduction losses Conduction losses in switches (transistors and diodes) can be calculated with the following formula [15]: ‐ 40 ‐ ANPC 2008 PCON ( AV ) = U CE ( 0 ) ⋅ I C ( AVG ) + rf ⋅ I C ( RMS ) where: UCE(0) – forward collector to emitter voltage drop with zero current [V]; rf – forward resistance [Ω]; IC(AVG) – collector current, average value [A]; IC(RMS) – collector current, root means square value [A]; UCE(0) and rf values are from datasheet [16], UCE(0) is from IC = f(VCE) diagram and rf is the inversion of the forward transconductance (gfe [S]): U CE ( 0 ) ≈ 1.5 V rf = 1 1 = = 0.286 Ω g fe 3.5 The AVG and RMS currents are from simulation. From Fig. 3.3.1. it can be observed that the losses in S1=S3C, S1C=S3, S2=S2C. PCON ( AV ),S1 / S3C = 1.5 ⋅ 0.39 + 0.286 ⋅ 1.277 = 1.051 W PCON ( AV ),S1C / S3 = 1.5 ⋅ 0.232 + 0.286 ⋅ 1.494 = 0.986 W PCON ( AV ),S 2 / S 2 C = 1.5 ⋅ 0.622 + 0.286 ⋅ 1.97 = 2.043 W PCON ( AV ),TOTAL = 2 ⋅ ( PCON ( AV ),S1 / S3C + PCON ( AV ),S1C / S3 + PCON ( AV ),S 2 / S2 C ) = 8.16 W. b) Switching losses The switching losses can be calculated with [15]: Psw 1 = ⋅ fC ⋅ T TSW ∫ e ⋅ dt 0 where: T – period of the reference wave; fc – switching frequency [Hz]; TSW – switching period; e – total switching energy. The total switching energy is chosen from Fig. 5.1.3. The conditions for this diagram are the harder conditions that one transistor can support: TJ = 150°C, VDC = 800V, VGE = 15V, RG=50Ω. The collector current is from simulation. ‐ 41 ‐ ANPC 2008 Fig. 5.1.3. Total switching losses depending of the collector current π Psw ,S1 / S3C 1 = ⋅ 5 ⋅ 10 3 ⋅ ∫ 1.05 ⋅ 10 −3 ⋅ dt = 2.625 W 2π 0 π Psw ,S1C / S3 = 1 ⋅ 5 ⋅ 10 3 ⋅ ∫ 0.98 ⋅ 10 −3 ⋅ dt = 2.45 W 2π 0 π Psw ,S2 / S2C 1 = ⋅ 50 ⋅ ∫ 1.2 ⋅ 10 −3 ⋅ dt = 0.3 W 2π 0 PSW ,TOTAL = 2 ⋅ ( Psw ,S1 / S3C + Psw ,S1C / S3 + Psw ,S 2 / S 2 C ) = 10.75 W c) Total power losses PTOTAL = PCON + PSW = 8.16 + 10.75 = 18.91 W The maximum thermal resistance of heat sink must be: R thsa ,max = Tj − Ta P − (R thjc + R thcs ) where: Tj – maximum junction temperature; Ta – ambient temperature; Rthjc – junction to case thermal resistance; Rthcs – case to sink thermal resistance; P – total power losses. R thsa ,max = °C 125 − 50 − (2.1 + 0.24 ) = 1.607 19 W ‐ 42 ‐ For safety a heat sink with thermal resistance below 1 ANPC 2008 °C was chosen. Also higher switching W frequencies can be tested with a bigger heat sink (10 kHz). 5.1.4. Fiber optic bus Interconnections between DSP platform, that generates the PWM control signals and inverter PCB is achieved with fiber optic wires. Six fiber optic wires, for one phase leg, are available for control, see Fig. 5.1.3, three PWM signals and another three signals for enable or disable the command for every two transistors S1/S1C, S2/S2C, S3/S3C used in order to implement PWM strategies which requires turning off both of the complementary transistors. One point that must be taken in consideration must be the signal inversion of the fiber optic. The receivers make the signal inversion, if they have no signal on the fiber optic gives on the output a high signal. Therefore the PWM command from DSP was inversed. This inversion could be made software, like in this implementation was done, or hardware using supplementary components after the receivers output in order to correct the inversion. Fig. 5.1.3. Fiber optic bus for one phase leg For implementation of PWM strategies, one DSP platform from Texas Instruments was used (TMS320F28335). ‐ 43 ‐ ANPC 2008 The interface between DSP and fiber optic wires was a custom solution in order to be possible a three phase implementation of different PWM command strategies. One board with 16 fiber optic transmitters was designed in order to connect all 12 PWM outputs of the DSP board and another 4 CAPTURE outputs that can be used like asynchronous PWM outputs (using counter only in up-count mode), or can be used like GPIO outputs, see Appendix B. This board was powered from the DSP platform with 3.3V voltage. The voltage was achieved by setup the jumper JR4 from P8, see TMS320F28335 technical reference. 5.2. Software implementation For generating the PWM control signals the DSP platform TMS320F28335 from Texas instruments was used. Features of the board are: 150 MHz CPU frequency, 32 bits CPU data bus, floating point unit, harvard architecture bus, 12 ePWM outputs (6 modules with 2 PWM outputs), three timers, 16 ADC inputs with 12 bits resolution, connection through USB. The package which includes the DSP board (eZdSP SYSTEM KIT) is provided by Spectrum Digital and in this package one CD with software, drivers and also examples are provided. These examples are very useful to learn and understand how the system works and they can be very useful to create custom code by modifying a similar example in order to obtain the expected result. For this implementation the example “epwm_updown_aq” was used in order to obtain symmetrical PWM outputs for control. Implementation for PWM strategies was developed in Code Composer Studio v3.3, software provided by Texas Instruments. The code was totally build in C++, the conversion in assembly is being made by Code Composer Studio (CCS). 5.2.1. General setups one DSP program Using DSP platforms, a lot of registers bits must be defined. For build a custom code from zero bits defined will take too much time, therefore an example is very good to use because a lot of work is already done. ‐ 44 ‐ ANPC 2008 Before setting up the PWM module, a lot of setting related to systems controls interrupts, multiplexing of I/O pins. Therefore for a better understanding of the DSP setup a very quick description of the program will be shown further. The structure of a program is usually composed from a few parts which are located: • before main program • main program • after the main program In the code before main program are included the header files that are used for the code, global variables and some parameters can be defined. Header files consist in bit definition of the registers or special function that can be used in program. In main program is made the setup of the registers. Firstly the system control registers are defined, controls like: watch dog timer, phase-locked loop, peripheral clocks. After that, the GPIO pins multiplexers must be defined for the needs of the program (input/output/pwm/cap). The most important thing after that will be the setup of interrupts; firstly all the interrupts control registers and then the interrupt vector table. Then the pointers to the interrupt subroutines will be defined. Next step is to define the device peripherals that will be used (example: PWM modules). After all this initializations, the user specific code will be done (example: enable the interrupts and real time events). If the interrupts will be used for the code then the main program will be finished with an idle loop where the program will stay there forever until the processor is halted. For every cycle in loop the interrupts that have been established will make the pointer to the interrupt subroutine where some logical code can be implemented to obtain the desired result. This ends the main program. In the part after main program the interrupt subroutines will be defined, to “tell” to the CPU what to do in the interrupt. Additional functions can be defined, function for initializations or calculations (functions that can be called in main program of even in the interrupt subroutines). ‐ 45 ‐ ANPC 2008 5.2.2. Settings for PWM modules Basically the principle of implementing the PWM on DSP or other board (FPGA) is the use of one clock that oscillates with some frequency and with one register who counts the number of oscillations, virtual it can be seen like a counter that “counts up” to a value then again from zero, down from a value to zero, or the symmetrical way – up to a value and down to zero. If the counter is used in up or down count mode then the PWM will be asymmetrical, else if the up-down mode is used then the PWM will be symmetrical. Using another register the value of the counter is compared the value of this register (compare register) and a high or low state will be generated to the output. The PWM module consists in some submodules like: Time-Base, Counter-Compare, ActionQualifier, Dead-Band Generator, PWM-Chopper, Trip-Zone and Event-Trigger. In Time-Base submodule the frequency of the PWM carrier can be defined. Basically the desired frequency of the carrier can be defined calculating the number of the counts in one carrier period. If up-down count mode is used, for a desired fPWM frequency the Time Base Period Register (TBPRD) which is the value of the half of a PWM period is [14]: TBPRD = f CLK , 2 × f PWM fCLK – frequency of the clock; fPWM – frequency of desired carrier. The clock frequency has been defined to be the maximum frequency of this CPU which is 150 MHz. With Time Base Phase Register (TBPHS) can be defined a delay between two PWM modules. Also in this submodule the synchronization between modules can be defined. This synchronization can be used in order to reduce de number of the counters used but the first compare point can be lost and this should be taken in consideration. Setups for synchronization and counter mode the Time Base Control Register (TBCTL) has to be defined. Counter-Compare submodule consists of two registers used for comparison with counter. These two registers will contain the duty cycle of the PWM. ‐ 46 ‐ ANPC 2008 Action-Qualifier submodule is used in order to define what to do when the value of the counter is equal with the compare registers. For example on count up the PWM output on the event will give an high state and on count down the PWM output will be set to a low state. The Dead-Band Generator submodule can be used for a software delay between PWM 1A and PWM 1B the two PWM outputs of one module. In implementation for this project this module wasn’t used because the dead time was generated hardware. PWM-Chopper submodule is an optional block that can be bypassed if it’s necessary to use. Here some additionally setups can be made for carrier frequency, first pulse of PWM, different duty cycles starting with different pulses can be made. Trip-Zone submodule can be used for protection, if a fault is happening in program this module can force the PWM output to high, low or high impedance state. Also this module can be optional. Event-Trigger is a very important submodule because with his registers can be defined when the interrupt will be, that means it can be defined when the duty cycle will be changed. Interrupts can be done one “zero event”, when the counter reach the zero value, or one “TBPRD” or when the compare register is equal with the counter. Also can be defined how many times will be received the interrupts, one every period, once at two periods or once at three periods, therefore here the duty cycle update can be changed. In this implementation interrupt on every event have been chosen [20]. 5.2.3. Sinusoidal PWM implementation Classical methods for implementing the sine wave like a reference for PWM are using one Sine Look up Table [14]. In this implementation wasn’t used a sine look up table because the implementation platform TMS320F28335, 32 bits floating point operation, allow us a floating point calculation of the variables so the sine wave will be calculated in the interrupt subroutine. Using the classical method for a online modify of the carrier frequency or the sine frequency there should be made some interpolations or picking some of the sine values from a bigger resolution table. The advantage of this implementation is that the sine wave is calculated in the interrupt, one interrupt is made one per two carrier cycles so in the next time the calculated value can be verified, and the most important thing is the possibility of modifying the carrier frequency, the sine frequency and amplitude in real time mode. ‐ 47 ‐ ANPC 2008 For a better control of the sine wave, the positive reference and negative reference have been virtually separated. The separation has been made depending of the sine wave resolution; which is naturally equal with the frequencies rapport: Sine _ Re solution = f PWM f Sine Therefore the positive sine will be between 0 and f PWM , and negative sine will be between 2 × f Sine ⎛ f PWM ⎞ f ⎜⎜ + 1⎟⎟ and PWM . Must be mentioned, that after all the calculation in floating point the f Sine ⎝ 2 × f Sine ⎠ results must be converted in integer because the counter can’t have floating point values, just integers. This thing is happening because basically a timer oscillates between high state and zero state (+3.3V and 0V) and the register who manages the counts must take integer values. Implementation of the sine wave in digital can be made in two ways: offset to the entire sine (negative and positive) or making the offset just for negative sine. The second solution was chosen, but the disadvantage of this solution is that if just one carrier will be used to compare the output voltage will not be symmetrical. In order to avoid this inconvenient, even if the reference wave was modified two carriers will be used and the output voltage will be symmetrical. This thing can be achieved by using a 180 degrees phase delay between carriers, using two timers or only one timer with synchronization and phase delay. In Fig. 5.2.1. is shown the implementation used. Fig. 5.2.1. Digital PWM implementation The implementation of sine wave is made using “math.h” header file that contains the sin function operator in floating point. The implementation of the duty cycle is: ‐ 48 ‐ ANPC 2008 ⎡ ⎛ ⎞⎤ ⎟⎥ ⎢ ⎜ 2 ⋅ π ⋅ j ⎟⎥ ⎛ f CLK ⎜ ⎢ τ = sin ⎜ ⋅⎜ f PWM ⎟⎥ ⎜⎝ 2 ⋅ f PWM ⎢ ⎟⎥ ⎢ ⎜ f ⎣ ⎝ Sine ⎠⎦ ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⋅ a ⎠ τ – duty cycle; ⎡ f ⎤ j = ⎢0, PWM ⎥ ; ⎣ f Sine ⎦ a – amplitude of sine wave in relative units. So, modifying fPWM the switching frequency of the transistors can be controlled, modifying fSine the frequency of the reference wave can be controlled, and modifying a the amplitude of the reference wave can be controlled. These parameters can be changed online from some analogical inputs. 5.2.4. Practical implementation of PWM In Chapter 3 were shown four PWM strategies. Only three from four strategies can be implemented on the hardware solution adopted because of the restriction for safety made with dead time generator (see 5.1.2.). The problem was to PWM1, is the strategy that is used for NPC converter and it cannot be tested because the switches S2 and S2C can’t be both in conduction in the same time. Further is shown the implementation of some PWM strategies. Implementing PWM 2 For implementing this strategy for one phase leg, at least 2 PWM signals must be used in order to control S1/S1C and S3/S3C and another 3 digital outputs to control S2/S2C and enable signals for S1/S1C and S3/S3C. If the resources are enough, PWM signals can be used with full or empty duty cycle. One PWM output will control S1/S1C just a half of a period (first half when reference is positive) and then the PWM command doesn’t maters because the output will be disabled from the dead time generator, and the other PWM output will control S3/S3C only in the second half of period (when the reference is negative) and when the reference is positive the output will be disabled. ‐ 49 ‐ ANPC 2008 The enable signals will be some triangular waveforms with the frequency equal with the reference frequency. In implementation that has been made, 5 PWM outputs have been used, three PWM modules have been used, the A pins used for PWM control and the pins B used for enable. The switches S2/S2C are controlled by the third PWM. In this implementation in order to have a symmetrical voltage, if in figure 5.2.1., the second half is saw in mirror it can be observed that the duty cycle becomes always positive and the second carrier becomes identical with the first one. This means that the reference wave will be modified again with this logic. Implementing PWM3 For this strategy only one PWM module and one GPIO output for a phase leg can be enough. With the A signal (which has a higher resolution possibility - HRPWM) switches S2/S2C are controlled and with the signal B the control of S1/S1C. For S3/S3C was used one GPIO output. The reference wave implemented is the same like in fig. 5.2.1. 5.3. Summary The implementation has been separated in two parts: hardware and software. In hardware implementation an explanation of operating mode for gate drives and dead time generator was detailed, a short calculation of losses have been done for choosing the heat sink and the fiber optic bus between DSP and inverter’s PCB has been described. In software implementation has described the PWM implementation step by step on DSP, explaining all the modules with their operation. A short description of some PWM strategies that have been implemented was been done. ‐ 50 ‐ ANPC 2008 Chapter 6. Laboratory In this chapter the laboratory experimental results will be presented DC LINK CAPACITORS 2X300VX5A POWER SUPPLY LOW POWER SIDE SUPPLY TEMPERATURE SENSOR DSP WITH FIBER OPTIC INTERFACE CONVERTER RESISTIVE INDUCTIVE LOAD Fig. 6.1. Laboratory setup 6.1. Implementation for PWM 2 The DPS PWM output signal, gate signals and output voltage and current for PWM 2 strategy will be shown further. 6.1.1. DSP output signals Because the signals who reaches the dead time generator are reversed by fiber optic receivers all the output signals from DSP are inversed. This thing is a disadvantage because the control becomes more complicated, but is an advantage for the enable signals because for a high input ‐ 51 ‐ ANPC 2008 the controlled outputs will be enable. Also using this dead time generator, even if the PWM command strategy is wrong will be no problem because the complementary switches can’t be both of them in conduction in any condition and the short circuit is avoid. Thus, on every output channel from DSP, a high output will be a low input to inverter so the six switches of this converter are controlled with three signals. For example the control for S1 and S1C on a low output from the DSP S1 will be on and S1C off and respectively for a high output S1C will be on and S1 off. If the PWM command requires both of these switches to be off the enable signal will be high from DSP. The only restriction that is for this implementation is to avoid short circuit by turning on S1 and S1C or S3 and S3C. For symmetry the same logic was implemented for S2 and S2C even if it’s not required, this is the reason that PWM 1 was not implemented. In figure below can be observed that for a better visualization when the switches S1 and S1C are not in conduction a low logic was generated. If the signal were a high it was the same result because the enable signal from the dead time generator will disable the output. Fig. 6.1.1. DSP output signals for PWM 2; Ch1 – S3/S3C; Ch2 – ENA S3/S3C; Ch3 – S1/S1C; Ch4 – ENA S1/S1C ‐ 52 ‐ ANPC 2008 In figure 6.1.1. are shown the PWM output signals. Three PWM modules were used – ePWM1 (1A – S3/S3C and 1B – ENA S3/S3C), ePWM2 (2A – S1/S1C and 2B – ENA S1/S1C), ePWM3 (3A – S2/S2C) – the third signal for switches S2/S2C is not shown in figure above because the signal is identical with 2B – ENA S1/S1C shown on Ch4. 6.1.2. Test waveforms for PWM 2 Test conditions: Load: VDC = 600V R = 27.4 Ω fSW = 5 kHz L = 58.7 mH M = 0.8 Fig. 6.1.2. Ch1 – Output voltage; Ch2 – Load current ‐ 53 ‐ ANPC 2008 (a) (b) (c) Fig. 6.1.3. (a) Ch1 – VCE,S1 , Ch2 – Load current, Ch3 – VCE,S3C; (b) Ch1 – VGE,S1 , Ch2 – Load current, Ch3 – VGE,S3C; (c) Ch1 – VGE,S1C , Ch2 – Load current , Ch3 – VGE,S3 Figure 6.1.3. (a) shows exactly how the states are made in this strategy, the positive voltage by clamping between switches S1 and S1C switching between + and 0, and the negative voltage be clamping between S3 and S3C switching between – and 0. In figure 6.1.4. can be observed the switches temperature. The switches are numbered from left to right like this: S1, S1C, S2, S2C, S3, S3C ; them can be identified from previous figure, fig.2.1.7. from chapter 2. The loss distribution is good, with reservation that from a mechanical mistake the switch S1C is very close to S2. ‐ 54 ‐ ANPC 2008 Fig. 6.1.4. Infrared picture at VDC = 600V, IRMS = 5A, M = 0.8, fC = 5kHz using PWM 2 6.2. Implementation for PWM 3 6.2.1. DSP output signals For this implementation just three PWM outputs are necessary, the PWM signals without any enable signals. Therefore two PWM modules were used: ePWM1 (1A – S2/S2C and 1B – S1/S1C), ePWM2 (2A – S3/S3C) In figure 6.2.1. are the control signals, in first half the reference is positive, the signals for S1/S1C and S3/S3C are low and this results S1 and S3 on, the signal for S2/S2C, when is low the S2 is on and when is high S2C is on, and complementary when the reference wave is negative for S1/S1C and S3/S3C. ‐ 55 ‐ Fig. 6.2.1. DSP output signals for PWM 3; Ch1 – S2/S2C; Ch2 – S1/S1C; Ch3 – S3/S3C; 6.2.2. Test waveforms for PWM 3 Fig. 6.2.2. Ch1 – Output voltage; Ch2 – Load current ‐ 56 ‐ ANPC 2008 ANPC 2008 The tests for this strategy are made in the same conditions: VDC = 600V, fSW = 5 kHz, M = 0.8, R = 27.4 Ω, L = 58.7 mH. In figure 6.2.2. it can be observed the effect of the inductance load, the current is inductive and the angle between the fundamental voltage and current makes the current negative when the voltage is still positive and then the recovery diodes are in conduction and the voltage drop on the diodes makes the output voltage bigger when the current is negative. (a) (b) Fig. 6.2.3. (a) Ch1 – VCE,S1; Ch2 – Load Current; Ch3 – VCE,S2C ; (b) Ch1 – VGE,S1; Ch2 – Load Current; Ch3 – VGE,S2C Fig. 6.2.4. Infrared picture at VDC = 600V, IRMS = 5A, M = 0.8, fC = 5kHz using PWM 3 ‐ 57 ‐ ANPC 2008 From the infrared picture using this strategy it can be observed that on this frequency the switching losses are more important in comparison with conduction losses so the switches S2 and S2C that switch at nominal frequency, in comparison with the other switches that switch at reference wave frequency, have a higher temperature. 6.3. Implementation for PWM 4 6.3.1. DSP output signals For this PWM strategy five PWM outputs were used. Three PWM modules – ePWM1 (1A – S1/S1C and 1B – ENA S1/S1C), ePWM2 (2A – S3/S3C and 2B – ENA S3/S3C), ePWM3 (3A – S2/S2C). The reason for establishing this order was the delay between carriers, so these three PWM modules are in synchronism and the last one is with phase delay. If one module is setup with phase delay the next module which is in synchronizations keeps the same delay or can be higher. Fig. 6.3.1. DSP output signals for PWM 4; Ch1 – S1/S1C; Ch2 – ENA S1/S1C; Ch3 – S2/S2C; Ch4 – ENA S3/S3C ‐ 58 ‐ ANPC 2008 In figure above are shown the control signals for PWM 4. The signal for S3/S3C is not shown but it’s the same like the signal for S1/S1C from Ch1. 6.3.2. Test waveforms for PWM 4 In figure 6.3.2. is the test result for this strategy. Test conditions: VDC = 600V, fSW = 5 kHz, M= 0.8; load R = 27.4 Ω, L = 58.7 mH. If we look in the same time to this figure and the figures before (Fig. 6.1.2. and Fig 6.2.2.) it can be observed the doubling apparent switching frequency using this strategy with ANPC Converter. Were also made some measurements in order to prove the advantage that can bring this strategy, for the same output current IRMS = 4A, VDC = 600V, running PWM2/3 with 10kHz and PWM 4 with 5kHz the output parameters are the same and the input power was measured. PPWM2/PWM3 = 1350W; PPWM4 = 1310W These measurements proves that using PWM4 for control the switching losses are diminished, not at a half value because in PWM 4 four switches switch at the nominal frequency and two have the average frequency the half of nominal switching frequency. Fig. 6.3.2. Ch1 – Output voltage; Ch2 – Load current ‐ 59 ‐ ANPC 2008 In figures 6.3.3.(a), (b) and (c) it can be observed the collector to emitter voltages for some transistors. The switching frequency is 5 kHz. In fig. 6.3.3.(d) are the gate to emitter voltages for transistors S3C and S1, and here can be observed the operation of the gate drives optocouplers used in this implementation. On VGE = 15V the transistor is in conduction and respectively on VGE = −15V transistor is blocked (for example, see fig. 6.3.3. (a) – Ch1 – VCE,S1, and (d) – Ch3 – VGE,S1). (a) (b) (c) (d) Fig. 6.3.3. (a) Ch1 – VCE,S1 ; Ch2 – Load current; Ch3 – VCE,S3C ; (b) Ch1 – VCE,S1C ; Ch2 – Load current; Ch3 – VCE,S3 ; (c) Ch1 – VCE,S2C ; Ch2 – Load current; (d) Ch1 – VGE,S2C ; Ch2 – Load current; Ch3 – VGE,S1 ‐ 60 ‐ ANPC 2008 Fig. 6.3.4. Infrared picture at VDC = 600V, IRMS = 5A, M = 0.8, fC = 5kHz using PWM 4 Fig. 6.3.4. Infrared picture on the converter low power side 6.4. Summary The test results of three PWM strategies were presented, starting with control signals from DSP for each of them. Waveforms for tests when power was applied are presented. Measurements were made in order to prove the advantage using PWM4 strategy. ‐ 61 ‐ ‐ 62 ‐ ANPC 2008 ANPC 2008 Chapter 7. Conclusion A small comparison between theoretical simulations and practical tests will be done. Summary of the report and future work will be also presented. 7.1. Comparison between simulations and test results The simulations were made in order to prove the proper practical operation for the same conditions like in laboratory tests: VDC = 600V, fSW = 5 kHz, M= 0.8; load R = 27.4 Ω, L = 58.7 mH. In these simulations are also included: diode forward voltage drop VFM = 2.5V, collector to emitter saturation voltage VCE(on) = 3.17 V [16], and dead time td = 1.55 μs. 7.1.1. PWM 2 Fig. 7.1.1. Simulation result for PWM 2 strategy It can be observed firstly from the simulation, Fig. 7.1.1., that when the current is negative the current will flow through recovery diodes and then the voltage will be shifted up with 5V ‐ 63 ‐ ANPC 2008 (2.5V per diode, two diodes in conduction). Also when in conduction are transistors the voltage will be shifted down, when the voltage is positive, with collector to emitter saturation voltage which is 3.17V. In test result, see Fig. 6.1.2., this is not so clear but if a zoom will be made this thing could be proved. 7.1.2. PWM 3 Fig. 7.1.2. Simulation result for PWM 3 strategy In this implementation the reference wave was modified like in fig. 5.2.1., making an offset to the negative sine wave. The result can be saw in fig. 6.2.2., and it is not quite good because the negative voltage, exactly in the middle of it, where the duty cycle is maximum the voltage stays to much in direct current and because of this the shape of the current is not so good as expected. Therefore for this strategy the negative load current has a bigger peak value then the positive load current, also the mean values for voltage and current are negative and them should be zero or very close to zero. ‐ 64 ‐ ANPC 2008 7.1.3. PWM 4 Fig. 7.1.3. Simulation result for PWM 4 strategy In the same conditions this strategy was simulated. The print step was delayed with 40ms because in simulation the start is different (see fig. 7.1.2.). It can be observed the resolution differences in comparison with the previous strategies even on 5 kHz switching frequency. This strategy can be attractive for high power application where the switching frequency is limited because the transistors must block a big voltage and also the current that must be interrupted is big and the dynamic operations are more slowed because the switching losses are very high [11]. Therefore, for a switching frequency of 1 kHz the difference between first two strategies and the last one will be very important. 7.2. Summary An introduction in three level converters concept and operation was made. A comparison between the popular three level converters showing the advantages and disadvantages for every topology was presented. Four strategies that can be implemented on ANPC converter were shown. Simulations for them in order to prove their operation has been made, and were ‐ 65 ‐ ANPC 2008 also used to show the differences between them. A description of hardware implementation with all the components showing their functionality was made. The software implementation using TMS320F28335 platform was made; the functionality and the way of setup the PWM modules were presented. In final the laboratory setup was described, the PWM outputs from DSP were shown for all three strategies implemented and the test results have been presented. In the end a small comparison between simulation waveforms and test waveforms was discussed. 7.3. Future Work ¾ Over current and under voltage protection ¾ Implementation of an input that can change the switching frequency on the fly ¾ Open loop tests ¾ Three phase implementation using in control a particular 3L Space Vector Modulation ¾ Measurements interface for analog input of DSP ¾ Grid connection for wind or solar applications ¾ AC Drive control implementation ‐ 66 ‐ ANPC 2008 References [1] Baker R.H.: Electric Power Converter, U.S.Patent Number 3 867 643, Feb.1975 [2] Dan Floricau, Guillaume Gateau, Mariana Dumitrescu, Remus Teodorescu, “A new stacked NPC converter: 3L-topology and control” IEEE European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 2007 [3] Thomas Brückner, Steffen Bernet, Peter K. Steimer, “ Feedforward Loss Control of ThreeLevel Active NPC Converters” IEEE Transactions on industrial applications, Vol. 43, No. 6, November/December 2007. [4] Jose Rodrigues, “Tutorial on multilevel converters”. (CD) [5] Dietmar Krug; Mariusz Malinowski; Steffen Bernet; “Design and comparison of medium voltage multi-level converters for industry applications” Industry Applications Conference, 39th IAS Annual Meeting. Conference Record of the 2004 IEEE Volume 2, 2004 Page(s): 781 - 790 Vol.2. [6] Thomas Brückner, Steffen Bernet, Henry Güldner, “The Active NPC Converter and Its Loss-Balancing Control”, IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics, Vol. 52, No. 3, June 2005. [7] Keith Corzine, ”The Power Electronics Handbooks”, Chapter 6, CRC Press, 2002. [8] Muhammad H. Rashid, ”Power Electronics Circuits, Devices, and Applications”, Third Edition, Pearson Education International. [9] Nabe, A., Takahashi, I., and Akagi, H., ”A new neutral-point clamped PWM inverter”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 1981. [10] Muhammad H. Rashid, ”Power Electronics Handbook”, Academic Press, 2001 ‐ 67 ‐ ANPC 2008 [11] Thomas Brückner, Steffen Bernet, Peter K. Steimer, ”The Active NPC Converter for Medium-Voltage Applications” Industry Applications Conference, 2005. Fourtieth IAS Annual Meeting. Conference Record of the 2005 IEEE Volume 1, 2005 Page(s): 84 - 91 Vol.1. [12] D. Floricau, E. Floricau, M. Dumitrescu, ”Natural Doubling of the Apparent Switching Frequency using Three-Level ANPC Converter”, International School on Nonsinusoidal Currents and Compensation - ISNCC, 10-13 June 2008, Lagow, Poland. [13] D.Floricau, E.Floricau, G.Gateau, ”Three-level SNPC Commutation Cell: Features and Control”, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE'08, 30 June-2 July, 2008, Cambridge, UK. [14] Liu Jian, Yin Xianggen, Zhang Zhe, Xiong Qing, “Study on Theory and Key Technologies of Full Digital SPWM Implementation for Three-Level Neutral Point Clamped Inverter”, IEEE International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems, ICCCAS 2007 [15] Mika Ikonen, Ossi Laakkonen, Marko Kettunen, ”Two-level and three-level converter comparison in wind power application”, Department of Electrical Engineering, Lappeenranta University of Technology, P.O. Box 20, FI-53851 Lappeenranta, Finland CD: [16] IRG4PH20KD DataSheet - Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor with ultra soft recovery diode [17] HCPL-3150 DataSheet - IGBT Gate Drive Optocoupler [18] IA0515S DataSheet - XP DC_DC Converter [19] IXDP631 PI DataSheet - Dead time generator for PWM controls [20] TMS320x28xx, 28xxx Enhanced Pulse Width Modulator (ePWM) Module Reference Guide ‐ 68 ‐ ANPC 2008 Appendix A ANPC Design Fig.B.1. ANPC PCB Design ‐ 69 ‐ GND P0R10201 HCPL_1 P0HCPL0108 1P0HCPL0101 8 N/C VCC P0HCPL0107 2 P0HCPL0102 7 Anode Vo R1_2 P0R10202 267 3 P0HCPL0103 6 Cathode VoP0HCPL0105 4P0HCPL0104 5 N/C VEE P0HCPL0106 P0C10402P0C10401 P0R902 R9 1k 1 P0DC/DC0101 DC C1_4 10uF 2 P0DC/DC0102 P0R20202 3 P0HCPL0203 6 Cathode VoP0HCPL0205 4P0HCPL0204 5 N/C VEE P0R1002 P0C20402P0C20401 P0R1001 P0REC0ENA0R0OUT 1 P0DC/DC0201 C2_4 10uF P0S1c02 220uF 2 P0DC/DC0202 DC P0R301 P0R1201 P0R701 C3_4 10uF P0REC0ENA0S0OUT P0R40201 P0R702 P0R40202 C7_2 100pF O DC A 100pF GND P0R401 1 P0DC/DC0401 DC C4_1 220uF 56 S2c IRG4BC20KD P0R402 DC/DC_4 GND P0C70101 P0C70102 C4_3 1uF R4 P0S2c02 HCPL_4 P0HCPL0406 3 P0HCPL0403 6 Cathode Vo P0HCPL0405 4P0HCPL0404 5 N/C VEE P0C40402P0C40401 P0C70201P0C70202 2 P0DC/DC0302 267 C7_1 SFH551/1V-1 P0DC/DC0305 P0HCPL0408 1P0HCPL0401 8 N/C VCC P0HCPL0407 2 P0HCPL0402 7 Anode Vo R4_2 P0REC0ENA0S0GND 220uF GND 90.9k XTAL P0XTAL02 1 2 P0XTAL01 P0REC0ENA0S0Vcc 5 4 P0DC/DC0303 3 C3_2 B P0DC/DC0304 GND GND R7 GND C8_4 REC_ENA_S R12 1k DC P0S202 P0C30102P0C30101 56 P0C40102P0C40101 P0R1202 GND 1 P0DC/DC0301 IRG4BC20KD P0S201 P0S2c01 P0C40202P0C40201 VCC P0C30402P0C30401 P0REC0S0OUT S2 220uF P0R302 DC/DC_3 GND C3_1 P0S203 3 P0HCPL0303 6 Cathode VoP0HCPL0305 4P0HCPL0304 5 N/C VEE VCC C3_3 1uF R3 P0*01 P0REC0S0Vcc P0C80401 P0R30202 P0HCPL0306 R VCC P0*018 P0*02 ENAR RU P0*017 P0*03 S RL P0*016 P0*04 ENAS SU P0*015 P0*05 T SL P0*014 P0*06 ENAT TU P0*013 P0*07 OUTENA TL P0*012 P0*08 P0*011 /RST OSCOUT P0*09 GND XTLINP0*010 1k HCPL_3 C4_2 P0S2c03 * R11 SFH551/1V-1 P0C80400 C2_2 5 4 P0DC/DC0203 3 267 Dead Time Generator P0REC0S0GND P0C90402P0C90401 IRG4BC20KD P0S1c01 P0C30202P0C30201 P0R1102 REC_S P0R1101 P0C80301 P0C80300 P0C90302 P0C90301 B 100n P0R202 S1c P0DC/DC0205 P0HCPL0308 1P0HCPL0301 8 N/C VCC P0HCPL0307 2 P0HCPL0302 7 Anode Vo R3_2 P0R30201 22u 220uF GND GND C9_4 DC C2_1 P0DC/DC0204 GND GND SFH551/1V-1 100n P0R201 56 P0C30302P0C30301 P0C80201 P0C80200 P0C90202P0C90201 1k R2 DC/DC_2 GND REC_ENA_R R10 C2_3 1uF P0C20102P0C20101 HCPL_2 P0REC0ENA0R0GND 22u 2.2uF A P0C20202P0C20201 P0R20201 P0REC0ENA0R0Vcc C8_3 C1_2 DC P0HCPL0206 C9_3 IRG4BC20KD P0S101 5 4 P0DC/DC0103 3 267 100n P0R102 P0DC/DC0105 P0HCPL0208 1P0HCPL0201 8 N/C VCC P0HCPL0207 2 P0HCPL0202 7 Anode Vo R2_2 GND 22u S1 2.2uF P0S1c03 GND GND SFH551/1V-1 C8_2 C1_1 GND P0REC0R0OUT P0REC0R0GND C9_2 8 P0DC/DC0104 P0REC0R0Vcc 100n P0R101 56 P0C20302P0C20301 REC_R P0R901 P0C80101 C8_1 P0C80100 22u P0C90102 P0C90101 C9_1 C1_3 0.1uF R1 DC/DC_1 GND A 7 P0S102 6 P0S103 5 P0C10102P0C10101 4 P0C10202P0C10201 3 P0C10302P0C10301 2 P0C40302P0C40301 1 220uF 5 4 P0DC/DC0403 3 P0DC/DC0405 P0DC/DC0404 C4_4 10uF 2 P0DC/DC0402 DC P0REC0ENA0T0Vcc P0REC0ENA0T0OUT 100n P0LED 102 P0LED 101 LED2 VCC P0LED201 1 P0DC/DC0501 C5_4 10uF GND GND P0R60201 2 P0DC/DC0502 P0S302 P0C50102P0C50101 P0S303 P0C50202P0C50201 P0C50302 P0C50301 DC HCPL_6 P0R60202 3 P0HCPL0603 6 P0HCPL0606 Cathode Vo 4P0HCPL0604 5 P0HCPL0605 N/C VEE P0C60402P0C60401 VCC 2 P0Supply02 1 P0Supply01 1 P0DC/DC0601 C6_4 10uF GND C6_3 1uF R6 P0R601 56 DC/DC_6 GND D 5 4 P0DC/DC0503 3 1P0HCPL0601 8 P0HCPL0608 N/C VCC 2 P0HCPL0602 7 P0HCPL0607 Anode Vo GND Supply 220uF P0DC/DC0505 267 SFH551/1V-1 C5_2 P0DC/DC0504 R6_2 P0REC0ENA0T0GND DC P0S301 GND P0LED202 GND 56 S3 IRG4BC20KD P0R502 DC/DC_5 GND 220uF DC 2 P0DC/DC0602 C6_1 P0S3c02 1k GND 750 P0R501 C5_1 220uF S3c IRG4BC20KD P0R602 P0S3c01 C6_2 P0S3c03 P0R1402 Reset Button REC_ENA_T R14 P0R1401 P0C80601 P0C80600 P0C90602P0C90601 22u C8_6 P0HCPL0506 3 P0HCPL0503 6 Cathode Vo P0HCPL0505 4P0HCPL0504 5 N/C VEE C5_3 1uF P0C60102P0C60101 20 C9_6 267 R5 P0C60202P0C60201 R10 LED 1 P0R801 P0R1002 VCC GND P0R50202 R8 10k P0Reset Button01P0Reset Button02 P0R1001 P0REC0T0GND GND P0C60302P0C60301 R9 P0R50201 P0R802 100nF C HCPL_5 P0HCPL0508 1P0HCPL0501 8 N/C VCC P0HCPL0507 2 P0HCPL0502 7 Anode Vo R5_2 P0C30302P0C30301 P0REC0T0OUT SFH551/1V-1 GND GND P0C50402P0C50401 1k P0REC0T0Vcc 100n GND C3_3 R13 P0R902 P0C80501 REC_T P0R901 22u C8_5 P0C80500 C9_5 P0C90502 P0C90501 C P0R1301 P0R1302 GND GND 220uF 5 P0DC/DC0604 4 P0DC/DC0603 3 P0DC/DC0605 D DC GND Title GND Size A2 Date: File: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number Active NPC Schematic Revision 10-Jun-08 Sheet of F:\Proiect Diploma\..\Schematic ANPC.SchDoc Drawn By: 7 8 Appendix B Fiber Optic interface Design Fig. B.1. Fiber optic interface design ‐ 71 ‐ ANPC 2008 ANPC 2008 Appendix C CD The attached CD contains: ¾ The report in PDF format ¾ DataSheets folder – contains datasheet for the components that are used ¾ DSP Work folder – contains the programs developed for PWM strategies ¾ Altium Designer Work folder – contains the design files ¾ Literature folder – contains the literature that are not from IEEE ¾ Simulations folder – contains the PSIM files for simulations ¾ Texas Instruments folder – contains the guides used to develop the programs and some technical documentation for the used platform ‐ 72 ‐