BANGALORE, INDIA USAC Course UI Equivalent Credits Bangalored: Business Relationships BUS 404 ST: Bangalored: Business Relationships 1 Bollywood Cinema FLEN 404 ST: Bollywood Cinema 3 Bollywood Dance DAN 105 Dance 3 Buddhism & Hinduism in Contemporary Society PHIL 307: Buddhism 3 Business and Government Relations ECON 404 ST: Business and Government Relations 3 Cast, Class and Gender in India SOC 404 ST: Cast, Class, and Gender in India 3 Contemporary Political & Econ Issues POLS 404 ST: Contemporary Political & Econ Issues 3 Diversity, Power & Oppression: Intl Prospective SOC 301 Intro to Diversity & Stratification 3 Gandhi, Empires, & Non-Violence: Brit India-Today HIST 404ST: Gandhi, Empires, & Non-Violence 3 Gandhi and Non-Violent Protest SOC 404 ST: Gandhi and Non-Violent Protest 3 Gender and Culture SOC 424 Sociology of Gender 3 Global Media and International Markets JAMM 490 Global Media 3 Global Social Theory: E&W Social Thought SOC 404 ST: Global Social Theory: E&W Social 3 Globalization & Innovation of South Asia SOC 404 ST: Globalization & Innovation of S. Asia 3 Health Care Services H&S 404 ST: Health Care Services 3 History of Modern Asia HIST 404 ST: History of Modern Asia 3 Human Rights in India SOC 404 ST: Human Rights in India 3 Indian Art & Architecture ARCH 404 ST: Indian Art & Architecture 1 Indian Cuisine FLEN 204 ST: Indian Cuisine 1 Indian Culture FLEN 404 ST: Indian Culture 3 Indian Cultures & Traditions FLEN 404 ST: Indian Cultures & Traditions 3 Intercultural Communication COMM 335 Intercultural Communication 3 International Business BUS 404 ST: International Business 3 International Marketing BUS 482 International Marketing 3 International Political Economy POLS 404 ST: Intl Political Economy 3 International Social Work Practice SOC 404 ST: International Social Work Pract 3 International Strategic Management BUS 490 Strategic Management 3 Introduction to Hindi Language FL 204 ST: Introduction to Hindi Langauge 1 Introduction to Kannada Language FL 204 ST: Intro to Kannada Language 1 Introduction to Sanskrit Language FL 204 ST: Introduction to Sanskrit Lang 1 Meaning of Rituals in Indian Society SOC 404 ST: Meaning of Rituals in Indian Society 3 Pollution Control & Environmental Challenges ENVS 404 ST: Pollution Control & Environ Challenge 3 Population and Poverty SOC 404 ST: Population and Poverty 3 Population and Poverty Firld Study SOC 404 ST: Population and Poverty Field Study 1 Production Management BUS 370 Intro to Operations Management 3 Sacred Journeys and Holy Places RELS 404 ST: Sacred Journeys and Holly Places 3 Service Learning INTR 494 ST: Service Practicum 1 Social Entrepreneurship from Environ Perspective ENVS 404 ST: Soc Entrepreneurship from Env Pres 3 Social Prob: Population & Poverty SOC 404 ST: Social Problems: Population&Poverty 3 Social Prob: Population & Poverty Field Study SOC 404 ST: Popul & Poverty Field Study 1 Social Prob: Women's Issues in Indian Soc SOC 404 ST: Soc Prob: Wmn's Issues-India 3 Social Prob: Women's Issues in Indian Soc FS SOC 404 ST: Soc Prob: Wmn's Issues-India FS 1 Social Stratification & Inequality SOC 404 ST: Social Stratification & Inequality 3 Society and Health H&S 404 ST: Society and Health 3 Sociology of Gender SOC 424 Sociology of Gender 3 South Asia POLS 404 ST: Cnemp Pol&Econ Issues South Asia 3 4/27/16 BANGALORE, INDIA Survival Hindi Travel and the Encounter with the Other Urban and Rural Development Women's Issues in Indian Society Yoga FL 204 ST: Survival Hindi ANTH 404 ST: Travel and the Encounter with Other SOC 404 ST: Urban and Rural Development WmSt 404 ST: Women's Issues in Indian Sciety PEB 204 ST: Yoga 1 3 3 3 1 4/27/16