MINIMUM-ENERGY RIPPLE-FREE DEAD-BEAT CONTROL OF TYPE-I SECOND-ORDER PLANTS C. A. Barbargires and C. A. Karybakas Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Department of Physics, Section of Electronics & Computers Thessaloniki, 540 06, Greece (e-mail: ABSTRACT The design of digital controllers for minimum-energy ripple-free dead-beat control of type-I second-order plants is considered. Two recently introduced necessary and su¢cient conditions for ripple-free dead-beat response are utilized for the solution of the optimization problem posed, thus leading to analytical expressions for the digital controller pulse transfer function. It is readily seen that a linear increment in the overall system order results to a proportional increase in the settling-time and an exponential decrease not only in the energy of the control signal needed to attain the desirable response, but the maximum control signal, as well. 1. INTRODUCTION Dead-beat (DB) control was introduced over four decades ago by Bergen and Ragazzini [1] and has been intensively studied since then within the framework of the discrete-time control theory. But for years past, designers have avoided the DB controller due to problems with physical realizability and incomplete pole-zero cancellation. However, with the advent of DSP systems, many of these problems can now be avoided. By de…nition, the DB response implies zero error response at the sampling instants after a speci…ed …nite settling-time, irrespective of the intersample response of the system [2]. Nevertheless, the DB control of certain classes of continuous-time plants may present problems, because of the remaining inter-sample activity, which is highly undesirable. The term ripple-free (RF) DB control refers to the elimination of this inter-sample activity, that is, the accomplishment of zero error response for all the continuous time after the …nite settling-time [3]. During the last years, there has been noticed an extensive research on RF-DB control systems [35], and various schemes have been proposed, aiming at the application of such modern techniques to the control of widely used plants [5-8]. In this work, the minimum energy (ME) RF-DB control of type-I second-order plants is addressed, using a generalized approach for the speci…c plant and the selection of the sampling period. The design of the digital controller through this optimization procedure is greatly facilitated by taking advantage of two recently introduced necessary and su¢cient conditions for RF-DB response [9], stemming from the study of the control sequence, which is restricted to be constant, and especially zero for the plant considered here, after the …nite settling-time. Systems with greater settling-time than the minimum one required for RF-DB response are optimized with respect to the control sequence, the energy of which is minimized. For these cases, analytical expressions are extracted for the controller pulse transfer functions and the control sequence. 2. DISCRETE-TIME MODEL The continuous-time model of a type-I secondorder plant (that may represent, for example, a servo motor) can be mathematically expressed by the transfer function G(s) = K s(s+a) (1) with a > 0 . The discrete-time model of this plant in cascade with a zero-order hold is Gh (z) = A(z¡B) (z¡1)(z¡C) with the parameters A, B and C de…ned as ¡ ¢ : A = aK2 aT ¡ 1 + e¡aT : : )e¡aT C = e¡aT B = 1¡(1+aT 1¡aT ¡e¡aT ; (2) (3) where T is the sampling period. Obviously, the discrete-time plant is critically stable, because its two poles reside at z1 = 1 and z2 = C 2 (0; 1), and also inversely stable, because its zero resides at z3 = B 2 (¡1; 0). Since this zero takes negative real values inside the unit circle of the z-plane, its cancellation by a controller pole will lead to ripple [4]. Thus, for RF response this zero must be present in the closed-loop pulse transfer function of the system. 3. RF-DB CONTROL For DB response, the pulse transfer function of the closed-loop system must be in the form of a …nite polynomial in terms of powers in z ¡1 P ¡i (4) F (z) = N i=1 fi z where the coe¢cients fi , i = 1; 2; : : : ; N , constitute the impulse response sequence of the system [9]. For DB response to step inputs these coe¢cients must additionally satisfy the linear condition PN (5) i=1 fi = 1 which means that the DC gain of the closed-loop system has to be equal to unity, in order that the error sequence be zero after the …nite settling-time [9]. If the pulse transfer function of the closed-loop system with the desirable response characteristics has been computed by some method, the pulse transfer function of the corresponding digital controller in a unity feedback scheme is given by [2] Since the control sequence coe¢cients uk are already expressed through Eq.(9) as a function of the impulse response coe¢cients fi of the closed-loop system, the optimization of the system’s performance according to the speci…ed objective function will be achieved through the minimization of J with respect to the coe¢cients fi , with the subsidiary constraints expressed by Eqs.(5) and (10) for these coe¢cients. This is a problem of static optimization under linear constraints that can be solved using the Lagrange method of undetermined multipliers. For this, the extended function is de…ned as ¶ µN N P P : (12) fi ¡ 1 + ¹ B N¡i fi I =J +¸ i=1 D(z) = 1 Gh (z) ¢ F (z) 1¡F (z) (6) The z-transform of the control signal is easily shown to be [2] U (z) = F (z)R(z)=Gh (z) (7) and assuming a step input with R(z) = z=(z¡1), the inversion integral method gives the control sequence ¶ µN I 1 1 z¡C P N¡i fi z z k¡N dz (8) uk = 2¼j ¡ A z ¡ B i=1 where ¡ is any closed curve that encloses the isolated poles of the integrand at z1 = B and z2 = 0 for k < N . The computation of the above integral leads to the closed-form relation ( P k 1 k¡i B¡C fi + B¡C fk+1 ; k < N i=1 B uk = ¢ P N A k¸N B k¡N i=1 B N¡i fi ; (9) That is, the condition for RF response is extracted as a simple linear equation PN N¡i (10) fi = 0 i=1 B that makes zero the control sequence for k ¸ N . First- and second-order overall systems have been thoroughly studied in the past [7]. The …rstorder overall system constitutes a minimum prototype system for step inputs, but it presents ripple at the system output. The second-order overall system is a non-minimum prototype one for step inputs, but it presents the minimum settling-time for RF-DB response to step inputs. 4. OPTIMIZATION The response of the system can be improved by optimizing the control sequence. This can be accomplished by minimizing the energy of this sequence, that is, the sum of the squares of the control sequence coe¢cients, by choosing the following cost function PN¡1 (11) J = k=0 u2k i=1 where ¸ and ¹ are the Lagrange multipliers. The solution of the minimization problem is achieved by solving the following set of equations ( @I j = 1; 2; : : : ; N @fj = 0; (13) @I @I = = 0 @¸ @¹ The …rst equation of this set can be written [6] (B ¡ C) + j¡1 P i=1 k N¡1 P P B 2k¡j¡i fi + k=j i=1 B j¡1¡i fi + fj = ¡ N¡1 P B k¡j fk+1 k=j ¢ ¡ A2 ¸ + ¹B N¡j 2(B ¡ C) (14) and the solution of this linear system gives the impulse response coe¢cients of the closed-loop system as a function of, among other variables, the Lagrange multipliers ¸ and ¹. Elimination of these parameters is achieved using Eqs.(5) and (10). As a result, the coe¢cients fi are …nally expressed as a function of the variables A, B, C and N, only, and the pulse transfer function of the digital controller can be derived using Eq.(6). 5. DESIGN EXAMPLE As a speci…c plant, the DC servo motor appearing in [5] is considered with K = ¡59:6 and a = 6:0. The discrete-time transfer function of the plant in cascade with a zero-order hold is found using Eq.(2) Gh (z) = ¡0:06758 ¢ z+0:90490 (z¡1)(z¡0:74082) (15) where the sampling period has been taken T = 0:05 sec. The pulse transfer function of the digital controller for the second-order overall system with the RF-DB requirement is given from D2 (z) = ¡7:76838 ¢ z¡0:74082 z+0:47504 (16) This …rst-order controller cancels only the stable pole of the plant at z = 0:74082 and presents a pole at z = ¡0:47504. The system response is RF-DB, and this is achieved at the expense of an increased settling-time ts2 = 0:10 sec. The maximum control signal appearing at the plant is umax 2 = 7:76838, while the energy of the control signal takes the value of J2 = 93:46729. The pulse transfer function of the digital controller for the third-order overall system with the RF-DB requirement and the minimum control energy is given from Eq.(A-1) D3 (z) = ¡3:88419(z+1)(z¡0:74082) z 2 +0:73752z+0:23752 (17) This second-order controller cancels only the stable pole of the plant at z = 0:74082. It presents another zero at z = ¡1 and two complex conjugate poles at z = ¡0: 36876 § 0: 31865i. The system response remains RF-DB, but with lower control signal than the previous case, and this is achieved at the expense of a further increased settling-time ts3 = 0:15 sec. The maximum control signal appearing at the plant is umax 3 = 3:88419, which is reduced to the half compared to the previous case, while the energy of the control signal takes the value of J3 = 24:38029: The pulse transfer function of the digital controller for the fourth-order overall system with the RF-DB requirement and the minimum control energy is given from Eq.(A-1) D4 (z) = ¡2:33737(z 2 +1:32355z+1)(z¡0:74082) z 3 +0:84205z 2 +0:49006z+0:14293 (18) This third-order controller cancels only the stable pole of the plant at z = 0:74082. It presents another two complex conjugate zeros at z = ¡0: 66178 § 0: 7497i, a negative real pole at z = ¡0: 45524 and two complex conjugate poles at z = ¡0: 19341 § 0: 52589i. The system response remains RF-DB, but with lower control signal than the previous case, and this is achieved at the expense of a further increased settling-time ts4 = 0:20 sec. The maximum control signal appearing at the plant is umax 4 = 2:33737, which is further reduced compared to the previous case, while the energy of the control signal takes the value of J4 = 10:31894. The previous, and further, numerical results for the various response characteristics of this design example are tabulated for comparison reasons in Table 1. The …rst column of the table presents the overall system order N , the second column the maximum control signal umax , the third column the energy of the control signal J, the fourth the settling-time of the system ts (which equals the overall system order times the sampling period) and the …fth column the product between the control energy and the settlingtime. The last quantity can be regarded as a measure of the overall performance of the design technique presented here, since it incorporates the e¤ect of the gradual settling-time increase when the system order increases. It is readily seen that with a linear increment in the overall system order, there is a proportional increase in the settling-time and an exponential decrease not only in the energy of the control signal needed to attain the desirable RF-DB response, but also in the maximum magnitude of the control signal. N umax J ts 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7.76838 3.88419 2.33737 1.56727 1.12900 0.85610 0.67477 93.46729 24.38029 10.31894 5.52326 3.40971 2.31792 1.68863 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 J ¢ ts 9.34673 3. 65704 2. 06379 1. 38082 1. 022 91 0. 811 27 0. 675 45 Table 1: Response characteristics for the speci…c plant of the design example. 6. CONCLUSIONS The design of digital controllers for type-I second-order plants with minimum-energy ripplefree dead-beat response to step inputs was addressed. For the unity-feedback scheme studied, analytical expressions for the digital controller pulse transfer functions together with the control sequences were derived. It was clearly shown that RF-DB response to step inputs cannot be attained with a minimum prototype system (…rst-order overall system), due to the oscillating control signal that comes from the cancellation of the stable negative real zero of the plant with a pole of the digital controller. The secondorder overall system was proved to have the minimum system order for RF-DB response to step inputs and that was achieved with a …rst-order digital controller that avoided the aforementioned polezero cancellation. For greater overall system orders, there was proposed the minimization of the energy of the control signal that resulted to a further improvement in the response characteristics. It was shown that with a third-order overall system, there was the half maximum control signal of that observed for a second-order system, independently of the selection of the sampling period. Furthermore, there was observed that a linear increment in the overall system order resulted to a proportional increase in the settling-time and an exponential decrease in both the energy of the control signal needed to attain the desirable ME-RF-DB response and the maximum control signal. APPENDIX The pulse transfer function of the digital controller designed with the proposed energyminimization procedure for an N -th order closed- loop system is given by [6] DN (z) = N¡2 X SN;i (C)z i z¡C i=0 ¢ N¡1 A X RN;i (B; C)z i (A-1) i=0 [8] C. A. Barbargires and C. A. Karybakas, “Optimal control of …rst-order plants by dead-beat techniques”, Optimal Control Appl. Methods, vol. 18, pp. 355–362, 1997. [9] C. A. Karybakas and C. A. Barbargires, “Explicit conditions for ripple-free dead-beat control”, Kybernetika, vol. 32, pp. 601–614, 1996. where the polynomial RN;i (B; C) takes the form RN;i (B; C) = PN;i (C) ¡ B ¢ QN;i (C) (A-2) while for the polynomial SN;i (C) one symmetry relation holds, namely SN;i (C) = SN;N¡2¡i (C) 7 and the polynomials SN;i (C) and QN;i (C) take the form P j (A-7) SN;i (C) = j xN;i;j C P j (A-8) QN;i (C) = j yN;i;j C 8 j 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 2 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 1 2 2 0 1 1 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 Table 2: The coe¢cients xN;i;j . with the coe¢cients xN;i;j and yN;i;j taking the values given in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. [1] A. R. Bergen and J. R. Ragazzini, “Sampleddata processing techniques for feedback control systems”, Trans. AIEE (Industry and Applications), vol. 73, pp. 236–247, 1954. [2] K. Ogata, Discrete-Time Control Systems. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cli¤s, NJ, 1987. [3] S. Urikura and A. Nagata, “Ripple-free deadbeat control for sampled-data systems”, IEEE Trans. Automat. Control, vol. AC-32, pp. 474– 482, 1987. [4] E. Za…riou and M. Morari, “Digital controllers for SISO systems: a review and a new algorithm”, Int. J. Control, vol. 42, pp. 855–876, 1985. · [5] S. H. Zak and E. E. Blouin, “Ripple-free deadbeat control”, IEEE Control Systems Mag., vol. 13, pp. 51–56, 1993. [6] C. A. Barbargires, “Study of Discrete-Time Control Systems with Dead-Beat Response to Polynomial Inputs”, Ph.D. Dissertation, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 1994. [7] C. A. Barbargires and C. A. Karybakas, “Ripplefree dead-beat control of DC servo motors”, Proc. 2nd IEEE Mediterranean Symposium on New Directions in Control and Automation, Chania, Crete, 1994, pp. 469–476. 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 6 (A-4) (A-5) (A-6) REFERENCES i 3 4 5 (A-3) Additionally, the following equations are valid PN;0 (C) = 0 PN;i (C) = QN;i¡1 (C) QN;N¡1 (C) = QN;N¡2 (C) N N i 3 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 5 6 7 8 j 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 3 4 0 1 2 2 1 3 5 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 4 1 3 5 7 9 11 12 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 3 6 8 9 1 2 4 5 7 8 1 3 6 9 12 14 15 1 3 5 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 4 1 3 6 10 13 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 3 6 9 12 14 15 1 3 5 7 9 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Table 3: The coe¢cients yN;i;j .