Editors ▪ Tom Coulthard (managing editor) ▪ Frédéric Herman ▪ Niels Hovius ▪ Douglas Jerolmack ▪ Andreas Lang ▪ A. Joshua West Earth Surface Dynamics An interactive open-access journal of the European Geosciences Union esurf-editors@mailinglists.copernicus.org ESurf ISSN 2196-6311 | eISSN 2196-632X | ESurfD eISSN 2196-6338 www.earth-surface-dynamics.net @EGU_ESurf → → → Impact Factor: 2.000 (2015) indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), Current Contents, Scopus, ADS, DOAJ, GeoRef, J-Gate, and others archived in Portico & CLOCKSS www.earth-surface-dynamics.net Copernicus Publications Bahnhofsallee 1e 37081 Göttingen Germany Phone: +49 551 9 00 33 90 Fax: +49 551 90 03 39 70 publications@copernicus.org http://publications.copernicus.org ESurf image credits: Water angel, Trift Glacier Lake in the Swiss Alps: Romain Schläppy Colorado Horseshoe Bend: Ioannis A. Daglis Outfall part of the Trift Glacier in the Swiss Alps. Melting process due to positive summer temperatures: Romain Schläppy Tree Roots: JR Woodward Spheroidal weathering, MMCC: SuperTopo Interactive Public Peer ReviewTM ▪ publication of the manuscript as discussion paper ▪ public discussion by the scientific community ▪ open access to referee reports ▪ authors’ revision and peer-review completion ▪ final journal publication – fully peer-reviewed Referees 1.S ubmission 2.Access review 5 3.Technical corrections 4.Publication as D-paper 5.Public discussion 6.Revision 7.Revised submission Referee comments Author 1 2 Editor 4 Discussion paper stage (discussion forum) 6 Author 7 Short comments Earth Surface Dynamics (ESurf) is an international scientific journal dedicated to the publication and discussion of high-quality research on the physical, chemical, and biological processes shaping Earth’s surface and their interactions on all scales. The main subject areas of ESurf comprise field measurements, remote sensing, and experimental and numerical modelling of Earth surface processes, and their interactions with the lithosphere, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and pedosphere. Editor 2nd stage (journal) 5 8 9 Author comments Scientific community Aims and scope 9.Final revised publication 5 3 1st 8.Peer-review completion Final revised paper ESurf prioritizes studies with general implications for Earth surface science and especially values contributions that straddle discipline boundaries, enhance theory–observation feedback, and/or apply basic principles from physics, chemistry, or biology. The manuscript types considered for publication in ESurf are research articles, review articles, short communications, and comments/replies. www.earth-surface-dynamics.net