Power Electronics Chapter 6 PWM Techniques Power Electronics The most widely used control technique in power electronics DC/DC AC/AC Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) (Chopping control) DC/AC AC/DC 2 Power Electronics Outline 6.1 Basic principles 6.2 Some major PWM techniques in DC/AC inverters 6.3 PWM techniques with feedback control 6.4 PWM rectifiers 3 Power Electronics 6.1 Basic principles of PWM Similar response to different shape of impulse input The equal-area theorem: Responses tend to be identical when input signals have same area and time durations of input impulses become very small. 4 Power Electronics Basic principles of PWM Application of the equal-area theorem This is sinusoidal PWM (SPWM) The equal-area theorem can be applied to realize any shape of waveforms 5 Power Electronics A list of PWM techniques Triangular-wave sampling – Natural sampling – Uniform sampling Calculation – Calculation based on equal-area criterion – Selective harmonics elimination Hysteric control Space Vector Modulation (SVM, or SVPWM) Random PWM 6 Power Electronics 6.2 Some major PWM techniques Natural sampling Uniform sampling Selective harmonics elimination Some practical issues – Synchronous modulation and asynchronous modulation – Harmonics in the PWM inverter output voltages – Ways to improve DC input voltage utilization and reduce switching frequency – Connection of multiple PWM inverters 7 Power Electronics Triangular-wave natural sampling Uni-polar PWM in single-phase VSI V1 Ud + V3 VD1 R L uo V2 V4 VD2 Control signal VD3 VD4 ur Carrier uc Mudulation Carrier Uni-polar sampling is used to realize uni-polar PWM. 8 Power Electronics Triangular-wave natural sampling Bi-polar PWM in single-phase VSI V1 Ud + V3 VD1 R L uo V2 V4 VD2 Control signal VD3 VD4 ur Carrier uc Mudulation Carrier Bi-polar sampling is used to realize bi-polar PWM. 9 Power Electronics Triangular-wave natural sampling In 3-phase VSI Three-phase bridge inverter can only realize bi-bolar PWM therefore should be controlled by bipolar sampling. 10 Power Electronics Triangular-wave uniform sampling Easier to realize by computercontrol Modulation factor 11 Power Electronics Selective harmonics elimination PWM (SHEPWM) 12 Power Electronics Frequency relationship between triangularwave carrier and control signal Asynchronous Modulation Synchronous Modulation 13 Spectrum of 1-phase bridge PWM inverter output voltage 1.4 a=1.0 a=0.8 a=0.5 a=0 1.2 1.0 No lower order harmonics The lowest frequency harmonics is wc and adjacent harmonics. wc has the highest harmonic content. Magnitude(%) Power Electronics Harmonics in the PWM inverter output voltages 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 k 1 n 0 0 +- 2 +- 4 0 +- 1 +- 3 +- 5 0 +- 2 +- 4 1 2 3 (nωc +kωr ) 14 Spectrum of 3-phase bridge PWM inverter output voltage No lower order harmonics No harmonics at ωc. The lowest frequency and highest content harmonics are ωc±2ωr and 2ωc±ωr. 1.2 a=1.0 a=0.8 a=0.5 a=0 1.0 Magnitude(%) Power Electronics Harmonics in the PWM inverter output voltages 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 k 1 n 0 0 +- 2 +- 4 0 +- 1 +- 3 +- 5 0 +- 2 +- 4 1 2 3 (nωc +kωr ) 15 Power Electronics Ways to improve utilization of DC input voltage and reduce switching frequency Use trapezoidal waveform as modulating signal instead of sinusoidal 16 Power Electronics Ways to improve utilization of DC input voltage and reduce switching frequency Use 3k order harmonics bias in the modulating signal u 1 uc t O -0.5 O t urU urV urW uc t -1 uUN' ur3 Ud 2 ωt O − ur1 urW1 -1 uP ur1 O urV1 O u 1 u urU1 Ud 2 t uVN' ur uc u O t uWN' O ωt O t uUV Ud O t -Ud 17 Power Electronics Connection of multiple PWM inverters Purposes – Expand output power rating – Reduce harmonics 18 Power Electronics 6.3 PWM techniques with feedback control Current hysteric control Voltage hysteric control Triangular-wave comparison (sampling) with feedback control 19 Power Electronics Current hysteretic control In Single-phase VSI 20 Power Electronics Current hysteretic control In 3-phase VSI 21 Power Electronics Voltage hysteretic control Ud 2 Ud 2 Filter + u* u u 22 Power Electronics Triangular-wave comparison (sampling) with feedback control 23 Power Electronics 6.4 PWM rectifiers Operation Principles a) Rectification mode c) Reactive power compensation mode b) Inversion mode d) Current leading by ϕ 24 Power Electronics PWM rectifiers Three-phase circuit 25 Power Electronics PWM rectifiers Indirect current control Triangular-wave u*d + ud PI id uR + + R - uA,B,C sin(ωt+2kπ/3) (k=0,1,2) uL XL cos(ωt+2kπ/3) (k=0,1,2) R L ua,ub,uc ud + Load 26 Power Electronics PWM rectifiers Direct current control 27