RADIO/TV BROADCASTING (AAS.RTV) ASSOCIATE IN APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE Radio/TV Broadcasting provides students with the skills necessary for positions of employment in local and regional radio and television stations. Students receive hands-on training with much of the same equipment found in today's broadcast industry. Upon completion of a Radio/TV degree, students will be able to write news, sports, commercials and promotional announcements for use on radio and television; to function as radio/television announcers; and to operate state-of-the-art digital audio systems, a non-linear digital video editing system and a radio control console. Students will also be proficient in the effective techniques of radio and television sales and will be able to operate an assortment of video production equipment. For those interested, training in sports play-by-play is also available. Experience is obtained on the college FM stereo radio station, through work in the non-broadcast television studio, by using television field equipment and through the use of audio and video digital editing systems. Internships at local radio and television stations are available. For those interested in transferring to Southern Illinois University at Carbondale or Eastern Illinois University, a specific curriculum can be designed. For students who want to transfer: A program can be designed for a student who wants to transfer to a university with an emphasis in radio and television. If a student completes the program, the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) General Education Requirements are fulfilled. Classes in the Radio-TV major are accepted as an equivalent, general elective in the major, or general elective. Following completion, a student receives an associate in applied science degree with all general education requirements satisfied. Program requirements may change over time. Specific degree/graduation requirements are determined by a degree audit. FIRST YEAR First Semester RTV-150 RTV-155 ENG-120 SPE-111 PSY-271 SECOND YEAR Introduction to Broadcasting + Radio TV Announcing + Composition I * Intro to Speech Communication Intr/Psychology SEMESTER TOTALS Second Semester RTV-160 Radio Station Operation +++ RTV-165 Broadcast Writing +++ ESC-102 Weather and Climate Electives SEMESTER TOTALS Hours 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 15.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 19.0 First Semester RTV-180 RTV-070 ECO-130 ECO-231 Basic TV Production + Radio Production Lab * + The American Economy OR Principles of Econ I (Macro) Electives SEMESTER TOTALS Second Semester RTV-175 Broadcast Sales +++ RTV-185 Advanced Radio Production * +++ HIS-156 History of the U.S. II Elective SFS-101 Strategies for Success OR HED --- Health Elective OR PED --- P.E. Elective SEMESTER TOTALS Hours 3.0 5.0 3.0 6.0 17.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 15.0 SUGGESTED ELECTIVES RTV-072 RTV-073 RTV-082 RTV-083 POS-160 SPE-213 CIS-099 CIS-066 Fall Sportscasting + Spring Sportscasting +++ Fall Athletic Announcing + Spring Athletic Announcing +++ American National Government Intro/Group Discussion * + Web Page Design * Digital Video Production + 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 TOTAL PROGRAM HOURS 66.00 * ** + ++ +++ ++++ ^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ There are prerequisites, course requisites, or minimum placement test scores for this course. Electives must be approved by the Program Coordinator Course only offered fall semester Course only offered spring and summer semester Course only offered spring semester Course offered in summer term only SOS 050 Human Relations and PSY 271 Introduction to Psychology cannot be used as a social science elective Consult Academic Advisor for appropriate course Course requires a 30-hour practicum experience in addition to classroom lecture hours ECE 120 and ECE 125 must be taken the same semester