Accende Magnitudinem Animi Igniting Greatness of Spirit where bright kids become great students and everyday successes become a lifetime of achievements Progress Report for E = Excellent Grade G = Good S = Satisfactory Report period ending N = Needs Improvement U = Unacceptable Shaded areas indicate the Scholars’ Hall standards of acceptable performance. Standard definitions are on the back. Teacher Subject Level of Instruction at Grade above Gr at Grade above Gr at Grade above Gr at Grade above Gr Attendance E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U Punctuality E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U Uniform E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U Preparedness for class E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U Homework completion E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U Homework quality E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U Attention in class E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U Participation in class E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U Use of class time E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U Learning attitude E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U Class leadership E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U Organization/Neatness E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U Spelling/Grammar E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U Work habits E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U Notebooks E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U Assignments/Projects E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U Study & Preparation E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U Test Performance E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U Teacher interaction E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U Peer interaction E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U Respect for property E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U Respect for school E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U E G S N U Level 3 Level 4 Level 3 Level 4 Level 3 Level 4 Level 3 Level4 Mark (Earned Level) Scholars’ Expected Level With Accommodations Interview Requested Yes No Yes Available Yes Yes No Available Yes No Yes Available Yes No Yes Available Scholars’ Hall Inc. – Waterloo Region’s Singular Private School 888 Trillium Drive, Kitchener, Ontario N2R 1K4 519 888 - 6620 Scholars’ Hall Reporting Standards Teacher Subject Level of Instruction at grade above grade Vocabulary and Curriculum Content is presented at Grade or above Grade Attendance E G S N U Average days absent from class/month: E=0; G=1; S=2; N=3; U=4+ Average days absent from class/month: E=0; G=1; S=2; N=3; U=4+ Punctuality E G S N U Average times late for class/month: E=0; G=1; S=2; N=3; U=4+ Average times late for class/month: E=0; G=1; S=2; N=3; U=4+ Uniform E G S N U G = in full & proper uniform – neat, clean, & worn appropriately G = in full & proper uniform – neat, clean, & worn appropriately Preparedness for class E G S N U G = at the bell, having everything necessary to proceed with class G = at the bell, having everything necessary to proceed with class Homework completion E G S N U G/S = an visible, honest attempt at every question assigned for homework G/S = an visible, honest attempt at every question assigned for homework Homework quality E G S N U G/S = full and complete readable answers, in appropriate notebook G/S = full and complete readable answers, in appropriate notebook Attention in class E G S N U G = self maintaining consistent attention to the teacher and the academic task G = self maintaining consistent attention to the teacher and the academic task Participation in class E G S N U G = asking & answering positive/constructive questions regularly G = asking & answering positive/constructive questions regularly Use of class time E G S N U G = accomplishing the expected/required amount of work assigned G = accomplishing the expected/required amount of work assigned Learning attitude E G S N U G = demonstrating a positive, cooperative and open attitude towards instruction G = demonstrating a positive, cooperative and open attitude towards instruction Class leadership E G S N U G/S = volunteering, good modeling, positive active/passive citizenship/leadership G/S = volunteering, good modeling, positive active/passive citizenship/leadership Organization/Neatness E G S N U G/S = locker/desk/notes/homework/materials/utensils – ordered and accessible G/S = locker/desk/notes/homework/materials/utensils – ordered and accessible Spelling/Grammar E G S N U G/S = correct spelling with good grammatical syntax in all written tasks G/S = correct spelling with good grammatical syntax in all written tasks Work habits E G S N U G/S = independent application of initiation/completion/quality/pride G/S = independent application of initiation/completion/quality/pride Notebooks E G S N U G/S = dates/headings/readable/presentable/color/order/complete/doodle-free G/S = dates/headings/readable/presentable/color/order/complete/doodle-free Assignments/Projects E G S N U G/S = on-time/complete/presentable/on-topic/to instructions/to ability G/S = on-time/complete/presentable/on-topic/to instructions/to ability Study & Preparation E G S N U G/S = allots time/uses various methods/retention G/S = allots time/uses various methods/retention Test Performance E G S N U G/S = marks reflect expected level of achievement G/S = marks reflect expected level of achievement Teacher interaction E G S N U G = respectful/polite/courteous/helpful/positive G = respectful/polite/courteous/helpful/positive Peer interaction E G S N U G = respectful/polite/courteous/helpful/positive G = respectful/polite/courteous/helpful/positive Respect for property E G S N U G = actively maintaining/improving the quality/condition of the school G = actively maintaining/improving the quality/condition of the school Respect for the school E G S N U G = actively & positively promoting Scholars’ Hall to peers & in the community G = actively & positively promoting Scholars’ Hall to peers & in the community Actual earned mark & Provincial Level resulting from personal performance Actual earned mark & Provincial Level resulting from personal performance Mark (Earned Level) Scholars’ Expected Level With Accommodations Interview Requested Level 3 Level 4 Yes No Yes No Available Expected Performance Level if “doing his/her best” Expected Performance Level if “doing his/her best” Yes = accommodations in place so that Provincial Expectations can be meet Yes = accommodations in place so that Provincial Expectations can be meet Teachers are required to meet with parents, a minimum of twice/year Teachers are required to meet with parents, a minimum of twice/year Success at Scholars’ Hall Inc. is contingent upon five assumptions. First, that a student’s parents have informed and provided all information/ documentation regarding their child to Scholars’ Hall. Second, that a student is intellectually and academically capable of achieving in a grade appropriate program. Third, that a student strives to improve beyond the academic levels identified at admission. Fourth, that a student continues to meet the Standards of Good Conduct and Teachability and complies with the Student Order and Discipline Policy. Finally, that a student’s parents continue to support/promote the philosophies, policies, staff and decisions of Scholars’ Hall Inc.