Visual Aids - Day
11.1 At aerodromes used by both helicopters and fixed wing aircraft, specific markings are
required of those facilities on the aerodrome which are provided for the exclusive use of
Helicopter landing and lift-off area markings
11.2 Where a specific area is provided for the landing and lift-off of helicopters (other than
from the runway), the spot is to be marked by a circle (the aiming circle), painted white, with
an inside radius of 6m and a line width of 1.0m. An H marking is to be provided, located
centrally within the aiming circle, and aligned with the orientation of the helicopter landing
direction. The dimensions of the H marking are to be 6m high and 3m wide, with a line width
of one metre, and painted white, as shown in Fig 11.53.
Fig 11.53 - Helicopter landing and lift-off marking
Helicopter apron markings
11.3 Helicopter apron markings comprise taxi guidelines, lead-in lines and helicopter
parking position markings as set out below. Markings for taxi guidelines and lead-in lines to
dedicated helicopter parking positions are to be the same as for fixed wing aircraft.
Helicopter parking position markings
11.4 Helicopter parking position markings help pilots to safely and accurately steer and
position helicopters on an apron. Where a dedicated helicopter parking position is provided
on a sealed, concrete or asphalt apron, it is to be marked with the letter H painted yellow, 4m
high, 2m wide with a line width 0.7m, and conform to the shape and proportions as shown in
Fig 11.54. The letter H is to be located centrally in the parking position and aligned with the
desired orientation of the helicopter when parked. This marking also serves as the parking
position designator.
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Fig 11.54 - Helicopter parking position marking
Helicopter taxi guideline designation
11.5 The helicopter taxi guideline designation is to be provided where a taxi guideline leads
to a parking position which is restricted to helicopters only. Where an apron contains both
fixed wing and dedicated helicopter parking positions, taxi guidelines leading to dedicated
helicopter parking positions are to be marked with the designator `H', 2m high and painted
yellow, at their divergence from the aircraft taxi guidelines, as shown in Fig 11.55. These
designations are to be located and oriented in such a way that they can be seen by the critical
aircraft 15m away on the taxi guideline.
Fig 11.55 - Helicopter taxi guideline designator
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Helicopter parking position numbers
11.6 Helicopter parking position numbers are provided when there is more than one
helicopter parking position on an apron. All parking positions on an apron are to be
numbered. Helicopter parking position numbers are to be located above and below the
helicopter parking position marking. The numbers are to be 2m high, painted yellow, as
shown in Fig 11.56.
Fig 11.56 - Helicopter parking position number
Helicopter apron edge markings
11.7 Helicopter apron edge markings are to be provided when it is necessary to define
clearly apron areas allocated specifically for helicopter parking.
11.8 On sealed, concrete or asphalt aprons, the helicopter apron edge marking is to consist
of two continuous lines 0.15m wide, 0.15m apart, and painted light blue. Additionally, the
words `HELICOPTER ONLY' are to be painted, in yellow colour, along the helicopter apron
edge marking, outside the helicopter apron, and legible to pilots of approaching aircraft. The
letters are to be 0.5m high, located 0.15m from the helicopter apron edge marking and spaced
at intervals not exceeding 50m, along the helicopter apron edge marking, as shown in Fig
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Fig 11.57 - Helicopter apron edge markings
11.9 On gravel or natural surface aprons, the apron is to be marked using light blue cones.
The cones are spaced to be at a minimum of 30m, and a maximum of 60m, apart.
Typical helicopter apron markings
11.10 Fig 11.58 (next page) illustrates the marking of a typical helicopter apron on an
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Fig 11.58 - Helicopter apron markings
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12.1 Movement area guidance signs (MAGS) are signs located on, or adjacent to, the
movement area to provide instructions or information to pilots. Normally they comprise
rectangular sign boards mounted on legs, with the longer axis positioned horizontally.
12.2 Those signs which convey messages of instructions which must be obeyed by pilots
are known as mandatory instruction signs. These signs are to have white lettering on a red
12.3 Those signs which convey messages of information are known as information signs.
These signs are to have either black lettering on a yellow background or yellow lettering on a
black background.
12.4 MAGS with mandatory signs are to be provided at major international aerodromes,
and at other aerodromes which have air traffic control and for which CASA determines that
these are required for safe aircraft operational reasons.
12.5 MAGS with information are normally provided where the aerodrome has multiple
runways and a complex taxiway system. It is an inexpensive way to maintain the movement
rate of aircraft on the taxiway, particularly in reduced visibility conditions. Aerodrome
operators should consult with airlines and the Air Traffic Control on the need for MAGS with
information. Where provided, they are to be to the standards set out below.
12.6 Notwithstanding paragraph 12.5 above, at aerodromes where taxiway intersection
departures are promulgated in the AIP—Enroute Supplement, Australia, MAGS with
information for such taxiway/runway intersections are required.
Dimensions, location and lettering
12.7 The overall height of MAGS above the ground, and offset from the edge of the
taxiway pavement, are to be such as to provide adequate clearance to passing aircraft. The
depth and width of the sign board is dependent upon the location of the sign, the size of the
characters and the length of the message to be placed on it.
12.8 Where MAGS are provided only on one side of the taxiway, they are to be located on
the pilots’ left hand side unless it is impracticable to do so (for example, due to the presence
of an apron adjacent to the taxiway). Where MAGS are to be read from both directions along
a taxiway, they should be bigger in size, and are to be oriented so as to be at right angles to the
taxi guideline. Where MAGS are to be read in one direction only, they are to be oriented so as
to be at 75 degrees to the taxi guideline.
12.9 The size of signs and the installed locations are to be in accordance with the
dimensions set out below:
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Sign size and location distances, including runway exit signs
Sign height (mm)
distance from
defined runway
pavement edge
near side of sign
3-10 m
8-15 m
8-15 m
distance from
defined taxiway
pavement edge to
near side of sign
5-11 m
5-11 m
11-21 m
11-21 m
1 or 2
1 or 2
3 or 4a
3 or 4
For runway exit signs, use the mandatory size
I - Information signs
M - Mandatory instruction signs
12.10 The stroke width of letters and arrows used in signs are to be as follows:
Legend height
Stroke width
200 mm
32 mm
300 mm
48 mm
400 mm
64 mm
12.11 The shape and style of letters and numbers are to be the same as for designation
markings for taxiways and aprons or as per the forms of characters set out in ICAO Annex 14,
Appendix 4.
12.12 The face width of a sign is to provide on either side of the legend a minimum width
equal to half the height of the legend. In the case of a single letter sign, that width is to be
increased to the height of the legend. However in any case, the face width of a mandatory
instruction sign provided on one side of a taxiway only is not to be less than:
(a) 1.94 m where the code number is 3 or 4; and
(b) 1.46 m where the code number is 1 or 2.
12.13 MAGS are to be lightweight and frangibly mounted. They are to be constructed so as
to withstand a wind velocity of 160 km/h, but the mountings are to be constructed so as to fail
under a static load of 8 kPa distributed over the sign.
12.14 All MAGS, except for those where internal illumination is provided, are to be made of
retroreflective class one material. Illumination is to be provided to all mandatory instruction
signs and information signs meant for used by code 4 aeroplanes. Illumination is optional for
information signs intended to serve code 1, 2 or 3 aeroplanes, however if the location of a sign
is such that the retroreflectiveness is ineffective, illumination should be provided. Both
external or internal illumination are acceptable. In the case of external illumination, care
should be taken to prevent dazzle.
12.15 The sign luminance (average sign background luminance) is to be as follows:
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(a) where operations are conducted in runway visual range of less than 800m, the
average sign luminance is to be at least:
30 cd/m2
50 cd/m2
100 cd/m2
(b) where operations are conducted at night, average sign luminance is to be at least:
10 cd/m2
50 cd/m2
100 cd/m2
12.16 The luminous ratio between red and white elements of a mandatory sign is to be not
less than 1:5 and not greater than 1:10.
12.17 The average luminance of the sign is calculated by establishing grid points at 15 cm
spacings, and using the luminance values of the appropriate colour (based on the background
colour of the sign) measured at all grid points located within the rectangle representing the
sign, excluding those grid points that are within 5 cm of the edge of the sign. The average
value is the arithmetic average of the luminance values measured at all considered grid points.
In order to achieve uniformity of signal, luminance values should not exceed a ratio of 1.5:1
between adjacent grid points and 5:1 between maximum and minimum values over the whole
12.18 At an aerodrome where land and hold short operations (LAHSO) are conducted, the
signs specifically provided for LAHSO such as runway/runway intersection signs and
distance-to-go signs are to be electrically connected such that they will be illuminated when
the lighting of the runway on which LAHSO are conducted is switched on.
12.19 Runway exit signs that are required for LAHSO are to be illuminated where LAHSO
are conducted at night.
MAGS with mandatory instructions
12.20 MAGS with mandatory instructions include: runway designation signs, category I, II
or III holding position signs, taxi-holding position signs, Aircraft NO ENTRY signs.
12.21 Runway designation signs. A runway designation sign, as shown in Fig. 11.59 is to
be provided at a runway/taxiway intersection where a pattern “A” taxi-holding position
marking is provided. Only the designation for one end of the runway is to be shown where the
taxiway intersection is located at or near that end of the runway. Designations for both ends
of the runway are to be shown where the taxiway is located elsewhere. It should be noted that
the previous standard for this sign is a HOLD sign supplemented by an information sign
showing the runway designation. The HOLD sign should be replaced with mandatory runway
designation signs as soon as practicable.
12.22 A taxiway location sign is to be provided alongside the runway designation sign, in the
outboard (farthest from the taxiway) position.
12.23 A runway designation sign is to be provided at least on the left side of a taxiway facing
the direction of approach to the runway. Where practicable a runway designation sign is to be
provided on each side of the taxiway.
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Fig. 11.59 - Runway designation signs
12.24 Category I, II or III runway designation signs. Appropriate Category I, II or III
sign, as shown in Fig. 11.60, is to be provided where a pattern “B” taxi-holding position
marking is provided. The sign is to be provided on each side of the taxiway.
Fig. 11.60 Category I taxi-holding position sign
12.25 Taxi-holding position sign. A mandatory taxi-holding position sign is a taxiway
designation sign but in white lettering on a red background, as shown in Fig. 11.61. It is to be
used at a taxiway location other than an intersection where the air traffic control has a
requirement for the aircraft to stop, such as entry to an ILS sensitive area.
Fig. 11.61 Mandatory taxi-holding position sign
12.26 Aircraft “NO ENTRY” sign. A NO ENTRY sign, consists of a white circle with a
horizontal bar in the middle, on a red background, as shown in Fig. 11.62. The sign is to be
provided at the entrance of an area to which entry is prohibited., eg. a one-way taxiway.
Where practicable, a NO ENTRY sign is to be located on each side of the taxiway.
Fig. 11.62 Aircraft NO ENTRY sign
12.27 Vehicular “STOP” signs. Where required, vehicular “STOP” signs can be provided
at road/taxiway intersections or entrance to ILS sensitive areas to control the movement of
vehicles and plant . This sign should be the same as the local road traffic sign.
12.28 Runway/runway intersection signs. The runway/runway intersection signs are
runway designations signs, to be provided on each side of the runway used in LAHSO, to
identify the intersecting runway ahead. The sign is to show the designation of the intersecting
runway, oriented with respect to the viewing position of the sign, and separated by a dash. For
example, “15-33” indicates the runway threshold “15” is to the left and “33” is to the right.
The signs are to be located at the Hold Short Line which should be at least 75 m from the
centreline of the intersecting runway. The overall height of the sign above the ground, and
offset from the edge of the runway pavement, are to be such as to provide at least 300 mm
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clearance between the top of the sign and any part of the most critical aircraft using the
runway when the outer edge of the wheel of the aircraft is at the runway pavement edge.
MAGS with information
12.29 MAGS with information include: taxiway location signs, direction signs, destination
signs, take-off run available signs, runway exit signs and distance-to-go signs.
12.30 Taxiway location signs. Taxiway location signs, as shown in Fig. 11.63, are used to
designate taxiways. They advise pilots of their location within a complex taxiway system.
Besides helping pilots to find their way, the location signs also allow pilots to accurately
report their location to ATC. Another benefit of the provision of taxiway location signs is that
it facilitates the design and promulgation of standard taxi routes which can further improve
the rate of aircraft movement and reduce aircraft/control tower radio communications. A
location sign is normally provided in conjunction with a direction sign or a runway
designation sign.
Fig. 11.63 Taxiway location sign
12.31 The following convention is to be used in the naming of taxiway location signs:
(a) a single letter is to be used, without numbers, to designate each main taxiway;
(b) the same letter is to be used throughout the length of the taxiway, except that
where a turn of 900 or more is made to join a runway, a different number may be
assigned to that portion of taxiway subsequent to the turn;
(c) for each intersecting taxiway, a different single letter is to be used.
(d) to avoid confusion, letters O and I are not to be used, and letter Q should only be
used where unavoidable;
(e) at aerodromes where the number of taxiways are or will be large, alpha-numeric
designators may be used to name the short intersecting taxiways. In this case,
successive intersecting taxiways are to use the same letter, with sequential
numbers. If owing to the geometry of the taxiway system, the numbers are not
sequential, all pilot-used taxiway plans (eg. aerodrome charts) are to contain
advice as to the missing designators.
(f) it is most important to use the letters and numbers in such a way that is easily
comprehensible. Should it ever be necessary to use double digit alpha-numeric
designators, care should be taken to ensure that the numbers used in the
designation of taxiway cannot in any way be confused with the runway
12.32 Direction signs. Direction signs advise pilots of the designations of runways or
taxiways about to be joined or crossed. Each taxiway direction is indicated by an arrow, as
shown in Fig. 11.64. The sign has black letters with yellow background. A direction sign is
to be complemented by a location sign, except that a location sign may be omitted if the
taxiway designation is adequately displayed by previous location signs along the taxiway.
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Fig. 11.64 Direction sign
12.33 Destination signs. Destination signs, as shown in Fig. 11.65, advise pilots of various
facilities on, or near, the movement area. This sign should not be co-located with a location or
direction sign.
Fig. 11.65 Destination sign
12.34 Abbreviations are generally used for destination signs. The common ones are set out
General parking, servicing and loading area
Aircraft parking only area
Civilian areas of joint-use aerodromes
Military area of a joint use aerodrome
Freight or cargo handling area
International areas
Domestic areas
Run-up areas
Altimeter check point
VOR check point
Fuel or service area
Hangar or hangar area
12.35 Take-off run available sign. The take-off run available sign, as shown in Fig. 11.66,
advises pilots the length of take-off run available from a particular taxiway intersection
departure. This sign is provided to allow pilots to have a final reassurance that they are at the
right take-off location. The sign should be located abeam the taxi-holding position, on the left
hand side.
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Fig. 11.66 Take-off run available sign
12.36 Runway exit signs. Runway exit signs, as shown in Fig. 11.67, advise pilots of the
designation and direction of a taxiway from which they can exit the runway. These signs are
to be provided for a runway used in LAHSO, except when used only by category A
performance aircraft. The arrow on the sign is to be outboard of the taxiway designator, i.e. to
the right of the designator for exits to the right, and to the left for exits to the left. The runway
exit sign is to be located on the same side of the exit taxiway, 60 m prior to the exit junction
for code C, D or E taxiways, and 30m prior to the exit junction for code A or B taxiways.
Note: A Category A performance aircraft is an aircraft which has a speed at the
threshold (based on 1.3 times the stall speed in the landing configuration at maximum
landing weight) of up to 90 knots indicated air speed. Non-jet aircraft below 5700 kg
may be regarded as Category A aircraft.
Fig. 11.67 Runway exit sign
12.37 Distance-to-go signs. The distance-to-go signs, as shown in Fig.11.68, may be
required at a runway where a pilot engaged in LAHSO cannot readily see the hold short line as
a result of runway slope changes. Where required, the distance-to-go signs are to be provided
on the left hand side of the runway as seen by the landing pilot, in increments of 300m from
the hold short line. Three signs with inscriptions of 300, 600 and 900 are to be provided.
Below the numerals, the designation of the intersecting runway is to be displayed in smaller
characters. The height of the distance inscription is to be 600mm and the runway designation
is to be 200mm.
34L - 16R
Fig. 11.68 Distance-to-go sign
12.38 CASA will inspect all signs associated with LAHSO before commissioning LAHSO.
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Unserviceability markings
13.1 An unserviceability marking or closed marking is to be used to indicate any part of a
runway which is not to be used by aircraft. It is to comprise a white cross placed on the
unserviceable portion of the runway.
13.2 An unserviceability marking may also be used to indicate any part of a taxiway or
apron, which is not to be used by aircraft. However, the preferred way of marking an
unserviceable part of taxiway or apron is by the placement of unserviceable markers at the
entrance to that area or around the unserviceable area.
13.3 There are two types of unserviceability markings, as shown in Figures 11.69 and
11.70. Where feasible, the large marking shown in Figure 11.69 is the preferred marking to
mark an unserviceable runway.
13.4 Markings in accordance with Fig. 11.69 are to be used on code 4 runways when the
whole or part of the runway is permanently closed or closed for more than 30 days to aircraft
operations. The unserviceability markings are to be displayed at each end of the unserviceable
runway, and also in the intermediate area at intervals of not more than 300m.
13.5 Markings in accordance with Fig 11.69 should be used at an aerodrome with multiple
and parallel code 3 runways, when one or more runways, or part of a runway is closed for
more than 30 days. Where provided, the markings are to be displayed in accordance with
paragraph 13.4.
13.6 In other cases of runway unserviceability, if markings in accordance with Fig. 11.69
are not used, then markings in accordance with Fig. 11.70 are to be used. The smaller
markings are to be displayed at each end of the unserviceability and in the intermediate area
at intervals of not more than 200m.
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13.7 Unserviceability marking is not required for time limited works.
Unserviceability markers
13.8 The unserviceability marker is to consists of a white standard cone with a horizontal
red stripe, 25 cm wide around its centre, half way up the cone, to provide three bands of
colour (white-red-white) as illustrated in Fig 11.2. Unserviceability cones are to be used
around the perimeter of unserviceable areas (such as failed pavement).
Works limit markers
13.9 Works limit markers are markers used to indicate to a works organisation part or all of
the limit of a work area within which all construction, material, plant, etc. is to confined.
They should be used on runways and taxiways. They are to be red or fluorescent safety
orange standard PVC road safety cones (witches’ hats), approximately 0.5m high. These are
steeply tapering conical markers moulded to a weighted, flat, rectangular base (for stability),
as shown in Fig. 11.71. Where used, they are to be spaced at intervals a little less than the
track of the plant or vehicles within the work area site, eg. 2m apart.
Fig. 11.71 Work limit marker
13.10 Other forms of work limit markers such as water filled red/white plastic kerb markers
may be used for works on apron and other areas.
Signal Areas and Ground Signals
See CAO 92.1
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See CAO 92.2
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Chapter 11
15.1 Obstacle marking is the painting, or other marking, of structures (masts, buildings,
etc.) in conspicuous colours. It is done to make structures, which may constitute a hazard to
aircraft, clearly visible to the pilots of aircraft in flight.
15.2 Fixed objects, both temporary and permanent, which extend above the obstacle
limitation surfaces but are permitted to remain, or objects which are present on the movement
area, are still regarded as obstacles, and are to be marked as detailed below. The aerodrome
licence holder is to submit details of such obstacles to the CAA which will assess their degree
of hazard to aircraft operations and detail particular requirements for marking and lighting.
Such information is to be included in the Aerodrome Manual.
n some cases CAA may permit obstacles to be not marked, such as:
(a) when such obstacles are sufficiently conspicuous by their shape, size or colour;
(b) when such obstacles are shielded by other obstacles already marked; or
(c) when such obstacles are lighted by high intensity obstacle lights by day.
Obstacle marking implementation
Marking of obstacles
15.6 A structure is normally marked where it is more than 150m higher than the
surrounding terrain up to 400m away. Structures above 90m may need to be marked, and
inconspicuous structures 75m above ground level should also be marked. Fixed objects on
the aerodrome movement area, such as ILS buildings, are also to be marked as obstacles.
15.7 Apart from wires and cables (detailed below), obstacles are to be painted in a pattern
of contrasting colours which also contrast with the background as agreed and set out in the
Aerodrome Manual. Orange and white or red and white are normally used.
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15.8 Obstacles with unbroken surfaces more than 4.5m by 4.5m in size are to be painted in
a chequered pattern of lighter and darker squares or rectangles with sides no less than 1.5m
and no more than 3m long, as shown in Fig 11.73. The corners of the obstacle are to be
painted in the darker colour.
Fig 11.73 - Marking of square faced obstacle
15.9 Obstacles more than 1.5m in size in one direction and less than 4.5m in the other, or
any lattice obstacle greater than 1.5m in size in both directions, are to be marked with
alternating contrasting bands of colour no less than 0.45m and not more than 6m wide. They
are to be perpendicular to the obstacle's major axis and the ends of the obstacle are to be
painted in the darker colour, as shown in Fig 11.74.
Fig 11.74 - Marking of squat or tall face obstacles
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15.10 Obstacles with dimensions where any one dimension is less than 1.5m are to be
painted in a solid contrasting colour, except for masts, poles and towers which are to be
marked in contrasting bands of equal height with the darker colour at the top, as shown in Fig
15.11 Fence posts (determined as obstacles) at the ends of runway strips, or on aerodrome
boundaries in the approach area, are to be painted in a single conspicuous colour, normally
15.12 Wires or cable obstacles are to be marked preferably using three-dimensional coloured
objects (spheres, pyramids, etc) of a size equivalent to a cube with 600mm sides, spaced 30m
apart. Sometimes, for example on a fence line, metal sheeting painted in diagonal halves may
be suitable.
Marking of temporary and transient obstacles
15.13 Temporary and transient obstacles may be required to be marked by CAA. Fixed
temporary obstacles should be marked as described above for permanent obstacles. However,
where this is not practicable, CAA accepts the use of unserviceability cone markers and/or
flags to delineate the shape and size of the obstacle so that it is clearly visible from any line of
approach likely to be used by an aircraft.
15.14 The flags used for marking fixed temporary obstacles are to be not less than 0.6m
square. They are to be either orange or orange and white, split diagonally. However, where
the orange colour merges with the background another conspicuous colour is to be used.
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15.15 A vehicle used regularly on the movement area by day should be painted yellow or
orange. When so painted, it is not required to be marked. Otherwise vehicles may be required
to be marked. A vehicle may be marked by using a flashing dome light on top of the vehicle,
or by flags. Flags are to be not less than 0.9m square and are to consist of an orange and white
chequered pattern, each square of which is to have sides not less than 0.3m. Where the orange
colour merges with the background against which the flags are to be seen, another colour is to
be used.
16.1 When gliding operations are being conducted at an aerodrome, a signal consisting of a
double white cross is to be displayed in the signal circle.
16.2 Where the glider runway strip is located wholly or partly within an existing runway
strip for powered aircraft, the width of the glider runway strip is to be fixed on the one side by
the edge of the runway for powered aircraft, and on the other by the existing runway strip
markers adjusted as necessary, as shown in Figs 11.76 (a) and (b).
16.3 Where a glider runway strip is located outside an existing runway strip for powered
aircraft, the glider runway strip is to be marked with boundary markers of a conspicuous
colour other than white as shown Fig 11.76 (c).
16.4 Where an end of a glider runway strip is not alongside the end of an existing runway
strip for powered aircraft, an additional white double cross on a black background is to be
displayed 20m in front of the glider strip end markers as shown in Figs 11.76 (b) and (c).
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Fig 11.76 - Marking of glider runway strips
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