SP-13-04 Page 1 of 9 Kingswood Academy SP-13

Exhibit "A”
Date: September 6, 2013
Project Description:
Kingswood Academy
Jon E. Schmidt & Associates, Inc.
2247 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd., #101
West Palm Beach, FL 33409
Agent for the owner:
Maria Anna Romanelli Trust
Site and Development Plan approval
to construct a Child Care Center/
Preschool Facility
West side of South Jog Road
South of Jog Park Drive at
3307 South Jog Road
Site Data:
Existing Use:
Proposed Use:
Childcare Center/ Preschool Facility
Parcel Control Number:
Parcel Size:
3.82 acres (166,583 square feet)
Future Land Use Designation:
Mixed Use (MU)
Zoning District:
Mixed Use Development-Office (MXD-O)
Table 1: Surrounding Existing Land Use, Future Land Use, Zoning District:
Direction Existing Land Use
Future Land Use
Mixed Use (MU)
Zoning District
Mixed Use District–Office (MXD-O)
Mixed Use District–Office (MXD-O)
Immediate Care Medical Mixed Use (MU)
Arbor Oaks ACLF and
Residential-Medium Density (RS-MD)
Single Family
Park Pointe PUD
Residential-Medium Density (RS-MD)
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Residential Medium–2 (RM-2)
Residential Medium-2 (RM-2)
Kingswood Academy
Annexation/Zoning History:
The approximately 3.82 acre site was annexed into the City of Greenacres on September 6, 2006 as
ANX-05-12 through Ordinance 2006-13. Concurrent with the annexation was a Comprehensive Plan
Land Use Amendment CPA-05-03, a Zoning Change from Palm Beach County Agricultural
Residential (PBC AR) to City Mixed Use Development – Office (MXD-O) as ZC-05-12 and a Site
Plan approval SP-05-16 to construct 13 condominium units and 24,994 square feet of professional
office space. On September 28, 2007 a one-time time extension not to exceed one year was granted.
On December 7, 2011 a request was granted to extend the Site Plan expiration until September 6,
2014 in accordance with Florida House Bill 7207 (2011), Florida State Senate Bill 1752 (2010), and
Florida Senate Bill 360 (2009). The site plan approval has not yet been acted on and currently the
property is vacant. A concurrent petition for special exception approval (SE-13-03 childcare
center/preschool facility) is being processed for the site.
Applicable Code Provisions:
Sec. 16-196 through 16-202 pertaining to Site and Development Plans
Sec. 16-558 through 16-572 pertaining to the MXD-O zoning district
Sec. 16- 931 through 16-994 pertaining to sign regulations
Sec. 16-1241 through 16-1312 pertaining to landscaping
Sec. 16-1331 through 16-1340 pertaining to off-street parking
Summary of Proposed Site and Development Plan Details:
The petitioner’s site and development plans stamp-dated August 28, 2013 depict the following:
1. A total land area of 3.82 acres (166,583 square feet), with the south 1.9 acres (82,847
square feet) used as the ChildCare Center/Preschool Facility site.
2. A one-story 10,000 square foot daycare building.
3. A total of 52 parking spaces, including two (2) handicapped spaces and two (2) drop-off
4. Four playgrounds totaling 19,000 sq. ft.
5. 190 child capacity.
6. One (1) ingress point and one (1) egress point onto South Jog Road.
7. A dumpster enclosure with recycling area; dumpster elevations consisting of block with
stucco painted to match the building and opaque gates.
8. Landscape Plan, including a 6' high buffer wall along the west property line.
9. Building Plans and Elevations.
10. Photometric Plan.
11. Conceptual Engineering Plan.
12. Boundary Survey.
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Table 2: Proposed Site Data:
Building Lot Coverage (including
covered canopies) (Parcel A)
Site Impervious Area (excluding
building lot coverage) (Parcel A)
Site Landscape Area (Parcel A)
Total (Parcel A)
Floor Area (Parcel A)
Total (Parcel B) (Future)
Total (Parcel A & Parcel B)
Square Footage:
0.12 FAR
Staff Analysis:
The petition is for Site and Development Plan approval for a 10,000 square foot Child Care Center/
Preschool Facility and associated playground and parking to be constructed on the southern 1.9 acres
of the subject 3.82-acre site. The facility is proposed to accommodate 190 children and will utilize
three playground areas totaling 16,966 square feet on the west side of the building and one 2,034
square foot playground area on the south side of the building. All playground areas will be enclosed
with fencing for safety. The center will also include a drop off area accommodating 2 cars near the
entrance. The north portion of the property will remain vacant for development at a future time. A
dry detention area is located on the west side of the parcel, and landscape buffers will be included on
all perimeters, as well as internal landscape within the site. As part of development the daycare
portion of the site (aka Parcel A), access will be provided through one one-way ingress point and one
one-way egress point onto South Jog Road. A pedestrian connection to the Jog Road sidewalk will
also be provided. When Parcel B is developed in the future, the ingress-only driveway on the north
side of Parcel A will be reconstructed into a two-way driveway for ingress and egress to/from the
site. Depending on the use and the County regulations in place at that time, a right turn lane into the
site may also be required in conjunction with Parcel Bs development.
The activities and building on site have been arranged to place the playground away from Jog Road
and the drop-off area to protect the children while at the same time using the dry retention area and
landscape buffer with 6' wall (total buffer width of 75') to separate the playground from the adjacent
residential development (Park Pointe). The daycare building will also help mitigate traffic noise and
activity impacts from Jog Road upon the residential property to the west.
In accord with the requirements of the MXD-O district, the applicant has provided architectural
elevations depicting banding and architectural features on all four elevations, including a prominent
entry porch and a hipped roof over the building. Air-conditioning equipment will be effectively
screened in a recessed "well" at the center of the roof. In addition, the parking lot has been laid out
such that less than 40% of the frontage width is occupied by parking and vehicle circulation and more
than 50% of the parking spaces are behind the front wall of the building.
On June 13 and June 20, 2013 the Land Development Staff reviewed this petition and recommended
approval subject to the conditions of approval listed below.
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Land Development Staff Comments:
Planning and Engineering Dept.:
Building Department:
Public Safety Department:
Public Works Department:
Incorporated into the staff report.
Incorporated into the staff report.
Incorporated into the staff report.
No objections.
Other Agencies:
PBC Traffic Division:
PBC Water Utilities:
MPO / Palm Tran:
Project meets traffic performance standards.
Water and sewer service is available from the Palm Beach
County Water Utilities Department. The applicant must
enter into a Standard Water and Wastewater Agreement
with Palm Beach County Utilities.
No objections.
No objections.
Standards and Staff Findings:
Minimum Lot Requirements:
Site area of 3.82 acres meets the minimum area of 1 acre
in the MXD-O district.
Maximum Lot Coverage:
Building lot coverage of 12.4% does not exceed the
maximum allowable lot coverage of 30% based on the
subject lot area of 1.9 acres and Section 16-563.
Minimum Yard Requirements:
Building setbacks meet all yard requirements of 25'
minimum/95' maximum front (Jog Road), 10' side (north
and south), and 93' rear (west) (per Section 16-572 @
25% of 373.07' site depth).
Height Restrictions:
The building height of 27’ does not exceed the allowable
height of 35'.
Off-Street Parking & Loading:
The 52 parking spaces provided meet the minimum code
requirement of 52 spaces based on a parking rate of 1
space per 200 sq. ft. for child care center and 2 drop off
The landscaping plan complies with landscape code
Sign Regulations:
Permits shall be obtained prior to installation of any
The proposed water, sanitary sewer and drainage systems
will meet code requirements subject to final permitting.
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Project meets traffic concurrency. Water and Sewer
service and capacities are available to serve the site.
Comprehensive Plan:
The proposed development is consistent with the Mixed
Use (MU) future land use classification. The proposed
floor area ratio of 0.12 does not exceed the maximum of
0.35 FAR based on the subject lot area and Section 16563 of the Zoning Code.
Color Scheme:
The color of the building shall be in accordance with the
Site and Development Plans submitted: Walls - Sherwin
Williams Jonquil 6674 (yellow); Trim and Accents Sherwin Williams Lanyard 7680 (dark tan); Decorative
Elements - Benjamin Moore Acorn Yellow 2161-40
(tan); Front Wall Base - Autumn Pro-Fit Ledgestone PF8015 (brown blend); Roof - GAF Hunter Green Asphaltic
Shingles (dark green).
Site and Building Design:
The project layout and architectural design comply with
the site and building design requirements of the code.
For example, the building features an appropriately
scaled and located covered entry that connects to a
landscaped walkway out to the drop-off area and the
street and also includes a recessed roof well to contain
and screen the air-conditioning equipment in a manner
fully integrated with the building architecture.
VII. Staff Recommendation:
Approval of SP-13-04 with the following conditions:
The most stringent requirements of Exhibit "A" Land Development Staff Report and
Recommendation dated September 6, 2013 and Exhibit "B" Site and Development Plan stampdated August 28, 2013, as hereafter defined shall apply. (Planning)
The site shall be developed in accordance with the approved Special Exception (SE-13-03).
Permits from the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), Lake Worth Drainage
District (LWDD), and Palm Beach County Land Development, as required, for the stormwater
management system must be obtained prior to the issuance of building permits. (Engineering)
Permits from the Health Department for the water and sewer system must be obtained prior to
the issuance of building permits. (Engineering)
Driveway connection and/or right-of-way construction permits from Palm Beach County Land
Development must be obtained prior to the issuance of building permits. Any existing
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driveway connections on site which will become redundant shall be replaced with curbing, etc.
to match adjacent conditions. (Engineering)
Complete drainage calculations addressing water quality and quantity in accordance with the
requirements of SFWMD must be submitted for review along with complete paving and
drainage construction plans and subsurface investigation with percolation test prior to the
issuance of building permits. (Engineering)
The site plan shall be revised as necessary to reflect all conditions of approval and re-submitted
prior to the issuance of building permits. (Planning)
In accord with the requirements of the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES), a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, Owner/Operator Certification, and Notice
of Intent shall be submitted and accepted by the City prior to the issuance of building permits.
(Building and Public Works)
The Site and Development Plan (SP-05-16) approval for a mixed use professional office and
multi-family residential project is hereby rescinded and revoked. (Planning)
The site lighting layout shall be revised to improve aesthetics by using symmetry and balance
in pole locations prior to the issuance of the site lighting permit. (Planning)
The project shall participate in the City Tree Dedication Program per Section 16-1293; at the
time of issuance of building permits one (1) tree to be donated per 1,000 sq. ft. of building
area or fraction thereof, therefore ten (10) Live Oaks or equivalent cash payment shall be
donated to the City subject to the following specification: Live Oak, Florida Grade #1
Container Grown; minimum 12 ft. high; 2 inch diameter trunk at 4 1/2 ft.; and 5 ft. spread.
(Planning and Building)
The project shall be required to pay the City’s impact fee of $2.25 per square foot of gross
floor area per Section 16-201. The amount of $ 22,500.00 shall be paid at the time of
issuance of building permits. (Building)
A 10’ by 30’ easement shall be provided on site to accommodate a bus stop on South Jog
Road. The easement shall be dedicated to Palm Tran and recorded prior to the issuance of
building permits. A dedicated 110 volt, 20 amp circuit shall be provided and electrical
stubbed out to a sealed ground box within the easement area prior to issuance of a Certificate
of Occupancy. In the event a bus shelter is installed in the easement, it shall be the permanent
maintenance obligation of the property owner, including trash collection and electricity for the
shelter security light. (Planning and Building)
Utilities shall be provided underground and sufficient in size to properly serve the site.
Appurtenances to these systems which require above-ground installation must be effectively
screened from view. (Planning, Engineering and Building)
All utilities and services to the site shall be provided by entities holding valid franchise
agreements with the City. (Engineering and Building)
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The building must be provided with an automatic fire sprinkler system and a monitored fire
alarm system. In addition, the building shall have a Knox box keyed for the City of
Greenacres at the entrance. The order form shall be obtained from the City’s Fire Marshal.
(Public Safety)
All roof top equipment shall be screened on all four sides consistent with the architecture of
the building; no equipment shall be taller than the proposed screening. All ground mounted
mechanical equipment (air conditioning, backflow preventer, etc.) shall be screened on all
four sides; no equipment shall be taller than the proposed screening. (Planning and Building)
Building wall signs shall be internally illuminated individual channel letters or reverse
channel letters. No raceways or box signs will be permitted. (Planning)
All freestanding signs shall be consistent in color with those on the building, shall feature
decorative architectural elements and colors consistent with the building, and shall include the
numerical street address with minimum 6” high numbers in a contrasting color on both faces.
A bicycle rack accommodating a minimum of 4 bikes shall be provided at the building.
The dumpster enclosure walls shall match the finish and color of the building walls and trim.
The dumpster enclosure gates shall be solid 3/4" deep galvanized corrugated 22 gauge steel
matching the building color and design elements. (Planning)
A masonry wall shall be installed along the entire west property line (approximately 439
linear feet) and shall be finished with stucco on both sides. The stucco shall be painted to
match the existing stucco wall to the south of the property. The wall shall be a minimum of 6'
tall measured from the highest adjacent grade. Maintenance of the wall is the responsibility of
the proposed Child Care Center/ Preschool Facility property owner. (Planning)
The hours of operation shall be 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. No
deliveries shall take place prior to 7:00 a.m. or after 10:00 p.m., 7 days a week. (Planning and
No outdoor speakers shall be permitted. (Building)
A site clearing and tree removal permit shall be required prior to any clearing activities on
site. This permit shall demonstrate protection of existing trees to remain. Additions to the
landscaping plan may be necessary to meet Code requirements if existing material to remain
is unsuitable for buffer purposes. (Planning)
All existing trees shown to remain on the approved landscape plans shall be maintained in
perpetuity. In the event they should die, they shall be replaced with like species of a size and
quantity in accord with the tree credits in Table 16-1271 of the City of Greenacres Code.
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All existing invasive non-native plants shall be removed completely from the entire 3.82 acre
property. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to maintain the site free from
invasive plants. (Planning and Building)
In accord with the determination of compliance with the Traffic Performance Standards by
Palm Beach County Engineering, no building permits shall be issued after the build-out date
of December 31, 2015 unless a revised traffic study with a later build-out date has been
approved by the County and a copy of the approval provided to the City of Greenacres.
(Planning and Building)
A vehicular cross-access connection shall be constructed to provide future connectivity to the
adjacent property to the south. The connection shall only become active upon redevelopment
of the adjacent site to the south and the recording of mutually agreeable cross-access
agreements and easements between the property owners featuring reasonable (in the opinion
of the property owners and the City of Greenacres) operational restrictions. (Engineering and
The Child Care Center/ Preschool Facility shall be limited to 190 children. (Planning and
Other than removal of invasive non-native plants during clearing activities for Parcel A,
construction of the wall required by Condition #22, and regular maintenance as required by
Code, the Parcel B acre shall remain in its current undeveloped state until building permits are
issued to develop Parcel B. (Building)
The 3.82 overall site shall only be subdivided through a plat approval by the Greenacres City
Council. The plat shall address cross access, cross parking, and unity of control for
maintenance, landscaping, lighting, and drainage.
Any development of the Parcel B area will require a Site and Development Plan approval.
The plans shall demonstrate a coordinated palette of landscape materials, identical buffer
design along Jog Road, and architecture using the same style, materials, and colors as Parcel
A. (Planning)
In conjunction with the development of Parcel B, the ingress-only driveway connection to Jog
Road on the north side of Parcel A shall be reconstructed into a two-way (ingress and egress)
driveway to and from the site and in accordance with County requirements. The existing oneway egress at the south end of Parcel A will remain. (Engineering and Planning)
All advertisements and legal addresses on insurance policies and business correspondence
shall clearly state that the project is located within the “City of Greenacres”. (Planning)
Non-compliance with any of the conditions of approval will result in withholding of the
issuance of building permits or a Certificate of Occupancy. (Planning and Building)
Note: Conditions 22 and 31 shown in add/delete format above were revised by staff after the
Planning Commission hearing based on new issues that arose.
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The Planning Commission on a motion made by Commissioner Clements and seconded by Vice
Chairman Witt, voting six (6) to zero (0), recommended approval of Site Plan SP-13-04 (Kingswood
Academy), as presented by staff, with the addition of Condition #37 as follows:
The U-Turn Analysis shall be updated based on field traffic counts taken during peak morning
and late afternoon times when the Voluntary Pre-K (VPK) program at Bright Beginnings is in
operation and demonstrate acceptable functioning of the turn lanes as determined by the
City’s Traffic Engineering Consultant prior to the issuance of development permits.
CITY COUNCIL ACTION – September 16, 2013
The City Council on a motion made by Councilman Pearce and seconded by Councilman Noble,
voting five (5) to zero (0) postponed Site Plan SP-13-04 to the City Council meeting on October 21,
CITY COUNCIL ACTION –October 21, 2013
Samuel J. Ferreri, Mayor
Denise McGrew, City Clerk
Site and Development Plan Packet
Aerial Location Map
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