Microelectronics in - Scottish Development International

Microelectronics in
Scotland has a global reputation for excellence in the electronics industry
Microelectronics sector, overview and key facts
and has over 50 years of electronics manufacturing experience. Despite
changing global circumstances reshaping the industry, Scotland has
successfully maintained a reputation for excellence in electronics and is
successfully adapting to industry needs.
With countries such as China expanding their manufacturing capabilities,
Scotland has capitalised on its unique, highly developed infrastructure and
long-established electronics reputation.
The sector in Scotland
the microelectronics sector. This
for R&D investment in the UK,
Scotland performs exceptionally well
supply chain includes semiconductor
academically. The country has
fabrication, integrated circuit (IC) design,
the highest concentration of
IP design, printed circuit boards (PCBs),
including Wolfson Electronics.
universities in Europe and a long history
sub-assembly, systems and hardware.
per cent of the world’s GDP.
of groundbreaking academic research.
Recently Scottish companies have reinvented themselves as high-end
electronics producers as opposed to high-volume manufacturers. This
shift in focus appears to be where the future lies for Scotland’s
electronic industry.
strengths include analogue design,
smallest television screen were
mixed signal and digital signal
both invented in Scotland.
million annually.
and data analysis.
The industry in Scotland comprises
processing, plus leading technology
of around 900 companies1 which
development in several other areas.
production across a number of sectors.
Academic support infrastructure for microelectronics in Scotland
Why Scotland?
Scotland’s competitive advantage
Scotland has been a major player in the
microelectronics industry for over 40
years. The sector employs around 7500
supply chain in place to support
It is up to 30 percent cheaper to set
up and run an ICT and electronic
technology facility in Scotland than
people in 100 companies.
Microelectronics key facts
Microelectronics overview
Scotland has an excellent electronics
Case studies
computer chip and the world’s
year in electronics-based subjects.
working in research, development and
The world’s first camera on a
Some of the industry’s primary
employ around 55,000 people
Microelectronics sector, overview and key facts
sector indirectly contributes to 10
Thousands of students graduate each
The global microelectronics
in other parts of the UK
The premier trade association for
Scotland’s optoelectronics
industry generates £800
Scotland has particular strengths
in intelligence, communications
There are active technology
transfer programs between
academia and industry.
the semiconductor industry in the
UK and Ireland, the NMI, is based
1. Source: Economic Research Team, Scottish
near Edinburgh.
Enterprise, 2010. 2. Source: Scottish Development
Looking to invest in R&D? Scotland
International. 3. Source: Financial Times
has some of the best companies
benchmarking tool, 2011.
Academic support infrastructure
for microelectronics in Scotland
Scotland secures high levels of research
fabrication and sensing, amorphous
Semiconductor Centre.
funding based on its excellence in several
materials at the University of
Napier University, Edinburgh – Institute
areas such as analogue design, mixed signal
for Product Design and Manufacture.
and digital signal processing. Of the UK’s
Other notable academic success
Other centres of excellence – Institute
total investment funding, Scotland secures:
stories include:
for System Level Integration.
University of Aberdeen – Communications
& Optical Engineering Research
Scottish Microelectronics Centre
22 percent of microsystems funding
Group (COERG).
The Scottish Microelectronics Centre
17 percent of semiconductor
University of Dundee – Organic Materials
(SMC) is a world-class ventre for
With over 40 years of experience and
Research Group.
incubation, research and development
strong ties to the wider electronics
Herriot-Watt University – Innovative
in the semiconductor sector. A joint
industry, the microelectronics sector
Device modeling, e-beam lithography
Manufacturing Research Centre, The
venture between The University
in Scotland has many benefits to
and compound semiconductors at the
Institute for Integrated Systems (IIS) JRI.
of Edinburgh, Scottish Enterprise
offer both domestic companies and
University of Glasgow
University of Edinburgh – Scottish
and Scottish Enterprise, Edinburgh
international investors.
Digital signal processing, signal
Microelectronics Centre, The Institute
& Lothian, it provides a dynamic
and image processing, MEMS and
for Micro and Nano Integrated
environment that links academia and
Microsystems at the University of
Systems, Bioelectronics.
hi-tech companies.The SMC’s incubator
University of Strathclyde – Centre for
resources, together with services and
MEMS and Microsystems at
Microsystems & Photonics.
demonstration/training facilities for
central belt between Glasgow and
Europe, making it a hotbed of
Heriot-Watt University
University of Glasgow – James Watt
advanced skills development, have
Edinburgh, dubbed ‘Silicon Glen’.
Silicon micro-fabrication, and image
Nanofabrication Centre, Microsystem
been designed to foster indigenous
sensors and micro displays at the
Technology Group, Integrated Sensor
company growth.The four-storey
electronics talent.
University of Edinburgh
Technology Group, Electromagnetics
building also incorporates eight
companies, including Wolfson
Artificial intelligence and neural
Design Group.
purpose-built clean room bays,
Microelectronics, Allegro
networks at the University of
University of the West of Scotland –
together with office and laboratory
Microscale Sensors and Thin Film Centre.
space. www.scotmicrocentre.co.uk
Satellite remote sensing, micro-
University of St Andrews – Organic
Microsystems and Elonix.
throughout 100 companies.
University expertise includes:
James Watt Nanofabrication Centre
The James Watt Nanofabrication Centre (JWNC) was built in 2005 to house all the micro and
Skills and expertise
The major concentration of Scottish
microelectronics companies is in the
Scotland boasts a well-represented
base of leading microelectronics
High-quality support
The Hillington Centre aims to bring
like-minded companies together and
Scotland offers excellent
investment opportunities for
electronics companies.
It boasts low salary rates and
provide mentoring support.
now conducting substantial research
compared to other English-
in microelectronics.
speaking countries.
The microelectronics sector in
Nine of Scotland’s universities are
Scotland has the highest
concentration of universities in
cost-competitive locations
Funding is available both for
existing companies and those
wishing to locate in Scotland.
The academic sector in
Innovation in the Scottish
Scotland provides cutting-edge
microelectronics sector
microelectronics research to industry.
Scotland’s main microelectronics
Government support is available to
strengths lie in the fields of analogue
help with commercialisation of
design, mixed signal and digital
research and new business start-ups.
signal processing.
Scotland employs 7500 people
Over 20,000 people are employed in
the wider electronics sector, with
Scottish companies and universities
A solid infrastructure connects
are also leading the development of
related commercial endeavours
compound semiconductors, MEMS
nano-fabrication facilities at the University of Glasgow in a single clean room. Utilising a vast
over 9000 researchers available in
and applications, including a
(micro electro mechanical systems),
array of developed process modules and background IP, the Centre undertakes fundamental,
the region.
leading-edge design centre aiding
bioelectronics and nanotechnology.
A reliable and dedicated workforce
the commercialisation of micro and
with low attrition rates ensures
opto-electronic research.
New electronics initiatives such as
company consistency.
Collaborations between the
speckled computing and reconfigurable
microelectronics sector and
processing are also being pioneered
research facilities in the world
academia are actively encouraged by
in Scotland. These are the fields which
exist in Scotland.
the industry.
currently show the most promise.
applied and commercial research, development and small production projects to optimise
components, devices, circuits, systems and solutions. The Centre has over £53 million of
active research grants undertaking micro and nano-fabrication in Si-technology, MEMS, III-Vs,
piezoelectric and magnetic materials. Commercial access to the centre by industry, institutes,
universities and governments is provided through Kelvin Nanotechnology Ltd. (KNT). Over 200
companies have received nanofabrication services delivered by KNT. www.jwnc.gla.ac.uk
Why Scotland?
19 percent of system-level design
Some of the finest electronics
Scotland’s competitive advantage
Compared to other western countries
that Scotland offers, from fantastic cost
Success Stories
Scotland offers a competitive location
benefits to our excellent quality of life.
National Semiconductor’s Design Centre
has been established in Greenock for
for electronics manufacturing due to its
relatively low costs and excellent stable
Financial incentives
over 30 years. It is National’s longest-
infrastructure, which includes world-
We can help your company get financial
serving design centre outside the
class educational institutes.
assistance to set up operations in
USA. More than 25% of all products by
Scotland and develop projects that will
revenue come from the Greenock Wafer
benefit the Scottish economy.
Fabrication facility.
The Scottish microelectronics and
design technology industry is geared
One of the fastest-growing semiconductor
Group, employing 25 people. Taner
which enabled us to ‘hit the ground
companies in 2008, Dialog Semiconductor
Dosluoglu, director of engineering and
running’ in establishing the centre. We
towards promoting growth and attracting
We provide information about all the
Wolfson Microelectronics is a global
established its Scottish operation in 2007.
site manager for Dialog in Scotland,
would not have been able to create such
investment. Some of the best research
schemes available that could help your
leader in the supply of high-performance,
As a leading supplier of mixed-signal
commented: “Our aim has been to
a strong presence in Scotland without
facilities in the UK, and indeed the world,
business secure finance. Business
mixed-signal chips for the digital
power management products for the
create a design centre with a strong
that support.
are to be found in the electronics sector
grants and incentives that are available in
consumer market. Headquartered in
portable consumer market, the firm’s
emphasis on audio technologies
in Scotland. There is a high-quality
Scotland include:
Edinburgh, it employs some of the most
client portfolio includes many of the
for a range of mobile platforms
“They also provided assistance
Tax credits
experienced and innovative designers in
world’s leading companies such as
such as portable music players,
in locating suitable premises for
Research and development
the industry.
Samsung and Sony Ericsson.
mobile phones, etc.
us and there’s no doubt that our
infrastructure in place for the industry,
which includes international and homegrown companies and a world-renowned
academic sector. Some of the leading
Financial incentive schemes.
excellent location in Edinburgh city
The catalyst for Dialog’s growth in
“The fact that, in a relatively short time,
centre has been a factor in helping
with recruitment.
microelectronics companies in the world
We’ll help your company identify and
Scotland was the award in 2008 of a £1.3
the Edinburgh operation has already
have chosen to make Scotland their
access a variety of grants that can help
million grant by Scottish Enterprise to
become such a significant design centre
base. This may be due to Scotland’s
with your investment in Scotland. These
support the creation of a new design
within the Dialog group is testament to
“We have also found Scottish
exemplary business environment,
can include:
centre in Edinburgh. From an initial staff
the success of our strategy. The R&D
Development International very
R&D Grants
of four it has now grown to become the
Plus funding we received from Scottish
supportive in terms of providing help
R&D Tax and Credits
third biggest design centre in the Dialog
Enterprise created real momentum
with international contacts.”
attractive operating costs and large pool
of experienced staff.
How SDI can help
We can offer you:
Dialog Semiconductor
Regional Selective Assistance
Venture Capital.
Advice specific to your sector
STMicroelectronics (ST) is the world’s
positioned itself as the world’s leading
The firm has received assistance with
Access to specialist expertise
fifth largest semiconductor company,
manufacturer of CMOS (complementary
European and Scottish R&D grant
Market information relating to your
specialising in the design, development
metal oxide semiconductor) image-sensor
applications which have allowed it to
industry in Scotland
and manufacture of semiconductor
microchips, which are used in mobile
develop new products.
Financial assistance, grants
integrated circuits.
phone cameras.
and other funding Information
In 2007, in partnership with researchers
on business location and staff
ST launched its Edinburgh imaging
ST enjoys a 9% share of the camera
at Heriot-Watt University, ST embarked
recruitment .
division in 1999 following the successful
phone market and works with some of the
on a €2.3 million project supported by a
Our legacy of innovation and our highly
acquisition of Vision Group, a spin-out
largest mobile phone companies in the
Scottish R&D Plus grant which played a
skilled workforce have persuaded many
company from Edinburgh University
world. Although this remains its key target
key role in consolidating its Edinburgh
companies like yours to choose to invest
credited with inventing the world’s first
market, its camera microchips also have
facility as one of the world’s foremost
in Scotland. We can help your company
“camera-on-chip.” From its Edinburgh
applications in the healthcare, security,
locations for the development of mobile
make the most of every opportunity
R&D facility, the company has since
automotive and consumer industries.
phone camera technology.
If you need more information,
please get in touch. Visit our website
at www.sdi.co.uk/microelectronics,
email investment@scotent.co.uk
or talk to us in person by calling
+44(0)141 228 2828.
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