Day 1 ? Guess the Word After I pay for lunch, I’ll have some _______ change to donate to the field trip fundraiser. I can _______ only ten minutes before I have to leave for practice. Day 2 Choose the word that best completes both sentences. Fill in the bubble next to your answer. Day Day 13 Day Day 24 A extra B spare Picture Match C spend D give spare There was a very small serving of spaghetti left over, so I had a spare dinner. Day 3 Day Day5 1 Which picture shows how spare is used in the sentence? Fill in the bubble next to your answer. A B C Day 4 Day 2 Day 5 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Definition Match spare We told Lucy to spare us the boring details and just give us the short version of her hospital adventure. What does spare mean in the sentence? Fill in the bubble next to your answer. A an extra thing or part C to omit or withhold B small amount of D to set aside for a particular use Teaching Vocabulary Words With Multiple Meanings © 2010 by Rebecca Lamb, Scholastic Teaching Resources, 98 Day 4 Day 2 Sentence Writing spare For each picture, write a sentence using spare in a way that matches the meaning shown. 1. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Day Day 5 3 2. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Day 4 3. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Day 5 Sentence Match spare After hearing about the tsunami in Asia, students collected spare change to help rebuild a damaged school. In which sentence does the word spare mean the same thing as in the sentence above? Fill in the bubble next to your answer. A Jake’s dad showed him where to find the spare tire in case he got a flat while he was driving. B Kirah cheered when she bowled a spare and won the match against her older brother. C T he band members asked shoppers to spare some change so they could raise money for new uniforms. D The story of the destructive hurricane was so upsetting, Maggie asked Drew to spare her Challenge the gory details. Challenge: Draw It! Challenge spare Draw a picture with a caption or a cartoon that illustrates how someone could confuse two definitions of the word spare. Teaching Vocabulary Words With Multiple Meanings © 2010 by Rebecca Lamb, Scholastic Teaching Resources, 99 Definition of a Word With Multiple Meanings Spare noun • an extra thing or part; a replacement • an extra car wheel and tire • a score in bowling—knocking down all ten pins with two bowls • a small amount of verb • to save or relieve from an experience or action • to give up or lend without inconvenience • to omit or withhold adjective • being in excess; more than is needed • lean or thin • not being used Teaching Vocabulary Words With Multiple Meanings © 2010 by Rebecca Lamb, Scholastic Teaching Resources, 114 Answers Spare Pages 98–99 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. Answers will vary. Check sentences for correct use of the word. 5. A Challenge: Answers will vary. Check work for correct use of the word. The following is an example of how you might use each daily activity to teach about the word spare. This demonstration suggests ways you might guide students in exploring and discussing the word and its meanings, as well as how you might model useful strategies to help them build confidence in their word knowledge and usage. You can follow this example, modifying it as necessary, to teach the daily activities for other words in this book. Day 1: Guess the Word Day 1 Guess the Word ? After I pay for lunch, I’ll have some _______ change to donate to the field trip fundraiser. Day 2 I can _______ only ten minutes before I have to leave for practice. Choose the word that best completes both sentences. Fill in the bubble next to your answer. Day Day 13 A extra B spare C spend D give Day Day Picture Match spare This introductory activity leads students to discover the new word to be studied. Two sentences are 24 shown in the box, with each containing a missing word. While the missing word in each sentence wassentence a very smalluses servingthe of spaghetti leftaover, so I had away. spare After dinner. students choose the word that will be the same,There each word in different best completes both sentences from the four answer choices, they fill in the bubble next to their answer. Day Which picture shows how spare is used in the sentence? 3 Day 1. Read aloud sentence, pausing Fill infirst the bubble next to your answer. at the blank to indicate that a word is missing. Read the four Day5 the 1 answer choices. A B C • Have students test each word in the sentence. Discuss which words are the most plausible to Day 4 complete the sentence and why. For instance spare and extra are the most reasonable choices for the Day first sentence. 2 • Ask students to share their reasoning about why a word does or does not work in the sentence. 2. RepeatDay step 1 for the second sentence. Help students understand that spare and spend are both 5 plausible Day answers. Since extra is not a verb, it can be eliminated. Definition Match spare 3 3. Read aloud both sentences once again, this time filling in the blank for one sentence with each reasonable word choice for the other sentence. In this case, since neither extra nor spend work in We told Lucy to spare us the boring details and just give us the short version of her hospital adventure. both sentences, spare is the most reasonable choice. Day 4 • Have students discuss each choice and why it does or does not work in both sentences. Is there What does spare mean in the sentence? one word that works well in both sentences? Fill in the bubbleequally next to your answer. • Ask students to fill in the bubble beside their choice. A an extra thing or part C to omit or withhold 4. ReviewDay the sentences and discuss the part of speech and meaning of spare in the context of each B small amount of D to set aside for a particular use 5 (In the sentence. first sentence, spare is an adjective meaning “a small amount of”; in the second sentence, it is a verb meaning “to set aside for a particular use.”) Teaching Vocabulary Words With Multiple Meanings © 2010 by Rebecca Lamb, Scholastic Teaching Resources, 7 • Invite to share their prior knowledge about the word and its use as well as to ask any Daystudents Guess the Word ? 1 questions that come up. • You might use information from the discussion to assess what students already know and addiAfter I pay for lunch, I’ll have some _______ change to donate to the field trip fundraiser. tional information they need to learn about the word and its uses. For instance, students might I can _______ only ten minutes before I have to leave for practice. Day need to 2 learn that spare can be a noun that means “a score in bowling” (as in bowl a spare). As a verb, spare can mean “to omit withhold” (spare the gory details), and as an adjective, it Choose the also word that best completes both or sentences. Fill in the bubble next to your answer. can also mean “lean or thin” (the runner’s spare frame). Day Day 13 A extra B spare Day 2: Picture Match Day Day 24 C spend D give spare Picture Match There was a very small serving of spaghetti left over, so I had a spare dinner. Day 3 Day Day5 1 Day 1 Day 4 Day 2 Day 2 Day Which picture shows how spare is used in the sentence? Fill in the bubble next to your answer. A Guess the Word ? B C After I pay for lunch, I’ll have some _______ change to donate to the field trip fundraiser. I can _______ only ten minutes before I have to leave for practice. 5 Choose the word that best completes both sentences. Day includes This activity a sentence the targeted word in boldface. Students examine the three picture Definition Match with spare 3 Fill in the bubble next to your answer. choices under the sentence and decide which pictures shows how the word is used in the sentence. Day Day 1 3 the Weextra told Lucy to and spare point us the boring and just give us the(spare). short version 1. Read aloud sentence out details the boldface word Help A C spend D givestudents determine the B spare of her hospital adventure. part ofDay speech of the word—here, spare is an adjective. 4 does spare mean in the 2. Discuss eachWhat illustration and thesentence? meaning or meanings of spare represented in it. Also, help students Fill in the bubble next to your answer. identifyDay whatPicture part ofMatch speech spare might be used as. For example, spare in A might be an adjective Day spare 24 A an extra thing or part C to omit or withhold meaning “a replacement” or a noun meaning “an extra car wheel and tire.” In B, it is an adjective Day amount of to set aside for a particular use “more than is needed.” meaning5 “notB small being used.” In C, spare isDan adjective meaning There was a very small serving of spaghetti left over, so I had a spare dinner. 3. Guide students to select the correct picture (C, in this case) and to share reasons why the other Day Which picture shows how spare is used in the sentence? 3 Day choices are incorrect. For instance, A is clearly related to a spare on a vehicle, and in B, the scissors Fill in the bubble next to your answer. Day5 are not 1being used. A B C • Have students fill in the bubble beside their choice. Day • Ask students to make up sentences according to its meaning in the incorrect picture. 4 Teaching Vocabulary Words With Multiple Meanings © 2010 by Rebecca Lamb, Scholastic Teaching Resources, 98 Day 2 Day 3: Definition Match Day 5 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Definition Match spare We told Lucy to spare us the boring details and just give us the short version of her hospital adventure. What does spare mean in the sentence? Fill in the bubble next to your answer. A an extra thing or part C to omit or withhold B small amount of D to set aside for a particular use Teaching Vocabulary Words With Multiple Meanings © 2010 by Rebecca Lamb, Scholastic Teaching Resources, 98 Teaching Vocabulary Words With Multiple Meanings © 2010 by Rebecca Lamb, Scholastic Teaching Resources, 8 Students read the sentence in the box and choose the best definition for the boldface meaning from among four choices. In most cases, the four definitions are different meanings of the same word. 1. Read the sentence aloud and help students identify the part of speech of the underlined word (verb). 2. Discuss each of the four definition choices. • Ask student to identify what part of speech each definition represents. Here, choices A and B are adjectives and C and D are verbs. • To reinforce test-taking strategies, help students understand that they can eliminate any answer choices that represent a different part of speech than the one used in the sentence. Here, only C and D are viable choices since they are both verbs. 3. Have students test the most likely choices by replacing the boldface word with the definition. For Day instance, they can reread the target sentence as “We told Lucy to omit the boring details . . .” and 1 “We told Lucy to set aside the boring details . . .” • Discuss the plausibility of each choice. At times, students may need to use higher-level thinking skills and differentiate between subtle differences in word meanings as they do this activity. Day 2 4. Ask students to brainstorm sentences with the other definitions of the word. You might use this activity to assess students’ understandings of the various meanings. Day 3 Day Day 4: Sentence Writing 1 Day 4 Day 2 Sentence Writing spare For each picture, write a sentence using spare in a way that matches the meaning shown. 1. __________________________________________________________________________ Day Day 5 3 __________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Day 4 3. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Day This activity encourages Sentence Matchstudents spare to use what they know about the word and its meanings. They 5 examine three pictures depicting a different meaning of the word and then write a sentence for each After hearing about students collected spare change picture to demonstrate how the thetsunami wordinisAsia, used. to help rebuild a damaged school. 1. Examine each picture and discuss the possible meanings of spare as it is represented in the picture. In which sentence does the word spare mean the same thing as in the sentence above? 2. Help students part of speech for spare is most likely depicted in each picture. For Fill in the decide bubble nextwhich to your answer. instance,AinJake’s 1, dad spare is used as a noun meaning “a score in bowling.” It is a noun meaning “an showed him where to find the spare tire in case he got a flat while he was driving. extra tire”B in 2. In 3, spare is an adjective meaning “not abundant or plentiful.” Kirah cheered when she bowled a spare and won the match against her older brother. bandcome membersup asked shoppers to spare some to change so theybeside could raiseeach money picture, for 3. Ask students with a sentence write using spare in the same way C Theto new uniforms. it is meant in the picture. Allow them to add inflectional endings such as –ed or –ing, as long as the D The story of the destructive hurricane was so upsetting, Maggie asked Drew to spare her word is still the used with the picture. gory appropriately details. Challenge • Have students check that they used the word as the same part of speech that is depicted in the picture. You might modelspare how to check the word usage in one or two sentences that you create Challenge: Draw It! before having students complete this activity. Challenge • When students understand how to do this activity, you might have them complete it for independent Draw a picture with a captioncan or a cartoon practice. You then use the sentences to informally assess their understanding of the multiple that illustrates how meanings someone of a word. could confuse two definitions of the word spare. Teaching Vocabulary Words With Multiple Meanings © 2010 by Rebecca Lamb, Scholastic Teaching Resources, 9 Teaching Vocabulary Words With Multiple Meanings © 2010 by Rebecca Lamb, Scholastic Teaching Resources, 99 1 Day 2 Alternate Activity for Day 4: Day Profession Match 3 Day 1 Day 4 Day 2 Profession Match Find the definition of hand that each person would most likely use. Write the letter on the line. Hand can mean: A. assistance or help B. round of applause Day Day 5 3 Day 4 Day hand C. hired help for manual labor D. lower part of the human arm _______ 1. tutor _______ 4. ship’s crew _______ 2. farmer _______ 5. member of a theater audience _______ 3. manicurist _______ 6. sign language interpreter Sentence Match hand 5 For some words, the activity for Day 4 will follow the format shown here. In this activity, students which I want to know who had a hand indecide this practical joke. of several definitions is the one most likely used by each of the professionals listed. The purpose In which sentence does the word hand mean the same thing as in the sentence above? of this activity to next encourage critical thinking about various word meanings. Fill in the is bubble to your answer. The activity for hand is used as an example below to demonstrate how A My right hand hurt after writing for an hour. to use this exercise to teach about the word. B Cassandra had a hand in planning the surprise party. C The talented piano player received a big hand for his solo. 1. Read aloud and discuss each definition in the box. D Mikey asked me to give him a hand moving the heavy furniture. Challenge 2. Read the name of each professional. Talk about what each one does. Challenge: Draw It! hand to model how students might decide which 3. Use a think-aloud approach ___________________________________________________ definition of hand is most likely used by each professional. Challenge ___________________________________________________ Use the word hand in • F or tutor, you might say, “I ___________________________________________________ know that a tutor helps students. A at least two different ways in a meaningful tutor might get a round of applause if he or she does a really good ___________________________________________________ sentence or short story. job, but that really doesn’t relate to the main focus of a tutor’s job. A ___________________________________________________ tutor is hired help but not for manual labor. A tutor probably uses ___________________________________________________ his or her hand to write examples and lessons, but again, that’s only part of his or her job. The most logical choice for this profession is A.” Teaching Vocabulary Words With Multiple Meanings © 2010 by Rebecca Lamb, Scholastic Teaching Resources, 45 •H ave students write the letter for their choice beside each professional. 4. Focus discussions on why certain professionals would more likely use one definition versus another. You might enhance students’ vocabulary further by including additional descriptions of each professional’s job, talking about items or equipment they use, and sharing other titles that might apply to the professional (i.e., A cardiologist is a heart doctor). Teaching Vocabulary Words With Multiple Meanings © 2010 by Rebecca Lamb, Scholastic Teaching Resources, 10 __________________________________________________________________________ Day Day 4 1 3. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Day 5: Sentence Match Day Day 25 Sentence Match spare After hearing about the tsunami in Asia, students collected spare change to help rebuild a damaged school. Day 3 Day 1 In which sentence does the word spare mean the same thing as in the sentence above? Fill in the bubble next to your answer. A Jake’s dad showed him where to find the spare tire in case he got a flat while he was driving. Day 4 Day 2 B Kirah cheered when she bowled a spare and won the match against her older brother. Sentence Writing spare C The band members asked shoppers to spare some change so they could raise money for For each picture, write a sentence using spare in a way that matches the meaning shown. new uniforms. D The1.story of the destructive hurricane was so upsetting, Maggie asked Drew to spare her __________________________________________________________________________ Challenge Day Day 5 3 the gory details. __________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________ This activity provides a target sentence with the feature word in bold face and a set of four additional Challenge: Draw It! spare __________________________________________________________________________ sentences that use the word. Students read the sentences and then identify which of the four sentences Challenge __________________________________________________________________________ usesDay the word the same Draw a picture with a way as the target sentence. 4 caption or a cartoon __________________________________________________________________________ 1. Read aloud target thatthe illustrates how sentence. Discuss the meaning of the bold face word and its part of speech. someone could confuse In this example, spare is used as an adjective meaning “extra or more than is needed.” two definitions of the word spare. 2. Read Day each sentence choice. Repeat step 1 for spare in each sentence. Help students identify context Sentence Match spare 5 clues—such as specific words, definitions, examples, and comparisons—that might be useful in determining theabout word used.inFor in A, spare could be used as adjective indicating an Afterhow hearing the is tsunami Asia,example, students collected spare change rebuild a school. extra tiretoorhelp a noun. Indamaged B, spare is used as a noun to indicate a bowling score. Spare is used as a verb in C and D.In Although in mean C is the similar to asthe target sentence, it is the wrong part of speech. which sentencethe does context the word spare same thing in the sentence above? Teaching Vocabulary Words With Multiple Meanings © 2010 by Rebecca Lamb, Scholastic Teaching Resources, 99 Fill in the bubble next to your answer. 3. Help students use the test-taking strategy of elimination to rule out implausible choices. Jake’s dad showed him where to find the spare tire in case he got a flat while he was driving. • Have Astudents fill in the bubble next to their answer. (In this activity, the correct answer is A.) B Kirah cheered when she bowled a spare and won the match against her older brother. • To further assess students’ knowledge of the multiple meanings of spare, challenge them to make C The band members asked shoppers to spare some change so they could raise money for up sentences that could be paired with the incorrect choices. new uniforms. D The story of the destructive hurricane was so upsetting, Maggie asked Drew to spare her Challenge Challenge the gory details. Challenge: Draw It! Challenge spare Draw a picture with a caption or a cartoon that illustrates how someone could confuse two definitions of the word spare. Teaching Vocabulary Words With Multiple Meanings © 2010 by Rebecca Lamb, Scholastic Teaching Resources, 99 This activity allows you to informally assess students’ ability to use and apply various word meanings. Designed for cooperative learning or independent practice, a variety of activities require students to use higher-order creative thinking as they appropriately use multiple meanings. • Draw It!: Students draw cartoons with captions to illustrate how someone could confuse two of the definitions of the target word. • Write It!: Students write meaningful dialogue in which each of two characters uses different meanings of the targeted word. • Write It!: Students write a sentence or short story that uses two different meanings of the target word. Teaching Vocabulary Words With Multiple Meanings © 2010 by Rebecca Lamb, Scholastic Teaching Resources, 11