LEARNING LINKS: What will be at explored, achieved, discussed

LEARNING LINKS: What will be at explored, achieved, discussed and learned in our class this term?
(People & Communities, The World, Technology)
(Moving & Handling, Health & Self-Care)
-Who is in your family? Who lives in your house? Do you have
any pets? What does your home look like?
-How are we the same/different?
-Have you been on holiday recently? Where did you go? How
did you get there? What was it like?
-Can you use a computer/IPad/CD player/remote controlled
- Do you like to explore? What interesting objects can you
find outside? What do they feel like/look like/smell like?
-Can you copy some letters? (e.g. letters in your name)
-Can you dress/undress/toilet/wash your hands
-What happens to our bodies when we exercise?
-How can we keep healthy?
-Can you move around the hall in a space?
-Can you move around in different ways?
How could you help at home?
How could you help at home?
-Explore the local environment (go on a walk and
look for bugs, collect stones/pebbles/sticks and look at
them closely. )
-Explore and play with different types of technology (e.g. computer,
ipad, phone, CD player, remote control toys, TV, torch etc.)
-Encourage independence with toileting
and dressing.
-Enjoy lots of active, physical play outside!
-Practise holding a pencil correctly.
-Talk about ways of keeping healthy and safe.
(Making Relationships, Self-Confidence & Self-Awareness, Managing
Feelings & Behaviour)
-Can you play nicely, share and take turns? Why is it
important to share?
-Who are your best friends? Can you make new friends?
-Can you talk about your feelings? What makes you
happy/sad/worried/excited etc?
-Can you understand and follow the school rules and
routines? Why must we have rules?
-What does “responsibility” mean? How can you be
responsible at home and at school?
How could you help at home?
-Talk to your child about school- the new routines/
rules/things they like and enjoy/
anything they might be worried about.
-Encourage independence (looking after own belongings,
tidying up, packing and unpacking own bag etc.)
(Numbers, Shape Space & Measures)
(Listening & Attention, Understanding, Speaking, Reading, Writing,
-What does rhyming mean? Can you spot any rhyming
words in a story? Can you think of any words that rhyme?
-Can you recognise any familiar words?
-Do you enjoy looking at books? What is your favourite
book? Can you talk about the characters and suggest how
the story might end?
-Do you like “writing” and drawing? Can you form any
letters? Can you talk about your writing/mark making?
-Can you write your name or any other words?
-We will begin learning some sounds to help us read and
write. Can you name the sound the letter makes?
How could you help at home?
-Share books with your child every day (story
books from home/the library, plus school reading books.)
-Once we begin learning sounds in school, support your child with
these at home. Practise them every day.
-Encourage your child to draw pictures and mark make. Value their
emergent “writing.” Help your child to practise recognising and
writing their name.
(Art, Music, Role-Play, Design Technology)
-Do you have a favourite song? Do you like joining in with
-Do you like to dance?
-Can you draw a simple picture of something that interests
-Can you paint a picture of yourself (remembering the key
features of a face/person.)
-Do you enjoy using construction materials & construction
-What happens when we mix colours?
-What sounds do different instruments make?
-How can scissors, sellotape, glue, split pins, string etc be
-Do you like role play? Can you use your imagination?
-Can you build stories around your toys?
How could you help at home?
Provide a variety of resources for your child
to explore, experiment and create with at home (e.g. paint,
glue, sellotape, paper, card, string, cardboard boxes.) Play
music and sing songs together.
-Can you count aloud to 10 and beyond?
-Can you recognise and name any numbers? (initially 110 then beyond.)
- Can you spot any numbers around the
classroom/school/at home?
-Can you count small groups of objects accurately?
-Do you know any songs that can help us with our
counting? (5 Little Speckled Frogs, 5 Current Buns etc, 10
green bottles etc.)
How could you help at home?
-Go on a number hunt (around your house,
whilst on a walk, around the shops etc.) Help your child to
name the numbers they spot. Focus on numbers 1-10 to begin
with then move on to the ‘teen’ numbers.
-Practise counting objects (e.g. count sweets, biscuits, toys etc.)
-Sing number songs and rhymes together.