Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment____________________________________________Vol. 18(5) May (2014) Res. J. Chem. Environ. Investigation of color removal from real textile wastewaters in ABR followed by ozonation as post treatment Hatice Ozbebek1, Sebnem Ozdemir2, Dilek Akman2, Kevser Cirik1* and Ozer Cinar3 1. Department of Environmental Engineering, Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, Kahramanmaras 46100, TURKEY 2. Department of Bioengineering and Sciences, Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, Kahramanmaras 46100, TURKEY 3. Department of Environmental Engineering, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul 34349, TURKEY * dyeing and textile wastewater. Biological treatment methods can be divided into aerobic and anaerobic treatment. Although, color removal by aerobic bacteria, such as those commonly present in activated sludge systems, are normally less8 mainly associated with the dye adsorption in the sludge2. On the other hand, under anaerobic conditions, effective dye decolorization can be reached37. However, biological treatment generally is insufficient to remove the wastewater color. Abstract The textile industry wastewaters are known as one of the main sources of severe pollution problems worldwide. In particular, the release of highly colored effluents is undesirable, due to toxic and resistant effects to the environment. In this study, four stage anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) with a working volume of 19 L was fed with real textile effluent containing about chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 1000mg/L, color of 80.2 m-1(λ436), 89.9 m-1(λ525), 95.7 m-1(λ620), 3335 Pt-Co and assessed under varying operational conditions. Initially effect of glucose as external substrate on ABR performance was assessed. COD and color removal efficiencies of the ABR reached to 66.9% and 88% when influent COD was increased to 2000 mg/L by external substrate addition. To achieve a marked color reduction after a biological process, a further application of relatively expensive tertiary treatments is required, typically performed by techniques such as adsorption with active carbon,24 membrane filtration,14,22 ozonation,20 coagulation 3,12 flocculation, photocatalytic degradation5,36 and electrochemical techniques.6,7,18,19 Chemical oxidation with ozone, however, is the most preferred process for the dyes used in textile operations in order to achieve high color removal efficiencies and to improve the biodegradability without sludge production. Additionally, ozonation was applied followed by anaerobic treatment to investigate the removal of the residual color and COD. The overall COD and color (Pt-Co unit) removal efficiencies via post-ozonation were 41.7% and 68.5% respectively for ozonation time of 75min. Ozonation is an oxidative process in which the oxidizing agent used is ozone (O3). Interest in the use of ozone in wastewater treatment has increased considerably in recent years due to the numerous advantages of this process. Although, the cost of ozone production has decreased in recent years, the ozonation process still has a high cost. Reactions involved in ozonation can occur directly between ozone and the organic compounds present in effluent or indirectly through OH− radicals.23,27,29 The ozonation process minimally generates toxic byproducts and its prior application to wastes also enhances their biodegradation by converting the more slowly biodegradable COD into simpler compounds or by reducing the amount of inert organic matter.28 Post-ozonation, on the other hand, may have a polishing effect on effluent quality. It is therefore important to set the basis for the selection of the appropriate location for ozone application.17 Keywords: Textile wastewater, color removal, ozone, COD removal, post-treatment. Introduction The textile dyeing industry consumes large quantities of water and produces large volumes of wastewater from different steps in the dyeing and finishing processes. This wastewater can cause serious environmental problems due to their high color, large amount of suspended solids, and high chemical oxygen demand.14 Standard discharge limits of textile effluent are becoming more stringent in recent days creating continuous problems for industries to comply with. Generally the treatment options can be divided into three main categories namely biological, chemical and physical methods.6,30 Of the various treatment methods applied to dyeing wastewater, biological treatment is one of the most popular methods. Results presented by Marmagne and Coste25 show that ozone degrades all kinds of dyes except insoluble disperse dyes and vat dyes, as it reacts slowly and requires more time for degradation. Furthermore, it has been reported that the removal of color in wastewater using ozonation textiles depends on the dye concentration.21,31,33 According to Mehmet and Hasan26, ozonation (30mg/cm3) increases the rate of biodegradability of industrial wastewater by a factor Biological methods are generally cheap and simple to apply and currently used to remove organics and color from 45 Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment____________________________________________Vol. 18(5) May (2014) Res. J. Chem. Environ. of 1.6. Jianging and Tingwei15 reported 11–66-fold to increase in the degradation rate for wastewater containing azo dyes while the increase reached 80-fold for wastewater containing reactive dyes such as Reactive Yellow 84. These results show that the increase in the degradation rate was influenced by the type of dye and its concentration. using a peristaltic pump to have a constant HRT of 2 days throughout the study. The ABR was inoculated with anaerobic sludge from a fullscale anaerobic digester located at Gaziantep, Turkey and acclimatized to the described basal media for 90 days. The performance of ABR was evaluated for 143 days under three different periods (Table 2). First, the reactor was containing real textile wastewater without carbon source supplementation (period I, days 0–90) for acclimatization of anaerobic bacteria. Then, the reactor performance was evaluated at different electron donor (glucose) loadings (period II and period III), (Table 2). The samples taken from the reactor was analyzed 3 times per week to determine the system performance. Nonetheless, Gianluca and Nicola11 reported that color removal from textile wastewater treated biologically was dependent on the initial COD value of the textile wastewater. The main objective of this study is removal of COD and color of real textile wastewater by ozonation as post-treatment followed by anaerobic degradation. In the biological step, ABR was performed under varying external substrate addition, corresponding to overall influent COD of 1500 and 2000 mg/L. Afterwards ozonation was applied as post treatment to remove the residual COD and color from ABR effluent. Material and Methods Real Textile Wastewater: Real Textile wastewater was collected once a week from the wastewater treatment plant of Kipas Textile Industry (Kahramanmaras, Turkey). The influent was stored at 40C and the reactors were operated at room temperature of approximately 27 0C. It is worth mentioning that the dyeing process of this factory is continuous and utilizes many different reactive dyes. Because the pH value was usually alkaline (~11), the pH was adjusted to 7.0 with sulphuric acid (H2SO4). Table 1 Characteristics of real textile wastewater Parameters Unit Value pH 11±0,5 Temperature (0C) 20,6±3,5 Conductivity (µS/cm) 6555±3375 COD (mg/L) 620±20 NH4-N (mg/L) 4,83±1 -1 λ436 nm m 80.2±5 Color λ525 nm m-1 89.9±6.2 λ620 nm m-1 95.7±7.4 Color Pt-Co 3335 Nitrate (mg/L) 5.1±2.2 Sulfate (mg/L) 1250±250 Free chlorine (mg/L) 7.3±0.5 Fig.1: Schematic of the ABR system Table 2 Operational conditions of anaerobic baffled reactor Periods Parameters I II III Days 0-90 91-127 128-143 Feed COD concentration 1000 1500 2000 (mg L−1) Experimental procedure of ozonation stage for posttreatment: Anaerobically pretreated ABR effluent of period III was used for ozanation experiments. The ozone experiments were conducted in a 500 ml glass reactor at room temperature and batch mode. An ozone generator (Opal OG-400, Ankara, Turkey) was employed to produce ozone from air and was bubbled at the bottom of the reactor by means of a diffuser at the rate of 400 mg/h. All connections in the experimental set up were made using Teflon fittings. The sample volume was taken as five hundred milliliter in all experiments. Ozonation experiments were carried out at ozonation dose of 5 to 75 min and samples were taken at regular intervals to measure pH, COD and color. The pH values were almost constant at around 7.0±0.5 over the experimental period. Experimental procedure for biological treatment stage: The experiments were conducted in an anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR). The ABR consisted of four equal compartments separated by vertical baffles. The working volume of the reactor was 19 L (wide: 20cm, long: 80cm, deep: 20cm), the active volume of each compartment was 4.75 L. Each compartment was further divided into two by slanted edge (45˚) baffles to encourage mixing within each compartment (Fig. 1). The system was installed in a temperature controller chamber maintained at 30 0C. The feed solution was continuously pumped into the reactor 46 Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment____________________________________________Vol. 18(5) May (2014) Res. J. Chem. Environ. Analytical Methods: COD, pH and color were measured at regular time intervals. pH was measured using a pH probe (340i, WTW, Oslo, Norway). Samples were centrifuged using Eppendorf Centrifuge 5415R centrifuge 3000×g for 5 min before the measurement of color and COD concentrations from the supernatant. For color measurements, RES parameter (m-1) was applied according to the standards of European Norm EN ISO 7887. The absorbance measurements at three wavelengths, namely 436nm, 525nm and 620nm representing yellow, red and blue color, respectively. Absorbance measurements were carried out on Hach DR-5000 model spectrophotometer in 1 cm glass cuvettes. The color was measured (HACH DR/5000) in platinum-cobalt (Pt-Co unit). COD was measured using commercially prepared HACH testing kits. Methods were the current US EPA approved (Standard Method COD, 5220D) and procedures are equivalent to Standard Methods.4 wastewater supplemented with glucose (500 mg/L) and nutrients and found COD removal efficiencies between 62 and 66% which are close to the findings of the present work. Zhu et al39 investigated a laboratory-scale ABR with four compartments using soybean protein processing wastewater as organic loading rates were investigated for the performance and phase separated characteristics. It was found that the COD removal efficiencies were 92–97% at 1.2–6.0 kg COD/m3.d feeding. The performance of ABR in terms of color removal is presented in fig. 3. In the first period of the reactor operation, color (Pt-Co unit) reduction was around 28.4% (Fig.3D). Increase in COD concentration from 1000 to 1500 mg/L in period II, resulted in increasing color (Pt-Co and RES unit) removal efficiency about 52.6%. In periods III, increasing COD concentration 2000 mg/L increased the color (Pt-Co unit) removal efficiency to around 70% (Fig. 3D). Results and Discussion The influent RES values were in range of 80 m-1, 89 m-1, 95 m-1 at λ436, λ525 and λ620 respectively. For all operational conditions applied to the ABR, color was mainly removed at the last compartments. The color was reduced by 58%, 67% and 55% at λ436, λ525 and λ620 respectively at period I. The COD concentration during the period was 1000 mg/L (Fig. 3A-B-C). Similar to color, COD concentration decreased from last compartments. In second period (days 91-127), the influent COD concentration was increased from 1000 to 1500 mg/L. Under this period 62% (λ436), 65% (λ525) and 79% (λ620) color removal efficiencies were observed corresponding to about 40 m-1, 44 m-1, 47 m-1 effluent (at the last compartment) RES values respectively. Between days 128 and 143 (Period III), reactor was operated at 2000 mg/L COD concentration. Removal efficiencies increased to around 80%, 90% and 95% for the absorbants at 436 nm, 525 nm and 620 nm respectively, at the end of period III. Part 1- Anaerobic biodegradation process: In the first part of the study, the effect of initial COD concentration on dyestuff and COD removal performance of the SBR was investigated. The system was operated at three different initial COD concentrations varying between 1000 and 2000 mg/L. The COD performance of the ABR is illustrated in fig. 2. The biological part of the study was composed of three periods (Table 1). In the first period ABR was performed at influent COD of 1000mg/L. During this period, low COD and color removal (Pt-Co and RES unit) was observed corresponding to 23% and 28% respectively (Fig. 2). After day 90 (Period II, III) the influent COD was increased by substrate additional to enhance the COD and color removal efficiency. In period II, the influent COD concentration was increased from 1000 to 1500 mg/L. As a result, the COD removal efficiency reached to 48.6% (Fig. 2).Between days 128 and 143 (Period III), reactor was operated at 2000 mg/L influent COD concentration. In this period, COD removal efficiency increased to around 60% and the effluent COD concentration was below 698 mg/L (Fig. 2). Somasiri et al34 used a UASB reactor supplemented with nutrients and glucose to treat a real textile wastewater (COD total = 6 g/L) and found 95% color removal, even when the initial absorbance at wavelength of maximum absorbance (λ580 nm) was only 0.35. On the other hand, Sen and Demirer32 used a fluidized bed reactor (FBR) operated at a HRT of 24 h to treat a real textile wastewater supplemented with glucose (500 mg/L) and nutrients and achieved color removal efficiencies between 40 and 44%. Gianluca and Nicola11 reported that color removal from textile wastewater treated biologically was dependent on the initial COD value of the textile wastewater. Kapdan and Alparslan16 reported that an anaerobic packed column reactor was operated continuously at different COD loading rates (1–8 g/l d) performance. COD removal efficiency was obtained between 5% and 35% for the applied loads. Part II- Effect of ozonation on COD and Color removal: The characteristics of the ABR-treated effluent are given in table 1. The influence of applied ozonation time on color and COD removals of biological treatment effluent was studied by increasing applied ozonation time at pH of 7.0 ± 0.5. For this purpose ozone feeding times of 5, 10, 15, 30, 60 and 75 min were applied. Increasing the ozonation times from 5 to 75 min increases the rate of decolorization. Somasiri et al34 used a UASB reactor supplemented with nutrients and glucose to treat real textile wastewater (CODtotal = 6 g/L) and obtained COD removal above 97% and effluent COD of 200 mg/L which was lower than the one from the present investigation (500 mg/L). In contrast, Sen and Demirer32 tested FBR to decolorize real textile 47 Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment____________________________________________Vol. 18(5) May (2014) Res. J. Chem. Environ. PERIODS I 2500 III II 2250 2000 COD (mg/L) 1750 1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 80 COD remaoval efficiency(%) 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Days Influent 1 st Compartment 2 nd Compartment 3 rdCompartment 4 th Compartment Fig. 2: COD removals in the anaerobic baffled reactor. PERIODS PERIODS II I 100 III Remaoval efficiency(%) -1 436 (m ) 60 40 20 80 60 40 20 0 0 B 80 m 80 Remaoval efficiency(%) 100 60 40 20 C Remaoval efficiency(%) 100 80 60 40 20 60 40 20 0 100 0 m III A 80 80 60 40 20 0 4500 0 D 80 Remaoval efficiency(%) 4000 Color (Pt-Co unit) II I 100 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 60 40 20 1000 0 0 20 40 60 80 0 100 120 140 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Days Days Influent 1 st Compartment Removal efiiciency (%) 2 nd Compartment 3 rdCompartment 4 th Compartment Fig. 3: Color absorbans, λ425 (A), color λ520 (B), color λ625 (C) and color (Pt-Co) removal performances. Left column shows in each ABR compartment values, right column shows percent removals. 48 Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment____________________________________________Vol. 18(5) May (2014) Res. J. Chem. Environ. Thus, higher applied ozonation times have a positive effect on color removal efficiencies. It can be observed through the results presented in fig. 4B that as the ozonation times increases, the color (Pt-Co unit and RES) removal increases. The color (Pt-Co unit) removal percentages were 14.3, 24.1, 44.2 and 68.5 for ozonation times of 5 min, 25 min, 50 min and 75 min respectively. The overall color removal efficiencies via postozonation were 82.8, 94.7 and 99.1% at λ436, λ525 and λ620 respectively for ozonation time of 75min (Fig. 3A-B-C and Fig. 4C-D-E). the parameters. The colors were reduced by 58%, 67%, 55%, 21% at 436nm, 525 nm, 620 nm and Pt-Co unit respectively, for 75 min ozonation times. The best values were obtained during operational parameters. This study demonstrates that post ozonation is a feasible option to reduce residual color after biological treatment. Fig.4 shows that an ozonation time of 5 min resulted in COD removal of 27%, which was raised to 40% at a time of 25 min and no appreciable increase was noted after that. In spite of having higher color removal efficiency, relatively low COD removal was obtained. This could be explained by the incomplete oxidation of organic materials and production of small organic molecular particles along with the degradation of the dyestuff that was not being completely oxidized. Many researchers observed a similar trend that a reduction of COD upon ozonation is as a result of partial oxidation of the organic substrates.9 According to Wang et al,38 these small molecules contribute significantly to the COD and cannot be completely removed by ozonation. 1. Abu Amr S. S. and Aziz H. A., New treatment of stabilized leachate by ozone/Fenton in the advanced oxidation process, Waste Manag., 32,1693–1698 (2012) Ozone consumption and cost estimate Ozone consumption is an important parameter of ozone processes because it can be correlated with the energy conservation of the treatment process. 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