BEST OF BOTH WORLDS It is no longer necessary for municipalities installing UV technology to make a choice between energy efficiency and a small footprint. The revolutionary TrojanUV Solo Lamp™ combines the best features of both low pressure and medium pressure lamps. This enables high electrical efficiency and reduced lamp count. The Solo Lamp™ is available in either 500 or 1000 Watts (the most powerful amalgam lamp in the world), depending on the application. Benefits of MP Lamps • Low lamp count and small footprint •Dimmable from 100 to 30% power (applicable to 1000 W lamp) AND Benefits of LPHO Lamps • Low power consumption (1/3 the energy usage of MP lamps) • Long lamp life (>15,000 hours) • Low carbon footprint and environmental impact L I F E CYC L E A S S E S S MENT ( 2 0 ye a r s - Nor ma lize d) ( m a n u f a c t u r i n g , ope r a tion , a n d disposa l) R E L AT I V E I M P A C T P E R P O P U L AT I O N S E R V E D 0.60% Smog Ecotoxicity Ozone Depletion Potential Eutrophication Human Health Effects Acidification Global Warming Potential 0.50% 0.40% 0.30% 0.20% 0.10% 0.00% Medium Pressure Lamp TrojanUV Solo Lamp™ Reduce Operation & Maintenance Costs •Fewer lamps, each with long lamp life, translates into reduced maintenance •Lower power consumption reduces electrical infrastructure and costs •Smaller footprint translates into reduced construction cost Smallest Environmental Footprint •Increased electrical efficiency minimizes carbon footprint •Fewer lamps and smaller footprint results in a lower environmental impact in a Life Cycle Assessment CARBON FOOTPRINT Over a 20 Year Life Cycle (Comparison for a Large WTP) 8.0 7.0 6.0 M I LLI ONS kg CARBON DIOXIDE (equivalent) 9.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Medium Pressure Lamp TrojanUV Solo Lamp™