Risk and poverty in a changing climate 2009 Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction Fast Facts Note: Results and figures provided here derive from modelling of hazard, exposure and risk. These estimates are not based on past disaster outcomes. 1. Cyclones 2. Floods Bangladesh faces the highest absolute risk Mortality from flood events is closely and comes second in relative terms. Other associated to the size and growth rate of countries with high absolute risk include exposed rural populations. It is heavily India, Philippines, Myanmar, Madagascar concentrated in Asia, especially in India, and China. Small Islands Developing States Bangladesh and China. These countries (SIDS) such as Haiti, Fiji and Vanuatu have a account for 75% of the world’s mortality risk high relative risk , but because of their small 1 population, a relatively low absolute mortality risk. Geographically, tropical cyclone mortality risk for floods. Relative to tropical cyclones, flood damages are less concentrated across countries. Highincome countries (especially the United States is highly concentrated. For example, more than and Germany) account for the largest share 75% of the expected mortality is concentrated of average annual modelled damages. China, in Bangladesh and 10.8% in India. Indonesia and Thailand together account for There are significant differences in risk between 25%. By far the largest damages in relation different groups of countries. Relative mortality to the size of economies occur in South Asia, risk is approximately 200 times higher in followed by sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia. low-income countries than in Organization The ratio of losses to gross domestic product for Economic Cooperation and Development (GDP) exposure in high-income countries is far (OECD) countries and approximately 30 times higher than in Latin America and the Caribbean greater in low human development countries or South Asia. This probably indicates the than in high human development countries. differential impact of flooding on primary Each year approximately 78 million people sector activities, such as raising livestock and worldwide are exposed to tropical cyclone other forms of agriculture and fishing, in the wind hazard and a further 1.6 million to related latter two regions, compared to the impact storm surge. Asian countries have the largest on industry and services in the high-income absolute population exposed in both categories countries. while most SIDS have the highest proportion The top 10 most exposed countries – in of their population exposed. SIDS have a far absolute and relative terms – are in South higher relative exposure to highly destructive and South-East Asia, which are home to a Category 3 and 4 storms than larger countries, number of heavily populated river deltas and given the exposure of most of their territory. watersheds. GDP exposure is also heavily concentrated in Asia. However, developed also be highest even after the meteorological countries, such as the United States of drought event has ended, for instance when America, Germany, Japan and France also people have exhausted their food supplies long have high absolute GDP exposure, while African countries, such as Benin, Sudan and Chad have high relative GDP exposure. In the case of economic risk, smaller, more before the next harvest. Relative to their population and cultivated area, sub-Saharan African countries have the most people and crops exposed to drought. concentrated floods appear to cause relatively greater economic damages than floods covering a larger area. 5. Earthquake China, India and Indonesia are the countries 3. Landslides with the highest absolute mortality risk, while some smaller countries, such as El Salvador Compared to other hazards, global landslide and Guatemala have very high relative risk. mortality risk is relatively low. The predicted Some countries, such as the Democratic mortality risk even in very large countries Republic of Congo, that have not experienced such as India or China is less than 100 deaths recent major earthquake disasters have high per year. Absolute mortality risk is highest in levels of both absolute and relative mortality countries such as Ethiopia, Indonesia and India. Relative mortality risk is highest in small risk. Altogether, 97% of mortality risk is concentrated islands, notably in Comoros. Approximately in low- and lower middle-income countries 55% of mortality risk is concentrated in (11.7% and 85.3% respectively). The upper 10 countries, which also account for 80% of middle and high-income countries concentrate exposure. 2.6% of the risk (1.7% and 0.9% respectively). Some 2.2 million people annually are exposed Mortality risk is highly concentrated for seismic worldwide to landslides. In absolute terms, risk. It is estimated that 86% of mortality risk exposure is very high in a number of large is attributable to disasters with more than Asian countries, especially,India, Indonesia and 10,000 fatalities. This is consistent with the China. Relative exposure is highest in small observed losses. Of the 250,000 deaths from countries with steep terrain including a number earthquakes over the last 10 years 2, about of small island nations. The relative importance 92% resulted from five mega-disasters 3. of the triggering mechanism varies widely among countries. 4. Drought Drought differs from other hazard types in the way losses are incurred. Few droughts lead directly to mortality. Those that do have generally occurred during a political crisis or civil conflict where aid could not reach the affected population. In these cases the mortality should more properly be attributed to the conflict than to the drought. Impacts might 1 Relative risk refers to the number of people killed as compared to total population, or economic loss as a share of national GDP. 2 As reported by CRED/EMDAT for earthquakes between 1975 and 2008. 3 Izmit (Turkey, 1999, 17,000 killed); Bhuj (Gujarat, India, 2001, 20,000 deaths); Bam (Iran, 2003, 26,800 deaths); Jammu/Kashmir (Pakistan/India, 2005, 74,000 killed) and Sishuan (China, 2008, 87,900 deaths). Invest today for a safer tomorrow