The Twice-as-Much

The Twice-as-Much
Man—Alexander J.
B y E . A . H u n g e rfo rd
A R R Y L A U D E R praised th rift go in g on in gen ­
the other day by sa y in g:
A eral affairs. Moi;e
savin gs bank book is m ore in­ than that, it cul­
teresting readin g than the most excit­ tivated m y ju d g ­
i n g fiction.” W h a t L auder said. A le x ­ ment and intensi­
ander J. Hem phill thought out when he'5 fied m y sense o f
was^ a boy clerk in g fo r the Pennsyl­ responsibility.”
v a n ia R ailroad back in 1875 at $18.00
. H ere you have
i. month. A n d he has translated these in a n u tshell1 the
secret o f success.
“ In your ow n experience i i o w has
100% en ergy ap­
th r ift contributed to you r success in plied to w ork.
life ? ” I asked M r. Hem phill. Hfe w as\
W i s e expendi­
^seated in his hospitable office a t the ) ture o f money.
Gtiar^nty^ T ru st Com pany in I lovyer
P art o f income
B road wa^and-had_Ji£en_telliRg''aSout saved each week.
C arefu l
some o f his early business expediences.
“ A s a youn g man startin g p u t in ment o f savings.
A n d, it should
life,” he replied, “ I decided I W ould
alw ays tr y to m ake m yself w orth \w ic e be added,
Generous g iv in g
as much to m y em ployer as he paiif'm e.
T h a t is to say, I determ ined to puHmy t o
full en ergy into m y job first, as i f s T causes.
w ere w o rk in g fo r m yself. In this w a y "' rThis-iaaL_phase,.:
I go t a satisfaction out o f my w ork and — unselfishness —
an enthusiasm fo r it that brought real is especially char­
happiness. I figured, too, that it would acteristic o f M r.
pay from the standpoint o f gettin g Hemphill. A f t e r
b e i n g graduated
ahead. I t did pay.
“ Then I made it a rigid rule to keep from Philadelphia
ex a ct account o f all m y m oney matters. H ig h School in the class o f 1875, alw ays took advantage o f e v e ry oppor­
Just as a man in business keeps books he had a small allow ance le ft him tunity to prepare to occupy .th e desk
in order to show w hether or not his by his father w hich would have helped ju st ahead o f him, calculatin g that
business is go in g successfully, so I felt him continue his studies in the U n i­ sooner or later its present incumbent
a man ought to operate his personal versity. Instead o f takin g this course, either w ould be advanced or fired. H e
financial income and outgo on a budget how ever, he turned the allow ance over aimed to be ready to step rig h t in and,
basis in order to show w hether or not to his m other and started “ w orkin g on w ithout loss to the company, carry on
his life is go in g successfully. I am the railroad all the livelon g day.” H e any w ork prom otion m ight b rin g him.
confident it rs impossible fo r a man to has since been connected w ith many In 1883 he w as honored by being ap­
gain great success w ho does not think philanthropic enterprises, actin g as pointed secretary o f the N o rfo lk and
T rea su re r o f the Com m ission fo r Re­ W estern Railroad.
straight about his m oney m atters.
A ft e r this successful career in the
“ W henever I had occasion to be a t a lie f in B elgium , C hairm an o f the Com­
certain place at a certain tim e I made mittee in A m erica appointed b y P resi­ railroad ■world M r. H em phill decided
it a point to be there on time. I f I dent W ilson to cooperate w ith the Com ­ he would tr y his hand at- another line
could get there ju st as w ell by not ta k ­ mission fo r R e lie f in Belgium , member o f business. H e w ent into th e banking
ing the street car I w alked. It isn’t o f the E xe cu tiv e com m ittee o f the w orld, w here swith his usual success he
alw ays w ise econom y to w alk. It is R efu gees’ R e lie f Fund, member o f the became Chairm an o f the B oard o f
sometimes the best econom y to pay five F in an ce Com m ittee o f W a r R e lie f D irectors o f the G uaranty T ru st Com ­
dollars fo r a taxicab to reach a certain C learin g H ouse fo r F ran ce and H er pany o f N ew Y o rk , a position he still
point at a certain time. K n o w in g when A llies, D irector o f the Society for R e­ holds.
to w alk and when to spend five dollars lie f o f F rench W a r Orphans, Chairm an
B u t alw ays
interests have
o f the Finance Com m ittee o f the N a­ widened.
O th er institutions know
is w hat counts.
“ B ut if I spent the five cents fo r car tional S ecu rity^ eagtre^ m ein b er o f the w ho’s w ho in A m erica. Captains o f
fare I put it down in m y little book. 1 Franeo-Arnerican
reasurer industry, recogn izin g his unusual exO f^ J a jF o o d fo r F ran ce F u n d ^ V ic e - perience and ability, h ave sought his
alw ays kept close track o f both sides
esident o f the F rien d ly A id Sdciety, counsel. H e has been identified w ith
debit and credit— o f m y financial ac­
rustee o f the S o ciety fo r the jEm - no few e r than tw enty-five concerns o f
count. A n d I w as alw ays sure at the
end o f each w eek that m y receipts w ere ploym ent and R e lie f o f P o o r Wompn, large financial interests,
at least some la rg e r than m y expendi­ and mernber o f the T h r ift Committee— -B e ca u s e o f the practical service
Pi '
' C- A : H T T s a c t iv / in w hich M r. H em phill believes the Y . M .
tures— even i f the total am ount w^s °i
-church m atters, being a member o f the C. A . renders to you n g men and boys,
only a fe w cents.
“ H a v in g tried each w eek to save a B oard o f T rustees o f his local' church, he has been interested to serve on the
part o f my income, it w as m y policy to T h e F ren ch governm ent^lfas recently general th rift com m ittee w h ich stancHT-*'1
s n e c m i^ ttH se'o*1A ssociabe on the lookout fo r good, safe invest­ recognized frrs~ iTelp-win-the-war serr
ments. I studied this m atter carefu lly vices by presenting him w ith the medal lio n a ctiv ity knOfffl--*s the economic
proenfam»T n s t e a k i n g o n & i s ^ f l ^ T i e '"
so that m y savings, though often small, o f the L egio n o f H onor.
M r. H em phill had not been lon g on ‘"nmae this frjink statem ent;
usually brought me good returns in in­
“ I believe in the prom otion erf th rift !
terest and dividends. T h is study o f his first job w ith the railroad when his
investments not only enabled me to get ability^ industry and th rift received as a definite part o f the A ssociation ’s
better returns on my savings, but it also recognition. H e w as steadily promoted, program because I kn ow the great value
taugh t m e a general idea o f values and but occupied each h ew position w ith th rift habits, have had in m y own life, .
T h ere w as a reason. & e
{Continued on page 565)
expanded m y notions o f w hat >vas credit.
. .
The Twice-as-Much Man |
( Continued fro m page 521)
and I know that the preaching o f a
gospel o f th rift w ill be o f great value
in the lives o f m any you n g men. T h ey
w ill be definitely helped to w in success.
“ I remember well, as a boy how my
grandm other used to invite me, to­
gether w ith her other grandchildren, to
her house for Christm as. It w as a
g rea t event in our lives, especially be­
cause w e alw ays received from her a
brand-new one-dollar bill.
A n d she
alw ays ga v e us, at the same tim e, some
good advice on the proper use o f
money. I h ave alw ays remembered her
w ise counsel and have tried to follow
it. She w as a very th rifty wom an her­
self, and her life, as w ell as her words,
alw ays made a g rea t impression on me.
“ P erhaps the Y . M . C. A . thrift, ac­
tivities w ill- do in a w a y for many
you n g men w hat m y good grandm other
did fo r me back in the days before the
A ssociation ’s w ork w as so w ell estab­
“ W hen you try to help a fellow in his
money m atters you reach h im . at a
point o f universal interest and his ap­
preciation o f the service rendered w ill
tend to tie him up to you r w ork and
•what it stands fo r— C hristian character
„ „
M r. H em phill is not one o f the all
w ork and no play” kind. H e believes
that wholesom e recreation is essential
to continued efficiency in his d a y s
w ork, and expresses this conviction by
his identity w ith a dozen leading social
and athletic clubs.
M odesty is an outstanding character­
istic o f this leader. H e does not like
publicity. B u t he has succeeded in life.
A n d ev ery man w ho has succeeded pro­
vides a stimulus fo r success in the lives
o f all w ho come to know him. Y o u n g
men w ho come to know him fo r the
first tim e through this interview w ill
be added to the host o f adm irers who
alread y recognize the basis o f his suc­
cess, and are helped by that know ledge
to a better place in the w orld s work.
A n d here you have the results o f suc­
cess in a nutshell:
R ecognition as a leader. #
B road know ledge o f affairs.
E conom ic independence.
Unselfish ideals.
A quartette w orth w hile and not by
an y means impossible to attain if, like
M r. A lex a n d er J. Hem phill, one w ills
to meet the conditions involved.
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“ Equal to Berry Brothers” is a state­
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G ym nastic A p p a ra tu s— Lockers
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Anthropometric Apparatus
V F T E R A Y E A R ’ S experience w ith
i \ . wom en in the canteen a secretary
w rites- " I feel sorry fo r the camps
w here there are no wom en, fo r the boys
get homesick. T h ere are so m any things
So-do fo r soldiers that the men secre­
taries could not think o f. O n the whole,
women w orkers h ave been w onderful.
M y A ssociation could not do WI$J
them. T o m y mind, three qualifica­
tions ,are necessary— good health, com­
mon sense and not cra zy over the men.
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