Production and Trading working close together

Production and Trading
working close together
Strong partnership - Siemens and Atos for ETRM
The business challenge
Market liberalization increases the sophistication and complexity of energy trading
Ever more varied and complex portfolio
of energy contracts makes an effective
risk management approach essential
Integration of Gas and Electricity industries through generators with CCGT and
retailers supplying both commodities to
The rise of renewable energy has increased the number of players in the generation business
The ETRM integrated solution
connects the two sides of the energy
equation, generation and trading, including the Atos PTRS solution, alongside
Siemens‘ jROS solution for generators,
ensuring the best possible combination
of risk reduction & profit optimization
across the entire value chain.
jROS from Siemens for resource planning, generation scheduling and optimization integrating RO and HTC, providing the features
Expansion planning of generation resources (companies)
Resource optimization on fuel and electricity markets, analysis of physical risks
using Monte Carlo Simulation
Siemens jROS and PTRS from Atos
Determination of economic key figures
for trading decisions on day-ahead and
intraday markets based on the physical
Determination of final schedules on all
kind of generation resources
Answers for infrastructure and cities
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PTRS from Atos for managing and optimizing trading
transactions, a comprehensive trading toolset
Covering all trading requirements: Long-term contracts;
Spot deals and Real-time transaction
Physical to financial deals
Taking products from Power Exchanges to system operator
Bilateral transactions tailored to counterparty needs
Wholesale to retail
The customer benefits
are striking. Improved efficiency in short term and real
time markets, production cost savings up to 10% and
seamless integration and communication connecting front
end trading and middle office:
Seamless data flow between management of contracts
and management of physical assets, reduces risk of wrong
Optimization of physical assets gives better key figures for
trading than rules of thumb (clean spark spread / clean
dark spread)
Consideration of physical risks by stochastic optimization
reduces all-over risk of the combined portfolio
The software for solution for Trading & Portfolio Management from one source reduces the effort+risk in the project implementation
Smooth, consistent integration with ERP and CRM
The power of Siemens - Atos in the energy market
Siemens, & Atos deliver first successful project implementations based on their joint investments and collaboration in the energy market. The integrated ETRM software solution is designed to significantly boost the
profitability of power generation and trading by optimizing the bid creation and by providing a seamless data
flow at IT level. This furthermore saves costs for integration and reduces the project risks. “
EDP- HC Energia: 1st use case of jROS and PTRS customer
A first joint use case exists at EDP Producao in Portugal
and its Spanish subsidiary HC Energia. Mid term planning
for the complete generation portfolio is performed with
the recently upgraded jROS installation at the head quarter in Lisbon. HC Energia on the other hand, uses PTRS as
representing trading in the Iberian market and is currently
expanding modules to use in the areas of distribution,
metering and balancing.
Revenue growth
Portfolio analysis and optimization at all levels of the business cycle, from generation assets to energy contracts,
will increase trading revenue, while preventing major losses by applying effective risk management to the
Production cost optimization
State-of-the-art mathematical optimization leads to costoptimized generation schedules, with improvements of
1–10% compared to manually derived schedules or legacy
optimization techniques, like Merit-Order-Lists, or Lagrange Relaxation.
Improved time to market and faster decision making in
intra-day and balancing markets where return/losses per
MWh are often the largest.
Alignment of front and middle office
ETRM provides extensive support to business processes for
scheduling strategy and trading execution, allowing perfect alignment/communication of both departments, in
time to business demand.
ETRM: Energy Trading & Risk Management
PTRS: Power Trading and Retail System
jROS: Joint Resource Optimization and Scheduler
RO: Resource Optimization
HTC: Hydro Thermal Coordination
Answers for infrastructures and cities
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