Electrically charged curvaton Michela D’Onofrioa,b , Rose Lernera,b , Arttu Rajantiec a University of Helsinki, b Helsinki Institute of Physics, c Imperial College London [JCAP - astro-ph/1207.1063] COSMO 2013 Cambridge, 2-6 Sept 2013 Michela D’Onofrio - Helsinki University, HIP Electrically charged curvaton Introduction Ï Inflation introduced to solve three problems of Standard Cosmology: flatness, horizon, unwanted relics. Ï Curvaton model: inflaton φ drives the expansion; curvaton σ produces curvature perturbations. Ï During inflation: σ is subdominant and light. Ï After inflation: σ decays and perturbations affect the Universe. Michela D’Onofrio - Helsinki University, HIP Electrically charged curvaton Motivation why do we want a charged curvaton? Ï connect curvature perturbation to Standard Model; Ï give U(1)-charge to curvaton; −→ less free parameters! −→ large coupling g 0 ≈ 0.36, interesting curvaton–photon interactions; Ï when curvaton decays, significant contribution to curvature perturbation. Michela D’Onofrio - Helsinki University, HIP Electrically charged curvaton Model We assume the curvaton carries one unit of U(1) weak hypercharge Y = 1. The Lagrangian is: 1 L φ = ∂µ φ∂µ φ − V (φ) 2 (1) 1 L σ = −m2 σ† σ − λ(σ† σ)2 − Fµν F µν + |(i∂µ − g 0 Aµ )σ|2 4 (2) We obtain a curvaton e.o.m. which is exactly solvable only by non-perturbative methods. Michela D’Onofrio - Helsinki University, HIP Electrically charged curvaton Constraints on the Effective Potential Due to the large value of g 0 ≈ 0.36, the potential gains quantum corrections (Coleman-Weinberg) Veff (σ) = m2 |σ|2 + 3 g0 |σ|2 4 |σ| ln 64 π2 µ2 which have impact on the parameter space. A curvaton must satisfy: Ï vacuum stability Ï shallow potential Ï linearity Michela D’Onofrio - Helsinki University, HIP Electrically charged curvaton Constraints on the Effective Potential Veff Ï VACUUM STABILITY: increasing µ −→ Vacuum at σ = 0 must otherwise tunneling to Veff be true vacuum, false vacuum → σ spontaneously break σ/H∗ U(1) symmetry, photon massive. Ï SHALLOW POTENTIAL : 00 ), in order to have a light curvaton (m2eff ≡ Veff and Vσ ¿ Vφ . Ï LINEARITY: σ evolves linearly both during and after inflation. Michela D’Onofrio - Helsinki University, HIP Electrically charged curvaton Curvaton dynamics The background curvaton has e.o.m.: σ̈ + 3H σ̇ + m2 σ = 0 with H(t) = 1 2t (radiation-dominated epoch). 15 The curvaton evolves in time as: µ ¶ 3π σ∗ σ(t) ≈ cos mt − 8 (mt)3/4 σ/H∗ 10 5 20 -5 40 60 80 100 mt -10 -15 Michela D’Onofrio - Helsinki University, HIP Electrically charged curvaton Possible evolution after Inflation After the end of inflation, the curvaton is a homogeneous condensate that oscillates in its potential. Its evolution depends on interactions with other fields, which cause it to decay into curvaton particles. - Interaction with a thermal bath of photons - Decay through parametric resonance T ¿m late decay T Àm σ decays too quickly T ¿m linear curvaton leftovers nonlinear T Àm thermal bath Michela D’Onofrio - Helsinki University, HIP Electrically charged curvaton Interaction with Thermal Bath Curvaton–photon interaction: condensate −→ curvaton particles. Γth ≈ 0.03 g 02 T T ¿ m: particles are non-relativistic and decay at a very late time. T À m: if inflaton decays into photons immediately after inflation → curvaton decays too quickly, and ζ too small (if chemical equilibrium) Viable model if there are almost no photons after inflation in thermal bg: (i) φ decays to hidden sector; (ii) φ decays late → φ4 -potential. Michela D’Onofrio - Helsinki University, HIP Electrically charged curvaton Non-perturbative Decay – Provided NO interaction with thermal bath: Ï Curvaton produces photons non-perturbatively: parametric resonance Ï Gauge field in the curvaton background follows Mathieu equation Ï Solutions are either oscillatory or growing Ï Growing solution = energy transfer from curvaton to photon Ï Type of solution given by instability plot Michela D’Onofrio - Helsinki University, HIP Electrically charged curvaton Gauge field dynamics The evolution of the gauge field follows Mathieu equation: ¡ ¢ 00 B (z, k) + Σk (z) + 2q(z) cos 2z B(z, k) = 0 where B(t, k) = a(t)1/2 A(t, k), z = mt and coefficients: q(z) ≈ Σk (z) ≈ g 02 σ2∗ m2 z3/2 k2 3 + + 2q(z) 2mH∗ z 16z2 k is the comoving momentum, and we have inserted the curvaton solution. Michela D’Onofrio - Helsinki University, HIP Electrically charged curvaton Instability plot of Mathieu equation - shaded regions = stable bands; q(z) - white regions = resonance bands with exponentially growing solutions; - the solid line shows Σ = 2q ⇒ k = 0; - starting position and speed depend on m Σ(z) and σ∗ ; - As modes with k > 0 follow a similar evolution, but on a lower line, modes with higher k spend less time in the instability bands −→ weaker resonance. Michela D’Onofrio - Helsinki University, HIP Electrically charged curvaton amplification of Aµ Amplification of gauge field mt Amplification of the gauge field A as a function of mt, for different σ∗ (H∗ ) and m(H∗ ). Upper line: huge amplification, resonance is nonlinear. Lower line: linear evolution. Dashed line: nonlinearity condition. Michela D’Onofrio - Helsinki University, HIP Electrically charged curvaton σ∗ /H∗ Constraints on Parameter Space m/H∗ Allowed region for a viable curvaton model which produces ζ = 10−5 . The size of the allowed region reduces as H∗ reduces. For H∗ . 108 GeV there is no allowed parameter space. Michela D’Onofrio - Helsinki University, HIP Electrically charged curvaton Constraints on Parameter Space H∗ > 3 × 109 : regions 1, 2, 3 allowed σ∗ /H∗ 109 < H∗ < 3 × 109 : regions 2, 3 2 × 108 < H∗ < 109 : region 3 3 2 1 m/H∗ Allowed region for a viable curvaton model which produces ζ = 10−5 . The size of the allowed region reduces as H∗ reduces. For H∗ . 108 GeV there is no allowed parameter space. Michela D’Onofrio - Helsinki University, HIP Electrically charged curvaton Constraints on Parameter Space shallow potential constraint: σ∗ /H∗ 00 ¿ H∗2 m2eff ≡ Veff m < H∗ linearity constraint m/H∗ Allowed region for a viable curvaton model which produces ζ = 10−5 . The size of the allowed region reduces as H∗ reduces. For H∗ . 108 GeV there is no allowed parameter space. Michela D’Onofrio - Helsinki University, HIP Electrically charged curvaton Conclusions Ï We explored the possibility of having a U(1)-charged curvaton. Ï We connected SM to inflation and reduced the number of free parameters. Ï Two different decay modes: interaction with thermal bath and parametric resonance. Ï The model is allowed, although parameter space is restricted by theoretical and observational constraints. Ï Non-perturbative calculations are needed to further investigate the model. Michela D’Onofrio - Helsinki University, HIP Electrically charged curvaton