International Education Week (Monday, Feb. 15, 2016)

International Education Week (Monday, Feb. 15, 2016)
12:00pm 12:50pm
Opening Ceremonies
1:00pm 1:50pm
25 Years After the Fall: The Collapse of the Soviet Union
2:00pm 2:50pm
Climate Change Refugees
Join us for a festival-like parade with drumming, candy and more with
Samba da Alegria! The parade will be centered around the UC Quad,
accompanied by a display of flags from around the world.
This year marks the quarter-century anniversary of the fall of the
communist Soviet Union, which consisted of Russia and 14 other union
republics. What was the Soviet Union? What was the significance of
the collapse of “evil empire,” as it was famously called by US President
Ronald Reagan? What are the enduring effects of its disappearance?
Who is a refugee? Who is a migrant? Why does it matter?
The international community is struggling to deal with the largest
influx of refugees since World War II. Last year, the UN High
Commissioner for Refugees documented over 60 million war refugees,
most of them fleeing conflict in North Africa and the Middle East. But
the causes of the conflicts that are pushing people out of these areas
are not just political. Environmental stresses have also contributed to
the societal breakdown, which has in turn led to armed conflict.
Climate change is already affecting societal stability and its effects are
expected to accelerate the breakdown of fragile states and societies.
This presentation will examine the concept of environmental refugees,
as well as the difficulties in addressing the current and potential
movement of people in response to a rapidly changing world.
Presented By
Samba da Alegria is Humboldt County's Community
Bateria (drum ensemble). The group goes back over 25
years, originating as a parade band for the North
Country Fair. They now perform for community events,
playing a variety of material and interpretations of
percussive folk music from around the world (and
original compositions). Samba da Alegria holds the
philosophy of building community identity through
Matthew Derrick, Assistant Professor in Geography as
well as faculty in the International Studies program. A
political-cultural geographer, he has spent several years
living, working, studying, and conducting research in
Russia. His scholarship examines territorial conflicts
among Muslim-majority regions of Russia and other
parts of the former Soviet Union.
Kathleen Lee, Lecturer in Politics and Environmental
Science. Her interests are environmental policy at the
state and federal levels, especially as it applies to climate
change, energy and water scarcity.
UC Quad
FH 118
Lib 209
3:00pm 3:50pm
4:00pm 4:50pm
5:00pm 5:50pm
6:00pm 8:00pm
The Sino-American Story
Ever wondered what life is like in China and Taiwan as an American
student? Does the other side of the world peak your curiosity? This
event features a colorful panel of passionate students who studied
abroad in China and Taiwan and who will be sharing their crosscultural escapades.
Want to work abroad? - ‘Going Global’ Can Help Your Search
The Academic and Career Advising Center offers a variety of resources
to assist students in their next step towards professional development.
This includes a subscription to ‘Going Global’ a database that pulls
together information from around the world and guides to getting
started in over 45 countries (including cities across the US and
Canada). On any given day there are over 6 million jobs available
through this search engine. Come check out this great resource.
Gaining Professional Experience Abroad
Finding an experience abroad can be difficult to navigate if one does
not know where to start or have a good understanding of what can
make it important. This session encourages students to think about the
importance of an international experience and offers advice on how to
begin that search.
International Recipe Exchange
Marilyn Liu is a senior International Studies major with a
concentration in Chinese Studies who studied abroad at
Peking University in Beijing, China. She has coordinated
a panel of students who have studied in China and
Lib 209
Robert Keever and Loren Collins work in the Academic
and Career Advising Center, serving students and faculty
by teaching the ins-and-outs of job searching, resume
and cover letter writing, getting into graduate school,
successful interviewing techniques and getting
experience abroad.
Lib 209
Rob Keever comes from Nova Southeastern University
with his Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and Master’s
Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. In his time as a
career development practitioner he has put an emphasis
on assisting those with international experience in
applying it in the workforce. Rob understands the
importance of an international experience and how it
can benefit an individual's career path.
Amy Salinas-Westmoreland, Multicultural Center.
Lib 209