e, s n po E s . e r r NLIN .edu e ol st O pui ñ a l a a f PLY ll.iu sp ano r E n esp Fo AP nro e e n u/ ó i d at ac ui.e m or l.iup f In rol en FRESHMAN APPLICATION www.iupui.edu Thank you for considering Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, Indiana’s third-largest university campus. You will find basic information on applying here, but for more application process information and admissions standards, go to enroll.iupui.edu/admissions/appinfo. More important information is available online. To read about IUPUI’s policies on the following subjects, go to enroll.iupui. edu/admissions/appinfo: • • • • • • • • • • • • • A dmissions Standards Criminal Activity/Disclosure Policy Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Final Transcripts Military Training Previous Attendance at IUPUI or another IU Campus Programs with Separate Deadlines and Additional Requirements Security/Safety Statement Social Security Number Students with Education Outside the United States Transfer Credit and Advanced Standing Tuition and Indiana Residency Use of Ethnic Information IUPUI is committed to providing a safe environment for students, faculty, staff, and community visitors. You will find more information on campus security and safety, including prevention plans and statistics, at enroll.iupui.edu/admissions/ appinfo. Admissions Standards In general, we expect prospective freshmen to graduate from high school with an Indiana Core 40 diploma with at least a B average, as well as submit either SAT or ACT scores (including the writing section). Admissions Timeline Once your application is complete and all required materials are received, you can expect a response within 4-6 weeks. Required materials include an application, application fee, high school transcript, and SAT or ACT scores (including the writing section). Checking the Status of Your Application We recommend you check your application status online. If you provide us with your email address when you apply, you will receive an email with instructions on how to create your account and check the status of your application. Be sure to update your email spam filters to allow emails from ‘@iupui.edu’ to be delivered. Application Priority Dates and Deadlines Applications and required supporting documents must be received by the priority deadline in order to receive full consideration for the desired term. Admissions may close without warning after the priority deadline. Any materials received after the priority deadline, including the application fee will not be refunded or sent back to the student. Fall • November 15: Priority Date for Maximum Consideration for Scholarships • February 1: Priority Date for AdmissionsBased Scholarships • May 1: Priority Date for Full Consideration for Admission Spring November 1 Summer I March 15 Summer II May 1 You may apply as early as one year in advance of your proposed enrollment. Admissions may close after the priority date without advance notice. Application fees will not be refunded when received after admission for a term has closed. Always consult enroll.iupui.edu for additional details. Office of Undergraduate Admissions Office Address: 420 University Blvd. Campus Center 255 Indianapolis, IN 46202-5147 Mailing Address: 425 University Blvd., Cavanaugh Hall 147 Indianapolis, IN 46202-5143 317-274-4591 Fax: 317-278-1862 apply@iupui.edu enroll.iupui.edu Online Services: Application, policies for transfer of credit and credit by exam, the University Bulletin, cost, scholarships, financial aid information, and other admissions items are available at enroll.iupui.edu. Información en Español - enroll.iupui.edu/espanol Areas of study Most programs only require this application for consideration and have the same application priority dates listed on page 1. Others, marked below, may have different priority dates and require additional documentation or applications. See enroll.iupui.edu/admissions/appinfo for details on the programs marked below. For this application, please write the entire area of study in the space provided on question 16. Accounting Actuarial Science (Mathematics) African Studies1 Africana Studies Agriculture (completes at Purdue University) American Sign Language/English Interpreting American Sign Language/English Interpreting1 Anthropology Architecture Interior Design1 Arts & Humanities2 Beverage Management Services1 Biology BA Biology BS Biology Education Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Technology Biotechnology (with Biotech courses completed at Ivy Tech) Business Foundations1 Ceramics (Herron Pre-Fine Arts) Chemistry BA Chemistry BS (including Biochemistry) Chemistry Education Child Abuse & Neglect1 Chinese Studies1 Civic Leadership Clinical Laboratory Science (PreClinical Lab Sci) Communication Studies Computer & Information Technology Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Technology Computer Graphics Technology Computer Science – Applied Computer Science – Applied1 Computer Science BS Computer Technology Applications1 Construction Management1 Construction Engineering Management Technology Criminal Justice Cultural Heritage Tourism1 Cytotechnology (PreCytotechnology) Dental Assisting1,2 Dental Hygiene (Pre-Dental Hygiene) Dental Hygiene (Public Health) Drawing and Illustration (Herron Pre-Fine Arts) E-Commerce1 Economics Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Technology Elementary Education Energy Engineering English English Education Environmental Science BS Events Management1 Exercise Science Exploratory Finance Fitness Management and Personal Training Forensic & Investigative Sciences French Furniture Design (Herron Pre-Fine Arts) Geographic Information Science1 Geography Geology BA (Including Earth Science – Education) Geology BS German Gerontology1 Global Health & Rehabilitation Studies1 Healthcare Engineering Technology Management Healthcare Engineering Technology Management2 Health Information Administration Health Sciences Health Services Management Herron – Art History Herron – Art Education Herron – Studio Art and Design Majors History Hospitality Management1 Human Communication in a Mediated World1 Human Computer Interaction1 Human Resource Management1 Individualized Major Liberal Arts BA Individualized Major Science BS Informatics Information Technology1 Interdisciplinary Engineering Interdisciplinary Studies Major Science BS Integrative Studio Practice (Herron Pre-Fine Arts) Interior Design Technology2 Interior Design Technology International Leadership1 International Studies Journalism (Tracks in Journalism, Public Relation, or Sports) Journalism1 Labor Studies Labor Studies1 Labor Studies (2-year program) Leadership Studies1 Lean Six Sigma Green Belt1 Legal Informatics1 Management (Business) Management (nonprofit/public) Marketing Math Education Mathematics (including Actuarial Science) Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Technology Media & Public Affairs Media Arts & Science Medical Coding1 Medical Humanities and Health Studies Medical Imaging Technology (PreMedical Imag Tech) Motorsports Engineering Motorsports Engineering Technology1 Motorsports Studies1 Museum Studies1 Music Technology Music Therapy1 Network Security1 Neuroscience Nonprofit Management1 Nuclear Medicine Technology (PreNuclear Med Tech) Nursing Organizational Leadership & Supervision Painting (Herron Pre-Fine Arts) Paralegal Studies1 Paramedic Science (Pre-Paramedic Sci) Personal Training1 Philanthropic Studies Philosophy Photography (Herron Pre-Fine Arts) Physical Education Teacher Education Physics (including Biophysics) Physics/Electrical Engineering Dual BS Degree Physics & Accelerated Masters in Mechanical Engineering Physics Education Policy Studies Political Science Printmaking (Herron Pre-Fine Arts) Psychology BA Psychology BS Public Affairs1 Public Health1 Public Health – Community Health Public Health – Environmental Health Science Public Management1 Public Relations1 Public Safety Management Quality Assurance1 Radiation Therapy (Pre-Radiation Therapy) Radiography (Pre-Radiography)2 Rehabilitation & Disability Studies1 Religious Studies Respiratory Therapy (Pre-Respiratory Therapy) Sculpture (Herron Pre-Fine Arts) Social & Behavioral Science2 Social Studies Education Social Work Sociology Spanish Sports Management Sports Tourism Development1 Supply Chain Management Sustainable Management & Policy Sustainable Technology1 Technical Communication Technical Communication1 Theatre & Performance1 Tourism, Conventions, & Event Management Translation Studies1 Travel Planning1 Visual Communication (Herron Pre-Fine Arts) Youth Physical Wellness Programming1 1 Indicates certificate, generally a one-year program 2 Programs with separate deadlines and additional requirements. See enroll.iupui.edu/admissions/appinfo for details before applying. Important Note: Depending on the requirements for admission to your desired area of study, you will either be considered for admission to University College or for dual admission to University College and the school of your desired major. Regardless of the admission option offered, all students will have the benefit of the University College orientation, placement testing, advising, and support services. tudies r students S l a n n fo hcare ofessio paratio Pre-pr es excellent psrcehools and hewaaltlking 2 ithin provid ional icine, IUPUI ted in profess tudents are w chool of Med f Law s S s o , e inter . At IUPUI itals, the IU e IU School careers e of five hosp tistry, and th can, with the distanc School of Den ly any major ic advisor, other the IU napolis. Neare of an academhere or at anne or – Indiaand assistanc essional studyr interest in o advice e you for prof 16, note you prepar On question al areas. school. re-profession more p Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis po Office of Undergraduate Admissions s 425 University Boulevard, CA147 re INE u. r Indianapolis, IN 46202-5143 e NL .ed t 317-274-4591 FAX: 317-278-1862 as Y O pui f Email: apply@iupui.edu a L u P r .i PRINT WITH BLACK INK OR TYPE Fo AP roll n e Part One – To be completed by the student. at FRESHMAN APPLICATION e, s n FRESHMAN APPLICATION 1.Name:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ First/Given Middle Last/Family 2. Other names on transcripts:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.Birthdate: ____________________________________________________________ Month / Day / Year 4. Gender: c Male c Female 5. Social Security Number: _________ _________ _________ - _________ _________ - _________ _________ _________ _________ Please note: Federal law requires that you provide your SSN to be considered for federal financial aid. State and institutional financial aid programs may use the information you provide on the FAFSA to determine if you are eligible to receive state and institutional aid. If you consent to the use of the SSN for these purposes, please supply your SSN above. Go to enroll.iupui.edu/admissions/appinfo for more information on SSN policy and use. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City State ZIP 7.County (Indiana residents only):__________________________________________ 8. Phone: Home ( )_____________________________________ Cell ( )________________________________ 9.Email:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email will be the primary method by which we communicate with you. Please list an account you will check regularly for notices on how to check the status of your application, items missing from your application, notifications of decisions, and invitations to IUPUI events. Be sure to update your email spam filters to allow emails from ‘@iupui.edu’ to be delivered. 10. What is your country of citizenship?__________________________________________________________________________________ 11. If you are NOT a US citizen, what is your immigration status? c Permanent Resident c Refugee c Deferred Action c Political Asylee c F or J Visa c Other____________________________________________ 12. Ethnicity and Race Are you Hispanic or Latino? c Yes c No What is your race? (Select one or more. Go to enroll.iupui.edu/admissions/appinfo for more information on ethnicity and race policy and use.) c American Indian or Alaska Native What is your Tribal affiliation?_________________________________________________________________________________ What is your Tribal Enrollment Number?_______________________________________________________________________ c Asian c Black or African American c Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander c White 13.If you have served in the US Armed Forces, list the branch of service and approximate dates of military service. (Veterans may receive credit for their military service experience by filing a copy of their DD Form 214 or DD Form 295. Go to enroll.iupui.edu/admissions/appinfo for more information on credit for military service.) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. Have you received an honorable discharge from military service? c Yes c No c Not Applicable c Not Yet Discharged 15. Did your parents, guardians, or spouse serve in the US Armed Forces? c Spouse c Parent(s) or Guardian(s) 16. When do you wish to enroll at IUPUI? (Check only one.) c August c May c June c January Year________________ 17. Intended major: Select a major from p. 2 and write the entire name here.__________________________________________________________________________________________ Pre-professional Interests: (Choose all that apply to your interests. Students can generally major in any undergraduate program and prepare for the above future professional study. Providing information about your possible interest(s) will assist your academic advisor in preparing you for your future studies.) c Pre-Dentistry c Pre-Law c Pre-Medicine c Pre-Occupational Therapy c Pre-Optometry c Pre-Pharmacy c Pre-Physical Therapy c Pre-Veterinary Science 18. High School/Home School Information (If you have a GED, skip to question 19.): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Graduation Date ______ / ______ High School or Home School Name City State Month Year 19. If you did not graduate from high school, you must provide a copy of your GED scores. Date of GED ______ / ______ Month Year GED Overall Score: _____________________ GED Writing Score: _____________________ 20. Have you attended a college, university, business school, or technical school (including for dual enrollment)? c Yes c No (If you answered yes, please identify the institution, including city and state.) Institution name:_______________________________________________________________________ City, State: ________________________________________________ From Mo/Yr ______ / ______ to Mo/Yr ______ /______ Cumulative GPA: __________________ Credits Earned: ___________________ 21.Have you been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, have a charge currently pending, been subject to formal disciplinary action at any college or university, or have you engaged in behavior that resulted in injury to person(s) or personal property? (If you answer YES, go to enroll.iupui.edu/admissions/appinfo for more information on felony conviction policy and use of this information.) c Yes c No 22. Would you like more information about Army ROTC? c Yes c No 3 >> ATTACH $55 APPLICATION FEE HERE << 6. Home address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Number Street 23. Have you participated in any of the following? c Head Start c Upward Bound/Trio c 21st Century Scholars 24. Parent/Guardian Information (required if you are under 21 at the time of your anticipated enrollment at IUPUI) Parent/Guardian Name:_______________________________________________________________ c Mother c Father c Other Relationship ________________________ Parent/Guardian Email:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Home Address: (Number/Street, City, State, Zip)_______________________________________________________________________________________________ 25. What is the primary language spoken in your home? c English c Spanish c Other__________________________________________________________________ 26.Did any of your parents or legal guardian(s) attend a college or university? c Yes c No Highest Education Level of Parents/Legal Guardian(s): c Less than HS Graduate c HS Graduate or Equivalent c Some College c Technical School c 2-Year College Degree c Bachelor’s Level Degree c Some Graduate School c Master’s Level Degree c Doctorate (Academic) c Doctorate (Professional) c Post-Doctorate 27. Did either of your parents attend IUPUI? c Yes c No 28.If you are claiming Indiana residency, please provide the dates you have lived in Indiana. (You must check one. If you currently do not live in Indiana and are claiming Indiana residency, please attach a written explanation of why you claim Indiana as your legal state of residence.) c Birth to present c From (mo/yr) ______ / ______ to (mo/yr) ______ /______ c Never resided in Indiana 29.If you are currently enrolled in high school, please list your entire senior year schedule. Do not leave this section blank, even if your schedule appears on your transcript. Leaving this question blank will delay the review of your application. First Semester Second Semester _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 30. Signature – The application must be signed by the applicant. By signing, you acknowledge the following: I certify that all statements on this application are correct and complete, including a list of all schools attended. I understand that withholding pertinent information requested on this application or giving false information constitutes grounds for immediate withdrawal of my application from further consideration and cancellation of my admission and/or registration. I understand that providing false information could also impact the classification of tuition residency status for fee-paying purposes and scholarship eligibility. If necessary, I have enclosed a letter describing any criminal or disciplinary history as described in this application. The letter and application will be sent by certified mail, and I will keep the receipt certifying it was received by IUPUI. The letter contains a statement granting my permission to officials at all institutions and agencies involved to release information needed by IUPUI to substantiate statements I have made in my application or my letter. I also understand that it is my responsibility to notify the University of any changes in my disclosed criminal or disciplinary history and/or any new or additional criminal or disciplinary charges that occur after I submit this application. Applicant’s Signature_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date ________________________ Part Two – For high school counselor or principal. After completion, the application should be forwarded to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, CA147, 425 University Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46202-5143. Note for Counselor: Please complete the questions below, attach a copy of the student’s transcript and test scores, and return the application and documents to our office. If possible, send the transcript electronically. 1. Applicant rank: ______________ in a class of ______________ Current grade point average: ______________ on a 4pt 5pt 6pt 8pt 10pt 12pt ______________ other scale (circle scale) Date of graduation (mo/yr): ______ / ______ Your school’s College Board CEEB code: __________________________________ SAT: CR: ____________ MA: ____________ WR: ____________ ESSAY: ___________ Test date (mo/yr): ______ / ______ SAT: CR: ____________ MA: ____________ WR: ____________ ESSAY: ___________ Test date (mo/yr): ______ / ______ ACT: EN: _________ MA: _________ RE: __________ SR: __________ CO: __________ WR: __________ Test date (mo/yr): _____ / ______ ACT: EN: _________ MA: _________ RE: __________ SR: __________ CO: __________ WR: __________ Test date (mo/yr): _____ / ______ If test scores are not yet available, when is the student scheduled to take either the SAT or ACT with the writing section? (mo/yr): _____ / ______ 2. For Indiana high schools only (check if appropriate): a. Student will receive: c Core 40 with Academic Honors c Core 40 diploma c Core 40 diploma with Technical Honors b. Has the student passed the ISTEP+ (GQE)? c Yes c No 3. Counselor name:___________________________________________________________________________ Title:__________________________ Phone:______________________ Counselor email:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Counselor signature:______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date:________________________ FEE WAIVER: All student applicants must submit an application fee or request a waiver using a College Board, NACAC, or ACT Waiver Form. High school counselors may request a fee waiver on school letterhead. Office of Undergraduate Admissions 2014-2015 4