Give me several hundred more milliseconds: temporal dynamics of verb prediction in Japanese Shota Momma1 Hiromu Sakai2 Colin Phillips1 1University of Maryland 2Hiroshima University Prediction in language Comprehenders can predict upcoming words… I would like my coffee with cream and _____ … very quickly: Online prediction ~= Offline prediction* *Altman & Kamide, 1999; DeLong & Kutas, 2005; Kamide et al., 2003; Van Berkum et al., 2005 a.o. Roadmap Temporary divergence between online/offline prediction Goal: learn about how we make prediction • Part 1 (Empirical): Background & Main result – Close relation b/w prediction & N400. – Slow prediction: transient online/offline divergence (main result – simple!) • Part 2 (Theoretical): Why slow? Making how claims based on when data. – Lexical prediction as a semantic memory search problem Part I: Prediction & N400 Prediction & N400 Amplitude of N400 closely track predictability (= offline cloze prob.) of a word. lo: There was nothing wrong with the car. (<0.03) hi: He mailed the letter without a stamp. (0.92) Kutas & Hillyard (1984) among many many others. Failure to predict? Some aspects of context fails to influence N400. Argument role-reversal At the breakfast the boy would eat … ?At the breakfast the egg would eat … No N400 diff. b/w Black & Blue. Kuperberg eta l. (2007); Kim & Osterhout (2005); Kolk et al., (2003); Chow et al., (2012); van Herten et al., 2006; Bornkessel & Schlesewsky, 2006; Kolk & Chwilla, 2007; Hoeks et al., 2004) Slow prediction? Not ‘failure’ - some types of information (e.g., argument role) are harder to use, leading to slow prediction? So, does extra time before the verb help? Chow et al. (2015ab) Wing Yee Chow UMD 2013 Now at UCL Current Study Japanese – Role reversal by case-marker reversal (NOM-ACC) – Two-word sentences (one argument dropped). Bee-NOM STING Fish-ACC CATCH Scholar-NOM STUDY God-ACC WORSHIP Current Study Japanese – Role reversal by case-marker reversal (NOM-ACC) – Two-word sentences (one argument dropped). ?Bee-ACC STING ?Fish-NOM CATCH ?Scholar-ACC STUDY ?God-NOM WORSHIP Current Study Japanese – Role reversal by case-marker reversal (NOM-ACC) – Two-word sentences (one argument dropped). Canonical vs. Role-reversed Bee-NOM STING vs. ? Bee-ACC STING Fish-ACC CATCH vs. ? Fish-NOM CATCH Scholar-NOM STUDY vs. ? Scholar-ACC STUDY God-ACC WORSHIP vs. ? God-NOM WORSHIP Design Factor 1: Plausibility Plausible Bee-NOM sting Fish-ACC catch Implausible Bee-ACC sting Fish-NOM catch 800ms Factor 2: SOA Short + 蜂が Long + 蜂が 刺す 刺す 1200ms Method details N =24, all right handed native Japanese speakers Delayed plausibility judgment; 160 Experimental (40 per condition) + 160 ‘filler’ sentences; Latin-Square Result – Verb - Canonical (bee-NOM sting) - Reversed (bee-ACC sting) Short SOA Result – Verb - Canonical (bee-NOM sting) - Reversed (bee-ACC sting) Short SOA - Canonical (bee-NOM sting) - Reversed (bee-ACC sting) Long SOA Result – Verb N400 effect (amplitude difference ) * ** n.s Average midline electrodes Result – Control Plausible Turtle-NOM swim Apple-ACC eat Implausible Turtle-NOM gets-cold Apple-ACC shave N400 effect (amplitude difference ) **** *** Case marker difference not encoded? – No. I don’t care what those tiny morphemes tell me. I am going to ignore them. Verb Noun Bee-NOM sting vs. Bee-ACC sting Apple-ACC eat vs. Apple-ACC shave NOM vs. ACC * ** n.s **** *** Whatever the source of this difference, it is due to something that happens before the verb. -> Slow prediction, not failure to predict/ N400’s failure to reflect prediction ** This is probably not due to people’s inattentiveness to the case morph. Same pattern in verb-final structure in Chinese: Last week policeman BA suspect arrest… Last week suspect BA policeman arrest… Policeman BA suspect ZAI last week arrest… Suspect BA Policeman ZAI last week arrest… Sim. amount of cloze diff., diff. N400 pattern: … which customer the waitress had served… (25.4%) … which waitress the customer had served… (zero) … which illustrator the author had hired… (27.7%) … which readers the author had hired… (zero) Chow et al. (2015 ab); see Kukona for related findings. Anticipatory look to crook (target) & policeman (lure) Less anticipatory look to lure Tobi arrested the crook. (crook) at later time window. vs. Tobi was arrested by the policeman. Kukona et al. (2011) Part II: what’s going on?: preliminary model of (lexical) prediction Prediction as a memory search Prediction = memory search Lexical prediction ~= semantic memory search problem Given bee-ACC… what does it takes to predict swat (or whatever appropriate verb) instead of sting? – Search for a predicate that typically takes bee as a patient. – Can we spot this item in semantic memory in one direct step? – probably not. Where’s Waldo? [+red-and-white stripe] [+wearing glasses] [+wearing a bobble hat] [+having a walking stick] [+male] …. Prediction as a search Intuitive strategy 1) Search for things with red-and-white stripes (‘pop-out’/parallel feature). 2) Among them, search for a male with a walking stick etc. Serial search is necessary at stage 2. Spreading activation as search space reduction .....bee....... STING BUZZ INSECT HONEY HIVE PAIN HURT SWAT Spotting the right items Sting Honey Insect Pain Buzz Hive Swat Spotting the right items Sting Honey Insect Pain Buzz Hive Swat Spotting the right items Sting Honey Insect Pain Buzz Swat Hive Given Bee-ACC, need to find items that take-bee-as-apatient (i.e., need to reject items that take-bee-as-anagent). Why is argument role slow to affect prediction in role reversal sentences? Search order Activation Strength early late Sting Buzz Swat strong weak Prediction is slow when attractive lure (sting) outranks appropriate target (swat). Model Summary • Lexical prediction = sematic memory search – Two-staged: Spreading activation-like process (use of association in some form) + subsequent serial search. – Serial search: spotting a item that satisfies complex features specified by the context. Conclusion Empirical: when data Theoretical: how claim N400’s insensitivity to role reversal can be remedied by simply giving several hundred more milliseconds. Lexical prediction is… (1) two-step process, that involves… (2) Reduction of search space via spreading activation-like mechanism and (2) Subsequent serial (slow) checking of each candidate Argument role information is slow at affecting verb prediction. Short Plausible Bee-NOM sting Implausible Bee-ACC sting Long Bee-NOM sting Bee-ACC sting N400 effect only in Long SOA conditions. Prediction as a memory search Proposal: lexical prediction = reduction of search space using pop-out feature + serial search. Given bee-ACC…. 1) Search for bee-related words. 2) Among them, search for verbs. 3) Among them, search for one that takes bee as an patient. Claim: Step (3) requires serial search (= slow). Prediction as a memory search Proposal: lexical prediction = reduction of search space using pop-out feature + serial search. Given bee-ACC…. 1) Search for bee-related words. 2) Among them, search for verbs. 3) Among them, search for one that takes bee as an patient. Why serial? Suggestion: you are searching lexical space, but you are looking for a word that satisfies nonlexical property, [takes-bee-as-a-patient]. Input to the prediction is words, output is also words, but need to use non-lexical feature (world-knowledge) in between. Representation mismatch = serial = slow. Spotting the right words Sting Honey Insect Pain Buzz Hive Given Bee-ACC, need to find [+verb]. Swat Spotting the right words Sting Honey Insect Pain Buzz Swat Hive Given Bee-ACC, need to find [+verb]. Does this feature ‘pop out’ (parallel)? Maybe. Anticipatory look to crook (target) & policeman (lure) Less anticipatory look to lure Tobi arrested the crook. (crook) at later time window. vs. Tobi was arrested by the policeman. Kukona et al. (2011) Same pattern in verb-final structure in Chinese: Last week policeman BA suspect arrest… Last week suspect BA policeman arrest… Policeman BA suspect ZAI last week arrest… Suspect BA Policeman ZAI last week arrest… Sim. amount of cloze diff., different N400 pattern: … which customer the waitress had served… (25.4%) … which waitress the customer had served… (zero) … which illustrator the author had hired… (27.7%) … which readers the author had hired… (zero) Chow et al. (2015 ab); see Kukona for related findings. Prediction as a memory search Proposal: lexical prediction = searching sematic memory in two step for items that satisfies multiple properties . 1) reduction of search space by exploiting semantic association (directly encoded in semantic memory network), i.e., spreading activation. 2) Serially check (often slow) whether an attended item satisfies complex property specified by the context.