Optimal Voice Coil Rest Position AN 1 Application Note to the KLIPPEL R&D SYSTEM - Revision 1.2 The location of the voice coil in the magnetic gap is a very critical parameter of dynamic transducers used in loudspeakers, shakers, headphones, etc. An offset from the perfect symmetrical rest position in the magnetic field may produce unwanted signal distortion and generate a dynamic DC-displacement, which degrades the stability of the driver by moving the coil’s rest position towards the gap edges. As a solution, shifting the voice coil into the optimal rest position in the magnetic field may fully or partially compensate for the asymmetries. The optimal rest position may be found by measuring the symmetry of the force factor Bl versus displacement x. The large signal identification module (LSI) determines the Bl(x) parameter dynamically by operating the driver under normal working conditions. In addition, the LSI results include data analysis tools to help assess the asymmetry in the Bl(x) curve and to find the amount of shift required xB to obtain the optimal voice coil rest position. Current Rest Position: pole plate magnet Optimal Rest Position: magnet pole plate uniform magnetic field concentrated in the gap Direction of Voice Coil Shift voice coil pole piece pole piece x=0 Bl(x=0) < max Equal Length Coil x=xB Bl(x=xB) = max CONTENTS: Measurement of the Large Signal Parameters ....................................................................................................... 2 Post Processing and Interpretation......................................................................................................................... 2 Examples ................................................................................................................................................................. 3 More Information ................................................................................................................................................... 5 Optimal Voice Coil Position AN 1 Measurement of the Nonlinear Force Factor Requirements To measure the nonlinear characteristics of the force factor, the following hardware and software is required: Procedure Hardware platform Distortion Analyzer (DA) Software module LSI installed within dB-Lab on the PC A driver stand or similar clamping Laser displacement sensor (recommended) 1) Operate the DUT in free air (or in a box). 2) Create a new object Driver and add a new LSI operation based on the Default template. Adjust the measurement set up parameters according to the requirements of your selected DUT. Use caution not to overload the DUT. To calibrate the displacement axis to the highest precision, import the force factor at the rest position Bl(x=0) or the moving mass MMS from a previous LPM or other measurement. 3) Ensure that the DUT polarity and laser calibration are correct. 4) Start the measurement. 5) Open the results windows Bl(x) and Bl Symmetry Range. Post Processing and Interpretation Bl(x) Symmetry Point The force factor Bl is not a constant as assumed in linear modeling but varies with the voice coil displacement x. Clearly, Bl(x) decreases when the coil moves out of the gap. In addition, there are symmetrical and asymmetrical variations of the Bl(x) curve. The asymmetrical variations may be caused by an offset in the voice coil‘s rest position or by an asymmetry in the magnetic B field. In the case of a voice coil offset, the asymmetries can be fully compensated by shifting the voice coil into the optimal rest position. However, when a magnetic field asymmetry exists, the asymmetry can only be partially compensated with shift of the voice coil rest position. Finding the optimal voice coil shift (in mm) can be tricky. For instance, the optimal voice coil shift is not always identical with the maximum in the Bl(x) curve. A coil shift to the Bl(x) maximum may help at smaller displacements but will make things worse at larger displacements. To assess the asymmetry quantitatively and to find the optimal shift value, use the result window Bl Symmetry Range as described in the “Examples” section of this app note. The symmetry point xsym in the asymmetrical Bl(x) curve is the centre point between two points having the same Bl value for negative and positive displacements xac from the symmetry point: Bl(xsym xac)+ xac) = Bl(xsym( xac)- xac) 6,0 Blmax Bl in N/A xa xa c c 4,0 3,0 xsym The displacement xac represents the 2,0 amplitude of sinusoidal signal generating the peak displacement 1,0 xsym(xac)+ xac and bottom displacement xsym(xac)- xac. The force factor curve 0,0 would be perfectly symmetrical if the -5,0 -2,5 0,0 2,5 5,0 symmetry point (xsym(xac) =const.) is << Coil in X mm coil out >> constant for any amplitude xac. In general, the symmetry point xsym(xac) depends on the amplitude xac as shown as the red Page 2 of 5 Application Note KLIPPEL R&D SYSTEM Optimal Voice Coil Position AN 1 line in the lower diagram: Xoff 5.0 5.0 Xac =0.5 mm N/A 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 ABl 5 % -7.5 -5.0 << Coil in 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 ABl 5% ABl 5% -2.5 Xac = 5 mm N/A 0.0 2.5 X mm 5.0 7.5 ABl 5% -7.5 coil out >> ABl 5% ABl 5 % -5.0 << Coil in -2.5 0.0 2.5 X mm 5.0 7.5 coil out >> coil out coil out 7.5 7.5 Xoff Xoff mm mm 2.5 2.5 current rest position rest position 0.0 0.0 symmetry region -2.5 -2.5 xsym(xac) symmetry region -5.0 -5.0 -7.5 -7.5 coil in coil in 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 Displacement Xac mm Displacement Xac mm 7 7 8 8 Operating a transducer in the small signal domain where the amplitude AC signal is negligible the symmetry point xsym(xac≈ 0) is identical with the location at maximum force factor. However, the symmetry point xsym(xac≈xmax) measured in the large signal domain where the amplitude is close to the maximum displacement xmax is more relevevant for loudspeaker diagnostics and should be used for compensating an offset in the voice coil rest position. For example, the left diagram shows a symmetry point xsym(xac≈0.5mm) =3 mm deviating significantly from the current voice coil rest position x=0. However, the maximum is on the plateau region of the Bl(x) where a constant number of windings is in the gap and the large deviation of the symmetry point from the current rest position is caused by the B field asymmetry and should not be compensated by shift of the voice coil rest position. In large large signal domain the symmetry point xsym(xac≈6mm) =1.6 mm is much closer to the current position. Here the force factor curve has steeper slopes because coil windings leave the gap for positive and negative displacement. The “Bl Asymmetry” is an important characteristic for finding the optimal voice coil rest Bl-Asymmetry position by considering the symmetry point xsym and the steepness of the Bl(x) curve. and Symmetry This “Bl Asymmetry” defined as Region Bl x x Bl x x A (x , x ) 100% Bl x x Bl x x Bl ac off ac off ac off ac off ac off depends on virtual shift Xoff of the coil and the amplitude displacement xac. If the Bl Asymmetry |ABl(xoff ,xac )| < 5% than the offset between current rest position and symmetry point is negligible. This case is represented by a grey symmetry region in the upper diagram. In the small signal domain (xac≈0.5mm) the current rest position (Xoff=0) is in the grey symmetry region and no correction of the voice coil position is required. However, the Bl Asymmetry |ABl(xoff ,xac ) exceeds the 5 percent threshold at 2 mm amplitude of the displacement. In the large signal domain (xac≈6 mm) the symmetry region is far away from the current rest position (Xoff=0) and a voice coil shift inwards to symmetry point xsym(xac≈6mm) =1.6 mm is recommended. Examples An equal-length configuration is very sensitive to an offset in the voice coil’s rest position. Equal-length In most of these cases, the impact from the magnetic field asymmetries plays a secondary Configuration role. Page 3 of 5 Application Note KLIPPEL R&D SYSTEM AN 1 Optimal Voice Coil Position For ce f act or Bl Symmetry Range Bl ( X) ( 00: 08: 27) - Xp r o t < X < Xp X rp o - t < X < Xp + 5 Bl ( - X) KLIPPEL KL I PPEL 7 Symmetry Point 4 3 6 Coil out >> 2 4 Offset B l [ N/ A ] 5 3 1 -0 Shift coil 0.6 mm -1 << Coil in -2 2 ok -3 -4 1 -5 0,0 0 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 C o il in - 1 X 0 [ m 1 m 2 3 4 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 Amplitude [mm] 5 ] c o il o u t 3,5 4,0 4,5 > > As shown in the result window Force factor Bl(x), the overlay of the measured Bl(x) curve (red solid line) with the derived Bl(-x) curve (grey dotted line) mirrored at x=0 reveals the asymmetry in the Bl-characteristic. As shown in the result window Bl Symmetry Range, the shaded area is the range where the Bl asymmetry is below 5% as a function of displacement amplitude (horizontal axis) and voice coil offset xoff (vertical axis). The current rest position of the voice coil is indicated by the voice coil offset zero reference (Y=0). The displacement where the border of the shaded area crosses the zero reference in the voice coil offset is an important value. It is the displacement where Bl(x) has decreased to 82 % of the static Bl value, which also corresponds to a THD level of 10 %. As shown in this example, a displacement working range of +/- 0.8 mm satisfies this condition. This is a very small displacement for a woofer application. To increase the displacement working range, while maintaining the same distortion tolerance, it is recommended to have the zero reference of the voice coil offset xoff=0 located completely within the Bl symmetry range (shaded area). This can be accomplished by assessing the Bl-symmetry point xsym, which is the red dashed line in the result window BL Symmetry Range. Ideally, xsym should coincide with the voice coil offset zero reference. In this example, xsym is +0.6 mm and it is constant over the displacement range from 0 < xac <4.4 mm. Therefore, a shift of the voice coil 0.6 mm in the positive direction (outwards) will completely compensate for the asymmetry in the Blcharacteristic and improve the stability of the driver, thereby reducing the generation of DC displacement and distortion. A large overhang of the voice coil gives more robustness against an offset in the voice Overhang Configuration coil‘s rest position but is more sensitive to asymmetries in the magnetic field. Force f act or Bl (X) - Xpr ot KLIPPEL KLI PPEL 15 10 12, 5 5 Coil out >> 15, 0 10, 0 Offset [ N / A ] Bl Symmetry Range Symmetry Point < X < Xpr ot 17, 5 B l 7, 5 Improve field symmetry ok 0 -5 -10 << Coil in < < 5, 0 -15 XBl-asym 2, 5 0,0 2,5 5,0 7,5 10,0 Amplitude [mm] 0, 0 - 15 - 10 < < C o il in Page 4 of 5 - 5 X 0 [ m 5 m ] 10 12,5 15,0 17,5 15 c o il o u t > > Application Note KLIPPEL R&D SYSTEM Optimal Voice Coil Position AN 1 In this example, an amplitude 6.5 mm of the AC displacement or less will result in acceptable Bl intermodulation distortion corresponding to an Bl asymmetry |ABl(xoff ,xac )| < 5 % . To increase the displacement working range it is recommended to improve the magnetic field symmetry in the gap. Shifting the voice coil rest inwards by 2 mm will partly compensate for the B field asymmetry up to 15 mm amplitude but not at larger negative displacements where the Bl curve decays rapidly. Note: a FEM analysis will provide further information regarding the cause of the stray magnetic field. More Information Related Application Notes "Separating Spider and Surround", Application Note AN 2 “Adjusting the Mechanical Suspension”, Application Note AN3 “Measurement of Peak Displacement“, Application Note AN4 Related Specification “LSI”, S1 Software User Manual for KLIPPEL R&D SYSTEM. References W. Klippel, “Diagnosis and Remedy of Nonlinearities in Electro-dynamical Transducers,” presented at the 109th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Los Angeles, September 22-25, 2000, preprint 5261. Find explanations for symbols at: http://www.klippel.de/know-how/literature.html Last updated: 08.01.16 Page 5 of 5 Application Note KLIPPEL R&D SYSTEM