INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR VINYL NEW CONSTRUCTION WINdOWS Tools & Materials You Will Need: •MeasuringTape •Hammer •Level •(1)boxStainlessSteelorGalvanizedRoofingNails •PowerDrill&AssortedDrillBits •Square •StiffPuttyKnife •9"FlashinginaccordancewithASTMD-779 •SoftMallet •Weather-ResistantBarrierPaper •1doz.1⁄4"WoodShims •StapleGunandStaples •HighQualitySiliconeWindowCaulkingin accordancewithASTMC920,Class25 •BattInsulationorAAMAapprovedNon-ExpandingWindow InsulationFoaminaccordancewithASTMC1620. Installation Screwpack Contents: (4) 3⁄8"hole plugs (4)#8x2"Phillips panhead screws (4)#8x21⁄2"Phillips panhead screws (4)FoamCorner Gaskets (16)#6x1⁄4"Phillips Panheadnailfinscrews To cover the installation screw holes For jamb installation except for picture windows For jamb installation on picture windows only Fornailfinornail finwithJchannel applicationinfield. Fornailfinornailfinwith Jchannelapplicationin field. REMEMBER: ALWAYS USE THE APPROPRIATE PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT. ! Homes built before 1978 may contain lead paint. All replacement installations must comply with the U.S. EPA’s Lead-Based Paint Renovation, Repair, and Painting Program (RRP Rule). Read more about the RRP Rule and lead-safe work practices, on the U.S. EPA’s website at: Your Window Order Will Be Packaged With The Following: •Replacement Window with Nail Fin Attached or Shipped Loose •MullionKit(Ifapplicable) (31⁄4" Frame Depth) ! This installation manual is intended for residential and light commercial applications less than four stories in height. Your installation is subject to all codes and restrictions set by your local governments or municipalities, which may require additional procedures not listed in this installation manual . 1 ! tips to Follow BeFore You B egin installation: • ApprovedsealantsforusemustmeettherequirementsofASTMC920,Class25. • Windowflashingmustbeusedwithallwindowinstallationstopreventairandwaterinfiltration.Flash allwindowsinaccordancewiththeASTME2112standards,includingmethodsA,A1,B,andB1.9" flashingshouldbeusedinallapplicationsorconformtolocalcode. • Allflashingmaterialmustbebarriercoatedreinforcedandprovideatwenty-fourhourminimumprotection fromwaterpenetrationwhentestedinaccordancewithASTMD-779. • Allflashingandweatherresistantbarrier(housewrap/buildingpaper)materialsmustbeinstalledina weatherboard fashion - layered and installed starting at the bottom working upward. • dO NOT INSTALLroofingnailsontonailingfinwithanairgunorpneumaticdevice.Doingsowillcause distortionorfractureofthenailingfins.Allnailingfinsmustbesecuredbyhandthroughthepre-punched nailing holes. • Fastenersforsecuringtheflashingmustbenon-corrosive.Acceptablefasteners:staplesappliedwith ahammer,tackerorstapler.Staplingofselfadhesiveflashingisrecommendedtokeepitcurlingin extremeweatherconditions. • Fastenersforsecuringthenailfinofthewindowmustbenon-corrosivegalvanizedroofingnailsatleast 13⁄4"inlengthandtheheadoftheroofingnailmustbewideenoughtocoverthepre-punchedslotofthe nailingfin.Theroofingnailmustbeabletopenetratetheframingmaterialbyatleast1". • dO NOT OBSTRUCT WEEPHOLES withflashingorsealant.Theweepholeslocatedatthebottomsill area of a window are necessary in order to prevent water accumulation. • TheplasticappliedtoUVresistantpaintfinishwindowsisfortheprotectionofthepaintfinishandshould remain on the window until the installation is complete. • Slopedsillsaredesignedtodirectwatertotheoutsideofthebuilding.Anycoveringortrimappliedto theproductwillneedtoallowforproperdrainage.Failuretodosowillcreateariskofwaterinfiltration. 1 inspect new window Step 1- ! Unwrap window and thoroughly inspect new window for any shipping or material damages. If any component of the main frame is damaged, please contact your dealer for replacements BEFOREyoubegindemolitionoftheexistingwindow. Movingparts,locks,balances,glass,rails,etc.canberepairedeasilyAFTER the window is installed. Step 2- After inspecting the new window, shut and lock it This will allow the seals, locks, interlocks and weatherstripping to engage. Step 3- Remove screen and lay aside. You will be re-inserting the screen in Procedure 9. 2 2 measure the new window Step 1- RO Height minus (-) 3 ⁄8" is Window Make Size Height RO Width minus (-) 1⁄4" is Window Make Size Width Measurethewidthandheightofthenewwindow. Thetip-to-tipmakesizeshouldbebigenoughto fittheframedroughopeningtoallowaclearance for shimming and insulation. Seesizingchartonbelow: Rough Opening Vs. Make Size VinylModels: RO Width RO Height Double Hung , Casement Awning, Slider, Picture RO (-) ⁄4"width= RO (-) 3⁄8"height=Unit Unitmakesize MakeSize 1 Exact Sizing Exactsizesaretheactualwindowtiptotipfinishedsizes. Allowable factory tolerance is plus or minus 1⁄16". ExactSizesaremanufacturedonthefollowingincrements: Width Height ⁄8", ⁄4", ⁄8", ⁄2", ⁄8", ⁄4",7⁄8",1" 1 1 3 1 5 ⁄8",1⁄4",3⁄8",1⁄2",5⁄8",3⁄4",7⁄8",1" 1 3 3 check rough opening ! 2 Check for level, plumb and square Rough opening must be level,square,and structurally adequate. The studs should be free of voids, holes, chipping, twisting or other conditions that will not allow for proper installation and sealing. Step 1- Clean rough opening area of any leftover construction debris. Step 2- Check rough opening to make sure it is level plumb, and square. 3 4 install Flashing Flashing material must be barrier reinforced and must provide twenty-four hour minimum protection from waterinaccordancewithASTMD-779.Checkyourlocalbuildingcodesforanyadditionalrequirements in your area. ! Step 1- 1 Apply Bottom Horizontal Flashing Using 9" wide flashing material, apply a horizontal piece at the bottomofthesillareamakingsurethesidesareextended9"on eachside(inorderfortheflashingtomeetwiththeverticalpieces). Step 2- Securetheflashingatthetopcornerusingastaplegun,making surethelocationofthestaplewillbecoveredbythenailfinofthe window. 2 3 ! 5 " e9 id hs ac d e ning n e te Ex Op m fro Apply Vertical Flashing dO NOT STAPLE Bottom of Vertical Flashings ! The bottom and the ends maybe taped down in order prevent weather damage until the weather resistant barrier is installed. Step 3- Cutthevertical(jamb)flashingssothatthelengthextendsbeyond thebottomofthewindowverticallyapproximately81⁄2"sothatyou leave 1⁄2"shortfromthebottomofthesillflashingandtoextend beyond the top of the window an additional 81⁄2"sothatthehead flashingwilloverlaptheverticalflashingsby1⁄2". Step 4- Securetheverticalflashingsattheoutsideedgesusingastaple gunmakingsuretooverlapthebottomsillflashing.important! Do notsecurethebottomsoftheverticalflashings-youwillneedto install weather resistant barrier in Procedure 7 that will require it to betuckedbehindtheverticalflashings. install window 1 2 Apply Sealant STOP Step 1INTERIOR ! 4 Ifthewindowsneedtobefieldmulled,pleasegoto Page9forinstructionsonfieldmullingthewindow before placing into the opening. Place a 3⁄8"continousbeadofsealantaroundthe entireperimeteroftheinsideofthenailingfinof the window, making sure the sealant is aligned and coveringthepre-punchedholesinthenailingfin. important! DO NOT leave any holes unsealed. After the sealant is applied, immediately install the product before a skin can form on the sealant’s surface. 5 install window 2 Install window into opening 3 Fasten One Corner 6 ! 2 Step 2- Immediately set the window into the rough framed opening, pullingthenailingfininagainstthesheathingandbeddingthe window and the sheathing into the sealant, forming a gasket betweenthewindowandtheflashing. Step 3- Fastenwithoneroofingnailinstalledintothetopcornerofnailing fin. shimming & securing window Makesurethesillofthewindowhasacontinoussupportunderneath.Ifshimmingisrequired,make certain to prevent twisting or binding of the window frame. Install Shims at Center, Sides, Sill and Header 1 Step 1- From inside the home, unlock and raise sash slightly above sill and check margins between bottom of sash and top of sill. Adjust by pulling sill up or down. Step 2- From the inside of the home, install shimsataminimumof16"intervalsat the center meeting rail, sill, and header. See illustration. Check Margins INTERIOR ! Step 3- 3 Check for level 2 Install Shims every 16" distance 5 dO NOT FORCE SHIMS INTO PLACEdoing so will cause window to become out of square and sashes to operately poorly. Checksillwithalevelandadjustshims to level the sill. Re-adjust side clearance if necessary. Shim both sides of window and adjust shims to make diagonal measurements equal with the window plumb. 6! shimming & securing window dO NOT INSTALLroofingnailsontonailingfinwithanairgunorpneumaticdevice.Doingsowillcause distortionorfractureofthenailingfins.Allnailingfinsmustbesecuredbyhandthroughthepre-punched nailing holes. dOUBLE HUNG/SLIdERS PICTURE WINdOW AWNINGS/CASEMENTS 4 4 4 Install (4) #8 x 2" Phillips Panhead Screws at top and bottom jambs INTERIOR EXTERIOR INTERIOR Step 4- Installjambinstallationscrewsfordoublehungs andsliders:(4)#8x2"PhillipsPanheadScrews at the top and bottom jambs. On double hungs, movebalancecoverslightlydowntoexposetop hole, slide it up into position after installing the screw. R IO R TE EX ! 3 dO NOT USE PNEUMATIC GUN! 5 Adjust Jamb Adjuster ForPicturewindows,install:(4)#8x21⁄2"Phillips Panhead Screws. Checkoperationofsash. INTERIOR Step 5- Step 6- 7 Install (4) #8 x 21⁄2" Phillips Panhead Screws - 2 at each jamb and 2 at header From inside the house, adjust the single jamb adjuster by snugging it against the rough opening. dO NOT OVERTIGHTEN. Check operation of sash. Using a hammer, (DONOTUSEAPNEUMATICGUN)andinstall a 13⁄4"roofingnailintothepre-punchednailfinholes.RoofingNails should be installed at a minimum of 8-12” apart all around the exteriorperimeterofthewindowframe,includingtheheadofthe window. installing Flashing & weather resistant Barrier 1 Apply ample size bead of sealant 2 Install Header Flashing 6 Step 1- Installa3⁄8"beadofsealantontothe exteriortopheader. Step 2- Cuttheheaderflashingsamelength as the bottom piece and install overlapping the vertical pieces. . 7 installing Flashing & weather resistant Barrier ! All weather resistant barrier must be installed in a weatherboard fashion around the entire perimeter of the windoworwindowopening(workingfromthebottomfirstandmovingupwards) 5 Secure with Staple Gun r rrie Ba g hin s Fla g Step 3- Checkwindowforplumb,levelandsquare. Step 4- Starting from the bottom and working upwards, install weather-resistantbarrierontheexterioroftherough opening. ! important! Makesureyoutuckthebarrierbehindthe verticalflashing. hin las rF er ie h arr ath las rB rF We he t rrie a e Ba W r h e las ath rF shrri We ng rrie FlaBa shi Ba a ierer l r F e aerrath r e B i er W shi arr ath rB Fla he We ier t r a r Ba We er hi ath las We rF rrie a B hi er hi las las ath rF rF We rie rrie r a a B B er Fll er g ierrF ath ath arrrie hin We We rBBar ier las e F r r g atthhe arr rrie Weea er B ng hin Ba W h las i er rF eat Flash e ath i W r g n r ar shi rB rrie a e l a hin h F rB las n eat ier he rF shi arr eat rrie Fla rB a W Fla r e rB th ier rrie g he arr Ba eat hin er rB Flashin s e h W a r t l h a at rF rrie Fl We We Ba ier rrie ng er arr Ba hi shi er athher B las Fla h e F t r g r t a Wea rrie hin rrie Fl We W Ba las Ba er er rF er arri ath rrie ather B arrier shing e a e B W W ath r B er Fla g We athe rrier ath hin We We er Ba r Flas h Tuck Bottom First at rrie ng 4 Layer Under We er Ba shi Fla ath er i e r r Vertical Flashing W Ba er ath e W ing g ni hs alF r e irr aB ht ae W re 8 Step 5- Using a staple gun, secure the weather-resistant barrier with staples. applY insulation insulate to maximize energy Step 1- efficiency To maximize energy efficiency, insulate any gaps between window frame and opening. Using batt insulation and a flat putty knife, insert into the cavities between the window frame and the rough opening. OR UsinganAAMAapprovedASTMC1620non-expandingfoam,fill the cavities between the window frame and the rough opening. ! DONOTOVERSTUFFthebattinsulation.Doingsowillcause the window to become out of square and sashes will not operate properly. Step 2- Checkmarginsbetweensashandwindowframe. 7 9 Final adjustments to window Step 1- Check the window operation by unlocking and operating both sash and tilt mechanicisms. Step 2- Installholeplugsforthejaminstallationscrews. Step 3- Slide balance cover (located in the jamb pocket above the bottom sash) up into position at the head of the window frame. Step 4- Installscreen. SQUARING THE WINdOW: Adjustthewindowintheopeningsothattheedgeoftheglazing beadisparalleltotheinsideedgeoftheframe.Ifthemargins betweenframeandglazingbeadarenotparallel,thesasheswill not operate properly. Uneven Sashes Adjust the jamb installation screws by loosening or tightening in order to achieve proper margins between sash and window frame. Ifnecessary,shimthewindowinordertoachievealeveland square window. SILL IS CROWNEd (Sashes Not Operating Properly): Step 1Even Sashes ! Open and close the sash. The sash should lock securely and not bind when opened or closed. Additional2"screwsmaybeneededforthesillasnecessaryto relieve any crown condition. Step 2- On Casement/Awnings: Place 2" screws approx. 2" from thekeepersidedownthroughthesill.Ifneedbe,thehinge platescrewcanberemovedandanother2”screwusedto draw the sill down. CrownedSill ! Sealant must be used on any screws secured through the sill. The keeper located on the sash can be adjusted up or down, where applicable, to align with the locking mechanism. 8 mulling windows in Field Ifyourwindowunithasbeenshippedlooseandyouneedtomullthewindowstogetherintheinstallation field,pleasefolloweachsteplistedthatistheappropriatescenariotoyourapplication. Tools You May Need: •Powerdrill&assorteddrillbits •Pre-cuttreatedplywood(sizedependingonmodelofwindow) •1⁄16"x3⁄8"GlazingTape MULLING VINYL dOUBLE HUNGS: 3 Adds 3⁄16" in overall width 1 Snap Mullion 1 ⁄16" x 3⁄8" Glazing Tape - in 6 places 5 4 3 ⁄8" Hole Plug 2 3 Step 1- Install1⁄16"x 3⁄8"doublesidedglazingtape to inside of frame of each window and to each side of plywood(see illustration). Step 2- Install(pre-cuttothewindowmakesize) treated plywood, making sure each piece adherestotheglazingtape. Step 3- Installthesnapmullion(orHmullion)to boththeinteriorandexteriorsidesofboth windows. #8 x 2" Phillips Panhead Installation Screws 5 3 ⁄8" Hole Plug 3 ⁄8" x 2 3⁄4" Treated Plywood Step 4- Frominsidethehome,installthe#8x2" Phillips panhead installation screw in 3-4 locations staggered depending on height ofwindow.Ifyouusethefactoryprepped location on one window, make sure you stagger (or place 3⁄8"-1⁄2"directlybelowthe factory prepped hole) the other installation screw on the opposite window to prevent the screws from hitting. Step 5- Installholeplugsforthemulledsideonly. Afterthewindowunitshavebeenfieldmulled, proceed to Procedure 5 - Install Window 9 Field mulling VinYl windows MULLING VINYL SLIdERS: 3 Snap Mullion Adds 3⁄16" in overall width 2 1 Remove Track Insert 3 ⁄8" x 1 1⁄2" Treated plywood 1 ⁄16" x 3⁄8" Glazing Tape - in 6 places 4 5 6 ⁄8" Hole Plug 3 3 Step 1- Install 1⁄16"x 3⁄8"doublesided g l a z i n g tape to inside of frame of each window and to each side of plywood (see illustration). Step 2- Install(pre-cuttothewindowmakesize) treated plywood, making sure each pieceadherestotheglazingtape. Step 3- Install the snap mullion (or H mullion) toboththeinteriorandexteriorsidesof both windows. #8 x 2" Phillips panhead installation screws 6 3 ⁄8" Hole Plug Snap Mullion Step 4- Remove track insert from interior jamb cavity. Step 5- From inside the home, install the #8 x 2" Phillips Panhead installation screw in 3-4 locations staggered depending on height of window. If you use the factory prepped location on one window, make sure you stagger the other installation screw on the opposite window to prevent the screws from hitting (or place 3⁄8"- 1⁄2"directlybelowthe factory prepped hole). Step 6- Installholeplugsforthemulledsideonly. Afterthewindowunitshavebeenfieldmulled, proceed to Procedure 5 - Install Window 10 Field mulling VinYl windows MULLING CASEMENTS/AWNINGS: 2 Adds 1⁄8" to Overall Width 4 Snap mullion 4 ⁄8" Hole Plug 3 3 ⁄8" Hole Plug 1 3 ⁄8" x 1⁄2" Glazing Tape - 3 areas 1 #8 x 2" Phillips Panhead installation screws 2 Step 1- Install 1⁄16" x 3⁄8" double sided glazing tape to one side of window frame (see illustration) and attach opposite window, makingsuretheglazingtapeadheresto both window frames. Step 2- Installthesnapmulliontoboththeinterior andexteriorsidesofbothwindows. Step 3- Frominsidethehome,installthe#8x 2"PhillipsPanheadinstallationscrewin 3-4 locations staggered depending on heightofwindow.Ifyouusethefactory prepped location on one window, make sure you stagger the other installation screw on the opposite window to prevent the screws from hitting. Step 4- Installholeplugsforthemulledsideonly. Afterthewindowunitshavebeenfieldmulled, proceed to Procedure 5 - Install Window 11 Field mulling VinYl windows MULLING dOUBLE HUNG TO PICTURE WINdOW: 3 ⁄8" x 3" Treated 3 H Mullion 2 Plywood 2 ⁄8" x 1 3⁄8" Treated Plywood 3 1 1⁄16" x 3⁄8" Glazing Tape - 8 areas ⁄8" Hole 5 Plug 4 #8 x 21⁄2" Phillips 3 Panhead Installation Screws 4 #8 x 2" Phillips Panhead Installation Screws 5 5 PICTURE dOUBLE HUNG Step 1- Install1⁄16"x3⁄8"doublesided g l a z i n g Step 4- From inside the home, install the #8 x 2"Phillips panhead installation screws tape to 2 sides on the double hung inthe double hung frame and the #8 x frame,2 sides on the picture window 21⁄2"PhillipsPanheadinstallationscrewsin frameandexteriorsidesofbothpieces the picture window frame in 3-4 locations of plywood. staggereddependingonheightofwindow.If you use the factory prepped locationon one window, make sure you stagger the other Step 2- Install(pre-cuttothewindowmakesize) installation screw on the opposite window to treated plywood, making sure each piece prevent the screws from hitting. adherestotheglazingtape.Thedouble hung frame will use 3⁄8" x 3" Treated Plywood and the picture window frame Step 5- Installholeplugsforthemulledsideonly. will use 3⁄8"x13⁄8"TreatedPlywood. Afterthewindowunitshavebeenfield mulled, proceed to Procedure 5 - Install Window Step 3- InstalltheHmulliontoboththeinterior andexteriorsidesofbothwindows. Version 1.6 - 09.27.2011 - © 2011 ProVia - S-MK-30074 2150 State Route 39 Sugarcreek, OH 44681 330.852.4711 330.852.2107 fax 12