Outcomes Based Learning Matrix Course: ENGT 112 Electric Circuits 2 Course Outcomes Department: Electronic Technology Outcome Activities Assessment Tools Explain the role of electromagnetism in the generation of electric power Understand how ac and dc motors and generators function Assignments, exams and lab reports. Demonstrate an understanding of the construction of capacitors and inductors. Learn about the different construction methods of each of these components. Assignments, exams. Demonstrate an ability to analyze resistor-capacitive, resistor-inductive, and resistor-capacitor-inductor circuits. Apply the equations that govern voltage and current in inductors and capacitors to circuit analysis. Assignments, exams. Demonstrate an understanding of frequency filter circuits. Learn how to create low-pass, highpass, and band-pass passive circuits. Assignments, exams and lab reports. Demonstrate an understanding of transformers. Evaluate how transfers can step-up and step-down voltages as well as be used in impedance matching applications. Assignments, exams. Demonstrate an understanding of rc and rl circuit time constants. Use the basic time constant principles to predict voltage waveforms. Assignments, exams. Students will be able to: Page 1 of 1