Special Requirements - National Capital Authority

Special Requirements
The National Capital Plan (the Plan) sets out Special Requirements for certain areas where the
requirements are desirable in the interests of the National Capital.
Areas of Territory Land currently subject to Special Requirements include:
land flanking the Main Avenues and Approach Routes (as defined in the Plan)
urban areas such as the Kingston Foreshores and Civic
Haig and Telopea Parks
Lanyon Bowl
Gold Creek Tourist Area and ‘Harcourt Hill’
open space areas such as Namadji National Park and the Murrumbidgee and Molonglo River
National Land outside Designated Areas (for example, Department of Defence operations in the
Majura Valley) is also subject to Special Requirements.
The Plan uses a number of different methods to give effect to Special Requirements. These include:
requirements for a Development Control Plan (DCP) to be prepared
general principles and policies to be supplemented by a DCP
specific principles and polices within the Plan.
Territory Land sites subject to Special Requirements present a circumstance where both the National
Capital Authority (NCA) and relevant ACT Government agencies have a detailed planning role. The
NCA is responsible for the preparation of the planning policy (either through a DCP or through
principles and policies in the Plan) and ACT Government agencies are responsible for administering
these provisions though their development assessment process.
Proposed changes to areas of Special Requirements
Changes to areas of Territory Land subject to Special Requirements are a positive step in recognising
the respective roles of the Australian and ACT Governments and in reducing complexity in the
planning process. The Exposure Draft of the Plan proposes to remove Special Requirements for a
significant proportion of Territory Land. Special Requirements are proposed to be removed for the
following Territory Land sites:
Haig and Telopea Parks
Lanyon Bowl
Murrumbidgee and Molonglo River Corridors
Gold Creek Tourist Area and ‘Harcourt Hill’
Namadgi National Park and Adjacent Areas.
The image below shows existing Territory Land subject to Special Requirements and the areas of
Territory Land proposed to be subject to Special Requirements.
The Australian Institute of Sport in Bruce is currently subject to Special Requirements, however it is
proposed that the site be included within Designated Areas.
No changes are proposed to the arrangements for National Land subject to Special Requirements.
The NCA will continue to have planning responsibility for these areas.
Case study – Haig and Telopea Parks
The Plan currently requires that development of Haig and Telopea Parks conform with a
Development Control Plan. The Plan sets out general requirements to be addressed in the
Development Control Plan regarding the conservation of landscape and environmental qualities,
consideration of the historical context of the open space, planting patterns, and recreation
The NCA is responsible for preparing and agreeing the Development Control Plan while the ACT
Government Planning and Environment Directorate is responsible for assessing proposals on the
land, including assessing any proposal against the provisions of the Development Control Plan.
Under the proposed arrangements, the NCA will no longer be required to prepare a Development
Control Plan. The ACT Government will be wholly responsible for the planning of Haig and Telopea
Case study – Lanyon Bowl Area
The Plan currently sets out Special Requirements for the Lanyon Bowl Area, which state that:
The Commonwealth, a Commonwealth authority, the Territory or a Territory authority shall
not do anything which adversely affects the historic landscape and heritage values of the
Lanyon Bowl Area.
Special Requirements also set out the need for proposals within the area to be referred to the NCA
who will assess proposals to ensure that they are not inconsistent with the provisions of the Plan.
This assessment is in addition to the formal planning assessment and approval processes undertaken
by the ACT Government.
Removing Special Requirements for the Lanyon Bowl Area will remove this duplication in process.
The ACT Government will be wholly responsible for planning in the Lanyon Bowl Area.