Significance of the Sinus-Node Recovery Time By ONKAR S. NARULA, M.D., PHILIP SAMET, M.D., AND ROGER P. JAVIER, M.D. Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 SUMMARY The phenomenon of postpacing depression of cardiac pacemakers was utilized to evaluate the sinus-node function in 56 patients by analyzing the sinus-node recovery time (SRT), that is, the interval between the last paced P wave and the following sinus P wave. Corrected SRT (CSRT) is defined as the recovery interval in excess of the sinus cycle (SRT -sinus cycle length). The SRT was measured following sinusnode suppression by (1) isolated premature beats (PABs) and (2) atrial pacing (AP) at rates of 100 to 140/min for periods of 2 to 5 min at each level. Twentyeight patients had normal heart rates (group A), and 28 patients had sinus bradyeardia (SB; group B). Ten of the 28 patients with SB were restudied after receiving atropine (2 mg intravenously). The CSRT with PABs was similar in both group A and group B patients and remained essentially unchanged after atropine despite a decrease in sinus cycle length. The phenomenon of interpolated PABs was demonstrated in seven of the 56 patients. In 27 of the 28 patients with normal heart rates (group A), the CSRT with AP ranged from 110 to 525 msec and was essentially independent of the rate and duration of AP. In the remaining one patient of group A, despite a normal heart rate, the CSRT was prolonged (1810 msec) and directly dependent on the rate and duration of AP. In 12 of the 28 patients with SB, the CSRT was comparable to that in group A (<525 msec). In the remaining 16 patients with SB (group B), the CSRT ranged from 560 to 3740 msec and was usually directly proportional to the rate and duration of AP. After atropine in most of the patients with a prolonged CSRT, the CSRT remained abnormal whereas in others junctional escape beats appeared first, followed eventually by normal sinus rhythm. In a single patient with SB and an abnormal CSRT, restudy 7,i months later again showed a prolonged CSRT indicating the reproducibility of the measurement. The CSRT with AP provides a potentially useful clinical means of assessing the sinus-node function and thereby aids in the diagnosis of the "sick sinus syndrome." It is stressed that AP was found to be more reliable than PABs in eliciting an abnormal response. Furthermore, a normal sinus (atrial) rate does not necessarily provide assurance of a normal sinusnode response to AP, that is, normal sinus-node function. Additional Indexing Words: Sinus-node function Atrial pacing Sinus bradyeardia THE VARIOUS clinical and ECG manifestations of disorders of sinus-node function include sinoatrial block, sinus pauses. or sinus arrest, sinus bradyeardia, and the brady-tachyarrhythmia syndrome. These constitute the sick sinus syndrome.' This syn- Atropine drome has been known ever since the availability of suitable recording instruments permitted differentiation from other forms of bradyeardia. Although previously considered a benign rhythm, it has gained clinical importance due to several reports ascribing StokesAdams attacks to this syndrome.2 4 Interest in From the Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, Mount Sinai Hospital of Greater Miami, Miami Beach, Florida, and the University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, Florida. Presented in part at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Chicago, Illinois, April 12-17, 1971. Address for reprints: Dr. Onkar S. Narula, Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, Mount Sinai Hospital of Greater Miami, 4300 Alton Road, Miami Beach, Florida 33140. Received July 1, 1971; revision accepted for publication September 14, 1971. 140 Circulation, Volume XLV. January 1972 SINUS-NODE RECOVERY TIME patients with sinus bradyeardia or sick sinus syndrome has developed in view of available effective pacemaker therapy.; Sinus bradyeardia (SB) may be a manifes- Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 tation of one or more of the following three mechanisms : 7 8 ( 1) interactions of parasympathetic and sympathetic systems on the sinusnode automaticity; (2) poor function of the sinus node (SN) as an impulse generator; and (3) depressed conduction of the generated impulse from the sinus node to the atrium with sinoatrial (SA) block. Thus far, the adequacy of sinus-node function has been reflected primarily by the atrial rate during sinus rhythm. As yet, no means are available to record selectively and, if recorded, to validate the sinus-node potentials in man. The purpose of the present study is to utilize the phenomenon of postpacing depression of cardiac pacemakers to evaluate the sinus-node function by analyzing the sinusnode recovery time, that is, the interval between the last paced P wave and the following sinus P wave. The sinus-node recovery time (SRT) was measured following sinus-node suppression by (1) isolated premature atrial beats (PABs) and (2) atrial pacing (AP), to provide quantitative measurements in patients with normal and abnormal sinus node. It should be stressed at the outset that wve have used both AP and PABs to stress the sinus node and have found AP to be a more reliable means than PABs for use in the diagnosis of the sick sinus syndrome. Methods Fifty-six patients (ranging in age from 16 to 90 years wvith mean age 61 vears) wvere studied. Group A included 28 patients with normal heart rates (table 1), and group B included 28 patients with sinus bradyeardia (SB; table 2). Patients who showed a sinus rate of 55/mimi or less on more than one occasion were included in the SB group. The electrocardiographic findings and the cardiac medications are given in tables 1 and 2. None of these patients had had a recent myocardial infarction, that is, within 8 to 10 weeks prior to the study, nor were anv in the immediate postoperative period. All patients were studied in the postabsorptive state and were Circulation, Volumie XLV, January 1972 141 premedicated with 100 mg of pentobarbital (Nembutal), administered intramuscularly 30 min prior to the study. One of these patients (case 38) was restudied 73 montlhs later. Sinus recovery time (SRT) was measured during (1) premature atrial beats (PABs) and (2) after right atrial pacing (AP). Bipolar electrograms (BE) were recorded from the high right atrium (RA) and the His bundle region (BH), simultaneous with three standard ECG leads (usually L-I, aVF, and V1). Right atrial stimulation was achieved from the high RA in the region of the sinus node. In the initial part of the study, pacing sites in the right atrium and stimulus strength were changed to assess the effect of these factors, but no difference in the SRT was observed. Premature atrial stimuli, 2 msec in duration and twice the diastolic threshhold, were delivered after 12 to 14 sinuis cycles. The entire atrial cycle -,,as scanined bv the placement of progressivelv more prematuire atrial beats. All recordings were made at paper speeds of 100 to 200 mm/sec. After the entire atrial cycle had been explored by PABs, atrial pacing (AP) was performed at tvo or three different heart rates, 100, 120, and 140/min for periods of 2 and 5 min at each level. AP levels of over 120/min wer e used only in selected patienits. Between each atrial pacing level a rest period of 2 to 3 min vas given to alloxv the rhythm to return to its basic levels. In our study, the sinus cvele usuallv returned to its control levels in less thani 1 min. The blood pressure was monitored either via an arterial needle or by a blood pressure cuff throughout the studv. In 10 of the 28 patients wvith sinus bradycardia, stuidies wvere performed after atropine (2 mg) wvas administer-ed intravenously. 'Measuremnents xvere made 5 min after atropine administrationi to assess the effect of vagal tone and of altering sinus rate on the SRT. After atropine, the stimulation sequence used xvith PABs durinlg control study wvas repeated xvhereas atrial pacing wvas repeated only at a single level of 120/mim for 2 or 5 min. Definitions In everv patient the intervals betwveen successive atrial depolarization were measured from the bipolar atrial electrograms. During each test cycle, the following intervals wvere measured: (1) A1A1 which is defined as the interval between the txvo atrial electrograms of sinus origin; (2) average A1A1, xvhich is the average of 5 cycles (A1A1) measured preceding the PABs or AP; (3) A1A., the interval betxveen atrial electrograms of sinus origin and the PAB; (4) A2A3, which is the interval betwveen the PAB or the last atrial paced P and the stucceedinig atrial electrogramii of sinus 142 NARULA ET AL U L, W0. 0- 01 ' -e C; X 1 OWN _ A --O E v =5 N 1~~~~~~0 W 0 0 ._ bc, ._ C~ _~ oR 0 o0 Pi a)X 0 ._ -rI 1- c 0 T 0 1- 0 b -C 00 ;. V C 0d 00d U U Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 C) W C1 - _ 12 0 > t, E-t- X -- t- GC LO 000t 0X _ - t- X =_ O 0O0- 0 1.9 0--1 rt- t- M1 GC C= t- t:-0X 00 0 0£~ 0 _ 1 0 X z9 0 e zz ¢4 00I- t- 0 u120¢ O C._ 1._ X~ 0Z O t- 0N 1 0 0- 0 0 ,00 00f~ 1100 r- O Olo: O 01 -01: C00C C1 01c 0 o0 00s -Z 01 0 to 0 a0 t 0 c CQ 00 000 00 c ,N O C 0000 000100 000D Ge C: _ tC-tCYe °10°0C CO C c O Cq N rR 0 00-- 0e 01 N . tr' If Uz n 0C i 0101- 00 D 01 010101 0 S 0'--- VC=0 00 0 10 cL 10 0 ,-- --- --- .1 CO c - - b£ -01 1- cc 0{ 0 _ C= c 00 1 z lu c . 00000 00C: t_ t- 0 00 c CO- 0 m00 00c t- oc C 0 t- 0c 1-_ r- 000 _, v 0 00 0000 0 00t- 00 11 .~~ t2 00 P ¢ m rIe 1-1. ¢ .z W z .,. U z > > h-. b... b... ¢ -" + " z Zzzz - H 00li Fo b-- .1= ¢~ 003 L00 0.1 t--t P: o e 0100n. 0 1 0- (s0q o~=Cl 0C 004M, -11C7n teC. cc0C Q20 0c tl X C 5 -_ - _" ;c ---t -~I ~ Lf^ r- cc 0, Li 1- - Circulation, Volume XLV, January 1972 SINUS-NODE RECOVERY TIME 143 Group A A2A3 .. _ .... 1100- 1000-~ v -r 930 _ 900 '0H~ - _-.-_- _-.. 3fQ 800 ._00,. Sinus Cy,le R 200 100 300 400 500 AI AX 600 700 800 900 1.0 Figure Case 24: Typical effect of prematurity (A1A.,) of PABs on SRT (A.,A:) in group A patients. Initially there is a progressive increase in prematurity up to approxi- mately 75% of the sinuis cycle length. A further increase Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 in prematurity is accompanied by little lengthening of SRT and a plateau effect is seen. At RP = atrial abso- ltute refractory period. COC c1 -rf origin and is defined as SRT; (5) the corrected SRT (CSRT) which is defined as the recovery interval in excess of the average sinus cycle length (SRT minus the average A1A1). In addition, the sinus cycle was measured for 5 or more cveles following the atrial stimulationi. Q ^ * - ^' >- 11 - Results -_ e Corrected Sinus-Node Recovery Time (CSRT) After Isolated Premature Atrial Beats (PABs) -0 Group A. In all 28 patients, the sinus cycle length (A1A1) ranged from 600 to 920 msee (mean, 775). In all patients, as the A1A., interval was shortened, the SRT (A,A.,) and the CSRT (A2A3 - A1A1) were lengthened ._ c._ progressively to a point after which further C1 C,] ^1 _O U O 'O.. er _ 1800 u. _ I_ 1600 A2A3 (msec) 1400 .z -< - p -z .__________Average Sinus Cycle------------- '--3 r S £1. cO 12001 200 WV1 -; 02 c CO.. - 400 CO 600 A -_ 800 100 1200 A2 (msec) 1 400 1156 Figure 2 Case 41: Atypical effect of prematurity (A1A2) of PABs on SRT (A.,A3). There is, essentially, no compensatory pause following the PABs, irrespective of the level of prematurity. The A.,A. curve runs parallel and essentially at the same level as the average sinus cycle (A1A1). Broken line indicates average sintus cycle. Circulatioon, Volume XLV, January 1972 144 NARULA ET AL. U: wX lC? r; ~r_ C) C.) S _~; P- r; rd . 1- ._~ -r- > _ Ctl C) Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 CS C C-)--/ z - C.] AA1 ^1i tS Czs> r., 0 r_ rc, ¢ CC -. 1- ~ C-O -z r . cr .- 0 C-: C ] ] 1 C - C-l C C- C O11 5 --- - t1 Cl 0i 1- ,t^ 1 -,,^ C Cl Cl Cl - Cl CllCl c- -cC^~ l- -- ., , ^ 1 ,61.t1 clq PC. - S_ ;t z c cl Cm Cl CA ClCC~1 C)C C- - Cl '. . 0 0 0 = W- C Oc> --W-00C _5 0 0 0ClCl0C - .2 11.. CZ, ;t.) CC a 11.z zz PC. 1 _ C1 w- W _11 _ CIt, _- 4 . _ c Ild _ --- O -_ k 12 V. -Z '4_ zI 1^ k ;:t 1- S.' : - CC X -, <,- X -, PP 47sc- X PZ -. PZ -. 1,11 .-2 ^. W-. - 0 - p.w z S. .j C. W a) C)C) z r cz c aX> PL- z.-.. zi z z C.C cr, V0 Circ 71ation,Vola4me XLV, Janvary 197 9 Ci'rculation, Volume XLV, January 1971 .^n SINUS-NODE RECOVERY TIME Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 O= I X C:) 0] (Uo 17 ^.Cs k 1 ,-W ~= 01 ._ o -1 o c; p- X (22 C0 ¢.7-St ;: X_ . 4: _, -_ 7- bfD X Csz 01 _ 6l p 0 0 W x c- ,1' C;1 01 _~ _ _ _ _ -+ Af-: 145 7 _ Xz n._ Q _0 _ 1 _ - 0 1 - 1X- 0 -- - -1 *_ m M4 1 01]Il l, ^s1 3~= -½0-4 z- _ _ - ^1 ` = - 0_1 011 A1 .. 1. --- -^-2 _- px-2:l _- _ ^ .-4 1 > "-W -. .r- ---cl z z Ua z; P. P-. ". X Cl- Circulation, Volume XLV, January 1972 [- r- >) ¢ 3 z --- * .. NARULA ET AL. 146 C~ 8Xe *d -C C_) a) 9. 'C, ~q-- . I C) C.) e-~ 0 2o~ 00 Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 r- It0 4>m c cs CIA GO c c c 0 0 c 11 u 00- v¢ .S ¢' *0 Z 0 c CS O0c-Cc cOc - c-c- - -C c-cl~Lc, 'c, clL0 c-cc c t- m- N N - N ,ac z 0 9 m >m00c-Oo toC -- i r c- c c- - p2 1-/ c I. L-. N Ltl Lt. N N N cD N N < n NN ^ N N in. o QC C~ C c C,-i c-i iLr Mo n C.] O= Cq O O c C.] c, O= O -i --1 -- -- .*o -4 - --4 - O~O-- --4r --4 0000 C cc 000 c,] C N O:. c N C O O ---4 _ -- O -- - O -- -00 0 00 C: ' ¢.mt °C1 0 ~1, ¢- z-45H z z 0 S ,c S -4~~ 43 CD K U 4) 0 I:- cr. t- C~o ce ~~~~~~~~~t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t I=~ ~ ~ ~ a) ;: D V X uO ~~~~-0~ ~~~Y(p 0~ c) a) m Cd C; W9 c-] In Circulation, Volume XLV, January 1972 SINUS-NODE RECOVERY TIME 147 Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 decrease in the A1A2 interval resulted in no appreciable increase in CSRT but a plateau effect was seen (fig. 1). This maximum effect on lengthening of CSRT was usually observed when A1A.2 ranged between 70 and 80% of the sinus cycle (range, 65 to 90%). The maximum CSRT following PABs was variable from patient to patient and ranged from 100 to 370 msec (mean, 197 ± 70) or 12 to 41% of the basic sinus cycle (table 1). The CSRT was reproducible in each patient during a given procedure. Group B. The CSRT in 24 patients was similar to those in group A and ranged from 100 to 435 msec (mean, 226 ± 91) (table 2). A single other patient (case 42) showed a markedly prolonged CSRT (900 msec or 75% of the sinus cycle). In the remaining three patients (cases 36, 41, and 43), in contrast to group A, the PABs were followed by a pause (AA,3) essentially equal to the sinus cycle length or CSRT ranged from 0 to 40 msec (fig. 2). 12 had CSRT comparable to that in group A (<'525 msec) (fig. 6). In the remaining 16 patients the maximum CSRT ranged from 560 to 3740 msec (mean, 1880 + 1079; table 2). In the latter 16 patients the CSRT was usually directly dependent on the rate and duration of AP and progressively increased with increase in either of these two factors (fig. 7). In some of these 16 cases, after the termination of AP, the first sinus P was recorded without an appreciably prolonged CSRT but with a markedly prolonged second sinus cycle. In some of the patients with SB and prolonged CSRT, the postpacing depression persisted for several sinus cycles before returning to control levels. Most patients with SB and prolonged CSRT were not receiving cardiac medications. In patients with prolonged CSRT, the development of symptoms was avoided by turning on the atrial pacemaker when the asystole, due to the sinus pause, exceeded 4 sec. After the cessation of AP, no acceleration in sinus rate was observed for the following 15 sec. After Atrial Pacing After Atropine Group A. In 27 of the 28 patients in group A, the CSRT remained essentially unchanged despite an increase in rate and duration of AP from 100 to 140/min and from 2 to 5 min. A slight fluctuation in CSRT in the range of + 20 to ± 50 msec could be observed between different levels. A typical response to AP at three different levels each for 2- and 5-min duration is shown in figure 3. The range of CSRT in these 27 patients was 100 to 525 msec (mean, 260 + 98) or 15 to 59% of the sinus cycle (table 1). In the remaining one patient (case 28) with a history of syncope and a normal heart rate, the CSRT was prolonged and directly proportional to the rate of AP. The CSRT progressively increased with increase in rate of AP from 100 to 120 to 140/min for 2 min at each level and ranged from 1810 to 3710 and beyond . msec, respectively (fig. 4). However, in this patient the CSRT with PABs was 320 msec and was similar to that of the other 27 patients in group A (fig. 5). Group B. Of the 28 patients in this group, WVith AP. Ten patients with SB (table 2) wvere restudied after atropine. In tvo of these 10 patients (cases 50 and 56) with SB, the control CSRT was not prolonged and remained unchanged after atropine. The other eight patients had a control prolonged CSRT. In four of the latter eight patients (cases 55, 39, 36, and 34), the CSRT after atropine was 1710, 620, 480, and 360 msec in contrast to control levels of 1350, 2450, 1860, and 1420 msec, respectively. In the remaining four patients (cases 30, 33, 37, and 38), junctional escape beats at intervals of 1120, 2250, 1200, and 4260 msec were the first to appear, followed eventually by sinus rhvthm after several cycles of junctional beats (fig. 8, lower panel). AWith PAB.s. The duration of CSRT (A2A: A1A1) or the recovery interval in excess of the sinus cycle remained essentially unchanged after atropine. The SRT (A.,Al) after PABs shortened because of a decrease in basic sinus cycle length (A1A1) and not because of any decrease in the time required for the sinus node to recover. Cirt ulation, Volum-,Ae XLV, January 1972 NARULA ET AL. 148S A 70P-P 770 770 U~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-AP 78075 760 msec r-> t z,,, z~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~00' B 1 --7200, P-P 780 msec 0 - - =~AP100mi i = AP C 810 D ( 810 P-P790Omsec \.775 780 , Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 830 H. B, .,, P-P 815 msec P P 830 msec 1201 1min0/i 810 J770 820 P-P 850 msec 80069 100mi P 840 13 312071 Figure 3 Case 5: Effect of iate ancd cluratio)i of atrial pacilg (AP) on1 SRT in paticltts tuiti normnal sinWis functiot. (A to F) Despite a progressiue it2crease in1 AP ate.s frotmi 1(0) to 120, arnd to 140 olin for 2 atnd 5 mmir at each pacing rate, the CSRT (A)A -A A,) is essentially the same from panels A (295 trisec) to F (310 misec). This indicates that CSRT is indep)endenit of rate andl durationt of AP, within limits, in patients with normal sinus function. After the cessation of AP, the depressant effect persists for a fetw beats as showsn by prolonged cycle lengths. PI = pacing imputlse. Time lines in this and suibsequent figtures are at 1-sec intervals. Cuiiives are cotntint(otu.s from left hlalf to right half of that figuire. After Spontaneotus Atrial Tachycardia In one patient (case 18) with recurrent spontaneous atrial tachycardia, CSRT was measured during stable sinus rhythm by atrial pacing (fig. 9, upper panel). At the end of the study, the patient spontaneously developed atrial tachycardia with an atrial cycle length of 215 msec (fig. 8, lower panel). After atrial tachycardia had persisted for 5 min, it was terminated by rapid atrial stimulation (400/min). The CSRT measured at the termination of the tachycardia was essentially the same as that after atrial pacing (100/min for 2 min), despite its spontaneous origin and a faster rate than AP (fig. 9). Follow-uip In one patient (ease 38) with a hiistory of syncope, the CSRT was studied before and after 712 months of a permanent pacemakel implantation. The CSRT was markedly pro- longed when first studied and remained abnormal during the second study (fig. 8) even at a slower AP rate. Interpolated Premature Atrial Beats In seven of the 56 patients, pacer-induced interpolated PABs wvere observed. As the PABs were induced at progressively increasing prem-aturity, a level was reached at which the subsequent interval (A.,A:1) suddenly shortened and exhibited no compensatory pause (A1A1 = A1A.. + A.,A:1) (fig. 10). This phenomenon could be reproduced in a given patient within a narrow range of the atrial cycle. A decrease in prematurity from this level resulted in sinus-node depression (increase in A2sA3) whereas an increase in prematurity exhibited relative or absolute refractoriness of the atrium. During relative refractoriness, the interval between the pacing impulse and the atrial depolarization Circulation, Volume XLV. Januar) 1972 SINUS-NODE RECOVERY TIME AP = 1001min- 2 min- | ! Pi, - AP 1001min 149 <, ¢ q 835m P-P 1065Smsec 880 840 -5 min PI P-P 1070 msec 840 890 lJ 810 AP = 120/min-2 min ! P/Ij AP 120/min 820 5minq Pi --AP 900900 | PlP 1170 msec P-P 1160 j msec 945 b 930 875 140/min-2 min 4 Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 PI1P I6me 8708780 _AP 140/min-5 mninmPI, l l PP 1150 msec 830 870 87 1138 H. Bro, tt80069 3/20/71 lengthened or a phenomenon of atrial reentry or repetitive atrial firing was exhibited for 2 to 3 beats. In these patients, the coupling interval, at which interpolated PABs were produced, ranged from 350 to 450 imsec and was longer than the refractory period of the underlying atrial myocardium. Discussion Sinus-Node Recovery Time The function of the sinus node is not only to generate the normal heart beat but also to respond to physiologic influences. The present study (by using atrial stimulation as a provocative test) provides a potential clinically useful parameter to assess sinus-node function. The sinus-node response is characterized by the duration of postpacing depression or SRT. Gaskell9 first demonstrated the depression of the intrinsic pacemaker activity by driving the heart at a rate faster than the dominant pacemaker. In a subsequent canine study, Lange10 found that the sinus node was less readily depressed than other pacemakers when pacing was terminated. This phenomenon of overdrive suppression has been clinically observed and utilized especially in terminating supraventricular arrhythmias.11' 12 This study provides measurements of the Circulation, Volume XLV, January 1972 CSRT with PABs and AP in patients both with normal heart rate and with SB. The range of CSRT with AP in all but one patient (case 28) with normal heart rates was narrow (110 to 525 msec), whereas in patients with SB it was very wide (140 to 3730 msec). The data show that patients with SB do not comprise a homogeneous group (figs. 6 and 7) and may or may not show an abnormal response. The CSRT in the normal heart rate group was usually independent of the duration and rate of AP (up to 140/min) whereas in the majority of the patients with SB and an abnormal response it was directly proportional to the duration and rate of AP. In the patients with normal heart rates the beats following AP showed a slight lengthening of the sinus cycle length which usually lasted for a short time with a progressive reversion to control levels over 5 to 6 beats, whereas a longer period was required in patients with prolonged SRT. In an occasional case with SB, the maximum postpacing depression was not seen in the very first sinus P wave but in the second sinus P wave which appeared after a marked delay. Most of the patients with SB and prolonged SRT were receiving no cardiac medication. This indicates that the abnormal SRT was not due to drugs. No overshoot or 1.50 @;s-#i!n S_+- @i~ ~ ~ ~ - J_- NARULA ET AL. A L-1 ~ ~ 795 915~.~+ 915 2 min 100/min AP 890 9 V BH B (BH! t~~~ Ll ~ 835 P-P 930 msec ~~~~~~~~A PI; W! . 780 * ll 271 _I 120/min AP BE c(BH) 2 ---. A: .\y _ minI P-P 960 ,sec. 900 li 0- Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 3300 I A A 140/min AP BE D (BH) L-1 min 800 780 P-P 1060 810 msec 1 C Gol -80603 800 4610 + ! ~~~~I 2 i6 70 14 Figure 4 Case 28: A p)atienit uLvith histort of spiycope and no docneiented SB or A-V contdnictiont defect showed a p)rolongedI SRT. (A) Conitiol rhtjthrii stril) (L-1) dnring niormial sinus rhythmn. (B to D) recordings of bip3olar electrogr,ani (BE) fronm tile area of the A-V jtictioni (BH) atid ECG lead L-1. SRT after AP is markedly prolonged and lengthened progressively (2710 to 4610 msec) weith p)rogre.ssite increase in AP tote from 100 to 140/mliuii. acceleration of sinus rate sx as observed for period up to 15 see after the terimination of AP. These findings are in contrast to a sttidy on dogs which showx ed that in presumablnormal dogs the SRT was directly proportional to the rate and duration of AP.1'" An analysis of the data in the dog study1" shows that the change in SRT with increase in rate and duration of AP was usuallv small and in the range of about 50 msec. This increase is insignificant in view of the normal fluctluations in SRT (range, +50 msec) between different levels in our study. Recentlv reported x alues of CSRT in patients with normal sinus rate are comparable to that of onrs.l:3 However, because of a limited number of patients (three cases) with SB, that study did not showv that a patients with SB necessarily havre a proloiged CSRT.1' The temporary depression of pacemaker automaticity subsequent to premature electrical stimulation has been demonstrated in several experimental and clinical studies.11 14-16 Recently, Bonke and associates'1 studied the factors determining the duration of the postextrasystolic pause following induced PABs in the isolated right atrium of the rabbit. Their study showed that the duration of the postex- trasystolic pause increased progressively with a progressive increase in prematurity of the PABs up to a level approximately equal to 70%c of the sinus cycle, beyond which a further increase in prematurity resulted in an essentially plateau effect. Our findings support these obCircolation. Voluniie XLV. Januar48}1972 SINUS-NODE RECOVERY TIME 151 A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~H A (BH) K 930 - v A - ', 55 P8-A 850 1020; [-1 --- ,- _ A-A 865 msec ____________ ~~~~PIA3 Al 2 \ (BH) 1A . Pl-A Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 C 925 A-A 815 75 325 msec L-1 aVF 1220 _ \ 560 _ n-- - - V, , _-J 5 C, Gol., #80603 2, 16/70 .1148 Figure 5 Case 28: Same patient as in Figure 4. Normal SRT with premature atrial beats (PABs). (A to C) With a decrease in cotnpling interval (A1A.) from panels A to C, the SRT (A. A:) ranged from 1105, to 1220, to 1220 mnsec, respectively, in contrast to the markedly long SRT after AP (fig. 4 Ipanel D). This shows the inability of the PABs to differetntiate betwceeni a normal and abnormal sitntns-node functioni. PI-A = the interual bettwcen the PI and the prematuire atrial electrogranm (A.). servations (fig. 1). With PABs, after atropine administration, the absence of any change in CSRT despite an increase in sinus rate indicates that the CSRT is independent of the cycle length and vagal tone. Furthermore, it explains the similar response to PABs in patients with normal heart rates and SB. The mechanism of overdrive suppression following AP is probably mediated in some way through humoral responses. 18-2' This inability to abolish completely the postpacing depression after atropine in this and other studies"'. 13 suggests the role of factors other than acetylcholine. It has been suggested22. 23 that driving stimuli. result in an increase in extracellular K+ which leads to the suppression by two mechanisms (1) a decrease in phase 4 depolarization and hence a decrease in automaticity; (2) a decrease in the resting Circulation, Volume XLV, January 1972 potential and in the amplitude of the action potential which, in turn, may render it ineffective as a stimulus for propagation.24 24 However, as yet this issue is unsettled.2' In most of the patients, SB was not to increased vagal tone as only minimal acceleration in sinus rate was exhibited after atropine administration. In addition, a prolonged CSRT remained abnormal despite a decrease from the control levels and suggests secondary that the prolongation was mainly due to a poor function of the sinus node itself, although vagal tone contributed to it. The important question is what parameter of the sinus-node function is reflected by this response (postpacing depression): (1) Is it due to a delay or block in sinoatrial conduction or (2) does the prolonged SRT indicate a change in automatic capacity of the sinus A2 NARULA ET AL. 152 AP =75/min 2 min (BElL-1-_ (BH) ~~~~~A-A1350 1310 msec A - _ _ 1260l+i )G_jD .... .9W+,350g_>1 AP 2 min 100/min A , 3 BE B (BH) A, A. L-1 120i+A130 se Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 J. A 130- 1 fA1 i AP C 120/min 2 min BE (BH) AA1320 me L-1 :I-,------1 .. .1l 778265 3 6 '70 ------ 1460 - 4 1220 R Figure 6 Case 43: A patient with SB and a normal CSRT which is independent of the rate of AP. (A to C) Simultaneous recordings of BE(BH) and ECG lead L-1. AP for 2 min at each level with a rate of 75, 100, and 120/min shows a normal CSRT (A2A5 - A1A1 - 140 msec) (panel C). node as an impulse generator? The first possibility is unlikely for the following reasons: (a) The presence of sinus rhythm (SR) is an indication of intact sinoatrial conduction whereas the existence of a compensatory pause following the atrial stimulation (with PAB and AP) is suggestive of conduction from the atrium to the sinus node.17 (b) Atrial pacing at a rate faster than SR should decrease the refractory period (RP) of the atrium, within limits, due to a decrease in cycle length and thus facilitate conduction from SN to RA. (c) Concealed conduction from RA to SN with AP may delay SN to RA conduction for one subsequent sinus cycle, but longer delays (SRT) cannot be attributed to this property. (d) Experimental work shows that following atrial stimulation a shift in impulse origin may occur from true pacemaker cells in the center of SN to latent pacemaker cells situated at the periphery of the SN.17 23 However, the conduction time from the latter pacemakers to RA should be shorter as opposed to that of the former. Therefore, the second possibility, that is, a change in the automaticity of the sinus pacemaker cells (or decrease in the strength of the sinus impulse) is the most likely explanation for postpacing depression. This is further supported by a recent editorial suggesting that sinus impulses, if subthreshhold, may fail to excite the atrium and result in long pauses with atrial asystole.26 This decrease in automaticity may be secondary to shift in pacemaker site from true to latent pacemaker cells or direct depression of automaticity Circulation, Volume XLV, January 1972 SINUS-NODE RECOVERY TIME 153 Control A __ AP = 100/min 1670 1680 sl P-P 1670 msec - Li ~PP AP 120/min P-P 1680 -1 -. 4 2 min [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AI c 1680 lliJl!TllrT 1 17i80 3870 msecl 2 min, msecP ____________________T_ Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 P-P 5410 msec l--- _. S~~~~~~ o.lLoomb,lm 33110 -T - w 3010 1~~~~~- L- r-0- L1 - r ~ A -- 260 - ..6-,S91696 3/16/71 Figure 7 Case 51: A patient with SB and an abnormal SRT. (A) Rhythm strip showing control sinuis cycle length (1670 msec). (B and C) An increase in AP rate from 100 to 120/min for 2 min at each level demonstrated a progressive increase in SRT from 3870 to 5410 msec. The severe depressent effect is demonstrated even in the subsequent beats with markedly prolonged sinnis cycle lengths. mediated through humoral responses or alterations in electrolytes. Accordingly, the quantitative data of SRT with AP in normal patients probably provide a measure by which the function of the sinus node as an impulse generator can be assessed. The automatic capacity of the sinus node may be reflected by the duration of (1) the sinus-node recovery time after the termination of atrial pacing and of (2) the depressant effect present in the subsequent beats which show a longer sinus cycle length as compared to the control sinus cycles preceding AP. It should be stressed that AP, rather than PABs, is a more reliable method of differentiating between a normal and an abnormal sinusnode response. The CSRT following PABs was usually similar in all patients (normal or SB) and was in no way comparable to the prolonged CSRT seen with AP in patients with sick sinus (tables 1 and 2). Case 28 (figs. 4 and 5) is illustrative. This patient had a Circulation, Volume XLV, January 1972 history of syncope and on admission showed heart rates within the normal range without any arrhythmias. The CSRT, although normal during PABs, was grossly abnormal with AP. Following the cessation of AP, a period of asystole more than 4.5 see in duration was noted. These findings are of clinical significance and suggest (1) that a normal sinus rate is no assurance of normal sinus-node function and (2) that all patients with SB may not have a poor sinus node. They also may explain (3) why some patients with SB and comparable rates are stable and asymptomatic, whereas others have syncopal or dizzy spells. The latter group probably represent patients with bradytachy syndrome who manifest long periods of asystole following supraventricular arrhythmias. The majority of the patients with SB and a markedly prolonged CSRT did not demonstrate escape of lower pacemakers, that is, the A-V junctional or ventricular, during the NARULA ET AL. 154 51370 AP =1201in 2 min m-1i BE (BH) A-A 1370 mse0 A1500 ~1600 -----4000 ----- Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 At,pine 2 mg AP = 80min 2 min 1080 1/ 26/71 . xz L-1 AA 1080 10810 8- - Control BV~ BE e ' h mon 5/ 1590 1300 ho AT (BH) BH V 2o miina 00me.(B APe APat10/min ler APatt 120/mmn en.TeSTdspt ~ ~ ~ ~ toie( ~ r { -v 148 --46 A waftgi \ 'r . k -1 -' A A 1330 13801 ' ~~~~~~B1 g dinsee nrvnul for400me.(Bgtoiea2m)amiitrdintravkenouly 2 mmn was prolonged (3450 msec). Circulation, Volume XLV, January 1972 SINUS-NODE RECOVERY TIME Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 periods of asystole. In no case was the escape of an ectopic atrial pacemaker seen. Concerning man, no control data are available to indicate the normal escape interval of lower or subsidiary pacemakers following suppression by AP. Animal studies performed after crushing of the sinus node have suggested a greater depression or longer recovery time of the A-V junctional pacemakers than the sinus node.10 These findings cannot necessarily be applied to man. The long periods of asystole without the escape of lower pacemakers leads us, however, to believe that the automatic capacity of these subsidiary pacemakers (especially A-V junctional) is also compromised in the patients with abnormal sinus response or prolonged SRT. In some of these cases when SRT was reevaluated after atropine, junctional pacemakers were the first to appear and were followed subsequently by sinus rhythm. Patient 38 (fig. 8) with SB when initially studied showed markedly prolonged SRT. Because of the history of syncope, a permanent pervenous demand pacemaker was implanted. Seven and a half months later, a follow-up study showed similarly prolonged SRT. Another patient, case 18 (fig. 9), showed identical SRT with AP (at 100/min for 2 min) and following termination of spontaneous atrial tachycardia (280/min for 5 min). The above findings demonstrate the reproducibility of SRT and support the clinical use of AP for evaluation of sinus-node function. To test the sinus-node function, we recommend that the AP be initially used only at one level (120/min for 2 min ). Demonstration of a normal SRT would eliminate the need for a second level since the SRT in patients with normal sinus node is independent of rate and duration of AP. However, if an abnormal SRT is recorded with a single level, a second higher level of AP showing further prolongation of SRT may be employed as comfirmation. Interpolated Beats The phenomenon of interpolated beats has been reported clinically.27 This was observed in seven patients during our study (fig. 10). The interpolated beats indicate the inability of the PABs at that level of prematurity to Circulation, Volume XLV, January 1972 155 depolarize the sinus pacemaker. The absence of sinus-node depression may be the result of (1) unidirectional conduction block from the RA to SN because of the refractoriness of the tissue at the periphery of the sinus node28 or (2) the penetration of the premature impulse into the sinus node during the absolutely refractory period of the sinus pacemaker cells. In these patients, atrial depolarization with a further increase in prematurity of the PABs, beyond that for interpolated PABs, indicates a shorter refractory period for the right atrial muscle than the sinus node or perinodal sinus tissue.28 Previous studies from this laboratory have demonstrated the presence of independent unidirectional blocks in conducting tissues, that is, A-V node or His-Purkinje system.29 30 Therefore, the demonstration of interpolated beats and the presence of unidirectional block during conduction from RA to SN does not permit the prediction of the conduction capabilities from SN to RA, that is, sinoatrial block. In addition, many patients whose ECG pictures were compatible with the diagnosis of sinus arrest or SA block did not demonstrate this phenomenon of interpolated PABs. All the seven patients who manifested interpolated PABs had normal heart rates and a normal SRT during AP. References 1. FERRER MI: Sick sinus syndrome in atrial disease. 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EYSTER JAE, MEEK WJ: Cardiac irregularities in NARULA ET AL. 156 _ A A A A Pacing 100/=3in ~~~~~~~~~A A (RA) r AA 820 820 msec 805 BE (RA)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (RA) _ [-1 X: ;/7, Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 MElk, 686165 -rrrrrrrr r r, >! ts,-i1A /A' A ,<, 3/2/71 3 8/25/70 3/2/71 ilk;igi 'I BE 1X !+ 1 + I W' A' ~ (RA) A-A 215msec J-RAS BE 1 (RA) 400/min k.~ 'lA A;-/ RJ^;v- ~ys U; 2^-A y \A 215 msec LA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P 10 sec ~~~1A~~~~ i BE C 250 M, Elk., #86165 190 190 215 Al~A :340 A-A 1220 msec 1040 1010 1136 312/71 Figure 9 (Upper panel A to C) Case 18: Patient with paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardias and a permanent ventricular demand pacemaker (QRS blocking). Simultaneous recordings of BE from the right atrium (RA) and ECG lead L-1 during NSR show SRT of 1170 msec (C) after AP at 100/min for 2 fin. Chest wall stimuli (CWS) are applied at the cessation of AP to block the escape of the demand ventricular pacemaker. (Lower panel) Rhythm strip (L-1) recorded from the same patient (case 18) prior to the implantation of the permanent pacemaker (8/25/70) shows spontaneous onset and cessation of Circulation, Volume XLV, January 1972 A1 SINUS-NODE RECOVERY TIME 157 Al BE 208 K A2 Al J A-A 810 ! ms iRAi 30 A3 A 1090 P 820 A BH V I I B>E Aw~~ ClV F 0l v -'----v I_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ jAl I Al A-A 830 ms 825 820 430 PI jA3 A2 A 1 390 800 820 Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 (RA) B E- 'fI_ (BH) I n L1 ,_ OVF~~~ H G- r w aV1- - - _ ___-~ ~ ~ ~ ~' v W w 1153 133982 12 29 70 Figure 10 Case 16: Interpolated premature atrial beat. (A) Simultaneous recordings of BE(RA), BE(BH), and three ECG leads (L-1, aVF, and V1). The premature atrial beat is followed by an expected partially compensatory pause (A2A3) of 1090 msec. (B) The induced (PI) PAB is interpolated and is not followed by any compensatory pause. The sum of A1A2 (430 msec) and A2A3 (390 msec) intervals is equal to the sinus cycle length (820 msec). The atrial beat following the PAB is sinus in origin as indicated by the normal sequence of atrial activation from high right atrium [BE(RA)] to the region of the A-V junction [BE(BH)] and the shape of the P waves. At this coupling interval some beats were interpolated and some followed by a compensatory pause as in panel A. morphine poisoning in the dog. Heart 4: 59, 1912 8. CUSHNEY AR: The irregularity of the mammalian heart observed under aconite and an electrical stimulation. Heart 1: 1-22, 1910 9. GASKELL WH: On the innervation of the heart with special reference to the heart of tortoise: j Physiol 4: 43, 1884 10. LANGE G: Action of driving stimuli and extrinsic sources or in pacemaker tissues. Circ Res 17: 11. PICK A, LANGENDoRF R, KATz LN: from intrinsic situ cardiac 449, 1965 Depression of premature impulses. Amer Heart J 41: 49, 1951 12. 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JAVIER Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 Circulation. 1972;45:140-158 doi: 10.1161/01.CIR.45.1.140 Circulation is published by the American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231 Copyright © 1972 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0009-7322. Online ISSN: 1524-4539 The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the World Wide Web at: Permissions: Requests for permissions to reproduce figures, tables, or portions of articles originally published in Circulation can be obtained via RightsLink, a service of the Copyright Clearance Center, not the Editorial Office. Once the online version of the published article for which permission is being requested is located, click Request Permissions in the middle column of the Web page under Services. Further information about this process is available in the Permissions and Rights Question and Answer document. 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