John R. Thornton - Principal Financial Group

John R. Thornton
John R. Thornton, CLU®, ChFC®
Financial Representative
Princor Registered Representative
Investment Advisor Representative
2000 Riveredge Pkwy
Suite 1010
Atlanta, GA 30328
770-850-0220, Ext. 140
843-388-0711 Fax
John Thornton has served in the financial services Industry since 1969; and with the
Principal Financial Group® since 1976. John recently retired from the Principal® in 2006,
but still actively services his clients. John markets small to medium sized business owners,
their executives and employees in the areas of “Retirement Distribution Planning”, which
primarily focuses in the rollover market and income planning for retirement. John is also a
life member of the Million Dollar Round Table, as well as a member of the Atlanta Chapter
Insurance products from the Principal Financial Group® are issued by Principal National Life Insurance Company (except in New York), Principal Life
Insurance Company and the companies available through the Preferred Product
Network, Inc. Securities and advisory products offered through Princor Financial Services Corporation,
800/247-1737, member SIPC. Principal National, Principal Life, the Preferred Product Network, and Princor® are members of the
Principal Financial Group®, Des Moines, IA 50392.
BB 9771 | 05/2008 | #3460042011