Didactic Equipment for Engineering Education

10th Baltic Region Seminar on Engineering Education
Szczecin, Poland, 4-6 September, 2006
2006 UICEE
Didactic Equipment for Engineering Education
Thomas Stumpp
G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH
Barsbüttel, Germany
Quality and expressiveness of an awarded engineering degree is mostly associated with the international reputation acquired by hightech research activities of the concerned technical university. Beside this outstanding criterion there is another important aspect
which determines quality: A basic engineering education on high-level throughout the first terms of an engineering student
curriculum. This target will be best achieved by implementation of specially designed didactic equipment with a strong focus on
working with real hardware. The approach here is definitely hands-on. Properties and requirements of didactic systems differ
substantially from those of research equipment. Key characteristics are the ease of setup, the use of industrial components, a clearly
pre-defined range of experiments and learning objectives as well as a robust design for long term reliable use. Demands from the
industry and EU prove the case for existence of such didactic equipment. Obstacles for a broadly based launch are the lack of
available information as well as difficulties to raise capital. Consequently the EU is providing various funds for this purpose
especially for the new member states. The methodological concept of G.U.N.T.’s didactic equipment will be exemplary visualized by
means of a universal material tester.
The professional education of a student is the ultimate task of a
university. In technical universities basic engineering
knowledge is normally conveyed to the students within the first
four to five semester terms. During this phase practical
experience is essential for a future well educated engineer. Now
the question arises how this practical approach can be
facilitated best in order to attract the student and
simultaneously raise his level of understanding the
fundamentals. It can be simply done by specially designed
didactic equipment.
First of all the students should be encouraged to conduct the
experiments, analysis and interpretation as well as calculations
by hand. In a second step the students can control their results
by means of software support and do more advanced
investigations. Emphasis is on working with the equipment
while the corresponding software has more of a support
function. Therefore didactic systems should spark interest and
curiosity. The design must be rigid for rough handling and
reliability. Another important aspect concerning design and
safety is that didactic equipment must allow for doing mistakes
by the student. In-built industrial components ensure the
linkage to real applications. Further features are easy
installation, low spare part consumption and, if required at all,
easy and cost efficient maintenance. The engineering challenge
and art is the visualization of technical effects and principles.
In the new EU member states a lack of knowledge can be
observed that such equipment does exist on the market. So far
many technical universities find other less efficient solutions
like own manufacturing or using research equipment which is
by nature more recommended for later semester or even to
acquire doctor degree.
Modern didactic equipment for engineering education does of
course not only include hardware and visualisation software. In
fact the product offering is a didactic concept. The hardware
comes along with a professional manual which comprises:
While many universities in the new EU member states already
possess new facilities and sophisticated equipment for research
and development, pure didactic equipment for teaching
fundamentals in engineering rarely exists. These facts are based
on discussions during visits to more than 20 technical
universities in Poland and the Baltic States.
What are the Characteristics which are typical for Didactic
Unit description
Setup and operation instructions
Safety instructions
Underlying theory
Clearly defined experiments with learning objectives
and analysis of results
Appendices (work sheets for the students)
For more complex systems installation and training courses are
provided by specialists of the supplier. On demand project
engineers may assist in consulting and laboratory planning.
The rationale behind didactical equipment is the concept of
“learning by doing” and hands-on training on real hardware.
Example 2: Base Condensing Unit ET 915
How can the Didactic Systems getting integrated in the
Operation of the Laboratories at the Universities?
Usually the didactic equipment is designed for efficient
working groups of 2 to 6 students with the following
Base Unit
Figures 3, 4 and 5
Stand Alone Systems
Some of these are even independent of laboratory installations
(like water, compressed air etc.) with exception of currency
which is required for most of the equipments. The voltage is
normally 230V, 50Hz, 1 phase, in some cases 400V, 50Hz,
3 phases.
ET 915.02
Double Chamber Refrigerator
Modular Systems
The modular approach ensures flexibility and enables easy
extension of selected experiments.
ET 915.07
Climatisation Module
Equipment “Families”
These are series of stand alone equipment of common concept,
function and design, but with different experimental
Example 1: Machinery Fault Trainer PT 500
Base Unit with Instrumentation Set
Example: Basic Control Systems RT 0X0 Series
Figure 1
RT 010 Level Control
Optional Experiments (Modules)
RT 020 Flow Control
RT 030 Pressure Control
RT 040 Temperature Control
RT 050 Speed Control
RT 060 Position Control
Figure 6
Figure 2
How can Didactic Systems getting adapted to different Levels
of Education?
Universal Material Tester WP 300
The solution is the offering of alternative systems addressing
the same topic but at different technical level.
Example: Control Systems
Basic Level
RT 030 Pressure Control Unit
- Software Controller
- Investigation of Fundamentals
Figure 7
Advanced Level
Figure 10
RT 532 Trainer Pressure Control
- Industrial Controller
- Advanced Experiments
Figure 8
Figure 11
Industrial Level
1 Machine base with hand grips, 2 Hand wheel for application of
force, 3 Force display, 4 Load frame upper cross-member, 5 Dial
gauge for elongation display, 6 Gripping heads for specimens,
7 Support, 8 Load frame lower cross-member, 9 Main cylinder of the
hydraulic system
This universal material tester is designed as a table unit. The
range of experiments covers tensile and compressive strength
tests, as well as Brinell hardness testing. Using the accessories
additional bending, shear and cupping tests can be performed.
Figure 9
The basic version of the unit does not require any additional
sources of power. The test load is generated using a hand
operated hydraulic system and is displayed using a large gauge
with a trailing pointer. Conducting the tensile test, for example,
the students “feel” the force they apply. They can watch the
lateral contraction of the specimen until fracture. The
elongation of the test specimen is recorded via a mechanical
gauge. Then the students plot different points getting finally the
curve force versus elongation. Next they derive significant
parameters from the curve (yield points Rp , Re, and the tensile
strength Rm). Last not least they are enabled to calculate
stresses and strains and derive the “Hooke’s Law”:
Equation 1
RT 580 Industrial Process Control Rig with (PLC)
Industrial Components
Pressure, Flow, Level and Temperature Control
Cascade Control
Open / Closed Loop Circuits
Fault Circuits
The European Council announced the ambitious target that in
year 2010 Europe should be the “world reference in quality of
education systems” (Lisbon Agenda). Human capital is viewed
at as the most important resource of the EU community.
Especially for the new EU – member states there are EU funds
available where didactic equipment fits in. Here we are talking
mainly about the Structural Fund (Section ESF - European
Social Fund: promotion of human capital). In the second
planning phase of 2007 until 2013 totally 10,5 Billion EUR are
provided for the Baltic States and 73,5 Billion EUR for Poland.
But there are also other special EU programmes concerned with
higher education (like SOKRATES / ERAMUS). [1] [2] [3] [4]
WP 300.20 PC Data Acquisition
Figure 12
Figure 13
There is evidence that the key to successful application of EU
funds is the compilation of clearly defined projects. These
projects should then be forwarded to the ministry being subject
to approval. However, the initiative has to come from
universities respectively from their faculties or departments.
Some universities have already taken the first steps in that
process and the expectations look promising. The final funding
will become a mixture of capital provided by the EU and a
certain proportion of self-financing.
Figure 14
Basic knowledge in the classical engineering disciplines can be
successfully reinforced and improved by implementation of
didactic equipment especially in the fields of mechanical
engineering, theory of machines, mechatronics, fluid
mechanics, electrical engineering, thermodynamics and process
engineering. The didactical approach is definitely hands-on.
Modern didactic systems for engineering education exist
around the globe since many years. These systems are ready to
use, technically mature and have reached a high level of
sophistication and quality. They are embedded in a didactic
concept. It takes long time experience and development
resource to produce such equipment efficiently. Long term cooperation with the buyers of these systems, the universities, is
essential and appreciated. Didactic systems are no mass
products. They are manufactured on order and can therefore be
customised to some extend.
Figure 15
The data acquisition supports all tests which can be performed
with the WP 300. The measuring system consists of a pressure
transducer for force measurement, a linear potentiometer to
measure the displacement and a measuring amplifier including
a USB interface for connection to a PC or notebook. The
software for data acquisition is based on the visual
programming language LabView.
There is clear demand from the EU concerning higher
education and there is competition among technical
universities. Therefore they should seek for opportunities to go
for didactic equipment despite of budget constraints. Capital
from the EU is available for new EU members, but the initiative
has to come definitively from the universities themselves. Some
bureaucratically efforts can unfortunately not be avoided.
Using the software the students are now relieved from hand
writing measurements and can plot, for example, curves for
different materials and compare them. Diagrams can be
recorded, saved and printed. The corresponding data are
convertible for export to other software. Load-extension
diagrams are displayed in real time. Up to ten load extension
curves can be displayed simultaneously. Several calculations
are feasible like the elasticity modulus, Brinell hardness etc.
After presentation of such didactic equipment to universities
the need is unquestioned and the systems are much appreciated.
However, the comment about financing always emerges.
Evidently receiving funds for research purposes seems to be
much easier as there are various sources which can be tapped.
Industrial companies are very supportive in this respect. For
educational didactic equipment public funds are in most cases
the only source which remains.
P. Ulbrich, “Finanzierung von Gemeinden in Polen”
IFAT 26.04.2005, HBV Group
EU – Unternehmensförderung, Compendium
Deutsch-Baltische Handelskammer, February 2005
DIE WELT, “Flagge zeigen im Baltikum“
Press release, published 26th of April 2006
Publishment EU (European Council) paper no
6236/04, Brussels, 12th February 2004, pages 5-22