BNL-65847 Electromotive force, emf (cells) by Mary D. Archer and Stephen W. Feldberg Prepared by invitation for the forthcoming edition of the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Submitted September 16, 1998 Electromotive force, emf (cells) The voltage or electric potential dilTerence across the terminals of a cell when no current is drawn from it. Theernf ofacell isthesum of theekctricpotential differences (PDs) produced by a separation of charges (electrons or ions) that can occur at each phase boundary (or interlace) in the cell. The magnitude of each PD depends on the chemical nature of the two contacting phases. l%u~ at the interface between two difRerent metals, some electrons will have moved from the metal with a higher free energy of electrons to the metal with a lower free energy of electrons. The resultant charge separation will produce a PD (just as charge separation produces a voltage across a capacitor) that, at equilibnu~ exactly opposes flu-ther electron flow. Similarly, PDs can be produced when electrons partition across a metalJsolution interi%aceor metallsolid intefiace, and when ions partition across a solutionlmembrane] solution interface. The origin of emfi the Daniell cell as an example. We can see how a cell ernf is composed of the sum of intefiacird PDs by considering the historic Daniell cell shown in Fig. 1. This can be schematically represented by: Cu’ I Zn I aq soln(l): ZnS04 ~aq soln(2): CUS04 ] Cu a c b Schem d where a solid line indicates a phase boundary and the dashed line a porous barrier permeable to all the ions in the adjacent solutions. The barrier prevents physical mixing of the ZnS04 and CuS04 solutions. The cell emf is the open-circuit (i.e., zero current) potential difference measured between the two Cu leads (any potential-measuring device must ultimately measure the potential difference between two chemically identical phases). 1 We can write an expression for the cell i emf in terms of the electrochemical potentials of the species involved in the interracial equiibria. The electrochemical potential ~~ of species j in phase a is defined by: q = P,a‘ Zlw= (2) where F,= is the chemical potential of species j in phase a, z, is the charge (with sign) on the species, F is Faraday’s constant (96497 C for Avogadro’s number of electrons), and @ is the inner potential of phsse a. The term z~F@= in eq 2 is the electrical work required to move z~~ coulombs of charge into phase a from a vacuum at infinite dktance. For a species in solution eq 2 can be written: 5; = p“~ + RTln aja + zjF@a (3) wherep,0“ is the standard chemical potential of species j in phase a, R is the gas constant (8.3 144 Joules/moleldegree), T is the temperature in degrees Kel~ and aja is the activity of species j in phase a. For a neutral species (i.e., when z~= O), ~;=P;= p~ + RThaja For a filly ionized solution species at low concentrations, (4) a,= is well approximated by the concentration Cj=; the activity of a pure phase (e.g., zinc and copper in the Daniell cell) is defined as unity. The value of ~j must be identical for any species j equilibrated between two different phases. Thus for equilibrium of species j between phases a and # (5) More generally one can write for any interracial equilibrium between phases a and @ ~ ~~j””” I 2 = 0 (6) where ~ is the stoichiometric number of species j (~ is positive for products and negative for reactants) and ~~-e is the electrochemical potential of species j in the phase in which it is located. Thus, for the interracial equilibrium CU2++ 2e- @ Cu at interfaced in Scheme 1, eq We now use these equations to quanti& the PDs across each of the interfaces in Scheme 1. We will assume that the PD across interfhce c is zero (a good approximation when the separator is equally permeable to all the ions in the two adjacent phases). For interlaces a, b, and d of Scheme 1 we can write: (partitioning of electrons between Cu’ and Zn phases): interface a “Cul Pe- (7) = ;: (equilibrium: Zn’+ + 2e- @ Zn): interface b (8) (equilibrium: Cu2+ + 2?- @ Cu): interface d (9) Rearranging eqs 7–9 gives; i; -;::’ = Pe“Cu - ;.? = ~ [ FZ – 7;.??) -%;g-yz;;(l) 1 1[ (lo) Since p~_cu =’ and for an electron Ze- = -1, we can use eq 3 to write >:->::’ = -F@cu 3 - tic”’) (11) The cell potential, Ed, is simply the sum of all the equilibrium interracial PDs (remembering that we’ve assumed that @’&Q) - #&(]) = O) : Ed = (~cm - gP@)) - @q + (p(’) + (p - qp’) . (@c” _ #cU’) (12) Combining eqs 3 and 11 – 12 (noting that the copper and zinc ions have a charge of :2+ and that the activity of the metal phases is unity): E &~ = (#c”- $&”’) = _ 1 -c” &m= (13) where E=U is the potential difference between the two copper leads (Scheme 1) measured at open circuit (i.e., when no current passes through the cell) and is therefore the emf of tlhe cell. Dropping the superscripts denoting the solutions, eq 13 can be rewritten as: Ed= 0 + ECU2”ICM ~lnacu2. [ - 1[ % 0 qzn (14) + ~lnazn2+ 1 where E& Z,lcu and Ez~2,1znare termed the standard electrode potentials (E’s) of the copper and zinc half cells. Eq 14 is one example of a Nemst equatio~ which relates cell emf to the activities of the cell constituents. {see CHEMICAL POTENTIAL; EQUILIBRIUM; ELECTROMOTIVE Half cells, standard electrode CHEMICAL FORCE THERMODYNAMICS; (EMF); THERMODYNAMIC potentials and reference ELECTRODE PRINCIPLES} electrodes. It is convenient to describe any electrochemical cell in terms of half cells. A half cell (consists of an oxidant (Ox) and reductant (Red) such that: Ox + ne- * 4 Red; species Ox and IRed are commonly referred to as a redox couple. The Daniell cell, for example, comprises the two half cells: CU2++ 2e- @ Cu (redox couple is CU2+ICU)and Zn2+ + 2e- @ Zn (redox couple is Zn2+~n) with the half-cell potentialsEc~z+lcuandfiznz+lz., @ven by and (16) Such expressions are usefil only if the l?’ value for each half cell is known. Values of F can be assigned to any given half cell by arbhrarily speci&ing that E“+F2, the l?’ for the standard hydrogen electrode (SHE) half ce~ IY(aq, ature dependence & ~.w/dT a = 1) + e- @ ?&12(g,1 atm), is zero. The temper- is also specified as zero. B values vs. the SHE for selected half cells are given in Table 1. In principle, any E’ (and its temperature dependence) can be measured dwectly vs. the SHE or another half cell whose electrode potential has been determined. Such an electrode is termed a reference electruak The reference electrode is a half-cell designed so that its potential is stable, reproducible, and that it neither contaminates nor is contaminated by the medium in which it is immersed. Two convenient reference electrodes commonly used in aqueous systems are the saturated calomel and the silverlsilver chloride electrodes (Table 1). { ELECTROCHEMISTRY REFERENCE ELECTRODE ELECTRODE POTENTIAL} F values and thermodynamics The E’ values associated thermodynamic tiormation of the overall cell reaction. with two half cells comprising a cell provide fimdamental about the chemical reaction between the redox couples of the two half cells. Returning to the example of the Daniell cell and combtig eqs 13 and 14 we see that E*Cuqcu – E;l,h = ~ 1 o all@) [ PC”2+ – p;u + P& – o So/n(l) P&z* 1 (17) The term on the lefthand side is the standard cell emf E~U (i.e., the value of E-U when all the cell constituents are in their standard states of unit activity), and the bracketed term on the righthand side is -AGo, where A@ is the standard Gibbs energy change of the cell rleaction CU2++ Zn @ Cu + Zn2+. Hence we can write eq 17 as EO Cdl =–~ (18) More generally, for the two half-cell reactions Oxl + rile- @ Redl and ~ + n# * Red~ E~u is defined by (19) The cell reactio~ which involves the transfer of n,n2 electrons, is n2 OxI + nl Red2 # n2 Redl + nl 0X2 (20) and eq 18 takes the general form E; where n = =-— AGO . nln2F AGO -— nF (21) n,n2. If the cell is not in its standard state the relation becomes E Cd =-~ nF 6 (22) Using the general thermodynamic relation AG” = - K% Kq we can also find the equilibrium mnstant Kw of the cell reaction from the relation: 1 [Ox2]n’[RedJ% = exp Kq = [ClrJ”2[RedJ” {seeCHEMICAL EQUILIB- [1 nln2FE~u AG 0 .— = exp RT [ RT (23) CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS; THERMODYNAMIC PRINCIPLES} Membrane potentials as a source of emf. When two ionic solutions of diflierent composition are separated by a membrane, a PD can develop across the membrane, The complete cell requires electrical contacts with the solutions on each side of the membrane, accomplished with reference electrodes: re(lhs) I soln(lhs) I membrane ] soln(rhs) I re(rhs) where re(lhs) and re(rhs) are the reference electrodes in the lefi and right solutions respectively. The cell emf will be: E cell = Er4rh,1 + q5s0h@hSJ – qb’ohfi~ - Er4M,) (24) The PD across the membrane, @~@j - @“b@@> is a fimction of the membrane properties as well as the composition of the adjacent solutions. The simplest example occurs when only one 1 Forthe specialcasewherenz= nz= n, thecell reaction(q 20) wouldbe writtenas Oxl + R@ * R@ + Oxz andq 23 becomes @21[Red,l “q = [Ox,][Red2] ‘e+4=e4=’l 7 particular ion (e.g., hydrogen ioz W) is transported across the membrane. The transported ion will tend to move from the side with high concentration to the side with low concentration; however, in the process of doing so charge is separated across the membrane, producing a potential dflerence which exactly counters the ion transport. The membrane PD will be ~ :Olrl(ws) &WrW where a, _ &WJLO . %1 z r J ~oln(rhs) J ~ RT ~ p CJ;owtis) (25) c +hs) J and c, are the activity and concentration of the transported ion. The cell emf is K the concentration on one side, e.g., C;+’’”),iskept constant, E-u will reflect any variation of the other concentratio~ soln(rhs) c~ . As long as the membrane transports only a single ionic species, the PD is thermodynamically determined. A soon as the membrane transports more than one ionic species irreversible thermodynamics come into play the membrane PD will exhibit a complicated dependence on the concentrations and nobilities of the ions within the membrane as well as on their concentrations in the adjacent solkons. In certain circumstances, the response is still selective for one ion and the membrane electrode has analytical utility. The glass electrode used for measurement of pm in which a thin glass membrane responds selectively to the H+ io~ is an electrode of this type. Potential dtierences called liquid junction potentials arise where two dtierent ionic wlutions make contact through a permeable separator such as a glass frit. thermodynamic These interfere with measurements and can be minimized by interposing a ‘salt bridge’, i.e., a concentrated immobilized solution of KC1, or other salt in which the cation and anion have nearly identical nobilities, between the two solutions. Numerous theories based on irreversible thermodynamics have evolved to estimate the magnitude of liquid junction potentials. 8 {see ION SELECTIVE MEMBIUNES The nri-dllrd - ..V emf ---=. . . . . . . hv n Gnule cdl -= .“ “...=--- AND ELECTRODES; BIOPOTENTIALS} fir ~ ~? -. Of ~~!!~ ~r ~~fi~~ (a hatterv) -. k IIW+ ac -a -v IW K- ------>, -.-w - nnwer ~.. .,v. source for a wide array of applications requ”tig DC electric power, ranging from powering wrist watches to emergency power supplies. The emf of the saturated Weston cell Hg H@304\ CdSO, (saturated aq SO~) ICd@g) ... suu serves as a high-ievc i voitage reference for the Nationai institute of Standards and a. . .-. r-. T-.c.-fifi.s-s-..,. -RR.: A..4W4 +LC9-AA 1 GL4111U1U& > la.. llU WGVGI, dU~GJJ1lWII CU 1fJJ O ra-a (U G -A.., UU W QUL1=lUG1 GU L1lG lllUitL Taatm-...l . ,A14.m...P...-.&. JJ1GVIC+G VUlLCZ&2 1GLG1G11UG3 -.&-&.& and .Zener diodes are used to produce reference voltages for many laboratory and field voltage measurement devices. There are also a few photoekctrochemical cells with possible application in solar energy conversio~ such as the Gratzel cell, TiOz(s)l adsorbed RU2+dye I ~, 1- (non-aq soln)lC where the cell emf is produced by absorption of visible light. The emf of a cell can also be used as an indicator of chemical composition. Devices which depend on the measurement of an open circuit-cell potential work well when the device is sensitive to a single analyte but are notoriously sensitive to interferences (a familiar example is the ‘alkdlne error’ which occurs when glass electrodes are used to measure very high pH values). For complex systems containing several species which can undergo electrochemical reactio~ individual E values can be determined using electroanalytical techniques which involve controlling the potential applied to a cell with measurement of the resultant current. Techniques such as polarography and cyclic voltammetry,for example, involve changing the potential of an indicator electrode and observing a wave or peak in the current at the redox potential of the 9 ) . species in solutiors the height of the wave or peak indicates the concentration of the redox species present in the solution. {see ELECTROCHEMISTRY; ELECTROCHEMICAL ANALYSIS; BATTERY, FUEL CELLS} Cell voltages TECHNIQUES; POLAROGRAPHIC . when current passes. E=fl values, which are thermodynamic quantities, do not give any tiormation about the lkinetics of the eiectrode reactions. ‘W-hencurrent passes t“mough a ceii, the cd voitage (i.e., the sum of nn~. ALUIG ru a ceil L-A....-d... 4-—: -..1.1 ..;11 x=-. C-UGLWCGII UIC LGIIIUIIaJa)WUI UIIAGI UUIII (LI fjJM~on Of MU desitm) and because -.-.=., —----- —-- A... ..-c LIE GIIIA the ---- kinetics -—------- k- . . . . . . -t .-.:.4 :..- 1----ucvmmc UI IGSISLIVGIUSQ nf -- the ---- ektrnde ------- --- ramtimm ---------- ..24.L:- .L- WI IbUUI cm are mnt —.---- fast -—. enough to sustain thermodynamic (Nemstian) behavior at high rates of reaction (these kinetics are very dependent on temperature and the nature of the electrode material). When a cell is discharged through an external load, the cell voltage will be less than the efi, if the direction of current flow is reversed (using an external power supply) the cell voltage will be greater than the emf In both cases, the greater the current, the greater the deviation of the cell voltage from the emii “msome cases the eiectrode reactions are so siow that even the open-circuit ceil voltage may not be a reliable measure of the emf For example, a cell comprising the two half cells, 2H+(aq) + 2e- * H2(g) and Oz(g) + 4H+(aq) + 4e- @ 2HZ0, both under standard conditions, has a cell emf of 1.223V at 25 C (see Table 1). A highly sophisticated version of this cell, the hydrogerdoxygen fiel cell, is designed to minimize internal cell resistance and has electrodes tailored to maximize the rates of the electrode reactions; nevertheless, the voltage under load is usually less than 0.8 V with most of the voltage loss occurring at the oxygen electrode. When an external power supply is used to electrolyte water the cell voltage required to produce H2 and Oz at a reasonable rate is ~ 1.6 V and this again depends critically on the cell design and the choice of electrodes. 10 6 . # Mary D. Archer and Stephen W. Feldberg Acknowledgment. SW thanks the U.S. Department of Energy, Contract No. DE-AC02- 98CH10886, for support during the preparation of this article. D. R. Crow, Principles Bibliography. R Denaro, Elemen@y Electrochemistry, and Application of E!ectrochemis~, 4th Edition; A. 2nd cd.; D. J. G. Ives and G. J. J- Reference Electroa%s: Zheory and Practice, W. J. Moore, Physicul Chemistry 5th lMition; J. KogI@ IonSelective E1ectroa2s. Table 1 Selected Standard Electrode Potentials at 25 C Electrode Electrode reaction E“tv Li+lLi Zn2+lZn H21H+lPt Li+(aq) + e- * Li(s) –3.045 -0.763 0 0.246 0.222 0.337 0.69 Zn2+(aq) + 2e- * Zn(s) 2H@q) + 2e- * H, (g) Hg2C12(s)+ 2e- @ 2Hg(s) + 2CI- (sat. KC1) AgCl(s) + e- @ Ag(s) + Cl- (a@ Cl- lHgzC121Hg Cl- lAgCllAg CU2+ICU Fe(CN)~ -, Fe(CN)~ - lPt O,p-rp Cu2+(aq) + 2e- @ Cu(s) Fe(CN)~ - (a@ + e- @ Fe(CN)~ - (a@ Oz(g) + 4H+(aq) + 4e- @ 2H20 F2(g) + 2H+ + 2e- @ 2HF(aq) FZIF 1.223 3.06 {For more complete Tables see: Standhrd Electroak Potentials in Aqueous Solution, ed. A J Bard, R. Parsons and J. Jordtq Electro& Potentials, Encylcopedia Marcel Dekker Inc., New York 1985; Tables of Stan&rd G. Milazzo and S. Caroli, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1978; Z?ze of Chemical Electrode Potentials, Press, New York 1982. } 11 M. S. Antelmam and F. J. Harris, Plenum - Copper ) Ieods Clq ZnS04 Im lm .-.. L ..d Figure 1: The Daniell cell (reproduced from W. J. Moore, P@sica2 Chemistry, 5’”Edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1972; p. 524) - ~m$%.%<~~f 12