CASE STUDY: INI POWER INI POWER had been in business for a couple of years and realized the need for a strong identity to PRODUCT IDENTITY INI Power’s flagship product is it’s Trinity generator series. Metro worked with INI to create the Power Forward tagline, a product-focused microsite, sales sheets, trade show exhibit, and video to succesfully take the product to market. carve their place in their market. Metro created their logo and identity and initial website, then created the identity for the flagship Trinity product line. WEB SITE The Trinity System micro-site showcased product videos, sales sheets and case studies. TRADE SHOW EXHIBIT The Trinity System’s initial roll out came at the industry’s main trade show. Metro helped design and produce the booth, making it look like a military camp. LOGO / IDENTITY: INI POWER INI Power provides state-of-the-art power solutions to military, municipalities and first responders. The logo we created communicates technology as well as stability through icon, color and type. The show organizers told INI 2 days before the sho w that they could not have the live demonstration that wa s the center of their show str ategy. We were able to shoot and create the demo video in time for it to play at their booth. VIDEO Metro combined video, still shots and animated graphics to create a video that demonstrated the benefits of this new technology. INI POWER INtROducEs thE tRINIty™ sERIEs Of AltERNAtIvE ENERgy hybRId PROducts fOR MIlItARy ANd Off-gRId APPlIcAtIONs. INtEllIgENt, tActIcAl ANd cONvENIENt squAd lEvEl POWER fOR tIER 1 ANd tIER 2 ENvIRONMENts tO suPPORt MIlItARy fORWARd OPERAtINg bAsEs (fOb) ANd ExPEdItIONARy MIssIONs. GENERATE tM IG2000-IC | IntelliGEN fleX fuel| generAtor | rugged Ac/dc field poWer PG1200-IC FLEX FUEL GENERATOR RUGGED FIELD POWER WEB SITE The initial INI site was built on the joomla CMS, using interesting crops of power photos to draw visitors into the site. BENEFITS APPlIcAtIONs o Uses multiple fuel types (gasoline, propane, methanol, isopropanol, • fIEld bAttERy chARgERs • cOMMuNIcAtIONs diesel) •oElEctRIc vEhIclE chARgINg • REMOtE lIghtINg Lightweight, “Single Man-Portable” •oONProvides bOARd APu fOR MIlItARy vEhIclEs • uAv OR RObOts power where AC power is not available PowersANd standard field chargers, radios, laptops etc •oPOtAblE hOt WAtER* • hEAt* FEATURES fEAtuREs o Flex Fuel oPlug-in Cancompatible use harvested fuel inSystems™ theater or stand-alone (2000W) with Trinity oFlexImmediate functionality Fuel (see fuels page) on startup. No waiting. o Quiet Indoor/Outdoor Operation o Auto turn down when load is low use harvested in theater oCanTwo AC outputfuel jacks functionality startup. No waiting. oImmediate Compatible with INIon Trinity System Quiet APPLICATIONS Auto turn down when load is low o Power field chargers AC output jacks oTwoLighting compatible with INI Trinity™ System oPlug-in Laptops o2,000 Radios hour rated lifetime low maintenance Tuneable for high elevation Hot-swappable fuel tanks bENEfIts UsesPart multiple fuel types (gasoline, INI-TS-PG1200-IC propane, methanol, isopropanol, diesel*) Number Power “Single Man-Portable”Peak: 2000W Lightweight, Nominal: 1200W Provides power where AC power is not available Turn Down: 600W Powers standard fieldVoltage chargers, radios, laptops, etc.16.7A, 60Hz System Output Output: 110VAC, 12VDC, 10A Continuous power rain or shine Dry Weight Noise sPEcIfIcAtIONs >-20°C and < 60°C INI-TS-IG2000-IC Power Peak: 2000W 79cc1200W Nominal: TurnOHV Down:MZ50, 600W air cooled, 4 stroke, single cyclinder Storage Temp Displacement Engine Starter System System Output Voltage Output Power Connectors Dry Weight Internal tank Noise Fuel System Operating Temp Storage Temp Dimensions Displacement Color Engine Exterior/Housing 44 lb12V?????? (20 kg) 1.1 gal 47-56 dBA at 7m Integrated tank for liquid fuels Quick connect for compressed fuels >-20°C and < 60°C >-40°C and < external 80°C Optional tank 79cc19.3" x 11.0" x 17.9" Desert Tan OHVRuggedized MZ50, air cooled, 4 stroke, single cyclinder case Pre-packaged compressed fuel adapter kit Recoil Output Power Connectors NEMA5-15 (2 of) INI-TS-SC2000-AC Smart Cable 12VNoise (8A) suppression and exhaust kit Internal tank >-40°C and < 80°C Recoil Output: 110VAC, 16.7A, 60Hz NEMA5-15 (2 of) 12VDC, 10A Accessories Starter System Fuel System * Version 2.0 44 lb (20 kg) 51.5-61dBA Part No Operating Temp Bulk compressed fuel adapter kit 1.1 gal Integrated tank for liquid fuels Quick connect for compressed fuels Optional external tank Dimensions 19.3” x 11.0” x 17.9” Color Desert Tan Exterior/Housing Accessories Ruggedized case Pre-packaged compressed fuel adapter kit Bulk compressed fuel adapter kit Noise suppression and exhaust kit Flex Fuel oil Extension Cord 20 lb. transparent propane tank INTELLIGENT. TACTICAL. CONVENIENT. BROCHURE & SALES SHEETS The main selling point of the Trinity System was the technology and specifications of the generators. Metro designed the sheets to present the technical data in an easy to read layout, handled the photography to bring the products to life, and printed short-run, high quality pieces that made an impact on the potential customers.