A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T 1 1 To Tyrone Fairburn Interstate 85 Loring Ln kerise Tra Smo ce a oint Emerald Ct tige P Pres 1815 l rnhil r D on 184 6 gt in on St bH Lexington Cir Gre Middleton Dr Southern Trace Ct 1608 ll Hi Trail i ng Co l lier sto w Ct Hidden Creek Ln White Oak Trail om itc s ag Sh ak er agnu St M ers Sonnet Ct y e k k y Cir br Ln tr b Gra ylog Ln 12 48 12 zer Rd te ga ar M pe Co en md 926 Jennings Yard Ct e ad oc Br mm Lnel Lo 22 3 t Oak Crescen ne erla Tam Pl tingt on Hun e on st n ve r G y Ho l Rd dg e Tr is d Peeples Lake 122 Wilshire Estates The Broadlands Rising Star Middle Fayette Co. Animal Shelter Starrs Mill High School 17 Peeple's Elementary Recycling Center Rd ay aw Ro ck reek Flat C To GA Hwy 85 Brooks Senoia Jim Meade Memorial Park Golf Courses 1 23 Hwy 74 S as ine R n Rd Redw n Fountai Glen Ct 11 7 rO Holly Springs Dr Lavende 110 ark Ri ing ipp Sk k Ln c Ro e Sh a Te le r 235 ine dw dP 104 Re Brew Path ster sa Ro 4 Be Ironwood Be os e 126Ln b lla Pa d or df nt Ke 34 rk e on Pl 32 ac 0 Wa y on W elt Way ley Hen A Pashton rk de A Ct rca Dr Ke n sin g to n 317 Ca Po llag int ha W ea 4 32 316 Oakdale Ave th er oo A st e r 16 ftw Br o Ln ton 9 Kra r 227 10 Ci ark er dP op oo Ct Heartwood Co 15 234 dw Way 0 34 ge Agate Ed Sugar Mill Rid ge 405 nW ay Evia W ay lls Hi n lio al or M Ct 503 G Saill ns yle Ma Pt Bo Dr ry lga Mar bl e Grecken Green wood C ir At le rks okm St an 61 1 Way Berw ick South Ber wic k Nor th Turnberry nW ay rea And ville L Shaw 311 r ne e Su Trasilsex 602 at Way tage Heri Sum The R etre idge ke en R roo Hav rn rB me Br mm oo e ke r V Onillage The Gre en Rd Ba 352 k 6 d Re in Ra rop D Longwood Ln 120 e Ln or lm Su M Sa ute un R w ea do al Pr e ar Ebene rd Ct ise mR Bur nha Bo 0 92 Ri se Do 3 91 fo er W at k an rB oo wm 906 ve un Chestnut Field Ca Sawmill Trace Dr own Sand n Ca Southwind Reach wn Sh Ct ady la Pl er ce an Pl Oak Newel il R ua Q 947 708 Dr rk Pa ge Vi lla 30 3 Ln Tre e rry rP 231 ne Pl n rd e rve es Pr Natchez Ct 22 5 22 nR rP 105 Dr me lace C xg lo v e t Fo South 74 Baseball/Soccer Complex Line Creek Foreston Place Sum Rd Grand Prari Chase res Fo Pl Wilshire Estates The Landings 112 Ho l l y de sca ok Ca verlo O rov L Holly G e dg Br i Twin e n o 9 so 1 od 10 Aster Ridge Tr ok Ln Dr 102 dw ood Ct wo d Rd bin n Re er oo Wilshire Pavillio Fire Stations de R Paerdwoo k d d pp tw 07 Lin R ve Pe r Am d Ln rk Yo te Ga n Ke R on o G ro n 22 d R Orleans Tr Ashton Park th xt H The Rubicon lly ki ine Ro Pa Rubicon Rd us dw 233 3 322 R C h rc hu l or 35 r Ln Ct Savannah Walk w uth So Ct nD cy Cumberland Ct to les ar Ch lose C le Bedford Park Ke mb La ne le e Oakda bli ga The Preserve Allendal Ln 326 Ga cle 207 Columns Ln ek r n a Kim r me Rd n Pi Place 204 r re Ci t l C er 14 Re 1 17 19 n Ln Kimmeridge Richey Kenton Place Wilshire Estates The Enclave 1234 ek t arto ick C Dumb Le The Colonnade 323 Ln 18 Cre Pe m be rt Ct Poin ol Kn Heather r ge T r Rid Aste Shady 113 Creek Paved Path 224 mp The Oaks on ing gew Ca Sterl n Sed 210 331 Merrywood Ln Ln 220 Peachtree Pkwy Knollwood Ct Yarborough Dr dale d Vardon Way ade D Pleasance Grove at Fl op PRIVATE PATH Timberlake Residents Only R Beoss nd lyn Colon Glen Du Co lo Pl Way Ivey nR Dr e inso n n er tV 13 222 Waterford Green S r rac re T Rob lco eS 504 mo 1 Fa c Tra e Che P Ct erm nto Pi Pt Bay Fur lo Rea ng ch Planceer Pl 816 815 Va ll ey Vie w 901 Braelinn Ct oo Pt Ridge Spur Colt Way 1205 Ct lly Ho Loxle R i t fi eld Wh En d Journeys Harris Halt Shadowood Ln ill H M C os t s Fo x Fa ll 806 4 ce r tD l t M cI 81 1 49 r try En s en ev St oo erf Sc 1224 M ar t in Lake st Dr Fore ck Lu rs he Fis 80 902 r eD d D Ct riftwo o s k H stb lt roo Ea ter Hun Hamil on att y cht ree Pkw S Pea Pt Lake esid Lak Be w H 57 12 30 12 le Rd esda Clyd un ks R Ban d oc k T ra ad il Morgans Turn 1228 29 12 r eD esid Lak 1104 nd 54 01 18 Rid ge Sa nd tra p W ay a 1102 9 80 a wn l os Dr do ll C get se ha Wid Ro ite Bilt r Rosedown Trace N Wh M on T Has ki Dr i d ge Chadwick rove rR t z pa To Tr Timber Lake Huntington Place ott Endice Ridg h Fe l Crescent Oak n Rd nce G r 501 g ional D k nt Ct ssin Internat ee Sturdiva Cro Dr Ln Cr il Tra 20 Braelin Pleasa be t Pa 16 City Limits ore p end FieldTurf thm m nB pe Stra Ca inso y Ln 329 a sp an P 314 Matt 4 owa au 7 ate 40 Ch The bleu Burgess P o in t y7 9 8 ntain 332 Hw Call d Fou Tamerlane st t ngton lmi We Ct Braelinn Golf Club Evian th C 50 n 12 3 kwy n ea ra 21 rto Ar er nR ma ngton Way re Si Dr eP Dr d Ta Whitti 2 atu ay on W Ct htre te L Pl Ea Monticel 406 ay eld W 32 c kN ti Avia de t ne Muirfi Am rka nC eac inso SP rpla ra lling Braelinn Elementary School Rob Pl ppe outh 505 06 Be or Pi Calgary Place Co Village w Vie on the GreenClub r s t Dr Muirfield ond 5 Korinna Ct 402 k Side eh ur s t Alley hu am Dartm Cax i r k 612 The Marks South Gar Rd Pa r Pl C eW est Law e lac 507ton Ct idg arks The M North e hP k ar v ur Way out Oak Kennerly The Estates rtm Par Dr Da ds Win Way Ct Morallion Hills 15 Windso Woodruff Way ray iera n y 31 sl en W Co r 502 Mur 609 P 310 rton il Tra 4 Crestwood Dr 615 Cl r en 60 614 ouse Rd Pa rey 11 The Summit alls nte rn Malfe Pointe A u g us ta D Pt Robinson Bend Estates r ipt F h Cypress n Dr int 6 Scr Mo po lk Wa ut nD Braelinn Recreation Complex r th Riv So 5 mit ive Wa y Rd zer Rob ow 93 Sum Dr 7 ene ace sst Eb t rs No Wa y Poin te ron 603 607 ood Dr ay ide wn mer Poin t lay B on eks Cro Sum ee Cr Falcon Field Airport ree ha Oak Grove Elementary School 714 Log H 6 60 Master's Square t Fla eC 601 er o Ct E ch Lin 712 T Ln imb Cre 508 roo kw as 93 92 Cro lum un t ce 9 24 707 ay W sters Dr ive Ma e Tiv or n s yP R oin Cabin Gate n M Dr Vi ct hL Cherry Hollow w C Ct ha s rd r re eig Gra do dP wlark Tr Pt Rockspray Timberlay t o nc Ri t C G atl 940 v Sage Blue ea Croft's C orn er on he Kell en e ros Prim th y Ridge no pt Ci m M Fairways 306 Ha nC Tr a 923 an S 334 4S nd md Pa Pale Ivy no han try 946 9 29 den 9 22 ur eC for ew Vi Ha Deergrass Trail Sh Balmoral Chase es Jennings Yard C 927 n v in pe Gra ad Robinson Rd 928 Lan y Bradford Estates Meado Pr os Lex 06 18 Wh Flat Creek Pi t e ec Pin Wi l d R ll ha sc Pa d ll R ha sc 1001 1840 1819 Ct Majestic Ct 18 20 nt Ct Tolmou Tr il Re lium ac h Dr Perthshire r Ci e lak rth No llo wb e n d Rd 1130 Dr low Cr ee k 7 11 4 Br ne ea Co ne k Ar ge Ri d Pine 11 14 or bo rs 03 15 Gate k Co b e G le rc Ci Embassy Samiel Pt t ve cla En The n e dfie ld Ct Ap S p Ct lesee pring rid d ge Ct Ar row he ad Ct Wo o at Tho nd La s in rk La Trail Cha Dr er ng Lo C Bro ok D-Bob Industrial Pa y Wa C W elad ay on d od C Ct armin e nR Tiger Way Mo W ntav ay ill Loring Ln Ln in g ow sR ttan Brand 15S3poone 3 r Ridge 2 Ct e erc mm Co Ct ce Bl vd Marketpl Ct n lto t Fu Loring 2 163 ro v ttag eG Co et ck Pi e latin er Pa Su nga te Ct Dr 153 M el l Pa od ill st H Ea Sti Oakllwater s pts ov e Sutt o n' sC L ing a l hil rk Bi Pa ss C re Stonea c Em erl d S hi r e w oo 1902 Yard bury Preston Chase Dr Rd ss c Ct 1823 World Dr wy Pk an ow lC oe /J 4N y7 Hw Rd 1647 1619 te r Cu den rv e Te n Adell Ct 1520 Lan ter n Vie w ga Sa Dan Dr ms Honeysuckle Ln n l St .A 's ns sta ill d Ln Shallowfor 1835 Farmington Dr Ln re mo igh rk a Pa San tolin wg ate Ne 2102 th Pa n to de lve Br Be 2117 Leisure Trail Abrell Woods Ct Win no ck Pt Ln re V Country Downs Ln wood Grove Brookgrove Ln ac P ark Sa r an un Dr Line Creek Dr en so wo w Balmoral Village y7 de W Chestnut Field ill r cT Pk Bush Clover d Way 702 tw t bin ge ail n Tr ara e P s re kC Ro d We ero Ta p Tapestry v atleigh Cur e Whe 914 Tam p ra Rocks ick Ct Station 83 Ct nd tla Shetland Cir he Sh S 33 et lan 6 d Ln rry Camp Creek av rC Dr re ick ee Br yW ay Treillage 1 Hw 14 vi kh yo nd na Hampton Corners Di oo La vela sh vd ce tti La ate G ht k ee Cr K ac at r TD Bl Pe L ick n stw Fl eD Dr Gro us ark h 1 Rockspray Pond r ho hp 70 Ci ub S out 92 9 305 Cl Planterra Ridge Golf Club Kinru Ct S 34 Ave er eL Treillag y 03 Wa rin Braelinn Cla Creek Path stw Cr 10 Bradfor Burnham Woods ick Brookfield Glen Carin 7 Pre Village Park 13 r kD n Park C Ln ranb e e re e ld ns y Wa ow ad Sh ok g bro on ks oo Br ay W c Ro kC ll rhi ke tio 01 4 n The Terraces a y St e on rm ge Ha illa V 30 App lega te Ln ur W c Wi Newfi Du Cam idge Mull re Dr Howard Morgan Wetlands & Nature Observatory nt R Rock ht Dr Sawtan Rim i r n elin Bra k Ct e Cre 302 asa Co Terrace Tay Dr Sun Ct rise 909 Wedgewood ill erh Ev ran Ct mp Sawleaf Ln in t Camp Creek Estates T Braelinn Ponds Ct Ca on 912 d 908 ge Trail l Dove Pt ac nd e Pl n C oo K rt Peachtree Walk Pe ide Exchang 3 ow n t Creek Camp ar Cl r D 2 Div 1327 o Cr t ss ro ow ew Everhill ter 80 C t ss dg 916 a rw ea Cl ove C ge y W t 12 0 1 rc Crosstown Rid tt arre Phe Ci Braelinn Green te C nd ub 803 lC 919 e eld re efi ht r dg ac b Ri gefield D d Pe Clue Ri l Cl en dga Be e re e rbe Sandown Creek Dr n lin ae n Br ree G Rd ne Shannon Run re yG W ay M t ht Ct n g Rid od Wo Ir G is le n 5 Lil d en Gl ac n lin ae ts Br our C 80 al e 9 d Trail sh cInto eP Pe f Fr Rec Admin ed Building Am eric William Davis ph k B ith ro BMX Track ea w n te , J r r Fe hac Pe ee tr lub C r D Lea Park 1 rd mn af Center GreenDog Wa y Win to lad 905 f ex W Autu C n o He 13 nte Ma Ct G Lake Forest Glen son ks nb 903 gate R Smithfield Corner Sawmill Trace at h 904 Ct Rid G ri e uth y Wa ee ee nd eP Warmston ree Robin e Avalon Park Dr Groveland Co Perch Pt rG 11 12 McIntosh Corner e ent Wind 15 12 Hill 823 Ct le ood n dg air 1254 erw ee Ri tcl Royal Highlands 12 tree Shadowood Cr gr t Ct Be 1245 Palamino Path 0 gh Rain B en d 8 Br Loft 2 12 Lancers in ta un Fo ad He a le Silv 2 alk ng W .D Spri ntre e ane nd 00 Rid Rai er on e w flo aw Str h t a Grove P n Police Department ide Timber it Tu r Pennfair Dr M Raintree East ton ths ar He ach Nightwind Ct Belle ath ree Ter lip T Tu er Ct Windgate Forest Fernw ood Fern Va 822 Div 10 en Parsons Place r Ter son Crim y Wa ok Br e Whitfield Do u 1206 r Ct Re we flo rn Co ur isp Gr ard Le lba Wildwood ta Vis rk Wa y od sp Tra c 02 ne mi First Leaf Tr Flat Creek Nature Area t um Pa B wo ny a il 0 Clover Reach Park Briarwood Ct r Silve Spur Huddleston Pond Hi af Cata St n h os 80 820 t bell C Ct orn sC Blue ium Ac res B Saltlick Trace Fountain Head Park Le Rd Cyp rk Wh Whitfield Farms Doubletrace Ln th La Shakerag Knoll t Garth il Tra rey 4 12 Spincas e m er nu t L n B u tt tgu en oxw C ood Ge ldin g Flyrod Ct ill eg Blu ce a Tr ng ee t rass Trace un Fetlock Meadows Luck Fishers ill Lo Sw kC ak Blueg 31 812 Huddleston Elementary School n d Oa dbre p tR 31 11 er Rd 12 La L oo t ke lC oc od L e wo La k pP ure art Win Glenloch Recreation e Dr P Harbor Loop The Gathering Place Wysteria Ct oo Path se ga c Tra Hi La Ch 2 ectr n bH Ketch Ct r dm 130 w Sp 12 ro Dr 120 s Ja Wa y Dr Ca 1303 r lly D 1 Clover Reach b dle Sa d th Glenloch Soccer Fields Spear Rd ge 1242 Pa Wa cers lk w ark Fishers Bank 81 ie Ro io P Drif Bay View rv lepa ry ea Little Creek 7 Dr 1243 w oble tV i ew Woodland n Ju m Cl Bridlepa Lanyard tte ard R li G Vieidge Tivo Sur iff yD a ale 133 K 7 Rd coach Robinson Woods Estates Bentwood Ct Way sid Pre Pe Forest tro s En lP try t t Overlook Sk kor 4 V ar Hunters Glen ide Dr ery en a n Grde R ss Hic 130 ian re lly G Ropers Path Ne r e m r 12 11 ood Ln tw rD dg id Vir Ci D Bowfin Bay 80 Stage Fo res Stevens ev s n Va Pt da Ri Ke 1 130 y 8 114 Be nd Cove Rd Sweetwater O aks Dr l Bridlepath od 1109 Lake Forest Cove y ell tro Brid k es Sweetwater Oaks Dr ne ie kl Tim ber Wa lk J.C. Booth Middle School W at er wo 1101 ir n end ood Ba rk Pa Ke La No nd ra Henna Pl an Spyglass Hill Lake Peachtree so Colony nC t so Kn ey Batt Ce d a r Po e Carriage Ln Peachtree bin t in un sR l ol r Ct lolly 6 Red dB t eP 11 11 Ci d r pe woo Pin Battery Way Boat Docks lly sR Ro Ct Wa ter n Pi Pinecrest Boat Ramp blo ank bin D G 1838 Lake Forest Lo im Roan 18 11 Dr Willow Creek lt B Wa Hyde Park Ro w Station82 La Az ct Pe St ay ns Lake Peachtree Lob 04 way e re Lakeside Dr 54 02 ns Gree 1103 Dr 18 Ct s Landaulet Ct 8 Pr 23 r 182 12 t Worth Ct William sC 1123 All Children's Playground Lexington Park Finance Ave McIntosh High School Gateway Pt St 57 19 11 W ay C ir ton 32 03 n co Way ive City Hall & Library y Wa Southern Hancock Ln Trace wy ea 132 16 n rnor's Gove xington at Le Row ge 4 112 Stonewood Dr Lexington Village 1827 Ed 81 r Te Planterra Ridge Dr Parkway Estates d en pP Dr Elm okw Bro h r at Edgewater te P a w At ark Edge wa t er P 05 Teal Vista ay Stevens Entry B ree Ct T cure ttle r gelake D i Ce n io at St Trac e 11 rkw 10 Pk ee od tum p illto o stw Po n r Tu e Pa t 1404 wy 12 Centennial Crossing Pk Ed agle P Independence Ln Mt Vernon Freedom Way Ln e 5 Parkcrest Blvd re Maple Grove Terrace Gables Court den Gar Gate s nd hl 7 111 1116 de um l 13 Wellborn Rd Marlbrook Ln ate Madison Ave 1406 g Ridge erg les Ol Hig aires Pebblepocket Park H tr ch nt Lake W b eb a N e ir vi tin l Ve Pa ht Gateway Dr top Hill Rd 1306 aP Sumner Place Ct e The Highlands 1 170 To Fayetteville GA Hwy 85 Riverdale Morrow gs Ct d 08 t Pe N 17 emo Rosemont Smokerise Crossing 4 Glene eG reen Auburn Ct t oin ac Eastwind Estates ath Ros n in Interlochen Dr He us 18 03 06 Di 13 Pe nks R Lakewood 09 Co rn wa ll B ri d g North Peachtree Estates 16 Rid 6 P h Flat Creek Golf Club Sumner Rd r h r Greers Mountain Central Park sL D loc D en n d 4 n Spring k er 44 Hidde ar Int nt 18 1843 s Ln Vanderwall m 2 11 r F ek R lat Cre d ce d 170 Ridgelake Hip Pocket R e 07 t r 9 112 dg White Spring 11 er kC Ridgelake C ve Do l P Villag Peachtree Villas ac Smokerise Poi 1818 Tuxedo Ln 18 at W il ee 1137 y) en D 02 1643 rk Ri 18 Ln Pa ay rd Re e Ct Grayston Clear Ln Springs ach t r e e P k w y r Ashley Way N Pe r irw hfo ra rT Pt er e et ll D Fa As ve r tC r ve Do are u Sq kw S 28 ton re 01 gy es St y Pl Dr 16 1538 16 on llo sD rea 16 Sq Fla Rd st ta ng Smokerise Estates White Sprin Say Ct brook Interlochen r Ar dg rk er all Ta n 's 74 Ri Pa ll sti Loyd Rd StoneyBrook Plantation Dr gsp Dr ew y Ct l ir Hi nt 16 Dr Do 13 le r iew Ga t Dr eho l Hil fa on ou lfv Fire Fly Ct Hil rth l Te Dr Win em Go Asp 17 1809 Kedron Boat Launch Ha ed 6 Ln Pt Pin a ton No ll st ds G Stratf ord C lla Vi ov a Tinsley Mill b Ar Willow 13 ul il Beav er es Ct Chambray Hill pe in Melrose Ct Ct e Dr 37 4 yF 27 Twiggs 11 Corner ir dd ree en ra nr 18 Ln Re d Cir nt D d kR re Te r Hu ck G in ne Ln view dr 15 y5 o (Fl P arr er ta ra tte W ay m Te ra eT 01 le rra W 9 60 St. Andrews Square la r th ov te tC 1536 Cl k Te r an ok 15 No Cl 1312 ee Pt Dr C ns Country Club Ct u sp ke ity Co r rthla an Fla St An No n Pl Chalk Ct Cr n Dr Rd 1511 nL Pa Pl 05 Pl Retreat 1323 Terra Verte ne rdee ate Ct Ct c tor Tennis Center Dr 04 1 n mou The Coventry Hw C ni Country Club Courts eg ne nk 09 ne Planterra Way 1314 Li k 181 int N Golfview wy ter D Westpark Ct 07 Ln Rolling Green Oak 4N ir ree Pin sto lba 15 n Co Ci t yC ore ur ge Golf Abe Chip De Wisdom Cir e ac 19 Line Creek Cir Crown Ct 10 15 erce Dr 1330 Sh Ashford Park t 14 y7 ern Ln Pine Ct gate ge ermita Clois 45 s ton Walt Ba Flintlock Ct Ct Field ey 15 Hw a Hwy 54 Vermillio L F i el o n ds t 1506 Hw gG e Po Sm od ill R 15 15 Comm alin ali e r R id Parkgate P iley pl r 1418 Line Creek Pond ead b H ng ing ue wo hH M kD 1605 sH tman Westpark Dr Kings Ct Line Creek Nature Area 15 ki Pe Ln te kga Par r ar ke nd nd uth 16 e Peachtree City Elementary S Tratillwate ce r oo dd Bl ble lra e ton bles Cob reek C lestone Dr 49 Br He eD rric Wi Aberdeen Pkwy 15 Camden Apartments Me t Stillwater Cedarcroft Windalier Ridge llin Ro Pine 02 1627 Am Me 15 erc Merrick Dr r Pu keris Mickleton Lake Kedron Run ill mm wD i dg Swanson R Doe Run Wisdom Woods Co nvie 's Way Smo Ha rt C So Smoke Trail kH Preston Chase le d Sou the rn S Pali hor sad e es Sa ue ec Rd 13 y Rd ver ch Ct dom 15 Gle Rd s Tin The Point on Lake Kedron re Fo Bl dl ea f C t Roun rry ove General Hardee Square lR Passage Pt 1614 s o ogw ua 3 Smokey Way il yM The Peninsula ekbed Ct Cre Dr Dr D Ct rry Sq Ct Crossbow Ct s am Ad ls l Fa Be t Gr Preston Cir 1409 Wynn's Pond abe en Bea Ct Chase Cir y Abbe t ak nd Ln ne in Ch Wis ge C stle nO Sq orn 1626 12 Langdon to a nor brid kw Ca y ve Riley Field Ril 12 kM Oa Ct en Hot ll C P kw ba rn nm ea de ff P Se Pinegate Wa lnu ield 15 Du am Evesh Blackbu Wyn ps am Rd ac 15 t lle Way Panston Dr e 26 ts Ne w por t D r Ct A rc be Dr Glisten View nW ay 1534 e ng Lo Minton ore 16 T Ca 17 ch Bostonian Terrace ill sm od Wo Revolution Dr W o Wisd e oo ds m i ll A n Tur er airf t Sh Be ra il r ner Spoo e Ridg Hill Dr w r Rd ield ern eld o Mead Ct tr D ess M te 15 SF dge Dr ade nme Wyn To Sharpsburg Newnan Interstate 85 c mA 1402 To w ga airf Rd ide C rD irfi y American Walk Celebration Way Cir l d dow R For ne NF Fairfield d Ever ale tion y Pkw rk P Independence Ln Anthem Ave tu eade Pa nor s F or d Sherrell Birch Falls l eP on Ct rst Ba ford Ox r rk 2 Fa Centennial Dr Centennial Dr s Ri King 8 Blue Sky Ct Wonderland Rd n Ce nm Wyn Mea 2 15 Melrah a Ben L Way Star Spangled Ln r Bridgewate Dr ce Ln rth li r eD n Ridg Rd Alice Ct n Pi S m ag 1 field D West Ma stitu k sw o ir D Park Pl eC Fra nk N Fair Av alo ke mo Tr ck Ct rov ad M uth B lu e S nd wi Christina ee eG Ch P rth No Con Pin Richmond Cir 1525 te ga Ln ine olia Alderly Ln Rd n Pkwy ille Dr Ashev Centennial Declaration Dr Cr ho t Northmeade Dr ne Nic C las g e Pt Whitlock Pl Legacy Dr Li n Ct So Bellenden Dr Shirewood Park Larkin's Landing alk ew or Sh Be uth Walnut Grove le n en 14 North Hill Ln Bellenden East Kedron Pond Capstone se il Bridgewater dron Dr rt s Ct rru Ci rry le da yT ra eg rise T race 18 2 Multi-Use Path & Street Map 2009 Smokerise Ct Park R Smoke e North Cove Ne w p o 15 be d oo hw Dr rra Stoneacre ron Rd Tabe ne ec Ke 152 Presidential Place 7 ll L o Amelia Ln Chadsworth at Ashton Reserve rri Kn ge Vie w Mellington Ln Ba So sda / Joel Cowa Me wl Br id Honeysuckle Ridge gle P The Heritage ou on a t Vin ta an West Kedron Pond Ca Ct Emerling Grove ents Au Wa rora y 25 16 e Ln 16 hth t na P ll Ta n a Blueberry Hill es 16 16 Lig acre C Ct La m be Ver ay ey W id Bracken Edge Lilac Path 23 ac Dr 4 1639Coronado Dr st ni Co t C 1618 Pla C o r ri g Sweetbriar St Denham Square 16 Fielding ve r Ridge u Dr Wintn Santolina Park Be od Wo Hwy 74 N 6 ng e Mellington Lenox Rd Primrose School ldi idg Stone Kedron ton Pass Lexing 9 Fie Kedron Elementary School 5 McWillia Sutton's Cove R Reg po r The Retreat at Kedron Village Future Development St. 20 e Ne w L nD rk nd 16 n Pa Ln bury Han on's arle Sim St. lberm arle Ln A e m Cov e Albe rtl Simons Tu y Dr a B Cove Ct 21 dro n is Kedron Fieldhouse & Aquatic Center urt Ke h ras ia Georg 16 more sB Georgian Club Harco Hyacint La 2108 2101 Rd Saga 2113 Wa y sla aI oia 4 on 163 Cottage Grove Se Sen en dere P enlee kwy n Ln a el l nd B e G elv e Ard Pl Astoria Ln Smokerise Plantation 1813 co we Clifto 4 Dr ve rti Chimney Sweep Circle om Cr r D 210 Belvedere Cir re lee lst Ardenlee 1 ew Da Co 1 07 N 163 y Ln 212 21 n 2119 Po The Retreat at Peachtree City 04 n Vi berr nL en 2001 fto Ard n 03 Cli aL 20 20 Saranac wy Bar St. Paul Lutheran School 10 21 Dunell 2005 t Kedron Hills e h Dr Crabapple Lane Elementary Manders h da rleig 2006 NP ea c ht r e Pk n Vera Bria 1834 e 3 2116 2115 Ln llian o Crabapple Woods Station 84 rne 1821 Crabapple Ln Ca Plan to stay Ln ton Cr 1839 Kimzey Ct g din n Landrum Mill Overlook d La Anacappa ay nW Ln erto ingto 1826 Kelv wood Ath Green Euclid Ct Pen Maple Shade nlyn Plac e P 2 Peachtree City 18 Path Number Parks Streets Police Stations Highways Sports Complexes Airport Schools Boat Docks Shopping Centers 19 Hotels 0 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 2 Miles 20 20 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T Peachtree City 770-254-7203 770-460-2736 AUTOMOBILE/LSMV TAG REGISTRATION Fayette County 770-461-3611 L7 E4 E4 N 12 M8 H4 H5 M 10 M 10 J7 E5 E5 D4 N 13 R 15 N 10 M 10 N 10 N 10 J5 K8 P 12 F4 R 14 D4 F6 M 12 M 10 M 10 P 16 M 10 L6 Q 17 H2 N 13 N 13 L 11 N 14 E7 M 13 N 13 N 13 F5 F5 G5 L 15 M9 M 10 K 10 R 17 M9 L4 T Taberon Rd Tadmarton Ct Talmount Ct Tamarac Tr Tamerlane Tamerlane Tangley Tr Tantallon Tapestry Tapestry Trace TDK Blvd Teal Vista Telfair Park Tempest Dr Tennis Center Entrance Tenterden Curve Terra Verte Terrace Tay Terraces, The Terrane Ridge Thornhill Tiger Way Timber Ridge Timber Walk Timberlay Timberlay Ln Tinsley Mill Rd Tinsley Mill Village Tiverton Tr Tivoli Gardens Tolmount Ct Topaz Tr Tower Rd Treillage Treillage Ln F5 O 14 J4 N 11 P 14 P 14 F5 I6 O 11 O 11 J 13 G 11 I4 H4 E9 E5 E 10 M 12 M 11 G 11 J4 F 10 M7 K8 N 13 N 13 I4 I8 N 14 L7 J4 O 15 C8 N 12 N 11 Trillium Reach Tulip Tree Ter Turnberry Way Turnbridge Cir Turtle Bay Tuxedo Ln Twiggs Corner Twin Bridge Ln Important Contacts 770-487-7657 DRIVERS LICENSE INFO State Patrol, Newnan State Patrol, Fayetteville S Saddlebrook Sagamore Sagamore Ln Sage Blue Saltlick Trace Samiel Point Sandalin Ln Sandown Creek Sandown Dr Sandtrap Ridge Santolina Park Santolina Park Saranac Park Sautern Way Savannah Walk Sawleaf Ln Sawmill Trace Sawmill Trace Sawtan Rim Saybrook Ct Scatterfoot Dr Script Falls Sea Island Dr Sedgewick Ct Senoia Rd Seven Oaks Shadowbrook Ct Shadowood Shadowood Ln Shady Creek Ln Shadylawn Ct Shakerag Hill Shale Ter Shallowford Ln Shannon Cir Shannon Ct Shannon Run Shawville Ln Sherrells Ford Shetland Cir Shetland Ct Shetland Ln Shirewood Park Shirewood Park Shorewalk Sierra Dr Silver Spur Silverwood Way Skiff Trace Skipping Rock Ln Smithfield Corner Smokerise Crossing Smokerise Ct I3 Smokerise Estates L4 Smokerise Plantation I3 Smokerise Point J4 Smokerise Trace I 3, K 4 Smokey Way K3 Sonnet Ct J6 Southern Shore G 5, H 5 Southern Shore Dr G5 Southern Trace K6 Southern Trace Ct K6 Southpark Dr I 13 Southwick Ln E5 Southwind Reach M9 Southworth Ct R 15 Spear Rd N7 Spectrum Vista G 12 Spincast Ct K 10 Spooner Ridge F6 Spooner Ridge F6 Spring Walk M8 Springridge Ct G7 Spur Ridge M8 Spyglass Hill K 10 St Simons Cove F4 St. Alban’s Way D8 St. Andrew’s Square H7 St. Andrews Square H7 St. Dunstan’s Ct D8 St. Magnus Ct J5 St. Paul Lutheran School E3 St. Simons Cove F4 Stagecoach Rd M6 Star Spangled Ln C7 Sterling Point R 14 Stevens Entry K 7, 8 Stevens Forest L7 Stillwater F8 Stillwater Oaks F8 Stillwater Trace F8 Stoneacre F4 Stoneacre Ct F4 Stoneacre Curve F4 Stonewood Dr L5 Stoney Brook Plantation K4 Stonington Dr J5 Stratford Ct I7 Strathmore Ln R 11 Strawflower Path L9 Sturdivant Ct Q 12 Sugar Mill Ridge S 14 Summer Brooke O 13 Summer Brooke O 13 Summer Pl R 16 Summer Point N 13 Summit Walk P 12 Summit, The P 12 Sumner Place Ct L5 Sumner Rd L4 Sungate Ct F5 Sunrise Ct L 12 Surrey Tr L8 Sussex Tr Q 13 Sutton’s Cove G4 Sutton’s Cove G4 Swanson Ridge G6 Sweetbriar St E6 Sweetgum Rd I 11 Sweetwater Oaks J 10 Sweetwater Oaks J 10 Other Contacts 770-487-2762 770-487-7657 770-631-2515 R Rain Drop Q 16 Raintree Bend L9 Raintree East M9 Raintree Hill M9 Red Roan Ct L8 Redding Ridge J5 Redwine Rd S 17 Redwood Ct Q 16 Redwood Park R 16 Regents Park G4 Regents Square H4 Retreat at Kedron Village D4 Retreat at Peachtree City G3 Retreat Point G8 Retreat, The O 13 Revolution Dr D8 Richey Pl R 14 Richmond Cir D7 Ridge View L7 Ridgefield L 11 Ridgefield Dr L 11 Ridgelake H8 Ridgelake Cir H8 Ridgelake Dr H8 Ridgestone Ct L3 Riley Field E7 Riley Pkwy G8 Rincon Ct N 13 Riviera Ct O 13 Robinson Bend Estates Q 11 Robinson Bend Tr Q 11 Robinson Ct M6 Robinson Rd M 7, Q 14 Robinson Wood Estates M7 Rock Creek Dr M 12 Rock Mull M 11 Rockaway Rd Q 18 Rockspray N 12 Rockspray Ridge N 12 Rolling Green H6 Rolling Green H6 Ropers Path K7 Rosedown Trace N R 12 Rosedown Trace S R 12 Rosemont J7 Rosemont J7 Rosewood Ct L9 Rosslyn Bend R 14 Roundleaf Ct G6 Rubicon Rd Q 16 Rubicon, The P 16 Ruskin Rd Q 16 City of Peachtree City City Hall 151 Willowbend Road Human Resources Finance Department Purchasing Department Developmental Services 153 Willowbend Road M 11 770-305-5408 770-487-7657 Q Quail Run VOTER REGISTRATION Fayette County Board of Elections City Hall O 12 P 13 770-716-4220 O Oak Grove Elementary Oak Lawn Ct MARRIAGE LICENSES Probate Court S 15 J8 M 12 F3 H4 H4 B7 L9 K 10 H3 H3 I3 I3 K6 E6 H8 G8 B7 770-487-8901 770-487-8901 770-631-2538 770-487-5731 N Natchez Ct Nettlecure Ct Newfield Way Newgate Rd Newport Ct Newport Dr Nicholas Ct Nightwind Ct Nob Hill North Cove North Cove Dr North Hill North Hill North Peachtree Estates North Pinegate Northlake Cir Northlake Dr Northmeade Dr Building Department Code Enforcement Engineering Department Planning Department J2 K9 J 10 K9 L 11 I 10 J9 J8 J9 J9 J 10 J 11 E5 M8 N6 N 11 G5 G4 K 10 K 10 H4 H4 L9 F4 N 11 I 11 Q 17 N9 D7 S 14 Police Department 350 Highway 74 South L Laddington Ln Lake Forest Lake Forest Cove Lake Forest Dr Lake Forest Glen Lake Peachtree Lake Point Lakeaires Lakeside Lakeside Dr Lakewood Lakewood Ln Lamella Ln Lancers Loft Landaulet Ct Landen Point Langdon Ln Lantern View Lanyard Bend Lanyard Loop Larkin’s Landing Larkins Landing Larkspur Turn Las Brasis Ct Lattice Gate Laurel Ct Lavender Oasis Layor Ct Legacy Dr Legacy Ln 770-460-3535 K Kedron Dr E 4, E 6 Kedron Elementary E4 Kedron Fieldhouse E4 Kedron Hills I2 Kedron Village Shopping Ctr G3 Kelly Dr I 11 Kelly Green H 11 Kelvington Way F2 Kemble Ln P 16 Kennerly Way P 13 Kensington Dr P 15 Kenton Pl P 16 Kenton Place Q 15 Kentwood Dr Q 16 Ketch Ct K 10 Kimmer Rd R 14 Kimmeridge R 14 Kimzey Ct H2 Kings Ct D9 Kings Ridge Dr C8 Kinrush Ct N 11 Kirton Turn M 11 Knollwood Ct R 13 Knowles Ct B7 Korinna Ct P 13 Kraftwood Park R 16 SCHOOL REGISTRATION Fayette County Board of Education F 3, N 17 L8 L7 911 770-461-4357 770-487-8866 K 10 O 11 O 11 Emergency Non-emergency Administrative 770-631-7210 J4 N 11 K8 N 14 M 13 G4 L6 K 10 D4 M 12 M8 Q 14 I6 O 12 M9 R 16 J7 N9 P 16 G 11 H5 O 13 E5 G8 I 10 Jasmine Path Jennings Yard Jennings Yard Joel Cowan Pkwy (Hwy 74) Journeys End Jumpers Run P Pacers Walk L7 Paddock Tr K8 Palamino Path M8 Palatine G4 Pale Ivy N 13 Palette Ln E 10 Palisades H5 Panstone Dr F6 Park Ave L 13 Park Leaf K 11 Park Pl E7 Park Side O 13 Parkade Ct N 15 Parkcrest Blvd L5 Parkgate H6 Parkgate Ln H6 Parkway Dr K5 Parkway Estates K5 Parsons Pl L9 Paschall Rd G 10 Passage Point H5 Pat Mell Dr F6 Patina Point F 11 Paxton Ln Q 16 Peachtree City Elementary F7 Peachtree Club L 11 Peachtree Club Cir L 11 Peachtree Club Dr K 11 Peachtree Colony M6 Peachtree Crossings Shopping Ctr K7 Peachtree East Shopping Ctr M5 Peachtree Pkwy N I 4, K 5 Peachtree Pkwy S K 8, P-13 Peachtree Station Cir M 13 Peachtree Villas G 10 Peachtree Walk M 11 Pebblestump Point H9 Pemberton Ct R 14 Pembrook Ct N8 Peninsula Dr J5 Peninsula, The I5 Pennfair Dr N8 Pennlyn Pl F2 Pepperwood Dr Q 16 Perch Point K 10 Perthshire Dr H7 Petrol Point L7 Pheasant Ridge M 11 Pickets Row G4 Pine Cir H6 Pine Cone Break J8 Pine Grove Cir B7 Pine Point J8 Pinecrest Dr H9 Pinegate F6 Pinegate Ct G7 Pinegate Rd G7 Pinehurst Alley O 13 Pinehurst Dr O 13 Pinemount Dr H6 Piney Knoll J8 Pinnacle Ct S 14 Pinto Point M8 Plaid Ct E5 Planceer Pl M 10 Plantain Ter E 10 Planterra Ridge E 10, E 12 Planterra Way E9 Pleasance Grove P 15 Pleasance Grove P 15 Point on Lake Kedron, The H4 Portico Pl H3 Postwood Turn J8 Preserve Pl S 15 Preserve, The S 14 Presidential Pl D7 Presidio Park K 10 Prestige Point K3 Preston Chase E8 Preston Chase Dr F8 Preston Cir E8 Prestwick M 12 Prestwick Ct M 12 Prestwick Ln M 12 Prime Point L6 Primrose Path N 12 Prospect Park H 11 Putmans Head G6 770-305-5402 770-461-3611 770-461-3652 Animal Shelter 770-460-1604 C8 I6 J6 I 13 L 11 R 16 Q 14 D8 J7 E6 K4 N 13 H2 M 10 L5 O 15 O 11 F9 E9 P 13 O 13 P 13 L5 K9 N 14 N 13 N 13 N 15 L 10 L6 M 10 D9 D5 B8 B8 N 12 N 12 Q 11 E5 E5 F6 H7 D9 B7 R 14 J4 L6 F6 J3 N8 O 13 R 13 O 14 O 14 K8 K9 R 13 D8 N 14 O 14 I9 P 13 E8 M 11 R 15 R 15 H7 R 14 I 10 S 15 K9 F7 MISC. PHONE NUMBERS Battered Women 770-460-2555 Independence Ln Interlochen Interlochen Dr International Dr Iris Glen Ironwood Way Iveydale Ln M MacDuff Pkwy Madison Ave Magnolia Ln Majestic Ct Malfern Point Manderstone Mantel Ct Maple Grove Ter Marble Ct Margate Market Place Blvd Marketplace Connector Marks North, The Marks South, The Marks Style Marlbrook Ln Martingale Dr Master’s Square Masters Dr N Masters Dr S Mattan Point McIntosh Corner McIntosh High School McIntosh Tr McIntosh Village Shopping Ctr McWilliams Dr Meadow Ct Meadow Rd Meadow Run Meadow Run Meadowlark Trace Mellington Mellington Ln Melrah Hill Melrose Ct Merrick Dr Merrill Ln Merrywood Ln Mickleton Ln Middleton Dr Minton Way Montavilla Way Montclair Dr Monterey Dr Monticello Pl Morallion Hills Morallion Hills Morgans Turn Moss Hill Ct Mt Vernon Trace Mt Vernon Way Muirfield Muirfield Way Municipal Complex Murray Park Oak Manor Ct Oak Newel Oakdale Oakdale Ave Oakmount Dr Oaks, The Olive Dr Orleans Trace Overlook Oxford Ct 911 Child Abuse/Neglect 770-461-9983 I E3 D5 L5 L5 D5 L5 G4 E6 L 12 R 16 D9 D9 N7 I 10 I 10 O 12 O 11 K 11 G6 R 16 H2 N8 K4 M 11 EMERGENCY Chamber of Commerce 770-305-5412 F 3, N 17 H9 H9 D8 Q 16 K9 S 15 Q 16 R 17 E6 E6 K 11 F 10 K8 K7 Q 13 Q 14 D4 Leisure Tr Lenox Rd Lexington Cir Lexington Park Lexington Pass Lexington Village Lighthouse Ln Lilac Path Lily Green Linden Ln Line Creek Cir Line Creek Dr Little Creek Loblolly Cir Loblolly Ct Log House Rd Lommel Ln Long Leaf Longer Dr Longwood Ln Loring Ln Loxley Cir Loyd Rd Luther Glass Park (POLICE, FIRE, & EMS) Extension Service 770-305-5416 K7 I5 O 13 J7 M 15 M 10 D8 K8 K8 L8 I4 G4 P 13 M 12 Q 15 L 11 J8 L8 K8 D9 G5 H7 H6 Q 17 N 12 O 12 M9 L4 P 15 L 10 J7 J7 H2 J6 J6 K7 M 10 N9 D3 J 12 H Haddington Ln Hamden Kells Hamilton Dr Hampton Corners Hampton Green Hanbury Ln Hancock Ln Harbor Loop Harcourt Harmony Village Harris Halt Haskin Knoll Hastings Dr Haven Ridge Hearthstone Reach Heartwood Ct Heathergate Hedgewood Ct Henley Way Henna Pl Henredon Hill Heritage Way Heritage, The Hermitage Pl Hickory Dr D 9, M 6 J G Gables Court Apartments Gallery Pl Garamond Pl Garden Gate Gardner Park Garrett Ridge Gatehouse Dr Gateway Gateway Point Gelding Garth General Hardee Square Georgian Park Gill Sans Glen Clarin Glen Heather Glendale Dr Gleneagle Point Glenloch Recreation Ctr Glenloch Soccer Fields Glenview Dr Glisten View Golfview Golfview Dr Grand Prairie Chase Grapevine Curve Gray Plum Graylog Ln Graystone Ct Grecken Green Greenblade Point Greensway Greensway Greenwood Ln Greers Mountain Greers Tr Grenoble Rd Groveland Groveland Dr Grovewood Ln Guthrie Way K5 L4 L 10 J8 J7 411 Health Dept (Physical) 770-305-5415 D 9, M 6 K 10 L7 S 16 R 16 C8 Q 16 L 10 L 10 O 13 I5 K9 R 16 C7 D8 E9 M9 Hidden Creek Ln Hidden Springs Ln Highgreen Ridge Highlands Way Highlands, The Highway 54 (Floy Farr Pkwy) Highway 74 (Joel Cowan Pkwy) Hilltop Dr Hip Pocket Rd Hollen Ct Holly Brook Ln Holly Ct Holly Grove Church Rd Holly Grove Rd Holly Springs Dr Honeysuckle Ln Honeysuckle Ridge Huddleston Elementary Huddleston Rd Hunters Glen Hunters Halt Huntington Pl Huntington Place Hyacinth Ln Information Health Dept (Envir) 770-719-1183 404-616-9000 Landfill Poison Control 770-461-0813 1-800-275-8777 Senior Citizens (County) 404-656-2000 Post Office State Government 770-455-7141 F2 P 15 L 12 M9 M9 M8 I 13 F4 F4 G6 L6 C8 K 11 K 10 K 10 H8 I7 G6 TAXES (Fayette County) Tax Assessor Tax Commissioner, Auto Property Tax 911 770-631-2526 770-487-5183 770-631-2542 770-631-2525 770-486-9474 770-631-2553 770-631-0630 Time & Temperature Farmington Dr Felspar Ridge Fen Way Fern Vale Fernwood Fetlock Meadows Field Turf Dr Fielding Ridge Fielding Ridge Fieldstone Ln Finance Ave Fire Fly Ct First Leaf Fishers Bank Fishers Luck Flat Creek Ct Flat Creek Rd Flintlock Ct Floy Farr Pkway (Highway 54) Flyrod Ct Forest View Foreston Pl Foreston Place Fortress Dr Fountain Glen Ct Fountain Head Fountain Head Fountainbleu, The Four Winds Point Fox Fall Foxglove Ct Franklin Ridge Dr Freedom Ln Fulton Ct Furlong Reach Fire Department 105 Peachtree Pkwy N. (Station 82, main office) 100 Paschall Road (Station 81) 481 Peachtree Pkwy S. (Station 83) 451 Crabapple Lane (Station 84) Emergency Non-emergency Public Works 209 McIntosh Trail Recreation Department 191 McIntosh Trail (Admin. Offices) Kedron Fieldhouse & Aquatic Center Peachtree City Tennis Center The Gathering Place Frederick Brown, Jr. Amphitheater 770-631-2520 1-800-275-8777 Peachtree City Street Index Plan to stay Multi-use Path & Street Map 2009 The City of Peachtree City 151 Willowbend Road Peachtree City, GA 30269 770-487-7657 Zip Code Information E7 E7 E7 H8 N 13 K 14 F6 Library 201 Willowbend Road F Additional LSMV Rules E7 K7 J6 Q 10 L 15 J8 J8 J8 H9 K4 K3 E5 E5 H5 Q 14 Q 12 J2 E7 M 11 M 11 D8 P 14 P 13 J 13 • East Hill Eastbrook Bend Eastwind Estates Ebenezer Rd Echo Ct Eden Edge Edgewater Edgewater Way Elm Dr Embassy Ct Emerald Ct Emerling Grove Emerling Ln Enclave, The Endicott Ridge Estates, The Euclid Ct Everdale Everhill Everhill Evesham Evian Evian Way Exchange Pl Path Rules & Reminders (continued) Cart Registration E www.peachtree-city.org Path Rules • E3 K7 F6 Q 13 Q 12 F 10 D7 M 12 F7 D6 H 12 G 11, J 14 G6 F6 M8 M 11 M 11 H8 H8 H8 J 10 J 10 Q 15 R 14 D3 N 11 Path Rules & Reminders All Path Users • Dalston Way Dan Lakly Dr Danbury Yard Dartmouth Pl E Dartmouth Pl W D-Bob Industrial Declaration Dr Deergrass Tr Delbank Ct Denham Square Dividend Ct Dividend Dr Doe Run Dogwood Ct Doubletrace Ln Dove Point Dove Rise Dover Pl Dover Square Dover Tr Driftwood Ct Driftwood Ln Dublin Dr Dumbarton Ln Dunella Ln Dunsnay Way • D Fairfield Fairfield Dr N Fairfield Dr S Fairway Ln Fairways Falcon Dr Fallside Ct • • Q 15 M8 Q 15 F9 F9 F4 D7 L 15, M 16 P 13 M 10 L9 K5 G4 M 11 E5 G3 G3 I7 I7 E3 J 10 G8 F3 E3 D3 L 13 F6 Q 11 L 10 Q 14 Q 14 J2 P 12 G 12 M 13 H3 G6 L 12 K 13, O 11 D 10 P 12 R 15 I 11 N 13 • • O 12 G 11 O 14 O 14 R 15 Q 12 O 11 M 11 O 10 O 10 N9 E6 E6 F 10 I2 E6 M6 P 17 D8 J 12 P 13 H 10 I 10 D8 F 11 D7 C7 C7 K 11 K 11 J7 C8 C7 Q 15 E 10 H3 N 13 R 15 P 11 I 11 E7 O 13 G5 O 12 L 12 N 11 N 11 I3 F6 F7 E6 G 12 F9 G5 F9 O 13 M 12 M 12 L4 L7 M 12 D3 G8 G 10 G 10 J 11 P 13 H 13 K8 G7 G7 H7 L5 Q 15 • C Cabin Gate Cadmium Ct Calgary Dr Calgary Place Callaghan Point Calloway Crossing Camden Cope Cameron Tr Camp Creek Ct Camp Creek Estates Camp Creek Tr Capstone Capstone Ct Carmine Ct Carnellian Ln Carradale Ct Carriage Ln Cascade Overlook Castle Ct Catalba Ct Caxton Ct Cedar Dr Cedar Point Cedarcroft Celadon Way Celebration Way Centennial Crossing Centennial Dr Center Green Center Green Central Park Century Park Pl Chadsworth Way Chadwick Dr Chalk Ct Chambray Hill Chardonay Ct Charleston Close Charon Way Charter Oak Ct Chase Ct Chateau Ln Chattan Tr Cherry Hollow Cherry Tree Ln Chestnut Field Chestnut Field Chimney Sweep Cir Chinaberry Ct Chipstone Ct Christina Ct Cimarron Park Circle Gate Cirrus Ct City Cir Claridge Curve Clarin Dr Clarin Way Clear Springs Ln Clearview Clearwater Cove Clifton Ln Cloister Dr Clover Green Clover Reach Clover Reach Club View Dr Clubhouse Dr Clydesdale Rd Cobblestone Creek Cobblestone Dr Cockspur Ct Collierstown Way Colonnade Dr Colonnade, The Colt Way Columns Ln Commerce Ct Commerce Dr Coniston Ct Constitution Cir Cooper Cir Copperplate Ln Corbel Ct Cornflower Ct Cornwall Bridge Coronado Dr Corran Ct Corrigan Trace Cottage Grove Cottage Grove Country Club Courts Country Club Ct Country Downs Cove Rd Coventry, The Crabapple Elementary Crabapple Ln Crabapple Woods Cranberry Ln Creekbed Ct Creekside Way Creekstone Bend Crescent Oak Crescent Oak Creston Hill Crestwood Dr Crimson Way Crofts Corner Cromwell Dr Crossbow Ct Crosstown Ct Crosstown Dr Crown Ct Crown Point Cumberland Ct Cypress Ct Cypress Pointe • M 12 L 11 Q 13 K 11 K 12 P 14 L 12 G5 R 15 D3 J 12 E6 E6 E5 L8 D4 O 11 M8 F6 M 12 D3 O8 I4 M 12 N 13 J8 P 16 N 11 N 11 M 12 I 11 Definition - four-wheeled electric vehicle, with a top speed between 20 and 25 mph and which meets federal motor vehicle safety standards for low-speed vehicles (49 C.F.R. Section 571.500). All LSMVs must be registered with the Fayette County Tag Office and insured per state law. Only those with a valid license may operate LSMVs. LSMVs may only operate on streets with a 35 mph or lower speed limit, and only cross those streets at aurhorized golf cart crossings or if going from and to streets with a speed limit of 35 mph or lower.. To operate on the paths, an LSMV must have a setting that does not allow it to exceed 20 mph and operate in that mode at all times on the paths. Additional EPAMD Rules • Braelinn Creek Path Braelinn Ct Braelinn Elementary Braelinn Green Braelinn Green Braelinn Rd Braelinn Village Shopping Ctr Brander Pass Brewster Path Briarleigh Dr Briarwood Ct Bridge Point Bridgewater Bridgewater Dr Bridlepath Brighton Path Brocade Ct Broken Bit Way Brook Ct Brookfield Brookgrove Ln Brookhaven Dr Brookings Ln Brooksong Way Brookwood Dr Brookwood Path Burgess Point Burnham Rise Burnham Woods Bush Clover Butternut Ln • • • • Golf carts, by state law, cannot exceed 20 mph. • All carts must be registered at City Hall (770-4877657) within 10 days of the date of purchase. • Registration changes must be reported within 10 days of sale. Carts may ONLY be driven by: • Persons age 16 or older with or without drivers license (unless license has been suspended or revoked) • Persons 15 years old with a valid learners permit (unless suspended or revoked) in their possession. If unaccompanied by a parent/grandparent, or person 18 or older, they may drive accompanied by up to one other person who must be at least 15 years old, or may be accompanied by up to 3 immediate family members. • Persons 15 years old with NO learners permit must be accompanied in the front seat by a parent, grandparent, legal guardian, or a person age 18 or older with a valid drivers license. • Persons 12-14 years old must be accompanied in front seat by a parent, grandparent, or legal guardian. No person under 12 years of age may drive a cart. • • • • • M 13 M 13 M 13 E5 K8 G3 E7 K9 M8 J 11 E7 J8 B7 G6 Q 16 Q 16 E5 R 16 L9 G5 G5 G5 Q 13 D4 D4 D4 K9 F6 O 14 O 14 Q 13 E7 F5 D8 D7 G5 J 12 D6 K 10 L8 O 13 K8 D8 K 10 N 10 J 11 E5 P 10 P 10 O 10 L 11 M 12 Definition - a self-balancing, two non-tandem wheeled device designed to transport only one person and having an electric propulsion system with average power of 750 watts (one horsepower) and a maximum speed of less than 20 miles per hour on a paved level surface when powered solely by such propulsion system and ridden by an operator who weighs 170 pounds (like a Segway) Registration Required at City Hall Only those with a valid license may operate or those who are at least 18 years and and older may operate EPAMDs on city paths. EPAMDs shall be equipped with reflectors and, if used at night, must be equipped with a headlight. EPAMDs may not be operated at a speed greater than 7 mph on any path or sidewalk, or 15 mph on any other city right of way. EPAMDs cannot be operated with more than a single user at any time. Motorized Play Vehicles • • • Balmoral Cir Balmoral Ln Balmoral Village Baneberry Bend Banks Run Barberry Ln Barstone Pl Battery Way Bay Point Bayview Beacham Ln Beacon Tree Way Beaver Dam Rd Beaver Run Bedford Park Bedford Park Beechwood Bella Rosa Dr Belle Grove Bellenden Bellenden Ct Bellenden Dr Bellingrath Ct Belvedere Belvedere Green Belvedere Ln Bentwood Ct Berrycheck Hill Berwick North Berwick South Biltmore Trace Birch Birkhill Blackburn Blue Sky Ct Blue Smoke Tr Bluebell Ct Blueberry Hill Bluegill Trace Bluegrass Trace Bookman Point Booth Middle School Bostonian Ter Bowfin Bay Bowmoor Bank Boxwood Ct Bracken Edge Bradford Estates Bradford Point Bradford Way Braelinn Courts Braelinn Creek Ct • Golf Cart Safety • • • • • • • • • • Definition - coaster, scooter, pocket bike, any other alternatively fueled device, or other motorized vehicle that is not a golf cart, LSMV, motor vehicle, electric bicycle, EPAMD or motorized wheelchair. Prohibited on all public property (streets, sidewalks, parks, parking lots, paths, etc.). Permitted on private residential property with property owner’s permission. HOAs may regulate on common property. Cannot cause excessive or offensive noise or annoyance or disturb the peace. Permitted on private commercial/ industrial property if inaccessible to normal pedestrian/vehicle traffic with written permission of the owner/agent. B No racing of any form, except for special events approved by the city. No blocking of public access, except for special events approved by the city. No loitering on bridges or in underpasses. Normal rules of the road apply to the recreation paths. For instance, when approaching oncoming path users, each user shall move to his right side of the path. Passing shall be on the left side of the path. Pedestrians should be given right of way by other users of the paths to ensure them safe passage. An audible warning is required from operators of golf carts, bicyclists, and skaters when approaching pedestrians from the rear. All laws and ordinances relative to alcohol, including open container laws and driving under the influence (DUI), that apply to traffic on the streets also apply to the paths and will be strictly enforced. Litter must be deposited in receptacles along the paths or retained for proper disposal later. Littering on the paths is subject to fines and penalties twice that for littering on the streets. Pets & Path Courtesy • • • • Make sure animals are properly restrained. Normally well-behaved pets can be frightened by golf carts, bicycles, or rollerblades and react unpredictably Clean up after pets along the paths, and do not let pets relieve themselves on private property. Please extend the same courtesy to property owners adjacent to the paths you would expect on your property. Make sure pets on extendable leashes are not blocking the path for other users. Pet owners can be held legally and civilly liable for any injuries caused by their pet. Golf Cart Insurance Most homeowner insurance policies do not cover golf carts off the homeowner’s property. This can be a significant liability to golf cart owners involved in accidents. Golf cart insurance is inexpensive and offered by local insurance companies. Golf cart owners are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to obtain liability insurance. • • Operate carts with the same caution as a car. Golf cart owners can be held criminally and civilly liable for acts committed on their carts. Violations on a golf cart can affect a drivers’ license. Remain seated while cart is in motion. No one may sit in the driver’s lap while cart is in motion. Young children should sit flat in the seat and wear safety helmets to avoid injury from falling or being thrown from the cart. All operators must abide by all traffic regulations applicable to vehicular traffic. Slow down when approaching other path users, curves, or intersections. Use HORN or other audible signal when approaching pedestrians from behind. Use caution when crossing streets or driveways. Stop cart if autos are approaching. Where paths exist they must be used instead of parallel city streets (excludes private golf course paths). Carts driven at night must be equipped with functional headlights and tail lights. Carts are not allowed on or across Hwy 54, Hwy 74, Peachtree Pkwy, or Crosstown Rd except at authorized crossings. D8 I3 G7 F8 G8 E3 I 12 F6 E6 O 15 G4 G4 E6 B8 R 15 O 15 F7 Q 16 B7 C8 I2 N 14 D7 L 12 G7 H8 H8 Q 15 E3 E3 E3 H7 G7 B7 H8 H8 L4 R 15 R 15 G9 P 16 K2 I2 J8 O 14 F 10 N 14 G4 K 11 N8 G5 L 14 H 10 Only the following may use Peachtree City’s paths: • Pedestrians • Non-motorized vehicles • Roller skates, roller blades & skateboards (daylight only) • Registered golf carts (cannot exceed 20 mph) • Registered LSMVs in mode restricting vehicle speed to 20 mph or less (An LSMV is a four-wheeled electric vehicle whose top speed is between 20 mph and 25 mph and complies with federal motor vehicle safety standards for low-speed vehicles). • Emergency and authorized maintenance vehicles • Bicycles (traditional and electric) • Wheelchairs (conventional and electric) • Electric vehicles designed to carry one person at a speed of 20 mph or less, except as prohibited below. • Registered electric personal assistive mobility devices (EPAMDs). The following are strictly prohibited: • Automobiles & trucks (except authorized maintenance and emergency vehicles) • Motorcycles, motorized street/trail bikes, mini-bikes, and mopeds • Horses • Go-carts • Unregistered golf carts, LSMVs and EPAMDs • Electric or gasoline powered scooters • Motorized play vehicles (coaster, scooter, pocket bike, and any other motorized vehicle that is not a golf cart, LSMV, EPAMD, electric bicycle, or motorized wheelchair). Any vehicle designed to go faster than 20 mph (except as permitted above) • Report Violations Violations of the Golf Cart Ordinance, including reckless driving, underage operation, and dangerous situations should be reported immediately by dialing 9-1-1. The non-emergency number for the Police Department is 770-487-8866 (Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM). • Violations on a golf cart can affect a teen’s ability to obtain a driver’s license. • Persons with no driver’s license convicted of a DUI on a golf cart will be prohibited from operating a golf cart. • Fines for allowing under-age driving range from $350 (first offense) to over $1,000 for the cart owner. A Abbey Rd Abercorn Square Aberdeen Dr Aberdeen Pkwy Aberdeen Village Shopping Ctr Abrell Woods Ct Acorn St Adams Falls Adell Ct Agate Edge Albemarle Albemarle Ln Alderly Ln Alice Ct Allendale Ln Amber Path Amblewood Ct Ambrose Ln Amelia Ln American Walk Anacappa Ct Andrean Way Anthem Ave Applegate Ln Appleseed Ct Arbor Gate Arbors Arcade Ct Ardenlee Ardenlee Dr Ardenlee Pkwy Argyll Dr Arrowhead Ct Asheville Dr Ashford Park Ashford Park Ashley Way Ashton Park Ashton Park Aspen Dr Aster Ridge Tr Astoria Ln Atherton Atwater Park Atwood Cir Auburn Ct Augusta Dr Aurora Way Autumn Leaf Avalon Park Avalon Way Aviation Way Azalea Dr I5 M9 O 14 E8 F4 K4 G9 Q 16 V Valley View Van Ness Vanderwall Vardon Way Vellum Trace Vendella Cir Verandah View Verbena Point Vermillion Ln Victor Rd Viewpoint Dr Villa Point Village on the Green Village on the Green Village Park Village Park Dr Vintage View Viridian View L 12 K 10 J4 Q 14 D 11 D4 H3 E5 E 10 K 14 O 11 G 10 O 13 O 13 L 13 L 12 F5 G 11 W Walnut Grove Rd Walt Banks Rd Warmstone Path Waterford Ct Waterford Green Watermark Dr Waterwood Bend Weatherstone Way Wedgewood Wedgewood Way Wellborn Rd Welmington Way Welton Way Wensley Corner West Manor Westpark Ct Westpark Dr Wexford Way Wheatleigh Curve Wheatleigh Ln Whisper Trace Whitcomb Hill Whitehall Close White Oak Tr White Springs Ct White Springs Ln Whitfield Ct Whitfield Farms Whitfield Run Whitlock Pl Whittington Way Wickerhill Wickerhill Widget Dr Wildwood Ct Williams Cir Willow Creek Willow Creek Dr Willow Rd Willowbend Center Willowbend Rd Wilshire Estates Wilshire Pavillion Rd Windalier Ridge Windalier Ridge Windbreak Path Windgate Ct Windgate Forest Windgate Rd Windsor Pl Windsor Way Wingspread Winnock Point Wintney Way Wisdom Access Rd Wisdom Cir Wisdom Rd Wisdom Woods Wonderland Rd Wood Ridge Woodfield Ct Woodland Dr Woodruff Way Woodsdale Dr Woodsmill Woodsmill Apartments World Dr Worth Ct Wynnmeade Wynnmeade Pkwy Wysteria Ct E7 J 6, L 6 L 10 N 10 Q 15 I5 K8 P 15 N 10 N 10 L5 Q 14 P 15 N 14 E7 G9 G8 L 11 N 11 O 11 L9 K5 Q 12 K5 K4 K5 M8 M8 M8 E7 O 14 N 11 N 11 J 13 I 12 L6 H 10 H 10 G9 G9 H9 P 17 Q 17 H5 H5 L8 M9 M9 M9 Q 12 P 13 J5 D3 E5 E7 F8 E7 F8 C7 L 11 F7 M7 Q 12 D5 E7 E7 G3 L6 C8 B 8, C 8 M7 Y Yarborough Dr York Gate R 14 P 16