CASE STUDY *Replace this gray with an image. Images throughout can be replaced with projectspecific photos TITLE OR PROJECT NAME Location Subtitle PARTNER LOGO *Replace this gray with an image This report, commissioned and funded by the Multilateral Investment Fund, was authored by XXXX. The following people at the MIF participated in the review process: XXXXX. About the Multilateral Investment Fund With funding from 39 donor countries, the MIF, a member of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Group, supports development led by the private sector to empower dynamic entrepreneurs and poor and vulnerable populations. Its aim is to give businesses, farms, and households the tools to boost their incomes: access to markets and the skills to compete in those markets, access to finance, and access to basic services and green technology. A core MIF mission is to act as a development laboratory—experimenting, pioneering, and taking risks in order to build and support business models for successful micro, small, and medium enterprises. To use its resources effectively, the MIF is committed to results-based project measurement, impact evaluation, and active knowledge sharing so that the most promising solutions are widely known and can be scaled up. The MIF uses technical assistance grants, equity investments, and loans, as well as combinations of these tools when both capacity building and risk-sharing finance are needed. It is the largest provider of technical assistance to the private sector in Latin America and the Caribbean, and always works with partners to help fund and carry out pilot projects. In the region, the MIF works with local, mostly private partners that contribute both a significant portion of the project costs and on-the-ground resources to implement operations. The MIF also works with global partners that share its goals, such as corporations, foundations, and other multilateral organizations. They pool their financial and other resources with the MIF’s to jointly solve development challenges. In the 20 years since its creation, the MIF has evolved to serve the needs of the region while maintaining its core function as a development laboratory. The MIF intends to continue the promotion of innovative private-sector development that focuses on securing economic and social mobility—a goal central to achieving sustained growth, poverty reduction, and increased economic equality across Latin America and the Caribbean. COUNTRY | PROJECT | TOPIC | YEAR 2. *Replace this gray with an image CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 INTRODUCTION BODY OF CASE STUDY* LESSONS LEARNED CONCLUSIONS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Opening paragraph that summarizes clearly the content and scope of the case study Recommended fond throughout: MyriadPro, size 11.5 or Arial, size 11 *Sentence about the approach of the case study COUNTRY | PROJECT | TOPIC | YEAR 3. 1 INTRODUCTION The title of the introduction should be a descriptive phrase that captures the main message of the paragraph. The introduction should represent the key project information to give context to the reader: The economic, social, political and regulatory context in which the project is developed. The history and problems to be addressed by the project, accompanied by objective data and evidence. The objectives of the project. The stakeholders involved in the project (executing agency, partners, beneficiaries, etc.). COUNTRY | PROJECT | TOPIC | YEAR 4. 2 CASE STUDY* The titles of the body of the case study and its sections should be descriptive phrases that capture the main messages of the content of the paragraph. Chronological description of the events, critical moments or milestones that are analyzed. Description of project stakeholders and the role each played. Explanation of the decisions taken and the results obtained. Highlighted phrase from text Identification of the causes of success or failure. Qualitative and quantitative evidence that supports the content of the case made. *Sentence about the approach of the case study COUNTRY | PROJECT | TOPIC | YEAR 5. CASE STUDY* [Previous page continued] Graphical results or picture *Sentence about the approach of the case study COUNTRY | PROJECT | TOPIC | YEAR 6. 3 LESSONS LEARNED The titles of any sub-sections should be descriptive phrases that capture the main messages of the content of the paragraph. The lessons learned can be defined as the knowledge gained about a process or one or more experiences through reflection and critical analysis. The results of this experiment or process can be positive or negative. To document a lesson the following must be taken into account: Lessons should express the relationships between the result of experience and the critical factors or conditions that may have contributed to or hindered its success. Lessons should help identify trends and cause-effect relationships for a specific context. Lessons should be purposeful (suggest recommendations). COUNTRY | PROJECT | TOPIC | YEAR 7. 4 CONCLUSIONS The titles of any sub-sections should be descriptive phrases that capture the main messages of the content of the paragraph. The main conclusions from the experience analyzed, key lessons learned and success and/or failure factors (maximum 850 words). COUNTRY | PROJECT | TOPIC | YEAR 8. Copyright © [year of first publication] Inter-American Development Bank. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons IGO 3.0 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC-IGO BY-NC-ND 3.0 IGO) license ( and may be reproduced with attribution to the IDB and for any non-commercial purpose. No derivative work is allowed. Any dispute related to the use of the works of the IDB that cannot be settled amicably shall be submitted to arbitration pursuant to the UNCITRAL rules. The use of the IDB’s name for any purpose other than for attribution, and the use of IDB’s logo shall be subject to a separate written license agreement between the IDB and the user and is not authorized as part of this CC-IGO license. Note that link provided above includes additional terms and conditions of the license. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Inter-American Development Bank, its Board of Directors, or the countries they represent. Executing Agency Executing Agency address Executing Agency online contact information Project website Executing agency website Facebook page Twitter Profile COUNTRY | PROJECT | TOPIC | YEAR MULTILATERAL INVESTMENT FUND 1300 New York Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20577 PARTNER LOGO 9.