Digital Voltmeter and Ammeter VA-96 Instruction Manual 【Characteristics】 Characteristics】 ・Simultaneous measurement and display of 6 components ・Single phase 2 wire, single phase 3 wire, and 3 phase 3 wire are available ・Auto/Manual display scroll ・Less wiring and power supply from R, S, T phase 【LCD】 LCD】 Upper Digits Corresponding the unit and phase next to digits Upper Bargraph R phase current measuring value Middle Digits Corresponding the unit and phase next to digits Middle Bargraph S phase current measuring value Lower Bargraph Lower Digits Corresponding the unit T phase current measuring value and phase next to digits 【Display Mo Mode: Auto and Manual】 Manual】 Auto/Manual display setting: Press [▼] and choose Auto or Manual For Manual: switch screens with [画面切替]+[▲]/[画面切替]+[▼] For Auto: switch screens with 5 sec interval 5 sec 5 4 5 sec 2 1 2 1 5 sec 5 sec 3 5 4 3 5 sec -1- Display Patterns List DIGITAL DISPLAY BARGRAPH DISPLAY DISPLAY NUMBER Upper Middle Lower Upper Middle Lower 1 V: RS phase V: ST phase V: TR phase A: R phase A: S phase A: T phase 2 A: R phase A: S phase A: T phase A: R phase A: S phase A: T phase 3 V: RS phase A: R phase - A: R phase A: S phase A: T phase 4 V: ST phase A: S phase - A: R phase A: S phase A: T phase 5 V: TR phase A: T phase - A: R phase A: S phase A: T phase 【 How to Set the CT and VT values】 values】 1. Press and hold down [▼]+[▲] for 3 seconds. Default Values: CT primary rated value: 10A VT primary rated value: 220V VT secondary rated vaule: 220V Bargraph display: OFF 2. CT primary rated value Available setting value range: 55-9000A (9.00kA) with [画面切替]+[▼]/[画面切替]+[▼] [▼] [▲] 3. VT primary rated value Available setting value range:100 100100-9990V (9.99kV) with[画面切替]+[▼]/[画面切替]+[▼] with [▼] [▲] 4. VT secondary rated value Setting value: 110V or 220Vwith 220Vwith [画面切替]+[▼]/[画面切替]+[▼] [▼] [▲] 5. Bargraph display Setting options: ON or OFF with [画面切替]+[▼]/[画面切替]+[▼] 6. Press and hold down [▼]+[▲] for 3 seconds to switch measuring screen mode After 60 seconds with no settings, the screen returns to measuring screen. -2- 【Dimensions and Panel Cut】 Cut】 1. Dimensions 2. Panel cut 92 92 【Terminals】 Terminals】 Terminal 1S 1L 3S 3L R S T 1P2W 1S 1L NC NC V1 V2 Short S 1P3W 1S 1L 2S 2L V1 VN V2 3P3W 1S 1L 3S 3L V1 V2 V3 -3- 【Specification】 Specification】 1. Input rating Type Input Rating Current Single Phase 2 Wire 5A AC Single Phase 3 Wire 5A AC 3 Phase 3 Wire 5A AC Voltage 110V AC(Max. 132V AC) 220V AC(Max. 264V AC) 110-220V AC (Max. 132-264V AC) 110V AC(Max. 132V AC) 220V AC(Max. 264V AC) Frequency 50/60Hz 50/60Hz 50/60Hz 2. Accuracy Items Current Voltage 3. Response time Item Display Digits Class Accuracy ±2% 2 ±2% 2 Note Accuracy against input rating Accuracy against input rating Response Time Less than 4 sec Note Time till reaching ±1% of the last reading value Spec LCD 5 segment 3 digits 3 digits 3 digits LED 1 sec Note 4. Display Item Display 3 Bargraphs Upper digits Middle digits Lower digits Backlight Update time Invisible at default For current display: switch unit between A/kA For voltage display: switch unit between V/kV Always on 5. Blackout compensation VT, CT ratio, and setting values memorize when control source shuts down. 6. Aux. power 100/200V AC: 85~264V AC (50/60Hz) Supply from voltage input terminal 7. Insulation test All CT input terminals ⇔ All VT input terminals More than 100MΩ at insulation tester 8. Voltage test All CT input terminals ⇔ All VT input terminals 2000V AC 50/60Hz for 1 min 9. Lightning impulse withstand voltage test All input terminals ⇔ Earth 6kV 1.2/50 µs 10. Power consumption VT circuit: up to 4VA CT circuit: up to 0.3VA 11. Use conditions Temperature Humidity Altitude Installation Others Use Conditions -10~55℃ (storage temp.-20~70℃) 30~85%RH non condensing (storage humidity 30~85%RH) up to 1000m Avoid direct sunlight Avoid dusty place Refrain from installing and storage at a place occurring corrosive gas Contact us for use condition in advance -4-